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Evolution of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A phylogenetic tree of a gene family of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits was constructed using 84 nucleotide sequences of receptor subunits from 18 different species in order to elucidate the evolutionary origin of receptor subunits. The tree constructed showed that the common ancestor of all subunits may have appeared first in the nervous system. Moreover, we suggest that the alpha 1 subunits in the muscle system originated from the common ancestor of alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 4, alpha 5, alpha 6, and beta 3 in the nervous system, whereas the beta 1, gamma, delta, and epsilon subunits in the muscle system shared a common ancestor with the beta 2 and beta 4 subunits in the nervous system. Using the ratio (f) of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions to that of synonymous substitutions, we predicted the functional importance of subunits. We found that the alpha 1 and alpha 7 subunits had the lowest f values in the muscle and nervous systems, respectively, indicating that very strong functional constraints work on these subunits. This is consistent with the fact that the alpha 1 subunit has sites binding to the ligand, and the alpha 7-containing receptor regulates the release of the transmitter. Moreover, the window analysis of the f values showed that strong functional constraints work on the so-called M2 region in all five types of muscle subunits. Thus, the window analysis of the f values is useful for evaluating the degree of functional constraints in not only the entire gene region, but also the within-gene subregion.   相似文献   

The assembly of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR), an oligomeric cell surface protein, was studied in cultured muscle cells. To measure this process, the incorporation of metabolically labeled alpha-subunit into oligomeric AChR was monitored in pulse-chase experiments, either by the shift of this subunit from the unassembled (5 S) to the assembled (9 S) position in sucrose density gradients, or by its coprecipitation with antisera specific for the delta-subunit. We have found that AChR assembly is initiated 15-30 min after subunit biosynthesis and is completed within the next 60 min. The alpha-subunit is not overproduced, as all detectable pulse-labeled alpha-subunit can be chased into the oligomeric complex, suggesting that AChR assembly in this system is an efficient process. The rate of AChR assembly is decreased by metabolic inhibitors and by monensin, an ionophore that impairs the Golgi apparatus. We have observed that the gamma- and delta-subunits of AChR are phosphorylated in vivo. The delta-subunit is more highly phosphorylated in the unassembled than in the assembled state, indicating that its phosphorylation precedes assembly and that its dephosphorylation is concomitant with AChR assembly. These findings suggest that subunit assembly occurs in the Golgi apparatus and that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanisms play a role in the control of AChR subunit assembly.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2601-2611
We have used fibroblast clones expressing muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha and gamma, and alpha and delta subunits to measure the kinetics of subunit assembly, and to study the properties of the partially assembled products that are formed. We demonstrate by coimmunoprecipitation that assembly intermediates in fibroblasts coexpressing alpha and delta subunits are formed in a time-dependent manner. The alpha and gamma- and the alpha and delta-producing transfected cells form complexes that, when labeled with 125I-alpha- bungarotoxin, migrate in sucrose gradients at 6.3S, a value consistent with a hetero-dimer structure. An additional peak at 8.5S is formed from the alpha and gamma subunits expressed in fibroblasts suggesting that gamma may have more than one binding site for alpha subunit. The stability and specificity of formation of these partially assembled complexes suggests that they are normal intermediates in the assembly of acetylcholine receptor. Comparison of the binding of 125I-alpha- bungarotoxin to intact and detergent-extracted fibroblasts indicate that essentially all of the binding sites are retained in an intracellular pool. The fibroblast delta subunit has the electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE of a precursor that does not contain complex carbohydrates. In addition, alpha gamma and alpha delta complexes had lectin binding properties expected of subunits lacking complex oligosaccharides. Therefore, fibroblasts coexpressing alpha and gamma or alpha and delta subunits produce discrete assembly intermediates that are retained in an intracellular compartment and are not processed by Golgi enzymes.  相似文献   

