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Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a leading cause of discontinuation of new drug approval or withdrawal of marketed medicine based on safety due to organ vulnerability. The aim of this research is to investigate the potential abilities of four different in vitro cell models (L-02, HepG2, HepaRG, and hiHeps cell lines) in assessing marketed drugs labeled with apparently different types of liver injury. A total of 17 drugs with versatile pharmacological profiles were chosen, of which, 14 drugs are recognized as DILI agents and 3 drugs are DILI irrelevant. Preliminary cellular screening assays indicated that the HepaRG cell line had an advantage over other cell lines in predicting drugs associated with DILI in vitro as it had the highest Youden’s index (71.4 %). A multi-parametric screening assay showed that oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage, and disorders of neutral lipid metabolism were changed notably in the HepaRG cell line after DILI-related drugs exposure, accounting for its high sensitivity in comparison with other three cell lines. In addition, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) all correlated with the cytotoxic effects of diclofenac sodium (p?<?0.05), buspirone hydrochloride (p?<?0.01), and danazol (p?<?0.01) in the HepaRG cell line. We conclude that the HepaRG cell line is a superior in vitro cell model to other three cell lines for evaluating drugs with DILI potential.  相似文献   

We have developed a cell-free system that induces the morphological transformations characteristic of apoptosis in isolated nuclei. The system uses extracts prepared from mitotic chicken hepatoma cells following a sequential S phase/M phase synchronization. When nuclei are added to these extracts, the chromatin becomes highly condensed into spherical domains that ultimately extrude through the nuclear envelope, forming apoptotic bodies. The process is highly synchronous, and the structural changes are completed within 60 min. Coincident with these morphological changes, the nuclear DNA is cleaved into a nucleosomal ladder. Both processes are inhibited by Zn2+, an inhibitor of apoptosis in intact cells. Nuclear lamina disassembly accompanies these structural changes in added nuclei, and we show that lamina disassembly is a characteristic feature of apoptosis in intact cells of mouse, human and chicken. This system may provide a powerful means of dissecting the biochemical mechanisms underlying the final stages of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Characterizing components eluting from a HPLC column is enhanced when multiple detectors are incorporated in-line. The performance of a system consisting of a combination of two detectors - electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (and tandem mass spectrometry) and radioactivity monitoring, following gradient separation with a 250×2.1mm I.D. (Vydac Protein and Peptide C18, 5 μm, 300 Å) column - is evaluated with respect to chromatographic integrity and detection. The HPLC effluent was split (8:1) and a post-column make-up solvent was added to flow directed towards the radioactivity detector containing a solid glass cell. Trifluoracetic acid (0.1%) was added to the make-up flow solvent to prevent silanol interactions from degrading the profile displayed in the 14C trace. A 14C chromatographic peak representing 550 dpm was detected with signal-to-noise ratio of 3. This system was used for rapidly characterizing the biliary metabolites of an arginine fluoroalkyl ketone analog of -MePhe-Pro-Arg, a potent thrombin inhibitor currently being evaluated as a drug candidate. These metabolites are shown to comprise of mono- and dihydroxylated drug as well as a reduced ketone form of the drug. Combining the radioactivity monitor in-line with the mass spectrometer ensured that all of the major metabolites (as evident from the 14C profile) were characterized by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Characterizing components eluting from a HPLC column is enhanced when multiple detectors are incorporated in-line. The performance of a system consisting of a combination of two detectors - electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (and tandem mass spectrometry) and radioactivity monitoring, following gradient separation with a 250×2.1mm I.D. (Vydac Protein and Peptide C18, 5 μm, 300 Å) column - is evaluated with respect to chromatographic integrity and detection. The HPLC effluent was split (8:1) and a post-column make-up solvent was added to flow directed towards the radioactivity detector containing a solid glass cell. Trifluoracetic acid (0.1%) was added to the make-up flow solvent to prevent silanol interactions from degrading the profile displayed in the 14C trace. A 14C chromatographic peak representing 550 dpm was detected with signal-to-noise ratio of 3. This system was used for rapidly characterizing the biliary metabolites of an arginine fluoroalkyl ketone analog of d-MePhe-Pro-Arg, a potent thrombin inhibitor currently being evaluated as a drug candidate. These metabolites are shown to comprise of mono- and dihydroxylated drug as well as a reduced ketone form of the drug. Combining the radioactivity monitor in-line with the mass spectrometer ensured that all of the major metabolites (as evident from the 14C profile) were characterized by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Ascoviruses (family Ascoviridae) are double-stranded DNA viruses with circular genomes that attack lepidopterans, where they produce large, enveloped virions, 150 by 400 nm, and cause a chronic, fatal disease with a cytopathology resembling that of apoptosis. After infection, host cell DNA is degraded, the nucleus fragments, and the cell then cleaves into large virion-containing vesicles. These vesicles and virions circulate in the hemolymph, where they are acquired by parasitic wasps during oviposition and subsequently transmitted to new hosts. To develop a better understanding of ascovirus biology, we sequenced the genome of the type species Spodoptera frugiperda ascovirus 1a (SfAV-1a). The genome consisted of 156,922 bp, with a G+C ratio of 49.2%, and contained 123 putative open reading frames coding for a variety of enzymes and virion structural proteins, of which tentative functions were assigned to 44. Among the most interesting enzymes, due to their potential role in apoptosis and viral vesicle formation, were a caspase, a cathepsin B, several kinases, E3 ubiquitin ligases, and especially several enzymes involved in lipid metabolism, including a fatty acid elongase, a sphingomyelinase, a phosphate acyltransferase, and a patatin-like phospholipase. Comparison of SfAV-1a proteins with those of other viruses showed that 10% were orthologs of Chilo iridescent virus proteins, the highest correspondence with any virus, providing further evidence that ascoviruses evolved from a lepidopteran iridovirus. The SfAV-1a genome sequence will facilitate the determination of how ascoviruses manipulate apoptosis to generate the novel virion-containing vesicles characteristic of these viruses and enable study of their origin and evolution.  相似文献   

