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Summary Optimal allocation of energy to growth, reproduction and storage was considered for perennial plants differing in the proportion of vegetative structures persisting over winter and/or in the amount of resources which can be relocated to storage before abscission of some organs. It was found that for every mortality level there exists a critical proportion of persistent organs. Below this critical value it is optimal to grow without reproduction for the first years until a characteristic size is reached; afterwards, that size is maintained year after year and all extra resources are devoted to reproduction. Some storage is also necessary to maintain constant size. If the proportion of retained vegetative mass is above the critical value, the optimal strategy is gradual growth to an asymptotic size, with growth and reproduction occurring in several years following maturation. In this case real storage occurs only until maturation is reached, then storage is realized only by energy relocation from the vegetative body. Although the optimal solution changes abruptly qualitatively at a given proportion of resources saved from year to year, further growth of this proportion above the critical level brings about a greater difference between size reached at maturity and final size. The predictions of the model seem to follow the pattern of nature qualitatively.  相似文献   

Using hydroponic cultures, the effect of high concentrations (10?3 m) of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in the root medium on the water balance of 8–9 week old plants ofPisum sativum L. and of 9–10 week-old plants ofSinapis alba L. was studied. The water balance was determined in the light and in the dark gravimetrically by measuring the intensity of water uptake and transpiration in plants cultivated by the method of root bridges according to Werner. MCPA present in the root medium in illuminated plants decreased rapidly the intensity of both the uptake and the loss components of the water balance. In permanent darkness, MCPA brought about an increase in the intensity of uptake of water and of transpiration. Simultaneous determination of water uptake and transpiration showed that the intensity of transpiration remained higher than the intensity of water uptake. This indicates that in the presence of MCPA in the root medium the relationship between the uptake and the loss components of water balance is not quantitatively equal, enboth in the light and in the dark. The existing disproportion results in the formation of a passive water balance of plants.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate whether the P concentration in the roots or the shoots controls the growth and citrate exudation of cluster roots in white lupin (Lupinus albus L). Foliar P application indicated that low P concentration in the shoots enhanced cluster‐root growth and citrate‐exudation rate more so than low P concentration in the roots. In the split‐root study, the P concentration in the shoots increased with increased P supply (1, 25 or 75 mmol m?3 P), to the ‘privileged’ root halves. Roots ‘deprived’ of P invariably had the same low P concentrations, whereas those in the ‘privileged’ roots increased with increasing P supply (1, 25 or 75 mmol m?3 P). Nevertheless, the proportion of the total root mass allocated to cluster roots, and the citrate‐exudation rates from the root halves were always similar on both root halves, irrespective of P supply, and decreased with increasing shoot P concentrations. Peak citrate exudation rates from developing cluster roots were significantly faster from cluster roots on the ‘deprived’ root halves when the ‘privileged’ half was exposed to 1 mmol m?3 P as compared with 25 or 75 mmol m?3 P. The possibility that changes in the concentrations of P fractions in the root halves influenced cluster‐root growth and citrate exudation was discounted, because there were no significant differences in insoluble organic P, ester‐P and inorganic P among all ‘deprived’ root halves. The results indicate that cluster‐root proportions and citrate exudation rates were regulated systemically by the P status of the shoot, and that P concentrations in the roots had little influence on growth and citrate exudation of cluster roots in L. albus.  相似文献   

Interspecific competitive relationships and their effect on yield have been analysed in the association of potato and maize, two species with contrasting patterns of root and shoot systems establishment. Greenhouse experiments were carried out under three configurations (NC: no interspecific competition; FC: shoot and root interspecific competition; SC: shoot-only interspecific competition). Despite large variations between replicate experiments associated with seasonal effects, the study revealed consistent patterns of competition for above- and below-ground resources. Light interception in FC and SC was dominated by potato (60%) during the first 45 days after planting and by maize thereafter (80%). The extra shade caused by the companion crop increased soil moisture by up to 10% in SC treatments. The yield of the two species responded in opposite ways to SC, which was consistent with asymmetric patterns of competition between the two species. In potato, FC reduced tuber yield (number and size) by 4–26%, while SC increased tuber size (compared to NC) by 3–39%. In maize, FC reduced LAI and plant height by up to 45%, shoot and root dry mass, nutrient content, yield, the weight of 100 grains and harvest index by ca. 30–100%, while SC affected all but LAI and plant height. It appears that the contrast between the progressive installation of the maize root system and the rapid early extension of the potato root system is amplified by the restriction of maize root development under competition, which leads to close interdependencies between root and shoot competitive relationships. Although the specific effects of root competition cannot be uncovered by this set of experiments, competition effects on maize in the potato/maize intercropping seem to primarily related to light availability in the mixed canopy.  相似文献   

