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The bacterial AAA+ protein ClpB and its eukaryotic homologue Hsp104 ensure thermotolerance of their respective organisms by reactivating aggregated proteins in cooperation with the Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system. Like many members of the AAA+ superfamily, the ClpB protomers form ringlike homohexameric complexes. The mechanical energy necessary to disentangle protein aggregates is provided by ATP hydrolysis at the two nucleotide-binding domains of each monomer. Previous studies on ClpB and Hsp104 show a complex interplay of domains and subunits resulting in homotypic and heterotypic cooperativity. Using mutations in the Walker A and Walker B nucleotide-binding motifs in combination with mixing experiments we investigated the degree of inter-subunit coupling with respect to different aspects of the ClpB working cycle. We find that subunits are tightly coupled with regard to ATPase and chaperone activity, but no coupling can be observed for ADP binding. Comparison of the data with statistical calculations suggests that for double Walker mutants, approximately two in six subunits are sufficient to abolish chaperone and ATPase activity completely. In further experiments, we determined the dynamics of subunit reshuffling. Our results show that ClpB forms a very dynamic complex, reshuffling subunits on a timescale comparable to steady-state ATP hydrolysis. We propose that this could be a protection mechanism to prevent very stable aggregates from becoming suicide inhibitors for ClpB.  相似文献   

The AAA+ protein ClpB cooperates with the DnaK chaperone system to solubilize and refold proteins from an aggregated state. The substrate-binding site of ClpB and the mechanism of ClpB-dependent protein disaggregation are largely unknown. Here we identified a substrate-binding site of ClpB that is located at the central pore of the first AAA domain. The conserved Tyr251 residue that lines the central pore contributes to substrate binding and its crucial role was confirmed by mutational analysis and direct crosslinking to substrates. Because the positioning of an aromatic residue at the central pore is conserved in many AAA+ proteins, a central substrate-binding site involving this residue may be a common feature of this protein family. The location of the identified binding site also suggests a possible translocation mechanism as an integral part of the ClpB-dependent disaggregation reaction.  相似文献   

ClpB is a member of the bacterial protein-disaggregating chaperone machinery and belongs to the AAA(+) superfamily of ATPases associated with various cellular activities. The mechanism of ClpB-assisted reactivation of strongly aggregated proteins is unknown and the oligomeric state of ClpB has been under discussion. Sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity show that, under physiological ionic strength in the absence of nucleotides, ClpB from Escherichia coli undergoes reversible self-association that involves protein concentration-dependent populations of monomers, heptamers, and intermediate-size oligomers. Under low ionic strength conditions, a heptamer becomes the predominant form of ClpB. In contrast, ATP gamma S, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, as well as ADP stabilize hexameric ClpB. Consistently, electron microscopy reveals that ring-type oligomers of ClpB in the absence of nucleotides are larger than those in the presence of ATP gamma S. Thus, the binding of nucleotides without hydrolysis of ATP produces a significant change in the self-association equilibria of ClpB: from reactions supporting formation of a heptamer to those supporting a hexamer. Our results show how ClpB and possibly other related AAA(+) proteins can translate nucleotide binding into a major structural transformation and help explain why previously published electron micrographs of some AAA(+) ATPases detected both six- and sevenfold particle symmetry.  相似文献   

ClpB of Escherichia coli is an ATP-dependent ring-forming chaperone that mediates the resolubilization of aggregated proteins in cooperation with the DnaK chaperone system. ClpB belongs to the Hsp100/Clp subfamily of AAA+ proteins and is composed of an N-terminal domain and two AAA-domains that are separated by a "linker" region. Here we present a detailed structure-function analysis of ClpB, dissecting the individual roles of ClpB domains and conserved motifs in oligomerization, ATP hydrolysis, and chaperone activity. Our results show that ClpB oligomerization is strictly dependent on the presence of the C-terminal domain of the second AAA-domain, while ATP binding to the first AAA-domains stabilized the ClpB oligomer. Analysis of mutants of conserved residues in Walker A and B and sensor 2 motifs revealed that both AAA-domains contribute to the basal ATPase activity of ClpB and communicate in a complex manner. Chaperone activity strictly depends on ClpB oligomerization and the presence of a residual ATPase activity. The N-domain is dispensable for oligomerization and for the disaggregating activity in vitro and in vivo. In contrast the presence of the linker region, although not involved in oligomerization, is essential for ClpB chaperone activity.  相似文献   

