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Synopsis Polyacrylamide films containing different glycosaminoglycans have been applied to the study of the Alcian Blue and combined Alcian Blue-Safranin O staining procedures. It was found that the polyacrylamide matrix can be interpreted as some kind of barrier around the substrate molecules, a situation which can be compared to a certain extent with what occursin situ, where complex protein molecules can likewise form a barrier.The Alcian Blue staining of the model films was found to follow the Lambert-Beer law. The time to reach optimal dye binding depended on the concentration of the glycosaminoglycan enclosed in the model films and on the concentration of Alcian Blue in the dye solution. Lowering the pH of the dye solution appeared to increase the rate of staining. Optimal staining of model films in the presence of salt or urea was not possible, because under these conditions the pores of the polyacrylamide matrix became blocked. Alcian Blue was found to bind irreversibly to the glycosaminoglycan molecules enclosed in the polyacrylamide films.The results of the combined Alcian Blue-Safranin O staining applied to model films appeared to be highly dependent on the amount of Alcian Blue bound to the glycosaminoglycan in the first step of the double staining procedure. No specific differences were noticed between the behaviour of the different glycosaminoglycan-Alcian Blue complexes towards the Safranin O binding in the mext step. As the theoretical basis for the application of the combined Alcian Blue-Safranin O staining was also found not to be completely valid, the conclusion was reached that this double staining cannot be used for the histochemical identification of glycosaminoglycans. The colour retained by a certain glycosaminoglycan-containing part of the specimen only delivers information about the accesibility of that part for Alcian Blue.  相似文献   

1. The effect of MgCl(2) concentration on the interaction of Alcian Blue 8GX and glycosaminoglycans in the urine of patients with mucopolysaccharidosis was studied by using a new quantitative micro method for the measurement of Alcian Blue-glycosaminoglycan complexes. This provided a means of measuring the critical electrolyte concentrations of urinary glycosaminoglycans. 2. Theoretical considerations based on the preceding paper (Whiteman, 1973) and experimental evidence provided here show that Alcian Blue 8GX may be used for the direct quantitative determination of total urinary glycosaminoglycans. The method is simple, requires sample volumes of 50mul or less, and gives results comparable with those obtained by other more complicated methods.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most comprehensive evaluation of vertebrate skeletal development involves the use of Alizarin Red S dye to stain ossified bone and various other dyes to stain cartilage. The dye used most widely to stain fetal cartilage in rodents and rabbits is Alcian Blue 8GX. However, the global supply of this specific dye has been exhausted. Several forms of the dye marketed as Alcian Blue 8GX are now available, although they are not synthesized via the original 8GX manufacturing process. METHODS: One new Alcian Blue 8GX form and two Alcian Blue dye variants were evaluated in rats and rabbits using standard staining procedures. The staining quality of these dyes were evaluated relative to the original form of Alcian Blue 8GX based on cartilage uptake of the dye, clarity of the cartilaginous components, staining intensity of the dye, and overall readability of the specimens under stereomicroscopic evaluation. RESULTS: Staining with the newer form of Alcian Blue 8GX resulted in poor staining quality. The Alcian Blue-Pyridine variant performed well, although staining intensity was less than optimal. The Alcian Blue-Tetrakis variant provided staining characteristics that were most similar to the original form of Alcian Blue 8GX. CONCLUSIONS: Alcian Blue-Tetrakis was markedly better in its ability to stain fetal cartilage than the newer form of Alcian Blue 8GX.  相似文献   

Summary Glycosaminoglycans are important components of the extracellular matrix of developing embryos where they are found in the form of proteoglycans. Alcian Blue staining of tissue sections is the technique most commonly used for demonstrating their distribution. Glycosaminoglycans have a high solubility in water, and are easily lost from the tissue during processing, even if non-aqueous fixatives have been used. Formalin and Carnoy's fluid are the most frequently used fixatives, and the addition of cetyl pyridinium chloride has been recommended to reduce glycan solubility.Using sections of day-10 rat embryos containing developing head and heart (both known to be rich in glycosaminoglycans) the effects of ten fixatives have been investigated with and without cetyl pyridinium chloride on the preservation of Alcian Blue-stainable material (at pH 2.5) and tissue structure. The most useful fixatives were Karnovsky's and Sainte-Marie's. Both gave a strong and reproducible staining pattern of the extracellular polyanionic material. Sainte-Marie's gave better preservation of tissue structure, allowing the demonstration of cell-matrix inter-relationships; Karnovsky's gave a better contrast between extracellular and intracellular staining, which is particularly useful at lower magnifications.Cetyl pyridinium chloride is a detergent. Transmission electron microscope observations showed that it causes cell membrane disruption and vesicle formation, which at the light microscopic level, would cause cell membrane-associated glycosaminoglycans to appear as stained strands wholly within the extracellular domain. Therefore the use of cetyl pyridinium chloride is inadvisable where a distinction between surface-related and extracellular glycosaminoglycans is desirable. It has the further disadvantage of enhancing cytoplasmic and nuclear polyanionic material, thus decreasing the differential staining intensity of intracellular and extracellular domains.  相似文献   