A wastewater culture system was designed to study the root growth of eight species of wetland plants with two different root types. The system included a plastic barrel for holding the wastewater and a foam plate for holding the plant. The results indicated that the root growth of the plants with fibril roots was faster than that of the plants with rhizomatic roots. The species with fibril roots had higher root number (1349 per plant) than species with rhizomatic roots (549 per plant) after ten weeks of cultivation. The average root biomass of plants with fibril roots was 11.3 g per plant, whereas that of plants with rhizomatic roots was 7.4 g per plant. Fine root biomass of diameter ≤ 1 mm constituted 51.9% of the total root biomass in plants with fibril roots, whereas it accounted for only 25.1% in plants with rhizomatic roots. The root surface area of the plants with fibril roots (6933 cm2 per plant) was markedly larger than that of the species with rhizomatic roots (1897 cm2 per plant). The species with rhizomatic roots showed a longer root lifespan (46.6 days) than those with fibril roots (34.8 days).  相似文献   

Summary A cDNA library was prepared from, poly(A)+ RNA from roots of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Twenty five clones were selected by use of random numbers and used as probes on Northern blots to analyse the distribution of their corresponding mRNA species in other vegetative pea organs: leaf, stem and developing cotyledon. Fifteen cDNA inserts hybridised to single mRNA species, five hybridised to two mRNA species and one hybridised to five homologous mRNAs. Four cDNA clones (16% of those selected) gave no hybridization signals, indicating that the steady state levels of mRNAs were below the detection limit (i.e.less than 2.5 x 10-5% of poly(A)+ RNA). Most of the root mRNAs were represented in all four pea organs as sequences of low and medium abundance. All but two cDNAs encoded mRNA species enhanced in root. However, cDNA clones appeared not to encode mRNA species expressed in a strictly organ-specific manner, as no mRNA unique to root was found. Thus, if organ-unique mRNA species are present, they are only present at a very low level of abundance in the poly(A)+RNA population.  相似文献   

两种不同根系类型湿地植物的根系生长   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
实验设计了一个水培系统,利用生活污水培养,对4种“须根型”植物美人蕉、风车草、象草和香根草和4种根茎型植物菖蒲、水鬼蕉、芦苇和水烛的根系生长进行比较研究。该系统由用于盛污水的塑料桶(顶部直径36.5cm,底部直径30.Ocm,高34.5cm)和用于固定植物于水面的泡沫板构成。每桶种植1株植物,每种种5株。水培至10周时,须根型植物的平均根数达到1349条/株,而根茎型植物的平均根数只有549条/株。实验结束(水培第21周)时,须根型植物的平均根生物量为11.3g/株,根茎型植物的平均根生物量为7.4g/株。须根型植物根系中,d〈1mm的细根生物量占根系总生物量的51.9%,而根茎型植物d〈1mm的细根的生物量只占25.1%。根茎型植物的根生物量与地上生物量的比值为0.2,显著高于须根型湿地植物(0.1)。须根型湿地植物的根系表面积(6933cm^2/株)极显著地高于根茎型湿地植物(1897cm^2/株)。根茎型湿地植物根的平均寿命(46.6d)较须根型湿地植物根的平均寿命(34.8d)长。美人蕉的平均根数达1871条/株,根表面积达到22832cm^2/株,远较其他种高。  相似文献   

A differential equation model of vegetative growth of the soya bean plant (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Ransom') was developed to account for plant growth in a phytotron system under variation of root temperature and nitrogen concentration in nutrient solution. The model was tested by comparing model outputs with data from four different experiments. Model predictions agreed fairly well with measured plant performance over a wide range of root temperatures and over a range of nitrogen concentrations in nutrient solution between 0.5 and 10.0 mmol NO3- in the phytotron environment. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the model was most sensitive to changes in parameters relating to carbohydrate concentration in the plant and nitrogen uptake rate.  相似文献   

Vegetative reproduction is a very common alternative by which plants can contribute to the next generations. There are many considerations predicting which mode of reproduction, vegetative or sexual, should be favored and numerous experimental studies to verify them. However, the results are inconsistent especially when the effect of plant density is considered. I apply here a dynamic optimization model to predict the rate of vegetative and sexual reproduction in plants as a response to changes in the local plant density. The population is assumed to occupy a heterogeneous environment consisting of patches in which growth and reproduction of plants are possible and unfavorable space between them. As the environment is globally stable, the seeds, which can disperse without restriction, exhibit a constant recruitment rate. The ramets are assumed to settle only within the patch of the mother plant. The rate of ramet production effects local density, which in turn determines ramet recruitment. The optimal strategy maximizes the expected lifetime genetic contribution, realized via both vegetative and sexual reproduction. The solutions obtained under these assumptions are dualistic. The model predicts that different approaches applied in studying the effect of ramet density should give opposite outcomes. When the comparison is between patches in natural populations, a positive relationship between relative ramet allocation and density is expected. When the density is experimentally manipulated or its effect is analyzed across different successional stages, a negative relationship should be found. The results seem to be confirmed by empirical studies.  相似文献   