Spatially-explicit simulation models can help state and local regulatory agencies to predict both the rate and direction of the spread of an invasive species from a set of surveyed locations. Such models can be used to develop successful early detection, quarantine, or eradication plans based on the predicted areas of infestation. Individual-based models (IBMs) are often used to replicate the dynamics of complex systems and are both able to incorporate individual differences and local interactions among organisms, as well as spatial details. In this work, we introduce a new stochastic lattice-based model for simulating the spread of invasive termites over a landscape and compare it to a recently published stochastic individual-based approach, based on the same ecological parameters, with the goal of improving its computational efficiency. The two modeling frameworks were tested over a homogeneous landscape with randomly located sources of infestation. Further, the setting of a case-study of an invasive termite, Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky), was used to simulate the spread of the species in Dania Beach, Florida, U.S.A., and the results of the proposed model were compared with an earlier application of the IBM over the same area. The results show that the extent of the infested areas predicted by the new lattice-based model is similar, thus comparable, to the individual-based model while improving the computation time significantly. The simulation presented in this work could be used by the regulatory authorities to draw one or more areas of intervention instead of wasting resources by randomly surveying unknown perimeters.  相似文献   

While transplanted neural stem cells (NSCs) have been shown to hold promise for cell replacement in models of a number of neurological disorders, these examples have typically been under conditions where the host cells become dysfunctional due to a cell autonomous etiology, i.e. a 'sick' cell within a relatively supportive environment. It has long been held that cell replacement in a toxic milieu would not likely be possible; donor cells would succumb in much the same way as endogenous cells had. Many metabolic diseases are characterized by this situation, suggesting that they would be poor targets for cell replacement therapies. On the other hand, models of such diseases could prove ideal for testing the capacity for cell replacement under such challenging conditions. In the twitcher (twi ) mouse -- as in patients with Krabbe or globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD), for which it serves as an authentic model -- loss of galactocerebrosidase (GalC) activity results in the accumulation of psychosine, a toxic glycolipid. Twi mice, like children with GLD, exhibit inexorable neurological deterioration presumably as a result of dysfunctional and ultimately degenerated oligodendrocytes with loss of myelin. It is believed that GLD pathophysiology is related to a psychosine-filled environment that kills not only host oligodendrocytes but theoretically any new cells placed into that milieu. Through the implantation of NSCs into the brains of both neonatal and juvenile/young adult twi mice, we have determined that widespread oligodendrocyte replacement and remyelination is feasible. NSCs appear to be intrinsically resistant to psychosine -- more so in their undifferentiated state than when directed ex vivo to become oligodendrocytes. This resistance can be enhanced by engineering the NSCs to over-express GalC. Some twi mice grafted with such engineered NSCs had thicker white tracts and lived 2-3 times longer than expected. While their brains had detectable levels of GalC, it was probably more significant that their psychosine levels were lower than in twi mice that died at a younger age. This concept of resistance based on differentiation state extended to human NSCs which could similarly survive within the twi brain. Taken together, these results suggest a number of points regarding cellular therapies against degenerative diseases with a prominent cell non-autonomous component: Cell replacement is possible if cells resistant to the toxic environment are employed. Furthermore, an important aspect of successful treatment will likely be not only cell replacement but also cross-correction of host cells to provide them with enzyme activity and hence resistance. While oligodendrocyte replacement alone was not a sufficient treatment for GLD (even when extensive), the replacement of both cells and molecules -- e.g. with NSCs that could both become oligodendrocytes and 'pumps' for GalC -- emerges as a promising basis for a multidisciplinary strategy. Most neurological disease are complex in this way and will likely require multifaceted approaches, perhaps with NSCs serving as the 'glue'.