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Effects of irradiance and iron on the growth of a typical harmful algal blooms (HABs) causative dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella trochoidea, were investigated under various irradiances (high light: 70 μmol m?2 s?1 and low light: 4 μmol m?2 s?1) and iron concentrations (low iron: 0.063 mg L?1, medium iron: 0.63 mg L?1 and high iron: 6.3 mg L?1), and evaluated by the parameters of algal cell density, specific growth rate, optical density and chlorophyll a content. The results indicated that there was significant difference in the cell density of dinoflagellate S. trochoidea between high light and low light intensity treatments across the entire experiments, 7-fold higher at high irradiance as compared with low irradiance, which was further enhanced by the iron concentration. It was found that the maximum cell density of 25 × 104 cell mL?1 occurred under the combination of high light intensity and high iron concentration, followed by 23 × 104 cell mL?1 in the combination of high light and medium iron, and 20 × 104 cell mL?1 in the combination of high light and low iron. There was no significant effect of iron concentration on the cell density under low light intensity. The cell density maintained about 3 × 104 cell mL?1 across all combinations of iron concentrations and low light in the end of experiments. Such interactive effects of light intensity and iron level dependent were also observed for the specific growth rate, OD680 and chlorophyll a content of S. trochoidea. The maximum values of specific growth rate, OD680 and chlorophyll a content peaked at the condition of high irradiance and high iron, which were 0.22 d?1, 0.282 and 0.673 mg L?1, respectively. In general, their values increased significantly with the increasing of iron concentration at high irradiance, whereas no significant difference was observed among three iron concentrations at low irradiance, all remaining approximately 0.06 d?1, 0.03 and 0.050 mg L?1, respectively. Those results suggest that there may be a strong interactive effect between irradiance and iron on microalgal growth and their physiological characteristics. The combination of high light and high iron concentration may accelerate algal cell growth and pigment biosynthesis, thus leading to massive occurrence of HABs.  相似文献   

Reflections on the ballast water dispersal—harmful algal bloom paradigm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ballast water dispersal—HAB paradigm, increasingly invoked circumstantially to explain puzzling and unaccountable HAB species outbreaks when lacking the multiple tests of confirmation recommended by Bolch and de Salas (2007), is evaluated. The types and examples of natural dispersions and taxon cycles are compared to exotic species bloom behavior linked to ballast water vectoring. The regional spreading, bloom behavior and disjunct distributions of the brown tide pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens and the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, attributed to ballast water vectoring, are used as representative examples to evaluate the general application of the ballast water—HAB paradigm and associated interpretative problems. Human-aided emigration has a seeding and colonization ecology that differs from bloom ecology. For self-sustaining blooms to occur, these two ecologies must be accommodated by habitat growth conditions. The three stages that a non-native species must pass through (pioneering, persistence, community entry) to achieve colonization, community maintenance, and to bloom, and the niche-related factors and role of habitat disturbance are discussed. The relevance of cryptic occurrences, cyst deposits, dormancy periods and bloom rhythms of HAB species to their blooms attributed to ballast water-assisted introductions is also sketched. The different forms of HAB species rarity, their impact on the ballast water dispersal—HAB paradigm, and the dispersion and blooms of specialist and generalist HAB species are discussed. The remarkable novel and, often, monospecific blooms of dinoflagellate HAB species are being paralleled by similar eruptive bloom behavior cutting across phylogenetic lines, and being found also in raphidophytes, haptophytes, diatoms, silicoflagellates, etc. These blooms cannot be explained only as seeding events. An ecological release of ‘old barriers’ appears to be occurring generally at coastal bloom sites, i.e. something significant is happening ecologically and embedded within the ballast water—HAB paradigm. There may be a relationship between Life Form type [Smayda, T.J., Reynolds, C.S., 2001. Community assembly in marine phytoplankton: application of recent models to harmful dinoflagellate blooms. J. Plankton Res. 23, 447–461] and mode of expatriation; HAB dinoflagellate species commonly reported to produce ballast water-assisted toxic blooms invariably are members of cyst-producing Life Forms IV, V, VI. Ballast water vectoring of Life Forms I, II, III is rarely reported, even though many produce cysts, and where their novel introductions do occur they are more likely to be ichthyotoxic and vectored in shellfish stock consignments. The relevance of, and need to distinguish between morphospecies and their geographic/ribotype clades are discussed based on the Alexandrium tamarense/catenella/fundyense complex. Morphospecies-level ballast water dispersions are probably minor compared to the dispersal of the different ribotypes (toxic/non-toxic clades) making up HAB morphospecies; the redistribution and admixture of genotypes should be the focus. Ballast water-assisted expatriations impact the global occurrence of HABs through the direct transfer of previously absent species or introduction of genetic strains from the donor habitat that are ecologically favored over resident strains. The hybridization of species may be of potentially greater impact, resulting from the (1) mating of individuals from the donor and recipient habitats, or (2) through the interbreeding of strains introduced from two different donor sites into the recipient site, and whose progeny have greater ecological fitness than indigenous strains. Exceptional ecological changes of some sort appear to be occurring globally which, in combination with the genetically altered ecophysiological behavior of HAB species linked to ballast water dispersion and admixture, underpins the global HAB phenomenon. The impact of ballast water and shellfish transplantation on HABs and phytoplankton community ecology, generally, is considerably greater than the current focus on HAB species distributions, vectoring, and blooms. The methodological, investigative and conceptual potential of the ballast water—HAB paradigm should be exploited by developing a GEOHAB type intiative to advance quantification of global HAB ecology.  相似文献   

