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通过海藻酸钠/纤维素硫酸钠-聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(SA/NaCS-PDMDAAC)微胶囊固定化酵母细胞将胞苷一磷酸(CMP)转化为胞苷三磷酸(CTP),考察了各种因素条件对CTP转化率的影响,以提高CTP的转化率.通过考察分批补料添加葡萄糖,固定化酵母量,CMP浓度等以达到提高CTP转化率的要求.结果在250 mL锥...  相似文献   

鸟苷发酵的优化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以鸟苷产生菌BacillussubtilisAJ2 0 66为生产菌株 ,采用 5 0L自控发酵罐与摇瓶培养相结合的联动优化方法对鸟苷发酵进行了研究。谷氨酸钠对鸟苷发酵比较重要 ,培养基中加入 1 %的谷氨酸钠可使 5 0L罐最终产苷达 31 49g/L。次黄嘌呤 (Hx)作为前体可以直接用于鸟苷合成 ,发酵后期加入 0 2 %的Hx,可使 5 0L罐最终产苷达 33 2 4g/L。  相似文献   

酵母天然酶系生物合成谷胱甘肽   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用酵母细胞本身具有的谷胱甘肽(GSH)合成酶和ATP合成GSH。在含有半胱氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸的反应液中,加入已充分洗涤的酵母细胞,37℃孵育8h后,酵母体内可积累15mg/g(dry cell weight)以上的GSH,而对照组仅5mg/g(dry cell weight)。同时也研究了树脂法和铜盐法相结合分离纯化GSH。实验结果初步表明,利用酵母细胞中的天然谷胱甘肽合成酶和ATP,可使前体物质快速转化成GSH,是可行的。  相似文献   

本文报道PHO2蛋白能被一种未知的蛋白激酶磷酸化PHO2蛋白的第230-233位氨基酸残基组成一个可能被p34相关的蛋白激酶识别的一致序列(SPIK),用点突变的方法将Ser-230变成Ala可导致PHO2蛋白激活PHO5表达能力的完全丧失。进一步的研究显示,将Pro-231突变成Ser同样可导致PHO2的矢活,而Ser-230突变成Asp则不影响PHO2的活力。由于PHO2(Asp-230)突变体通过在第230位残基引入了一个负电荷,可以看成Ser-230被磷酸化的状态,由此推测PHO2蛋白可能需要在Ser-230被磷酸化后才会具有激活PHO5基因转录的能力。体外磷酸化分析的结果表明,大肠杆菌表达的GSTI-PHO2(野生型)融合蛋白能够被酵母YPH499总蛋白抽提物磷酸化,如果以SPIK(230-233)一致序列被破坏的GST-PHO2(Pro-231→Ser)突变体作为底物,则观察不到该融合蛋白被酸磷化标记。结果表明PHO2在细胞内是一种磷骏化蛋白,第230位Ser的磷酸化是该转录因子较制PHO5基因表达的活性所必需。  相似文献   

心肌收缩蛋白三磷酸腺苷酶及其生理病理意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡青 《生理科学进展》1992,23(2):170-173

本文报道了PHO2蛋白能被一种未知的蛋白激酶磷酸化。PHO2蛋白的第230-233位氨基酸残基因组成一个可能p34^cdc3/CDC28相关的蛋白激酶识别的一致序列,用点突变的方法将Ser-230变成Ala可导致PHO2蛋白激活PHO5表达能力的完全丧失。  相似文献   

介绍了酵母三杂交系统的原理、应用、前景和存在的不足.在酵母双杂交基础上发展起来的酵母三杂交系统,将应用范围扩大到研究蛋白质-蛋白质、蛋白质-RNA、蛋白质-小分子药物间的相互作用.  相似文献   

蔗糖磷酸合成酶研究的新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔗糖磷酸合成酶(sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS)是高等植物体内控制蔗糖合成的关键酶之一,它主要通过异构调节和磷酸化修饰在酶水平调节蔗糖合成。本文简要介绍SPS家族的成员、SPS蛋白上的3个磷酸化位点,以及SPS的生物学功能、SPS与磷酸蔗糖磷酸酶的关系等。  相似文献   

