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COMPAM is a tool for visualizing relationships among multiple whole genomes by combining all pairwise genome alignments. It displays shared conserved regions (blocks) and where these blocks occur (edges) as block relation graphs which can be explored interactively. An unannotated genome, e.g. can then be explored using information from well-annotated genomes, COG-based genome annotation and genes. COMPAM can run either as a stand-alone application or through an applet that is provided as service to PLATCOM, a toolset for whole genome comparative analysis, where a wide variety of genomes can be easily selected. Features provided by COMPAM include the ability to export genome relationship information into file formats that can be used by other existing tools. AVAILABILITY: http://bio.informatics.indiana.edu/projects/compam/ 相似文献
OWEN: aligning long collinear regions of genomes 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Ogurtsov AY Roytberg MA Shabalina SA Kondrashov AS 《Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)》2002,18(12):1703-1704
OWEN is an interactive tool for aligning two long DNA sequences that represents similarity between them by a chain of collinear local similarities. OWEN employs several methods for constructing and editing local similarities and for resolving conflicts between them. Alignments of sequences of lengths over 10(6) can often be produced in minutes. OWEN requires memory below 20 L, where L is the sum of lengths of the compared sequences. 相似文献
Comparative analyses of genome structure and sequence of closely related species have yielded insights into the evolution and function of plant genomes. A total of 103,844 BAC end sequences delegated -73.8 Mb of O. officinalis that belongs to the CC genome type of the rice genus Oryza were obtained and compared with the genome sequences office cultivar, O. sativa ssp.japonica cv. Nipponbare. We found that more than 45% of O. officinalis genome consists of repeat sequences, which is higher than that of Nipponbare cultivar. To further investigate the evolutionary divergence of AA and CC genomes, two BAC-contigs of O. officinalis were compared with the collinear genomic regions of Nipponbare. Of 57 genes predicted in the AA genome orthologous regions, 39 had orthologs in the regions of the CC genome. Alignment of the orthologous regions indicated that the CC genome has undergone expansion in both genic and intergenic regions through primarily retroelement insertion. Particularly, the density of RNA transposable elements was 17.95% and 1.78% in O. officinalis and O. sativa, respectively. This explains why the orthologous region is about 100 kb longer in the CC genome in comparison to the AA genome. 相似文献
Roytberg MA Ogurtsov AY Shabalina SA Kondrashov AS 《Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)》2002,18(12):1673-1680
MOTIVATION: As a first approximation, similarity between two long orthologous regions of genomes can be represented by a chain of local similarities. Within such a chain, pairs of successive similarities are collinear (non-conflicting), i.e. segments involved in the nth similarity precede in both sequences segments involved in the (n+1)th similarity. However, when all similarities between two long sequences are considered, usually there are many conflicts between them. Although some conflicts can be avoided by masking transposons or low-complexity sequences, selecting only those similarities that reflect orthology and, thus, belong to the evolutionarily true chain is not trivial. RESULTS: We propose a simple, hierarchical algorithm of finding the true chain of local similarities. Starting from similarities with low P-values, we resolve each pairwise conflict by deleting a similarity with a higher P-value. This greedy approach constructs a chain of similarities faster than when a chain optimal with respect to some global criterion is sought, and makes more sense biologically. 相似文献
Increasing amounts of data from large scale whole genome analysis efforts demands convenient tools for manipulation, visualization and investigation. Whole genome plots offer an intuitive window to the analysis. We describe two applications that enable users to easily plot and explore whole genome data from their own or other researchers' experiments. 相似文献6.
Comparing and aligning genomes is a key step in analyzing closely related genomes. Despite the development of many genome aligners in the last 15 years, the problem is not yet fully resolved, even when aligning closely related bacterial genomes of the same species. In addition, no procedures are available to assess the quality of genome alignments or to compare genome aligners.Results
We designed an original method for pairwise genome alignment, named YOC, which employs a highly sensitive similarity detection method together with a recent collinear chaining strategy that allows overlaps. YOC improves the reliability of collinear genome alignments, while preserving or even improving sensitivity. We also propose an original qualitative evaluation criterion for measuring the relevance of genome alignments. We used this criterion to compare and benchmark YOC with five recent genome aligners on large bacterial genome datasets, and showed it is suitable for identifying the specificities and the potential flaws of their underlying strategies.Conclusions
The YOC prototype is available at https://github.com/ruricaru/YOC. It has several advantages over existing genome aligners: (1) it is based on a simplified two phase alignment strategy, (2) it is easy to parameterize, (3) it produces reliable genome alignments, which are easier to analyze and to use.Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0530-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献9.