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize the relationship between changes in steroid production, cell cycle activity (ie, cell proliferation) and apoptosis in antral and mural bovine granulosa cells cultured in vitro. This was done to select conditions promoting optimal estradiol production by bovine granulosa cells cultured in completely defined conditions. In the first experiment, antral granulosa cells were cultured over the entire 4 days of the culture period in the presence of either 0, 2, or 10 ng/ml of FSH (chronic conditions) or were maintained under minimal FSH support (0.5 ng/ml FSH) for the first 3 days of culture and then were challenged over the fourth day of culture with either 0, 2, or 10 ng/ml FSH (challenged conditions). Compared with cells exposed to constant FSH levels (chronic conditions), the FSH-induced production of estradiol was higher (P < 0.006) and that of progesterone was lower (P < 0.02) over the last 24 h of culture, when antral granulosa cells were maintained under minimal FSH support during the first 3 days of culture (challenged conditions). In the second experiment, dynamics of estradiol and progesterone productions, conversion of [14C]androstenedione into subsequent steroid metabolites, DNA content, cell cycle activity, and apoptosis (as assessed by flow cytometry) of antral and mural granulosa cells over the first 3 days of culture under minimal FSH support and in response to a challenge with FSH during the last 24 h of culture were evaluated. Estradiol production as well as the conversion of androstenedione into testosterone and estradiol were greater (P< 0.01) in antral than in mural granulosa cells cultured under challenged conditions. A higher proportion of mural than antral granulosa cells were in the proliferative state at the end of culture (P < 0.03). This may be related to the decreased ability of mural cells to produce estradiol. FSH suppressed (P < 0.05) the spontaneous onset of apoptosis in both cell types. These results suggest that functional differences between these two cell compartments need to be considered in studying bovine granulosa cells in vitro. Because of their large (400 to 600%) FSH-induced estradiol production, antral granulosa cells cultured under challenged conditions provide a model that can be used to examine substances for their ability to alter estradiol production and apoptosis in bovine granulosa cells. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:170–177, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA damage is an important mechanism of toxicity for a variety of pollutants, and therefore, is often used as an indicator of pollutant effects in ecotoxicological studies. Here, we adapted a PCR-based assay for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage for use in an important environmental model, the Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). We refer to this assay as the long amplicon quantitative PCR (LA-QPCR) assay. To validate this method in killifish, DNA damage was measured in liver, brain, and muscle of fish dosed with 10 mg/kg benzo[a]pyrene. This exposure caused 0.4-0.8 lesions/10 kb. We also measured DNA damage in liver and muscle tissues from killifish inhabiting a Superfund site, confirming the utility of this method for biomonitoring. In both cases, damage levels were comparable in nuclear DNA (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Since extensive nDNA sequence data are not readily available for many environmentally relevant species, but mitochondrial genomes are frequently fully sequenced, this assay can be adapted to examine mtDNA damage in virtually any species with little development. Therefore, we argue that this assay will be a valuable tool in assessing DNA damage in ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

