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The spatio-temporal distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the microbial mat of Camargue (Salins-de-Giraud, France) was investigated by molecular approaches at both microscale spatial resolution and different taxonomic organization levels. The vertical distribution of the SRB populations was correlated with oxygen and sulfide microgradient fluctuations. Comparisons of Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprints showed distinct locations of some operational taxonomic units at daytime and at night (4:00 or 15:00 hours) revealing important differences on the structures of the bacterial communities. When oxygen penetrates the mat, SRB migration was observed either downward to reach deeper anoxic zones to escape oxygen or upward to reach oxic surface zones. When no migration was observed, both metabolism switches and aggregate formations were suspected. These behaviors allowed the aerotolerant SRB to deal with oxygen. The analysis of the Desulfococcus-Desulfonema-Desulfosarcina T-RFLP profiles revealed up-migrating populations related to both Desulfonema sp. and Desulfosarcina variabilis. T-RFLP profiles combined with 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene library analysis of the Desulfobacter group revealed two distinct populations: a population related to the recently described Desulfotignum genus migrating upward during the night and a population of a new species of the Desulfobacter uniformly located throughout the mat independent of the period. Thus, the identification of the new oxygen-tolerant SRB will provide the basis for understanding the physiological adaptations to oxygen.  相似文献   

Eucaryotic Diversity in a Hypersaline Microbial Mat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
To determine the eucaryotic diversity of the hypersaline Guerrero Negro microbial mat, we amplified 18S rRNA genes from DNA extracted from this mat and constructed and analyzed clone libraries. The extent of eucaryotic diversity detected was remarkably low, only 15 species among 890 clones analyzed. Six eucaryotic kingdoms were represented, as well as a novel cluster of sequences. Nematode sequences dominated the clone libraries.  相似文献   

Community Composition of a Hypersaline Endoevaporitic Microbial Mat   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A hypersaline, endoevaporitic microbial community in Eilat, Israel, was studied by microscopy and by PCR amplification of genes for 16S rRNA from different layers. In terms of biomass, the oxygenic layers of the community were dominated by Cyanobacteria of the Halothece, Spirulina, and Phormidium types, but cell counts (based on 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining) and molecular surveys (clone libraries of PCR-amplified genes for 16S rRNA) showed that oxygenic phototrophs were outnumbered by the other constituents of the community, including chemotrophs and anoxygenic phototrophs. Bacterial clone libraries were dominated by phylotypes affiliated with the Bacteroidetes group and both photo- and chemotrophic groups of α-proteobacteria. Green filaments related to the Chloroflexi were less abundant than reported from hypersaline microbial mats growing at lower salinities and were only detected in the deepest part of the anoxygenic phototrophic zone. Also detected were nonphototrophic γ- and δ-proteobacteria, Planctomycetes, the TM6 group, Firmicutes, and Spirochetes. Several of the phylotypes showed a distinct vertical distribution in the crust, suggesting specific adaptations to the presence or absence of oxygen and light. Archaea were less abundant than Bacteria, their diversity was lower, and the community was less stratified. Detected archaeal groups included organisms affiliated with the Methanosarcinales, the Halobacteriales, and uncultured groups of Euryarchaeota.  相似文献   

