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This paper examines some of the philosophical and scientific relationships involving self-control, voluntary control, and psychophysiologic self-regulation. The role of biofeedback in mediating conscious and unconscious processes is explored. Demonstrations of superior voluntary control and its relationship to belief, confidence, and expectation are examined. Biofeedback demonstrates the potential of control to oneself, creating confidence in one's ability to establish enhanced and peak performance in athletics, education, and psychophysiologic therapy. Emphasis is placed on the power of images in all human functioning, and in enhancing human potential.  相似文献   

This study explored the possibility of using biofeedback to arrest spontaneous declines in tonic electrodermal levels. For 3 days, 10 subjects(S) received 20 minutes of training in increasing skin potential level (SPL) negativity (arrested declines), followed by 20 minutes of training in decreasing SPL negativity (facilitating declines), with reverse order for half of theSs. Simultaneous analogue and binary feedback of SPL were used. Training in the direction of SPL increases resulted in arrest of spontaneous declines in SPL negativity but did not result in large-magnitude increases above baseline. Training in the direction of SPL decreases facilitated declines in SPL. The absolute mean difference between the increase condition and the decrease condition on the 3rd day was 8.28 mV. Correlations suggested that considerable intraindividual variability may have been independently related to the Locus of Control personality dimension and to a Law of Initial Values limitation on SPL change. It was concluded that SPL was controllable to the extent of facilitating or arresting spontaneous declines.  相似文献   

This study explored the possibility of using biofeedback to arrest spontaneous declines in tonic electrodermal levels. For 3 days, 10 subjects (S) received 20 minutes of training in increasing skin potential level (SPL) negativity (arrested declines), followed by 20 minutes of training in decreasing SPL negativity (facilitating declines), with reverse order for half of the Ss. Simultaneous analogue and binary feedback of SPL were used. Training in the direction of SPL increases resulted in arrest of spontaneous declines in SPL negativity but did not result in large-magnitude increases above baseline. Training in the direction of SPL decreases facilitated declines in SPL. The absolute mean difference between the increase condition and the decrease condition on the 3rd day was 8.28 mV. Correlations suggested that considerable intraindividual variability may have been independently related to the Locus of Control personality dimension and to a Law of Initial Values limitation on SPL change. It was concluded that SPL was controllable to the extent of facilitating or arresting spontaneous declines.  相似文献   

Biofeedback (BFB) training paradigm has outstanding place among various approaches to non-phrarmacological human functional state correction. Being an universal way for voluntary self-regulation of physiological functions, it is characterized by efficacy, accessibility and absence of side effects. However, the lack of fundamental knowledge about the BFB mechanisms leads to existence of numerous difficulties and problems that seriously limit the BFB possibilities. Most difficulties seem to concern the problem of adequate choice of BFB type or parameter being voluntary controlled via feedback signals. Some ways to solve this problem are drown on the base of general systems theory. It is shown that BFB procedures could be especially effective in conditions of close interaction between the BFB mechanisms and the central regulatory mechanisms. Such interaction could be reacheb by utilization of certain characteristics of brain electrical activity reflected in the electroencephalogram (EEG). The most perspective seems to be the utilization of discrete narrow band EEG spectral components, individual resonance EEG oscillators or some correlates of human EEG amplitude modulation processes.  相似文献   

A common goal of biofeedback is self-control of physiologic responses. The conceptions and paradigms of the literature on self-control of motoric and cognitive responses were surveyed to provide a basis for the self-control of physiologic responses. An operational definition of self-control was advanced, and self-control was placed in the framework of a general self-management strategy which included discrimination and maintenance components.  相似文献   

Practice makes perfect, but the neural substrates of trial-to-trial learning in motor tasks remain unclear. There is some evidence that the basal ganglia process feedback-related information to modify learning in essentially cognitive tasks , but the evidence that these key motor structures are involved in offline feedback-related improvement of performance in motor tasks is paradoxically limited. Lesion studies in adult zebra finches suggest that the avian basal ganglia are involved in the transmission or production of an error signal during song . However, patients with Huntington's disease, in which there is prominent basal ganglia dysfunction, are not impaired in error-dependent modulation of future trial performance . By directly recording from the subthalamic nucleus in patients with Parkinson's disease, we demonstrate that this nucleus processes error in trial performance at short latency. Local evoked activity is greatest in response to smallest errors and influences the programming of subsequent movements. Accordingly, motor parameters are least likely to change after the greatest evoked responses so that accurately performed trials tend to precede other accurate trials. This relationship is disrupted by electrical stimulation of the nucleus at high frequency. Thus, the human subthalamic nucleus is involved in feedback-based learning.  相似文献   

