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We studied interrelationships between initial egg size and biomass, duration of embryogenesis at different salinities, and initial larval biomass in an estuarine crab, Chasmagnathus granulata. Ovigerous females were maintained at three different salinities (15‰, 20‰ and 32‰); initial egg size (mean diameter), biomass (dry weight, carbon and nitrogen) as well as changes in egg size, embryonic development duration, and initial larval biomass were measured.

Initial egg size varied significantly among broods from different females maintained under identical environmental conditions. Eggs from females maintained at 15‰ had on average higher biomass and larger diameter. We hypothesise that this is a plastic response to salinity, which may have an adaptive value, i.e. it may increase the survivorship during postembryonic development. The degree of change in egg diameter during the embryonic development depended on salinity: eggs in a late developmental stage were at 15‰ significantly larger and had smaller increment than those incubated at higher salinities. Development duration was longer at 15‰, but this was significant only for the intermediate embryonic stages. Initial larval biomass depended on initial egg size and on biomass loss during embryogenesis. Larvae with high initial biomass originated either from those eggs that had, already from egg laying, a high initial biomass (reflecting individual variability under identical conditions), or from those developing at a high salinity (32‰), where embryonic biomass losses were generally minimum. Our results show that both individual variability in the provisioning of eggs with yolk and the salinity prevailing during the embryonic development are important factors causing variability in the initial larval biomass of C. granulata, and thus, in early larval survival and growth.  相似文献   

The complete larval development (four zoeae and one megalopa) of Clibanarius aequabilis and C. erythropus, reared under laboratory conditions, is described and illustrated. The larval stages of the two northeastern Atlantic Clibanarius species cannot be easily differentiated. Their morphological characters are compared with those of other known Clibanarius larvae. The genus Clibanarius is very homogeneous with respect to larval characters. All Clibanarius zoeae display a broad and blunt rostrum, smooth abdominal segments and an antennal scale without a terminal spine. Beyond the second zoeal stage, the fourth telson process is present as a fused spine, and the uropods are biramous. In the fourth larval stage all species display a mandibular palp. The Clibanarius megalopa presents weakly developed or no ocular scales, symmetrical chelipeds, apically curved corneous dactylus in the second and third pereiopods, and 5–11 setae on the posterior margin of the telson. Apart from the number of zoeal stages, Clibanarius species may be separated, beyond the second zoeal stage, by the telson formula and the morphology of the fourth telson process.  相似文献   

Mud crabs, Scylla spp. , are commercially important in many Indo-Pacific countries. The larval development of mud crabs has been reported previously as five zoeal and one megalopal stages. This paper reports larval rearing experiments that revealed variability in larval developmental stages in the mud crab Scylla paramamosain, one of four mud crab species. In addition to normal five zoeal stages, an alternative pathway of developing through six zoeal stages was observed for the crab. There were evidences suggested that the appearance of the additional Zoea-VI larvae was associated with unfavourable dietary conditions, including poor quality of diet, inadequate quantity of dietary supply and a period of starvation for newly hatched larvae. Based on exuviae and larval specimens, the morphology of the additional Zoea-VI larvae was described.  相似文献   

The digestive and metabolic characteristics at the biochemical level underlying between-habitat dietary shift of the SW Atlantic euryhaline burrowing crab Neohelice granulata under natural conditions are unknown. We made studies on adult males of N. granulata from the open mudflat and the vegetated saltmarsh in a SW Atlantic costal lagoon (Mar Chiquita, 37°32'-37°45'S; 57°19'-57°26'W, Argentina). We determined and compared amylase, maltase, sucrase, proteolytic, lipase and alkaline phosphatases activities in the hepatopancreas; glycemia, and glycogen, free glucose, triglycerides and protein concentrations in hepatopancreas, chela muscle, and anterior and posterior gills. The results show that N. granulata exhibits characteristics and between-habitat differences at the biochemical level (i.e. high amylase and disaccharidase activities, differences in total proteolytic, lipase and levamisole-insensitive AP activities in the hepatopancreas, and in the concentrations of glycogen in the gills, triglycerides in the hepatopancreas and of protein in the chela muscle) which could represent adaptive digestive and metabolic strategies to face the differences in environmental conditions (i.e. food availability). The possible relationship between digestive and metabolic characteristics and feeding patterns, type of food available and environmental conditions in each habitat is discussed.  相似文献   