Alcian blue 8GX is a copper phthalocyanin dye that shows a high degree of specificity for polyanionic substances such as hyaluronic acid, sialic acid and the chondroitin sulfates. This dye has proved useful for both histochemical and electrophoretic staining of these substances. The Biological Stain Commission has recently begun to certify Alcian blue (Schenk 1981). Commercially available lots contain approximately 50% dye. The remaining constituents have been identified as primarily boric acid, as well as sulfates and dextrins (Scott 1972, Horobin and Goldstein 1972). Horobin and Goldstein (1972) have pointed out that these contaminants may adversely affect staining in the critical electrolyte concentration procedure. Scott (1972), while not ascribing any adverse effects to the presence of boric acid, recommends its removal by differential precipitation with acetone. In this procedure one part of a 2-5% aqueous solution of the dye is added to 5-10 parts of acetone. The precipitated dye is approximately 80% pure. While this method is relatively simple, it does have several drawbacks. Low concentrations of Alcian blue (i.e., 2%) must be used to obtain purities near 80%. Thus a minimum of 250 ml of acetone is needed to purify 1 gram of dye. Furthermore, Horobin and Goldstein (1972) have reported that contamination by dextrin or unknown organic substances (detergent?) interferes with precipitation of the dye enough to make purification by Scott's method impossible. When difficulty in the precipitation of Alcian blue by Scott's method was encountered, the following simple method for the purification of the dye was developed.  相似文献   

Alcian blue 8GX is a copper phthalocyanin dye that shows a high degree of specificity for polyanionic substances such as hyaluronic acid, sialic acid and the chondroitin sulfates. This dye has proved useful for both histochemical and electrophoretic staining of these substances. The Biological Stain Commission has recently begun to certify Alcian blue (Schenk 1981). Commercially available lots contain approximately 50% dye. The remaining constituents have been identified as primarily boric acid, as well as sulfates and dextrins (Scott 1972, Horobin and Goldstein 1972). Horobin and Goldstein (1972) have pointed out that these contaminants may adversely affect staining in the critical electrolyte concentration procedure. Scott (1972), while not ascribing any adverse effects to the presence of boric acid, recommends its removal by differential precipitation with acetone. In this procedure one part of a 2-5% aqueous solution of the dye is added to 5-10 parts of acetone. The precipitated dye is approximately 80% pure. While this method is relatively simple, it does have several drawbacks. Low concentrations of Alcian blue (i.e., 2%) must be used to obtain purities near 80%. Thus a minimum of 250 ml of acetone is needed to purify 1 gram of dye. Furthermore, Horobin and Goldstein (1972) have reported that contamination by dextrin or unknown organic substances (detergent?) interferes with precipitation of the dye enough to make purification by Scott's method impossible. When difficulty in the precipitation of Alcian blue by Scott's method was encountered, the following simple method for the purification of the dye was developed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The nucleus pulposus of cat intervertebral disc was examined after staining glycosaminoglycans with Alcian Blue and the results correlated with TEM X-ray probe microanalysis. In unstained sections a difference in copper levels between tissues and resin was detected. In tissue stained with Alcian blue before embedding, the copper levels were slightly increased and the morphological appearance of the intercellular material was amorphous. In sections restained after cutting, the relative levels of copper in the resin were considerably increased and tissue levels were significantly higher than in the resin. Moreover, the morphology of the intercellular material was altered from a rather amorphous material to a network. Sulphur levels behaved in similar manner to copper levels but any correlation between the elements was due to factors unrelated to glycosaminoglycan staining and probably resulted from contaminating sulphur.  相似文献   

The intercellular matrices of bovine nasal cartilage, chick embryo perichordal cartilage, and chick embryo mesenchymal cells cultured in vitro have been examined by electron microscopy after staining them with Alcian Blue in salt solutions according to Scott & Dorling (1965). Matrix granules, which are typical components of cartilage at the ultrastructural level, are not visible after Alcian Blue staining and are replaced by alcianophilic rod-like particles, varying in length and width. With tissue cultures, Alcian Blue stains 40-120 A thick filaments which display an orthogonal and longitudinal relationship to collagen fibrils. We assume that cartilage matrix granules represent linear proteoglycans that are coiled as a consequence of the usual glutaraldehyde-osmium fixation. It is thought that Alcian Blue, on the other hand, contributes to the stabilization of the proteoglycans in their original structural arrangement. This stabilizing property presumably also results in the sharp visualization of fine filaments in the tissue culture matrix.  相似文献   