We applied nucleic acid-based molecular methods, combined with estimates of biomass (ATP), pigments, and microelectrode measurements of chemical gradients, to map microbial diversity vertically on a millimeter scale in a hypersaline microbial mat from Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico. To identify the constituents of the mat, small-subunit rRNA genes were amplified by PCR from community genomic DNA extracted from layers, cloned, and sequenced. Bacteria dominated the mat and displayed unexpected and unprecedented diversity. The majority (1,336) of the 1,586 bacterial 16S rRNA sequences generated were unique, representing 752 species (≥97% rRNA sequence identity) in 42 of the main bacterial phyla, including 15 novel candidate phyla. The diversity of the mat samples differentiated according to the chemical milieu defined by concentrations of O2 and H2S. Bacteria of the phylum Chloroflexi formed the majority of the biomass by percentage of bulk rRNA and of clones in rRNA gene libraries. This result contradicts the general belief that cyanobacteria dominate these communities. Although cyanobacteria constituted a large fraction of the biomass in the upper few millimeters (>80% of the total rRNA and photosynthetic pigments), Chloroflexi sequences were conspicuous throughout the mat. Filamentous Chloroflexi bacteria were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization within the polysaccharide sheaths of the prominent cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes, in addition to free living in the mat. The biological complexity of the mat far exceeds that observed in other polysaccharide-rich microbial ecosystems, such as the human and mouse distal guts, and suggests that positive feedbacks exist between chemical complexity and biological diversity.  相似文献   

Microbial mats possibly possess degradation capacities for haloorganic pollutants because of their wide range of different functional groups of microorganisms combined with extreme diurnal changes in pH, oxygen, and sulfide gradients. In this study, 20 mg/l of the chlorinated herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was applied to a pristine hypersaline cyanobacterial mat from Guerrero Negro, Mexico, under a light regime of 12 h dark/12 h light (600 mol photons/m2s). The loss of 2,4-D was followed by chemical GC analysis; functional changes within the mat were determined with microelectrodes for oxygen, photosynthesis, pH, and sulfide. The depletion of 2,4-D due to photooxidation or sorption processes was checked in control experiments. Within 13 days, the light/dark incubated mats degraded 97% of the herbicide, while in permanent darkness only 35% were degraded. Adsorption of 2,4-D to the mat material, agar, or glass walls was negligible (4.6%), whereas 21% of the herbicide was degraded photochemically. The 2,4-D removal rate in the light/dark incubations was comparable to values reported for soils. The phototrophic community of the mat was permanently inhibited by the 2,4-D addition by 17% on average. The sulfate reduction in the entire mat and the respiration in the photic zone were inhibited more strongly but returned to original levels. Since at the end of the experiment the photosynthetic and respiratory activity of the mats were almost as high as in the beginning and 2,4-D almost completely disappeared, we conclude that the examined mats represent a robust and effective system for the degradation of the herbicide where probably the aerobic heterotrophic population is a major player in the degradation process.This revised version was published online in November 2004 with corrections to Volume 48.  相似文献   


Seasonal variations in precipitation changed the community composition and microbial activity in a hypersaline, tropical microbial mat, in Cabo Rojo, PR. Using a combination of dissection, light, and transmission electron microscopy, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), in situ microelectrode studies, and 35 S isotope incubations, we documented the major differences between wet and dry seasons. During the wet season (precipitation 177 mm), cyanobacterial (green layer) and anoxyphototrophic (pink layer) communities, as well as the black FeS layer were well-developed, and T-RFLP patterns indicated a diverse community. The rate of oxygenic photosynthesis was 49 μ M min ? 1 . Aerobic respiration was 29 μ M min ? 1 , and sulfate reduction was 264 nmol cm ? 3 h ? 1 . During the dry season (precipitation 51 mm), cyanobacteria and anoxyphototrophs were less diverse and abundant, and T-RFLP patterns were less complex. The O 2 production rate was reduced to 9 μ M min ? 1 , as was O 2 consumption (7 μ M min ? 1 ) and sulfate reduction (26 nmol cm ? 3 h ? 1 ). Aragonite, calcite, halite, and quartz were the predominant minerals. Seasonal differences were found in the green and pink layers for both halite and quartz. Gypsum was not observed, likely due to a sample handling artifact. The fluctuations in community composition and metabolic activity, principally reflected in fluctuations in binding and trapping potential of the uppermost mat community, might be responsible for the observed differences in mineralogy.  相似文献   

