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Allelopathy in wheat (Triticum aestivum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) allelopathy has potential for the management of weeds, pests and diseases. Both wheat residue allelopathy and wheat seedling allelopathy can be exploited for managing weeds, including resistant biotypes. Wheat varieties differ in allelopathic potential against weeds, indicating that selection of allelopathic varieties might be a useful strategy in integrated weed management. Several categories of allelochemicals for wheat allelopathy have been identified, namely, phenolic acids, hydroxamic acids and short‐chain fatty acids. Wheat allelopathic activity is genetically controlled and a multigenic model has been proposed. Research is underway to identify genetic markers associated with wheat allelopathy. Once allelopathic genes have been located, a breeding programme could be initiated to transfer the genes into modern varieties for weed suppression. The negative impacts of wheat autotoxicity on agricultural production systems have also been identified when wheat straws are retained on the soil surface for conservation farming purposes. A management package to avoid such deleterious effects is discussed. Wheat allelopathy requires further study in order to maximise its allelopathic potential for the control of weeds, pests and diseases, and to minimise its detrimental effects on the growth of wheat and other crops.  相似文献   

In most tropical regions where wheat is grown under irrigation, high temperatures at sowing adversely affect crop establishment and subsequent seedling survival. The objective of this study was to compare wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes for their ability to germinate and grow at high temperatures during the seedling stage. Twenty-five seeds each of 14 spring wheat cultivars were placed on moist filter paper at different temperatures (5°C to 40°C) in a one-way thermogradient plate to determine the cardinal temperatures for germination. Rate of germination at each temperature for each genotype was computed as the inverse of time taken for 50% of the seeds to germinate. Rate of germination for each genotype at different temperatures was modelled with temperature to determine the base (tb), and optimum (topt) temperatures. Response of germination to temperature for each genotype was calculated as the slope of a linear regression of the rate of germination on temperature below topt. Genotypes differed in their optimum temperatures and Mexipak (= Kalyansona) had the lowest. Range in base temperature among the genotypes was between 0°C and 2°C differences but were not statistically significant though they might be biologically significant. Genotypes differed in their response to temperature with Gomam having the lowest rate, implying that it was slow to respond to increasing temperatures. Debeira and Cham 6 showed a similar response. Three lines which had performed well in spring wheat evaluation trials for moderate rainfall areas under heat stress had the highest response rate. It is concluded that combining higher optimum temperatures with faster response rates would result in better-adapted germplasm for regions where high temperatures persist at sowing.  相似文献   

In order to explore the genetics of dark-induced senescence in winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),a quantitative trait loci(QTL)analysis was carried out in a doubled haploid population developed from a cross between the varieties Hanxuan 10(HX)and Lumai 14(LM).The senescence parameters chlorophyll content(Chl a+b,Chl a,and Chl b),original fluorescence(Fo),maximum fluorescence level(Fm),maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm),and ratio of variable fluorescence to original fluorescence(Fv/Fo)were evaluated in the second leaf of whole three-leaf seedlings subjected to 7 d of darkness.A total of 43 QTLs were identified that were associated with dark-induced senescence using composite interval mapping.These QTLs were mapped to 20 loci distributed on 11 chromosomes:1B,1D,2A,2B,3B,3D,5D,6A,6B,7A,and 7B.The phenotypic variation explained by each QTL ranged from 7.5% to 19.4%.Eleven loci coincided with two or more of the analyzed parameters.In addition,14 loci co-located or were linked with previously reported QTLs regulating flag leaf senescence,tolerance to high light stress,and grain protein content(Gpc),separately.  相似文献   

A crucial function of antioxidative enzymes is to remove excess reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can be toxic to plant cells. The effect of Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), infestation on the activities of antioxidative enzymes was investigated in the resistant (cv. Tugela DN) and the near-isogenic susceptible (cv. Tugela) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RWA infestation significantly induced the activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase to higher levels in the resistant than in susceptible plants. These findings suggest the involvement of antioxidative enzymes in the RWA-wheat resistance response, which was accompanied by an early oxidative burst. The results are consistent with the role of ROS in the resistance response and the control of their levels to minimise toxic effects.  相似文献   

