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The characteristic stalk of Colacium calvum Stein is formed from carbohydrate extruded by granules in the anterior portion of the cell. These granules exhibit the characteristics of mucocysts and their contents have two electron densities. A narrow extension of each granule extends past neighboring muciferous bodies to attachment sites in the posterior notch of the pellicle strip. The granule contains neutral polysaccharide which resembles that in the peripheral cisternae of the Golgi apparatus. The attachment site is structurally complex.  相似文献   

The three flagellar roots of Colacium Ehrenberg give rise to the three microtublar bands of the reservoir cytoskeleton. The dorsal root (DR) originates at the basal body (bb1) of the emergent flagellum. It is initiated on the left side of the cell, runs toward the right side under the posterior end of the reservoir and thence anteriorly in a spiral path over the dorsal surface of the reservoir until it terminates on the left side of the eyespot. Along its length, it appears to initiate a dorsal band (DB) which forms the major dorsal portion of the reservoir cytoskeleton—the dorsal microtubules (DMT). Two roots originate at the basal body (bb2) of the non-emergent flagellum. The ventral root (VR) runs up the left side of the cell and initiates the band of microtubules which forms part of the presumptive vestigial cytopharynx. Therefore, it forms the reinforcing microtubules (MTR) of Colacium. The intermediate root (IR) forms the para-reservoir microtubules (PMT). Flagellar root correlation with the reservoir cytoskeletal bands strengthens their homologies with the bodonid bands and further supports the hypothesis that the euglenoids are derived from the kinetoplastid flagellates.  相似文献   

The reservoir cytoskeleton of Colacium Ehrenberg is formed of three bands of microtubules. The microtubules of the dorsal band (DMT) become doublets and are continuous with the longitudinal microtubules of the canal and, therefore, of the pellicle. A band of para-reservoir microtubules (PMT) acts as a linkage between the edges of the dorsal band at the formation of the canal. The third band of microtubules (MTR), more ventral, branches away from the reservoir-canal transition region and forms a supportive band for a pocket formed from the reservoir membrane. The outer part of the pocket membrane is closely invested with a fibrillar mesh. The pocket of Colacium, a green euglenoid, resembles structurally the cytopharynx of the colorless phagotrophic euglenoids, Isonema papillatum and the bodonid flagellates. The homologies support the hypothesis of euglenoid derivation from the kinetoplastid flagellates.  相似文献   

Colacium libellae sp. nov., in the non-flagellated palmella stage and lacking stalks, lines the cuticle of the rectum of damselfly larvae, forming a conspicuous green plug. In culture this species forms highly-branched colonies of stalked cells. The cells tire often elongated to twice the size of most motile cells (40–50 × 6–10 μm), with parallel sides and rounded apices. These features are distinctive when comparisons are made among clones of related species in soil-water-pea medium. C. libellae established itself in the rectum of previously Colacium-free larvae of the damsel fly Anomalagrion hastatum whereas a clone of C. vesiculosum and C. mucronatum did not.  相似文献   

The epibiotic flagellate Colacium vesiculosum Pringsheim attaches to planktonic species of Daphnia in freshwater habitats. Previous studies found that prevalence (percentage of substrate organisms carrying attached epibionts) and intensity (number of attached epibionts on a given substrate organism) are low early in the Daphnia intermolt period and are high late in the intermolt period. We tested the hypothesis that increases of Colacium cells attached to Daphnia occur both by rapid initial and continuous colonization and by cell reproduction. Epibiont prevalence and intensities were determined at successive intermolt stages of Daphnia pulex Leydig collected from freshwater ponds in Colorado. Colonization was continuous throughout the intermolt period and was most important to epibiont population increase at the beginning of the intermolt period. Cell division was the major contributor to epibiont increase at the end of the intermolt period.  相似文献   

