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克隆植物的水分生理整合及其生态效应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
水分生理整合是克隆植物生理整合过程中非常重要的一部分,是克隆植物生长发育和生态适应过程中的重要机制之一。本文主要从理论上对克隆植物水分生理整合的存在性、方向性、整合的程度、范围及其与克隆植物的功能分工、表型可塑性和觅养行为、风险分摊等行为表现的关系进行了深入分析,并对迄今有关克隆植物水分整合的最新研究进展和研究方法进行了系统总结和评述。提出克隆植物的水分生理整合包括水平和垂直两个方向,而水力提降为垂直方向的水分生理整合提供了一个重要途径。认为在今后,应加强对克隆植物水分生理整合的精确定量化研究,同时,应运用生态学、生理学、生物化学及分子生物学等方法,综合深入地研究克隆植物水分整合的机理。  相似文献   

施肥对毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)竹笋生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)为具有重要经济价值的高大乔木状竹种。本文通过完全随机化区组施肥试验,探讨了施肥量及施肥方式对毛竹竹笋生长的效应。结果表明:在毛竹林内施肥可使出笋数和活笋数提高3倍以上,但对竹笋(幼竹)的个体大小却几乎没有改良效果。竹笋的存活率基本上是恒定的,不随施肥量的改变而改变。当地下茎(竹鞭)穿越养分分布不均的环境时,竹笋能有选择地大量长于养分丰富的地段而避开养分贫乏的地段。另一方面,跨越于有利地段和不利地段的竹(笋)株间有明显的生理整合作用,而且这种生理整合在显著增加了长在不利地段的竹笋数(高收益)的同时,基本上没有减少长在有利地段的竹笋数(低耗费)。9m×9m的样方已足以观测到显著的施肥效果,这比传统的毛竹研究中使用的1亩的样方面积效率要高。在竹林培育方面,不均匀施肥如带状或点状施肥要比均匀施肥效率高。  相似文献   

克隆植物中的劳动分工及其生态学效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳动分工是经济进步的发动机,克隆植物也具有与经济学相类似的劳动分工现象。环境异质性、分株专化与合作以及分株潜在的生长独立性是克隆植物劳动分工发生的基本条件。根据发生条件可以把克隆植物劳动分工分为环境诱导型和遗传型两种。克隆植物能够通过利用形态或生理可塑性和生理整合、劳动分工机制实现对生境中异质性资源的有效利用。克隆植物劳动分工的生态学效应在于:提高对局部资源的摄食效率、克服局域资源限制、实现生物量的增益与适合度的提升,上述效应的机理可以用经济学边际成本分析和规模报酬规律来解释。同时,劳动分工还能提高种间竞争力、增强觅食有效性、减弱种内自疏,但同时,克隆植物在不稳定环境下的劳动分工效应也会增加生存风险。随着现代生物学研究手段的不断应用,有关克隆植物劳动分工的研究将会得到更加深入的发展。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地黄柳再生枝与现存枝形态和光合特征的比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
高玉葆  任安芝  王巍  王金龙 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1758-1764
对黄柳经平茬后形成的再生枝和未平茬的现存枝的光合作用、株高、基径、叶片大小等形态特征进行了比较研究,结果表明再生枝比现存枝具明显的生长优势;再生枝高度及高度频度分布均与现存枝十分接近;再生枝基径显著大于现存枝,前者过细和过粗枝条的比例均较低,基径频度分布趋于正态分布,后者细枝条比例较高,基径频度分布符合对数正态分布;同时再生枝叶片更长、更宽,叶长和叶宽接近于平均值的叶子所占比例更大。在上午时段内叶片温度和光合有效辐射随气温同步上升,黄柳叶片的净光合速率总体上都比较高,再生枝和现存枝之间的表现差异明显。  相似文献   