The AAA+ protein ClpB mediates the solubilization of protein aggregates in cooperation with the DnaK chaperone system (KJE). The order of action of ClpB and KJE on aggregated proteins is unknown. We describe a ClpB variant with mutational alterations in the Walker B motif of both AAA domains (E279A/E678A), which binds but does not hydrolyze ATP. This variant associates in vitro and in vivo in a stable manner with protein substrates, demonstrating direct interaction of ClpB with protein aggregates for the first time. Substrate interaction is strictly dependent on ATP binding to both AAA domains of ClpB. The unique substrate binding properties of the double Walker B variant allowed to dissect the order of ClpB and DnaK action during disaggregation reactions. ClpB-E279A/E678A outcompetes the DnaK system for binding to the model substrate TrfA and inhibits the dissociation of small protein aggregates by DnaK only, indicating that ClpB acts prior to DnaK on protein substrates.  相似文献   

Hexameric AAA+ ATPases induce conformational changes in a variety of macromolecules. AAA+ structures contain the nucleotide‐binding P‐loop with the Walker A sequence motif: GxxGxGK(T/S). A subfamily of AAA+ sequences contains Asn in the Walker A motif instead of Thr or Ser. This noncanonical subfamily includes torsinA, an ER protein linked to human dystonia and DnaC, a bacterial helicase loader. Role of the noncanonical Walker A motif in the functionality of AAA+ ATPases has not been explored yet. To determine functional effects of introduction of Asn into the Walker A sequence, we replaced the Walker‐A Thr with Asn in ClpB, a bacterial AAA+ chaperone which reactivates aggregated proteins. We found that the T‐to‐N mutation in Walker A partially inhibited the ATPase activity of ClpB, but did not affect the ClpB capability to associate into hexamers. Interestingly, the noncanonical Walker A sequence in ClpB induced preferential binding of ADP vs. ATP and uncoupled the linkage between the ATP‐bound conformation and the high‐affinity binding to protein aggregates. As a consequence, ClpB with the noncanonical Walker A sequence showed a low chaperone activity in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrate a novel role of the Walker‐A Thr in sensing the nucleotide's γ‐phosphate and in maintaining an allosteric linkage between the P‐loop and the aggregate binding site of ClpB. We postulate that AAA+ ATPases with the noncanonical Walker A might utilize distinct mechanisms to couple the ATPase cycle with their substrate‐remodeling activity.  相似文献   

ClpB, a member of the expanded superfamily of ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+), forms a ring-shaped hexamer and cooperates with the DnaK chaperone system to reactivate aggregated proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. The ClpB protomer consists of an N-terminal domain, an AAA+ module (AAA-1), a middle domain, and a second AAA+ module (AAA-2). Each AAA+ module contains highly conserved WalkerA and WalkerB motifs, and two arginines (AAA-1) or one arginine (AAA-2). Here, we investigated the roles of these arginines (Arg322, Arg323, and Arg747) of ClpB from Thermus thermophilus in the ATPase cycle and chaperone function by alanine substitution. These mutations did not affect nucleotide binding, but did inhibit the hydrolysis of the bound ATP and slow the threading of the denatured protein through the central pore of the T. thermophilus ClpB ring, which severely impaired the chaperone functions. Previously, it was demonstrated that ATP binding to the AAA-1 module induced motion of the middle domain and stabilized the ClpB hexamer. However, the arginine mutations of the AAA-1 module destabilized the ClpB hexamer, even though ATP-induced motion of the middle domain was not affected. These results indicated that the three arginines are crucial for ATP hydrolysis and chaperone activity, but not for ATP binding. In addition, the two arginines in AAA-1 and the ATP-induced motion of the middle domain independently contribute to the stabilization of the hexamer.  相似文献   

Members of the diverse superfamily of AAA+ proteins are molecular machines responsible for a wide range of essential cellular processes. In this review we summarise structural and functional data surrounding the nucleotide binding pocket of these versatile complexes. Protein Data Bank (PDB) structures of closely related AAA+ ATPase are overlaid and biologically relevant motifs are displayed. Interactions between protomers are illustrated on the basis of oligomeric structures of each AAA+ subgroup. The possible role of conserved motifs in the nucleotide binding pocket is assessed with regard to ATP binding and hydrolysis, oligomerisation and inter-subunit communication. Our comparison indicates that in particular the roles of the arginine finger and sensor 2 residues differ subtly between AAA+ subgroups, potentially providing a means for functional diversification.  相似文献   

