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Dendritic metapopulations have been attributed unique properties by in silico studies, including an elevated genetic diversity relative to a panmictic population of equal total size. These predictions have not been rigorously tested in nature, nor has there been full consideration of the interacting effects among contemporary landscape features, colonization history and life history traits of the target species. We tested for the effects of dendritic structure as well as the relative importance of life history, environmental barriers and historical colonization on the neutral genetic structure of a longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) metapopulation in the Kogaluk watershed of northern Labrador, Canada. Samples were collected from eight lakes, genotyped with 17 microsatellites, and aged using opercula. Lakes varied in differentiation, historical and contemporary connectivity, and life history traits. Isolation by distance was detected only by removing two highly genetically differentiated lakes, suggesting a lack of migration–drift equilibrium and the lingering influence of historical factors on genetic structure. Bayesian analyses supported colonization via the Kogaluk's headwaters. The historical concentration of genetic diversity in headwaters inferred by this result was supported by high historical and contemporary effective sizes of the headwater lake, T‐Bone. Alternatively, reduced allelic richness in headwaters confirmed the dendritic structure's influence on gene flow, but this did not translate to an elevated metapopulation effective size. A lack of equilibrium and upstream migration may have dampened the effects of dendritic structure. We suggest that interacting historical and contemporary factors prevent the achievement of the idealized traits of a dendritic metapopulation in nature.  相似文献   

Evolution of life history traits can occur rapidly and has the potential to influence ecological processes, which can also be shaped by abiotic and biotic factors. Few studies have shown that life history phenotype can affect ecological processes as much as commonly studied biotic ecological variables, but currently we do not know how the ecological effects of life history phenotype compare in size to the effects of abiotic factors, or whether the ecological effects of phenotypes are sensitive to variability in abiotic conditions. Using a factorial mesocosm experiment we compared the ecosystem effects of guppy Poecilia reticulata life history phenotypes in two light treatments representing a four‐fold difference in light levels, which was comparable to upstream downstream differences in light availability in Trinidadian streams. Light and phenotype had significant effects on similar aspects of ecosystem function. Whereas light had a stronger effect on ecosystem structure (algal and invertebrate stocks) than phenotype, phenotype and light had nearly equal effects on many ecosystem processes (nutrient recycling, nutrient fluxes, ecosystem metabolism and leaf litter decomposition). Light had a stronger effect on most guppy life history traits and guppy fitness than differences between phenotypes. The effect of light on these traits was consistent with higher availability of food resources in the high light treatments. Interactions between light and phenotype were weak for the majority of response variables suggesting that abiotic variability did not alter the mechanisms by which phenotypes affect ecosystem function. We conclude that subtle phenotypic differences in consumers can affect ecosystem processes as much as meaningful variability in abiotic factors which until recently were thought to be the primary drivers of ecosystem function in nature. However, despite its effects on traits and the ecosystem, light did not alter the effect of guppy phenotype on ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Ectotherms, such as insects, experience non-constant temperatures in nature. Daily mean temperatures can be derived from the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. However, the converse is not true and environments with the same mean temperature can exhibit very different diurnal temperate ranges. Here we apply a degree-day model for development of the grape berry moth (Paralobesia viteana, a significant vineyard pest in the northeastern USA) to investigate how different diurnal temperature range conditions can influence degree-day accumulation and, hence, insect life history. We first consider changes in diurnal temperature range independent of changes in mean temperatures. We then investigate grape berry moth life history under potential climate change conditions, increasing mean temperature via variable patterns of change to diurnal temperature range. We predict that diurnal temperature range change can substantially alter insect life history. Altering diurnal temperature range independent of the mean temperature can affect development rate and voltinism, with the magnitude of the effects dependent on whether changes occur to the daily minimum temperature (Tmin), daily maximum temperature (Tmax), or both. Allowing for an increase in mean temperature produces more marked effects on life history but, again, the patterns and magnitude depend on the nature of the change to diurnal temperature range together with the starting conditions in the local environment. The study highlights the importance of characterizing the influence of diurnal temperature range in addition to mean temperature alone.  相似文献   

1. Synovigenic parasitoids emerging with no or only a few mature oocytes could not rely on only capital resources, but also need to acquire income resources. Income resources in nature can either contribute to egg maturation as a food resource and/or create unpredictability in realised reproductive opportunities for synovigenic parasitoids. Therefore, we hypothesised such resources could affect life history traits and the risks of egg/time limitation in synovigenic parasitoids. 2. Using the Ovigeny Index, we investigated the effects of various host availability levels (unavailable, limited, and unlimited availability) and non‐host foods (water and honey) on life history traits and on the occurrence of egg/time limitation in Eretmocerus hayati, a predominant parasitoid on Bemisia tabaci. 3. The Ovigeny Index of Er. hayati was 0.28, which suggested it was a typical synovigenic species. Both host availability levels and non‐food type had major effects on life history traits of this parasitoid, but the availability of hosts for both feeding and reproduction was the key factor. Meanwhile, egg/time limitation was encountered by all wasps and its intensity varied with host availability levels. 4. Our results confirmed that the income resource and reproductive opportunity played a central role in shaping the life history and risks of egg/time limitation of a synovigenic parasitoid.  相似文献   