All natural environments are spatially and temporally heterogeneous. Consequently, their ability to provide essential resources for the growth of plants is variable. Modular plant species produce repeated basic structures which, in the case of clonal species, are called ramets. Ramets belonging to the same clone are distributed throughout the environment in space and time, and therefore they may be located in sites which differ in resource-providing quality. The connections between ramets may allow resources to be shared, enabling the clone to behave as a cooperative system. As a result of such physiological integration, ramets can survive in conditions where there is lethal shortage of a resource because they are connected to, and supported by, ramets located in conditions where there is ample supply of the same resource. Physiological integration between connected ramets presents opportunities for heterogeneous environments to be exploited to an extent that is only just becoming apparent. As heterogeneity is ubiquitous in natural environments, it may be expected that plants, as relatively immobile organisms, will have evolved the capacity to cope with it by making appropriate localized morphological and/or physiological plastic responses. Recent studies suggest that such responses not only enable clonal species to cope with environmental heterogeneity, but that under some circumstances they can benefit more from environments which are heterogeneous rather than homogeneous, even when both types of environment contain the same amount of resources. Studies on Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae) that illustrate this phenomenon are described.  相似文献   

植物茎秆性状形成与发育的分子基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
株型是作物品种改良的重要目标性状,其中茎秆是最重要的株型性状。植物发育分子生物学研究表明,茎秆性状的形成和发育受多个重要基因的严格调控。本文从茎秆的发生、形状和分枝的形成等方面对茎秆发育的分子机理进行概述,以期为植物株型的改良提供理论依据。  相似文献   

群落中克隆植物的重要性   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
宋明华  董鸣 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1960-1967
综述了群落水平上克隆植物的重要性,克隆植物的生态习性,克隆植物的竞争关系等方面的研究进展,并试图在克隆植物竞争关系的背景下,结合其生境状况,探讨植物克隆性与植物物种多样性的关系。克隆植物的等级系统(基株—分株系统—分株)使其具有克隆性所赋予的多样的生活史、资源利用以及空间占据方式。列举了克隆植物的特性及其在群落中的作用。这些例子表明,克隆性强烈地影响和制约着植物群落的空间格局与竞争关系。然而克隆性也能通过权衡活动性与局部持久性来缓解对物种共存的抑制。克隆植物具有在时空尺度上分株间相互调节的机制,直接体现在群落中小尺度(个体与个体间)与大尺度(种群与种群间)间的相互作用上。丰富了传统的竞争和生态位划分理论,为群落中物种共存提供了合理解释。因此克隆植物在群落中的出现拓宽了群落系统潜在机制的范围。  相似文献   

Aims Many invasive alien plant species are clonal and can greatly propagate and spread through clonal integration (sharing resources between connected ramets) in heterogeneous and variable environments. Here, we tested whether water variability influences clonal integration of invasive alien plant species and consequently facilitates their growth and dominance in a native community.  相似文献   

在棉纤维加厚发育期20.0℃的日均温条件下,对棉花6~9果枝(中部果枝)和11~14果枝(上部果枝)1、2果节棉铃及其对位果枝叶分别于花后15 d和30 d,外施C/N比恒定的3种外源物质:(1)6%蔗糖和0.6%谷氨酰胺混合溶液(C+N),(2)6%蔗糖、0.6%谷氨酰胺和2μg.g-16-BA混合溶液(C+N+BA),(3)2μg.g-16-BA溶液(BA),研究低温条件下外源物质对棉株不同部位果枝棉铃纤维比强度的影响。结果表明:花后15 d外施C+N+BA可提高棉花上部果枝铃铃重和衣分,花后15 d3、0 d外施C+N+BA均可提高棉花中部果枝铃铃重和衣分。花后15 d3、0 d外施BA均有利于棉花上部果枝铃衣分的提高。花后15 d、30 d外施C+N、C+N+BA、BA均导致棉花上部果枝铃棉纤维的螺旋角和取向分布角变大,纤维比强度降低,但可优化中部果枝铃棉纤维的螺旋角和取向分布角,提高纤维比强度,且以BA处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

植物质膜H+-ATPase的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
质膜H -ATPase参与植物细胞的物质跨膜转运、细胞的伸长生长、气孔的开闭以及植物对环境胁迫的响应等生理过程,是植物生命活动的“主宰酶”。其活性调节涉及激素、环境因子等多种因素,可发生在转录、翻译和酶分子等多级水平。因此,在植物生长发育过程中,质膜H -ATPase活性的调节对生理活动起重要作用。本文就植物质膜H -ATPase的结构特征、生理功能、活性变化及其调节机理等的研究进展进行综述,以进一步揭示该酶的生理功能及其调节机理与植物生命活动过程的关系。  相似文献   

