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可持续发展理论与我国海洋生物资源的开发利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国海洋生物资源极为丰富,种类繁多,是我国海洋经济发展的物质基础,近20年来沿海经济发展引起环境污染和环境变化,影响海洋生物资源的可持续利用,从可持续发展的角度探讨了海洋生物资源的开发利用和资源保护问题。  相似文献   

正实验室简介:“国家海洋局海洋生物遗传资源重点实验室”是我国第一个从事海洋生物基因工程研究的实验室。该实验室创建于1991年,依托于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。2005年,实验室被科技部批准为厦门市和科技部共建的国家重点实验室培育基地,主要围绕深海微生物多样性与深海生物资源开发利用,海洋生物病毒及宿主相互作用等方面开展研究。鉴于海底生物资源的巨大开发潜力,2002年中国大洋矿产资源协会与海洋三  相似文献   

我国海洋资源十分丰富,海洋生物制药开发利用前景广阔。该文通过文献研究法列举了我国海洋生物制药产业目前在研发与利用方面所取得的成果,分析了我国当前在海洋生物制药发展存在的问题,提出了从人才、技术、环境等方面进一步发展我国海洋生物制药产业的相关策略。  相似文献   

海洋占地球表面的71%,海洋中蕴藏着丰富的生物资源,栖息有数千万种各类动植物。然而,由于浩瀚的海水的阻隔,几千年来,人类对海洋中的生物除了进行大量的捕捞以外,在研究和开发上一直处在比较落后的状态,还有许多空白有待于人们去探索和了解,当前,生物技术迅速发展,引用生物高技术来开发海洋生物资源已成为各国经济发展的战略重点之一。美国,法国、丹麦,日本等国家纷纷成立了海洋生物技术研究中心,其它国家也都制定了各自的发展战略和对策,大量增加研究经费以鼓励海洋生物技术的研究。我国是海洋大国,渔场面积约22亿亩,占世界浅海渔场面积的四分之一,然而近年来,由于污染和过度捕捞,沿海渔业资源已接近枯竭,因此,如何发展海洋生物技术,如何用高新技术来开发和利用海洋生物资源,把传统的海洋养殖业转到用高新技术指导的现代养殖业上来已成为当前急待解决的重大课题。本文将从以下三个方面对海洋生物技术的研究现状,问题和展望作一些概述。  相似文献   

国外海洋生物技术发展概况陈来成(中国科学技术信息研究所)一、引言浩瀚的海洋是地球上的生命的摇蓝。它覆盖地球表面积的71%,尚未被利用的海洋与海岸的有效面积比陆地大5-10倍。海水含有生命生长和繁殖所必需的丰富无机物。海洋生物资源丰富,种类繁多(约达16万种)。它们不仅能充分利用太阳能进行光合作用,还有大量未被开发利用的生物(据估计,已被开发利用仅占1%)。  相似文献   

中国外来海洋生物及其影响   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
梁玉波  王斌 《生物多样性》2001,9(4):458-465
到目前为止,我国已从国外引进了鱼类10种、虾类2种、贝类9种、棘皮动物1种、藻类4种进行海水养殖;引进了抗盐植物2种进行盐碱地栽培;海洋水族馆业的发展,引进了数百种观赏性海洋生物;航运业中的船体附着及压舱水排放,无意中带入了几百种外来海洋生物。首先,外来海洋入侵生物与土著海洋生物争夺生存空间与食物,危害我国土著海洋生物的生存。其次,海洋外来生物通过与亲缘关系接近的物种进行杂交,降低我国海洋土著生物的遗传质量,造成遗传污染。再次,外来海洋生物可能带来病原生物,对海洋生态环境造成巨大的危害。此外,近些年来,我国沿海赤潮越来越严重,其重要原因之一是外来生存能力较强的赤潮生物的危害。  相似文献   

氨基酸生产和海洋生物的氨基酸资源开发   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
氨基酸在医药、食品、饲料等领域有着极为重要和广泛的用途,世界上氨基酸总需求量以5~10%递增,市场竞争十分激烈。生物资源提取、化学合成、生物合成和综合法是生产氨基酸的4种技术,目前的发展趋势为生物合成和综合法,特别是将现代生物工程技术应用于氨基酸生产。另外,氨基酸生产领域另一个新的倾向是海洋生物氨基酸资源的开发和应用,尤其是海洋生物所产生的特殊氨基酸、肽及其衍生物的开发,同时,综合利用海产品加工后的废弃物来生产氨基酸也受到重视。  相似文献   

朱作言  相建海 《遗传》2006,28(7):912-912
成立于1987年的中国科学院实验海洋生物学重点实验室是我国较早开展海洋科学方面的重点实验室,也是我国海洋生物技术与开发的重要基地。实验室围绕国家战略需求和国际海洋学科的前沿,瞄准我国海洋生物资源可持续利用的重大基础理论问题,针对制约我国海水增养殖发展和海洋天然产物开发利用的一系列“瓶颈”因素,开展相关的基础研究以及高新技术探索,为我国海洋经济和社会可持续发展提供科学依据和源头创新。  相似文献   