ClpB is a heat-shock protein that reactivates aggregated proteins in cooperation with the DnaK chaperone system. ClpB belongs to the family of AAA+ ATPases and forms ring-shaped oligomers: heptamers in the absence of nucleotides and hexamers in the presence of nucleotides. We investigated the thermodynamic stability of ClpB in its monomeric and oligomeric forms. ClpB contains six distinct structural domains: the N-terminal domain involved in substrate binding, two AAA+ ATP-binding modules, each consisting of two domains, and a coiled-coil domain inserted between the AAA+ modules. We produced seven variants of ClpB, each containing a single Trp located in each of the ClpB domains and measured the changes in Trp fluorescence during the equilibrium urea-induced unfolding of ClpB. We found that two structural domains: the small domain of the C-terminal AAA+ module and the coiled-coil domain were destabilized in the oligomeric form of ClpB, which indicates that only those domains change their conformation and/or interactions during formation of the ClpB rings.  相似文献   

ClpB cooperates with the DnaK chaperone system in the reactivation of protein from aggregates and is a member of the ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities (AAA+) protein family. The underlying disaggregation reaction is dependent on ATP hydrolysis at both AAA cassettes of ClpB but the role of each AAA cassette in the reaction cycle is largely unknown. Here we analyze the activity of the separately expressed and purified nucleotide binding domains of ClpB from Thermus thermophilus. The two fragments show different biochemical properties: the first construct is inactive in ATPase activity assays and binds nucleotides weakly, the second construct has a very high ATPase activity and interacts tightly with nucleotides. Both individual fragments have lost their chaperone function and are not able to form large oligomers. When combined in solution, however, the two fragments form a stable heterodimer with oligomerization capacities equivalent to wild-type ClpB. This non-covalent complex regains activity in reactivating protein aggregates in cooperation with the DnaK chaperone system. Upon complex formation the ATPase activity of fragment 2 is reduced to a level similar to wild-type ClpB. Hence functional ClpB can be reassembled from its isolated AAA cassettes showing that covalent linkage of these domains is not a prerequisite for the chaperone activity. The observation that the intrinsically high ATPase activity of AAA2 is suppressed by AAA1 allows a hypothetical assignment of their mechanistic function. Whereas the energy gained upon ATP hydrolysis at the AAA2 is likely to drive a conformational change of the structure of ClpB, AAA1 might function as a regulator of the chaperone cycle.  相似文献   

The AAA+ protein ClpC is not only involved in the removal of misfolded and aggregated proteins but also controls, through regulated proteolysis, key steps of several developmental processes in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. In contrast to other AAA+ proteins, ClpC is unable to mediate these processes without an adaptor protein like MecA. Here, we demonstrate that the general activation of ClpC is based upon the ability of MecA to participate in the assembly of an active and substrate-recognizing higher oligomer consisting of ClpC and the adaptor protein, which is a prerequisite for all activities of this AAA+ protein. Using hybrid proteins of ClpA and ClpC, we identified the N-terminal and the Linker domain of the first AAA+ domain of ClpC as the essential MecA interaction sites. This new adaptor-mediated mechanism adds another layer of control to the regulation of the biological activity of AAA+ proteins.  相似文献   

ClpB is a molecular chaperone from the AAA+ superfamily of ATPases, which reactivates aggregated proteins in cooperation with the DnaK chaperone system. ClpB is essential for infectivity and in-host survival of a number of pathogenic microorganisms, but systematic studies on ClpB from pathogens have not been reported yet. We purified and characterized one of the two ClpB isoforms from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, PfClpB1. PfClpB1 is targeted to the apicoplast, an essential plastid organelle that is a promising anti-malaria drug target. PfClpB1 contains all characteristic AAA+ sequence motifs, but the middle domain of PfClpB1 includes a 52-residue long non-conserved insert. Like in most AAA+ ATPases, ATP induces self-association of PfClpB1 into hexamers. PfClpB1 catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP and its ATPase activity is activated in the presence of casein and poly-lysine. Similar to Escherichia coli ClpB, PfClpB1 reactivates aggregated firefly luciferase, but the PfClpB1-mediated aggregate reactivation is inhibited in the presence of E. coli DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE. The lack of effective cooperation between PfClpB1 and the bacterial DnaK system may arise from the Plasmodium-specific sequence of the ClpB middle domain. Our results indicate that the chaperone activity of PfClpB1 may support survival of Plasmodium falciparum by maintaining the folding status and activity of apicoplast proteins.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone ClpB can rescue the heat-damaged proteins from an aggregated state in cooperation with other chaperones. It has two nucleotide binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2) and forms a hexamer ring in a manner dependent on ATP binding to NBD1. In the crystal structure of ClpB with both NBDs filled by nucleotides, the linker between two NBDs forms an 85-A-long coiled-coil that extends on the outside of the hexamer and leans to NBD1. To probe the possible motion of the coiled-coil, we tested the accessibility of a labeling reagent, fluorescence change of a labeled dye, and cross-linking between the coiled-coil and NBD1 by using the mutants with defective NBD1 or NBD2. The results suggest that the coiled-coil is more or less parallel to the main body of ClpB in the absence of nucleotide and that ATP binding to NBD1 brings it to the leaning position as seen in the crystal structure. This motion results in stabilization of the hexamer form of ClpB and promotion of ATP hydrolysis at NBD2.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone ClpB/Hsp104, a member of the AAA+ superfamily (ATPases associated with various cellular activities), rescues proteins from the aggregated state in collaboration with the DnaK/Hsp70 chaperone system. ClpB/Hsp104 forms a hexameric, ring-shaped complex that functions as a tightly regulated, ATP-powered molecular disaggregation machine. Highly conserved and essential arginine residues, often called arginine fingers, are located at the subunit interfaces of the complex, which also harbor the catalytic sites. Several AAA+ proteins, including ClpB/Hsp104, possess a pair of such trans-acting arginines in the N-terminal nucleotide binding domain (NBD1), both of which were shown to be crucial for oligomerization and ATPase activity. Here, we present a mechanistic study elucidating the role of this conserved arginine pair. First, we found that the arginines couple nucleotide binding to oligomerization of NBD1, which is essential for the activity. Next, we designed a set of covalently linked, dimeric ClpB NBD1 variants, carrying single subunits deficient in either ATP binding or hydrolysis, to study allosteric regulation and intersubunit communication. Using this well defined environment of site-specifically modified, cross-linked AAA+ domains, we found that the conserved arginine pair mediates the cooperativity of ATP binding and hydrolysis in an allosteric fashion.  相似文献   