谷艳芳    丁圣彦    陈海生    高志英  邢倩 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2690-2690~2697
2006年于冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)孕穗期、开花期和灌浆期,采用ASD Fieldspec HH光谱仪测定了不同水分胁迫下冬小麦高光谱反射率、红边参数和对应的冬小麦生理生态参数叶绿素a(Chla)、叶绿素b(Chlb)、叶绿素a b(Chla b),叶片水分含量(LWC),叶面积指数(LAI).结果表明,冬小麦生理生态参数随生长发育呈现先上升后下降趋势,Chla、Chlb和Chla b开花期达最大值;LWC和LAI孕穗期达最大值.随干旱胁迫程度增加,Chla、Chlb和Chla b、LWC和LAI减少.不同水分处理下冬小麦高光谱反射率具有绿色植物特征.用红边一阶微分光谱特征参数分析,冬小麦孕穗期和开花期红边(λred)位于728~730nm,灌浆期红边(λred)移到734nm.Chla、Chlb和Chla b与Dλ730:Dλ702、Dλ730:Dλ718,LWC与Dλred、Dλ718以及LAI与Dλ718、Dλred、Sred均呈正相关,相关系数大于0.5(p<0.05).经回归分析,Chl与Dλ730:Dλ702、LWC与Dλred呈线性关系(R2=0.87),LAI与Sred呈二次关系(R2=0.68).因此,用冬小麦高光谱特征及红边参数能判断冬小麦生育后期长势和农田水分胁迫程度.  相似文献   

Weight of individual grains is a major yield component in wheat. The non-uniform distribution of single grain weight on a wheat spike is assumed to be closely associated with starch synthesis in grains. The present study was undertaken to determine if the enzymes involved in starch synthesis cause the differences in single grain weight between superior and inferior grains on a wheat spike. Using two high-yield winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in grain weight and three nitrogen rates for one variety, the contents of amylose and amylopectin, and activities of enzymes involved in starch synthesis in both superior and inferior grains were investigated during the entire period of grain filling. Superior grains showed generally higher starch accumulation rates and activities of enzymes including SS (sucrose synthase), UDPGPPase (UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase), ADPGPPase (ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase), SSS (soluble starch synthase) and GBSS (starch granule bound starch synthase) and subsequently produced much higher single grain weight than inferior grains. Nitrogen increased enzyme activities and starch accumulation rates, and thus improved individual grain weight, especially for inferior grains. The SS, ADPGPPase and SSS were significantly correlated to amylopectin accumulation, while SS, ADPGPPase, SSS and GBSS were significantly correlated to amylose accumulation. This infers that SS, ADPGPPase and starch synthase play key roles in regulating starch accumulation and grain weight in superior and inferior grains on a wheat spike.  相似文献   

在目前全球氮沉降不断增加的背景下, 研究农田土壤呼吸对氮沉降的响应有助于理解未来生态系统碳循环对全球变暖的潜在影响。为探讨不同施氮浓度对华东地区冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)生长期土壤呼吸的影响, 该实验设计了对照组(不施加氮肥)和3种浓度施氮处理组(低浓度施氮15 g·m-2·a-1, 中等浓度施氮30 g·m-2·a-1, 高浓度施氮45 g·m-2·a-1)。使用便携式土壤CO2通量观测仪LI-8100测定不同施氮浓度处理下冬小麦生长期(2013年12月至2014年5月)的土壤呼吸速率, 并探讨土壤呼吸与土壤温度、湿度等环境因素的关系。结果表明: 低、中、高3种浓度施氮处理的土壤呼吸速率平均值分别为5.29、6.17和6.75 μmol·m-2 ·s-1, 与对照组(土壤呼吸速率平均值为4.90 μmol·m-2·s-1)相比, 分别增加了7.8%、23.6%和37.8%; 地上生物量分别增加39.9%、104.4%和200.2%, 并与冬小麦生长季的总土壤呼吸正相关。5 cm深度土壤的温度与土壤呼吸速率呈指数关系(p < 0.05), 土壤呼吸季节变化的65%-75%由土壤温度引起, 其温度敏感性为2.09-2.32。结果表明, 添加氮肥促进了植物的生长, 增加了生物量, 从而增加了冬小麦农田的土壤呼吸速率。  相似文献   