The envelope and stalk of Colacium mucronatum Bourr. & Chad, were examined in living cells with light microscopy and in fixed preparations with scanning electron microscopy using critically point dried (CPD) and freeze dried (FD) preparations. The envelope of palmelloid cells is formed over the entire cell surface by many individual strands attached at right angles to areas of articulation of the pellicular strips. Strands were observed to anastomose on the posterior tip of otherwise naked cells. Stalks of living cells in India ink preparations had an optically dark inner core with a lighter outer sheath. In FD stalks a definite inner core was not evident, whereas CPD stalks had an outer surface composed of thick strands which may be the collapsed and aggregated strands of the FD stalks. In both there was also an amorphous matrix. The stalk forms from the aggregation of many strands from the anterior cell tip back to a point encompassing the cell surface anterior to a cross section of the tip 9 μm diam. The outer surface of the stalk comes from the pellicular surface joining that area and the core from the cell tip in the area of the canal opening. Any possible participation of the inner canal surface in stalk formation could not be determined because of the great density of the mucilage at the cell-tip/stalk junction.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus and reservoir cytoskeleton of Cryptoglena pigra Ehrenberg are described. Three flagellar roots are associated with the two basal bodies. The four-membered dorsal root arises from the dorsal basal body and extends anteriorly following the reservoir membrane. At the base of the reservoir the dorsal root nucleates a large microtubular group termed the dorsal band. The dorsal band continues anteriorlhy between the reservoir and eyespot and is continuous with the microtubules of the canal and ultimately the pellicle. The ventral basal body is associated with two roots. The four-membered intermediate root proceeds anteriorly and extends the length of the reservoir. The seven-to eight-membered ventral root projects anteriorly along the reservoir membrane and bends away from the reservoir. At this point, the microtubules of the ventral root line a cytoplasmic pocket and are termed the MTR (reinforcing microtubules). The canal region is composed of longitudinal microtubules surrounded by two semicircles of microtubles. Ultimately, the fifteen ridges of the canal give rise to the pellicular ridges.  相似文献   

Dark grown cells of Euglena gracilis Klebs (strain Z Pringsheim) encyst when placed in minus nitrogen media for 48–72 h in the dark. The number of cisternae per dictyosome decreases from 10–20 to 6–12 during encystment. Cisternae dilate and fill with mucilage within 12–18 h after induction. The material is secreted into the reservoir and deposited onto the cell surface. The encysting cells rotate as they develop resulting in the deposition of a thick mucilaginous layer over the cell surface. The secretion product has been identified as polysaccharide with the periodic acid-silver methenamine reaction. Mucilage has not been observed in the endoplasmic reticulum adjacent to the pellicle. The product present in the dictyosornes and on the cell surface react identically to the silver reagent.  相似文献   

The organization of two types of nontubular mastigonemes associated with the anterior flagellar surface of the phagotrophic biflagellate Peranema trichophorum (Ehrenberg) Stein is described from studies of thin sections, negative-stained and shadow-cast preparations of both intact and isolated, detergent-treated flagella. Long mastigonemes form a unilateral, spiral array of tufts which curve toward the distal end of the flagellum, while two short mastigoneme ribbons form unequal halves of a bilateral array parallel to the flagellar long axis. Each ribbon is composed of individual overlapping fan-shaped tiers of short mastigonemes interlinked by fine fibrils. A model proposed for Peranema mastigonemes is similar to recent models of mastigoneme organization in Euglena.  相似文献   

Chloroplast morphology was investigated in five species of euglenophytes: Trachelomonas volvocinopsis Swirenko, Strombomonas verrucosa (Daday) Deflandre, Strombomonas costata Deflandre, Colacium mucronatum Bourrelly et Chafaud, and Colacium vesiculosum Ehrenberg. All five species share a common plastid morphotype: disk‐shaped plastids with a pyrenoid that protrudes asymmetrically toward the center of the cell and is capped by a single large grain of paramylon that conforms to the shape of the pyrenoid. Although plastids demonstrated some degree of diversity among the species studied, it was not consistent with current generic boundaries. The plastids of S. verrucosa show a developmental pattern similar to that of Euglena gracilis. The plastids divide during the early portion of the light phase after cell division, and pyrenoids are reduced or absent in dividing plastids. Developmental patterns of plastid replication also suggest that these five taxa share recent common ancestry with members of the genus Euglena subgenus Calliglena.  相似文献   

The mineralized envelope surrounding the trachelomonad cell is a complex of organic and inorganic components, anastomosed to form a structure that is characteristic of the species. Although there may be considerable morphological variability in envelope size, shape and ornamentation, its microarchitecture is characterized by two basic components: granular and needle-like deposits. The present study documents for the first time that manipulation of the culture conditions results in predictable changes in envelope ultrastructure, color and elemental composition. Supplemental iron (Fe) in the culture medium results in an increase of granular components in the envelope, whereas supplemental managanese (Mn) results in an increase of needle-like components; with nitrogen (N) supplements there is an increase of both granular and needle-like components in the envelope. It is also shown here that autoxidation of Fe may occur, resulting in the accumulation of Fe deposits along strands of unmineralized envelope mucilage. Autoxidation and deposition of Mn do not occur.  相似文献   