The motor control of pointing and reaching-to-grasp movements was investigated using two different approaches (kinematic and modelling) in order to establish whether the type of control varies according to modifications of arm kinematics. Kinematic analysis of arm movements was performed on subjects' hand trajectories directed to large and small stimuli located at two different distances. The subjects were required either to grasp and to point to each stimulus. The kinematics of the subsequent movement, during which subject's hand came back to the starting position, were also studied. For both movements, kinematic analysis was performed on hand linear trajectories as well as on joint angular trajectories of shoulder and elbow. The second approach consisted in the parametric identification of the black box (ARMAX) model of the controller driving the arm movement. Such controller is hypothesized to work for the correct execution of the motor act. The order of the controller ARMAX model was analyzed with respect to the different experimental conditions (distal task, stimulus size and distance). Results from kinematic analysis showed that target distance and size influenced kinematic parameters both of angular and linear displacements. Nevertheless, the structure of the motor program was found to remain constant with distane and distal task, while it varied with precision requirements due to stimulus size. The estimated model order of the controller confirmed the invariance of the control law with regard to movement amplitude, whereas it was sensitive to target size.  相似文献   

Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback - Biofeedback (BF) training has been utilized with performers for years. Previous literature highlights the effectiveness of multi-week intervention...  相似文献   

Summary In the absence of detailed knowledge of how the CNS controls a muscle through its motor fibers, a reasonable hypothesis is that of optimal control. This hypothesis is studied using a simplified mathematical model of a single muscle, based on A. V. Hill's equations, with series elastic element omitted, and with the motor signal represented by a single input variable.Two cost functions were used. The first was total energy expended by the muscle (work plus heat). If the load is a constant force, with no inertia, Hill's optimal velocity of shortening results. If the load includes a mass, analysis by optimal control theory shows that the motor signal to the muscle consists of three phases: (1) maximal stimulation to accelerate the mass to the optimal velocity as quickly as possible, (2) an intermediate level of stimulation to hold the velocity at its optimal value, once reached, and (3) zero stimulation, to permit the mass to slow down, as quickly as possible, to zero velocity at the specified distance shortened. If the latter distance is too small, or the mass too large, the optimal velocity is not reached, and phase (2) is absent. For lengthening, there is no optimal velocity; there are only two phases, zero stimulation followed by maximal stimulation.The second cost function was total time. The optimal control for shortening consists of only phases (1) and (3) above, and is identical to the minimal energy control whenever phase (2) is absent from the latter.Generalization of this model to include viscous loads and a series elastic element are discussed.  相似文献   

A study was made of motoneuron firing rates and mechanical contractile parameters during maximum voluntary contraction of human hand muscles. A comparison of muscles that had been fatigued after a 60-s maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) with muscles that were cooled by approximately 5 degrees C showed that the contractile properties, in particular the rates of contraction and relaxation, were similarly affected in both conditions. In contrast, the motoneuron firing rate was affected differently by the two treatments. In the case of the fatigued muscles the motoneuron firing rate was reduced by 36%, as was expected from previous studies, but in the case of the cooled muscles, there was no significant change in the motoneuron firing rate. We conclude that the reflex reduction in the motoneuron firing rate seen in the fatigued muscle is not triggered directly by a change in the mechanical properties of the muscle.  相似文献   

The single-joint voluntary plantar flexion in the ankle joint of humans was tested with an external load perturbation consisting of two opposite sinus half-waves. Pronounced manifestations of hysteresis were found in the dependence of the joint angle on the external load torque. In particular, the hysteresis displayed itself as an increase in joint stiffness following changes in the direction of movement. It led to the ambiguity of the equilibrium values of the joint angle. With goal-directed voluntary single-joint flexion and extension movements under isotonic conditions due to the corresponding changes in activation of flexor muscles only (without the activation of extensors), the hysteresis manifested itself as the uncertainty of the joint-angle dependence on the efferent activity coming to flexors during movement phases with varying prehistory. The importance of sensory information for the mechanism compensating hysteresis effects was demonstrated. The possible ways of regulation of efferent activity of the motoneuronal pools generating central motor commands in the presence of hysteresis of muscle contraction are discussed.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 83–90, March–April, 1994.  相似文献   