Fowl gamma-globulin, when chemically conjugated to GLO or GL, functions as a T-dependent immunogenic carrier and stimulates anti-GLO and anti-GL antibody production in nonresponder mice. The conjugation procedure utilizes the Schiff base reaction. The anti-GL and anti-GLO responses were detected by hemagglutination and hemolytic plaque assays by using GL-coated erythrocytes. The coupling of GL to erythrocytes utilizes a novel procedure in which a palmitoyl derivative of GL is adsorbed onto red blood cells. The optimal conditions for preparing the palmitoyl derivative and for coupling to SRBC are presented. With the hemolytic plaque assay, we have verified that GLO responder animals make both IgM and IgG responses, whereas nonresponder mice fail to make either IgM or IgG plaque-forming cells.  相似文献   

Characterizing components eluting from a HPLC column is enhanced when multiple detectors are incorporated in-line. The performance of a system consisting of a combination of two detectors - electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (and tandem mass spectrometry) and radioactivity monitoring, following gradient separation with a 250×2.1mm I.D. (Vydac Protein and Peptide C18, 5 μm, 300 Å) column - is evaluated with respect to chromatographic integrity and detection. The HPLC effluent was split (8:1) and a post-column make-up solvent was added to flow directed towards the radioactivity detector containing a solid glass cell. Trifluoracetic acid (0.1%) was added to the make-up flow solvent to prevent silanol interactions from degrading the profile displayed in the 14C trace. A 14C chromatographic peak representing 550 dpm was detected with signal-to-noise ratio of 3. This system was used for rapidly characterizing the biliary metabolites of an arginine fluoroalkyl ketone analog of d-MePhe-Pro-Arg, a potent thrombin inhibitor currently being evaluated as a drug candidate. These metabolites are shown to comprise of mono- and dihydroxylated drug as well as a reduced ketone form of the drug. Combining the radioactivity monitor in-line with the mass spectrometer ensured that all of the major metabolites (as evident from the 14C profile) were characterized by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

In vitro models of bone cells are important for the study of bone biology, including the regulation of bone formation and resorption. In this study, we have validated an in vitro model of human osteoblastic cells obtained from bone marrow biopsies from healthy, young volunteers, aged 20-31 years. Osteoblast phenotypes were induced by either dexamethasone (Dex) or bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). Bone marrow was obtained from biopsies at the posterior iliac spine. Cells were isolated by gradient centrifugation and grown to confluence. Cells were treated with 1 nM 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D), 100 nM Dex, and/or 100 ng/ml BMP-2. The osteoblast phenotype was assessed as alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity/staining, production of osteocalcin and procollagen type 1 (P1NP), parathyroid hormone (PTH)-induced cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate (cAMP) production, and in vitro mineralization. AP activity was increased by Dex, but not by BMP-2 treatment. P1NP production was decreased after Dex treatment, while BMP-2 had no effect on P1NP levels. Osteocalcin production was low in cultures not stimulated with vitamin D. Dex or BMP-2 treatment alone did not affect the basic osteocalcin levels, but in combination with vitamin D, BMP-2 increased the osteocalcin production, while Dex treatment completely suppressed osteocalcin production. Further, PTH-induced cAMP production was greatly enhanced by Dex treatment, whereas BMP-2 did not affect cAMP production. Finally, in vitro mineralization was greatly enhanced in cultures enriched with either BMP-2 or Dex. Cell proliferation was only increased significantly by Dex treatment. In conclusion, the model described produces cells with an osteoblastic phenotype, and both Dex and BMP-2 can be used as osteoblast inducers. However, the two treatments produce osteoblastic cells with different phenotypic characteristics, and a selective activation of some of the most important genes and functions of the mature osteoblast can thus be performed in vitro.  相似文献   