A salient feature of genomes of higher organisms is the birth and death of gene copies. An example is the alpha prolamin genes, which encode seed storage proteins in grasses (Poaceae) and represent a medium-size gene family. To better understand the mechanism, extent, and pace of gene amplification, we compared prolamin gene copies in the genomes of two different tribes in the Panicoideae, the Paniceae and the Andropogoneae. We identified alpha prolamin (setarin) gene copies in the diploid foxtail millet (Paniceae) genome (490 Mb) and compared them with orthologous regions in diploid sorghum (730 Mb) and ancient allotetraploid maize (2,300 Mb) (Andropogoneae). Because sequenced genomes of other subfamilies of Poaceae like rice (389 Mb) (Ehrhartoideae) and Brachypodium (272 Mb) (Pooideae) do not have alpha prolamin genes, their collinear regions can serve as "empty" reference sites. A pattern emerged, where genes were copied and inserted into other chromosomal locations followed by additional tandem duplications (clusters). We observed both recent (species-specific) insertion events and older ones that are shared by these tribes. Many older copies were deleted by unequal crossing over of flanking sequences or damaged by truncations. However, some remain intact with active and inactive alleles. These results indicate that genomes reflect only a snapshot of the gene content of a species and are far less static than conventional genetics has suggested. Nucleotide substitution rates for active alpha prolamins genes were twice as high as for low copy number beta, gamma, and delta prolamin genes, suggesting that gene amplification accelerates the pace of divergence. 相似文献
Pradeep Kumar Burma Alok Raj Jayant K. Deb Samir K. Brahmachari 《Journal of biosciences》1992,17(4):395-411
In this article we describe and demonstrate the versatility of a computer program, GENOME MAPPING, that uses interactive graphics
and runs on an IRIS workstation. The program helps to visualize as well as analyse global and local patterns of genomic DNA
sequences. It was developed keeping in mind the requirements of the human genome sequencing programme, which requires rapid
analysis of the data. Using GENOME MAPPING one can discern signature patterns of different kinds of sequences and analyse
such patterns for repetitive as well as rare sequence strings. Further, one can visualize the extent of global homology between
different genomic sequences. An application of our method to the published yeast mitochondrial genome data shows similar sequence
organizations in the entire sequence and in smaller subsequences 相似文献
MOTIVATION: The availability of increasing amounts of sequence data about completely sequenced genomes spurs the development of new methods in the fields of automated annotation, and of comparative genomics. Tools allowing the visualization of results produced by analysis methods, superimposed on possibly annotated sequence data, and enabling synchronized navigation in multiple genomes, provide new means for interactive genome exploration. This kind of visual inspection can be used as a basis to assess the quality of new analysis algorithms, or to discover genome portions to be subjected to in-depth studies. RESULTS: We propose a software package, MuGeN, built for navigating through multiple annotated genomes. It is capable of retrieving annotated sequences in several formats, stored in local files, or available in databases over the network. From these, it then generates an interactive display, or an image file, in most common formats suitable for printing, further editing or integrating in Web pages. Genome maps may be mixed with computer analysis results loaded from XML files, whose format is generic enough to be adapted to a majority of sequence oriented analysis methods. AVAILABILITY: MuGeN is available at http://www-mig.jouy.inra.fr/bdsi/MuGeN. 相似文献
Pseudogenes are important resources in evolutionary and comparative genomics because they provide molecular records of the ancient genes that existed in the genome millions of years ago. We have systematically identified approximately 5000 processed pseudogenes in the mouse genome, and estimated that approximately 60% are lineage specific, created after the mouse and human diverged. In both mouse and human genomes, similar types of genes give rise to many processed pseudogenes. These tend to be housekeeping genes, which are highly expressed in the germ line. Ribosomal-protein genes, in particular, form the largest sub-group. The processed pseudogenes in the mouse occur with a distinctly different chromosomal distribution than LINEs or SINEs - preferentially in GC-poor regions. Finally, the age distribution of mouse-processed pseudogenes closely resembles that of LINEs, in contrast to human, where the age distribution closely follows Alus (SINEs). 相似文献
The genomes of several strains of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) were compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the large RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides of the 70S RNA. Differences between each strain of FeLV tested were detected by this method. We estimate that the degree of sequence identity between the viruses is: FeLV A (Glasgow-1) to FeLV B (Snyder-Theilen), 52%; FeLV A (Glasgow-1) to FeLV C(Sarma), 66%; FeLV B(Snyder-Theilen) to FeLV C (Sarma), 37%. The fingerprints of two independent isolates of FeLV strains of subgroup A (Glasgow-1 and Rickard) were detectably different. We conclude that the RNase T1 oligonucleotide fingerprint pattern provides a useful tool for identification of FeLV strains. 相似文献
Muniandy Kanagesswari Tan Mun Hua Song Beng Kah Ayub Qasim Rahman Sadequr 《Plant molecular biology》2019,100(1-2):33-46
Plant Molecular Biology - Grain amyloplast and leaf chloroplast DNA sequences are identical in rice plants but are differentially methylated. The leaf chloroplast DNA becomes more methylated as the... 相似文献
Vallenet D Nordmann P Barbe V Poirel L Mangenot S Bataille E Dossat C Gas S Kreimeyer A Lenoble P Oztas S Poulain J Segurens B Robert C Abergel C Claverie JM Raoult D Médigue C Weissenbach J Cruveiller S 《PloS one》2008,3(3):e1805