 在目前全球氮沉降不断增加的背景下, 研究农田土壤呼吸对氮沉降的响应有助于理解未来生态系统碳循环对全球变暖的潜在影响。为探讨不同施氮浓度对华东地区冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)生长期土壤呼吸的影响, 该实验设计了对照组(不施加氮肥)和3种浓度施氮处理组(低浓度施氮15 g·m–2·a–1, 中等浓度施氮30 g·m–2·a–1, 高浓度施氮45 g·m–2·a–1)。使用便携式土壤CO2通量观测仪LI-8100测定不同施氮浓度处理下冬小麦生长期(2013年12月至2014年5月)的土壤呼吸速率, 并探讨土壤呼吸与土壤温度、湿度等环境因素的关系。结果表明: 低、中、高3种浓度施氮处理的土壤呼吸速率平均值分别为5.29、6.17和6.75 μmol·m–2 ·s–1, 与对照组(土壤呼吸速率平均值为4.90 μmol·m–2·s–1)相比, 分别增加了7.8%、23.6%和37.8%; 地上生物量分别增加39.9%、104.4%和200.2%, 并与冬小麦生长季的总土壤呼吸正相关。5 cm深度土壤的温度与土壤呼吸速率呈指数关系(p < 0.05), 土壤呼吸季节变化的65%–75%由土壤温度引起, 其温度敏感性为2.09–2.32。结果表明, 添加氮肥促进了植物的生长, 增加了生物量, 从而增加了冬小麦农田的土壤呼吸速率。  相似文献   

Nitrogen accumulation in the ear of wheat plants ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Klein Chamaco) during ear growth was studied under 4 experimental conditions. Plants were grown in pots with Perlite or soil, and fertilized with nutrient solutions. In one experiment the plants were grown in a greenhouse and supplied with high (16m M ) or low (1.6 m M ) N in the nutrient solutions until anthesis, and then with or without nitrogen supply until ripening. In a second experiment the plants were grown with high N supply until anthesis, and then for half of the plants light intensity was decreased by 50%, and at the same time. N supply was terminated for half of the plants within each light treatment. A third experiment was similar to the previous one, but was carried out in a growth cabinet under 20% of the maximal irradiance in the greenhouse. In a fourth experiment half the ear was excised at anthesis in half of the plants, and these plants were then supplied with or without nitrogen.
In all experiments there was a linear relation between the rate of N accumulation and the rate of ear growth. A wide range of final individual grain weights and N concentration was observed among the experiments. The same maximum N concentration was observed for all grain sizes, although the N concentration could be different between grains of the same size. The grain N concentration correlated with the rate of N accumulation per unit of ear weight increase during ear growth. It is suggested that in wheat plants there is a dependence of nitrogen transport on carbon transport to the ear, and to the ear, and that the final grain N concentration is determined by the N/C ratio exported from the vegetative tissues.  相似文献   

小麦是世界第一大粮食作物,在农业生产中占有重要地位.然而,由于人们为保证小麦产量往往施用大量的除草剂和杀菌剂,对环境造成了极大的危害.小麦化感作用是利用小麦活体或残体向环境中释放次生代谢物质对自身或其他生物产生作用,它克服了除草剂和杀菌剂等引起的环境污染问题,具有抑制杂草控制病害的潜力.本文对已有的小麦化感作用的研究进展情况进行了综合评述.其中小麦对杂草、虫害及病害产生防御功能的主要化感物质为异羟肟酸和酚酸类物质.小麦化感物质活性的发挥除了取决于化感物质的种类外,还由小麦自身的遗传因素、环境因素和生物因素的共同作用所决定.小麦化感物质在根际土壤中的滞留、迁移和转化过程、小麦化感作用与土壤生物的关系以及相关的作用机理是小麦化感作用研究的薄弱环节,其研究方法还需进一步探索改进.小麦化感作用在植物保护、环境保护以及作物育种等方面具有广泛的应用前景,促进了小麦抗逆性的增强以及产量和品质的提高.  相似文献   

