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Saturable and specific binding sites for 5-[3H]hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) characterized by a KD of 3.5-4.5 nM were detected in the chick embryo brain and were shown to develop linearly as a function of age, weight, and protein content. Saturation and displacement studies using unlabeled 5-HT as the displacing ligand suggested a single population of binding sites. However, displacement studies using 5-methoxytryptamine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 2-bromo-lysergic acid diethylamide (BOL), methysergide, and spiperone as competing ligands suggested the existence of subclasses of [3H]5-HT binding sites because the Hill coefficients were less than unity. When compared with the reported [3H]5-HT binding sites (5-HT1) in the rat forebrain, the IC50 values of the competing ligands were similar. However, the Hill coefficients for LSD and methysergide were less than unity which suggested that the [3H]5-HT binding sites in the chick embryo brain may be more similar to those found in rat spinal cord than rat forebrain. To study [3H]5-HT binding site regulation and development, various serotonergic compounds were injected into the chorioallantoic fluid of the eggs at different times during embryonic development. Multiple pretreatments with d,l-5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-HT, or BOL were found to have no significant effects on either the affinity (KD) or number (Bmax) of specific [3H]5-HT binding sites. Multiple pretreatments with p-chlorophenylalanine were found to increase the Bmax of specific [3H]5-HT binding by 23% (p less than 0.01) whereas multiple pretreatments with LSD were found to decrease the Bmax of specific binding by 45% (p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a number of applications there is a need to determine the most likely pedigree for a group of persons based on genetic markers. Adequate models are needed to reach this goal. The markers used to perform the statistical calculations can be linked and there may also be linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the population. The purpose of this paper is to present a graphical Bayesian Network framework to deal with such data. Potential LD is normally ignored and it is important to verify that the resulting calculations are not biased. Even if linkage does not influence results for regular paternity cases, it may have substantial impact on likelihood ratios involving other, more extended pedigrees. Models for LD influence likelihoods for all pedigrees to some degree and an initial estimate of the impact of ignoring LD and/or linkage is desirable, going beyond mere rules of thumb based on marker distance. Furthermore, we show how one can readily include a mutation model in the Bayesian Network; extending other programs or formulas to include such models may require considerable amounts of work and will in many case not be practical. As an example, we consider the two STR markers vWa and D12S391. We estimate probabilities for population haplotypes to account for LD using a method based on data from trios, while an estimate for the degree of linkage is taken from the literature. The results show that accounting for haplotype frequencies is unnecessary in most cases for this specific pair of markers. When doing calculations on regular paternity cases, the markers can be considered statistically independent. In more complex cases of disputed relatedness, for instance cases involving siblings or so-called deficient cases, or when small differences in the LR matter, independence should not be assumed. (The networks are freely available at http://arken.umb.no/~dakl/BayesianNetworks.)  相似文献   

We have analysed the proteins of the cerebella from mutant and control mice by applying high resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The tissue of each cerebellum and also the pallium cerebri were fractionated into water-soluble and particulate fractions, and these were used in gel electrophoresis. In order to augment the sensitivity for detection of protein spots, we applied silver staining. We used the cerebella from weaver (granule cell deficient), nervous (Purkinje cell deficient), and staggerer (poor dendritic arborization of Purkinje cells) mutant mice. The present technique revealed at least 700 to 800 protein spots. Among the spots detected we found 12 new significantly-changed proteins in the cerebella of the mutants. The possible significance of these proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Distinctive activities of various glycosidases were expressed in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex of mice during their development. In particular, N-acetyl-beta-D-hexosaminidase (EC appeared to be developmentally regulated. A transient peak of enzyme activity at postnatal day 7 was characteristic for the cerebellum, whereas the activity in the cerebral cortex gradually increased through the 1st postnatal month and was maintained at a high level of activity throughout adulthood. The regulation of N-acetylhexosaminidase activity in the developing cerebellum of the staggerer mouse deviated clearly from enzyme activities in the wild-type, whereas the activity pattern in the staggerer cerebral cortex remained unaffected. In experiments mixing wild-type and staggerer cerebellum homogenates, the specific activity was additive. Thus, involvement of inhibitors or activating molecules can be excluded. This developmentally controlled regulation or disregulation in staggerer appears to be enzyme specific, sine beta-glucosidase, alpha-glucosidase, and beta-galactosidase did not exhibit such a pattern in either normal or staggerer mice. In the mutation weaver that, like staggerer, loses the majority of its cerebellar granule cells, N-acetyl-beta-hexosaminidase activity of the cerebellum was not elevated, indicating a specific defect in staggerer rather than a general effect on lysosomal enzymes due to cell death.  相似文献   

