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M13B1 vector based on the filamentous phage M13 has been constructed. M13B1 phage carries the gene of resistance to ampicillin and contains the unique site of recognition for BamHI restriction endonuclease in gene VIII coding for the major coat protein. BamHI restriction site has been inserted into the gene of the major coat protein by means of oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis. The synthetic DNA fragment coding for the model peptides has been inserted through BamHI site into the M13B1 DNA. The possibility of inserting foreign peptides into the N-terminus at maintaining the viability of hybrid phages has been shown. The differences in specificity of the recombinant phage maturation have been determined by analysing the amino acid sequence of B-protein.  相似文献   

Crystals of alkaline phosphatase (EC; Mr 94,000) grown at pH 9.5 from 2.25 m-(NH4)2SO4 with 5 × 10?5 m-Zn and 10?2 m-Mg present were analyzed by X-ray diffraction at pH 7.5 in 2.66 m-(NH4)2SO4 with 10?2 m-Zn and 10?2 m-Mg present. The crystals are orthorhombic with a = 195.5 A?, b = 168.3 A?and c = 76.33 A?, and the space group is I222. X-ray phases were determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement and anomalous dispersion method using K2PtCl4, KAu(CN)2 and K2OsO4 derivatives. The electron density maps and analysis of metal binding sites reveal one molecule per asymmetric unit with an internal, non-crystallographic, 2-fold rotation axis relating the subunits. Each subunit contains a major αβ domain with a seven-stranded β-sheet flanked by helices. The sheets are roughly coplanar but the general direction of the strands in each is at 20 ° to the rotation axis and thus 40 ° from each other. The helical content of the αβ domain is approximately 27% of the 459 residues in the monomer and the β content is approximately 7%. The chains in a smaller domain are more convoluted and less easily characterized than in the αβ domain. In both there is extensive monomer-monomer contact.Removal of the zinc and magnesium from the parent crystal produces a stable apoenzyme crystal and addition of cobalt at 10?2 m or cadmium at 10?2 or 5 × 10?2 m reveals seven metal binding sites per dimer. The active centers are 32 Å apart and each is shown by anomalous dispersion data to contain two metal binding sites, A and B. The cadmium derivative refinement determined the A-B separation to be 4.9 Å. Comparison of the parent and apo structures by means of difference maps reveals the double metal site with Zn at A and probably Mg at B. A prominent, partially resolved peak centered 7 Å away is interpreted as a stabilization of the backbone in this position by the metal ion co-ordination to a side-chain. Several negative peaks within 10 Å of the metals indicate local differences between apo and native structures but no significant differences are seen in the other parts of the molecule. At 5 × 10?2 m-Cd two metal sites (D and D′) are found 25.5 Å from the active center, on the surface of the minor domain. They are related to each other by the molecular 2-fold axis with a D-D′ distance of 25 Å. The seventh Cd site, E, is 20 Å from the active center, on the major domain, near a crystalline contact region, and devoid of any molecular symmetry mate.The apparent dissociation constants for cadmium at the A, B and D sites (and A′, B′, D′) are 3 × 10?3 m, 1.5 × 10?1 m and 1.3 × 10?2 m, respectively. Thus in these conditions cadmium is seen to distribute between A and B sites when the combined stoichiometry is two metal ions per dimer.  相似文献   

Phage display is achieved by fusing polypeptide libraries to phage coat proteins. The resulting phage particles display the polypeptides on their surfaces and they also contain the encoding DNA. Library members with particular functions can be isolated with simple selections and polypeptide sequences can be decoded from the encapsulated DNA. The technology's success depends on the efficiency with which polypeptides can be displayed on the phage surface, and significant progress has been made in engineering M13 bacteriophage coat proteins as improved phage display platforms. Functional display has been achieved with all five M13 coat proteins, with both N- and C-terminal fusions. Also, coat protein mutants have been designed and selected to improve the efficiency of heterologous protein display, and in the extreme case, completely artificial coat proteins have been evolved specifically as display platforms. These studies demonstrate that the M13 phage coat is extremely malleable, and this property can be used to engineer the phage particle specifically for phage display. These improvements expand the utility of phage display as a powerful tool in modern biotechnology.  相似文献   

Phage X-2, a filamentous rod about 950 nm in length, was isolated from sewage as plating on strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium or Serratia marcescens carrying either the IncX plasmid R6K, or the unique plasmid R775. Phage X-2 differs morphologically from a previously described very broad host range filamentous phage X which also lyses plasmid R6K-carrying strains and the phages differ in their resistance to inactivation by diethyl ether. Phage X-2 is serologically unrelated to phage X and the X-like phages IKe and I2-2. The adsorption site of the phage on the plasmid-bearing strains could not be determined but evidence implicating conjugative pili is presented.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - The limited ability of ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated E. coli cells to W-reactivate UV-irradiated, single-stranded DNA phages fd and M13 was investigated. The...  相似文献   