Examination of variation in ecological communities can lead to an understanding of the forces that structure communities, the consequences of change at the ecosystem level, and the relevant scales involved. This study details spatial and seasonal variability in the composition of nitrogen-fixing and cyanobacterial (i.e., oxygenic photosynthetic) functional groups of a benthic, hypersaline microbial mat from Salt Pond, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. This system shows extreme annual variability in the salinity of the overlying water and the extent of water coverage. Analysis of molecular variance and FST tests of genetic differentiation of nifH and cyanobacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries allowed for changes at multiple taxonomic levels (i.e., above, below, and at the species level) to inform the conclusions regarding these functional groups. Composition of the nitrogen-fixing community showed significant seasonal changes related to salinity, while cyanobacterial composition showed no consistent seasonal pattern. Both functional groups exhibited significant spatial variation, changing with depth in the mat and horizontally with distance from the shoreline. The patterns of change suggest that cyanobacterial composition was more insensitive to water stress, and consequently, cyanobacteria dominated the nitrogen-fixing community during dry months but gave way to a more diverse community of diazotrophs in wet months. This seasonal pattern may allow the mat community to respond quickly to water-freshening events after prolonged dry conditions (system recovery) and maintain ecosystem function in the face of disturbance during the wet season (system resilience).  相似文献   

Little information exists about the ability of halophilic archaea present in hypersaline environments to degrade hydrocarbons. In order to identify the potential actors of hydrocarbon degradation in these environments, enrichment cultures were prepared using samples collected from a shallow crystallizer pond with no known contamination history in Camargue, France, with n-alkanes provided as source of carbon and energy. Five alkane-degrading halophilic archaeal strains were isolated: one (strain MSNC 2) was closely related to Haloarcula and three (strains MSNC 4, MSNC 14, and MSNC 16) to Haloferax. Biodegradation assays showed that depending on the strain, 32 to 95% (0.5 g/l) of heptadecane was degraded after 30 days of incubation at 40°C in 225 g/l NaCl artificial medium. One of the strains (MSNC 14) was also able to degrade phenanthrene. This work clearly shows for the first time the potential role of halophilic archaea belonging to the genera Haloarcula and Haloferax in the degradation of hydrocarbons in both pristine and hydrocarbon-contaminated hypersaline environments.  相似文献   

The abundance, diversity and composition of bacterial and archaeal communities in a freshwater iron-rich microbial mat were investigated using culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. The sampling site is a mixing zone where ferrous-iron-rich fluids encounter oxygen-rich environments. Quantitative PCR analysis shows that Bacteria dominated the mat community (>99% of the total cell numbers). Phylotypes related to iron-oxidizers in Gallionellaceae, methano/methylotrophs in Methylophilaceae and Methylococcaceae, sulfide-oxidizers in Sulfuricurvum and an uncultured clone group, called Terrestrial group I or the 1068 group, in the Epsilonproteobacteria were detected in the clone library from the original sample and/or the enrichment cultures. This result suggests that these members may play a role in Fe, S and C cycling in the mixing zone. Although Archaea were minor constituents numerically, phylogenetic analysis indicates that unique and diverse yet-uncultivated Archaea are present in the iron-rich mat. The phylotypes of these yet-uncultivated Archaea belong to environmental clone groups that have been recovered from other mixing zones in terrestrial and marine environments, and some of our phylotypes have significantly low similarity (80% or lower) with the archaeal clones reported previously. Our results provide further insights into the bacterial and archaeal communities in a microaerobic iron-rich freshwater environment in mixing zones.  相似文献   

