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In previous ultrastructural studies we have shown that at the tip of intestinal villi in guinea pigs, effete enterocytes are separated into two portions: a thin apical cytoplasm to be exfoliated into the lumen and a major basal portion to be ingested by lamina propria macrophages. During this process, intraepithelially disposed, large granular lymphocytes interdigitate with enterocytes in a complex manner. In the present study, the relation between the enterocytes and the lymphocytes in the villous epithelium of the guinea pig small intestine is described by use of transmission and scanning electron microscopy in an attempt to visualize the roles and activities of the lymphocytes more clearly. The lymphocytes project numerous pointed processes into effete enterocytes, even piercing them. Enterocytes are deeply indented or perforated, probably as a result of the encroaching lymphocyte processes. Some enterocytes are separated into apical and basal portions by numerous large excavations in the cytoplasm. These findings indicate that repeated perforating penetration of the lymphocytes induces cell cleavage. Supporting this supposition, our microcinematographic observations demonstrate the alternate protrusion and withdrawal of processes of lymphocytes. The processes advance with a pointed end, and subsequently, retract with a rounded end in a cycle of 8–18 seconds.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The distribution of acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) has been described in the dentate area, a part of the hippocampal region, in the adult guinea pig. The enzyme was demonstrated histochemically with a modification of the Koelle thiocholine method applied to formaldehyde-fixed frozen sections and unfixed cryostat sections. Non-specific cholinesterase was suppressed by ethopropazine, while the staining reaction for AChE was controlled by complete specific inhibition with BW 284c51. A single brain was stained according to the method of Karnovsky and Roots.2. The abundant AChE found in the dentate area exhibited a distinctly stratified distribution pattern. In the molecular layer, strong reaction was present in the outer third and immediately above the granular cell layer, the intermediate zone being light. The granular cell bodies were unstained. In the hilus, five layers showing alternating stronger and weaker reaction for AChE were recognizable.3. In view of the opinions of Cajal, Lorente de Nó, and Blackstad criteria for the definition of the dentate area are discussed. The present results fit into a concept of a layered guinea pig hilus representative of one group of mammals (other members being rabbit, monkey, and man) differing morphologically from the non-layered hilus of rat and mouse. The distribution of metal in the guinea pig hilus supports the concept.4. Possible structural correlates to the AChE are considered and a comparison with the distribution of AChE in the rat, reported earlier, has been made. In the molecular layer, the most striking difference was the heavy activity observed in the outer third in the guinea pig, where the content is moderate in the rat. The granular cell layer appeared virtually identical in both species. In the hilus the stratified pattern in the guinea pig, contrasting with the more diffuse distribution in the rat, essentially reflects the differing structural architectonics in the hilus of the two species.I am indebted to Mrs. L. Knudsen, Mr. A. Meier, Mr. Th. Nielsen, Mrs. K. Sørensen, Miss M. Sørensen, and Miss B. Ørum for skillful technical assistance.This study was supported in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS 07998.  相似文献   

