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Regulation of tumor cell invasion by extracellular matrix   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

L Dintenfass 《Biorheology》1990,27(3-4):611-616
The area neglected so far in the fields of clinical and theoretical haemorheology is that of interaction between viscosity and chemical reactions in the cells. The reintroduction of teinochemical principle opens entirely new doors for investigation both in vitro and in vivo. Effect of extracellular fluid viscosity on synthesis (i.e. lipids) and on possible enzymatic and catalytic functions influences our opinion that haemorheology has to go back to fundamentals.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine-stimulated fluid secretion from the perfused rabbit mandibular salivary gland was inhibited in a biphasic manner when extracellular calcium concentration was reduced in the range 5 X 10(-4) - 10(-5)M. An initial rapid inhibition was followed by partial recovery to a plateau, the level of which depended upon the calcium concentration. Since no recovery was observed during substitution of calcium by strontium, recovery may depend upon an increased membrane permeability to calcium. It is concluded that acetylcholine evokes fluid secretion in this gland by enhancing calcium entry from the extracellular space, an action which can be mimicked by the calcium ionophore A23187. Changes in the electrolyte composition of saliva during calcium-depletion were such as to suggest that ductal reabsorption of sodium and chloride, and secretion of potassium are inhibited as extracellular calcium concentration is reduced. Secretin-stimulated fluid secretion from the cat pancreas was unaffected when perfusate calcium concentration was reduced to 2.5 X 10(-6)M and carbachol-stimulated amylase secretion was only slightly reduced. Since the latter is a calcium-dependent process, the source of calcium is presumably intracellular. In both glands, reducing calcium to 1 X 10(-6)M caused rapid and irreversible inhibition of fluid secretion.  相似文献   

Jeon B  Kim BH  Lee YS  Kim S  Yoon JB  Kim TY 《BMB reports》2011,44(1):40-45
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme that protects cells and tissues from extracellular damage by eliminating superoxide anion radicals produced during metabolism. Two different forms of EC-SOD exist, and their different enzyme activities are a result of different disulfide bond patterns. Although only two folding variants have been discovered so far, five folding variants are theoretically possible. Therefore, we constructed five different mutant EC-SOD expression vectors by substituting cysteine residues with serine residues and evaluated their expression levels and enzyme activities. The mutant EC-SODs were expressed at lower levels than that of wild-type EC-SOD, and all of the mutants exhibited inhibited extracellular secretion, except for C195S ECSOD. Finally, we demonstrated that co-expression of wild-type EC-SOD and any one of the mutant EC-SODs resulted in reduced secretion of wild-type EC-SOD. We speculate that mutant EC-SOD causes malfunctions in systems such as antioxidant systems and sensitizes tissues to ROS-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

J L Schottel  V Hale  M J Babcock 《Gene》1992,115(1-2):27-31
Production of a heat-stable, extracellular esterase by Streptomyces scabies is regulated by zinc ions. The esterase-encoding gene (est) from S. scabies was cloned and expressed in Streptomyces lividans. In S. lividans, expression of the est gene is also regulated by Zn2+, and the esterase is efficiently secreted in this organism. The sequence of the est gene suggests that a 39-amino acid signal peptide is removed during secretion of this protein. Deletion analysis has indicated that the hydrophobic domain of the signal peptide is required for secretion. Gel retardation assays and DNaseI footprinting using an S-30 protein extract from S. scabies have previously identified a specific 23-bp protein-binding site upstream from the est coding sequence. Deletion of this protein-binding sequence significantly decreased expression of the est gene.  相似文献   

The role of paf-acether as an intracellular mediator was recently challenged by studies showing that it remained cell-associated in several cell types. We showed that the level of paf-acether found in extracellular medium was strongly reduced when extracellular pH decreased and when cell concentration increased. Therefore the number of cells and extracellular pH should be taken into consideration before speculating on the release vs. retention of paf-acether.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated previously that cultured rat ovarian granulosa cells synthesize and secrete apoE, and this production of apoE is increased by agents that stimulate protein kinase A (cyclic AMP-dependent enzyme) (for example, cholera toxin) and protein kinase C (Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme) (for example, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, a phorbol ester). In the studies presented in this report, we have examined the effect of changes in cell cholesterol synthesis on the production of apoE by rat ovarian granulosa cells. Mevinolin, an inhibitor of hydroxymethylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase (the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis), and 4,4,10 beta-trimethyl-trans-decal-3 beta-ol, an inhibitor of squalene cyclization, both attenuate the cholera toxin or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate stimulation of granulosa cell apoE secretion and apoE mRNA content in a dose-responsive manner. The inhibitory effect of mevinolin is reversed by the concomitant administration of mevalolactone, which provides the cells with the product of the reaction catalyzed by HMG-CoA reductase. Steroidogenesis per se has no effect on apoE production. Aminoglutethimide, which blocks the rate-limiting step in steroidogenesis, has no effect on apoE or apoE mRNA. The data indicate that products of HMG-CoA reductase (isoprenes, cholesterol and/or cholesterol metabolites) are required along with stimulators of protein kinases A and C, to regulate ovarian granulosa cell apoE production.  相似文献   