Pachycheles stevensii Stimpson, 1858 is the only species of the family Porcellanidae (Decapoda, Anomura) living in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan. The morphology of prezoeal larval stages of this crab obtained under laboratory conditions for the first time was studied and described in detail.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Kornienko.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions the development of the starfish Asterias amurensis Lütken from Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan) was studied at 14 and 17°C. At 14°C and a salinity of 31.6–32.6, ciliated coeloblastulae hatched from egg envelopes 19 h after fertilization. At this temperature the development proceeded slowly and stopped at the stage of bipinnaria. At 17°C and normal salinity of seawater, the development of A. amurensis was successful. The swimming blastula appeared in 14 h. It took 30.5 h for the embryos to reach the gastrula stage. The larvae began swimming in a horizontal position with the apical tip ahead. The dipleurula appeared at 60 h. These larvae began feeding. At 71 h after the beginning of development, the early bipinnaria has developed. In the larva, the edged ciliated band, the preoral plate, and the anal plate were already formed. At the age of 4.2 days, the larvae reached the stage of bipinnaria and the brachiolaria stage developed by 26–28 days after fertilization. The larvae had three identical brachiolar arms with attachment papillae on their tips and an attachment disk. In 37–44 days (at 17°C) the pelagic phase of A. amurensis development was completed by the attachment of larvae to the bottom plates and termination of metamorphosis. Most likely, the specificity to a substrate is not expressed in the brachiolaria of A. amurensis. They can settle on almost any hard substrate which is coated with a bacterial film. The newly settled juvenile starfish had five well-developed arms and moved using their ambulacral podia.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Kashenko.  相似文献   

Crabs are among the most conspicuous and ecologically important invertebrates of the large intertidal zones that characterize estuarine and protected coastal areas in temperate regions. The habitat, population structure and breeding cycle of Chasmagnathus granulatus (Brachyura: Varunidae), a semiterrestrial burrowing crab endemic to the warm temperate coasts of the Southwestern Atlantic, were studied in San Antonio Bay (Argentina), near the southern limit of its range. San Antonio Bay has no freshwater input, winter is relatively colder, and summer warmer, than northern habitats of this species. Crabs lived both in vegetated and unvegetated zones, but density and sex ratio varied among dates and zones. The maximum observed density was 136 crabs/m2 , the maximum carapace width (CW) was 32 mm (males) and 29.8 mm (females), ovigerous females were found only in November and January, and the smallest ovigerous female measured 17 mm CW. The population structure, spatial distribution, and recruitment pattern of C. granulatusdid not differ between San Antonio Bay and northern habitats. The higher density, smaller maximum size and shorter reproductive cycle observed in San Antonio cannot be atributed to changes associated with a latitudinal cline and other factors, such as thermal amplitude and food availability, need to be studied.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) is commercially available as a biological control agent of thrips and spider mites in greenhouse crops. Developmental duration and immature survival of I. degeneransreared on nine types of food (almond pollen, apple pollen, castor bean pollen, plum pollen, sweet pepper pollen, Tetranychus urticaeKoch, Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande), Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs and Artemia franciscana Kellogg cysts) and on three substrates (Multicel, sweet pepper leaf, and bean leaf) were determined in the laboratory. All experiments were carried out at 25 °C. On Multicel, mean developmental times on pollen ranged from 6.0 to 7.1 days, with the lowest value recorded on almond pollen and the highest on sweet pepper pollen. When reared on castor bean pollen significantly longer developmental times were obtained on a sweet pepper leaf compared to a bean leaf or Multicel. Developmental duration when offered T. urticaeon Multicel ranged between 6.1 and 6.9 days, on a bean leaf development was completed in 8.0 days. The longest developmental times on Multicel were recorded on Ephestia eggs (7.0 days) and on decapsulated Artemia cysts (7.5 days). No development beyond the protonymphal stage occurred in the absence of food or when encapsulated Artemia cysts or thrips larvae were offered on Multicel. On a sweet pepper leaf and a bean leaf, respectively 6.7 and 10.0% of the eggs reached adulthood when thrips larvae were provided as food; developmental times recorded here, were 9.0 and 8.3 days. Overall, immature mortality occurred mainly in the protonymphal stage and ranged from 0.0 to 36.7%. In conclusion, I. degenerans is able to feed on a variety of natural and unnatural foods, but thrips larvae and sweet pepper pollen are unfavourable food for immature development. This could compromise the establishment of this biological control agent when used against thrips in sweet pepper crops.  相似文献   