Population genetic differentiation will be influenced by the demographic history of populations, opportunities for migration among neighboring demes and founder effects associated with repeated extinction and recolonization. In natural populations, these factors are expected to interact with each other and their magnitudes will vary depending on the spatial distribution and age structure of local demes. Although each of these effects has been individually identified as important in structuring genetic variance, their relative magnitude is seldom estimated in nature. We conducted a population genetic analysis in a metapopulation of the angiosperm, Silene latifolia, from which we had more than 20 years of data on the spatial distribution, demographic history, and extinction and colonization of demes. We used hierarchical Bayesian methods to disentangle which features of the populations contributed to among population variation in allele frequencies, including the magnitude and direction of their effects. We show that population age, long-term size and degree of connectivity all combine to affect the distribution of genetic variance; small, recently-founded, isolated populations contributed most to increase F ST in the metapopulation. However, the effects of population size and population age are best understood as being modulated through the effects of connectivity to other extant populations, i.e. F ST diminishes as populations age, but at a rate that depends how isolated the population is. These spatial and temporal correlates of population structure give insight into how migration, founder effect and within-deme genetic drift have combined to enhance and restrict genetic divergence in a natural metapopulation.  相似文献   

Ageing, long thought to be too infrequent to study effectively in natural populations, has recently been shown to be ubiquitous, even in the wild. A major challenge now is to explain variation in the rates of ageing within populations. Here, using 49 years of data from a population of great tits (Parus major), we show that offspring life‐history trajectories vary with maternal age. Offspring hatched from older mothers perform better early in life, but suffer from an earlier onset, and stronger rate, of reproductive senescence later in life. Offspring reproductive lifespan is, however, unaffected by maternal age, and the different life‐history trajectories result in a similar fitness payoff, measured as lifetime reproductive success. This study therefore identifies maternal age as a new factor underlying variation in rates of ageing, and, given the delayed trans‐generational nature of this effect, poses the question as to proximate mechanisms linking age‐effects across generations.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulation history on the perception of a current event can yield two opposite effects, namely: adaptation or hysteresis. The perception of the current event thus goes in the opposite or in the same direction as prior stimulation, respectively. In audiovisual (AV) synchrony perception, adaptation effects have primarily been reported. Here, we tested if perceptual hysteresis could also be observed over adaptation in AV timing perception by varying different experimental conditions. Participants were asked to judge the synchrony of the last (test) stimulus of an AV sequence with either constant or gradually changing AV intervals (constant and dynamic condition, respectively). The onset timing of the test stimulus could be cued or not (prospective vs. retrospective condition, respectively). We observed hysteretic effects for AV synchrony judgments in the retrospective condition that were independent of the constant or dynamic nature of the adapted stimuli; these effects disappeared in the prospective condition. The present findings suggest that knowing when to estimate a stimulus property has a crucial impact on perceptual simultaneity judgments. Our results extend beyond AV timing perception, and have strong implications regarding the comparative study of hysteresis and adaptation phenomena.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Phyla, phylogeny and fantasy
Wonderful life. The Burgess Shale and the nature of history Stephen J. Gould.
Wonderful life. The Burgess Shale and the nature of history .—Stephen Jay Gould.  相似文献   

We can make a history of the world as an ecological history of an empirical nature. But parallelling that is the history of human thought about nature. The two interact at both pragmatic and abstract levels but in essence the outcome is unpredictable and more akin to chaos theory than to environmental or technological determinism. So the pursuit of either environmentalist or cornucopian Utopias seems not only doomed to failure but likely to cause destruction along the way; a step by step improvisatory strategy seems the best we can do.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of literature on organismal responses to multiple environmental stressors, most studies have not matched the timing of experimental manipulations with the temporal pattern of stressors in nature. We test the interactive effects of diel‐cycling hypoxia with both warming and decreased salinities using ecologically realistic exposures. Surprisingly, we found no evidence of negative synergistic effects on Olympia oyster growth; rather, we found only additive and opposing effects of hypoxia (detrimental) and warming (beneficial). We suspect that diel‐cycling provided a temporal refuge that allowed physiological compensation. We also tested for latent effects of warming and hypoxia to low‐salinity tolerance using a seasonal delay between stressor events. However, we did not find a latent effect, rather a threshold survival response to low salinity that was independent of early life‐history exposure to warming or hypoxia. The absence of synergism is likely the result of stressor treatments that mirror the natural timing of environmental stressors. We provide environmental context for laboratory experimental data by examining field time series environmental data from four North American west coast estuaries and find heterogeneous environmental signals that characterize each estuary, suggesting that the potential stressor exposure to oysters will drastically differ over moderate spatial scales. This heterogeneity implies that efforts to conserve and restore oysters will require an adaptive approach that incorporates knowledge of local conditions. We conclude that studies of multiple environmental stressors can be greatly improved by integrating ecologically realistic exposure and timing of stressors found in nature with organismal life‐history traits.  相似文献   

