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Marmosets, Saguinus oedipus oedipus and S. fuscicollis, have been shown to have a diurnal heart rate pattern that has a marked difference between high and low values (about 55 beats/minute) and shows a low point during daylight hours around 1300–1400 hours. A similar pattern for body temperature was seen. A species difference existed; the larger S. o. oedipus has a higher heart rate during both light and dark periods. All measurements were made on undisturbed animals at hourly intervals using radiotelemetry. They were kept in a controlled environment with a light cycle of 12L: 12D and a temperature of 27 ± 1°C.  相似文献   

Daily rhythms of body core temperature and liver function were recorded in goats maintained under various schedules of lighting and feeding. Concentration of urea in the blood was used as an index of digestion-driven hepatic activity, whereas concentration of cholesterol served as an index of autonomous hepatic activity. Body temperature exhibited robust circadian rhythmicity in the presence and absence of a light-dark cycle and/or a feeding regime. The rhythm was more responsive to shifts in feeding time than to shifts in the light-dark cycle. Urea concentration in the blood exhibited daily rhythmicity only in the presence of a daily feeding regime and, therefore, was driven by ingestive and digestive processes. The rhythm of cholesterol concentration persisted in the presence or absence of a light-dark cycle and/or a feeding regime, except when the feeding time was shifted under constant light. However, the cholesterol rhythm did not respond either to shifts in the light-dark cycle or, more importantly, to shifts in feeding time. Thus, based on this index of hepatic function, the liver cannot be identified as the site of the putative food-entrainable pacemaker.  相似文献   

动物的生理昼夜节律是对环境昼夜变化的一种重要适应。为探讨白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)体温、体重及能量代谢的昼夜节律变化,采用数字式温度计、电子天平及封闭式流体压力呼吸仪,测定了白头鹎的日体温、日体重和昼夜基础代谢率(BMR)。结果发现:白头鹎日体温及日体重变化存在显著差异,其中夜间体温明显低于白昼,并在4:00时体温呈现最低值;而白头鹎夜间体重显著低于白昼,在4:00时达到最小值,在18:00时达到最大值。另外,白头鹎的BMR也表现出了明显的昼夜差异,夜间BMR显著低于白昼。表明白头鹎体温、体重及能量代谢存在显著的昼夜节律变化,并调节达到自身生理能量平衡,从而适应昼夜环境变化。  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity were observed in the unanesthetized and unrestrained Syrian hamsters, Djungarian hamsters and Chinese hamsters, and the differences in these biological characters among the three species of hamster were investigated. In each species, body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity in the dark period were higher than those in the light period. Heart rate of Chinese hamsters was higher than that of the others in both the light and dark periods. In addition, it was found that the body temperature of Djungarian hamsters decreased rapidly one time a day. These results show species differences in body temperature, heart rate and locomotor activity of Syrian, Djungarian and Chinese hamsters.  相似文献   

Diurnal fluctuations of heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT) and locomotor activity (LA) in the unanaesthetized and unrestrained house musk shrew (Suncus murinus) were studied using a telemetry system. Six adult male shrews (Jic:SUN) weighing 60-70 g were used in the present study. They were housed under conditions of 24 C and a 12/12-hr light-dark cycle. HR, BT and LA were recorded over 10 days, following the post-implantation period (10 days or more) of the telemetric transmitter. A clear nocturnal rhythm of LA was shown, while intermittent and short-term LA were shown during the light period. The mean HR was 323.5 +/- 8.8 bpm in the light period and 354.3 +/- 5.2 bpm in the dark period, and the fluctuation of HR showed a nocturnal pattern. A nocturnal pattern was also observed in BT fluctuation, and all animals lowered their body temperature from 35-37 C to approximately 30 C or below, mostly during the light period. The fall of body temperature progressed over 2-3 hr, and then rose to the baseline temperature rapidly within approximately 30 min. While the body temperature fell, HR markedly decreased to approximately 100 bpm. These results suggest that the shrew has unique physiological properties in maintaining metabolic balance which are anticipated to be caused by the dramatic alteration of the autonomic nervous function.  相似文献   