On the Kiritimati atoll, several lakes exhibit microbial mat-formation under different hydrochemical conditions. Some of these lakes trigger microbialite formation such as Lake 21, which is an evaporitic, hypersaline lake (salinity of approximately 170‰). Lake 21 is completely covered with a thick multilayered microbial mat. This mat is associated with the formation of decimeter-thick highly porous microbialites, which are composed of aragonite and gypsum crystals. We assessed the bacterial and archaeal community composition and its alteration along the vertical stratification by large-scale analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences of the nine different mat layers. The surface layers are dominated by aerobic, phototrophic, and halotolerant microbes. The bacterial community of these layers harbored Cyanobacteria (Halothece cluster), which were accompanied with known phototrophic members of the Bacteroidetes and Alphaproteobacteria. In deeper anaerobic layers more diverse communities than in the upper layers were present. The deeper layers were dominated by Spirochaetes, sulfate-reducing bacteria (Deltaproteobacteria), Chloroflexi (Anaerolineae and Caldilineae), purple non-sulfur bacteria (Alphaproteobacteria), purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiales), anaerobic Bacteroidetes (Marinilabiacae), Nitrospirae (OPB95), Planctomycetes and several candidate divisions. The archaeal community, including numerous uncultured taxonomic lineages, generally changed from Euryarchaeota (mainly Halobacteria and Thermoplasmata) to uncultured members of the Thaumarchaeota (mainly Marine Benthic Group B) with increasing depth.  相似文献   

Many hardwater rivers of the Seine basin (France) have gradually become affected by extensive stromatolite ( sensu Monty 1973) growth during the last 30 years. In some cases, calcareous buildup development is fast enough to cement large sectors of the stream bed. Although static aspects (mineralogy, morphology, microflora) are well known, few attempts have been made so far to understand the dynamics and regulating factors of buildup development. The formation of an encrusting algal mat was studied from 1996 to 1998 in a hardwater river of Seine-Maritime (France). The structural organization of all stromatolitic buildups was highly homogeneous in all sites. Encrusted microflora settled only on stable, solid substrates and were largely dominated by the cyanobacterial genus Phormidium . Annual dynamics of calcitic structure development closely followed the cyanobacterial microflora growth phases. The main determining factor of encrusting microflora extension appeared to be river-bed stability. Current velocity seems to play a fundamental part on at least two scales. On the "site scale" (100 m2), the discharge variations determine the spatial distribution of the fine-grained, unstable deposits that cannot host encrusting microflora. On the "substrate scale" (0.1 to 1 m2), the maximum cyanobacterial biomass increases with current velocity. The maximal extension rate measured in the present study showed that a stable, cobble river floor could be cemented by cyanobacterially driven calcareous deposits in 6 to 7 months.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of photosynthesis (both oxygenic and anoxygenic) and N(inf2) fixation were conducted to discern the relationships between photosynthesis, N(inf2) fixation, and environmental factors potentially regulating these processes in microbial mats in a tropical hypersaline lagoon (Salt Pond, San Salvador Island, Bahamas). Major photoautotrophs included cyanobacteria, purple phototrophic bacteria, and diatoms. Chemosystematic photopigments were used as indicators of the relative abundance of mat phototrophs. Experimental manipulations consisted of light and dark incubations of intact mat samples exposed to the photosystem II inhibitor DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea], a dissolved organic carbon source (D-glucose), and normal seawater (37(permil)). Photosynthetic rates were measured by both O(inf2) and (sup14)C methods, and nitrogenase activity (NA) was estimated by the acetylene reduction assay. Moderate reductions in salinity (from 74 to 37(permil)) had no measurable effect on photosynthesis, O(inf2) consumption, or NA. CO(inf2) fixation in DCMU-amended samples was (symbl)25% of that in the control (nonamended) samples and demonstrated photosynthetic activity by anoxygenic phototrophs. NA in DCMU-amended samples, which was consistently higher (by a factor of 2 to 3) than the other (light and dark) treatments, was also attributed to purple phototrophic bacteria. The ecological implication is that N(inf2) fixation by anoxygenic phototrophs (purple phototrophic bacteria and possibly cyanobacteria) may be regulated by the activity of oxygenic phototrophs (cyanobacteria and diatoms). Consortial interactions that enhance the physiological plasticity of the mat community may be a key for optimizing production, N(inf2) fixation, and persistence in these extreme environments.  相似文献   

