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We identified a zebrafish homologue of Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), which was previously identified in Xenopus as a Wnt inhibitor with potent head-inducing activity. Zebrafish dkk1 is expressed in the dorsal marginal blastoderm and also in the dorsal yolk syncytial layer after mid-blastula transition. At later blastula stages, the expression expands to the entire blastoderm margin. During gastrulation, dkk1-expressing cells are confined to the embryonic shield and later to the anterior axial mesendoderm, prospective prechordal plate. Embryos, in which dkk1 was ectopically expressed, exhibited enlarged forebrain, eyes, and axial mesendoderm such as prechordal plate and notochord. dkk1 expression in the dorso-anterior mesendoderm during gastrulation was prominently reduced in zebrafish mutants bozozok (boz), squint (sqt), and one-eyed pinhead (oep), which all display abnormalities in the formation and function of the Spemann organizer and axial mesendoderm. dkk1 expression was normal in these embryos during the blastula period, indicating that zygotic functions of these genes are required for maintenance but not establishment of dkk1 expression. Overexpression of dkk1 suppressed defects in the development of forebrain, eyes, and notochord in boz mutants. Overexpression of dkk1 promoted anterior neuroectoderm development in the embryos injected with antivin RNA, which lack most of the mesoderm and endoderm, suggesting that Dkk1 can affect regionalization of neuroectoderm independently of dorso-anterior mesendoderm. These data indicate that Dkk1, expressed in dorsal mesendoderm, functions in the formation of both the anterior nervous system and the axial mesendoderm in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Zebrafish primary motor axons extend along stereotyped pathways innervating distinct regions of the developing myotome. During development, these axons make stereotyped projections to ventral and dorsal myotome regions. Caudal primary motoneurons, CaPs, pioneer axon outgrowth along ventral myotomes; whereas, middle primary motoneurons, MiPs, extend axons along dorsal myotomes. Although the development and axon outgrowth of these motoneurons has been characterized, cues that determine whether axons will grow dorsally or ventrally have not been identified. The topped mutant was previously isolated in a genetic screen designed to uncover mutations that disrupt primary motor axon guidance. CaP axons in topped mutants fail to enter the ventral myotome at the proper time, stalling at the nascent horizontal myoseptum, which demarcates dorsal from ventral axial muscle. Later developing secondary motor nerves are also delayed in entering the ventral myotome whereas all other axons examined, including dorsally projecting MiP motor axons, are unaffected in topped mutants. Genetic mosaic analysis indicates that Topped function is non-cell autonomous for motoneurons, and when wild-type cells are transplanted into topped mutant embryos, ventromedial fast muscle are the only cell type able to rescue the CaP axon defect. These data suggest that Topped functions in the ventromedial fast muscle and is essential for motor axon outgrowth into the ventral myotome.  相似文献   

Glial specification in the vertebrate neural tube   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase regulates the formation of the corticospinal tract (CST), a pathway controlling voluntary movements, and of the anterior commissure (AC), connecting the neocortical temporal lobes. To study EphA4 kinase signaling in these processes, we generated mice expressing mutant EphA4 receptors either lacking kinase activity or with severely downregulated kinase activity. We demonstrate that EphA4 is required for CST formation as a receptor for which it requires an active kinase domain. In contrast, the formation of the AC is rescued by kinase-dead EphA4, suggesting that in this structure EphA4 acts as a ligand for which its kinase activity is not required. Unexpectedly, the cytoplasmic sterile-alpha motif (SAM) domain is not required for EphA4 functions. Our findings establish both kinase-dependent and kinase-independent functions of EphA4 in the formation of major axon tracts.  相似文献   

Specification of neuronal fates in the ventral neural tube   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

How control of subcellular events in single cells determines morphogenesis on the scale of the tissue is largely unresolved. The stereotyped cross-midline mitoses of progenitors in the zebrafish neural keel provide a unique experimental paradigm for defining the role and control of single-cell orientation for tissue-level morphogenesis in vivo. We show here that the coordinated orientation of individual progenitor cell division in the neural keel is the cellular determinant required for morphogenesis into a neural tube epithelium with a single straight lumen. We find that Scribble is required for oriented cell division and that its function in this process is independent of canonical apicobasal and planar polarity pathways. We identify a role for Scribble in controlling clustering of α-catenin foci in dividing progenitors. Loss of either Scrib or N-cadherin results in abnormally oriented mitoses, reduced cross-midline cell divisions, and similar neural tube defects. We propose that Scribble-dependent nascent cell-cell adhesion clusters between neuroepithelial progenitors contribute to define orientation of their cell division. Finally, our data demonstrate that while oriented mitoses of individual cells determine neural tube architecture, the tissue can in turn feed back on its constituent cells to define their polarization and cell division orientation to ensure robust tissue morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The neuron is a prime example of a highly polarized cell. It is becoming clear that conserved protein complexes, which have been shown to regulate polarity in such diverse systems as the C. elegans zygote and mammalian epithelia, are also required for neuronal polarization. This review considers the role of these polarity proteins in axon specification and synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Cell polarization is critical for the correct functioning of many cell types, creating functional and morphological asymmetry in response to intrinsic and extrinsic cues. Neurons are a classical example of polarized cells, as they usually extend one long axon and short branched dendrites. The formation of such distinct cellular compartments (also known as neuronal polarization) ensures the proper development and physiology of the nervous system and is controlled by a complex set of signalling pathways able to integrate multiple polarity cues. Because polarization is at the basis of neuronal development, investigating the mechanisms responsible for this process is fundamental not only to understand how the nervous system develops, but also to devise therapeutic strategies for neuroregeneration. The last two decades have seen remarkable progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for mammalian neuronal polarization, primarily using cultures of rodent hippocampal neurons. More recent efforts have started to explore the role of such mechanisms in vivo. It has become clear that neuronal polarization relies on signalling networks and feedback mechanisms co-ordinating the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and membrane traffic. The present chapter will highlight the role of key molecules involved in neuronal polarization, such as regulators of the actin/microtubule cytoskeleton and membrane traffic, polarity complexes and small GTPases.  相似文献   