A wild-type A. niger strain was employed as a model to investigate the effect of cell immobilization on extracellular protease secretion during fermentation. A metal-coated pad of polyester latex felt was used to immobilize the cells in shake flasks. Compared with free suspension culture, the maximum specific activity of the extracellular protease from immobilized cells was reduced from 129 units/g to 28 units/g. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Several previous studies have demonstrated that mammary epithelial cells from pregnant mice retain their differentiated characteristics and their secretory potential in culture only when maintained on stromal collagen gels floated in the culture medium. The cellular basis for these culture requirements was investigated by the monitoring of milk protein synthesis and polarized secretion from the mouse mammary epithelial cell line, COMMA-1-D. Experiments were directed towards gaining an understanding of the possible roles of cell-extracellular matrix interactions and the requirements for meeting polarity needs of the epithelium. When cells are cultured on floating collagen gels they assemble a basal lamina-like structure composed of laminin, collagen (IV), and heparan sulfate proteoglycan at the interface of the cells with the stromal collagen. To assess the role of these components, an exogenous basement membrane containing these molecules was generated using the mouse endodermal cell line, PFHR-9. This matrix was isolated as a thin sheet attached to the culture dish, and mammary cells were then plated onto it. It was found that cultures on attached PFHR-9 matrices expressed slightly higher levels of beta-casein than did cells on plastic tissue culture dishes, and also accumulated a large number of fat droplets. However, the level of beta-casein was approximately fourfold lower than that in cultures on floating collagen gels. Moreover, the beta-casein made in cells on attached matrices was not secreted but was instead rapidly degraded intracellularly. If, however, the PFHR-9 matrices with attached cells were floated in the culture medium, beta-casein expression became equivalent to that in cells cultured on floating stromal collagen gels, and the casein was also secreted into the medium. The possibility that floatation of the cultures was necessary to allow access to the basolateral surface of cells was tested by culturing cells on nitrocellulose filters in Millicell (Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA) chambers. These chambers permit the monolayers to interact with the medium and its complement of hormones and growth factors through the basal cell surface. Significantly, under these conditions alpha 1-, alpha 2-, and beta-casein synthesis was equivalent to that in cells on floating gels and matrices, and, additionally, the caseins were actively secreted. Similar results were obtained independently of whether or not the filters were coated with matrices.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Apelin was first identified and characterized from bovine stomach extracts as an endogenous ligand for the APJ receptor. Apelin/APJ system is abundantly present in peripheral tissues and central nervous system. Apelin plays a broad role in regulating physiological and pathological functions. Recently, many reports have showed the effects of apelin on feeding behavior, however the results are inconsistent, due to different administration routes, animal species, forms of apelin, etc. Apelin has been involved in stimulating gastric cell proliferation, cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion, histamine release, gastric acid and bicarbonate secretion, and regulation of gastrointestinal motility. In addition, apelin produced regulatory effects on drinking behavior, diuresis, arginine vasopressin (AVP) release and glucocorticoids secretion. This article reviews the role of apelin on feeding behavior, gastrointestinal function and fluid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Viruses have evolved a remarkable variety of strategies to modulate the host cell translation apparatus with the aim of optimizing viral mRNA translation and replication. Recent studies have revealed that modulation of both host and viral mRNA translation can be accomplished by selective alteration of translation factors in virus-infected cells. These findings provide new insights into the functioning of the translational apparatus in both uninfected and infected cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane trafficking along endocytic and secretory transport pathways plays a critical role in diverse cellular functions including both developmental and pathological processes. Briefly, proteins and lipids destined for transport to distinct locations are collectively assembled into vesicles and delivered to their target site by vesicular fusion. SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-attachment protein receptor) proteins are required for these events, during which v-SNAREs (vesicle SNAREs) interact with t-SNAREs (target SNAREs) to allow transfer of cargo from donor vesicle to target membrane. Recently, the t-SNARE family member, syntaxin-6, has been shown to play an important role in the transport of proteins that are key to diverse cellular dynamic processes. In this paper, we briefly discuss the specific role of SNAREs in various mammalian cell types and comprehensively review the various roles of the Golgi- and endosome-localized t-SNARE, syntaxin-6, in membrane trafficking during physiological as well as pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The volume and fluid pressure characteristics of the intact bone marrow is incompletely understood. We used microspheres and lipoproteins for measurements of intravascular volume (IVV) and EDTA for interstitial fluid volume (IFV) within the rat bone marrow. Interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) was determined with micropipettes connected to a servo-controlled counter-pressure system. Both the microspheres and the lipoproteins yielded estimates of IVV of approximately 1 ml/100 g. After a brief reactive hyperemia, IVV increased to 2.5 ml/100 g, whereas IFV decreased with approximately 1.5 ml/100 g, so that total extracellular volume did not change. Baseline bone marrow IFP was 9.7 mmHg. The hyperemia led to a transient twofold increase in IFP, whereas a marked blood loss decreased IFP by almost one-half. These novel data suggest that extracellular volume and IFP within the bone marrow can be measured with tracer methods and the micropuncture technique. The responses of IVV, IFV, and IFP during changes in blood flow to the bone marrow suggest a tight regulation and are thus compatible with those for a low-compliant tissue.  相似文献   

Cadherins are the primary adhesion molecules in adherens junctions and desmosomes and play essential roles in embryonic development. Although significant progress has been made in understanding cadherin structure and function, we lack a clear vision of how cells confer plasticity upon adhesive junctions to allow for cellular rearrangements during development, wound healing and metastasis. Endocytic membrane trafficking has emerged as a fundamental mechanism by which cells confer a dynamic state to adhesive junctions. Recent studies indicate that the juxtamembrane domain of classical cadherins contains multiple endocytic motifs, or “switches,” that can be used by cellular membrane trafficking machinery to regulate adhesion. The cadherin‐binding protein p120‐catenin (p120) appears to be the master regulator of access to these switches, thereby controlling cadherin endocytosis and turnover. This review focuses on p120 and other cadherin‐binding proteins, ubiquitin ligases, and growth factors as key modulators of cadherin membrane trafficking.   相似文献   

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