The critical electrolyte concentration principle was applied to the Alcian Blue staining of rat epiphyseal cartilage proteoglycans for electron microscopy. The distribution and structure of material in glutaraldehyde-fixed cartilage stained at pH 5.8 without MgCl2 and in the presence of 0.05, 0.4, 0.5, 0.9 and 1.0 M MgCl2 was compared with that produced by simultaneous staining and fixation at neutral pH. Both methods resulted in staining of intracellular material within vacuoles as well as staining of non-collagenous matrix material. The structure and distribution of Alcian Blue-positive matrix material consisted of rounded or polygonal granules which accumulated around cells in the proliferative and hypertrophied zones. A similar pattern of distribution was observed in samples stained in the presence of 0.4 or 0.5 M MgCl2. In these cases, however, the stained material exhibited a ribbon-like configuration and granules were few in number. Increasing the MgCl2 concentration to 1.0 M resulted in a marked reduction of Alcian Blue stained material. No ribbon-like structures were observed, and matrix granules were reduced in both number and size. The decreased staining associated with increased electrolyte concentration lends support to the concept that epiphyseal cartilage matrix granules are composed primarily of chondroitin sulphate, and suggest that this same material is present in vacuoles associated with the Golgi apparatus in chondrocytes of the proliferative and hypertrophying zones.  相似文献   

Synopsis The effect of pH on Alcian Blue staining of sialomucins and sulphomucins in human bronchial submucosal glands has been analysed. Using Alcian Blue combined with periodic acid-Schiff, lowering the pH was associated with a decrease in the area staining with Alcian Blue and an increase in that staining with periodic acid-Schiff, save in one bronchus with a large sulphomucin content, in which an increase in the area staining with Alcian Blue was found at pH1.0. In all bronchi, an increase in the intensity of Alcian Blue staining was found at this pH. Sialomucin sensitive to sialidase was found to lose Alcian Blue staining at a higher pH than sialomucin resistant to the enzyme. Some sulphomucins stained with Alcian Blue throughout the pH range studied and some only at the more acid pH levels. At pH1.0 Alcian Blue stained only sulphomucins, thus distinguishing them from sialomucins. Alcian Blue staining combined with the high iron diamine technique has enabled three sulphate groups to be identified: one stained with high iron diamine, the other two did not, and, of the latter, one stained with Alcian Blue at pH 2.6 and1.0, and the other only at pH1.0.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. There are numerous mucocysts in Tetrahymena; however, little is known about their composition, organization, biosynthesis, or function. Mucocysts of Tetrahymena are membrane-bounded vesicles located at the cell cortex. They are torpedo-shaped structures (0.9 μm x 0.3 μm) lined up in longitudinal rows along the surface. It is estimated here that each cell contains about 5000 mucocysts. Mucocyst contents are organized in a crystalline manner, but when that material is released by exocytosis, it swells and forms a gel. Using fluorescence microscopy, we demonstrate that mucocysts contain concanavalin A (Con A)-binding material. First, intracellular fluorescent particles in fixed cells incubated with fluorescein-derivatized Con A (F-Con A) have the same distribution, shape, and orientation as mucocysts in living cells. Also, mucocysts were induced to undergo synchronous exocytosis, and the released material formed a capsule around the cell. The capsule was fluorescent after incubation with F-Con A. In both cases fluorescence was abolished by competition with α methyl mannoside, indicating that Con A is binding specifically to a glycosidic component of the mucocyst. Mucocyst capsules also bind wheat germ agglutinin but not soybean agglutinin, pea lectin, or lentil lectin. Preparations of mucocyst material were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Silver stain revealed a high molecular weight band that had not previously been detected by Coomassie blue staining. That band also stained with Alcian blue, indicating that it is a mucopolysaccharide. Finally, that same band was shown to be Con A binding. Thus the Con A-binding and Alcian blue-staining properties of mucocysts can be attributed to the same high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide component. This study indicates that it may be possible to purify a specific carbohydrate component of mucocysts which may be helpful in analyzing their function, biogenesis, and structural organization.  相似文献   

The chemical and histochemical properties of Alcian Blue   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary It has been shown that AB combines electrostatically, in the main, with tissue polyanions. Uptake of AB into epithelial mucins is suppressed by lowering the pH of the dye solution. Introduction of sulphate ester groups almost always results in strong AB staining, even in those sections in which staining had been previously suppressed by treatment with sialidase. Differences between species have been noted, and considered in the discussion. It has been shown that the added electrolyte (NaCl, KCl, LiBr etc.) markedly enhances AB staining. An explanation of this, based on the polyvalent character of AB, is offered, in conformity with studies presented in Pt. I on polyanions in solution.Supported by Research Grants D-1325, D-1326 and D-01952 of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.  相似文献   

