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Progeny: sperm ratios (P/S) were determined from crosses ofSD/cn bw males ofDrosophila melanogaster with females of eight different genotypes. Thek value was about 1.0. P/S ratios of 0.88, 0.81, and 0.76, respectively, were observed from crosses with females of three genotypes, and ratios in the 0.3–0.4 range from five. These results support the suggestion ofZimmering & Fowler (1968) that P/S ratios may vary widely and depend at least in part on the genotype of the female. Morcover, since P/S ratios of 0.9 may be observed whenk is about 1.0, it follows that the vast majority of sperm stored in these females areSD.Supported by NSF grant GB 8565.NSF Undergraduate Research Participant.  相似文献   

Recently published evidence based on cytological staining indicates that sperm die rapidly after being stored in female Drosophila melanogaster. However, measuring sperm death in this way has a potential artifact: the death of sperm owing to the extraction, mounting, and staining of sperm. Here we use a protocol that bypasses all of these potential extraneous mortality factors to test the hypothesis that there is high mortality of stored sperm in D. melanogaster. Contrary to the findings from cytological staining, our data indicates that mortality of stored sperm is quite low.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, long sperm are favoured in sperm competition based on the length of the female's primary sperm storage organ, the seminal receptacle (SR). This sperm–SR interaction, together with a genetic correlation between the traits, suggests that the coevolution of exaggerated sperm and SR lengths may be driven by Fisherian runaway selection. Here, we explore the costs and benefits of long sperm and SR genotypes, both in the sex that carries them and in the sex that does not. We measured male and female fitness in inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster derived from four populations previously selected for long sperm, short sperm, long SRs or short SRs. We specifically asked: What are the costs and benefits of long sperm in males and long SRs in females? Furthermore, do genotypes that generate long sperm in males or long SRs in females impose a fitness cost on the opposite sex? Answers to these questions will address whether long sperm are an honest indicator of male fitness, male post‐copulatory success is associated with male precopulatory success, female choice benefits females or is costly, and intragenomic conflict could influence evolution of these traits. We found that both sexes have increased longevity in long sperm and long SR genotypes. Males, but not females, from long SR lines had higher fecundity. Our results suggest that sperm–SR coevolution is facilitated by both increased viability and indirect benefits of long sperm and SRs in both sexes.  相似文献   

Single mating productivities (used as estimates of the relative number of sperm transferred) are highly correlated with several parameters used to quantify sperm competition in D. melanogster. Matings that result in the transferal of large numbers of sperm are associated with longer delay of female remating than are matings that transfer fewer sperm. Males that transfer larger numbers of sperm also suffer a smaller proportional reduction in reproductive success (smaller COST) than males transferring fewer sperm. The number of sperm transferred by a female's second mate is not related to the COST to the first male. However, there is a high positive correlation between the number of sperm transferred by the second male and P2 (the proportion of second male progeny following female remating). Thus, large sperm numbers apparently increase the reproductive success of males whether they mate with virgin or non-virgin females. Because female receptivity mediates these events, there is no need to invoke sperm displacement to explain the reproductive outcome of female remating.The timing of female remating is evaluated in terms of a receptivity-threshold model. This model suggests that female receptivity returns when some small, relatively constant, number of sperm remain in storage.  相似文献   

Contrary to early predictions of sperm competition theory, postcopulatory sexual selection favoring increased investment per sperm (e.g., sperm size, sperm quality) has been demonstrated in numerous organisms. We empirically demonstrate for Drosophila melanogaster that both sperm quality and sperm quantity independently contribute to competitive male fertilization success. In addition to these independent effects, there was a significant interaction between sperm quality and quantity that suggests an internal positive reinforcement on selection for sperm quality, with selection predicted to intensify as investment per sperm increases and the number of sperm competing declines. The mechanism underlying the sperm quality advantage is elucidated through examination of the relationship between female sperm-storage organ morphology and the differential organization of different length sperm within the organ. Our results exemplify that primary sex cells can bear secondary sexual straits.  相似文献   