Self-association of ClpB (a mixture of 95- and 80-kDa subunits) has been studied with gel filtration chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation, and electron microscopy. Monomeric ClpB predominates at low protein concentration (0.07 mg/mL), while an oligomeric form is highly populated at >4 mg/mL. The oligomer formation is enhanced in the presence of 2 mM ATP or adenosine 5'-O-thiotriphosphate (ATPgammaS). In contrast, 2 mM ADP inhibits full oligomerization of ClpB. The apparent size of the ATP- or ATPgammaS-induced oligomer, as determined by gel filtration, sedimentation velocity and electron microscopy image averaging, and the molecular weight, as determined by sedimentation equilibrium, are consistent with those of a ClpB hexamer. These results indicate that the oligomerization reactions of ClpB are similar to those of other Hsp100 proteins.  相似文献   

Protein degradation in the cytosol of Escherichia coli is carried out by a variety of different proteolytic machines, including ClpAP. The ClpA component is a hexameric AAA+ (ATPase associated with various cellular activities) chaperone that utilizes the energy of ATP to control substrate recognition and unfolding. The precise role of the N-domains of ClpA in this process, however, remains elusive. Here, we have analysed the role of five highly conserved basic residues in the N-domain of ClpA by monitoring the binding, unfolding and degradation of several different substrates, including short unstructured peptides, tagged and untagged proteins. Interestingly, mutation of three of these basic residues within the N-domain of ClpA (H94, R86 and R100) did not alter substrate degradation. In contrast mutation of two conserved arginine residues (R90 and R131), flanking a putative peptide-binding groove within the N-domain of ClpA, specifically compromised the ability of ClpA to unfold and degrade selected substrates but did not prevent substrate recognition, ClpS-mediated substrate delivery or ClpP binding. In contrast, a highly conserved tyrosine residue lining the central pore of the ClpA hexamer was essential for the degradation of all substrate types analysed, including both folded and unstructured proteins. Taken together, these data suggest that ClpA utilizes two structural elements, one in the N-domain and the other in the pore of the hexamer, both of which are required for efficient unfolding of some protein substrates.  相似文献   

In complex with ATP, but not ADP, DnaA protein multimers unwind a specific region of duplex DNA within the chromosomal replication origin, oriC, triggering a series of reactions that result in initiation of DNA replication. Following replication initiation, ATP hydrolysis, which is coupled to DNA replication, results in the generation of initiation-incompetent ADP-DnaA. Suppression of overinitiation of replication requires that ADP-DnaA complexes be stably maintained until the next round of replication. Thus, the functional and structural requirements that ensure stable nucleotide binding to DnaA are crucial for proper regulation of replication. Here, we demonstrate that Glu143 of DnaA, located within the AAA+ box II N-linker motif, is a key residue involved in stable nucleotide binding. A Glu143 substitution variant of DnaA (DnaA E143A) bound to ADP on ice with an affinity similar to wild-type DnaA, but the resultant ADP-DnaA E143A complex was more labile at 37 °C than wild-type ADP-DnaA complexes. Consistent with this, conversion of ADP-DnaA E143A to ATP-DnaA E143A was stimulated at 37°C in the presence of ATP, which also stimulated replication of a minichromosome in an in vitro reconstitution reaction. Expression of DnaA E143A in vivo inhibited cell growth in an oriC-dependent manner, suggesting that DnaA E143A caused over-initiation of replication, consistent with the in vitro results. Glu is a highly conserved residue at the corresponding position of γ-proteobacterial DnaA orthologs. Our finding of the novel role for the DnaA N-linker region may represent a conserved function of this motif among those DnaA orthologs.  相似文献   