The genetically based rover/sitter behavioral difference in Drosophila melanogasterlarval foraging is expressed throughout most of the larval instars when larvae forage on food patches of differing food quality. The amount of locomotor behavior decreases when third-instar larvae of both rover and sitter strains are starved just prior to the behavioral test. Such strain differences in locomotor behavior are maintained despite the starvation-induced decrease in locomotion found in both strains. Measurements of larval body length and width, taken at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h posthatching, reveal that rover and sitter larval growth rates do not differ. The finding that rover/sitter differences are expressed in a variety of environments and throughout the majority of the larval instars should aid in attempts to uncover selection pressures which may differentially affect the two morphs in environmentally heterogeneous natural populations.  相似文献   

Plastid development in the primary leaf of Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. oryzicola (Vasing.) Ohwi was followed during 5 d of anoxic germination and growth. Plastids develop slowly from simple spheroidal proplastids into larger pleomorphic plastids with several stromal membranes and many peripheral membrane vesicles. A small prolamellar body is present at 96 h with perforated (pro)thylakoids extending into the stroma. Changes in starch grains and plastoglobuli are evidence of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Plastid division is indicated by dumbbell plastid profiles after 4 d of anoxia. These results demonstrate that plastids not only maintain their integrity during anaerobic germination but also show developmental changes involving an increase in internal membrane complexity, although to a lesser extent than in etiolated shoots.Abbreviation PLB prolamellar body Scientific paper No. 6167. College of Agriculture, Washington State University, Pullman  相似文献   

The effects of constant temperature (23 °C), food quality (B, natural diet i.e. powdered oak bark; B+C, natural diet enriched with powdered sweet crackers) and season on larval development of the cerambycid Morimus funereus L. were studied. The temperature of 23 °C exerted an unfavourable effect on larvae collected from oak stumps in September and bred on B; i.e. the larvae died within 30 days. When the larvae consumed B+C the unfavourable effect of temperature was abolished and the larvae increased their weight by 543%, 897% and 1179% in 1, 2 and 3 months, respectively. Newly hatched summerand winter-larvae developed successfully on B+C, while all the winter-larvae died within 40 days on B. Larvae of an identical parentage hatched in different phases of the annual cycle and showed seasonal differences in the rate of development and survival when reared on B+C at 23 °C. The fastest development and the highest survival rate were observed in larvae which emerged in early- and midsummer, whereas the slowest development and the lowest survival rate were in those hatched in late summer. The synchronized seasonal changes of adults and their offspring, as expressed at different levels of biological organization, suggest the existence of an endogenous annual rhythm which is dependent upon the expression of different genes in the course of the annual cycle.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les effets d'une température constante (23 °C), de la qualité de l'aliment,-B = aliment naturel, c'est-à-dire de l'écorce de chêne pulvérisée; B+C = aliment naturel enrichi avec de la poudre de biscuits sucrés-, et de la saison sur le développement larvaire de M. funereus L. La température de 23 °C a été défavorable aux larves récoltées en septembre dans des souches de chênes et élevées sur aliment B: les larves étaient mortes en 30 jours. Avec aliment B+C, l'effet défavorable a été neutralisé et le poids des larves augmenté de 543%, 897% et 1179% en 1, 2 et 3 mois. Des larves néonates d'été ou d'hiver se sont bien développées sur B+C, mais toutes les larves d'hiver étaient mortes sur B en 40 j. Des larves de mêmes parents, écloses à différentes époques de l'année, ont présenté des différences saisonnières du taux de survie et de la vitesse de développement lors de leur élevage à 23 °C sur B+C. Le développement le plus rapide et la meilleure survie ont été obtenus avec des larves écloses au début ou au milieu de l'été; tandis que le développement le plus lent et la plus mauvaise survie ont été obtenus avec les larves écloses à la fin de l'été. Les changements saisonniers synchrones des adultes et de leurs descendants, exprimés à différents niveaux d'organisation biologique, suggèrent l'existence d'un rythme annuel endogène qui dépend de l'expression de différents gènes au cours du cycle annuel.