Summary The topographical distribution of cations, anions and polyanions in the guinea-pig stomach has been studied by ultrastructural cytochemical methods. After fixation with the pyroantimonate-osmium tetroxide solution, variable-sized precipitates were localized in the basolateral extracellular space bordering parietal cells or chief cells but not in that bordering mucus-secreting cells. The basal lamina of all gastric cells disclosed a continuous layer of heavy antimonate deposits. Parietal cells disclosed uniformly fine deposits also on the apical plasmalemma both at the main lumen and in the intracellular canaliculi, and revealed, as well, coarse precipitates in the mitochondria. Fixation with a silver acetate-osmium tetroxide solution yielded nitric acid-resistant, silver deposits confined to the luminal surface of the apical plasmalemma in the main lumen and intracellular canaliculi, the lateral intercellular space, the outer surface of the basal plasmalemma and the basal lamina of the parietal cell.Staining with dialyzed iron demonstrated a glycocalyx rich in acid mucosubstance on the basolateral plasmalemma but not on the apical plasmalemma of parietal cells. In contrast, acid glycoconjugate was visualized on the apical plasmalemma of isthmus cells, mucous neck cells and the transitional cell between isthmus and mucous neck cells but little or no acidic glycoconjugate was demonstrated on the basolateral plasmalemma of these cells. The entire plasmalemma of gastroendocrine cells, unlike other epithelial cells, stained uniformly for acidic glycoconjugate. The dialyzed iron and high iron diamine methods stained the outer compartment of mitochondria in parietal cells intensely and that in other gastric cells lightly. These reagents stained the basal lamina of all gastric cells as did ruthenium red. The several characteristic cytochemical properties of parietal cells presumably relate to the unique secretory activity of these cells and are consistent with the view of the intracellular canaliculi of the parietal cell as the main route for hydrogen and chloride ion secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The superior cervical ganglia (SCG), celiac superior mesenteric ganglia (CMG), and splanchnic nerve of unoperated guinea pigs, as well as both proximal and distal stumps of a previously transected branch of the postganglionic plexus of the CMG, were immunostained for somatostatin (SS). In addition, the PAP technique was adapted for fine-structural visualization of SS. A greater proportion of cells were labeled for SS in the CMG than in the SCG. PAP molecules were present in one type of intraganglionic axons. Only two labeled axons were found in the splanchnic nerve. Neither proximal nor the distal stump of the transected CMG postganglionic nerve contained labeled axons. The present results support the hypothesis that the intraganglionic axons labeled for SS arise from SS-containing intraganglionic neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The role of ovarian adrenergic nerves in follicular growth was studied in prepubertal guinea pigs by determining the effect of sympathectomy on 1) follicle populations and 2) follicular development following exogenous gonadotropin administration. Selective unilateral ovarian sympathectomy was achieved by injecting 6-hydroxydopamine into a surgically closed periovarian bursa on day 20 postpartum. The contralateral surgically closed ovarian bursa was injected with the vehicle used for 6-hydroxydopamine. On day 25, animals were injected with pregnant mare serum or saline followed by human chorionic gonadotropin or saline 48 h later. All animals were laparotomized on day 28 and blood from utero-ovarian veins was collected bilaterally for androstenedione determination. Ovaries were processed for morphometric analysis of follicles. The sympathectomized ovary in saline-injected animals had a significant decrease in preantral follicles (characterized by 2 layers of granulosa cells without antrum formation), an increase in 310–500 m diameter atretic follicles and an increase in follicles 700 um compared to the contralateral control ovary. There were no differences in androstenedione levels from the two sides, ovarian weights or the total number of follicles per ovary. Neither ovary had corpora lutea. The sympathectomized ovary in animals injected with gonadotropins was not different from the contralateral ovary in any of the parameters measured. Both control and sympathectomized ovaries had newly formed corpora lutea in response to the exogenous gonadotropins. These results suggest that ovarian adrenergic nerves normally participate in follicular development in the prepubertal guinea pig. However, exogenous gonadotropins may override neural influences on the prepubertal ovary.  相似文献   

Summary Three different immunocytoenzymatic techniques were used to identify and characterize the thyrotropic cells in the pituitary of normal guinea pigs at the ultrastructural level (superimposition technique, immunocytochemical technique using P.A.P. and indirect immunohistoenzymatic method before embedding).These cells are characterized by a dark cytoplasm with granules ranging from 1500 to 2000 Å in diameter. The appearance of these granules is very variable: some display a marked electron density and are homogeneous but some have a less marked electron density with a more electron dense peripherally situated region.The TSH molecules are essentially confined to the granules but when the immunocytochemical reactions are carried out before embedding, positive staining is also seen in the cytoplasm and the outer surface of most of the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes. These results are discussed.We thank D. Quief for technical assistance. This work was supported by a grant from U.E.R. III LilleAttaché de Recherche INSERM  相似文献   

Summary Guinea pigs were given horseradish peroxidase intracardially. Examination of the cochlear capillaries 2 to 10 min after the injection revealed that the capillaries of the vascular stria are permeable to the peroxidase whereas the capillaries of the basilar membrane, the spiral ligament, and the spiral prominence are impermeable.
Zusammenfassung Meerrettich-Peroxydase wurde Meerschweinchen intracardial verabfolgt. Die Untersuchung der Kapillaren der Schnecke 2–10 min nach der Injektion zeigte, daß die Kapillaren der Stria vascularis für die Peroxydase permeabel waren, jene der Membrana basilaris, des Ligamentum spirale und der Prominentia spiralis dagegen impermeabel sind.