Biofeedback control of migraine headaches: a comparison of two approaches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to assess the relative effectiveness of finger warming and temporal blood volume pulse reduction biofeedback in the treatment of migraine, 22 female migraine patients were assigned to one of three experimental conditions: temporal artery constriction feedback, finger temperature feedback, or waiting list. Biofeedback training consisted of 12 sessions over a 6-week period. All patients completed 5 weeks of daily self-monitoring of headache activity (frequency, duration, and intensity) and medication before and after treatment. Treatment credibility was assessed at the end of Sessions 1, 6, and 12. Results showed that temporal constriction and finger temperature biofeedback were equally effective in controlling migraine headaches and produced greater benefits than the waiting list condition. Power analyses indicated that very large sample sizes would have been required to detect any significant differences between the two treatment groups. No significant relationships were found between levels of therapeutic gains and levels of thermal or blood volume pulse self-regulation skills. Likewise, treatment outcome was not found to be related to treatment credibility. Further analyses revealed that changes in headache activity and medication were associated with changes in vasomotor variability. Because blood volume pulse variability was not significantly affected by biofeedback training, questions about its role in the therapeutic mechanism are raised.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that biofeedback training in frontalis muscle relaxation increases beliefs in internal (personal) locus of control was tested. Subjects were divided into two groups (internals and externals) based on Mirels' (1970) factor analyzedpersonal control subscale of Rotter's (1966) I-E Scale. Internal and external subjects were assigned randomly to one of three conditions: biofeedback (BF), false feedback (FF), or no feedback (NF). All subjects were measured on frontalis electromyographic (EMG) activity. Training consisted of three sessions spaced 1 week apart. Each session was comprised of a 5-minute baseline (nonfeedback) trial followed by a 20-minute experimental session. After each experimental session, subjects completed a questionnaire which assessed the extent to which they attributed their EMG performance to personal and environmental sources. After three sessions, subjects were posttested on the I-E Scale. Results indicated that subjects receiving BF reduced their EMG activity more than did subjects in either the FF or NF conditions, and this effect was maintained across all three sessions. Subjects who received BF shifted toward internal personal locus of control from pre- to posttesting, whereas no such change was found for either FF or NF subjects. Also, the relationship between BF training and change in personal locus of control was mediated by subjects attributing their EMG reduction more to personal effort than to properties of the task. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of contingent feedback as a determinant of cognitions of control.  相似文献   

In order to assess the relative effectiveness of finger warming and temporal blood volume pulse reduction biofeedback in the treatment of migraine, 22 female migraine patients were assigned to one of three experimental conditions: temporal artery constriction feedback, finger temperature feedback, or waiting list. Biofeedback training consisted of 12 sessions over a 6-week period. All patients completed 5 weeks of daily self-monitoring of headache activity (frequency, duration, and intensity) and medication before and after treatment. Treatment credibility was assessed at the end of Sessions 1, 6, and 12. Results showed that temporal constriction and finger temperature biofeedback were equally effective in controlling migraine headaches and produced greater benefits than the waiting list condition. Power analyses indicated that very large sample sizes would have been required to detect any significant differences between the two treatment groups. No significant relationships were found between levels of therapeutic gains and levels of thermal or blood volume pulse self-regulation skills. Likewise, treatment outcome was not found to be related to treatment credibility. Further analyses revealed that changes in headache activity and medication were associated with changes in vasomotor variability. Because blood volume pulse variability was not significantly affected by biofeedback training, questions about its role in the therapeutic mechanism are raised.This research was supported in part by grants from the Quebec Ministry of Education and the Quebec Ministery of Social Affairs to the first author, and an award from the Medical Research Council of Canada to the second author. The authors are indebted to Drs. Frank Andrasik, Howard Barbaree, Edward Blanchard, Martin Ford, and Patrick McGrath, as well as to two anonymous reviewers, for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

The data are presented on potentials revealed by averaging buman EEG sections recorded during termination of a motor act. The potential consisted of two components: fast positivity and slow negative wave. The complex under study was named "final" or "relaxation" potential. The latency of the "final" potential and that of the muscle relaxation were linearily related. The potential was recorded only in cases when the relaxation of all muscles involved was necessary for a motor task solving at movement termination. If some groups of muscles relaxed and the other ones contracted the potential was not recorded.  相似文献   

Varelius J 《Bioethics》2007,21(2):75-83
It is often accepted that we may legitimately speak about voluntary euthanasia only in cases of persons who are suffering because they are incurably injured or have an incurable disease. This article argues that when we consider the moral acceptability of voluntary euthanasia, we have no good reason to concentrate only on persons who are ill or injured and suffering.  相似文献   

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