While searching for effective bio-agents to control harmful algal blooms (HABs), the bacterial strain LP-10, which has strong algicidal activity against Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae), was isolated from surface seawater samples taken from the East China Sea. 16S rDNA sequence analysis and morphological characteristics revealed the strain LP-10 belonged to the genus Bacillus. The lytic effect of Bacillus sp. LP-10 against P. globosa was both concentration- and time-dependent. Algicidal activities of different growth stages of the bacterial culture varied significantly. The lytic effect of different parts of the bacterial cultures indicated that the algal cells were lysed by algicidal active compounds in the cell-free filtrate. Analysis of the properties of the active compounds showed that they had a molecular weight of less than 1000 Da and that the active compounds were stable between −80 and 121 °C. The algicidal range assay indicated that five other algal species were also suppressed by strain LP-10, including: Alexandrium catenella, A. tamarense, A. minutum, Prorocentrum micans and Asterionella japonica. Our results suggested that the algicidal bacterium Bacillus sp. LP-10 could be a potential bio-agent to control the blooms of harmful algal species.  相似文献   

The effects of physical transport processes on the initiation of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in estuaries were investigated through both mathematical model analysis and numerical model experiments. This study highlights the influence of the flushing effect due to physical transport processes on the location of bloom initiation, which is comparable to or even more important than local processes. The theoretical analysis suggests that the differential flushing effect at different waterbodies due to complex geometry is one of the dominant factors causing inhomogeneous distribution of algal density during HAB initiation. The ratio of residence time to volume is one of the key variables that determine the differential timing of HAB occurrence in estuary-subestuary systems with multiple interconnected waterbodies. As a result, a HAB tends to be observed first in those locations with relatively long residence time and small waterbodies, such as tributaries or areas with large eddies. Multiple unconnected originating locations can co-exist within an estuary.Two three-dimensional model experiments with realistic forcings were conducted to demonstrate the flushing effect on annual Cochlodinium polykrikoides bloom in the lower James River. The results show that while the environmental conditions that affect local processes, such as salinity and temperature, are important in determining the originating locations of HABs, the differential flushing effect is the dominant factor driving the spatial difference in the density of C. polykrikoides in this region during the bloom initiation. This explains why the occurrence of the first bloom in this region is frequently observed in the Lafayette River, a relatively small waterbody with long residence time. Because of the relatively low growth rate of C. polykrikoides and because of the high water-exchange between the mainstem and tributaries of the James River, initial cyst distribution is suggested to have a relatively small impact on originating locations of the bloom compared to flushing effect and salinity, and the HAB originating locations do not have to be in the waterbody with abundant cysts.  相似文献   

We have focused on ciliates as potential grazers on toxic phytoplankton because they are major herbivores in aquatic food webs. Ciliates may exert top down control on toxic phytoplankton blooms, potentially suppressing or shortening the duration of harmful algal blooms (HABs). We measured the growth rates of several ciliate species on uni-algal and mixed diets of both HAB and non-HAB algae. The tintinnids Favella ehrenbergii, Eutintinnus pectinis and Metacylis angulata and the non-loricate ciliates Strombidinopsis sp. and Strombidium conicum were isolated from Long Island Sound (LIS), and fed HAB species including the prymnesiophyte Prymnesium parvum (strain 97-20-01) and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (strains Exuv and JA 98-01). Ciliates were fed algal prey from cultures at various growth phases and at varying concentrations. We observed no harmful effects of P. minimum (Exuv) on any of the ciliates. However in a comparison of strains, P. minimum (Exuv) supported high growth rates, whereas P. minimum (JA 98-01) supported only nominal growth. P. parvum was acutely toxic to ciliates at high concentrations (2×104–3×104 cells ml−1). At low concentrations (5×103–1×104 cells ml−1), or in culture filtrate, ciliates survived for at least several hours. In mixed diet experiments, as long as a non-toxic alga was available, ciliates survived and at times grew well at concentrations of P. parvum (5×102–3×104 cells ml−1) that would otherwise have killed them. The present study suggests that prior to the onset of toxicity and bloom formation ciliates may exert grazing pressure on these HAB species, potentially contributing to the suppression or decline of P. minimum and P. parvum blooms.  相似文献   