The chaperone calreticulin is a highly conserved eukaryotic protein mainly located in the endoplasmic reticulum. It contains a free cysteine SH group but does not form disulfide-bridged dimers under physiological conditions, indicating that the SH group may not be fully accessible in the native protein. Using PAGE, urea gradient gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis and MS, we show that dimerization through the SH group can be induced by lowering the pH to 5-6, heating, or under conditions that favour partial unfolding such as urea concentrations above 2.6 m or SDS concentrations above 0.025%. Moreover, we show that calreticulin also has the ability to self-oligomerize through noncovalent interactions at urea concentrations above 2.6 m at pH below 4.6 or above pH 10, at temperatures above 40 degrees C, or in the presence of high concentrations of organic solvents (25%), conditions that favour partial unfolding or an intramolecular local conformational change that allows oligomerization, resulting in a heterogeneous mixture of oligomers consisting of up to 10 calreticulin monomers. The oligomeric calreticulin was very stable, but oligomerization was partially reversed by addition of 8 m urea or 1% SDS, and heat-induced oligomerization could be inhibited by 8 m urea or 1% SDS when present during heating. Comparison of the binding properties of monomeric and oligomeric calreticulin in solid-phase assays showed increased binding to peptides and denatured proteins when calreticulin was oligomerized. Thus, calreticulin shares the ability to self-oligomerize with other important chaperones such as GRP94 and HSP90, a property possibly associated with their chaperone activity.  相似文献   

alpha-Synuclein is a protein normally involved in presynaptic vesicle homeostasis. It participates in the development of Parkinson's disease, in which the nerve cell lesions, Lewy bodies, accumulate alpha-synuclein filaments. The synaptic neurotransmitter release is primarily dependent on Ca(2+)-regulated processes. A microdialysis technique was applied showing that alpha-synuclein binds Ca(2+) with an IC(50) of about 2-300 microm and in a reaction uninhibited by a 50-fold excess of Mg(2+). The Ca(2+)-binding site consists of a novel C-terminally localized acidic 32-amino acid domain also present in the homologue beta-synuclein, as shown by Ca(2+) binding to truncated recombinant and synthetic alpha-synuclein peptides. Ca(2+) binding affects the functional properties of alpha-synuclein. First, the ligand binding of (125)I-labeled bovine microtubule-associated protein 1A is stimulated by Ca(2+) ions in the 1-500 microm range and is dependent on an intact Ca(2+) binding site in alpha-synuclein. Second, the Ca(2+) binding stimulates the proportion of (125)I-alpha-synuclein-containing oligomers. This suggests that Ca(2+) ions may both participate in normal alpha-synuclein functions in the nerve terminal and exercise pathological effects involved in the formation of Lewy bodies.  相似文献   

Ring-forming AAA(+) ATPases act in a plethora of cellular processes by remodeling macromolecules. The specificity of individual AAA(+) proteins is achieved by direct or adaptor-mediated association with substrates via distinct recognition domains. We investigated the molecular basis of substrate interaction for Vibrio cholerae ClpV, which disassembles tubular VipA/VipB complexes, an essential step of type VI protein secretion and bacterial virulence. We identified the ClpV recognition site within VipB, showed that productive ClpV-VipB interaction requires the oligomeric state of both proteins, solved the crystal structure of a ClpV N-domain-VipB peptide complex, and verified the interaction surface by mutant analysis. Our results show that the substrate is bound to a hydrophobic groove, which is formed by the addition of a single α-helix to the core N-domain. This helix is absent from homologous N-domains, explaining the unique substrate specificity of ClpV. A limited interaction surface between both proteins accounts for the dramatic increase in binding affinity upon ATP-driven ClpV hexamerization and VipA/VipB tubule assembly by coupling multiple weak interactions. This principle ensures ClpV selectivity toward the VipA/VipB macromolecular complex.  相似文献   

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