We studied the diel migrations of several species of microorganisms in a hypersaline, layered microbial mat. The migrations were quantified by repeated coring of the mat with glass capillary tubes. The resulting minicores were microscopically analyzed by using bright-field and epifluorescence (visible and infrared) microscopy to determine depths of coherent layers and were later dissected to determine direct microscopic counts of microorganisms. Microelectrode measurements of oxygen concentration, fiber optic microprobe measurements of light penetration within the mat, and incident irradiance measurements accompanied the minicore sampling. In addition, pigment content, photosynthesis and irradiance responses, the capacity for anoxygenic photosynthesis, and gliding speeds were determined for the migrating cyanobacteria. Heavily pigmented Oscillatoria sp. and Spirulina cf. subsalsa migrated downward into the mat during the early morning and remained deep until dusk, when upward migration occurred. The mean depth of the migration (not more than 0.4 to 0.5 mm) was directly correlated with the incident irradiance over the mat surface. We estimated that light intensity at the upper boundary of the migrating cyanobacteria was attenuated to such an extent that photoinhibition was effectively avoided but that intensities which saturated photosynthesis were maintained through most of the daylight hours. Light was a cue of paramount importance in triggering and modulating the migration of the cyanobacteria, even though the migrating phenomenon could not be explained solely in terms of a light response. We failed to detect diel migration patterns for other cyanobacterial species and filamentous anoxyphotobacteria. The sulfide-oxidizing bacterium Beggiatoa sp. migrated as a band that followed low oxygen concentrations within the mat during daylight hours. During the nighttime, part of this population migrated toward the mat surface, but a significant proportion remained deep.  相似文献   

The sulfate-reducing bacterium strain SRB D2 isolated from the photic zone of a hypersaline microbial mat, from Lake Chiprana, NE Spain, respired pyruvate, alanine, and α-ketoglutarate but not formate, lactate, malate, succinate, and serine at significant rates under fully oxic conditions. Dehydrogenase enzymes of only the former substrates are likely oxygen-tolerant as all substrates supported anaerobic sulfate reduction. No indications were found, however, that aerobic respiration supported growth. Although strain SRB D2 appeared phylogenetically closely related to the oxygen-tolerant sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio oxyclinae, substrate spectra were markedly different. Most-probable-number (MPN) estimates of sulfate-reducing bacteria and aerobic heterotrophic bacteria indicated that the latter were numerically dominant in both the photic and aphotic zones of the mat. Moreover, substrate spectra of representative isolates showed that the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria are metabolically more diverse. These findings indicate that sulfate-reducing bacteria in the fully oxic photic zone of mats have to compete with aerobic heterotrophic bacteria for organic substrates. Porewater analysis revealed that total carbohydrates and low-molecular-weight carbon compounds (LMWC) made up substantial fractions of the total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool and that nighttime degradation of the former was concomitant with increased concentration of the latter. Our findings indicate that aerobic respiration by sulfate-reducing bacteria contributes to organic carbon mineralization in the oxic zone of microbial mats as daytime porewater LMWC concentrations are above typical half-saturation constants.  相似文献   

Abstract Denitrification rates were measured in sediments after the addition of different concentrations of FeS. A decrease of the denitrification rate was observed when high concentrations of ferrous iron (> 10 mM) were present. In the experiments with no significant concentrations of free Fe2+, the relationship between NO3 reduction and FeS concentration followed Michaelis and Menten kinetics. The maximum rate was 0.273 mmol l−1 d−1, 6 times as much as the basal rate 0.046 mmol l−1 d−1, which was attributed to organic matter; the Ks was 1.45 mM FeS. The stoichiometry of the overall reaction involving NO3 reduction and the concomitant S2− oxidation was also investigated. Measured ΔS/ΔN ratios ranged between 0.55 and 0.64, with ΣH2S + SO42− changing less than 10%. These values agree with the theoretically expected value of 0.56.  相似文献   

