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Carex subcapitata X.F.Jin,C.Z.Zheng&B.Y.Ding,a new species of Cyperaceae from Zhejiang,China,is described and illustrated.It is related to C.grandiligulata K kenth.in having lateral culms,narrow leaves,spikelets androgynous,1-2arising from each node,but d  相似文献   

Steel  J. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,349(1-3):27-37
Major aspects of algal modelling are defined.Prediction and explanation are suggested as mainobjectives. Examples of the development and use ofshort-term prediction and more general explanatoryalgal models for reservoirs are given. It is concludedthat good prediction and explanation are not likely tobe simultaneously achievable. Possible means ofassessing the capabilities of ecosystem models andmodelling are considered. Some suggestions as to howthe present situation may be coped with, and improved,are proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a chromosomal study of three Brazilian species of Colostethus, C. brunneus from the type locality, Colostethus sp. (aff. trilineatus), and Colostethus sp., which is morphologically similar to C. brunneus. The diploid number for C. brunneus was 2n = 24 chromosomes, in agreement with that previously described for specimens from Peru. Colostethus sp. (aff. trilineatus) and Colostethus sp. showed a very similar karyotype with 22 chromosomes. The NOR was located on pair 3 in C. brunneus, on pair 4 in Colostethus sp. (aff. trilineatus), and on pair 2 in Colostethus sp. In one specimen of Colostethus sp., an additional NOR site was located on pair 7 in only one of the homologs. This extra Ag-NOR site was confirmed by FISH using an rDNA probe. In addition to the NOR location, the C-banding pattern was also species-specific, despite the similar chromosomal morphology of the species. These results indicate that although these species may be closely related, there is a clear dichotomy in their chromosome number.  相似文献   

In the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, where no more primary forests exist, the value of secondary forests for biodiversity conservation is becoming more and more important. We studied the spiders in a relatively well-preserved region of the Mata Atlântica, where the matrix of the landscape is still forest. We addressed the contribution of different spatial levels including forest stages to total diversity and analyzed the patterns by additive partitioning of beta diversity on genus and morphospecies level and for different sampling methods. Beta diversity was strongly based on turnover, not on gain/loss. All spatial levels (sample, stage, area, locality) contributed more to beta diversity than expected, without stronger influence of stage. Patterns were consistent for both identification levels and all methods. We conclude that in this landscape the protection of large areas encompassing all forest stages, without special attention to old-growth, is the best way to conserve the regional species richness.  相似文献   

We applied an integrative approach to re-evaluate the taxonomy of the conchologically highly diverse land snail genus Rossmaessleria from the Rif Mountains in Morocco and from Gibraltar, which has been classified into 12 nominal species so far. An analysis of cox1 and 16S rDNA sequences using the General Mixed Yule-coalescent approach with a single or multiple thresholds, its Bayesian implementation as well as the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery method indicated that all Rossmaessleria populations can be classified into a single species, R. scherzeri (Zelebor, 1867). This result is confirmed by the lack of diagnostic differences in the genitalia as shown in a principal component analysis of the genital measurements. The variation of shell characters also does not allow an unambiguous subdivision of the complex. However, the populations of a mountain or a mountain ridge share characteristic combinations of shell characters so that they can be classified as geographic subspecies. The delimitation of the subspecies and their distribution is discussed and three subspecies are described as new to science: R. scherzeri periclitata ssp. nov. R. scherzeri ingae ssp. nov., and R. scherzeri eleanorae ssp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:187FE235-A257-423F-8FC3-957117546400  相似文献   