双歧杆菌影响肌醇三磷酸的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本实验首次发现双歧杆菌可降低大肠癌细胞内肌醇三磷酸水平,且存在时间依赖关系,提示双歧杆影响脂代谢通路的信息传递过程,这种影响是通过关闭亚细胞器上钙离子通道实现的。  相似文献   

We first identified GTP cyclohydrolase I activity (EC in the ciliated protozoa, Tetrahymena pyriformis. The Vmax value of the enzyme in the cellular extract of T. pyriformis was 255 pmol mg−1 protein h−1. Michaelis–Menten kinetics indicated a positive cooperative binding of GTP to the enzyme. The GTP concentration producing half-maximal velocity was 0.8 mM. By high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection, a major peak corresponding to -monapterin (2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-[(1′R,2′R)-1′,2′,3′-trihydroxypropyl]pteridine, -threo-neopterin) and minor peaks of -erythro-neopterin and -erythro-biopterin were found to be present in the cellular extract of Tetrahymena. Thus, it is strongly suggested that Tetrahymena converts GTP into unconjugated pteridine derivatives. In this study, dopamine was detected as the major catecholamine, while neither epinephrine nor norepinephrine was identified. Indeed, this protozoa was shown to possess the activity of a dopamine synthesizing enzyme, aromatic -amino acid decarboxylase. On the other hand, activities of tyrosine hydroxylase or tyrosinase which converts tyrosine into dopa, the substrate of aromatic -amino acid decarboxylase, could not be detected in this protozoa. Furthermore, neither dopamine β-hydroxylase activity nor phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity could be identified by the HPLC methods.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to integrate the knowledge on the role of hormones and guanyl nucleotides in regulating adenylate cyclase into a single molecular model. It is suggested that the hormone catalyzes the activation of the enzyme adenylate cyclase by facilitating the conversion of the enzyme from its inactive state to its active form. The hormone is also responsible for the termination of the signal namely the deactivation of the enzyme by inducing the hydrolysis of GTP at its regulatory site. The relative rates of these two processes determine the steady state concentration of the active form of the enzyme. The model also explains the difference in behaviour between GTP and its non-hydrolyzable analogs GppNHp and GTPγS.  相似文献   

Differential phosphorylation of microtubule proteins by ATP and GTP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purified brain microtubule protein is phosphorylated by endogenous protein kinase activities in the presence of [-32P] ATP or [-32P] GTP. Here we show that certain microtubule-associated proteins are phosphorylated differently by GTP or ATP as direct phosphoryl donors, suggesting the presence of distinct kinase activities, with different specificities, associated with microtubule protein.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to analyse the spoilage potential of the isolated yeast, LAB and AAB species. Thus, 11 strains were inoculated at 0·3% (v/v) into a sterile filtered tchapalo and stored for 3 days at ambient temperature (27–30°C). All the tested strains grew well or remained stable except for Limosilactobacillus fermentum and Pediococcus acidilactici, which decreased throughout the storage time. A significant decrease of total soluble solids was observed only for Saccharomyces cerevisiae (from 7·8 to 5·8 °Brix) and Meyerozyma guilliermondii (from 7·8 to 5·5 °Brix). The tchapalo samples inoculated with the LAB strains Weissella paramesenteroides, P. acidilactici, L. fermentum and the yeast strain Candida tropicalis were judged similar to the control by the panellists. However, the strains of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei and Latilactobacillus curvatus (LAB), S. cerevisiae, M. guilliermondii and Kluyveromyces marxianus (yeasts) and Acetobacter pasteurianus and A. cerevisiae (AAB) induced the spoilage of the tchapalo appearance, smell and/or taste. In the spoiled tchapalo quantitative and qualitative modification of some volatile compounds (VOCs), such as lilac aldehyde, ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate and phenethyl acetate, were observed. These results provide information about the microorganisms that need to be removed to extend the shelf life of tchapalo.  相似文献   