The DNA content of sperm of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
Karyotypes are described of diploid and tetraploid R. ficaria with particular reference to the variation in structure and size of their SAT-chromosomes. In four wild populations of tetraploid R. ficaria an excessive enlargement of the satellite region is present on the short arm of one of the four SAT-chromosomes and is described in detail. The unusual and irregular behaviour of this body in the form of bridges and fragments at mitotic anaphase is outlined and an attempt is made to explain it in terms of delayed or incomplete replication in heterochromatic segments. The whole process is discussed with reference to allocycly, subchromatids, a breakage fusion cycle, and B-chromosomes  相似文献   

Representatives of five allozymic classes of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase have been compared with respect to their activity levels on two alcohol substrates, quantities of ADH protein, and stability in crude extracts. Within each allozymic class, strains from widely diverse geographic locations differ in their enzyme activity levels but are identical for a measure known as "activity ratio," which is obtained by dividing the average activity reading on isopropanol by that obtained with ethanol. They are also similar in the rate at which ADH activity declines in crude extracts held at 25 degrees C. For several of the fast-resistant and fast-moderate strains, differences in ADH activity are associated with differences in the amount of enzyme present. The catalytic efficiencies of the fast-resistant forms are considerably lower than those of the fast-moderate allozymes. The origin and persistence of the rare but ubiquitous fast-resistant allozyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Mother-offspring data for alcohol dehydrogenase genotypes of a vineyard cellar population of D. melanogaster are best explained by a model that allows 21% of females in the population to mate twice with an 83% level of sperm displacement. A population model with multiple mating and sperm displacement is examined theoretically. A formula for the effective population size is derived under this model. Multiple mating increases the effective population size relative to single mating.  相似文献   

In animals with internal fertilization, ovulation and female sperm storage are essential steps in reproduction. While these events are often required for successful fertilization, they remain poorly understood at the developmental and molecular levels in many species. Ovulation involves the regulated release of oocytes from the ovary. Female sperm storage consists of the movement of sperm into, maintenance within, and release from specific regions of the female reproductive tract. Both ovulation and sperm storage elicit important changes in gametes: in oocytes, ovulation can trigger changes in the egg envelopes and the resumption of meiosis; for sperm, storage is a step in their transition from being "movers" to "fertilizers." Ovulation and sperm storage both consist of timed and directed cell movements within a morphologically and chemically complex environment (the female reproductive tract), culminating with gamete fusion. We review the processes of ovulation and sperm storage for Drosophila melanogaster, whose requirements for gamete maturation and sperm storage as well as powerful molecular genetics make it an excellent model organism for study of these processes. Within the female D. melanogaster, both processes are triggered by male factors during and after mating, including sperm and seminal fluid proteins. Therefore, an interplay of male and female factors coordinates the gametes for fertilization.  相似文献   

A male-sterile mutant, ms(1)7, of Drosophila melanogaster is defective in post-ejaculatory sperm function. The mutant gene is located at one of at least five male fertility loci in 18F through section 20 of the polytene X-chromosome. It is proposed that the ms(1)7+ gene product modifies a component of the sperm head. A nearby gene may be functionally related to ms(1)7+.  相似文献   

The period of initial sperm storage and use by Drosophila melanogaster females is examined for effects of the seminal fluid enzyme esterase 6. Females mated to males differing in their level of esterase 6 activity were dissected from 5 min to 50 hr after the start of copulation and numbers of sperm contained in the uterus, ventral receptacle and paired spermathecae were counted. Of the 4000–6000 sperm transferred at copulation, about 700 are stored in the receptacle by 4 hr post mating and 400 in the spermathecae by 7 hr. However, sperm are released rapidly from storage organs following these peaks and may be found again in the uterus in numbers up to 100 or more. The rate of sperm release is closely related to the level of esterase 6 activity, suggesting that this seminal fluid enzyme is involved in sperm motility.  相似文献   