During the last few years, DNA sequence analysis has become one of the primary means of taxonomic identification of species, particularly so for species that are minute or otherwise lack distinct, readily obtainable morphological characters. Although the number of sequences available for comparison in public databases such as GenBank increases exponentially, only a minuscule fraction of all organisms have been sequenced, leaving taxon sampling a momentous problem for sequence-based taxonomic identification. When querying GenBank with a set of unidentified sequences, a considerable proportion typically lack fully identified matches, forming an ever-mounting pile of sequences that the researcher will have to monitor manually in the hope that new, clarifying sequences have been submitted by other researchers. To alleviate these concerns, a project to automatically monitor select unidentified sequences in GenBank for taxonomic progress through repeated local BLAST searches was initiated. Mycorrhizal fungi – a field where species identification often is prohibitively complex – and the much usedITSlocus were chosen as test bed.  相似文献   

Mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) is a deciduous perennial shrub endemic to the high Andes of South America. Despite a rich ethnobotanic history among indigenous communities, mortiño remains a wild species vulnerable to extinction from the ongoing fragmentation of its natural habitat. This study assessed the degree of genetic diversity and population structure of Ecuadorian V. floribundum as a preliminary step towards the establishment of effective conservation and sustainable-agriculture strategies. Mortiño individuals (126 in total) sampled from 3 regions in the northern highlands of Ecuador were characterized using 11 heterologous SSR markers originally developed for Vaccinium corymbosum. Expected heterozygosity (He = 0.49) revealed a moderate degree of genetic diversity for Ecuadorian mortiño, and pairwise F statistics between sampling regions (0.019≤ Fst ≤0.041) demonstrated low-to-moderate population differentiation. Population structure analysis clustered mortiño germplasm into 3 groups, each representing the 3 distinct regions from where samples were collected. The geographic patterning of genetic diversity for V. floribundum could be explained by an isolation-by-distance model, where physical barriers along the Andean highlands reduce genetic exchange between distanced populations. To confirm the latter, this study should extend to a wider sampling range, covering other regions along the Andean alley where the species is found.  相似文献   

Plants play important roles as habitat and food for a tremendous diversity of specialist animals and fungi. The disappearance of any plant species can lead to extinction cascades of its associated biota. In consequence, documenting the diversity and specificity of plant-associated organisms is of high practical relevance in biodiversity conservation. Here, we present the first large-scale molecular investigation into the diversity, host specificity, and cophylogenetic congruence of an especially rich plant–fungal association, the rust fungi (Pucciniaceae) of Cyperaceae and Juncaceae. Using the largest rust fungi DNA barcoding dataset published to date (252 sequences, 82 taxa), we reject the presence of a global ITS2-28S barcode gap, but find a local gap in Cyperaceae–Juncaceae rusts, and suggest the existence of many cryptic species in North America, with some broadly circumscribed species possibly corresponding to >10 cryptic species. We test previous hypotheses of correlations between the phylogenies of rust fungi and their Cyperaceae–Juncaceae hosts using a combination of global-fit and event-based cophylogenetic methods. A significant cophylogenetic signal is detected between rusts and their hosts, but the small number of cospeciations argues for preferential host jumps as the driving process behind these correlations. In addition, temporal congruence between the origin of major Carex clades and their rusts suggests that host diversification may have promoted parasite diversification. Finally, we discuss the relevance of rust infection patterns to the systematics of Cyperaceae, highlight some taxonomic problems uncovered by the analyses, and call attention to the promise of DNA barcoding for bridging knowledge gaps in poorly studied plant-associated microorganisms.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effects of flooding on plant survival is relevant for the efficiency of management and conservation programs. Schinus terebinthifolius is a tree of economic and ecological importance that is common in northeast Brazil. Flooding tolerance and genetic variation were investigated in two riparian populations of S. terebinthifolius distributed along two different ecological regions of the Tibagi River basin. Flooding tolerance was evaluated through the investigation of young plants, submitted to different flooding intensities to examine the morphological and anatomical responses to this stress. The growth rate of S. terebinthifolius was not affected by flooding, but total submersion proved to be lethal for 100% of the plants. Morphological alterations such as hypertrophied lenticels were observed in both populations and lenticel openings were significantly higher in plants from one population. Genetic analysis using DNA samples obtained from both populations showed a moderate degree of genetic variation between populations (13.7%); most of the variation was found within populations (86.3%). These results show that for conservation purposes and management of degraded areas, both populations should be preserved and could be used in programs that intend to recompose riparian forests.  相似文献   