We examined interactions between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperones calnexin (CN), ERp57, and immunological heavy chain-binding protein (BiP) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits. The three chaperones rapidly associate with newly synthesized nAChR subunits. Interactions between nAChR subunits and ERp57 occur via transient intermolecular disulfide bonds and do not require subunit N-linked glycosylation. The associations of ERp57 or CN with AChR subunits are long lived and prolong subunit lifetime approximately 10-fold. Coexpression of CN or ERp57 alone does not affect nAChR assembly or trafficking, but together they cause a significant decrease in nAChR expression and assembly. In contrast, associations with BiP are shorter lived and do not alter nAChR expression and assembly. However, a mutated BiP that slows its dissociation significantly increases its associations and decreases nAChR expression and assembly. Our results suggest that interactions with the chaperones regulate the levels of nAChRs assembled in the ER by stabilizing and sequestering subunits during assembly.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentamers formed by subunits from a large multigene family and are highly variable in kinetic, electrophysiological and pharmacological properties. Due to the essential roles of nAChRs in many physiological procedures and diversity in function, identifying the function-related sites specific to each subunit is not only necessary to understand the properties of the receptors but also useful to design potential therapeutic compounds that target these macromolecules for treating a series of central neuronal disorders. By conducting a detailed function divergence analysis on nine neuronal nAChR subunits from representative vertebrate species, we revealed the existence of significant functional variation between most subunit pairs. Specifically, 44 unique residues were identified for the α7 subunit, while another 22 residues that were likely responsible for the specific features of other subunits were detected. By mapping these sites onto the 3?D structure of the human α7 subunit, a structure-function relationship profile was revealed. Our results suggested that the functional divergence related sites clustered in the ligand binding domain, the β2–β3 linker close to the N-terminal α-helix, the intracellular linkers between transmembrane domains, and the “transition zone” may have experienced altered evolutionary rates. The former two regions may be potential binding sites for the α7* subtype-specific allosteric modulators, while the latter region is likely to be subtype-specific allosteric modulations of the heteropentameric descendants such as the α4β2* nAChRs.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The alpha 3, alpha 5, and beta 4 genes (human gene symbols CHRNA3, CHRNA5, and CHRNB4 respectively; mouse gene symbols Acra-3, Acra-5, and Acrb-4, respectively) are members of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene family and are clustered within a 68-kb segment of the rat genome (Boulter et al., 1990, J. Biol. Chem. 265:4472). By somatic cell hybrid analysis, three cDNAs corresponding to these genes were used to map the homologous loci to human chromosome 15 and to mouse chromosome 9. Linkage analysis using CEPH pedigrees showed that the CHRNA5 gene was closely linked to the following chromosome 15 loci: D15S46, D15S52, D15S28, D15S34, and D15S35. Using interspecies crosses in mice, the Acra-5 gene was found closely linked to the Mpi-1 locus. The mapping of these members of a neurotransmitter receptor gene family may facilitate the identification of relationships between the neurotransmitter receptors and murine or human phenotypes.  相似文献   

After a 10 min- or more prolonged incubation of transformed mouse fibroblasts (L.-cells) with [3H]-thymidine or [3H-methyl]-methionine and a subsequent centrifugation of cell lysates in an alkaline sucrose gradient the DNA radioactivity is detected in long (28, 33 and 45S) and short (5, 13 and 18S) fragments. An increase in cell concentration in the cultural layer results in inhibition of 5S fragments linkage rather than in inhibition of their synthesis. The blocking of the Okazaki fragment linkage may be regarded as one of the inhibitory molecular mechanisms of cell depletion. Both in the case of normal and suppressed (by 99%) replication by arabofuranosylcytosine [3H]-thymidine and [3H-5-methyl] cytosine are detected in the Okazaki fragments (5S) as well as in some discrete lower molecular weight fractions (lesser than 5S) of newly synthesized DNA. Thus, replicative methylation of DNA in the fibroblasts occurs in the replicative fork during DNA synthesis and the functioning DNA methylase is an indispensable component of the replicative complex. The methylation of Okazaki fragments is non-chaotic and has a specificity other than that of total DNA. This may be due to the multiplicity and different specificity of nuclear DNA-methylases. Thus, there exist in animal cells replicative and post-replicative methylation of DNA, which may differ in the nature of substrates and enzymes, in specificity of recognizable sequences and in their functional significanse.  相似文献   

We have investigated the topology of the alpha and delta subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from mammalian muscle synthesized in an in vitro translation system supplemented with dog pancreatic microsomes. Fusion proteins were expressed in which a carboxy-terminal fragment of bovine prolactin was attached downstream of each of the major putative transmembrane domains, M1-M4 and MA, in the AChR subunits. The orientation of the prolactin domain relative to the microsomal membrane was then determined for each protein by a proteolysis protection assay. Since the prolactin domain contains no information which either directs or prevents its translocation, its transmembrane orientation depends solely on sequences within the AChR subunit portion of the fusion protein. When subunit-prolactin fusion proteins with the prolactin domain fused after either M2 or M4 were tested, prolactin-immunoreactive peptides that were larger than the prolactin domain itself were recovered. No prolactin-immunoreactive peptides were recovered after proteolysis of fusion proteins containing prolactin fused after M1, M3, or MA. These results support a model of AChR subunit topology in which M1-M4, but not MA, are transmembrane domains and the carboxy terminus is extracellular.  相似文献   

