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中国林蛙蝌蚪的口器发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用扫描电镜和组织学技术观察了中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)蝌蚪发育过程中口器外部形态结构的变化,以及中国林蛙蝌蚪口器内部结构特征.结果表明,在口器发育的初期,角质颌最先出现,接着出现唇乳突以及唇齿;在变态高峰期(G4l~G42),口器结构如唇齿、角质颌和唇乳突则是按以下顺序消失的,即唇齿最先消失,其次...  相似文献   

以透明骨骼双色法对挂榜山小鲵(Hynobius guabangshanensis)成体和亚成体舌器的形态特征进行观察和详细描述。结果表明,在成体中,下舌软骨中部交叉;角舌软骨末端被第一下鳃骨和第一角鳃骨的愈合体遮盖;具有基鳃软骨角状突;第二角鳃骨骨化;尾舌骨骨化,呈"一"字形。在亚成体中,下舌软骨中部未交叉;第一下鳃骨和第一角鳃骨单独存在;无基鳃软骨角状突;第二角鳃骨未骨化;具有第三、第四对角鳃骨,且均为软骨;尾舌骨未骨化,成"1"字形。这些形态特征的改变可能由舌器在成体和亚成体阶段的功能所引起。  相似文献   

Li C  Dong ZX  Wang YZ 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):550-554
采用扫描电镜技术研究了角蟾科8种蝌蚪角质颌的显微结构特征和形态特点,阐述了角质颌对蝌蚪觅食方式的影响。实验结果表明:角蟾科蝌蚪的角质颌属于两个不同的类型。拟髭蟾亚科和掌突蟾亚科的蝌蚪具有相似的显微结构特征:角质颌呈厚重的U型,角质化程度高。颌鞘呈基部宽、顶端尖的圆锥形;角蟾亚科的蝌蚪角质颌呈纤弱的弓型,角质化程度低。颌鞘呈基部窄、长而顶端略弯曲的象牙型。进一步的分析发现,8种蝌蚪的颌鞘直径和密度呈显著负相关。这种显微结构的变化趋势也反映出蝌蚪对栖息环境和觅食方式的适应性。  相似文献   

第一节脊椎动物发展史上的又一次革命鱼,对我们每个人都不陌生,鱼类的发展历史也是满有趣味的。鱼类是紧接着无颌类之后出现的又一类水生脊椎动物。骤然看起来鱼类和无颌类没有多大差别,其实由无颌类到鱼类,这中间经历了一次革命性飞跃,这就是颌在鱼类中的出现。原来在原始的无颌类前面的一对鳃弓,到了鱼类,在功能上由支持鳃逐渐改变为执行摄食机能,从而引起形态上的变化:鳃弓腹面的一节变成下颌,背面的一节变成上颌。颌这个装置,不但使动物在获取食物方面由被动变为主动,而且还由于颌是初步加工食物的工具,使得许多原先不能利用的食物,现在却成为可利用的了。因此,颌的出现为脊椎动物广泛利用食物资源提供了条件。  相似文献   

采用软骨-硬骨双染色方法, 对大泷六线鱼仔稚鱼头部骨骼的发育过程进行详细观察与分析。结果显示: 大泷六线鱼初孵仔鱼头部已存在迈克尔氏软骨、腭方骨、舌棒骨和第一基舌软骨等骨骼元件; 当仔鱼4 DPH时, 第二基鳃软骨出现在第一基鳃软骨后端, 缘带向后延伸, 且软骨桥出现, 将头盖骨分为前卤和后卤; 9 DPH时, 3对鳃下骨, 第五对角腮骨可见; 13 DPH时, 迈克尔氏软骨背中部突, 4对鳃上骨、鼻骨、中筛板和侧筛板相继出现; 16—21 DPH时, 基舌骨出现在第一基鳃软骨前方; 23 DPH时, 齿骨开始骨化; 26 DPH时, 前颌骨和上颌骨开始骨化; 至35 DPH时, 前颌骨和上颌骨完成骨化; 50 DPH时, 副蝶骨、前鳃盖骨、缘带、后翼骨、鼻骨和续骨完成骨化; 60 DPH时, 大泷六线鱼头部骨骼, 除舌棒骨外, 基本骨化完成。研究摸清了大泷六线鱼仔稚鱼头部骨骼不同骨元件的发育时序, 阐释了头部骨骼的发育规律及其特殊性, 为大泷六线鱼早期骨骼功能发育研究及头部骨骼畸形鉴定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

