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The historical biogeography of insects in South America is largely unknown, as dated phylogenies have not been available for most groups. We have studied the phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of a subtribe of butterflies, Phyciodina in the family Nymphalidae, based on one mitochondrial gene (COI) and two nuclear gene regions (EF-1alpha and wingless). The subtribe comprises 89 species mainly found in tropical South America, with a few species in North America and the Greater Antilles. We find that the enigmatic genus Antillea is sister to the rest of Phyciodina, and suggest that it should be included in the subtribe. Several genera are found to be polyphyletic or nested within another genus, and are proposed to be synonymised. These are Dagon, Castilia, Telenassa and Janatella, which we propose should be synonymised with Eresia. Brazilian "Ortilia" form an independent lineage and require a new genus name. The diversification of Phyciodina has probably taken place over the past about 34 MYA. The ancestral phyciodine colonised South America from North America through a possible landspan that connected the Greater Antilles to South America about 34MYA. A vicariance event left the ancestral Antillea on the Greater Antilles, while the ancestral 0e on South America colonised the Guyanan Shield and soon after the Brazilian Shield. We hypothesise that the Brazilian Shield was an important area for the diversification of Phyciodina. From there, the ancestor of Anthanassa, Eresia and Tegosa colonised NW South America, where especially Eresia diversified in concert with the rising of the Andes beginning about 20 MYA. Central America was colonised from NW South America about 15 MYA by the ancestors of Anthanassa and Phyciodes. Our study is the first to use a dated phylogeny to study the historical biogeography of a group of South American species of butterflies.  相似文献   

蛱蝶翅鳞片的超微结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
房岩  王同庆  孙刚  丛茜 《昆虫学报》2007,50(3):313-317
对我国东北地区典型常见蛱蝶科15属20种蝴蝶翅鳞片的超微结构进行了扫描电镜观察。结果显示:蛱蝶翅鳞片形态上可分为窄叶形、阔叶形和圆叶形3种,鳞片长65~135 μm,宽35~85 μm,间距48~112 μm。蛱蝶翅鳞片的超微结构可分为拱桥形、棋盘形和筛孔形3 种。拱桥形结构和棋盘形结构比较接近,二者与筛孔形结构差异较明显。在已观察的种类中,线蛱蝶属红线蛱蝶翅鳞片上的纵肋突起最小(200 nm×300 nm),闪蛱蝶属柳紫闪蛱蝶翅鳞片上的纵肋突起最大(590 nm×560 nm)。鳞片具有相似的形状、结构和排列,尤其是同属蝴蝶翅鳞片超微结构的形状和尺寸差异较小,表明它们之间的亲缘关系接近。  相似文献   

The skipping flight patterns of three species of Ypthima (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) were analyzed using high‐speed video recordings to clarify how wings move and how driving forces are produced. All three species showed a flight pattern that includes a pause that accounts for about 50% of a flap cycle when their wings completely close after each upstroke. The observed pause causes the “skipping” flight trajectory based on the clap–fling mechanism. Pause duration was correlated with upstroke wing motion, suggesting the contribution of the latter to a long pause duration. This is also supported by the temporal relationship between the wing and body motions. The aerodynamic power necessary for the pause flight was calculated for the three species.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are suitable tools for studying dispersal pattern among local populations. I report on the characterization of seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in the scarce heath butterfly (Coenonympha hero), from one unenriched and one enriched genomic library. Number of alleles ranged from two to 20 when 108 individuals from seven populations were screened. HO ranged from 0.140 to 0.889. Primers were also tested on three other butterfly species. Amplification was successful for all loci in Erebia triaria, while only one gave products in Maculinea alcon and Maculinea rebeli. To my knowledge, these are the first microsatellite markers published in the Nymphalidae subfamily Satyrinae.  相似文献   