A photosynthetic microbial mat was investigated in a large pond of a Mediterranean saltern (Salins-de-Giraud, Camargue, France) having water salinity from 70 per thousand to 150 per thousand (w/v). Analysis of characteristic biomarkers (e.g., major microbial fatty acids, hydrocarbons, alcohols and alkenones) revealed that cyanobacteria were the major component of the pond, in addition to diatoms and other algae. Functional bacterial groups involved in the sulfur cycle could be correlated to these biomarkers, i.e. sulfate-reducing, sulfur-oxidizing and anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. In the first 0.5 mm of the mat, a high rate of photosynthesis showed the activity of oxygenic phototrophs in the surface layer. Ten different cyanobacterial populations were detected with confocal laser scanning microscopy: six filamentous species, with Microcoleus chthonoplastes and Halomicronema excentricum as dominant (73% of total counts); and four unicellular types affiliated to Microcystis, Chroococcus, Gloeocapsa, and Synechocystis (27% of total counts). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments confirmed the presence of Microcoleus, Oscillatoria, and Leptolyngbya strains (Halomicronema was not detected here) and revealed additional presence of Phormidium, Pleurocapsa and Calotrix types. Spectral scalar irradiance measurements did not reveal a particular zonation of cyanobacteria, purple or green bacteria in the first millimeter of the mat. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments of bacteria depicted the community composition and a fine-scale depth-distribution of at least five different populations of anoxygenic phototrophs and at least three types of sulfate-reducing bacteria along the microgradients of oxygen and light inside the microbial mat.  相似文献   

We studied the diversity of Chloroflexus-like bacteria (CLB) in a hypersaline phototrophic microbial mat and assayed their near-infrared (NIR) light-dependent oxygen respiration rates. PCR with primers that were reported to specifically target the 16S rRNA gene from members of the phylum Chloroflexi resulted in the recovery of 49 sequences and 16 phylotypes (sequences of the same phylotype share more than 96% similarity), and 10 of the sequences (four phylotypes) appeared to be related to filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic members of the family Chloroflexaceae. Photopigment analysis revealed the presence of bacteriochlorophyll c (BChlc), BChld, and γ-carotene, pigments known to be produced by phototrophic CLB. Oxygen microsensor measurements for intact mats revealed a NIR (710 to 770 nm) light-dependent decrease in aerobic respiration, a phenomenon that we also observed in an axenic culture of Chloroflexus aurantiacus. The metabolic ability of phototrophic CLB to switch from anoxygenic photosynthesis under NIR illumination to aerobic respiration under non-NIR illumination was further used to estimate the contribution of these organisms to mat community respiration. Steady-state oxygen profiles under dark conditions and in the presence of visible (VIS) light (400 to 700 nm), NIR light (710 to 770 nm), and VIS light plus NIR light were compared. NIR light illumination led to a substantial increase in the oxygen concentration in the mat. The observed impact on oxygen dynamics shows that CLB play a significant role in the cycling of carbon in this hypersaline microbial mat ecosystem. This study further demonstrates that the method applied, a combination of microsensor techniques and VIS and NIR illumination, allows rapid establishment of the presence and significance of CLB in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Rosecchi  E.  Crivelli  A. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):289-298
In the coastal lagoons of Southern France, sand smelt Atherina boyeri, is known as a sedentary species. However part of the sand smelt population living in the brackish water Vaccarès lagoon in the Camargue annually migrates to fresh waters. The movements of sand smelts within the watersystem of the Camargue were studied from 1986 to 1990. Fish traps and fyke nets were set and catches were standardised to Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE). A Stepwise Multiple Correlation analysis was carried out to link fish abundance with various environmental factors. Between September and November, sand smelts living in the Vaccarès start to colonize fresh waters (drainage canals and then temporary marshes), until March. Spawning occurs from April to June, both in the shallow branches of the canal and in the marshes. From June onwards adults and young-of-the year leave the fresh waters and return to the Vaccarès lagoon where they remain until the next migration. This autumnal migration to freshwater habitats involves mainly fish less than 3 years old, the oldest individuals remaining all year in the Vaccarès. Water level and photoperiod contribute to 20.7% of the variation of CPUE within the drainage canal, while date, water temperature, and rainfall combined, only account for 2.5% of CPUE variations. Date and photoperiod contribute significantly to explaining the patterns of fish migrations between the canal and the marshes. The density of mature sand smelt in the marshes before spawning, varies between 4 and 4346 fish ha–1. Fry mortality (against number of eggs spawned) over the first two months of life was assessed to vary between 97.5% and 99.9%. Physiological factors such as osmoregulation linked to water temperature are possibly the ultimate factors explaining these unusual annual migrations of sand smelt in the Camargue.  相似文献   