A fraction of magnetotactic bacteria was isolated by magnetic separation from the water and silt samples collected from the Ol’khovka River (Kislovodsk, Russia). A 16S rRNA clone library was obtained from the total DNA of the fraction by PCR amplification and molecular cloning. Phylogenetic analysis of 67 16S rRNA gene sequences of randomly selected clones demonstrated that two phylotypes of magnetotactic bacteria were present in the library: the first phylotype consisted of 42 sequences and the second one included only one sequence. The remaining 24 sequences belonged to non-magnetotactic bacteria. According to the results of phylogenetic analysis, both phylotypes were magnetotactic cocci; the predominant sequences were almost identical to the 16S rRNA sequence of the freshwater coccus TB24 (X81185.1) identified earlier among the magnetotactic bacteria isolated from Lake Chiemsee (Bavaria). The phylotype represented by a single sequence formed a separate branch in the dendrogram, with 97% similarity between its sequence and that of TB24. The discovered phylotypes formed with the sequences of uncultured freshwater magnetotactic cocci a separate branch within the class Alphaproteobacteria and presumably belonged to a separate family within the recently described order Magnetococcales. Despite the fact that phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA clone library did not reveal any phylotypes of magnetotactic spirilla, after the secondary enrichment of the fraction of magnetotactic bacteria using the “race track” technique, a new strain of magnetotactic spirilla, Magnetospirillum SO-1, was isolated. The closest relative of strain SO-1 was the previously described magnetotactic spirillum Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1.  相似文献   

Palm HW  Kleinertz S  Rückert S 《Parasitology》2011,138(13):1793-1803
Fish parasites are used to monitor long-term change in finfish grouper mariculture in Indonesia. A total of 210 Epinephelus fuscoguttatus were sampled in six consecutive years between 2003/04 and 2008/09 and examined for parasites. The fish were obtained from floating net cages of a commercially run mariculture facility that opened in 2001. The fauna was species rich, consisting of ten ecto- and 18 endoparasite species. The ectoparasite diversity and composition was relatively stable, with the monogeneans Pseudorhabdosynochus spp. (83-100% prevalence, Berger-Parker Index of 0·82-0·97) being the predominant taxon. Tetraphyllidean larvae Scolex pleuronectis and the nematodes Terranova sp. and Raphidascaris sp. 1 were highly abundant in 2003/04-2005/06 (max. prevalence S. pleuronectis 40%, Terranova sp. 57%, Raphidascaris sp. 1 100%), and drastically reduced until 2008/09. These parasites together with the prevalence of Trichodina spp., ecto-/endoparasite ratio and endoparasite diversity illustrate a significant change in holding conditions over the years. This can be either referred to a definite change in management methods such as feed use and fish treatment, or a possible transition of a relatively undisturbed marine environment into a more affected habitat. By visualizing all parameters within a single diagram, we demonstrate that fish parasites are useful bioindicators to monitor long-term change in Indonesian grouper mariculture. This also indicates that groupers can be used to monitor environmental change in the wild. Further taxonomic and systematic efforts in less sampled regions significantly contributes to this new application, supporting fish culture and environmental impact monitoring also in other tropical marine habitats.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(4):283-286
Dwarf antelope species were commonly united in the tribe “Neotragini” (Bovidae, Mammalia) due to their general morphological appearance. However, phylogenetic analyses have shown that not all dwarf antelopes are closely related, so it was suggested to restrict the name Neotragini to the type genus Neotragus. In our study we use mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences and linear skull measurements to further investigate the similarity of all three Neotragus species. Our analyses support the close relationship of N. moschatus and N. batesi. However, N. pygmaeus – the type species, which was never before included in phylogenetic analyses – is not closely related. It might share a most recent common ancestor with another “dwarf antelope”, the Klipspringer Oreotragus oreotragus, and the duikers in the taxon Cephalophini. Hence, we suggest resurrecting the genus Nesotragus von Dueben, 1846 for Nesotragus moschatus and N. batesi.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Assessment of genetic diversity is crucial for efficient selection genotypes in plant breeding and improvement programs. Studies of genetic diversity of S....  相似文献   