The 24 members of the Euro-Asiatic genus Thymogethes are highly specialized pollen beetles associated as larvae with flowers of Lamiaceae Nepetoideae. All members of the genus were analysed in within the framework of an integrative taxonomy approach, which was aimed to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships, as well as the possible pattern of evolution of their larval-host-plant association. Evidence from multiple molecular markers [COI; 16S; H3], combined with an estimation of divergence times using an average rate of 0.0177 substitutions/site/My among branches, placed the origin of the genus at a minimum of 9–10 Mya. This date of origin approximates the known evolution of the host plants in Euro-Mediterranean areas. Evidence from combined molecular and cladistic morphological analyses resulted in suitable agreement with the previously established morphology-based systematics of the genus, although members of the exilis species-group were split into three clades. The only disagreement between results of this new combined phylogeny and previous classification is in the exclusion of “Thymogethesgrenieri. This species is herein positioned outside the genus, based on molecular evidence. Our analysis depicts several Thymogethes species differentiating in the last few Mys, specifically those included in the T. lugubris species-group. Combined evidence from DNA, morphology and ancestral state parsimony reconstruction of larval-host-plant associations suggests that subtribe Menthinae likely represents the ancestral host plants, with a series of independent host shifts during the radiation of the clade, in association first with Menthinae and subsequently with Lavandulinae and Nepetinae. Steno-oligophagy is the most frequent (86%) condition, while strictly monophagous species are less numerous (14%).  相似文献   

The salivary glands and salivary pumps were investigated by means of dissection and serial semithin sections in order to expose the anatomy and histology of Nymphalidae in relation to feeding ecology. The paired salivary glands are tubular, they begin in the head, and extend through the thorax into the abdomen. The epithelium is a unicellular layer consisting of a single cell type. Despite the uniform composition, each salivary gland can be divided into five anatomically and histologically distinct regions. The bulbous end region of the gland lies within the abdomen and is composed of highly prismatic glandular cells with large vacuoles in their cell bodies. The tubular secretion region extends into the thorax where it forms large loops running backward and forward. It is composed of glandular cells that lack large vacuoles. The salivary duct lies in the thorax and also shows a looped formation but is composed of flat epithelial cells. The salivary reservoir begins in the prothorax and reaches the head. Its cells are hemispherical and bulge out into the large lumen of the tube. In the head the outlet tube connects the left and right halves of the salivary gland, and its epithelial cells are flat. The salivary pump lies in the head ventral to the sucking pump and leads directly into the food canal of the proboscis. It is not part of the salivary gland but is derived from the salivarium. Both the thin cuticle of the roof of the salivary pump and the thick bottom are ventrally arched. Paired muscles extend from the hypopharyngeal ridges and obviously serve as dilators for the pump. A functional interpretation of the salivary pump suggests that when not in use, the dilators are not contracted and the pump is tightly closed due to its own elasticity. When the dilator muscles repeatedly contract, the saliva is forced forward into the food canal of the proboscis. The salivary gland anatomy was found to be similar to other Lepidoptera. Furthermore, the histology of the salivary glands is identical in all examined butterflies, even in the species which exhibit specialized pollen-feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The haploid chromosome number of the South American butterfly Philaethria dido varies from 12 to 88. Eight different numbers have been found in this species complex. The related Ph. pygmalion and Ph. wernickei usually show only n=29, a very frequent number in the Lepidoptera; numbers of n=15 and n=21 for these species need confirmation. The most common chromosome number for Ph. dido is also the highest, n=88, and is found in many parts of northern and central Brazil on the Amazon river and its tributaries, as well as adjacent parts of other countries. The other numbers were observed mainly in northern South America and along the east coast. Two very different numbers were found together in four localities. We did not find specimens with meiotic features suggesting hybridization between individuals with different chromosome numbers. The diverse numbers in Ph. dido may belong to good sibling species, distinguishable externally by very minor characters. Since Ph. dido is a very primitive species in the tribe Heliconiini, dating probably from the early Tertiary, it probably has had many opportunities to undergo divergent chromosome evolution in isolation. Its strong, high flight and broad ecological valence would then permit rapid spreading out and coexistence of different chromosome forms, which in some cases have been noted to show diverse behaviour in the field.Dedicated to Professor Hans Bauer on the occasion of his eightieth birthday  相似文献   