Yu Zhen  Tiezhu Mi  Zhigang Yu   《Harmful algae》2009,8(5):651-657
The frequent occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) is a pressing topic in marine research. An integrated sandwich hybridization and nuclease protection assay was established to qualitatively and quantitatively detect 12 harmful algal species. This method demonstrated good reliability, specificity and accuracy for analyzing samples from individual and mixed cultures, as well as field collection, and cell volumes were positively correlated to the slopes of calibration curves. The lowest quantitative detection limits were those concentrations observed during blooms; thus, this technique provides an efficient alternative to microscopy for rapid identification and quantitation of harmful algal species and could be routinely used to monitor phytoplankton in field surveys.  相似文献   

This study examined a new method of mitigating harmful algal blooms (HABs) by combining biosurfactant sophorolipid and yellow clay. To investigate the effects and practicability of this HAB mitigation method, field experiments were carried out during a Cochlodinium bloom near Miruk Island, South Korea, in August 2002. Field experiments examined the effects of sophorolipid and yellow clay on Cochlodinium bloom mitigation and on marine plankton such as bacteriaplankton, heterotrophic protists, and zooplankton. A mixture of 5 mg l−1 sophorolipid and 1 g l−1 yellow clay was sprayed directly on the sea surface and its effect was compared with that of 10 g l−1 of yellow clay applied under similar conditions. The sophorolipid–yellow clay mixture more efficiently mitigated the Cochlodinium bloom (95% removal efficiency after 30 min) than yellow clay alone (79% after 30 min). Further, no variation in bacterial abundance occurred 30 min after spraying the sophorolipid–yellow clay mixture. After 30 min, heterotrophic protist abundance at the surface decreased 21 and 41%, respectively, following the sophorolipid–yellow clay mixture and yellow clay treatments. Zooplankton decreased by 38% 15 min after spraying the mixture and 67% 30 min after spraying the yellow clay. These results indicate that the mixture of sophorolipid and yellow clay had a less adverse effect on bacteriaplankton, heterotrophic protists, and zooplankton than the yellow clay, suggesting that the sophorolipid–yellow clay mixture can mitigate HABs efficiently with fewer negative effects on the pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The detection of dense harmful algal blooms (HABs) by satellite remote sensing is usually based on analysis of chlorophyll-a as a proxy. However, this approach does not provide information about the potential harm of bloom, nor can it identify the dominant species. The developed HAB risk classification method employs a fully automatic data-driven approach to identify key characteristics of water leaving radiances and derived quantities, and to classify pixels into “harmful”, “non-harmful” and “no bloom” categories using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Discrimination accuracy is increased through the use of spectral ratios of water leaving radiances, absorption and backscattering. To reduce the false alarm rate the data that cannot be reliably classified are automatically labelled as “unknown”. This method can be trained on different HAB species or extended to new sensors and then applied to generate independent HAB risk maps; these can be fused with other sensors to fill gaps or improve spatial or temporal resolution. The HAB discrimination technique has obtained accurate results on MODIS and MERIS data, correctly identifying 89% of Phaeocystis globosa HABs in the southern North Sea and 88% of Karenia mikimotoi blooms in the Western English Channel. A linear transformation of the ocean colour discriminants is used to estimate harmful cell counts, demonstrating greater accuracy than if based on chlorophyll-a; this will facilitate its integration into a HAB early warning system operating in the southern North Sea.  相似文献   