Previously reported linkage of bipolar affective disorder to DNA markers in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 18 was reexamined in a larger homogeneous sample of Old Order Amish families. Four markers (D18S21, D18S53, D18S44, and D18S40) were examined in three kindreds containing 31 bipolar I (BP I) individuals. Although linkage findings were replicated in the one previously studied Amish pedigree containing four BP I individuals, linkage to this region was excluded in the larger sample. If a susceptibility locus for bipolar disorder is located in this region of chromosome 18, it is of minor significance in this population.  相似文献   

糯玉米种质品质性状鉴定和SSR标记遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对165份来源不同的糯玉米农家种和自交系的穗粒性状和淀粉品质性状进行了鉴定,并利用60对SSR标记进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明,165份糯玉米种质穗长、秃顶长、行数、行粒数和穗粗变异较大,粗淀粉含量、支链淀粉含量和淀粉糊化特性RVA特征谱带值各指标变异丰富。60 对SSR引物在165份材料间共检测到281个等位基因变异,PCR扩增片段大小介于90~690bp,每对引物检测到2~9个等位基因,平均为4.68个;每对SSR 引物的多态信息量( PIC) 在0.332~0. 860之间,平均为0. 690。利用UPGMA 聚类分析方法将供试种质自交系分为3类,划分结果基本符合品系的来源情况,生产应用的多数糯玉米自交系材料与我国西南地区糯玉米地方品种材料具有较远的亲缘关系。显示出165份糯玉米种质具有丰富的遗传多样性,可为糯玉米杂优利用和遗传改良提供遗传基础。  相似文献   

Linkage of Albino Allelomorphs in Rats and Mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feldman HW 《Genetics》1924,9(5):487-492

Cytosol polypeptides from mouse liver have been examined using two-dimensional electrophoresis. About 250 spots were readily discernible. When cytosols from strains BALB/cBy and C57BL/6By were compared eight genetically determined differences were observed. Other strain pairs show comparable numbers of differences. These eight phenotypes were scored in seven recombinant inbred lines derived from the two parental strains, and their strain distribution patterns were compared with previously determined patterns for other genetic markers that differ between the two progenitor strains. Using this information, tentative chromosomes assignments for the genes controlling five of the variant phenotypes have been made, and two of the assignments have been confirmed using congenic resistant strains. These eight genes will be useful reference markers in future crosses designed to map new genes.  相似文献   

应用植物形态学和AFLP分子标记鉴别陕西漆树品种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用植物形态学和AFLP分子标记,对陕西8个漆树栽培品种和6个野生居群进行了鉴别.结果表明:从26个形态性状中筛选出3个主成分,其中:第1主成分指标7个(第5小叶长/宽、花瓣长、花瓣宽、花丝长、花丝直径、花药长和宽)贡献率为30.383%;第2主成分指标5个(小叶数、复叶长、复叶柄长、第5小叶叶柄长、顶端小叶叶柄长)贡献率为19.321%;第3主成分指标2个(第5小叶顶角角度、顶端小叶顶角角度)贡献率为13.777%.筛选的8对AFLP引物组合,均可将漆树14个样品完全区分开.植物形态学和AFLP分子标记相结合,不仅可用于漆树不同品种及野生居群间的鉴别,而且可反映其相互间的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

To facilitate cell kinetics studies of brain tumors labeled with thymidine analogs, we developed a new method to identify nuclei labeled sequentially with bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and iododeoxyuridine (IUdR) by double staining with immunogold-silver and alkaline phosphatase. Patients received an intraoperative infusion of BUdR: excised tumor specimens were immediately labeled with IUdR in vitro. fixed with 70% alcohol, embedded in paraffin, and cut into 6 pm sections. The sections were incubated first with BR-3. a monoclonal antibody that recognizes only BUdR, and then with IU-4. a monoclonal antibody that recognizes both BUdR and IUdR: sections were counterstained with hematoxylin to identify unlabeled nuclei. Nuclei labeled only with IUdR stained red, whereas those labeled with BUdR or with both BUdR and IUdR stained black against a red background: unlabeled nuclei stained blue. This method was the most efficient differential staining technique to identify nuclei labeled only with IUdR and those labeled with BUdR among unlabeled nuclei.  相似文献   