小麦化感作用研究进展   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
小麦是世界第一大粮食作物,在农业生产中占有重要地位.然而,由于人们为保证小麦产量往往施用大量的除草剂和杀菌剂,对环境造成了极大的危害.小麦化感作用是利用小麦活体或残体向环境中释放次生代谢物质对自身或其他生物产生作用,它克服了除草剂和杀菌剂等引起的环境污染问题,具有抑制杂草控制病害的潜力.本文对已有的小麦化感作用的研究进展情况进行了综合评述.其中小麦对杂草、虫害及病害产生防御功能的主要化感物质为异羟肟酸和酚酸类物质.小麦化感物质活性的发挥除了取决于化感物质的种类外,还由小麦自身的遗传因素、环境因素和生物因素的共同作用所决定.小麦化感物质在根际土壤中的滞留、迁移和转化过程、小麦化感作用与土壤生物的关系以及相关的作用机理是小麦化感作用研究的薄弱环节。其研究方法还需进一步探索改进.小麦化感作用在植物保护、环境保护以及作物育种等方面具有广泛的应用前景,促进了小麦抗逆性的增强以及产量和品质的提高.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of natural enemies to control pests can be enhanced through habitat manipulation. However, due to the differences in their ecology, generalist and specialist species may respond differently to the same manipulation. Moreover, interactions among natural enemies (i.e. cannibalism, intraguild predation, hyperparasitism) may complicate the assumption that a higher density of natural enemies would increase the level of biological control. We investigated the natural enemy guild composition and the predation rate along flower vs. grass margins at the edge of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) fields in Denmark. Natural enemies were sampled by pitfall trapping and by suction sampling; predation intensity was measured using two different sentinel prey methods: artificial caterpillars made of plasticine, and sentinel aphid colonies. Specialist and generalist species responded differently to the two margin types: specialists (mostly parasitic wasps) were attracted by the flower margins, while generalists (ground beetles, rove beetles and spiders) were more active in grass margins. The number of artificial caterpillars attacked was significantly greater in grass margins (mean = 48.9%, SD = 24.3) than in flower margins (mean = 30.7%, SD = 17.4). We found a significant positive relationship between the number of artificial caterpillars attacked by chewing insects, and activity density for large (≥15 mm) ground beetles. Predation of sentinel aphids in wheat fields did not vary significantly in relation to margin type. Our results suggest that flowering margins may be beneficial for canopy‐active specialist natural enemies, but grassy margins are more useful for ground‐active generalist predators.  相似文献   

The accumulation of nitrate in relation to total N concentrations ([N]i) in tissues of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv Sicco) grown in solution culture was investigated. Root, shoot and leaf tissues showed qualitatively similar relationships between internal nitrate concentrations and [N]i, both expressed on a tissue water basis. At low [N]i, no nitrate was detectable but once a particular [N]i was exceeded, nitrate accumulated as a linear function of [N]i. The threshold [N]i values for nitrate accumulation were 110, 450, and 550 mM for roots, total shoot and leaf 4, respectively. The slope of the relationship between nitrate and [N]i indicated that in all tissues nitrate accounted for 50–55% of the extra N accumulated above the threshold [N]i. All growth requirements for N were satisfied before nitrate accumulated.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), a winter wheat, Kharkov, and a spring wheat, Glenlea, were acclimated under controlled conditions at 2 temperatures, 5°C and 25°C with a 12-h photoperiod. Water content, protein and proline concentrations were determined. Enzymatic properties (activity and apparent energy of activation) were investigated for enzymatic systems involved in 2 pathways of proline metabolism, the glutamic acid and ornithine pathways. Four enzymes were studied, proline dehydrogenase (PDH, EC, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, EC, glutamine synthetase (GS, EC and ornithine transaminase (OT, EC Cold acclimation led to an accumulation of proline, a decrease in water content and an increase in soluble protein, especially in winter wheat. For both cultivars, cold acclimation modulated enzyme properties of PDH and GDH. Increased activities of GS and OT were observed as a result of cold acclimation in both cultivars, with the greatest increase in Kharkov. The apparent energy of activation of these 2 enzymes decreased, particularly for Kharkov, which accumulated proline in cold conditions.  相似文献   

Activated oxygen species such as superoxide radicals, singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals can be produced in plants exposed to low, non-freezing, non-injurious temperatures. To prevent or alleviate oxidative injury, plants have evolved several mechanisms which include scavenging by natural antioxidants and enzymatic antioxidant systems such as superoxide dismutases, catalase and peroxidases. Although overproduction of hydrogen peroxide and increased tolerance to oxidative stress can be induced in wheat by low-temperature treatments, data concerning changes in the enzymatic antioxidant systems are almost absent. With the aim to provide this information, antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutases, catalase and peroxidases) activities were analysed in leaves and roots of Triticum aestivum cvs Brasilia (frost resistant in field) and Eridano (less frost resistant in field) seedlings grown at day/night temperatures of 24/22°C (control treatment) and 12/5°C (low-temperature treatment). Our data showed that superoxide dismutase activities were unaffected by low-temperature treatment both in leaves and roots. Catalase activity in leaves and roots was decreased in 12/5°C-grown seedlings, but Brasilia maintained higher catalase activity than Eridano. Differences were also observed in guaiacol peroxidase activities between control and acclimated seedlings: Higher guaiacol peroxidase activities were found in the leaves of 12/5°C-grown seedlings while in roots these activities were lower. Moreover, Brasilia guaiacol peroxidase activities were higher than Eridano. Superoxide dismutase and peroxidase zymogram analyses showed that synthesis of new isoforms was not induced by low-temperature treatment. Changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes induced by cold acclimation support the hypothesis that a frost-resistant wheat cultivar, in comparison with a less frost-resistant one, maintains a better defence against activated oxygen species during low-temperature treatment.  相似文献   