同一生境牛蛙与昭觉林蛙蝌蚪的食性比较   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对采自昆明东北郊同一水塘的牛蛙和昭觉林蛙蝌蚪进行食性分析。结果表明 ,牛蛙蝌蚪Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的食物种类分别为 8大类 5 1种和 37种 ,而昭觉林蛙蝌蚪Ⅱ期的食物种类有 6大类 30种 ;两者的食物组成均以硅藻门、绿藻门、蓝藻门为主 ,但昭觉林蛙蝌蚪Ⅱ期与牛蛙蝌蚪Ⅰ期的摄食种类差异极显著 ,与牛蛙Ⅱ期的不显著。昭觉林蛙蝌蚪Ⅱ期与牛蛙蝌蚪Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的食物生态位重叠度分别为 0 6 95 2和 0 6 887,单位体重摄食的生物量分别是后两者的 10 96倍和 15 4 8倍 ,但百分率相似性指数并不高 (分别为 5 4 95 %和 5 8 11% )。与等重量牛蛙蝌蚪相比 ,昭觉林蛙蝌蚪食物量较大 ,即昭觉林蛙蝌蚪为生存所需要的生物量远高于牛蛙蝌蚪。本文结果及野外观察表明 ,昭觉林蛙与牛蛙蝌蚪存在较激烈的食物竞争 ,且前者处于不利地位。  相似文献   

吸果夜蛾的取食习性与头部内骨骼、肌肉和口器构造的特点有如下的关系:1.嗜食健果类型:幕骨强大,为着生肌肉提供较大的面积。头部肌肉发达。口器强角质化,端部具有适于穿刺果皮的附属物。2.兼食性类型:幕骨强大,头部肌肉发达程度常界于第一和第三类型之间。口器端部锐利,角质比较强。3.间接取食类型:幕骨不发达,着生肌肉的面积较小。头部肌肉较纤细。口器端部钝或膜质状,角质化程度弱。此外,下颚茎节外形及颊宽的特征,可以将嗜食健果类型的夜蛾与其他两类型的夜蛾区分开来。  相似文献   

为揭示新疆北鲵(Ranodon sibiricus)骨骼系统特征及骨骼发育时序规律,采用“软骨-硬骨”双染色法对2月龄、3月龄、4月龄、6月龄、1龄、2龄、3龄和9龄8个不同年龄段新疆北鲵骨骼系统进行详细观察和对比分析。结果表明新疆北鲵骨骼系统分为头骨、脊椎骨和附肢骨三大部分,共(217±1)块骨,其中头骨骨骼53块脊椎骨(48±1)块,附肢骨116块。此外,新疆北鲵头颅外形宽扁,犁骨齿排列幼体呈“/”型,成体则呈“■”型颅顶同时具有额顶囟和前颌囟,且前颌囟长与鼻骨长之比达或大于1/2,翼骨前端与上颌骨后端较接近等显著区别于其他小鲵科物种的骨骼特征,可作为种间分类重要依据。基于骨骼发育时序和骨化时间特征对比分析,北鲵骨骼数量和形态发生重大改变主要在6月龄幼体和2龄幼体两个时期。6月龄幼体的骨骼变化主要体现在头骨:新生出上颌骨、泪骨和前额骨,前颌囟形状逐渐清晰,腭骨退化,翼骨向后回缩,鳞骨向外延展。此外,腰带新生出前耻骨,暗示其进入骨骼变态发育阶段。2龄幼体的骨骼变化主要体现在舌器:第三、第四鳃弓退化,外鳃消失,暗示其变态发育接近尾声或结束。研究结果表明新疆北鲵变态发育时期从6月龄起至2...  相似文献   

超微结构表明,白蜡虫雌、雄若虫口器结构相同,均由外部的口针、下唇和唇基板,以及内部的口针囊和幕骨组成,且具有以下显著特点:(1)口器具口针囊,幕骨发达;(2)上唇退化,下唇短小、不分节;(3)下颚针具T型锁紧密相扣;(4)口器刚毛稀疏,感器单一.其中,口器上、下唇退化,幕骨发达,口针束伸缩可能主要受幕骨和口针囊控制,而口器感器退化则可能与其取食行为的高度特化有关.白蜡虫雌、雄虫口针长度和直径差异不显著(P>0.05),而1龄、2龄若虫口针长度和直径差异显著(P<0.05).1龄若虫由于口针较短,口针束较柔软,适宜穿刺较薄的叶片,故生活在叶片上,而2龄若虫由于口针较长,口针束较为坚硬,适宜穿刺比叶片厚的树皮,故返回枝条生活,且若虫从叶片转移到枝条上生活,可能是基于寻求安全栖息地和稳定食物来源.  相似文献   

本文记述黄线狭鳕骨骼系统的结构。有以下特点:鼻骨发达,背面形成一深沟;额骨、翼耳骨、前鳃盖骨和围眶骨有发达的感觉管;额骨上有囱门;泪骨很发达;耳石特大;下鳃盖骨特别肥厚;后匙骨上端亦很肥厚,呈槌状。  相似文献   