X-linked Intellectual Disability (XLID) is a group of genetically heterogeneous disorders caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome. Deleterious mutations in ~10% of X chromosome genes are implicated in causing XLID disorders in ~50% of known and suspected XLID families. The remaining XLID genes are expected to be rare and even private to individual families. To systematically identify these XLID genes, we sequenced the X chromosome exome (X-exome) in 56 well-established XLID families (a single affected male from 30 families and two affected males from 26 families) using an Agilent SureSelect X-exome kit and the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. To enrich for disease-causing mutations, we first utilized variant filters based on dbSNP, the male-restricted portions of the 1000 Genomes Project, or the Exome Variant Server datasets. However, these databases present limitations as automatic filters for enrichment of XLID genes. We therefore developed and optimized a strategy that uses a cohort of affected male kindred pairs and an additional small cohort of affected unrelated males to enrich for potentially pathological variants and to remove neutral variants. This strategy, which we refer to as Affected Kindred/Cross-Cohort Analysis, achieves a substantial enrichment for potentially pathological variants in known XLID genes compared to variant filters from public reference databases, and it has identified novel XLID candidate genes. We conclude that Affected Kindred/Cross-Cohort Analysis can effectively enrich for disease-causing genes in rare, Mendelian disorders, and that public reference databases can be used effectively, but cautiously, as automatic filters for X-linked disorders.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage maps of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) were constructed from independent crosses between the Tuxedo strain and a feral line (Wildtype). Segregation patterns of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and phenotypic markers were investigated in F2 offspring of Tuxedo × Wildtype and Wildtype × Tuxedo crosses. Among the 300 and 276 RAPD markers scored for the respective crosses, linkages were identified for 230 and 212, respectively. The Tuxedo × Wildtype and Wildtype × Tuxedo maps spanned 2100 Kosambi centiMorgans (cMK) and 1900 cMK, respectively, in 28 linkage groups. Average marker resolution was 10 cMK. Genome length was estimated at 4410 cMK and 4060 cMK for the respective crosses, with an average physical distance of 166 kbp/cMK. Several RAPD markers were closely linked to or mapped onto the loci for the sex-determining region (SdR), and the sex-linked black caudal-peduncle (Bcp) and red tail (Rdt) genes. These primary linkage maps are the initial step toward the construction of a composite high-density map to facilitate map-based cloning and marker-assisted selection of quantitative trait loci that are essential for the development of comprehensive breeding programs for the guppy.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida MC2 can be used to produce catechols. The accumulation, specific and volumetric production rates of 3-methylcatechol from toluene have been studied. Production rates were shown to depend on growth medium, pH and toluene concentration. Minimal glucose medium and rich LB medium were the best growth media for 3-methylcatechol production. A lower pH often resulted in slower growth and a higher specific production rate, but a lower volumetric production rate. Specific production rates also increased at higher initial toluene concentrations. The best process conditions in terms of substrate conversion and specific production rate were found in minimal glucose medium at an initial aqueous toluene concentration of 1.0 λmM and an initial pH of 6. At pH 7 and 2.0 λmM toluene, more product was accumulated at a lower specific rate, but at a higher volumetric production rate.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida MC2 can be used to produce catechols. The accumulation, specific and volumetric production rates of 3-methylcatechol from toluene have been studied. Production rates were shown to depend on growth medium, pH and toluene concentration. Minimal glucose medium and rich LB medium were the best growth media for 3-methylcatechol production. A lower pH often resulted in slower growth and a higher specific production rate, but a lower volumetric production rate. Specific production rates also increased at higher initial toluene concentrations. The best process conditions in terms of substrate conversion and specific production rate were found in minimal glucose medium at an initial aqueous toluene concentration of 1.0 &#117 mM and an initial pH of 6. At pH 7 and 2.0 &#117 mM toluene, more product was accumulated at a lower specific rate, but at a higher volumetric production rate.  相似文献   

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