Summary The limited ability of ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated E. coli cells to W-reactivate UV-irradiated, single-stranded DNA phages fd and M13 was investigated. The kinetics of induction for W-reactivation of UV-irradiated fd phage are different from that for other SOS functions. W-reactivation of UV-irradiated M13 phage was studied using phage particles that contain at least two single-stranded DNA genomes. No effect on the extent of W-reactivation of diploid phage was observed, compared to that of normal haploid phage, indicating that the mechanism of W-reactivation of single-stranded DNA phages does not involve recombination between partially replicated genomes.  相似文献   

Singlet oxygen-induced mutations in M13 lacZ phage DNA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The mutagenic consequences of damages to M13 mp19 RF DNA produced by singlet oxygen have been determined in a forward mutational system capable of detecting all classes of mutagenic events. When the damaged M13 mp19 RF DNA is used to transfect competent E. coli JM105 cells, a 16.6-fold increase in mutation frequency is observed at 5% survivors when measured as a loss of alpha-complementation. The enhanced mutagenicity is largely due to single-nucleotide substitutions, frameshift events and double-mutations. The single-nucleotide substitutions occur in the regulatory and in the structural part of the lacZ gene under the predominant form of a G:C to T:A transversion. The spectrum of mutations detected among the M13 lacZ phages surviving the singlet oxygen treatment is totally different from those appearing spontaneously. SOS induction mediated through u.v.-irradiation of bacteria leads to an increase of the mutation frequency in the M13 surviving to the singlet oxygen treatment. The mutation spectrum in this case is a mixture between those observed with the spontaneous mutants and the mutants induced by singlet oxygen. Lesions introduced in the M13 mp19 RF DNA can be partly repaired by the enzymatic machinery of the bacteria. It turns out that excision-repair and SOS repair are probably involved in the removal of these lesions by singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

Two family 11 endoxylanases (EC were functionally displayed on the surface of bacteriophage M13. The genes encoding endo-1,4-xylanase I from Aspergillus niger (ExlA) and endo-1,4-xylanase A from Bacillus subtilis (XynA) were fused to the gene encoding the minor coat protein g3p in phagemid vector pHOS31. Phage rescue resulted in functional monovalent display of the enzymes as was demonstrated by three independent tests. Firstly, purified recombinant phage particles showed a clear hydrolytic activity in an activity assay based on insoluble, chromagenic arabinoxylan substrate. Secondly, specific binding of endoxylanase displaying phages to immobilized endoxylanase inhibitors was demonstrated by interaction ELISA. Finally, two rounds of selection and amplification in a biopanning procedure against immobilized endoxylanase inhibitor were performed. Phages displaying endoxylanases were strongly enriched from background phages displaying unrelated proteins. These results open perspectives to use phage display for analysing protein-protein interactions at the interface between endoxylanases and their inhibitors. In addition, this technology should enable engineering of endoxylanases into novel variants with altered binding properties towards endoxylanase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Rapid identification of M13 phage deletions for sequence analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R G Oshima 《BioTechniques》1988,6(6):510-511

We report a detailed comparison between calculations of inter-filament interactions based on Monte-Carlo simulations and experimental features of lateral aggregation of bacteriophages fd and M13 induced by a number of divalent metal ions. The general findings are consistent with the polyelectrolyte nature of the virus filaments and confirm that the solution electrostatics account for most of the experimental features observed. One particularly interesting discovery is resolubilization for bundles of either fd or M13 viruses when the concentration of the bundle-inducing metal ion Mg(2+) or Ca(2+) is increased to large (>100 mM) values. In the range of Mg(2+) or Ca(2+) concentrations where large bundles of the virus filaments are formed, the optimal attractive interaction energy between the virus filaments is estimated to be on the order of 0.01 kT per net charge on the virus surface when a recent analytical prediction to the experimentally defined conditions of resolubilization is applied. We also observed qualitatively distinct behavior between the alkali-earth metal ions and the divalent transition metal ions in their action on the charged viruses. The understanding of metal ions-induced reversible aggregation based on solution electrostatics may lead to potential applications in molecular biology and medicine.  相似文献   

Transitory recombination between plasmid pHV33 and phage M13   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Plasmid pHV33 and phage M13 which have no homology exceeding 13 bp, combine in Escherichia coli cells. The chimeric genome is encapsidated in phage proteins and injected into a recipient cell, where it decombines to regenerate the two parental genomes. We call this combination-decombination process 'transitory recombination'.  相似文献   