The relation of the within-season and between-season patterns of shoot growth were compared in a clonal grass with long-lived shoots,Festuca rubra, in a mown mountain grassland. The growth rate of shoot length from spring to summer in a year was almost constant for each shoot irrespective of spring shoot length each year. The annual shoot growth rate from spring to spring was negatively correlated with the shoot length in the first spring. Shoots of different length and age therefore tended to converge over time to a population of identical shoot size, suggesting an equalizing effect of growth pattern on size structure. Shoot size (shoot length and number of leaves) influenced the fates of shoots. Larger shoots showed an increased incidence of both flowering and formation of intravaginal daughter shoots and a decreased incidence of death in the subsequent time period. The fates of shoots were independent of their age. Although the negatively size-dependent springto-spring annual shoot growth rate acted to decrease shoot size variation, the remaining variation within the shoot population was still sufficient to generate different fates of shoots. These fates were not related to the previous life history of individual shoots. There was a significantly positive effect of the shoot size at initiation on its life expectancy. This was mainly attributable to the positively size-dependent survival rate of shoots in the early stage (<1 year old) of shoot life history. Later on (> 1 year old), shoot size had little effect on the survival rate of shoots. Once small young shoots have survived this early stage (< 1 year old) in life history, they can grow vigorously, little affected by competition regardless of shoot size, and converge to a stable size structure of shoots of similar size. Only shoot size in the early stage ( < 1 year old) of life history is important for the persistence of a shoot population.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. An image analysis technique was developed for the semiautomatic determination of abundance, size distribution and biomass in Daphnia cultures. This allowed detailed observations of growth, demography and biomass accumulation in live populations, avoiding artifacts caused by subsampling and sampling losses.
2. The image analysis method gave fast, non-destructive and reliable individual counts, even in cultures with high density and a large fraction of juveniles.
3. In Daphnia , animal width changes with nutritional status and growth within instar, while length changes only at the moult. Thus, estimation of individual biomass using an ellipsoidal model based on animal width gave improved biomass calculations compared to manual counting, sizing, and length : weight regressions.
4. The power of the image analysis technique for assessing population growth and size structure was demonstrated in two 40-day experiments, with Daphnia magna feeding on the green algae Selenastrum capricornutum in a two-stage chemostat system.  相似文献   

1. Density dependence may act at several stages in an organisms life-cycle (e.g. on mortality, fecundity, etc.), but not all density-dependent processes necessarily regulate population size. In this paper I use a density manipulation experiment to determine the effects of density on the transition rates between different size classes of the clonal zoanthid Palythoa caesia Dana 1846. I then formulate a density-dependent matrix model of population dynamics of Palythoa , and perform a series of sensitivity analyses on the model to determine at what stage in the life-cycle regulation acts.
2. Seven of the 16 transition probabilities decreased with density, most of them being shrinkage (due to loss of tissue or fission) and stasis (the self–self transition) of medium and large colonies. The only probability to increase was for the stasis of large colonies. Recruitment was quadratically dependent on density, peaking at intermediate densities.
3. Equilibrium cover in the model was 84% and was reached in ≈40 years. To determine which density-dependent transitions were involved in population regulation, the strength of density dependence was varied in each independently. This sensitivity analysis showed that only changes in the probabilities of large colonies remaining large and producing medium colonies, were regulating.
4. These results suggest that regulation is primarily acting on fission of large colonies to produce intermediate-sized colonies, in combination with size specific growth rates. Fission rates decrease greatly with density, resulting in a greater proportion of large colonies at high densities and large colonies grow more slowly than small. Overall, this behaviour is very similar to that of clonal plants which have a phalanx type life history.  相似文献   