Four polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in the butterfly Speyeria idalia. We constructed a phagemid library and screened approximately 120 000 inserts. Probing with GT15, we identified 36 positives and designed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for 12 potential loci. Of those loci, only four consistently produced polymorphic, diallelic PCR products in the expected size range. These results are consistent with previous studies concerning the low frequency of microsatellite loci in the lepidoptera, although these four loci are highly polymorphic and therefore likely to provide information on the fine scale genetic structure among populations in this species.  相似文献   

  • 1 An examination of the phenetics, ecology and distribution of Chlosyne harrisii suggested that it was a potential mimic of the unpalatable Euphydryas phaeton.
  • 2 The wing undersurfaces of the adults are very similar and the larvae are virtually identical. The geographic range of both butterflies is the northeastern United States and both are inhabitants of wet meadow habitats where they may fly together. The life histories of both species are closely synchronized.
  • 3 A series of feeding experiments using blue-jays as predators showed first, that C.harrisii is palatable, and second, suggested that the birds could not distinguish between C.harrisii and E.phaeton on the basis of visual cues. Thus, Charrisii seems to be an effective Batesian mimic of E.phaeton.

Wang XC  Sun XY  Sun QQ  Zhang DX  Hu J  Yang Q  Hao JS 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):465-475
该研究对斐豹蛱蝶(Argyreus hyperbius)(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科)线粒体基因组全序列进行了测定和初步分析。结果表明:斐豹蛱蝶线粒体基因全序列全长为15156bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个tRNA和2个rRNA基因以及1个非编码的A+T富集区,基因排列顺序与其它鳞翅目种类一致;线粒体全序列核苷酸组成和密码子使用显示出明显的A+T偏好(80.8%)和轻微的AT偏移(AT skew,?0.019)。基因组中共存在11个2~52bp不等的基因间隔区,总长96bp;以及14个1~8bp不等的基因重叠区,总长34bp。除COI以CGA作为起始密码子外,13个蛋白质编码基因中的其余12个基因是以ATN作为起始密码子。除COI和COII基因是以单独的一个T为终止密码子,其余11个蛋白质编码基因都是以TAA结尾的。除了缺少DHU臂的tRNASer(AGN),其余的tRNA基因都显示典型的三叶草结构。tRNA(AGN)和ND1之间的基因间隔区包含一个ATACTAA结构域,这个结构域在鳞翅目中是保守的。A+T富集区没有较大的多拷贝重复序列,但是包含一些微小重复结构:ATAGA结构域下游的20bp poly-T结构,ATTTA结构域后的(AT)9重复,以及位于tRNAMet上游的5bp poly-A结构等。这项研究所揭示的斐豹蛱蝶的线粒体基因组特征,不仅为认识蛱蝶科的遗传多样性贡献数据,而且对于该物种的保护生物学、群体遗传学、谱系地理及演化研究等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The subfamily Apaturinae consists of 20 genera and shows disjunct distributions and unique host-plant associations. Most genera of this subfamily are distributed in Eurasia South-East Asia and Africa, whereas the genera Doxocopa and Asterocampa are distributed mainly in South America and North America, respectively. Although the Apaturinae larvae mainly feed on the Cannabaceae, those of the genus Apatura are associated with Salix and Populus (Salicaceae), which are distantly related to the Cannabaceae. Here, we infer the phylogeny of Apaturinae and reconstruct the history of host shifting and of colonization in the New World. We analyzed 9761 bp of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data, including the genes encoding EF1a, Wg, ArgK, CAD, GAPDH, IDH, MDH, RpS5, COI, COII, ATPase8, ATPase6, COIII, ND3, and ND5 for 12 apaturine genera. We also inferred the phylogeny with six additional genera using mitochondrial sequence data alone. Within the Apaturinae, two major clades are recovered in all the datasets. These clades separate the New World genera, Doxocopa and Asterocampa, indicating that dispersal to the New World occurred at least twice. According to our divergence time estimates, these genera originated during the Early Oligocene to the Early Miocene, implying that they migrated across the Bering Land Bridge rather than the Atlantic Land Bridge. The temporal estimates also show that host shifting to Salix or Populus in Apatura occurred more than 15 million years after the divergence of their host plants. Our phylogenetic results are inconsistent with the previously accepted apaturine genus groups and indicate that their higher classification should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The biology of Heliconius butterflies has provided a rich source of data to test theories of ecological genetics, coevolution and community ecology. Many putatively adaptive characters have been discussed with reference to a phylogenetic hypothesis based on a variety of morphological and life-history traits interpreted from an evolutionary taxonomic perspective. Here, alternate interpretations of characters on the traditional tree and a more recent mitochondrial DNA cladogram with a substantially different topology are compared and contrasted. It is shown that many characters ostensibly providing support for the traditional phylogenetic hypothesis are almost equally parsimoniously distributed and in some cases more parsimoniously distributed on the mtDNA tree than on the tree inferred from those characters. Discussion of alternate evolutionary scenarios based on the mDNA-based topology is presented for pupal mating, pollen feeding, foodplant coevolution, and other ecologically significant features.  相似文献   