Western Lake Erie (WLE) experiences anthropogenic eutrophication and annual, toxic cyanobacterial blooms of non-nitrogen (N) fixing Microcystis. Numerous studies have shown that bloom biomass is correlated with an increased proportion of soluble reactive phosphorus loading from the Maumee River. Long term monitoring shows that the proportion of the annual Maumee River N load of non-nitrate N, or total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), has also increased significantly (Spearman's ρ = 0.68, p = 0.001) over the last few decades and is also significantly correlated to cyanobacterial bloom biomass (Spearman's ρ = 0.64, p = 0.003). The ratio of chemically reduced N to oxidized N (TKN:NO3) concentrations was also compared to extracted chlorophyll and phycocyanin concentrations from all weekly sampling stations within WLE from 2009 to 2015. Both chlorophyll (Spearman's ρ = 0.657, p < 0.0001) and phycocyanin (Spearman's ρ = 0.714, p < 0.0001) were significantly correlated with TKN:NO3. This correlation between the increasing fraction of chemically reduced N from the Maumee River and increasing bloom biomass demonstrates the urgent need to control N loading, in addition to current P load reductions, to WLE and similar systems impacted by non-N-fixing, toxin-producing cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHAB) cause extensive problems in lakes worldwide, including human and ecological health risks, anoxia and fish kills, and taste and odor problems. CyanoHABs are a particular concern in both recreational waters and drinking water sources because of their dense biomass and the risk of exposure to toxins. Successful cyanoHAB assessment using satellites may provide an indicator for human and ecological health protection. In this study, methods were developed to assess the utility of satellite technology for detecting cyanoHAB frequency of occurrence at locations of potential management interest. The European Space Agency's MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) was evaluated to prepare for the equivalent series of Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Imagers (OLCI) launched in 2016 as part of the Copernicus program. Based on the 2012 National Lakes Assessment site evaluation guidelines and National Hydrography Dataset, the continental United States contains 275,897 lakes and reservoirs >1 ha in area. Results from this study show that 5.6% of waterbodies were resolvable by satellites with 300 m single-pixel resolution and 0.7% of waterbodies were resolvable when a three by three pixel (3 × 3-pixel) array was applied based on minimum Euclidian distance from shore. Satellite data were spatially joined to U.S. public water surface intake (PWSI) locations, where single-pixel resolution resolved 57% of the PWSI locations and a 3 × 3-pixel array resolved 33% of the PWSI locations. Recreational and drinking water sources in Florida and Ohio were ranked from 2008 through 2011 by cyanoHAB frequency above the World Health Organization’s (WHO) high threshold for risk of 100,000 cells mL−1. The ranking identified waterbodies with values above the WHO high threshold, where Lake Apopka, FL (99.1%) and Grand Lake St. Marys, OH (83%) had the highest observed bloom frequencies per region. The method presented here may indicate locations with high exposure to cyanoHABs and therefore can be used to assist in prioritizing management resources and actions for recreational and drinking water sources.  相似文献   

Nutrient enrichment is a significant global-scale driver of change in coastal waters, contributing to an array of problems in coastal ecosystems. The St. Lucie Estuary (SLE) in southeast Florida has received national attention as a result of its poor water quality (elevated nutrient concentrations and fecal bacteria counts), recurring toxic Microcystis aeruginosa blooms, and its proximity to the northern boundary of tropical coral species in the United States. The SLE has an artificially large watershed comprised of a network of drainage canals, one of which (C-44) is used to lower the water level in Lake Okeechobee. Public attention has primarily been directed at nutrient inputs originating from the lake, but recent concern over the importance of local watershed impacts prompted a one-year watershed study designed to investigate the interactions between on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS or septic systems), groundwaters, and surface waters in the SLE and nearshore reefs. Results provided multiple lines of evidence of OSTDS contamination of the SLE and its watershed: 1) dissolved nutrients in groundwaters and surface waters were most concentrated adjacent to two older (pre-1978) residential communities and the primary canals, and 2) sucralose was present in groundwater at residential sites (up to 32.0 μg/L) and adjacent surface waters (up to 5.5 μg/L), and 3) δ15N values in surface water (+7.5 o/oo), macroalgae (+4.4 o/oo) and phytoplankton (+5.0 o/oo) were within the published range (>+3 o/oo) for sewage N and similar to values in OSTDS-contaminated groundwaters. Measured δ15N values in M. aeruginosa became increasingly enriched during transport from the C-44 canal (∼5.8 o/oo) into the mid-estuary (∼8.0 o/oo), indicating uptake and growth on sewage N sources within the urbanized estuary. Consequently, there is a need to reduce N and P loading, as well as fecal loading, from the SLE watershed via septic-to-sewer conversion projects and to minimize the frequency and intensity of the releases from Lake Okeechobee to the SLE via additional water storage north of the lake. These enhancements would improve water quality in both the SLE and Lake Okeechobee, reduce the occurrence of toxic harmful algal blooms in the linked systems, and improve overall ecosystem health in the SLE and downstream reefs.  相似文献   