  • Cadmium (Cd) is a hazardous environmental pollutant with high toxicity to plants, which has been detected in many wetlands. Clonal integration (resource translocation) between connected ramets of clonal plants can increase their tolerance to stress. We hypothesised that clonal integration facilitates spread of amphibious clonal plants from terrestrial to Cd‐contaminated aquatic habitats.
  • The spread of an amphibious grass Paspalum paspaloides was simulated by growing basal older ramets in uncontaminated soil connected (allowing integration) or not connected (preventing integration) to apical younger ramets of the same fragments in Cd‐contaminated water.
  • Cd contamination of apical ramets of P. paspaloides markedly decreased growth and photosynthetic capacity of the apical ramets without connection to the basal ramets, but did not decrease these properties with connection. Cd contamination did not affect growth of the basal ramets without connection to the apical ramets, but Cd contamination of 4 and 12 mg·l?1 significantly increased growth with connection. Consequently, clonal integration increased growth of the apical ramets, basal ramets and whole clones when the apical ramets were grown in Cd‐contaminated water of 4 and 12 mg·l?1. Cd was detected in the basal ramets with connection to the apical ramets, suggesting Cd could be translocated due to clonal integration. Clonal integration, most likely through translocation of photosynthates, can support P. paspaloides to spread from terrestrial to Cd‐contaminated aquatic habitats.
  • Amphibious clonal plants with a high ability for clonal integration are particularly useful for re‐vegetation of degraded aquatic habitats caused by Cd contamination.

高等植物开花诱导途径信号整合的分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开花是高等植物从营养生长到生殖生长的重要转折点。花分生组织的形成是开花植物对内外环境信号的响应。近年来在开花诱导方面已获得许多研究成果,我们介绍了高等植物开花诱导的4条主要途径(光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径和赤霉素途径)和复杂的信号整合机制。  相似文献   


Backgrounds and Aims

Shoot demography affects the growth of the tree crown and the number of leaves on a tree. Masting may cause inter-annual and spatial variation in shoot demography of mature trees, which may in turn affect the resource budget of the tree. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of masting on the temporal and spatial variations in shoot demography of mature Betula grossa.


The shoot demography was analysed in the upper and lower parts of the tree crown in mature trees and saplings over 7 years. Mature trees and saplings were compared to differentiate the effect of masting from the effect of exogenous environment on shoot demography. The fate of different shoot types (reproductive, vegetative, short, long), shoot length and leaf area were investigated by monitoring and by retrospective survey using morphological markers on branches. The effects of year and branch position on demographic parameters were evaluated.

Key Results

Shoot increase rate, production of long shoots, bud mortality, length of long shoots and leaf area of a branch fluctuated periodically from year to year in mature trees over 7 years, in which two masting events occurred. Branches within a crown showed synchronized annual variation, and the extent of fluctuation was larger in the upper branches than the lower branches. Vegetative shoots varied in their bud differentiation each year and contributed to the dynamic shoot demography as much as did reproductive shoots, suggesting physiological integration in shoot demography through hormonal regulation and resource allocation.


Masting caused periodic annual variation in shoot demography of the mature trees and the effect was spatially variable within a tree crown. Since masting is a common phenomenon among tree species, annual variation in shoot demography and leaf area should be incorporated into resource allocation models of mature masting trees.  相似文献   

1.  Capture–mark–recapture data were used to describe the process of recovery from a typical badger removal operation (BRO) at North Nibley, Gloucestershire, UK, which was carried out as part of the government's strategy to control bovine tuberculosis. Data on biometrics, demographics and movement from this low-density disturbed population were compared with those of two nearby high-density undisturbed populations (Wytham Woods and Woodchester Park, UK) in order to study fundamental principles of population dynamics and density-dependence.
2.  Badgers moved more between social groups at North Nibley than in the other study areas, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the removal operation.
3.  Recolonization of the vacated habitat occurred in the first instance by young females.
4.  Although in the first year after the BRO no cubs had been reared in any of the culled groups, and although the shortage of sexually mature boars may have limited the reproductive output of sows in the following year, the population took only 3 years to recover to its (already lowered) preremoval density.
5.  Losses from the adult (and cub) population due to mortality or emigration were smaller at North Nibley than at the other sites.
6.  There was much evidence that during 1995 and 1996 density-dependent effects constrained the reproductive output of the high-density populations, and some support for the hypothesis that badgers exhibit the non-linear 'large mammal' type of functional response to density.
7.  Badgers at North Nibley were younger, heavier and in better condition than badgers at Wytham Woods and Woodchester Park.
8.  We argue that the disease dynamics are likely to be different in disturbed compared with undisturbed badger populations, and that this could affect the effectiveness of BROs.  相似文献   

The costs of reproduction in plants   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  

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