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OBJECTIVE: To determine the reliability of the false negative rate (FNR) of cervical cytologic smear screening by rapid rescreening. STUDY DESIGN: A test set of 401 cases (311 originally diagnosed as negative, 74 as atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance [ASCUS], 14 as low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion [LSIL] and 2 as high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion [HSIL]) were rapidly (30 seconds each) rescreened by five cytotechnologists with no prior experience in rapid rescreening, and the FNRs of rapid rescreening and primary screening were determined. These results were compared with each other and with the FNR of primary screening as determined by routine rescreening of all cases with no time limit. RESULTS: All five observers detected a different group of abnormal cases; only 9% of all cases originally diagnosed as ASCUS or worse and 43% of all cases diagnosed as LSIL or worse were detected by all five observers. Nevertheless, using ASCUS as the threshold for an abnormal result, the FNR of rapid rescreening fell into a relatively narrow range, 61-74% (mean, 68.2 +/- 5.0); using LSIL as the threshold resulted in FNRs of rapid rescreening between 25% and 38% (30.0 +/- 4.7). Each observer, using rapid rescreening, detected between one and three false negative cases; routine rescreening of all cases without a time limit detected five cases. The FNR of cervical cytologic smear screening, as determined by rapid rescreening, was 18.4 +/- 6.1% as compared with 14.8% by routine rescreening without a time limit. CONCLUSION: The FNR of rapid rescreening is relatively reproducible even though the individual cases identified varied between reviewers. The FNR of rapid rescreening is similar to that of routine rescreening. Rapid prescreening may be the most logistically simple method to determine the true FNR of a laboratory.  相似文献   

Fifteen fibroadenomas and 20 adenocarcinomas with identical diploid DNA histogram patterns were blindly diagnosed in fine needle aspirates by 22 cytopathologists. Despite the total lack of clinical information, each cytopathologist, on the average, managed to correctly diagnose 33 of the 35 cases. There were more false diagnoses among the fibroadenomas than among the cancers.  相似文献   

Nuclear image morphometry and cytologic grade of breast carcinoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To correlate visual cytologic grade with automated nuclear morphometry of carcinoma of the breast. STUDY DESIGN: We randomly selected 24 histologically proven infiltrating ductal carcinomas of the breast and 10 benign breast lesions (fibroadenoma). Hematoxylin-eosin-stained fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) smears were selected for both cytologic grade and automated image morphometry. The same hematoxylin-eosin-stained FNAC smears were studied for area, convex area, standard deviation of nuclear area, diameter, perimeter and convex perimeters of nucleus. At least 100 cells from each case were measured with an image cytometer. RESULTS: Mean nuclear area, standard deviation of nuclear area, nuclear diameter, convex area, convex perimeter and perimeter were significantly increased from benign versus grade 1 carcinomas and grade 1 versus grade 2 and 3 carcinomas (one way ANOVA test). However, there was no significant difference in grade 2 versus grade 3 carcinomas. CONCLUSION: Automated image cytometry rapidly and successfully measures various nuclear parameters. The measurement of various nuclear parameters would be helpful in future applications of automated diagnosis and grading of breast carcinomas from cytologic material.  相似文献   

Hara H  Oyama T  Suda K 《Acta cytologica》2005,49(1):43-50
OBJECTIVE: To formulate new criteria for adenoid cystic carcinoma (ADCC). STUDY DESIGN: The usefulness of 17 items for a cytologically definitive diagnosis of ADCC was examined. The frequency (- - +++) of the 17 items in 18 cases of ADCC and 10 non-ADCC cases (pleomorphic adenoma, basal cell adenoma, myoepithelioma and epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma) that displayed mimicking cytology was examined cytologically. The total score for cases of ADCC was compared with that for non-ADCC cases. RESULTS: The 17 items included broad intercellular spaces with adhesion; green, granular/cobwebby cytoplasm with translucent intercellular matrix with Papanicolaou staining; coarse hyperchromatin with little nuclear clearing; indistinct and partially distinct nucleoli; small nuclei; broad, smooth margin (SM) space; and translucent M/HG/SM. All cases with a total score of > 21 were ADCC (93.8%). All cases with a total score of < 12 were non-ADCC (87.5%). CONCLUSION: The 17 items appear to be useful as new criteria for ADCC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To clarify the usefulness of imprint cytology for intraoperative investigations of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer, comparing the results with those of examinations using frozen and permanent sections. STUDY DESIGN: The material consisted of 303 sentinel lymph nodes from 124 cases of clinically node negative breast cancer. Touch imprint cytologic slides and frozen sections were obtained from the same cut surface of the sentinel nodes. Correlations with the final histopathologic results in paraffin sections were evaluated. RESULTS: The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of imprint cytology were 70.3%, 99.6% and 96.0%, and those of frozen sections were 83.8%, 100%, 98.0%, respectively. The values were improved when the 2 methods were combined (89.2%, 99.6%, 98.3%), though the concordance between imprint cytology and frozen section was 91.9%. CONCLUSION: Both imprint cytology and frozen section are useful for evaluating sentinel lymph node status in breast cancer. However, the 2 techniques should be combined to improve the diagnostic sensitivity.  相似文献   