专家论海洋生物基因资源的研究与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦松  丁玲 《生物学杂志》2006,23(1):1-4,16
21世纪是海洋的世纪,海洋生物基因资源的研究与利用,是海洋生物资源可持续利用的核心。在225次香山科学会议“海洋生物基因资源的研究与利用”上,专家围绕海水养殖核心种质基因组学、海洋极端环境基因资源、水生生物基因资源的应用等关键问题,进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

海洋生物资源开发研究概况与展望   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
对各类主要的海洋生物资源开发研究作了简洁概述,从海洋生物体内获取的各种活性物质,除可研究海洋药物外,还可开发海洋生物功能性保健品,海洋生物化工产品等;此外,尚可利用其特异的化学结构作为先导物,设计合成治疗疑难病的创新药物。可以预言,21世纪将是人类研究、开发、利用海洋生物资源的黄金时代  相似文献   

生物资源与水资源、土地资源、矿产资源、能源资源和气候资源等都是人类赖以生存与发展的最为重要的物质基础,其中生物资源主要包括生物遗传资源、生物质资源和生物信息资源三大类型。生物资源学是现代生命科学、资源科学和工程科学等相关领域交叉和衍生出的新兴学科,已在国内外部分高校作为新专业进行开设。《生物资源学导论》是在高等教育出版社和中国生物工程学会生物资源专委会的倡议与指导下完成的国内首部生物资源系列教材,在出版后的两年多时间内,已在国内部分高等院校的课程建设中得到使用。本文简要地综述了《生物资源学导论》教材的二次开发与利用和新形态教材的建设与应用,以及《生物资源学》课程建设的基本情况,以期为我国生物资源学学科教育事业的发展尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

中国是海兽大国,共有46种海兽在中国水域有分布,包括鲸类38种(Cetartiodactyla, Cetacea),海牛目儒艮科(Sirenia, Dugongidae)1种,食肉目鳍足类(Carnivora, Pinnipedia)5种和水獭亚科(Lutrinae)2种。从20世纪20年代开始,中国科学家围绕中国水域海兽的生物学与保护,通过多学科手段开展了一系列研究,特别是在白暨豚(Lipotes vexillifer)、江豚(Neophocaena spp.)和中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)的生态学与保护、鲸类次生性水生适应的演化历史与适应机制、种群遗传多样性等方面,取得了一系列重要的创新进展,不仅促进了对中国海兽的认识,也推动中国海兽的保护工作取得成效。本文从海兽多样性、生态与保护生物学、形态与解剖学、饲养与繁殖生物学、声行为学、遗传与演化生物学以及基因组学等7个方面,较为系统地综述了中国海兽的研究进展。同时指出,海兽次生性水生适应历史及其演化机制,将是今后值得特别关注和需要深入揭示的重要科学问题;并且通过多学科手段揭示海兽的濒危机制与特点以提出促进其资源保护与管理措施,也具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The biological resources of the oceans have been exploited since ancient human history, mainly by catching fish and harvesting algae. Research on natural products with special emphasis on marine animals and also algae during the last decades of the 20th century has revealed the importance of marine organisms as producers of substances useful for the treatment of human diseases. Though a large number of bioactive substances have been identified, some many years ago, only recently the first drugs from the oceans were approved. Quite astonishingly, the immense diversity of microbes in the marine environments and their almost untouched capacity to produce natural products and therefore the importance of microbes for marine biotechnology was realized on a broad basis by the scientific communities only recently. This has strengthened worldwide research activities dealing with the exploration of marine microorganisms for biotechnological applications, which comprise the production of bioactive compounds for pharmaceutical use, as well as the development of other valuable products, such as enzymes, nutraceuticals and cosmetics. While the focus in these fields was mainly on marine bacteria, also marine fungi now receive growing attention. Although culture-dependent studies continue to provide interesting new chemical structures with biological activities at a high rate and represent highly promising approaches for the search of new drugs, exploration and use of genomic and metagenomic resources are considered to further increase this potential. Many efforts are made for the sustainable exploration of marine microbial resources. Large culture collections specifically of marine bacteria and marine fungi are available. Compound libraries of marine natural products, even of highly purified substances, were established. The expectations into the commercial exploitation of marine microbial resources has given rise to numerous institutions worldwide, basic research facilities as well as companies. In Europe, recent activities have initiated a dynamic development in marine biotechnology, though concentrated efforts on marine natural product research are rare. One of these activities is represented by the Kieler Wirkstoff-Zentrum KiWiZ, which was founded in 2005 in Kiel (Germany).  相似文献   