Species level phylogenetic hypotheses can be used to explore patterns of divergence and speciation. In the tropics, speciation is commonly attributed to either vicariance, perhaps within climate-induced forest refugia, or ecological speciation caused by niche adaptation. Mimetic butterflies have been used to identify forest refugia as well as in studies of ecological speciation, so they are ideal for discriminating between these two models. The genus Ithomia contains 24 species of warningly colored mimetic butterflies found in South and Central America, and here we use a phylogenetic hypothesis based on seven genes for 23 species to investigate speciation in this group. The history of wing color pattern evolution in the genus was reconstructed using both parsimony and likelihood. The ancestral pattern for the group was almost certainly a transparent butterfly, and there is strong evidence for convergent evolution due to mimicry. A punctuationist model of pattern evolution was a significantly better fit to the data than a gradualist model, demonstrating that pattern changes above the species level were associated with cladogenesis and supporting a model of ecological speciation driven by mimicry adaptation. However, there was only one case of sister species unambiguously differing in pattern, suggesting that some recent speciation events have occurred without pattern shifts. The pattern of geographic overlap between clades over time shows that closely related species are mostly sympatric or, in one case, parapatric. This is consistent with modes of speciation with ongoing gene flow, although rapid range changes following allopatric speciation could give a similar pattern. Patterns of lineage accumulation through time differed significantly from that expected at random, and show that most of the extant species were present by the beginning of the Pleistocene at the latest. Hence Pleistocene refugia are unlikely to have played a major role in Ithomia diversification.  相似文献   

We have checked the utility of DNA barcoding for species identification of nymphalid butterflies from Western Ghats of India by using 650 bp sequence of mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I. Distinct DNA barcoding gap (i.e. difference between intraspecies and interspecies nucleotide divergence), exists between species studied here. When our sequences were compared with the sequences of the conspecifics submitted from different geographic regions, nine cases of deep intraspecies nucleotide divergences were observed. In spite of this, NJ (Neighbour Joining) clustering analysis successfully discriminated all species. Observed cases of deep intraspecies nucleotide divergences certainly warrant further study.  相似文献   

Host plant chemical composition critically shapes the performance of insect herbivores feeding on them. Some insects have become specialized on plant secondary metabolites, and even use them to their own advantage such as defense against predators. However, infection by plant pathogens can seriously alter the interaction between herbivores and their host plants. We tested whether the effects of the plant secondary metabolites, iridoid glycosides (IGs), on the performance and immune response of an insect herbivore are modulated by a plant pathogen. We used the IG‐specialized Glanville fritillary butterfly Melitaea cinxia, its host plant Plantago lanceolata, and the naturally occurring plant pathogen, powdery mildew Podosphaera plantaginis, as model system. Pre‐diapause larvae were fed on P. lanceolata host plants selected to contain either high or low IGs, in the presence or absence of powdery mildew. Larval performance was measured by growth rate, survival until diapause, and by investment in immunity. We assessed immunity after a bacterial challenge in terms of phenoloxidase (PO) activity and the expression of seven pre‐selected insect immune genes (qPCR). We found that the beneficial effects of constitutive leaf IGs, that improved larval growth, were significantly reduced by mildew infection. Moreover, mildew presence downregulated one component of larval immune response (PO activity), suggesting a physiological cost of investment in immunity under suboptimal conditions. Yet, feeding on mildew‐infected leaves caused an upregulation of two immune genes, lysozyme and prophenoloxidase. Our findings indicate that a plant pathogen can significantly modulate the effects of secondary metabolites on the growth of an insect herbivore. Furthermore, we show that a plant pathogen can induce contrasting effects on insect immune function. We suspect that the activation of the immune system toward a plant pathogen infection may be maladaptive, but the actual infectivity on the larvae should be tested.  相似文献   