Conditions for specific interaction between Alcian blue and proteoglycans were optimized by comparing the differential spectra of Alcian blue obtained with purified chondroitin sulfate dissolved in water with the spectra obtained with nasal cartilage proteoglycans dissolved in synovial fluid. A method was then designed that provides specific precipitation of proteoglycans or glycosaminoglycans in 4 M guanidine-HCl in the presence of protein, hyaluronic acid, or nucleic acids. The specificity is achieved by using a low pH in combination with detergent and high salt concentration. Stepwise addition of reagents is necessary to avoid binding of Alcian blue to proteins and nucleic acids. All polyanions, except polysulfates, are first neutralized by lowering the pH to 1.5. By including detergent in this step, the hydrophobic protein regions are blocked and not accessible for binding with the dye. These regions could otherwise bind Alcian blue by hydrophobic interaction. When the Alcian blue reagent is added after, only the polysulfated molecules will remain charged and free to interact with Alcian blue. At least 0.4 M guanidine-HCl is required to abolish the negative interference by proteins. All sulfated glycosaminoglycans are precipitated at 0.4 M guanidine-HCl. With increasing guanidine-HCl concentrations, the different glycosaminoglycans are precipitated in accordance with the critical electrolyte concentration of the respective glycosaminoglycan. The Alcian blue precipitation can be performed at different concentrations of guanidine-HCl in order to separate different classes of proteoglycans. Excess dye and contaminating proteins are removed by a wash in a DMSO-MgCl2 solution and the precipitate is dissolved in a mixture of guanidine-HCl and propanol. For quantitation, the absorbance is recorded in a microplate reader with the 600-nm filter, the assay being linear between 0.5 and 20 μg proteoglycan. Since no digestion of samples with protease is needed, the proteoglycans are recovered in native form. The proteoglycan-Alcian blue complexes dissociate in the guanidine-HCl/propanol mixture and the proteoglycans can be selectivelyprecipitated with propanol. The dye is used for quantitation and the proteoglycans can be utilized for further analysis.  相似文献   

An improved method is described for the quantitation of glycosaminoglycans separatedon cellulose acetate, stained with Alcian blue, and dissolved in a dimethyl sulfoxide solution. Standard curves are shown for all eight glycosaminoglycans. It is shown that absorption at the Alcian blue orthochromatic Emax is depressed under conditions which favor formation of dye-glycosaminoglycan complexes. The interaction between Alcian blue and the eight glycosaminoglycans was studied in dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of varying composition. It was shown that the extent of complex formation depends both on the glycosaminoglycan and the composition of the dimethyl sulfoxide solution. A dimethyl sulfoxide solution which contains 0.094 m H2SO4 is described which maximizes dye-glycosaminoglycan dissociation and thus the absorbance. Also, an improved staining method is described which improves dye uptake by the glycosaminoglycans and consequently increases the sensitivity of glycosaminoglycan quantitation.  相似文献   

Synopsis The composition of various samples of Alcian Blue* and related dyes was studied, using t.l.c. (with cellulose as adsorbent andn-butanol: acetic acid: water as developing solvent), solvent extraction and precipitation, i.r. spectroscopy and classical semimicro analysis. All the Alcian Blue samples appeared to contain the same coloured components. The Alcian Green samples were mixtures of these blue components and Alcian Yellow. All the Astra Blue samples examined were composed of the same blue constituents. Colourless components identified were boricacid, dextrin and sulphate and sometimes amounted to nearly three-quarters by weight of the crude dyes. Impurities had only a slight effect on staining with Alcian Blue in aqueous acetic acid but appreciably affected staining by the critical electrolyte concentration (C.E.C.) procedure. Dextrin as impurity raised C.E.C. limits while the inorganic salt impurities raised the C.E.C. values of some substrates and lowered those of others.  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of vitreous humour (monkey eye), Wharton jelly (human umbilical cord) and commercial hyaluronates were immersed in buffered fixative solutions containing either aldehydes and Alcian Blue, or aldehydes and Alcian Blue with MgCl2 as electrolyte. Two MgCl2 concentrations were used, 0.025m and 0.3m. Immersion in both solutions induced formation of precipitates which were postfixed in OsO4, dehydrated and embedded for thin section electron microscopy. The use of the same fixative solution produced morphologically comparable precipitates from all three materials. The precipitates, especially after fixation in the presence of electrolyte, were composed of linear, unbranched filaments, frequently aggregated into bundles. The filaments were considered to be molecules of hyaluronic acid.Part of this work was presented at the 10th Meeting of the European Club for Ophthalmic Fine Structure, Copenhagen, September 3–4, 1982.  相似文献   

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