N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) and oxybenzone are two essential active ingredients in insect repellent and sunscreen preparations. We developed and validated a simple, sensitive, and selective HPLC assay to simultaneously measure DEET, oxybenzone and five primary metabolites of DEET and oxybenzone in biological samples including plasma, urine and skin strips. The compounds were separated on a reversed-phase C18 column using three-stage gradient steps with methanol and water. DEET and two relevant metabolites were detected at 254 nm, while oxybenzone and three relevant metabolites were detected at 289 nm. The limit of detection was 0.6 ng for DEET and 0.5 ng for oxybenzone, respectively. The developed method was further applied to analyze various biological samples from an in vivo animal study that evaluated concurrent use of commercially available insect repellent and sunscreen preparations.  相似文献   

One major problem in cancer therapy is the immortality of tumor cells showing an active telomerase, which is responsible for the elongation of the telomeres after each cellular division and the knocking down of apoptotic suppressors. A further phenomenon occurring during cancer therapies is the problem of multicellular resistance. To develop therapeutic anticancer approaches inducing cellular apoptosis, gene-modified biological in vitro systems were established and evaluated for drug screening in a capillary system for a real-time, impedimertic monitoring. Multicellular spheroids of the human breast cancer cell line T-47D clone 11 were transfected with 1) antisense caspase-3 cDNA expression vectors for knocking down the main cell death molecule and 2) sense Bcl-xl cDNA expression vectors for overexpressing the apoptotic suppressor, resulting in more aggressive tumor models. These gene-modified tumor spheroids less sensitive for apoptosis were developed for screening drugs such as methotrexate in tumor spheroid-based biosensor systems via impedance spectroscopy. In this report, it is demonstrated that this could successfully exhibit that this real-time monitoring system with tumor spheroids positioned in a capillary system with a 4-electrode configuration is the most efficient high-content screening module for impedimetric measurements of physiological alterations during gene modification and drug application.  相似文献   

Quercetin is known to protect the cells suffering from oxidative stress. The oxidative stress elevates intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, one of the phenomena responsible for cell death. Therefore, we hypothesized that quercetin would protect the cells suffering from overload of intracellular Ca(2+). To test the hypothesis, the effects of quercetin on the cells suffering from oxidative stress and intracellular Ca(2+) overload were examined by using a flow cytometer with appropriate fluorescence probes (propidium iodide, fluo-3-AM, and annexin V-FITC) and rat thymocytes. The concentrations (1-30 microM) of quercetin to protect the cells suffering from intracellular Ca(2+) overload by A23187, a calcium ionophore, were similar to those for the cells suffering from oxidative stress by H(2)O(2). The cell death respectively induced by H(2)O(2) and A23187 was significantly suppressed by removal of external Ca(2+). Furthermore, quercetin greatly delayed the process of Ca(2+)-dependent cell death although it did not significantly affect the elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration by H(2)O(2) and A23187, respectively. It is concluded that quercetin can protect the cells from oxidative injury in spite of increased concentration of intracellular Ca(2+). Results suggest that quercetin is also used for protection of cells suffering from overload of intracellular Ca(2+).  相似文献   

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