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Pancreatic islets of Langerhans produce bursts of electrical activity when exposed to stimulatory glucose levels. These bursts often have a regular repeating pattern, with a period of 10-60 s. In some cases, however, the bursts are episodic, clustered into bursts of bursts, which we call compound bursting. Consistent with this are recordings of free Ca2+ concentration, oxygen consumption, mitochondrial membrane potential, and intraislet glucose levels that exhibit very slow oscillations, with faster oscillations superimposed. We describe a new mathematical model of the pancreatic beta-cell that can account for these multimodal patterns. The model includes the feedback of cytosolic Ca2+ onto ion channels that can account for bursting, and a metabolic subsystem that is capable of producing slow oscillations driven by oscillations in glycolysis. This slow rhythm is responsible for the slow mode of compound bursting in the model. We also show that it is possible for glycolytic oscillations alone to drive a very slow form of bursting, which we call "glycolytic bursting." Finally, the model predicts that there is bistability between stationary and oscillatory glycolysis for a range of parameter values. We provide experimental support for this model prediction. Overall, the model can account for a diversity of islet behaviors described in the literature over the past 20 years.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of insulin-secreting pancreatic islets of Langerhans is characterized by bursts of action potentials. Most often this bursting is periodic, but in some cases it is modulated by an underlying slower rhythm. We suggest that the modulatory rhythm for this complex bursting pattern is due to oscillations in glycolysis, while the bursting itself is generated by some other slow process. To demonstrate this hypothesis, we couple a minimal model of glycolytic oscillations to a minimal model for activity-dependent bursting in islets. We show that the combined model can reproduce several complex bursting patterns from mouse islets published in the literature, and we illustrate how these complex oscillations are produced through the use of a fast/slow analysis.  相似文献   

Pancreatic beta-cells exhibit bursting oscillations with a wide range of periods. Whereas periods in isolated cells are generally either a few seconds or a few minutes, in intact islets of Langerhans they are intermediate (10-60 s). We develop a mathematical model for beta-cell electrical activity capable of generating this wide range of bursting oscillations. Unlike previous models, bursting is driven by the interaction of two slow processes, one with a relatively small time constant (1-5 s) and the other with a much larger time constant (1-2 min). Bursting on the intermediate time scale is generated without need for a slow process having an intermediate time constant, hence phantom bursting. The model suggests that isolated cells exhibiting a fast pattern may nonetheless possess slower processes that can be brought out by injecting suitable exogenous currents. Guided by this, we devise an experimental protocol using the dynamic clamp technique that reliably elicits islet-like, medium period oscillations from isolated cells. Finally, we show that strong electrical coupling between a fast burster and a slow burster can produce synchronized medium bursting, suggesting that islets may be composed of cells that are intrinsically either fast or slow, with few or none that are intrinsically medium.  相似文献   

A reaction-diffusion type model is constructed, describing the spatio-temporal dynamics of the basic intracellular variables assumed to be involved in the initiation of the insulin secretion process by beta -cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The model includes equations for the electric membrane potential of the cells, with respective kinetics for ionic currents, for concentrations of both free and stored intracellular calcium, and for the intra- and extracellular concentrations of glucose. An empirical expression connecting the equation for the intracellular glucose concentration to the electrical equation is introduced. The model reproduces the events observed in experiments in vitro upon external glucose application to the islets of Langerhans, such as usual bursting oscillations of the membrane potential and corresponding oscillations of the intracellular calcium concentration. It also allows simulation of electric wave propagation through the islet, initiated by the spatial gradient of glucose concentration within the islet. The gradient emerges due to glucose diffusing into the islets from the external medium, being high at the edges. The latter results show that glucose diffusion presents a means for wave initiation in the islets, which supports our previous assumption (Aslanidi et al., 2001).  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional bifurcation studies of a prototypic model of bursting oscillations in pancreatic beta-cells reveal a squid-formed area of chaotic dynamics in the parameter plane, with period-doubling bifurcations on one side of the arms and saddle-node bifurcations on the other. The transition from this structure to the so-called period-adding structure is found to involve a subcritical period-doubling bifurcation and the emergence of type-III intermittency. The period-adding transition itself is not smooth but consists of a saddle-node bifurcation in which (n+1)-spike bursting behavior is born, slightly overlapping with a subcritical period-doubling bifurcation in which n-spike bursting behavior loses its stability.  相似文献   

A basic biophysical model for bursting neurons   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Presented here is a basic biophysical cell model for bursting, an extension of our previous model (Av-Ron et al. 1991) for excitability and oscillations. By changing a limited set of model parameters, one can describe different patterns of bursting behavior in terms of the burst cycle, the durations of oscillation and quiescence, and firing frequency.  相似文献   

A Hodgkin-Huxley model exhibiting bursting oscillations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigate bursting behaviour generated in an electrophysiological model of pituitary corticotrophs. The active and silent phases of this mode of bursting are generated by moving between two stable oscillatory solutions. The bursting is indirectly driven by slow modulation of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ concentration. The model exhibits different modes of bursting, and we investigate mode transitions and similar modes of bursting in other Hodgkin-Huxley models. Bifurcation analysis and the use of null-surfaces facilitate a geometric interpretation of the model bursting modes and action potential generation, respectively.  相似文献   