Polyclonal rabbit antibodies to cell wall components were produced against gametophytes of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh. These antibodies were found to react with carbohydrates extracted from M. pyrifera and Pterygophora californica Ruprecht by carbohydrate based enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The antibodies reacted with carbohydrates from both species. After affinity purification on a column with M. pyrifera carbohydrate coupled to AH-Sepharose, the eluted antibody was specific for M. pyrifera carbohydrate with little cross reactivity to P. californica carbohydrate in the EIA test. In experiments carried out to characterize the antigenic specificity of unfractionated antibody using commercially prepared carbohydrates in the EIA, the antibodies were shown to react primarily with fucoidan and to a lesser degree, alginate. The unfractionated antibody was also shown to bind to proteins from both M. pyrifera and P. californica. These results indicate that species specific carbohydrate determinants may be present in the kelp cell wall.  相似文献   

The filamentous desmid Spondylosium panduriforme (Heimerl) Teiling var. panduriforme f. limneticum (West & West) Teiling (Desmidiaceae), strain 072CH-UFCAR, is surrounded by a well-defined, mucilaginous capsule consisting of a capsular polysaccharide (CPS). This microalga also produces an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS), which can be isolated from the culture medium. Analysis of the carbohydrate composition of the two polymers by gas chromatography showed that they were different. Both were composed, of galactose, fucose, xylose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucose but in different amounts. For example, glucuronic acid accounts for 24% of the EPS material but only traces were found in the CPS. Significant differences were also found during methylation analysis. Fucose appeared to have a higher degree of branching in the EPS than in the CPS. These branches were located on C-3 and could be the position for the attachment of the glucuronic acid units in the EPS. The glucuronic acid was present as 1→4-linked and terminal units. A possible explanation for the formation of the EPS is suggested.  相似文献   

Anionic groups were demonstrated in the mucus of Euglena gracilis Klebs var. bacillaris Cori by histochemical staining with alcian blue or diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride and were quantified during the growth cycle with an alcian blue dye-binding assay. Mucus in the culture increased during growth and became high when the culture entered the stationary phase. Cultures were grown under conditions which uniformly labeled all sulfur containing compounds with 35S. A purification scheme was devised using 0.15 M NaCl and 0.10 M EDTA at pH 8 (Marmur's solution) to separate the mucus from the cells without cell breakage. The isolated purified mucus was fractionated with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 100° C into soluble and insoluble components. The soluble fraction was separated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into 18 polypeptide bands ranging from 22 to 320 kdaltons that stained with Coomassie blue; 16 of these bands also stained for carbohydrates using periodic acid-Schiffs reagent, indicating their glycoprotein nature. On hydrolysis, the SDS soluble fraction yielded xylose, fucose, rhamnose, and hexose. The SDS insoluble fraction contained no 35S label, and, therefore, presumably no protein or bound sulfate; this gelatinous material does not contain the same sugar residues as the glycoproteins in the SDS soluble fraction. Its staining properties with alcian blue and its resistance to hydrolysis suggested the presence of uronic acids. Comparison with other Euglena fractions showed that bands comigrating with the mucus glycoproteins were not detectable in the fractions containing the whole cells or the culture medium. Although the mucus of Euglena yielded appreciable sulfate during mild acid treatment, most if not all of this sulfate appears to have come from the oxidation of reduced sulfur rather than from the hydrolysis of covalently bound sulfate. An infrared spectrum of the mucus showed only minor peaks in the correct regions for the S-O linkage. Thus, the mucus of Euglena is composed of glycoproteins and polysaccharides which contain little or no ester sulfate.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the reservoir region of Phacus pleuronectes is described. Thin sections, ruthenium red staining, and shadow-cast preparations elucidate relationships and structural details of the flagella and flagellar hairs or mastigonemes. A heretofore undescribed structure in Phacus, the multitubular structure (MTS), with associated fibrillar projections, is reported. The MTS is located in the cytoplasm at the distal region of the reservoir near the contractile vacuole. A coordinated function of the MTS and adjacent fibrillar projections is suggested. The occurrence of mastigonemes along the entire length of the emergent flagellum is suggested, in contrast to earlier reports of their presence only on that portion of the flagellum distal to the cytostome. The present investigation postulates also that the mastigonemes are bipartite, the thicker fibrous bases becoming modified distally into the classically described, mastigonemes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the influence of nitrate availability on growth and release of dissolved free and combined carbohydrates (DFCHOs and DCCHOs) produced by Spondylosium pygmaeum (Cooke) W. West (Zygnematophyceae). This strain was isolated from a subtropical shallow pond, located at the extreme south of Brazil (Rio Grande, RS). Experiments were carried out in batch culture, comparing two initial nitrate levels (10/100 μM) in the medium. Growth was monitored by direct microscopic cell counts and chl a content. Nitrate consumption was determined by ion chromatography, while the production of extracellular carbohydrates was monitored by the phenol‐sulfuric method. The monosaccharide compositions of DFCHOs and DCCHOs were determined in each growth phase by HPLC with pulse amperometric detection (HPLC‐PAD). At the end of the experiment, the total composition of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) molecules >12 kDa was determined by gas chromatography. Nitrate availability had no influence on S. pygmaeum cell density at any phase. On the other hand, chl a content decreased after a few days growth when the availability of nitrate was restricted, but continued to rise when nitrate was plentiful. Also, nitrate depletion was faster at 10 μM nitrate. No influence of the growth phase or nitrate availability on the total carbohydrates (TDCHOs) released per cell was observed. Only DCCHOs were released by S. pygmaeum, and the composition varied between growth phases, especially at lower nitrate availability. EPS molecules >12 kDa were composed mainly of xylose, fucose, and galactose, as for other desmids. However, a high N‐acetyl‐glucosamine content was found, uniquely among desmid EPSs.  相似文献   