The impact of desiccation on a marsh sediment was studied both in the laboratory and in the field. Changes in the sediment chemistry of a homogenized sediment suspension during desiccation were studied in the laboratory. FeS was oxidized completely. A considerable mineralization of organic phosphate took place, from both the acid soluble organic phosphate fraction and from the residual organic phosphate fraction, but no significant mineralization of organic matter was observed. The o-P formed during the mineralization was recovered partly in the Fe(OOH) ≈P fraction and partly in the CaC3≈P fraction. An upward flux was found. During spring and summer 1990 the water inlet to a shallow permanent freshwater marsh with a surface of about 1.5 hectares was blocked, in order to desiccate the marsh by evaporation. The sediments initially consisted of a black anoxic organic top layer and a less organic anoxic gray layer. During the desiccation of the sediment a brown oxic surface layer was formed from the black layer and an increase of pH and Eh occurred. Subsequent rainfall made the Eh increase further but caused a decrease in pH indicating an increase in bacterial activity. A progressive oxidation of FeS was observed. An increase in Tot-P in the surface layer and a decrease in the gray and the black layer of the sediment occurred, probably due to a capillary upward flux. A mineralization of organic matter was observed in the two deeper layers. In the upper brown layer this mineralization was less evident, probably because it has been masked by the capillary movement. A net C loss of 40% was calculated to have occurred in the layer 0–40 cm. In the deeper layers a decrease in Tot-N was observed, whereas no important increase occurred in the top layer. Over a sediment layer of 40 cm a N loss of 50% was calculated. C- and N losses occurred simultaneously, suggesting the importance of mineralization as a source of inorg-N for denitrification. The chemical and physical changes in the sediment during desiccation affected layers down to 40 cm. This means that not only the top layer of a sediment but also deeper layers are active in systems of which part of the sediment dries occasionally. Fractionation of the surface sediment phosphate showed an increase of Fe(OOH) ≈ P in the top layer due to the oxidation of FeS to Fe(OOH), enlarging the P-adsorption capacity of the sediment. A mineralization of about 50% of acid soluble organic phosphate occurred. After rainfall, a net increase in residual organic phosphate occured presumably due to an increase of bacterial activity. Drying may therefore be utilized as a tool, in wetland management, to eliminate organic nitrogen and carbon from the sediment. In rice culture, it may be used to make part of the organic nitrogen available to the rice.  相似文献   

Cochliopodium gallicum n. sp., isolated from cyanobacterial mats in the Camargue (France) is the smallest marine species of Cochliopodium to date. Its unusual tectum consists of flat plate-shaped scales with honeycomb-like centres, underlain by a layer of filamentous structures connected to each other in the basal and apical parts. The tectum is very fine and can be easily lost under inappropriate EM fixation. In its light-microscopical features, this species resembles Ovalopodium carrikeri Sawyer, 1980, a himatismenid that is believed to possess a scaleless, fuzzy or hairy "glycocalyx". We suggest that O. carrikeri might have been a similar species that lost scales under fixation. Our finding makes desirable a re-investigation of the genus Ovalopodium.  相似文献   

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