Estimates of islet area and numbers and endocrine cell composition in the adult human pancreas vary from several hundred thousand to several million and beta mass ranges from 500 to 1500 mg. With this known heterogeneity, a standard processing and staining procedure was developed so that pancreatic regions were clearly defined and islets characterized using rigorous histopathology and immunolocalization examinations. Standardized procedures for processing human pancreas recovered from organ donors are described in part 1 of this series. The pancreas is processed into 3 main regions (head, body, tail) followed by transverse sections. Transverse sections from the pancreas head are further divided, as indicated based on size, and numbered alphabetically to denote subsections. This standardization allows for a complete cross sectional analysis of the head region including the uncinate region which contains islets composed primarily of pancreatic polypeptide cells to the tail region. The current report comprises part 2 of this series and describes the procedures used for serial sectioning and histopathological characterization of the pancreatic paraffin sections with an emphasis on islet endocrine cells, replication, and T-cell infiltrates. Pathology of pancreatic sections is intended to characterize both exocrine, ductular, and endocrine components. The exocrine compartment is evaluated for the presence of pancreatitis (active or chronic), atrophy, fibrosis, and fat, as well as the duct system, particularly in relationship to the presence of pancreatic intraductal neoplasia. Islets are evaluated for morphology, size, and density, endocrine cells, inflammation, fibrosis, amyloid, and the presence of replicating or apoptotic cells using H&E and IHC stains. The final component described in part 2 is the provision of the stained slides as digitized whole slide images. The digitized slides are organized by case and pancreas region in an online pathology database creating a virtual biobank. Access to this online collection is currently provided to over 200 clinicians and scientists involved in type 1 diabetes research. The online database provides a means for rapid and complete data sharing and for investigators to select blocks for paraffin or frozen serial sections.  相似文献   

Bursting oscillations are common in neurons and endocrine cells. One type of bursting model with two slow variables has been called ‘phantom bursting’ since the burst period is a blend of the time constants of the slow variables. A phantom bursting model can produce bursting with a wide range of periods: fast (short period), medium, and slow (long period). We describe a measure, which we call the ‘dominance factor’, of the relative contributions of the two slow variables to the bursting produced by a simple phantom bursting model. Using this tool, we demonstrate how the control of different phases of the burst can be shifted from one slow variable to another by changing a model parameter. We then show that the dominance curves obtained as a parameter is varied can be useful in making predictions about the resetting properties of the model cells. Finally, we demonstrate two mechanisms by which phase-independent resetting of a burst can be achieved, as has been shown to occur in the electrical activity of pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

Cell migration, known as an orchestrated movement of cells, is crucially important for wound healing, tumor growth, immune response as well as other biomedical processes. This paper presents a cell-based model to describe cell migration in non-isotropic fibrin networks around pancreatic tumor islets. This migration is determined by the mechanical strain energy density as well as cytokines-driven chemotaxis. Cell displacement is modeled by solving a large system of ordinary stochastic differential equations where the stochastic parts result from random walk. The stochastic differential equations are solved by the use of the classical Euler–Maruyama method. In this paper, the influence of anisotropic stromal extracellular matrix in pancreatic tumor islets on T-lymphocytes migration in different immune systems is investigated. As a result, tumor peripheral stromal extracellular matrix impedes the immune response of T-lymphocytes through changing direction of their migration.  相似文献   

Improvements in pancreatic islet transplantation for treatment of diabetes are hindered by the absence of meaningful islet quality assessment methods. Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) has previously been used to assess the quality of organs and primary tissue for transplantation. In this study, we describe and characterize a stirred microchamber for measuring OCR with small quantities of islets. The device has a titanium body with a chamber volume of about 200 microL and is magnetically stirred and water jacketed for temperature control. Oxygen partial pressure (pO(2)) is measured by fluorescence quenching with a fiber optic probe, and OCR is determined from the linear decrease of pO(2) with time. We demonstrate that measurements can be made rapidly and with high precision. Measurements with betaTC3 cells and islets show that OCR is directly proportional to the number of viable cells in mixtures of live and dead cells and correlate linearly with membrane integrity measurements made with cells that have been cultured for 24 h under various stressful conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of encapsulation of pancreatic islets is to transplant in the absence of immunosuppression. It is based on the principle that transplanted tissue is protected from the host immune system by an artificial membrane. Encapsulation allows for application of insulin-secreting cells of animal or other surrogate sources, to overcome human islet shortage. The advantages and pitfalls of the approaches developed so far are discussed and compared, together with some recent progress, in view of applicability in clinical islet transplantation.  相似文献   

A staining sequence for A, B and D cells of pancreatic islets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons exhibit at least two intrinsic modes of action potential burst firing, referred to as parabolic and irregular bursting. Parabolic bursting is characterized by a slow wave in membrane potential that can underlie periodic clusters of action potentials with increased interspike interval at the beginning and at the end of each cluster. Irregular bursting is characterized by clusters of action potentials that are separated by varying durations of interburst intervals and a relatively stable baseline potential. Based on recent studies of isolated ionic currents, a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley (HH)-like model for the GnRH neuron is developed to reproduce each mode of burst firing with an appropriate set of conductances. Model outcomes for bursting are in agreement with the experimental recordings in terms of interburst interval, interspike interval, active phase duration, and other quantitative properties specific to each mode of bursting. The model also shows similar outcomes in membrane potential to those seen experimentally when tetrodotoxin (TTX) is used to block action potentials during bursting, and when estradiol transitions cells exhibiting slow oscillations to irregular bursting mode in vitro. Based on the parameter values used to reproduce each mode of bursting, the model suggests that GnRH neurons can switch between the two through changes in the maximum conductance of certain ionic currents, notably the slow inward Ca2+ current I s, and the Ca2+ -activated K+ current I KCa. Bifurcation analysis of the model shows that both modes of bursting are similar from a dynamical systems perspective despite differences in burst characteristics.  相似文献   

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