Spermatozoids of the siphonous green alga Dichotomosiphon tuberosus (A. Br.) Ernst are specialized gametes which differ in many respects from other green algal motile cells, but whose microanatomy nevertheless indicates its chlorophycean affinities. Each cell is anteriorly biflagellate and contains an irregularly shaped nucleus attached to the flagellar bases by a complex support apparatus. There is a single reduced chloroplast in each spermatozoid and numerous (50–100) minute spherical mitochondria, only 0.3 μm diam. These move vigorously in the living cell and when viewed with the light microscope they bear a striking resemblance to bacteria. Rather unexpectedly, no contractile vacuoles could be detected, even though the gametes are naked freshwater cells. Daring spermatogenesis the nucleoli of the vegetative cells disperse and are replaced by a large dense body presumably formed from either nucleolar material or condensed chromatin. The flagellar apparatus includes a cruciate flagellar root system, a feature now known to be characteristic of most green algae, exceptions being those putative ancestors of the higher plants and bryophytes. Discharge of spermatozoids from the antheridia is extremely rapid and the whole process may be finished in 30 sec. The antheridium lacks a pore apparatus, but at maturity bursts open explosively at the apex. Phyletic affinities are discussed and it is concluded that the ultrastructure of the motile cells does not, at this time, support the separation of the siphonous green algae from other green algae into a separate class.  相似文献   

Evidence for the presence of a sulfated polysaccharide component within the extracellular matrix of Platydorina caudata Kofoid is presented. In situ staining with alcian blue and toluidine blue O indicates accumulation of a sulfated polysaccharide in the matrix. The entire matrix was readily solubilized by a hot aqueous extraction and a sulfated proteoglycan complex was isolated. Thin-layer chromatography of hydrolysates and infrared analysis and chemical desulfation of the intact molecule indicate that the polysaccharide component is principally an arabinogalactan with ester-linked sulfate groups. Protease treatment of the extract revealed two distinct bands separable on cellulose acetate electrophoresis. The slower moving component was a sulfated glycoprotein while the faster moving component was a sulfated mucopolysaccharide essentially free of protein. This is the first report of specific chemical analyses and electrophoretic separation of a sulfated polysaccharide within the matrix of a member of the Volvocales. The cytochemistry and electrophoretic patterns of the P. caudata preparation are compared with the same type of extract made from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. The possible evolutionary significance of the electrophoretic patterns is presented.  相似文献   

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