We report a progressive disruption of 24-h rhythms in fasting blood glucose (FBG), body temperature (BT) and heart rate (HR) associated with metabolic dysfunction and the development of prediabetes (PD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in overweight middle-aged (40–69 years old) humans. Increasing BT and HR mean values and declining 24-h BT and HR amplitudes accompany adverse changes in metabolic state. Increased nocturnal BT and a phase delay of the 24-h BT rhythm, deviant 24-h HR profile and a phase advance of the 24-h HR and FBG rhythms are early signs of the PD metabolic state. In T2DM, the 24-h FBG rhythm is no longer detectable, and the 24-h amplitudes of BT and HR are greatly diminished. In addition, lepton and creatinine values were lowered in T2DM. Moreover, positive correlations between FBG and body mass index, BMI, and negative correlations between the 24-h amplitude of FBG and BMI indicate that overweight is an additional factor causing disruption of the circadian rhythms. Further studies on circadian disruption as a consequence of metabolic dysfunction are necessary. The quantitative analysis of changing circadian BT and HR rhythms may provide prognostic markers of T2DM and therapeutic targets for its prevention and correction.  相似文献   

A biotelemeter capable of simultaneously monitoring body temperature, heart rate, and animal movement was used to determine (1), whether those three parameters could be uncoupled or made to change their circadian phase relationship in response to reversal of the photoperiod (2), if measuring the three parameters could improve our understanding of circadian phenomenon in pocket mice, and (3), whether a cosinor form of time series analysis could be applied meaningfully to pocket mice data which appear as high amplitude square waves. All three questions were answered affirmatively although considerable individual variability was observed between the three mice studied.Contribution invited originally for the meeting of the International Society of Chronobiology in Little Rock, Arkansas, November 8–10, 1971. Work supported by the United States Public Health Service (5-K6-GM-13,981), NASA (NAS 2-5037 and NAS 9-12338) and the U. S. Air Force.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors for the expression of the daily rhythms of body temperature (BT), blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). One hundred and seventy-three young adults (YA), 17–24 years old (y.o.), of both genders were studied under a modified constant-routine (CR) protocol for 26 h. Participants were assigned randomly to groups with different lighting regimens: CR-LD, n = 77, lights (>400 l×) on from 09:00 to 17:00 h and off (<10 l×) from 17:00 to 09:00 next morning; CR-LL, n = 81, lights on (>400 l×) during the whole experimental session; CR-DD, n = 15, constant dim light (<10 l×) during the whole experiment. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP, HR and BT were measured every 2 h. For comparison, the results of the former studies performed under conditions of regular life with an activity period from 07:00 to 23:00 h and sleep from 23:00 till 07:00 h (Control) were reanalyzed. Seven-day Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) records from 27 YA (16–38 y.o.) and BT self-measurement data from 70 YA (17–30 y.o.) taken on ≥ 3 successive days at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 and 03:00 were available.

The obtained daily patterns were different between Control and CR-DD groups, due to effects of activity, sleep and light. The comparison of Control and CR-LD groups allowed the effects of sleep and activity to be estimated since the lighting conditions were similar. The activity level substantially elevated SBP, but not DBP. Sleep, on the other hand, lowered the nighttime DBP, but has no effect on SBP. HR was affected both by activity and sleep. In accordance with previous studies, these results confirm that the steep BP increase in the morning is not driven by the circadian clock, but rather by sympathoadrenal factors related to awakening and corresponding anticipatory mechanisms. The effect on BT was not significant.

To investigate the impact of light during the former dark time and darkness during the former light time, the CR-LL and CR-DD groups were each compared with the CR-LD group. Light delayed the evening decrease of BT, most likely via a suppression of the melatonin rise. Besides, it had a prominent arousal effect on SBP both in the former light and dark phases, a moderate effect on DBP and no effect on HR. Darkness induced decline in BT. BP values were decreased during the former light time. No effects on HR were found. Altogether, the results of the present paper show that BT, BP and HR are affected by exogenous factors differently. Moreover, the effect was gender-specific. Especially, the response of BT and BP to ambient light was evident only in females.