Direct development has evolved in rhacophorine frogs independently from other anuran lineages, thereby offering an opportunity to assess features associated with this derived life history. Using a developmental series of the direct-developing Philautus silus (Ranidae: Rhacophorinae) from Sri Lanka, we examine features of cranial morphology that are part of a suite of adaptations that facilitate feeding in free-living tadpoles, but have been changed or lost in other direct-developing lineages. Larval-specific upper jaw cartilages, which are absent from many non-rhacophorine direct-developing species (such as Eleutherodactylus coqui), develop in embryos of P. silus. Similarly, lower jaw cartilages initially assume a larval morphology, which is subsequently remodeled into the adult jaw configuration before hatching. However, the cartilaginous jaw suspension and hyobranchial skeleton never assume a typical larval morphology. The palatoquadrate, which suspends the lower jaw, lacks the posterior connections to the braincase found in many metamorphosing species. Unlike in metamorphosing species, bone formation in P. silus begins before hatching. However, the sequence of bone formation resembles that of metamorphosing anurans more than that of other direct developers. In particular, P. silus does not exhibit precocious ossification of the lower jaw, which is characteristic of some frogs and caecilians that lack a free-living tadpole. These data reveal some similarities between Philautus and other direct-developing anurans. However, the departure of Philautus embryos from the generalized tadpole skeletal morphology is less pronounced than that observed in other direct-developing taxa.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of gross morphologic examination of larval mouthpart defects as a diagnostic screening test to detect Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in four California, USA, anuran species. We examined mouthparts of 2,034 tadpoles of Bufo boreas, Pseudacris regilla, and Rana catesbeiana collected in 2003 and 2004 and Bufo canorus collected in 2004. Data were recorded for three morphologic features: upper toothrows, lower toothrows, and combined jaw sheaths. Mouthpart defects were observed in all four species (n=757), but only two species were infected with B. dendrobatidis (n=84). Sensitivity and specificity of the mouthparts test were 76% and 58%, respectively. Forty-two percent of B. dendrobatidis-negative animals would have been designated positive based on mouthpart defects. Observed prevalence was 43%, and true prevalence was 3.0%. Tests of the null hypothesis using logistic regression analysis showed that anuran larval mouthpart defects were not associated with B. dendrobatidis infection whether mouthparts scores were tested by individual morphologic feature or in combination (P=0.37). We conclude that B. dendrobatidis infection and anuran larval mouthpart defects are two separate processes that may occur concurrently and that evaluation of tadpole oral morphology is neither an accurate nor a reliable diagnostic test for B. dendrobatidis infection for the four species tested.  相似文献   

The bizarre larvae of Leptobrachella mjobergi are fossorial and live in the gravel beds of small streams. These tadpoles are vermiform in body shape. Here we present details on their skeleton and musculature, particularly of the head. The entire cranium and its associated musculature are reconstructed in three dimensions from serial histological sections. The hyobranchial apparatus is highly reduced. The head of the L. mjobergi larva is more mobile than in other anuran species. This mobility can largely be ascribed to the exclusion of the notochord from the cranial base and an articulation of the foramen magnum floor with the atlas of the tadpole. The articulation is unique among anuran species, but design parallels can be drawn to salamanders and the articulation between atlas and axis in mammals. In L. mjobergi, the atlas forms an anterior dens that articulates with the basal plate in an accessory, third occipital articular face. The muscle arrangements deviate from the patterns found in other tadpoles: For instance, epaxial and ventral trunk muscles reach far forward onto the skull. The post-cranial skeleton of L. mjobergi is considerably longer than that of other anurans: it comprises a total of 35 vertebrae, including more than 20 post-sacral perichordal centra. Despite a number of features in cranial and axial morphology of L. mjobergi, which appear to be adaptations to its fossorial mode of life, the species clearly shares other features with its megophryid and pelobatid relatives.  相似文献   

This paper provides data on the skeleton, musculature, buccal apparatus, buccopharyngeal cavity and diet of Ceratophrys cranwelli tadpoles, and attempts to contribute to the knowledge of relations between morphology and ecology in anuran larvae. Both in morphological characters and feeding habits, these tadpoles are very similar to other species within the genus. They possess many of the structural features usually found in predaceous tadpoles: strong, keratinized jaw sheaths and keratodonts, reduced buccal papillation, high values of in‐lever arm proportion and buccal floor area, well‐developed ceratohyals, and hypertrophied jaw muscles. Food sources consist of other tadpoles, microcrustaceans, larvae of insects, plant fragments, as well as rotifers and microalgae. As facultative carnivores, they are likely to play an important role in regulating the aquatic communities of the ephemeral ponds where they develop.  相似文献   