Several genes containing the conserved T-box region in invertebrates and vertebrates have been reported recently. Here, we describe three novel members of the T-box gene family in zebrafish. One of these genes, tbx-c, is studied in detail. It is expressed in the axial mesoderm, notably, in the notochordal precursor cells immediately before formation of the notochord and in the chordoneural hinge of the tail bud, after the notochord is formed. In addition, its expression is detected in the ventral forebrain, sensory neurons, fin buds and excretory system. The expression pattern of tbx-c differs from that of the other two related genes, tbx-a and tbx-b. The developmental role of tbx-c has been analysed by overexpression of the full-length tbx-c mRNA and a truncated form of tbx-c mRNA, which encodes the dominant-negative Tbx-c. Overexpression of tbx-c causes expansion of the midline mesoderm and formation of ectopic midline structures at the expense of lateral mesodermal cells. In dominant-negative experiments, the midline mesoderm is reduced with the expansion of lateral mesoderm to the midline. These results suggest that tbx-c plays a role in formation of the midline mesoderm, particularly, the notochord. Moreover, modulation of tbx-c activity alters the development of primary motor neurons. Results of in vitro analysis in zebrafish animal caps suggest that tbx-c acts downstream of early mesodermal inducers (activin and ntl) and reveal an autoregulatory feedback loop between ntl and tbx-c. These data and analysis of midline (ntl-/- and flh-/-) and lateral mesoderm (spt-/-) mutants suggest that tbx-c may function during formation of the notochord.  相似文献   

The longitudinal glia (LG), progeny of a single glioblast, form a scaffold that presages the formation of longitudinal tracts in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the Drosophila embryo. The LG are used as a substrate during the extension of the first axons of the longitudinal tract. I have examined the differentiation of the LG in six mutations in which the longitudinal tracts were absent, displaced, or interrupted to determine whether the axon tract malformations may be attributable to disruptions in the LG scaffold. Embryos mutant for the gene prospero had no longitudinal tracts, and glial differentiation remained arrested at a preaxonogenic state. Two mutants of the Polycomb group also lacked longitudinal tracts; here the glia failed to form an oriented scaffold, but cytological differentiation of the LG was unperturbed. The longitudinal tracts in embryos mutant for slit fused at the VNC midline and scaffold formation was normal, except that it was medially displaced. Longitudinaltracts had intersegmental interruptions in embryos mutant for hindsight and midline. In hindsight, there were intersegmental gaps in the glial scaffold. In midline, the glial scaffold retracted after initial extension. LG morphogenesis during axonogenesis was abnormal in midline. Commitment to glial identity and glial differentiation also occurred before scaffold formation. In all mutants examined, the early distribution of the glycoprotein neuroglian was perturbed. This was indicative of early alterations in VNC pattern present before LG scaffold formation began. Therefore, some changes in scaffold formation may have reflected changes in the placement and differentiation of other cells of the VNC. In all mutants, alterations in scaffold formation preceded longitudinal axon tract formation. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Notochordless Xenopus embryos were produced by u.v. irradiation of the uncleaved fertilized egg. The spinal cords were examined using intermediate filament staining for glial cells, retrograde HRP staining for neuronal morphology and an anti-glycinergic antibody to reveal commissural cells and axons. The floorplate cells of the normal cord appear to be absent and their position along the ventral midline of the cord is occupied by motor neurones, Kolmer-Agduhr cells, radial glial cells and a ventrally placed marginal zone containing the longitudinal axons. Motor neurone number is reduced to 15% of control values, and the sensory extramedullary cell number is increased twentyfold. Commissural axons are still able to cross the ventral cord but do so at abnormal angles and some commissural axons continue to grow circumferentially up the contralateral side of the cord rather than turning to grow longitudinally. Extracellular electrophysiological recordings from motor axons reveal that the normal alternation of locomotor activity on the left and right side of the embryo is lost in notochordless animals. These results suggest that the notochord and/or the normal floor plate structure are important for the development of the laterality of spinal cord connections and may influence motor neurone proliferation or differentiation.  相似文献   

The embryonic origin of peripheral nerve Schwann/sheath cells is still uncertain. Although the neural crest is known to be an important source, it is not clear whether the ventral neural tube also contributes a progenitor population for motor axons. We have used the techniques of immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and quail-chick grafting to examine this problem. Immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibody HNK-1 identified a cluster of immunoreactive cells in the sclerotome, at the site of the future ventral root. With the electron microscope, nucleated cells could not be seen breaching the basal lamina of the neural tube, exclusively in the region of the ventral root and preceding axon outgrowth. After grafting a length of crest-ablated quail neural tube in place of host chick neural tube, a population of quail cells was found localized to the ventral root exit zone, associated with the ventral root axons. Taken together, these observations support the possibility of a neural tube origin for ventral root sheath cells, although we found no evidence for a more extensive migration of these cells. The ventral root cells share certain phenotypic traits, such as HNK-1 immunoreactivity, with neural-crest-derived Schwann cells, but are not necessarily identical to them. We argue that while they may help motor axons to exit the neural tube at the correct position, they are unlikely to guide axons beyond the immediate vicinity of the neural tube.  相似文献   

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