Sohn JH  Kim LS  Chae SW  Shin HS 《Acta cytologica》2001,45(5):723-729
OBJECTIVE: To report the cytologic findings of mucocelelike tumor and mucinous carcinoma. STUDY DESIGN: All mucinous neoplasms diagnosed by fine needle aspiration and confirmed by histologic examination were reviewed to detect the cytologic findings helpful for the differentiation. The cytologic findings were correlated with the histologic findings. RESULTS: Cytologically, mucinous carcinomas were highly cellular and showed many single epithelial cells and variably formed epithelial cell clusters in abundant extracellular mucin. Malignant cells exhibited round, atypical nuclei; granular chromatin; and small nucleoli. Mucocele like tumor showed low cellularity with scanty, monolayered, small sheets of epithelial cells and abundant, extracellular mucin. Myoepithelial cells were present within the epithelial cell sheets. Tumor cells were usually small, with uniform, round nuclei; fine chromatin; and absence of nucleoli. CONCLUSION: Cytologic findings of mucocelelike tumor and mucinous carcinoma were different in cellularity, shape of cell clusters and nuclear features, although mucocelelike tumors having a carcinoma component were similar to mucinous carcinoma. Awareness of the cytologic findings of breast mucinous neoplasms is important to make a specific diagnosis.  相似文献   

J T Godwin 《Acta cytologica》1976,20(2):111-115
The application of a rapid cytologic procedure for examination of tissue submitted for immediate frozen section diagnosis is reported. Its use in various anatomical locations is described briefly. It is apparent that this technic has wide applicability in the cytologic diagnosis of lesions from all organs. It has been used by the author for the past twenty years and has been found applicable to all types of lesions from all organs.  相似文献   

Aspiration cytology from four benign dermal eccrine cylindromas and five adenoid cystic carcinomas were compared. These two lesions were found to have so much in common morphologically that they may be indistinguishable on a purely cytologic basis. Accordingly, we recommend a restricted excision to obtain a histopathologic diagnosis before more extensive surgery is performed whenever a lesion is cytologically consistent with adenoid cystic carcinoma but clinically shows a picture that does not exclude dermal eccrine cylindroma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe some rare cytologic findings in medullary thyroid carcinoma. STUDY DESIGN: Review of the fine needle aspiration smears from 15 cases of medullary thyroid carcinoma that were confirmed on histologic sections. The ages ranged between 31 and 67 years; 10 were female and 5 male. Thirteen were sporadic forms, and two were familial forms. RESULTS: Eight cases were classified as pleomorphic cell type and seven as monomorphic cell type. The smears revealed round, oval, triangular, polygonal and spindle-shaped cells, intracytoplasmic red granules, occasional intranuclear inclusions, amyloid, binucleated and multinucleated cells, and thick, granular chromatin. CONCLUSION: The rare cytologic findings in this study were grape cells, cytoplasmic nippling, elongated cytoplasmic processes, carrot-shaped nuclei, nuclear buddings, mast cell-like cells and a Burkitt's lymphoma-like appearance. These findings were rarely reported before.  相似文献   

A case of giant-cell carcinoma of the lung, confirmed at autopsy, is presented. The cytologic features seen in sputum samples, bronchial washings and brushings and fine needle aspiration biopsy material as well as the histologic findings are described. The possible relationship to bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is discussed. The cytologic features of giant-cell carcinoma of the lung, when seen in the context of the clinical and radiologic setting, should allow the cytologic identification of the tumor prior to surgical intervention.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to evaluate angiogenesis according to CD34 antigen expression in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and negative breast carcinomas.


This study comprised 64 cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma in postmenopausal women divided into two groups: Group A: ER-positive, n = 35; and Group B: ER-negative, n = 29. The anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody was used as a marker for endothelial cells. Microvessel count was carried out in 10 fields per slide using a 40× objective lens (magnification 400×). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using Student's t-test (p < 0.05).


The mean number of vessels stained with the anti-CD34 antibody in the estrogen receptor-positive and negative tumors was 23.51 ± 1.15 and 40.24 ± 0.42, respectively. The number of microvessels was significantly greater in the estrogen receptor-negative tumors (p < 0.001).


ER-negative tumors have significantly greater CD34 antigen expression compared to ER-positive tumors.

A case of primary malignant lymphoma of the heart diagnosed cytologically is reported. The patient presented with pericardial tamponade and ventricular arrhythmias and developed rapidly progressive and intractable cardiac failure. Two-dimensional echo-cardiography, which demonstrated the pericardial effusion, showed progressive impairment of the left ventricular contraction. The pericardial fluid contained malignant lymphoid cells. Despite vigorous treatment and chemotherapy, the patient died within 15 days; postmortem examination showed malignant lymphoma confined to the myocardium.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chordoid meningioma is an uncommon supratentorial tumor in which a cordonal pattern on a mucofibrillar background covers areas of classic meningioma with a diffuse, meningeal, immunohistochemically reactive pattern. Its cytology has not been described before. CASE: A 45-year-old woman with headaches and a poorly defined, nondiplopic vision alteration underwent magnetic resonance imaging, which showed a tumor in the upper part of the left orbital cavity. An intraoperative squash smear showed closely knit, pseudosyncytial plates composed of medium-sized cells with homogeneous nuclei and nuclear pseudoinclusions. There were some physaliferouslike, loose cells without cytoplasmic vacuolation and a fairly abundant, metachromatic, pink to light purple background that was absent inside the plates. A diagnosis of meningioma with a possible chordoid pattern was made. No frozen intraoperative section was prepared. Histology showed 90% chordoid meningioma merging with areas of classic meningothelial meningioma and overall positivity for epithelial membrane antigen and vimentin. S-100 was negative. CONCLUSION: A reliable intraoperative cytologic diagnosis of chordoid meningioma can be made because the morphology is highly characteristic. Close cellular association and the cells' nuclear traits are expected in a meningioma. The metachromatic background can cause a false diagnosis of chordoma. However, there are some clear differences in the cells and their relation to the mucofibrillar matrix that make the diagnosis definitive.  相似文献   

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