We suppose that the distinct, gender-specific responses of SBP, DBP and HR to activity, sleep and ambient light do reflect fundamental differences in the circadian control of various cardiovascular functions. Furthermore, the presented data are important for the elaboration of updated reference standards, the interpretation of rhythm disorders and for personalized chronotherapeutic approaches to prevent adverse cardiovascular events more effectively.  相似文献   

This study was investigated the roles of interleukin-1 (IL-1) on diurnal rhythms of heart rate (HR), locomotor activity (LA), and body temperature (BT). For this purpose, HR, LA, and BT were recorded from conscious and unrestrained IL-1 alpha/beta doubly deficient (KO) and normal C57BL/6J mice using a telemetry system. These parameters were continuously recorded from just after to 2 weeks after transmitter implantation, because we thought that the surgical stress-induced IL-1 might affect the biobehavioral activities of the animals. At 1 day after implantation, HR and LA in IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice were higher than those in C57BL/6J mice. While BT in IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice was lower than that in C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, diurnal rhythmicity in these parameters after implantation in IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice appeared earlier than in C57BL/6J mice. At 2 weeks after implantation, there were no significant differences in the light- and dark-phase values of each parameter between IL-1 alpha/beta KO and C57BL/6J mice, however, IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice showed clear ultradian rhythmicity. It is thought that a phenotypical difference in biobehavioral activities between IL-1 alpha/beta KO and C57BL/6J mice may reflect IL-1 induced febrile and behavioral responses. These results suggest that IL-1 may play important physiological and pathophysiological roles on biobehavioral activities.  相似文献   

Activity and the electrocardiogram and respiratory potentials of 17 adult River lampreys, Lampetra fluviatilis , acclimated to 7°± 1°C and a light/dark cycle of 11/13 hours, were recorded throughout the spawning run (November to April). Activity was far greater in the dark in all but the sexually mature animals, reflecting behaviour in the field. A circadian rhythm was also observed in the heart rate during periods of inactivity, and this was correlated with an increase in ventilatory frequency or amplitude. A similar rhythm was not present in the sexually mature animals. Moreover, heart and ventilatory frequencies tended to increase during the spawning run. A whole number ratio between heart rate and ventilatory frequency was seen in only 11 of 425 recordings.  相似文献   

A method of nonsurgical embryo collection in the Shiba goat, a native Japanese miniature goat breeding nonseasonally, was developed. The apparatus used for flushing the uterus was made on the model of the two-way catheter for cows. Embryo collection was performed on days 5 to 7 in 37 females superovulated with PMSG and hCG and resulted in successful recovery of 69 embryos in 19 females (51.4%). The average number of embryos collected from each successful female was 3.6. The recovery rate of embryos calculated on the basis of the number of embryos recovered and corpora lutea observed by culdoscopy in 15 successful females was 89.5%. This nonsurgical method seem to be efficient enough for collecting morulae and blastocysts in Shiba goats.  相似文献   

The differences in physical properties of air and water pose unique behavioural and physiological demands on semiaquatic animals. The aim of this study was to describe the diving behaviour of the freshwater crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni in the wild and to assess the relationships between diving, body temperature, and heart rate. Time-depth recorders, temperature-sensitive radio transmitters, and heart rate transmitters were deployed on each of six C. johnstoni (4.0-26.5 kg), and data were obtained from five animals. Crocodiles showed the greatest diving activity in the morning (0600-1200 hours) and were least active at night, remaining at the water surface. Surprisingly, activity pattern was asynchronous with thermoregulation, and activity was correlated to light rather than to body temperature. Nonetheless, crocodiles thermoregulated and showed a typical heart rate hysteresis pattern (heart rate during heating greater than heart rate during cooling) in response to heating and cooling. Additionally, dive length decreased with increasing body temperature. Maximum diving length was 119.6 min, but the greatest proportion of diving time was spent on relatively short (<45 min) and shallow (<0.4 m) dives. A bradycardia was observed during diving, although heart rate during submergence was only 12% lower than when animals were at the surface.  相似文献   