Abstract. Neptis melicertula is regarded as the West African subspecies of N. trigonophora Butler, a species previously known only from East, Central and South Africa. N. mixophyes Holland and N. nicobule Holland are redescribed, N. nicodice Grünberg is placed as a synonym of N. mixophyes , and Eltringham's (1922) key to the Neptis species of the Ethiopian Region is modified to include these species. A list is given of twenty-one species known to occur, or likely to occur, in Ghana. Following a principal co-ordinate analysis, there is a discussion of the taxonomic importance of white marks in the forewing ceE and of interior structures on the male valvae.  相似文献   

We describe the chromosome numbers of a monophyletic group of Satyroid subfamilies of primary fruit-attracted butterflies from South America: Charaxinae, Morphinae (including Brassolini) and Satyrinae. The charaxines do not have a distinct modal number. Their chromosome numbers are in the range n  = 6–50, with n  = 7–9, n  = 12, n  = 16, n  = 19–21, n  = 26, and n  = 28–31 being the most common numbers. Within the Morphinae, the Morphini have a modal n  = 28 and the Brassolini a modal n  = 29, with few exceptions. The Neotropical satyrines, in particular the basal species, have a weak modal n  = 29, which is a strong modal number in Palearctic satyrines. The African satyrines have an equally strong modal n  = 28. Most Neotropical satyrines have, like charaxines, chromosome numbers lower than the weak modal n  = 29, and often half this modal, but there are genera with stable numbers among the satyrines and charaxines. Evidently, the Neotropical satyroids descend from basal Nymphalidae with the typical lepidopteran modal number of n  = 31, which have also given rise to the Heliconiini with modal n  = 31 and 21 and Ithomiinae with modal numbers of n  = 14–15.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 467–481.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogeny of butterflies in the tribe Nymphalini sensu Harvey 1991, comprising the genera Vanessa, Cynthia, Bassaris, Aglais, Inachis, Nymphalis, Polygonia, Kaniska, Antanartia, Hypanartia, Symbrenthia, Mynes and Araschnia . Evidence from the mitochondrial gene ndl, the nuclear gene 'wingless' and from morphology/ ecology/behaviour were used separately and combined to analyse relationships. Phylogenies based on the different types of data agreed in many aspects of basic topology. We show that an analysis of only wing pattern characters (based on Nijhout's homology system) results in a topology broadly similar to the one resulting from analysis of the complete matrix. We found support for a monophyletic Nymphalini, where Hypanartia may be the sister clade to all other genera. Mynes, Symbrenthia and Araschnia together seem to form another basal clade. Evidence presented gives only moderate support for a monophyletic Vanessa in the wide sense, including also Cynthia and Bassaris , but strong support for the monophyly of the largely holarctic clade Aglais + Inachis + Nymphalis + Polygonia + Kaniska + Roddia . Within the latter group there is strong support for a clade consisting of Aglais + Inachis and for a second clade which includes Nymphalis, Polygonia (and its sister clade, the monotypic Kaniska) as well as Roddia l-album (= Nymphalis vaualbum ). As a consequence of this topology, Aglais is recognized as a taxon separate from Nymphalis . We present a hypothesis of species relationships within the focal group of genera. We also analyse and discuss the implications of excluding or including ecological data in phylogenetic tree construction, when the tree is to be used for studies in phylogenetic ecology.  相似文献   

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