Conjugation is the main mode of horizontal gene transfer that spreads antibiotic resistance among bacteria. Strategies for inhibiting conjugation may be useful for preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics and preventing the emergence of bacterial strains with multiple resistances. Filamentous bacteriophages were first observed to inhibit conjugation several decades ago. Here we investigate the mechanism of inhibition and find that the primary effect on conjugation is occlusion of the conjugative pilus by phage particles. This interaction is mediated primarily by phage coat protein g3p, and exogenous addition of the soluble fragment of g3p inhibited conjugation at low nanomolar concentrations. Our data are quantitatively consistent with a simple model in which association between the pili and phage particles or g3p prevents transmission of an F plasmid encoding tetracycline resistance. We also observe a decrease in the donor ability of infected cells, which is quantitatively consistent with a reduction in pili elaboration. Since many antibiotic-resistance factors confer susceptibility to phage infection through expression of conjugative pili (the receptor for filamentous phage), these results suggest that phage may be a source of soluble proteins that slow the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.  相似文献   

When they infect Escherichia coli cells, the filamentous phages IF1 and fd first interact with a pilus and then target TolA as their common receptor. They use the domains N2 and N1 of their gene-3-proteins (G3P) for these interactions but differ in the mechanism of infection. In G3P of phage IF1, N1 and N2 are independent modules that are permanently binding-active. G3P of phage fd is usually in a closed state in which N1 and N2 are tightly associated. The TolA binding site is thus inaccessible and the phage incompetent for infection. Partial unfolding and prolyl isomerization must occur to abolish the domain interactions and expose the TolA binding site. This complex mechanism of phage fd could be changed to the simple infection mechanism of phage IF1 by reprogramming its G3P following physicochemical rules of protein stability. The redesigned phage fd was robust and as infectious as wild-type phage fd.  相似文献   

Filamentous bacteriophage (Inovirus) is a simple and well-characterized model system. The phage particle, or virion, is about 60 angstroms in diameter and several thousand angstrom units long. The virions are assembled at the bacterial membrane as they extrude out of the host without killing it, an example of specific transport of nucleoprotein assemblages across membranes. The Ff group (fd, f1 and M13) has been especially widely studied. Models of virion assembly have been proposed based on a molecular model of the fd virion derived by X-ray fibre diffraction. A somewhat different model of the fd virion using solid-state NMR data has been proposed, not consistent with these models of assembly nor with the X-ray diffraction data. Here we show that reinterpreted NMR data are also consistent with the model derived from X-ray fibre diffraction studies, and discuss models of virion assembly.  相似文献   

Summary The survival of M13 DNA was studied after partial replacement of thymine by uracil in the bacteriophage. Uracils carry the same genetic information as the thymines. Nevertheless in Escherichia coli wild-type cells, uracils in DNA are replaced by thymines by excision repair initiated by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG). Thus inactivation of uracil-containing phage DNA is solely due to repair initiated by UDG. Incorporation of uracils was achieved in one or in both strands, either randomly or site-specifically using differently uracylated oligonucleotides. The results show that up to 580 uracils can be repaired without a significant decrease in survival if the uracils are localized in the (–) strand only. Incorporation of 246 uracils into the (+) strand leads to 30% or 10% survival when expressed in Escherichia coli strains CMK and JM103, respectively. However, when uracils are distributed over both strands a sharp decrease in survival occurs. This shows that the repair of two uracils localized in close proximity on opposite strands of the DNA by the excision repair mechanism is difficult, whereas uracils occurring in one strand are repaired more efficiently, irrespective of their number.  相似文献   

Phage display is a commonly used selection technique in protein engineering, but not all proteins can be expressed on phage. Here, we describe the expression of a cytoplasmic homodimeric enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase (DHPS) on M13 phage, established by protein engineering of DHPS. The strategy included replacement of cysteine residues and screening for periplasmic expression followed by random mutagenesis and phage display selection with a conformation-specific anti-DHPS antibody. Cysteine replacement alone resulted in a 12-fold improvement in phage display of DHPS, but after random mutagenesis and three rounds of phage display selection, phage display efficiency of the library had improved 280-fold. Most of the selected clones had a common Asp96Asn mutation that was largely responsible for the efficient phage display of DHPS. Asp96Asn affected synergistically with the cysteine replacing mutations that were needed to remove the denaturing effect of potential wrong disulfide bridging in phage display. Asp96Asn alone resulted in a 1.8-fold improvement in phage display efficiency, but in combination with the cysteine replacing mutations, a total of 130-fold improvement in phage display efficiency of DHPS was achieved.  相似文献   

K Dixon  S W Barnett  C K Lau  P C Stacks 《Gene》1982,18(1):97-100
The six HindIII restriction fragments of the simian virus 40 (SV40) genome were cloned into the bacteriophage M13mp5 vector to generate strand-specific hybridization probes.  相似文献   

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