We asked whether, during the postnatal period, the daily patterns of body temperature (Tb), heart rate (HR) and breathing frequency (f) begin and develop in synchrony. To this end, measurements of HR, f and Tb were performed weekly, on two consecutive days, for the first two postnatal months on puppies of three breeds of dogs (Rottweiler, Cocker Spaniel and Carlino dogs) with very different birth weights and postnatal growth patterns. Ambient conditions and feeding habits were constant for all puppies. The results indicated that (1) the 24-h average Tb increased and average HR and f decreased with growth, (2) the daily rhythms in Tb were apparent by 4 weeks, irrespective of the puppy’s growth pattern, (3) the daily rhythm of Tb in the puppy was not necessarily following that of the mother; in fact, it could anticipate it. (4) The daily rhythms in HR and f were not apparent for the whole study period. We conclude that in neonatal dogs the onset of the daily rhythms of Tb has no obvious relationship with body size or rate of growth and is not cued by the maternal Tb rhythm. The daily rhythms of HR and f do not appear before 2 months of age. Hence, they are not in synchrony with those of Tb.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Coatis are chiefly diurnal, showing marked nycthemeral variations of body temperature and oxygen uptake.
  • 2.2. The thermoneutral zone extends from 25–33°C; the basal metabolic rate is about 40% below the value predicted from body mass.
  • 3.3. Thermoregulation in cold is excellent, partly due to decreasing thermal conductance at falling ambient temperatures.
  • 4.4. Exposure to temperatures above 35°C is endured for only short periods.
  • 5.5. Basal heart rate is reduced to about 70% of the predicted level. The contribution of heart rate to increased oxygen demands at falling ambient temperatures is rather low.
  • 6.6. The measured physiological characteristics of coatis are discussed with regard to the high mobility and the wide distribution range of these procyonids.

Heart rate and core temperature are elevated by physical activity and reduced during rest and/or sleep. These masking effects may confound interpretation of rhythm waveforms, particularly in situations where the rest-activity rhythm has a different period from that of the core temperature rhythm. Such desynchronization often occurs temporarily as an individual adjusts to a new work shift or to a new time zone following rapid transmeridian travel, making it difficult to assess the impact of such schedule changes on the circadian system. The present experiments were designed to estimate the magnitude of these masking effects, by monitoring the heart rate, rectal temperature, and nondominant wrist activity (2-min samples) of 12 male subjects during 6 days of normal routine outside the lab and during 6 days of strict bedrest. Subjects also kept sleep, dietary, and exercise logs throughout the study. Average (20-min) waveforms were computed for each subject and each rhythm, at home and in bedrest. In addition, data were partitioned according to self-reported sleep and wake times and were analyzed separately for each state. Average waveform comparisons indicated that about 45% of the range of the circadian heart rate rhythm during normal routine was attributable to the masking effects of activity during wake, which also produced a 16% elevation in mean heart rate during wake and an 11% increase in mean heart rate overall. (Analysis of variance indicated that mean heart rate during sleep at home was not significantly different from the mean during sleep in bedrest.) On average, about 14% of the range of the circadian temperature rhythm during normal routine was attributable to the effects of activity masking. However, the change in range of the temperature rhythm, from home to bedrest, was very variable between subjects (-41% to +13%). This variability was not accounted for by age or by reported frequency of exercise at home. Normal activity during wake increased the mean temperature during wake by an average of 0.16 degrees C and the overall mean by about 0.12 degrees C. (Analysis of variance indicated that mean temperature during sleep at home was not significantly different from the mean during sleep in bedrest.) A 10-hr "night" (lights-off from 2200 to 0800 hr) was provided during bedrest, within which subjects could select their own sleep times. Times of sleep onset and wake onset were not significantly different between home and bedrest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The nitric oxide (NO) system is involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular system in controlling central and peripheral vascular tone and cardiac functions. It was the aim of this study to investigate in wild-type C57BL/6 and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) knock-out mice (eNOS-/-) the contribution of NO on the circadian rhythms in heart rate (HR), motility (motor activity [MA]), and body temperature (BT) under various environmental conditions. Experiments were performed in 12:12 h of a light:dark cycle (LD), under free-run in total darkness (DD), and after a phase delay shift of the LD cycle by -6 h (i.e., under simulation of a westward time zone transition). All parameters were monitored by radiotelemetry in freely moving mice. In LD, no significant differences in the rhythms of HR and MA were observed between the two strains of mice. BT, however, was significantly lower during the light phase in eNOS-/- mice, resulting in a significantly greater amplitude. The period of the free-running rhythm in DD was slightly shorter for all variables, though not significant. In general, rhythmicity was greater in eNOS-/- than in C57 mice both in LD and DD. After a delay shift of the LD cycle, HR and BT were resynchronized to the new LD schedule within 5-6 days, and resynchronization of MA occurred within 2-3 days. The results in telemetrically instrumented mice show that complete knock-out of the endothelial NO system—though expressed in the suprachiasmatic nuclei and in peripheral tissues—did not affect the circadian organization of heart rate and motility. The circadian regulation of the body temperature was slightly affected in eNOS-/- mice.  相似文献   