The aim of the present work conducted at the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bahía Samborombón, Argentina, is to analyse the most relevant aspects of the life cycles of Chasmagnathus granulatus and Uca uruguayensis: their abundance, size distribution and sex ratio in order to be used for make management purposes. A total of 1200 individuals of U. uruguayensis (megalopae, juveniles and adults) and 957 individuals of C. granulatus (juveniles and adults) were collected from March 2001 to February 2003. U.␣uruguayensis had a maximun density of 42 ind./m2 in February 2003, while the maximun density of C.␣granulatus was 52 ind./m2 in June 2001. Minimun density was zero individual for both species in July 2002. Each environmental factor sampled (temperature of water, salinity and pH) was correlated with the abundance of each species by Pearson’s linear correlation analysis. Sex ratio did not significantly differ from the expected Mendelian ratio, except for U. uruguayensis in December 2002 (male-biassed) and C.␣granulatus in June and December 2001, April 2002 and February 2003 (female-biassed). Ovigerous females of U. uruguayensis and C. granulatus were found during the summer.  相似文献   

Changes in growth and biochemical composition during the transition from egg through zoea to decapodid in the ghost shrimp, Lepidophthalmus louisianensis (Schmitt, 1935), were documented in terms of dry weight, lipid classes, fatty acid composition, and carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios. Larvae of the ghost shrimp were mass-reared in the laboratory (28°C; 20‰ S) from hatching to the decapodid stage. Iatroscan lipid class analysis revealed that major lipid classes in recently produced eggs were phospholipids (80.8±1.3%) and triglycerides (16.0±1.1%), which decreased during the incubation period. Polar lipids (zoea I: 77.4±1.7%; zoea II: 77.5±2.1%; decapodid: 80.0±1.7%) and neutral lipids, of which free fatty acids (zoea I: 10.5±2.7%; zoea II: 13.1±5.2%; decapodid: 7.8±2.1%) were dominant, represented the major lipid classes in the zoeal and decapodid stages. Triglycerides were present in small amounts. The predominant fatty acids of L. louisianensis eggs, zoeae and decapodids were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), eicosapentaenoic (20:5ω3), oleic (18:1ω9), and arachidonic (20:4ω6). Elemental composition of eggs, larvae, and the decapodid stage revealed conspicuous changes in the C:N ratio, with N being relatively stable during larval development but C decreasing during the decapodid stage. These data suggest independence of newly hatched L. louisianensis on external energy resources. This combined with the ability to incorporate saturated fatty acids into polar lipids provides a selective advantage for fast development of new tissue and growth, characteristic of decapod crustacean larvae with lecithotrophic development.  相似文献   

In Bruschidius atrolineatus (Pic), an increase in larval density inside the seed led to a reduction in the survival rate during post-embryonic development, with only a limited decrease in the weight of adults. A high larval density increased the proportion of adults in reproductive diapause under certain thermoperiodic conditions. Under other conditions that already promote the emergence of a high proportion of diapausing beetles, an increase in larval density had no effect on diapause.There was no correlation between the larval developmental time and the weights of adults in a strain with a very low incidence of diapause. However, such a correlation was observed when both sexuallyactive and diapausing beetles emerged. This correlation was explained by the longer developmental times and lower weights of diapausing beetles.
Résumé Chez Bruchidius atrolineatus, l'accroissement de la densité larvaire à l'intérieur de la graine entraîne une augmentation de la mortalité alors que la réduction de poids des individus à l'émergence est relativement limitée. L'accroissement de la densité larvaire provoque une augmentation du taux d'adultes en diapause reproductrice, dans certaines conditions thermopériodiques. Dans d'autres conditions, permenttant l'émergence d'un fort taux d'adultes diapausants, l'effet de la densité larvaire est nul. Lorsque l'on analyse l'effet de la densité chez les individus d'une souche ne présentant pas de phénomène de diapause, il n'y a pas de corrélation entre la durée de développement et le poids des adultes. Par contre, lorsqu'il y a émergence d'adultes sexuellement actifs et diapausants, il existe une corrélation entre la durée de développement et le poids des adultes émergeants. Cette corrélation est due au fait que les adultes diapausants, qui présentent les durées de développement les plus longues, sont ceux qui ont les poids les plus faibles.