Summary The regeneration of the islets of Langerhans in the guinea pig was studied after intravenous injection of alloxan. A number of cells in the islets was destroyed within 24 h after alloxan, but after 48 h there was a rapid proliferation of the surviving cells of the islets. This depended on the dosage of the drug as well as the timing. Electron microscopy of the islet at 48 h showed that the dividing cells had small electron dense granules and resembled a subtype of normal A cells, whose function is not yet known. There were also many agranular cells in the islet. These two groups of cells seen in the regenerating islet could be precursor cells, which could differentiate into cells. There was no evidence for transformation of duct cells or acinar cells into islet cells. None of the guinea pigs became permanently diabetic. This was probably due to inadequate dosage which resulted in only partial degeneration of the cells followed by regeneration and recovery. There was also some regeneration of the liver, kidney and the adrenal cortex following alloxan.The author is grateful to Professor R. Barer for his guidance and for providing the facilities for this study. Thanks are also due to Mrs. D. Barraclough for technical assistance and to Mrs. M. Hollingsworth for assistance with the photographsThis work was financed by a grant from the Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust  相似文献   

Intravesical BCG administration is used as an adjuvant therapy after transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer in man. The mechanisms of its antitumor activity are not known. The aim of this study was to characterize the histomorphological changes in various organs of the guinea pig after intravesical BCG administration. The BCG preparation used was BCG-RIVM, a Dutch BCG preparation. Instillations were performed in previously undamaged bladders weekly for 6 consecutive weeks and lasted 30 min or 1 h. Different doses were used ranging from 103 culturable particles (c.p.) to 5 × 107 c.p. of BCG. After 6 weeks, the animals were killed and postmortem examination was performed. The bladder wall, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lungs and distant lymph nodes were examined histologically. The BCG therapy, with a dose of 106 culturable particles and higher, induced an inflammatory reaction consisting of mononuclear infiltrates in the subepithelial tissue of the bladder wall. In approximately 50% of the animals investigated, the infiltrates were accompanied by noncaseating granulomatous lesions indicated by the presence of epithelioid cells. In general, the epithelial layer of the bladder showed no visible alterations. Similarly, a granulomatous inflammatory reaction was observed in the first retroperitoneal (iliac) lymph nodes draining the bladder. Granulomatous lesions were occasionally also present in liver and lung. In three of the 29 animals investigated, lesions were present both in liver and lungs, and in two of these three animals a granulomatous reaction was observed in the spleen and distant lymph nodes indicating a generalized inflammatory response induced by BCG. No microorganisms were detected by Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining or culture in L?wenstein-Jensen medium in the first draining (iliac) lymph nodes of the bladder or in the spleen. In this study we found that BCG could induce inflammatory reactions in the bladder wall after its introduction into the previously undamaged bladder. Ulceration of the epithelium covering the mononuclear infiltrates was not observed. Occasionally a generalized inflammatory response to BCG was present in the animals investigated.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic study of aldehyde and osmium fixed normal guinea pig middle ear epithelium was made. Numerous branching microvilli occur between the cilia of the ciliated cells. The granules of the secretory cells are always surrounded by a membrane, and they vary in their content of electron dense substance. Half desmosomes are frequent in basal cells. The squamous epithelial cells of the bulla contain few microvilli and pinocytoric invaginations. In the basal part of the squamous epithelium dilations of the intercellular clefts often occur. The luminal part of the intercellular clefts are closed by multiple tight junctions.  相似文献   

The response of guinea pig T lymphocytes to different stimuli was analysed with focus on the functions of CD8-positive T cells, which so far had been poorly defined in this animal model. For identification and purification of guinea pig cytotoxic T lymphocytes, three monoclonal antibodies, directed against the CD8 differentiation antigen were characterized and compared with respect to expression pattern and biochemical characteristics of the corresponding cell surface antigen. The antibodies were used for the identification of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte subpopulation within alloreactive T cell lines, and for the depletion of CD8-positive cells in in vitro assays. Purified CD4- and CD8-positive cells were tested for their ability to proliferate in response to antigen, mitogen or anti-guinea pig Thy-1 monoclonal antibodies. Both, CD4- and CD8-positive cells showed IL-2 release and subsequent proliferation after polyclonal stimulation. Cytotoxic activity in CD8-positive alloreactive T cells was expressed in vitro only after repeated stimulation.  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记研究Dunkin Hartley豚鼠封闭群的遗传背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的检测我国现有Dunkin Hartley豚鼠封闭的遗传背景,分析评估其遗传多样性水平和遗传分离情况,为建立标准化的豚鼠封闭群监测方法提供基础资料。方法应用筛选获得的8个微卫星位点,从一个数量为1000的豚鼠封闭群中随机选择72个个体,通过PCR扩增和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的方法,进行等位基因检测。并根据检测结果分析评估了该豚鼠封闭群的遗传现状。结果共检测到28个等位基因,每个座位的等位基因数为2~5个,有效等位基因数为1.5191~3.4422,平均2.3093。平均期望杂合度为0.5294。各位点多态信息含量在0.3154~0.6545之间,平均值为0.4687。有5个位点显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡。结论豚鼠封闭群的遗传多态性处于中等水平,遗传平衡检测结果提示种群的繁殖过程未能实现完全随机交配,近交现象一定程度上存在。本研究的结果将为豚鼠封闭群遗传监测方法和标准的建立提供基础。  相似文献   