Interest in the management of the environment and its resources on an ecosystem basis has been increasing, in both terrestrial and marine contexts. In recent years, the concept of the large marine ecosystem has become a point of focus at the national and international levels as a possible unit for management of ocean and coastal areas. An ecosystem approach, however, challenges the manner in which marine resources and the environment that sustains them have been managed in the past. Governance is a key element in ecosystem management and encompasses the formal and informal arrangements, institutions, and mores that determine how resources and the environment are utilized. This study explores some of the problems, concepts, and principles involved in efforts to provide needed governance arrangements if large marine ecosystem-based management is to be implemented and made effective.  相似文献   

海洋微生物的化学生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐年军  严小军 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2436-2440
近年来,海洋生物的化学生态学研究已成为国际化学生态学研究的亮点之一.该领域的研究不仅为生物进化研究提供了理论依据,也对海洋生态养殖、海洋生态环境保护以及海洋资源的可持续发展具有重要意义.本文从海洋动物、植物、微生物三方面综述了它们与海洋微生物之间的化学生态学关系.海洋动物与微生物的化学生态学作用主要包括抗菌、抗附着、共生3种关系.以发现具有生态学效应的化学信号物质的分子结构为主线,介绍了海洋植物和微生物方面的研究进展,并对该领域的关键性问题和发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Marine bioprocess engineers face a unique challenge for the millennium: designing methods for the sustainable development of known marine resources, as well as inventing a new generation of tools and processes that will enable a greater understanding of the ocean and its resources and lead to the discovery of new bioproducts for the future. The identification and application of novel, marine-derived pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutritional supplements, enzymes, and pigments have already been realized. The current and potential market value of these marine bioproducts is substantial. Continued discovery and development of marine resources will depend on a number of factors: identification of new bioproducts, sustainable use of the product, optimization of production, and efficient product recovery. Successfully addressing these challenges will require the integration and collaboration of mutidisciplinary teams of oceanographers, biologists, chemists, and engineers.  相似文献   

海洋环境中难培养微生物的寡营养培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋中存在着丰富的微生物资源, 但迄今为止能够在实验室培养的微生物却不到1%, 而且能够通过培养得到的环境优势种更少, 这成为当代环境微生物学研究和海洋资源开发的最大障碍。过去十多年来, 通过不断改进培养方法和检测手段, 发明了许多新颖独特的技术, 提高了培养效率。特别是通过海洋微生物的寡营养培养技术, 分离并命名了一些难培养微生物, 给予人们极大的启发。海洋微生物资源的可持续性开发和利用, 是21世纪人类发展的重要方向, 是我们研究海洋微观世界的基础, 值得微生物学界同仁的共同关注。  相似文献   

Marine bionanotechnology is one of the most promising areas of research in modern science and technology. Although there are multitude methods for the synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs), there is an increasing attention in developing high-yield, low-cost, non-toxic and eco-friendly procedures. The vital advantages of greener synthesis are cost-effective, reduced usage of toxic chemicals and abundant availability of resources. During the last ten years, there have been many biological entities used to elevate novel, greener and affordable methods for the metal NPs synthesis. Rate of synthesis and stability are higher for plant material mediated NPs. However, in comparison with terrestrial resources, marine resources have not been fully explored for synthesis of noble metal NPs. Our present review is designed to speculate the importance of usage of vast marine resources and its mediated NPs synthesis, in particular seaweed-mediated NPs synthesis to overcome the limitations involved in physical and chemical methods. Finally, recent advancements in greener synthesis of metal NPs, their size, distribution, morphology and applications such as antimicrobial, antifouling and anticancer potentials are briefly described along with portraying the prospective scope of research in this field without any negative impact on the environment.  相似文献   

Coral reef conservation strategies such as marine protected areas have met limited success in many developing countries. Some researchers attribute part of these shortcomings to inadequate attention to the social context of conserving marine resources. To gain insights into applying Western conservation theory more successfully in the socioeconomic context of developing countries, this study examines how long-enduring, customary reef closures appear to reflect local socioeconomic conditions in two Papua New Guinean communities. Attributes of the customary management (including size, shape, permanence, and gear restrictions) are examined in relation to prevailing socioeconomic conditions (including resource users’ ability to switch gears, fishing grounds, and occupations). Customary closures in the two communities appear to reflect local socioeconomic circumstances in three ways. First, in situations where people can readily switch between occupations, full closures are acceptable with periodic harvests to benefit from the closure. In comparison, communities with high dependence on the marine resources are more conducive to employing strategies that restrict certain gear types while still allowing others. Second, where there is multiple clan and family spatial ownership of resources, the communities have one closure per clan/family; one large no-take area would have disproportionate affect on those compared to the rest of the community. In contrast, communities that have joint ownership can establish one large closure as long as there are other areas available to harvest. Third, historical and trade relationships with neighboring communities can influence regulations by creating the need for occasional harvests to provide fish for feasts. This study further demonstrates the importance of understanding the socioeconomic context of factors such as community governance and levels of dependence for the conservation of marine resources.  相似文献   

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