The free energy profiles for the chemical reaction of the guanosine triphosphate hydrolysis GTP + H2O → GDP + Pi by Ras‐GAP for the wild‐type and G13V mutated Ras were computed by using molecular dynamics protocols with the QM(ab initio)/MM potentials. The results are consistent with the recent measurements of reaction kinetics in Ras‐GAP showing about two‐order reduction of the rate constant upon G13V mutation in Ras: the computed activation barrier on the free energy profile is increased by 3 kcal/mol upon the G13V replacement. The major reason for a higher energy barrier is a shift of the “arginine finger” (R789 from GAP) from the favorable position in the active site. The results of simulations provide support for the mechanism of the reference reaction according to which the Q61 side chain directly participates in chemical transformations at the proton transfer stage. Proteins 2015; 83:1046–1053. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rab proteins, a family of small guanosine triphosphatases, play key roles in intracellular membrane trafficking and the regulation of various cellular processes. As a Rab isoform, Rab35 is crucial for recycling endosome trafficking, cytokinesis and neurite outgrowth. In this report, we analyzed dynamic structural changes and physicochemical features of Rab35 in response to different external conditions, including temperature, pH, salt concentration and guanosine triphosphate (GTP), by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. CD spectra revealed that the α-helix content of Rab35 varies under different conditions considerably. The addition of GTP increases the α-helix content of Rab35 when the temperature, pH and salt concentration match physiological conditions. The results suggest that the external environment affects the secondary structure of Rab35. In particular, the presence of GTP stabilized the α-helices of Rab35 under physiological conditions. These structural changes may translate to changes in Rab35 function and relate to its role in membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Thiophosphorylation provides a metabolically stable, chemically reactive phosphorylation analogue for analyzing the phosphoproteome in vitro and in vivo. We developed a MALDI-TOF-MS based assay for optimizing thiophosphopeptide production by a kinase even in the presence of Mg(2+) and ATP. We found that Abl kinase thiophosphorylation rates can be "rescued" using Mn(2+) in the presence of Mg(2+). Under our ideal conditions, titration of Mn(2+) and ATPgammaS in the presence of Mg(2+) allowed relatively rapid, highly specific thiophosphorylation by Abl tyrosine kinase, both as purified enzyme and in complex cell extracts.  相似文献   

Various analogs of adenosine 5′-triphosphate with a modified terminal phosphate group have been tested in energy-requiring reactions with intact mitochondria and submitochondrial particles.It is shown that the fluorophosphate analog ATP(γF) is a strong inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration and of energy requiring reactions which involve the participation of high energy intermediates, generated aerobically by the respiratory chain. On the other hand, ATP(γF) does not affect the ATPase activity of intact or disrupted mitochondria and is less effective in inhibiting ATP-driven reactions.The imidophosphate analog AMP-P(NH)P also inhibits the partial reactions of oxidative phosphorylation, but does not affect ATP synthesis from ADP and Pi. In contrast to ATP(γF), it is a strong inhibitor of both soluble and membrane-bound mitochondrial ATPases.The biological implication of the complementary effects of ATP(γF) and AMP-P(NH)P on mitochondria-catalysed reactions is discussed while suggesting the use of such nucleotide analogs as specific tools for the study of ATP-forming and ATP-utilizing reactions in mitochondria.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that guanine nucleotides activate adenylate cyclase by a covalent mechanism involving pyrophosphorylation of the enzyme, we studied the effect of a novel GTP analog, guanosine 5′, α-β-methylene triphosphate (Gp(CH2)pp), with a methylene bond in the α-β-position that is stable to enzymatic hydrolysis. Gp(CH2)pp was as effective as GTP in stimulating rat reticulocyte adenylate cyclase in the presence of isoproterenol. Previously only guanine nucleotides with modified terminal phosphates such as guanylyl 5′-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) were thought capable of causing persistent activation of adenylate cyclase. Gp(CH2)pp, however, caused persistent activation of rat reticulocyte and turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase. We conclude that guanine nucleotides do not activate adenylate cyclase by a pyrophosphorylation mechanism and that a modified γ-phosphate is not essential in guanine nucleotides for generation of the irreversibly-activated enzyme state.  相似文献   

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