The oral apparatus of anuran tadpoles is a unique structure composed of soft and keratinized parts surrounding the mouth. Among the many variations, a common oral apparatus involves a dorsal gap in the marginal papillae, keratinized jaw sheaths, and two upper and three lower rows of labial teeth. In Leiuperidae, besides this generalized morphology, four configurations are distinguished by the arrangement of the lower marginal papillae and the number of lower tooth rows. Study of the early oral ontogeny in 12 species representing these five configurations shows variations in the development of the lower marginal papillae and the third lower labial tooth row. Similar configurations may result from similar pathways (e.g. Physalaemus cuvieri group and Pseudopaludicola falcipes) or different pathways (e.g. generalized oral discs of Pleurodema and Physalaemus). Different oral configurations may result from overlapping trajectories ending at different stages (e.g. Physalaemus riograndensis and Ph. biligonigerus) or different trajectories (e.g. Ph. henselii and Ph. gracilis). Further studies are needed to interpret the role that heterochrony has played in evolutionary change within this family. The unsuspected variation occurring in this transient structure highlights its evolutionary potential and might be insightful in studies of anuran phylogenies that are largely based on adult characters. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 330–345.  相似文献   

Direct development in amphibians is an evolutionarily derived life-history mode that involves the loss of the free-living, aquatic larval stage. We examined embryos of the direct-developing anuran Eleutherodactylus coqui (Leptodactylidae) to evaluate how the biphasic pattern of cranial ontogeny of metamorphosing species has been modified in the evolution of direct development in this lineage. We employed whole-mount immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody against the extracellular matrix component Type II collagen, which allows visualization of the morphology of cartilages earlier and more effectively than traditional histological procedures; these latter procedures were also used where appropriate. This represents the first time that initial chondrogenic stages of cranial development of any vertebrate have been depicted in whole-mounts. Many cranial cartilages typical of larval anurans, e.g., suprarostrals, cornua trabeculae, never form in Eleutherodactylus coqui. Consequently, many regions of the skull assume an adult, or postmetamorphic, morphology from the inception of their development. Other components, e.g., the lower jaw, jaw suspensorium, and the hyobranchial skeleton, initially assume a mid-metamorphic configuration, which is subsequently remodeled before hatching. Thirteen of the adult complement of 17 bones form in the embryo, beginning with two bones of the jaw and jaw suspensorium, the angulosplenial and squamosal. Precocious ossification of these and other jaw elements is an evolutionarily derived feature not found in metamorphosing anurans, but shared with some direct-developing caecilians. Thus, in Eleutherodactylus cranial development involves both recapitulation and repatterning of the ancestral metamorphic ontogeny.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Most anurans have a biphasic life cycle, which includes metamorphosis from a tadpole stage to an adult frog. This process involves extensive transformations of the cranial skeleton, which have been of long‐standing interest with respect to anuran skeletal evolution and taxonomy. In this study, large‐scale patterns of anuran skeletal ossification are assessed by collecting the most comprehensive data set on anuran cranial ossification to date from the literature, including data for 45 anuran and one caudate outgroup species. Ossification sequences were translated into event‐pair matrices for explorative phylogenetic analysis and phylogenetically informed parsimony search for heterochrony using the Parsimov algorithm. Rank variability of single bones across species was also analysed. Little phylogenetic signal was retrieved from a parsimony‐based phylogenetic analysis of event‐pairs, and only a few species that are generally agreed to be closely related are placed close to each other (e.g. some Pipidae and Costata). Parsimov analysis revealed some clade‐specific heterochrony in anuran clades of varying inclusiveness. Our results show that relating heterochronic changes in anuran cranial ontogeny to parameters such as direct development or miniaturization is problematic because of the high evolvability of cranial ossification sequences. Rank variation analysis suggests that anuran cranial bones are highly variable in their sequence positioning, possibly because tadpole and adult cranial morphology do not co‐evolve. Elements which are lost in some species ossify at the end of the sequence, providing evidence for the notion that failure of anuran cranial elements to ossify is due to processes of paedomorphosis.  相似文献   

The larval morphology of Hypsiboas leptolineatus was studied. The tadpole has an ovoid body in lateral view, wider than deep; snout rounded with dorsal reniform nostrils; spiracle sinistral with lateral wall attached to body; anal tube dextral; tail fins convex with acuminate tip; oral disc ventral; labial tooth row formula is 2(2)/3(1); moderately developed beaks with serrated jaw sheaths. These external oral features are compared with those of the known tadpoles in the Hypsiboas polytaenius clade. The oral cavity was studied using an electron microscope. Life history aspects are commented.  相似文献   

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