Sperm viability has been associated with the degree of promiscuity across species, as well as the degree of reproductive success within species. Thus, sperm survival within the female reproductive tract likely plays a key role in how mating systems evolve. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, however, the extent and cause of sperm death has been the subject of recent debate. Here, we assess sperm death within the female reproductive tract of D. melanogaster following single and multiple matings in order to elucidate the extent of death and its potential mechanisms, including an acute female response to mating, female age and/or sperm senescence. We found no evidence that sperm viability was influenced by an acute female response or female age. We also found that rival ejaculates did not influence viability, supporting recent work in the system. Instead, the majority of death appears to be due to the aging of male gametes within the female, and that at least some dead resident sperm remain in the female after multiple mating. In contrast to earlier in vivo work, we found that overall sperm death was minimal (8.7%), indicating viability should have a negligible influence on female remating rates.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We have investigated the effects of experimental manipulation of copulation duration on sperm displacement in Drosophila melanogaster . Both spermless and normal males were used as second (displacing) males in the experiments. Displacement induced in the absence of sperm, that is, by males that pass accessory gland fluid alone, was a relatively inefficient process and produced much lower levels of displacement than normal males. Therefore, the presence of second-male sperm is necessary (but unlikely sufficient) for the high levels of displacement commonly observed in D. melanogaster . Furthermore, when second matings were interrupted at various times after the initiation of copulation, the distribution of displacement was strongly bimodal. We conclude that sperm transfer is relatively rapid, beginning shortly after the initiation of copulation, and is essentially complete before the midpoint of copulation. Therefore, sperm transfer bears no simple relation to copulation duration. Because it would be difficult to manipulate the numbers of sperm transferred by manipulating copulation duration, methods used to study sperm displacement in other insect species are unlikely to be appropriate for D. melanogaster . We also investigated why males mate for more than twice the duration that appears to be necessary to complete sperm transfer. Experimental interruption of first matings indicated that the extra copulation time serves to delay female remating, rather than to increase that rate at which of offspring are sired before remating.  相似文献   

Length of the sperm flagellum and of the female's primary sperm-storage organ, the seminal receptacle (SR), exhibit a pattern of rapid correlated evolution in Drosophila and other lineages. Experimental evolution studies with Drosophila melanogaster indicate that these traits have coevolved through sexual selection, with length of the SR representing the proximal basis of female sire discrimination, biasing paternity according to sperm length. Here, we examine the impact of experimentally varying the developmental environment, including larval density and larval and adult nutrition, on sperm length, SR length and on the pattern of sperm precedence. Expression of SR length was far more sensitive to variation among developmental environments than was sperm length. Nevertheless, there was striking co-variation in sperm and SR length. The developmental environment of both females and second males, but not first males, significantly contributed to variation in male competitive fertilization success.  相似文献   

Dietary fatty acids can accumulate in sperm and affect their function in vertebrates. As Drosophila melanogaster shares several pathways of lipid metabolism and shows similar lipid‐dependent phenotypes but lacks some hormones that in vertebrates regulate lipid metabolism, there is currently no clear prediction as to how dietary fatty acids affect the sperm of D. melanogaster. We manipulated the amount and identity of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the food of D. melanogaster males (a treatment known to affect membrane fluidity) and measured changes in sperm parameters. We found that (a) males reared on food containing PUFA‐rich, plant‐derived lipids showed a slower increase in sperm volume over male age compared to males reared on yeast‐derived lipid food which is richer in saturated fatty acids. (b) The resistance of sperm membrane integrity to osmotic stress was not altered by dietary lipid treatment, but (c) food containing yeast‐derived lipids induced a 46% higher in situ rate of production of reactive oxygen species in sperm cells. These findings show that dietary lipids have similar effects on sperm parameters in Drosophila as in vertebrates, affect some, but not all, sperm parameters and modulate male reproductive ageing. In concert with recent findings of sex‐specific seasonal variation of diet choice in the wild, our results suggest a substantial dietary impact on the dynamics of male reproduction in the wild.  相似文献   

We have purified to homogeneity a Drosophila protein which is able to decondense Xenopus sperm chromatin. This protein, which we have called DF 31, is a heat-stable phosphoprotein which displays a molecular weight of 31 kDa on SDS-PAGE, but which has an apparent molecular weight of > 200 kDa on gel filtration. We show that DF 31 decondenses sperm DNA by displacement of sperm-specific proteins. In addition to its sperm decondensation activity, DF 31 is also able to facilitate nucleosome loading on both decondensed sperm DNA and on naked DNA template. The reaction as catalysed by DF 31 is quite efficient; however, the nucleosomes appear to be loaded randomly onto the DNA, not in regular arrays. Although the mechanism by which DF 31 aids nucleosome loading is not yet clear, it most probably occurs through binding of DF 31 to core histones.  相似文献   

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