The use of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is a cost-effective route to treat sulfate- contaminated waters and precipitate metals. The isolation and characterization of a SRB strain from an AMD in a Brazilian tropical region site was carried out. With a moderately acidic pH (5.5), the C.1 strain began its growth and with continued growth, modified the pH accordingly. The strain under these conditions reduced sulfate at the same rate as an experiment performed using an initial pH of 7.0. The dsrB gene-based molecular approach was used for the characterization of this strain and its phylogenetic affiliation was similar to genus Desulfovibrio sp. The results show an SRB isolate with unexpected sulfate reducing capacity in moderately acidic conditions, bringing new possibilities for the treatment of AMD, as acid water would be neutralized to a mildly acidic condition.  相似文献   

Five toxigenic isolates of Fusarium species were tested for the production of zearalenone, moniliformin and trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol, 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol, T-2, HT-2 and neosolaniol) when grown on solid sugar beet slices in the laboratory for thirty days. The isolates were also grown on a solid rice medium for comparison. High zearalenone and trichothecene-producing isolates originally obtained from corn and corn-based feedstuff were compared with isolates obtained from sugar beets. One moniliformin-producing isolate from wheat was included in the study. With the exception of moniliformin, all toxins were produced on both substrates; however, the rice medium yielded the greater concentrations except for HT-2 which was produced on sugar beets in equal or greater concentrations. Zearalenone production on rice reached 729–1943 gmg/g whereas on sugar beet it reached 72–193 gmg/g. The moniliformin-producing isolate grew well on both substrates; however, moniliformin was produced only on the rice substrate. This study demonstrates for the first time that Fusarium species can produce both zearalenone and the trichothecenes on a sugar beet substrate.  相似文献   

Albumins, globulins and gliadins were extracted from field-sprouted wheat grain var. Beta. The pure fractions were freeze-dried and then added to the residue after protein extraction, or to the ground wheat grain. The adults of Tribolium confusum Duv. and the larvae of T. confusum, Trogoderma granarium Ev. and Anagasta kuehniella Zell. were placed on the prepared food. The residue after protein extraction was inadequate food for complete development of larvae of all species in spite of adding of protein fractions. Larvae did not grow on such food although they remained alive very long time. Adults of T. confusum lived shorter times and laid less eggs on the residue after extraction than on ground wheat.
Zusammenfassung Aus den Körnern der Weizensorte Beta, die auf dem Felde ausgewachsen sind, wurden Albuminen, Globulinen und Gliadinen isoliert. Die reinen Eiweissfraktionen wurden lyophilisiert und zu den vermahlten Körnern oder zu den Extraktionsrückständen zugegeben. Diese auf solche Weisse vorbereitete Nahrung wurde den Käfern von Tribolium confusum und den Larven von T. confusum, Trogoderma granarium und Anagasta kühniella gegeben. Die Extraktionsrückstände erwiesen sich, trotz der Zugabe einzelner Fraktionen, als ungeeignete Nahrung für die Entwicklung der Larven aller drei Arten. Die von diesen Produkten ernährten Larven wurden nicht grösser und verpuppten sich nicht, obwohl sie sehr lange lebten.Die Käfer von Tribolium confusum, die von den Extraktionsrückständen ernährt wurden, lebten kürzer und legten weniger Eier als die, die von den vermahlten Körnern ernährt wurden.

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