The life history of an isolate of Polysiphonia denudata (Dillw.) Kütz. from Texas is shown by means of cultural studies to be of the Polysiphonia-type (a sequence of gametophytic, carposporophytic and tetrasporophytic phases in which the former and latter are morphologically similar). The effects of light intensity and temperature on the isolate have been investigated by a cross-gradient culture apparatus; a series of incubators was used to investigate the effects of variations in daylength on the growth and reproduction of the species. Seasonal observations were conducted on growth and reproduction of the species in nature and an attempt is made to explain the observed distribution of the species on the basis of the cultural study.  相似文献   

The effects of asymmetric interactions on population dynamics has been widely investigated, but there has been little work aimed at understanding how life history parameters like generation time, life expectancy and the variance in lifetime reproductive success are impacted by different types of competition. We develop a new framework for incorporating trait‐mediated density‐dependence into size‐structured models and use Trinidadian guppies to show how different types of competitive interactions impact life history parameters. Our results show the degree of symmetry in competitive interactions can have dramatic effects on the speed of the life history. For some vital rates, shifting the competitive superiority from small to large individuals resulted in a doubling of the generation time. Such large influences of competitive symmetry on the timescale of demographic processes, and hence evolution, highlights the interwoven nature of ecological and evolutionary processes and the importance of density‐dependence in understanding eco‐evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

A vast body of literature exists documenting the morphological, behavioural and life history changes that predators induce in prey. However, little attention has been paid to how these induced changes feed back and affect the predators’ life history and morphology. Larvae of the phantom midge Chaoborus flavicans are intermediate predators in a food web with Daphnia pulex as the basal resource and planktivorous fish as the top predator. C. flavicans prey on D. pulex and are themselves prey for fish; as D. pulex induce morphological defences in the presence of C. flavicans this is an ideal system in which to evaluate the effects of defended prey and top predators on an intermediate consumer. We assessed the impact on C. flavicans life history and morphology of foraging on defended prey while also being exposed to the non-lethal presence of a top fish predator. We tested the basic hypothesis that the effects of defended prey will depend on the presence or absence of top predator predation risk. Feeding rate was significantly reduced and time to pupation was significantly increased by defended morph prey. Gut size, development time, fecundity, egg size and reproductive effort respond to fish chemical cues directly or significantly alter the relationship between a trait and body size. We found no significant interactions between prey morph and the non-lethal presence of a top predator, suggesting that the effects of these two biological factors were additive or singularly independent. Overall it appears that C. flavicans is able to substantially modify several aspects of its biology, and while some changes appear mere consequences of resource limitation others appear facultative in nature.  相似文献   

Controversy on whether local (deterministic) or regional (stochastic) factors control the structure of communities persists after decades of research. The main reason for why it has not been resolved may lie in the nature of evidence which largely comes from realized natural communities. In such communities assembly history leaves a mark that may support either set of factors. To avoid the confounding effects of assembly history we controlled for these effects experimentally. We created a null community by mixing 17 rock pool communities. We then divided the null community into replicates and distributed among treatments representing a gradient of factors from local to regional. We hypothesized that if deterministic factors dominate the assembly of communities, community structures should show a corresponding gradient from being very similar and convergent to dissimilar and divergent. In contrast, if local processes are predominantly stochastic in nature, such a gradient of community configurations should emerge even in the homogeneous setting. Our results appear to partially support both hypotheses and thus suggest that both deterministic and stochastic processes contribute to the assembly of communities. Furthermore, we found that to satisfactorily explain patterns observed in natural communities environmental heterogeneity and regional processes must also be considered. In conclusion, although deterministic mechanisms seem to be important in the assembly of communities, in natural systems their signal may be diluted and masked whenever other factors exert meaningful influence. Such factors increase the number of possible paths to the point that the number of paths equals the number of communities in a metacommunity.  相似文献   