Diurnal cycles of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), and of excretion rates of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and phosphate were measured in a 22 year old man with moderately severe heart failure under standardized conditions. Cycles of GFR, ERPF and excretion of potassium, chloride, and phosphate were indistinguishable from those of normals. The phases of the sodium and probably the magnesium excretory cycles were reversed from normal. The significance of some of the observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Some experimental procedures are associated with placement of animals in wire-bottom cages. The goal of this study was to evaluate stress-related physiological parameters (heart rate [HR], body temperature [BT], locomotor activity [LA], body weight [BW] and food consumption) in rats under two housing conditions, namely in wire-bottom cages and in bedding-bottom cages. Telemetry devices were surgically implanted in male Sprague-Dawley rats. HR, BT and LA were recorded at 5 min intervals. Analysis under each housing condition was performed from 16:00 to 08:00 h of the following day (4 h light, 12 h dark). During almost all of the light phase, the HR of rats housed in wire-bottom cages remained high (371 ± 35 bpm; mean ± SD; n = 6) and was significantly different from that of rats housed in bedding-bottom cages (340 ± 29 bpm; n = 6; P < 0.001; Student's t-test). In general, BT was similar under the two housing conditions. However, when rats were in wire-bottom cages, BT tended to fluctuate more widely during the dark phase. LA decreased when animals were housed in wire-bottom cages, in particular during the dark phase. Moreover, there was a significant difference with respect to the gain in BW: BW of rats housed in bedding-bottom cages increased 12 ± 2 g, whereas that of rats in wire-bottom cages decreased by 2 ± 3 g (P < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that housing rats in wire-bottom cages overnight leads to immediate alterations of HR, BW and LA, which might be related to a stress response.  相似文献   

王鲁平  周顺  孙国强 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3182-3188
小毛足鼠(Phodopus roborovskii)是分布在内蒙古草原沙地的一种小型哺乳动物,关于其生物学和生态学特征,尤其是生理学特征还知之甚少。似昼夜节律是动物行为学和生理生态学中备受关注的一个领域。在室内条件下通过体内埋置无线电传感器连续监测小毛足鼠的体温、用自动监测系统连续监测活动性和TSE LabMaster呼吸代谢测定系统连续测定了其代谢率的昼夜节律性。结果发现:小毛足鼠在夜间的平均体温是(37.27±0.39)℃,昼间的平均体温是(36.11±0.18)℃;在夜间的平均代谢率是(4.65±1.10)mLO2·g-1·h-1,昼间的平均代谢率是(3.09±0.42)mLO2·g-1·h-1;在夜间的平均活动率为(237±145)次/0.1h,昼间的平均活动率为(38±5)次/0.1h。小毛足鼠的代谢率、活动性和体温的峰值相位主要集中在夜间,属典型的夜行性动物。实验结果从行为学特性和生理学特征等新的角度支持了野外观察小毛足鼠是夜行性动物的推断。综合活动性、代谢率和体温三方面同步变化的特征,为小毛足鼠的似昼夜节律变化提供了新的机理性解释。研究也表明小毛足鼠是研究野生动物似昼夜节律变化机理的好模型。  相似文献   

We studied the characteristics of the rhythmicity of heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT), and locomotor activity (LA) in conscious and unrestrained guinea pigs using a telemetry system. HR and/or LA in some guinea pigs clearly showed circadian rhythms, but in others there were no significant daily patterns; BT did not show significant daily rhythms. These results suggest that guinea pigs might have different individual characteristics of rhythmicity, and we should, therefore, be careful when using guinea pigs in chrono-biomedical research. We believe that the results of this study may be useful for future biomedical studies using guinea pigs.  相似文献   

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