Science-based approaches to support the conservation of marine biodiversity have been developed in recent years. They include measures of ‘rarity’, ‘diversity’, ‘importance’, biological indicators of water ‘quality’ and measures of ‘sensitivity’. Identifying the sensitivity of species and biotopes, the main topic of this contribution, relies on accessing and interpreting available scientific data in a structured way and then making use of information technology to disseminate suitably presented information to decision makers. The Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) has achieved that research for a range of environmentally critical species and biotopes over the past four years and has published the reviews on the MarLIN Web site (www.marlin.ac.uk). Now, by linking the sensitivity database and databases of survey information, sensitivity mapping approaches using GIS are being developed. The methods used to assess sensitivity are described and the approach is advocated for wider application in Europe.  相似文献   

The Bankoualé Palm, Livistona carinensis is the only known species of Livistona occurring in Africa and is currently classified as vulnerable (IUCN 2004). This extreme outlier species of the genus is restricted to Yemen, Somalia and Djibouti, where all populations are in rapid decline. In Djibouti the palm is confined to three valley systems within the upland plateau of the Goda Massif. This study used microsatellite markers to investigate the genetic diversity and relationships within the species. At the species level L. carinensis contained very low genetic diversity. Most variation was due to the variation between the samples from Yemen and Somalia compared with those in Djibouti. The Djibouti populations were almost monomorphic across the nine loci tested. Interestingly, and despite the small sample sizes, the individuals from botanic gardens collections of the Yemen and Somalia populations were more genetically diverse than the Djibouti populations. This study indicates that the populations in Yemen and Somalia are highly significant for the conservation of the species genetic diversity. Given the lack of genetic diversity both within and among L. carinensis populations in Djibouti, plants could be cultivated for in-situ population enhancement from any seed that is available from within Djibouti with no significant genetic impacts of provenance mismatch. Clearly the populations from Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen are different genetic provenances raising some issues for the conservation and recovery of L. carinensis.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Mammillaria hernandezii, M. dixanthocentron and M. lanata are endemic and threatened cactus species that inhabit the Tehuacán Valley, an arid zone in southern...  相似文献   

The component subunits of the pro-(carboxypeptidase A)–pro-(proteinase E) binary complex from pig pancreas were separated with a high recovery (80–95%) of their original potential activity. The isolated subunits and the reconstituted complex have properties similar to those of the corresponding natural species. The tryptic activation course of the pro-(carboxypeptidase A) subunit is substantially modified when bound to pro-(proteinase E), whereas the activation of pro-(proteinase E) is not dependent on this association.  相似文献   

The Galápagos Penguin (Spheniscusmendiculus) is a United States federallylisted endangered species with populations onthe Galápagos Islands of Fernandina andIsabela. Although the waters around theislands are normally productive, lowproductivity during El Niño years resultsin high adult penguin mortality and lowrecruitment in following years. We usedmicrosatellite markers developed for Spheniscus penguins to study the long termgenetic effects of serial bottleneck events inthe Galápagos Penguin, and compared thisvariation to that of its congener, theMagellanic penguin (Spheniscusmagellanicus). The observed heterozygosityfor the Galápagos Penguin was 3%,significantly lower than the 46%heterozygosity of the Magellanic Penguin. Thislow level of heterozygosity is directly relatedto its low effective population size. Whilethis population has survived long term,presumably without high levels of geneticvariation, we feel that the greater frequencyof El Niño events, coupled with increasedhuman impacts such as introduced disease, oildischarge, and competition with fisheries, mayput the species in particular danger ofextinction.  相似文献   

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