Labeling of the BC3H1 muscle-like cell line with [3H] palmitate, followed by immunoprecipitation of the acetylcholine receptor, indicated that the alpha and beta subunits of the receptor contain covalently bound fatty acid. After acid hydrolysis, fatty acid methyl esters could be recovered from the isolated [3H]palmitate-labeled alpha subunit. Treatment of differentiated BC3H1 cells with cerulenin, an inhibitor of fatty acid and sterol synthesis and fatty acid acylation of proteins, resulted in a 50% inhibition in expression of the acetylcholine receptor on the cell surface under conditions where there was minimal inhibition of protein synthesis. We conclude that this previously undetected post-translational modification may play a role in assembly and/or surface expression of the acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

J Ngai  T R Coleman  E Lazarides 《Cell》1990,60(3):415-427
We have assessed the mechanism of intermediate filament assembly by assaying the sites of incorporation of chicken vimentin subunits expressed under the control of an inducible promoter in transfected mouse fibroblasts. The localization of newly synthesized vimentin was determined by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy at short time periods of induced synthesis, using antibodies specific for chicken vimentin. Under conditions where neither the soluble subunit pools nor the steady-state distribution of endogenous filaments are affected, newly synthesized vimentin incorporates into the vimentin filament network at numerous and discrete sites throughout the cell. Over time, the pattern of newly assembled vimentin converts to a continuous array coincident with preexisting vimentin filaments. These results are consistent with a novel mechanism of intermediate filament assembly, whereby growth of intermediate filaments occurs by topographically restricted and localized subunit addition, necessitating a transient disruption of filament integrity.  相似文献   

Chronic low-frequency stimulation has been used as a model for investigating responses of skeletal muscle fibres to enhanced neuromuscular activity under conditions of maximum activation. Fast-to-slow isoform shifting of markers of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the contractile apparatus demonstrated successful fibre transitions prior to studying the effect of chronic electro-stimulation on the expression of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Comparative immunoblotting revealed that the alpha- and delta-subunits of the receptor were increased in 10-78 day stimulated specimens, while an associated component of the surface utrophin-glycoprotein complex, beta-dystroglycan, was not drastically changed in stimulated fast skeletal muscle. Previous studies have shown that electro-stimulation induces degeneration of fast glycolytic fibres, trans-differentiation leading to fast-to-slow fibre transitions and activation of muscle precursor cells. In analogy, our results indicate a molecular modification of the central functional unit of the post-synaptic muscle surface within existing neuromuscular junctions and/or during remodelling of nerve-muscle contacts.  相似文献   

Steroid receptor antagonists are important biochemical probes for understanding the mode of steroid hormone action. We have studied the interaction between rat liver glucocorticoid receptor and a newly synthesized antisteroid ZK98299 (13-antigestagen; [11-beta-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-17a-hydroxy-17 beta-(3- hydroxypropyl)-13 alpha-methyl-4,9-gonadien-3-one]). Glucocorticoid receptor from freshly prepared hepatic cytosol bound [3H]ZK98299 with affinity approximately equal to that of [3H]triamcinolone acetonide. The binding of both steroids reached a maximum at 4 h at 0 degrees C. Both ligands were able to compete for the steroid binding site but progesterone, estradiol and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) failed to compete for the [3H]ZK98299 and [3H]triamcinolone acetonide binding. While [3H]ZK98299 binding to glucocorticoid receptor could occur in the presence of iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), [3H]triamcinolone acetonide binding capacity was completely abolished following such treatments. The [3H]ZK98299-receptor complexes sedimented as 9 S and 4 S molecules under control (4 degrees C) and receptor transforming (23 degrees C) conditions, and exhibited a faster rate of dissociation at 23 degrees C when compared with [3H]triamcinolone acetonide-receptor complexes. These results indicate that ZK98299 interacts with hepatic glucocorticoid receptor. The differential effects of iodoacetamide and NEM on the interaction of glucocorticoid receptor with ZK98299 and triamcinolone acetonide, and the faster rate of dissociation of [3H]ZK98299-receptor complexes suggest that treatment with these agents (NEM and iodoacetamide) results in distinct conformational changes in glucocorticoid receptor structure with respect to triamcinolone acetonide and ZK98299 binding. Alternatively, ZK98299 may be interacting with a site which is distinct from one which accepts triamcinolone acetonide.  相似文献   

Yeast expression vectors were constructed containing complementary DNA encoding the alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-subunits of the Torpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor under the control of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase promoter. All four plasmids were integrated into the yeast genome of a single yeast cell. The resulting yeast strain synthesized polypeptides novel to yeast that had the molecular weights and antigenic properties similar to the authentic T. californica receptor alpha-, gamma, and delta-subunits. The beta-subunit polypeptide could not be detected in this yeast strain, even though the poly(A)+ RNA from this strain contained all the information necessary for the expression of functional acetylcholine receptors in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The replacement of the beta-subunit mRNA 5'-untranslated leader and its N-terminal signal sequence by the corresponding alpha-subunit sequences, however, resulted in the expression of the beta-subunit polypeptide in yeast grown at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

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