Summary The middle ear capillaries of the guinea pig have fenestrated endothelium, and the intercellular clefts are closed by tight junctions. Intracardially injected horseradish peroxidase penetrates the fenestrae of the endothelium and gains access to the extra-cellular space beneath the epithelium, and the intercellular clefts of the epithelium.  相似文献   

Cell morphology and proliferation was investigated in the atretic follicles during estrous cycles in the guinea pig. Ovarian samples on days 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 of the estrous cycle in the guinea pig were taken in the morning for histologic staining with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), and immunohistochemical staining of the protein proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The results indicated that the granulosa cells degenerated and eliminated first in atretic follicles, while the fibroblast-like cells appeared in the innermost layer of theca interna cells. When the fibroblast-like cells migrated to the antrum, they proliferated and formed a new tissue in peripheral to the zona pellucida of the oocyte. Our results also revealed that the orientation of the theca interna cell arrangement changed twice during the process of atresia, and the loose connective tissue in the antrum was critical for follicular atresia. Therefore, follicular atresia was not a simple process of cell death and elimination, but coexisted with cell proliferation. To our knowledge, we have for the first time confirmed cell proliferation and the presence of new tissue in atretic follicles in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Judith C. Gasson   《Peptides》1980,1(3):223-229
High molecular weight forms of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and endorphin were identified in extracts of guinea pig anterior and intermediate/posterior pituitary. Extracts of anterior pituitary contained ACTH immunoactive material with apparent molecular weights of 36,000, 24,000 and 4,500 daltons. The highest molecular weight form the ACTH co-migrated with a peak of endorphin immunoactive material. No material the size of glycosylated ACTH(1--39) was detected. Separated forms of high molecular weight ACTH prepared from mouse tumor cell culture medium stimulated the same maximal production of steroid as ACTH(1--39) in the guinea pig adrenal cell bioassay. Pro-ACTH/endorphin and ACTH biosynthetic intermediate were two orders of magnitude less potent than synthetic human ACTH(1--39); glycosylated ACTH(1--39) was equipotent to ACTH(1--39) although no similar material was detected in guinea pig pituitary extracts. Isolated guinea pig adrenal cortical cells were incubated with the various separated form of mouse tumor cell ACTH and products synthesized from (3H)pregnenolone were analyzed by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography. The ratio of cortisol-related to corticosterone-related products was the same in response in glycosylated and nonglycosylated ACTH.  相似文献   

Summary Guinea pigs were given horseradish peroxidase intracardially and its diffusion in the vascular stria was studied. The Peroxidase spred freely among the intermediate cells and the marginal cells, but was never found to have passed zones occupied by tight junctions. It is concluded that the zones of tight junctions bordering the vascular stria represent a diffusion barrier to horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

Atriopeptins are circulating peptide hormones which are secreted by atrial tissue and act at the kidney. Because the atriopeptins survive passage through the pulmonary circulation, they also may be involved in the modulation of airway or pulmonary vascular smooth muscle tone. Using in vitro organ bath techniques, atriopeptins were found to induce potent concentration-dependent relaxation of isolated guinea pig trachea, and pulmonary artery with a rank order of potency: atriopeptin III greater than atriopeptin II greater than atriopeptin I. Atriopeptin-induced smooth muscle relaxation was observed to be a direct response since it was not mediated by activation of relaxant VIP receptors, beta-adrenergic receptors, or H2 receptors nor affected by cyclooxygenase inhibition or denuding of the vasculature or trachea of endothelial and epithelial cells. The time course of atriopeptin II-induced relaxation of the pulmonary artery was transient in contrast to the prolonged relaxations on the trachea. The transient relaxant responses of atriopeptin II on pulmonary artery were not due to metabolism of atriopeptin II to atriopeptin I by angiotensin-converting enzyme since pretreatment with captopril did not augment the response. These results seem to indicate that distinct atriopeptin receptors may exist in airway and pulmonary arterial smooth muscle and that activation of these relaxant receptors may play an important role in the regulation of pulmonary vascular and bronchomotor tone.  相似文献   

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