Although anuran development is generally thought to be relatively conservative, a great deal of variation is evident when different species are compared. This report summarizes the results of comparative analyses of different aspects of anuran development. These include differences in sequence and timing of developmental events, the effects of genome size, and the effects of different life history strategies on anuran embryogenesis. The results show that anuran development is plastic at the evolutionary level, and many changes can occur in the developmental processes of anurans throughout their evolution. Changes are apparently rapid, and are as common as cladogenic events. This evolutionary plasticity can be attributed to the modular nature of anuran development. Different modules can shift relative to one another in time or in space, creating variations in the observed developmental patterns. However, shifts in modules can occur even without having a significant effect on the ultimate outcome of the process. I discuss the implications of the modular nature of development on the evolution of anuran development, and of the group in general.  相似文献   

The problem of hereditary effects of mammal exposure to ionizing radiation has a 95-year history but to date, no simple final solution has been available. Many papers on this problem specify the dependence of the hereditary effects on dose rate, regime, physical nature of radiation exposure, type, line and age of mammals that were studied. Over many years it was studied mainly as an aspect of hereditary radiation effects in progeny of one irradiated and the second non-irradiated parents. Recently due to the large-scale expansion of ionizing irradiation, it has turned out urgent to study hereditary radiation effects in progeny of both irradiated parents. However, the original studies on this problem are not numerous, and in the summarized articles, the problem practically had no specified presentation.  相似文献   

For plants with wide distributional areas, covering a wide range of ecologically distinct habitats, evolutionary divergence can lead to substantial phenotypic variation across a species’ range. These intraspecific trait differences can be very informative about the nature of the selective environment as they potentially reflect different environmental selection pressures while controlling for other species characteristics. In this study, multiple regression and structural equation models were used to examine the relative importance of environmental, ecological, population size and population density effects for variation in growth, reproduction and leaf morphology among 36 populations of the perennial plant Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea across its northwest European range. Substantial variation in temperature, soil nutrient levels and herbivory was observed across the species’ range. In addition, large differences in flowering percentage and individual seed production were found. Leaf morphology varied considerably, with a substantial amount of variation in specific leaf area and trichome density among populations. Structural equation modeling suggested that this species is sensitive to small population sizes, eutrophication and herbivory. Reproductive output was negatively related to herbivory. In addition population size was negatively associated with soil nutrient concentrations. Leaf morphology was shown to be mainly associated with temperature and herbivory. Lower specific leaf areas and lower trichome densities were related to colder areas and high trichomes densities were related to high levels of herbivory. These model results are consistent with the interpretation that, in addition to changing environmental effects across its range, ecological effects such as herbivory contribute to the large variation in life history and morphology of this species. The results reveal a strong negative effect of herbivory on the reproductive output of this species, not only via direct effects of herbivory on flowers and seeds, but also indirectly via a shift in life history strategy.  相似文献   

The lack of association between wealth and fertility in contemporary industrialized populations has often been used to question the value of an evolutionary perspective on human behaviour. Here, we first present the history of this debate, and the evolutionary explanations for why wealth and fertility (the number of children) are decoupled in modern industrial settings. We suggest that the nature of the relationship between wealth and fertility remains an open question because of the multi-faceted nature of wealth, and because existing cross-sectional studies are ambiguous with respect to how material wealth and fertility are linked. A literature review of longitudinal studies on wealth and fertility shows that the majority of these report positive effects of wealth, although levels of fertility seem to fall below those that would maximize fitness. We emphasize that reproductive decision-making reflects a complex interplay between individual and societal factors that resists simple evolutionary interpretation, and highlight the role of economic insecurity in fertility decisions. We conclude by discussing whether the wealth–fertility relationship can inform us about the adaptiveness of modern fertility behaviour, and argue against simplistic claims regarding maladaptive behaviour in humans.  相似文献   

Parasites are known to profoundly affect resource allocation in their host. In order to investigate the effects of Cryphonectria Hypovirus 1 (CHV1) on the life‐history traits of its fungal host Cryphonectria parasitica, an infection matrix was completed with the cross‐infection of six fungal isolates by six different viruses. Mycelial growth, asexual sporulation, and spore size were measured in the 36 combinations, for which horizontal and vertical transmission of the viruses was also assessed. As expected by life‐history theory, a significant negative correlation was found between host somatic growth and asexual reproduction in virus‐free isolates. Interestingly this trade‐off was found to be positive in infected isolates, illustrating the profound changes in host resource allocation induced by CHV1 infection. A significant and positive relationship was also found in infected isolates between vertical transmission and somatic growth. This last relationship suggests that in this system, high levels of virulence could be detrimental to the vertical transmission of the parasite. Those results underscore the interest of studying host–parasite interaction within the life‐history theory framework, which might permit a more accurate understanding of the nature of the modifications triggered by parasite infection on host biology.  相似文献   

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