Translocation and utilization of carbon in wheat (Triticum aestivum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. SUN 9E) was grown in a growth chamber under conditions of low soil nitrogen. Translocation of carbon to the roots and the subsequent utilization of these carbohydrates was determined. In vegetative plants (22 days old), 21.5 mg C day−1 were translocated to the roots. 29% of this was incorporated into dry matter, 32% was respired (28% via the cytochrome and 4% via a SHAM-sensitive, presumably the alternative nonphosphorylating, pathway) and 39% was translocated back to the shoots, mainly in the form of amino acids. – The rote of root maintenance respiration during the vegetative phase was estimated to be 0.7 mg O2 h−1 (g dry weight of roots)−1 and the root growth respiration to be 0.41 g O2 (g dry weight of roots)−1. Total carbohydrate utilization due to root respiration via the alternative, nonphosphorylating pathway during the major part of the growth period was calculated to be only ca 6% of carbohydrate utilization for grain growth. The rate of specific mass transfer (SMT) of sugars in the sieve tubes was estimated from the data on C-translocation and data on the total area occupied by sieve tubes in a cross section of the root system. SMT was calculated to be 0.8 mg sucrose s−1 cm−2, which is very similar to the published value on SMT for other organs, except roots.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of yellow berry, a grain disorder in durum and bread wheats, was studied in six intervarietal crosses in bread wheat. The trait was found to be controlled by either two or three dominant genes. Monosomic analysis using Chinese Spring monosomic series showed the presence of two major dominant genes on chromosomes 1A and 7A, and four modifiers on 4A, 4B, 6A and 6D, which influence the expression of yellow berry in bread wheat.  相似文献   

Liquid phase extraction (LPE) and vapor phase extraction (VPE) methodologies were used to evaluate the impact of the plant activator, cis-jasmone, on the secondary metabolism of wheat, Triticum aestivum, var. Solstice. LPE allowed the measurement of benzoxazinoids, i.e. 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA), 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (HMBOA) and 6-methoxy-benzoxazolin-2-one (MBOA), and phenolic acids such as trans-p-coumaric acid, syringic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid and cis- and trans-ferulic acid. Using LPE, a significantly higher level of DIMBOA was found in aerial parts and roots of T. aestivum following treatment with cis-jasmone, when compared with untreated plants. Similar results were obtained for phenolic acids, such as trans-ferulic acid and vanillic acid in roots. Using VPE, it was possible to measure levels of 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (HBOA), benzoxazolin-2(3H)-one (BOA), ferulic acid, syringic acid and coumaric acid. The levels of HBOA in aerial parts and roots were significantly greater in cis-jasmone treated plants compared to untreated plants. cis-Jasmone is known to be a plant activator in terms of production of defence-related volatile semiochemicals that repel aphids and increase the foraging activity of aphid parasitoids. These results show, for the first time, that cis-jasmone also induces selective production of secondary metabolites that are capable of directly reducing development of pests, diseases and weeds.  相似文献   

Jin W  Li N  Zhang B  Wu F  Li W  Guo A  Deng Z 《Journal of plant research》2008,121(3):351-355
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, endogenous RNAs that regulate gene expression in both plants and animals. A large number of miRNAs has been identified from various animals and model plant species such as Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa); however, characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum) miRNAs are poorly understood. Here, computational identification of miRNAs from wheat EST sequences was preformed by using the in-house program GenomicSVM, a prediction model for miRNAs. This study resulted in the discovery of 79 miRNA candidates. Nine out of 22 miRNA representatives randomly selected from the 79 candidates were experimentally validated with Northern blotting, indicating that prediction accuracy is about 40%. For the 9 validated miRNAs, 59 wheat ESTs were predicted as their putative targets. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Weibo Jin and Nannan Li contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

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