Mollusks show a diversity of shell growth patterns. We develop a model for the dynamic resource allocation to defense organs and analyze it with the Pontryagin maximum principle. A typical optimal growth schedule is composed of the initial phase of soft-body growth without shell followed by a simultaneous growth of shell and soft body and finally the reproductive phase without growth (simultaneous shell growth). If the defensible predation risk is low or if the cost of defense is high, the optimal strategy is to have no shell (shell-less growth). If defensible predation pressure or general mortality differs before and after maturation, an additional three strategies, characteristic of the exclusive growth of shell or soft body, can be optimal (sequential shell growth, additional body-expansion growth, and additional callus-building growth). These optimal strategies are in accord with the patterns observed for mollusks. In particular, the growth strategies with exclusive growth phase of external shells are preferred when durophagous predation pressure after maturation is higher than that before maturation. This result explains the observation that many tropical gastropods with thickened shell lips spend their vulnerable juvenile phase in sheltered habitats.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (EC–3; NR) activity was evaluated in nodulated lucerne ( Medicago sativa L. cv. Europe) grown aeroponically in both the presence and absence of applied nitrogen. Determination of in vivo NR activity was done with organ pieces in 0.1 M K+-phosphate, pH 7.5, 0.1 M KNO3 and 1% n -propanol. NR activity was detected in all plant parts. Leaves accounted for 40% of the whole plant activity. Root activity was as high as leaf activity. Stem NR activity accounted for 14 to 20% of the total plant activity. NR activity was also detected in symbolically dependent plants grown without combined nitrogen. Nodule NR in symbolically dependent plants accounted for 17% of the tolal plant aclivity. When nitrate was present in the nulrienl medium, NR increased 5-fold as compared lo N2-dependenl plants. Varying levels of nitrale (1.65 to 4 m M ) had no influence on leaf or stem activities. However, root NR activity seemed to be related to the nitrale concentration in the nulrient medium. Throughoul inilial vegelative growth, in vivo NR and nitrogenase (acelylene reduction) increased simultaneously. After shoot harvest, nitrogenase (acetylene reduction) aclivity drastically decreased with reduction of photosynthate supply, whereas NR increased in all organs, especially in N2-dependenl plants.  相似文献   

Shoot apical meristem maintenance: the art of a dynamic balance   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The aerial structure of higher plants derives from cells at the tip of the stem, in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Throughout the life of a plant, the SAM produces stem tissues and lateral organs, and also regenerates itself. For correct growth, the plant must maintain a constant flow of cells through the meristem, where the input of dividing pluripotent stem cells offsets the output of differentiating cells. This flow depends on extracellular signaling within the SAM, governed by a spatial regulatory feedback loop that maintains a reservoir of stem cells, and on factors that prevent meristem cells from differentiating prematurely. The terminating floral meristem incorporates the spatial regulation scheme into a temporal regulation pathway involving flower patterning factors.  相似文献   

A Model of Shoot: Root Partitioning with Optimal Growth   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
A shoot: root partitioning model is presented, which is a developmentof previous approaches in the area. The model incorporates asa physiologically reasonable apparent ‘goal’ forthe plant, the assumption that the partitioning of growth betweenthe shoot and root maximizes the plant specific growth ratein balanced exponential growth. The analysis is concerned principallywith plant growth being a function of carbon and nitrogen only,although it is indicated how other nutrients, or growth factors,may be incorporated. Plant growth is driven by the environmentalconditions, and partitioning is defined entirely in terms ofthe shoot: root ratio and carbon and nitrogen status of theplant. In its basic form the model requires the definition ofa single plant growth parameter, along with the shoot and rootspecific activities and structural composition. Shoot: root partitioning, specific growth rate, vegetative phase  相似文献   

The phytotoxic effect of four glycoalkaloids and two 6-O-sulfated glycoalkaloid derivatives were evaluated by testing their inhibition of cucumber root growth. The bioassays were performed using both compounds singly and in equimolar mixtures, respectively. Cucumber root growth was reduced by chaconine (C), solanine (S), solamargine (SM) and solasonine (SS) with IC50 values of 260 (C), 380 (S), 530 (SM), and 610 μM (SS). The inhibitory effect was concentration-dependent. 6-O-sulfated chaconine and 6-O-sulfated solamargine had no inhibitory effects, which indicated that the carbohydrate moieties play an important role in inhibiting cucumber root growth. The equimolar mixtures of paired glycoalkaloids, both chaconine/solanine and solamargine/solasonine, produced synergistic effects on inhibition of cucumber root growth. By contrast, mixtures of unpaired glycoalkaloids from different plants had no obviously synergistic effects. The growth inhibited plant roots lacked hairs, which implied that inhibition was perhaps at the level of root hair growth.  相似文献   

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