Acinetobacter baumannii is the source of numerous nosocomial infections in humans and therefore deserves close attention as multidrug or even pandrug resistant strains are increasingly being identified worldwide. Here we report the comparison of two newly sequenced genomes of A. baumannii. The human isolate A. baumannii AYE is multidrug resistant whereas strain SDF, which was isolated from body lice, is antibiotic susceptible. As reference for comparison in this analysis, the genome of the soil-living bacterium A. baylyi strain ADP1 was used. The most interesting dissimilarities we observed were that i) whereas strain AYE and A. baylyi genomes harbored very few Insertion Sequence elements which could promote expression of downstream genes, strain SDF sequence contains several hundred of them that have played a crucial role in its genome reduction (gene disruptions and simple DNA loss); ii) strain SDF has low catabolic capacities compared to strain AYE. Interestingly, the latter has even higher catabolic capacities than A. baylyi which has already been reported as a very nutritionally versatile organism. This metabolic performance could explain the persistence of A. baumannii nosocomial strains in environments where nutrients are scarce; iii) several processes known to play a key role during host infection (biofilm formation, iron uptake, quorum sensing, virulence factors) were either different or absent, the best example of which is iron uptake. Indeed, strain AYE and A. baylyi use siderophore-based systems to scavenge iron from the environment whereas strain SDF uses an alternate system similar to the Haem Acquisition System (HAS). Taken together, all these observations suggest that the genome contents of the 3 Acinetobacters compared are partly shaped by life in distinct ecological niches: human (and more largely hospital environment), louse, soil. 相似文献
I V Babkin T S Nepomniashchikh R A Maksiutov V V Gutorov I N Babkina S N Shchelkunov 《Molekuliarnaia biologiia》2008,42(4):612-624
Nucleotide sequences of two extended segments of the terminal variable regions in variola virus genome were determined. The size of the left segment was 13.5 kbp and of the right, 10.5 kbp. Totally, over 540 kbp were sequenced for 22 variola virus strains. The conducted phylogenetic analysis and the data published earlier allowed us to find the interrelations between 70 variola virus isolates, the character of their clustering, and the degree of intergroup and intragroup variations of the clusters of variola virus strains. The most polymorphic loci of the genome segments studied were determined. It was demonstrated that that these loci are localized to either noncoding genome regions or to the regions of destroyed open reading frames, characteristic of the ancestor virus. These loci are promising for development of the strategy for genotyping variola virus strains. Analysis of recombination using various methods demonstrated that, with the only exception, no statistically significant recombinational events in the genomes of variola virus strains studied were detectable. 相似文献
Transposable elements (TEs) are indwelling components of genomes, and their dynamics have been a driving force in genome evolution. Although we now have more information concerning their amounts and characteristics in various organisms, we still have little data from overall comparisons of their sequences in very closely-related species. While the Drosophila melanogaster genome has been extensively studied, we have only limited knowledge regarding the precise TE sequences in the genomes of the related species Drosophila simulans, Drosophila sechellia and Drosophila yakuba. In this study we analyzed the number and structure of TE copies in the sequenced genomes of these four species. Our findings show that, unexpectedly, the number of TE insertions in D. simulans is greater than that in D. melanogaster, but that most of the copies in D. simulans are degraded and in small fragments, as in D. sechellia and D. yakuba. This suggests that all three species were invaded by numerous TEs a long time ago, but have since regulated their activity, as the present TE copies are degraded, with very few full-length elements. In contrast, in D. melanogaster, a recent activation of TEs has resulted in a large number of almost-identical TE copies. We have detected variants of some TEs in D. simulans and D. sechellia, that are almost identical to the reference TE sequences in D. melanogaster, suggesting that D. melanogaster has recently been invaded by active TE variants from the other species. Our results indicate that the three species D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. yakuba seem to be at a different stage of their TE life cycle when compared to D. melanogaster. Moreover, we show that D. melanogaster has been invaded by active TE variants for several TE families likely to come from D. simulans or the ancestor of D. simulans and D. sechellia. The numerous horizontal transfer events implied to explain these results could indicate introgression events between these species. 相似文献
Comparative analysis of two-component signal transduction system in two streptomycete genomes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wei W Wang W Cao Z Yu H Wang X Zhao J Tan H Xu H Jiang W Li Y 《Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica》2007,39(5):317-325
Species of the genus Streptomyces are major bacteria responsible for producing most natural antibiotics. Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) and Streptomyces avermitilis were sequenced in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Two-component signal transduction systems (TCSs), consisting of a histidine sensor kinase (SK) and a cognate response regulator (RR), form the most common mechanism of transmembrane signal transduction in prokaryotes. TCSs in S. coelicolor A3(2) have been analyzed in detail. Here, we identify and classify the SK and RR of S. avermitilis and compare the TCSs with those of S. coelicolor A3(2) by computational approaches. Phylogenetic analysis of the cognate SK-RR pairs of the two species indicated that the cognate SK-RR pairs fall into four classes according to the distribution of their orthologs in other organisms. In addition to the cognate SK-RR pairs, some potential partners of non-cognate SK-RR were found, including those of unpaired SK and orphan RR and the cross-talk between different components in either strain. Our study provides new clues for further exploration of the molecular regulation mechanism of streptomycetes with industrial importance. 相似文献