固定化微生物技术作为一种新型的生物修复技术,具有高效、稳定、生物安全性较高等特点,已经广泛应用于各种污染水体的净化修复之中,也包括受污染日益严峻的近海养殖水体。综述从固定化微生物技术的出现和应用出发,对不同固定方法的优劣及其所擅长降解的污染物类型进行对比,对不同载体的特点进行分析,总结了固定化微生物技术在近海养殖水体污染修复的研究概况,并对当前该技术应用存在的问题进行分析和未来研究的方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CHABs) degrade water quality and may produce toxins. The distribution of CHABs can change rapidly due to variations in population dynamics and environmental conditions. Biological and ecological aspects of CHABs were studied in order to better understand CHABs dynamics. Field experiments were conducted near Hartington, Ontario, Canada in ponds dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa and CHABs floating experiments were conducted at Lake Taihu during the summers of 2015 and 2016. Single colonies composed of hundreds to thousands of cells with an average median of 0.2–0.5 mm in diameter were the basic form assumed by the Microcystis, and this remained the same throughout the growing season. Thorough mixing of the water column followed by calm conditions resulted in over 90% of the cyanobacteria floating after 1 h. Multiple colonies floated on the water surface in four types of assemblages: aggregates, ribbons, patches, and mats. It is the mats that are conventionally considered the blooming stage of cyanobacteria.Presence of CHABs on open water surfaces also depends on environmental influences such as direct and indirect wind effects. For example, field tests revealed that the surface coverage of CHABs can be reduced to half within an hour at wind speeds of 0.5 m/s.Because our findings indicated that blooming involves surface display of cyanobacteria essentially presenting as a two-dimensional plane under defined conditions, the use of surface imagery to quantify CHABs was justified. This is particularly important in light of the fact that traditional detection methods do not provide accurate distribution information. Nor do they portray CHABs events in a real-time manner due to limitations in on-demand surveillance and delays between sample time and analyzed results. Therefore, a new CHAB detection method using small unmanned aerial systems with consumer-grade cameras was developed at a maximum detection altitude of 80 m. When cyanobacteria were floating on the surface, CHABs detection through RGB band cameras and spectral enhancement techniques was efficient and accurate. Small unmanned aerial systems were capable of providing coverage up to 1 km2 per mission and the short intervals between sampling and results (approx. 2 h) allowed for the rapid analysis of data and for implementing follow-up monitoring or treatments. This method is very cost-effective at an estimate of as low as $100 CAD per mission with an average cyanobacterial detection accuracy of 86%. Thus, it is a good candidate method to fill the urgent need for CHABs detection, providing cost effective, rapid, and accurate information to improve risk management at a local level as well as to help quickly allocate resources for purposes of mitigation.  相似文献   

陆源物质输送对赤潮高发区的影响-以铝为例   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
近年来长江口附近海域富营养化问题日趋严重,赤潮爆发次数增多,而富含营养物质的长江水的输入可能是海内富营养化的主要物质来源.Al在海洋中停留时间较短且不易受到人为活动的影响,常用Al作为陆源输入及不同水团运动的有效示踪元素.结果表明。研究海域中溶解态Al的浓度秋季高于夏季,且与水体的盐度和悬浮颗粒物浓度表现出一定的关系.赤潮高发区内溶解态Al的浓度一般大于0.04pmol.L-1,明显表现出受到陆源输入的影响.赤潮发生时由于其自身的絮凝及赤潮生物颗粒物表面的吸附作用使水体中的溶解态Al含量平均下降约40%,而在赤潮发生过程中溶解态Al形态变化及机理尚需进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

中国赤潮的发生趋势和研究进展   总被引:180,自引:0,他引:180  
周名江  朱明远  张经 《生命科学》2001,13(2):54-59,53
通过对中国沿海赤潮发生历史的回顾以及主要赤潮事件的分析,阐明了中国沿海赤潮发生所呈现的趋势,即频率增加,规模扩大,新的赤潮藻种不断出现,有毒赤潮种比例上升,以及有害赤潮危害程度日益增加,且初步分析了赤潮频发的内因和外因,综述了我国科学家在赤潮生消过程监测,赤潮灌的培养生物学和分类学,赤潮藻类的营养动力学及生理生态学特性,赤潮藻类的生活史,赤潮藻类毒素,赤潮的模型和赤潮防治及国际合作等方面工作的进展,指出了研究还存在的不足之处,并对未来赤潮研究和管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

Red tides caused by the marine dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef pose significant environmental problems worldwide. Recently, the existence of severe blooms attributable to a single Cochlodinium Schütt species has been questioned by many researchers. Herein we investigated the dinoflagellate composition of harmful algal blooms (HABs) attributed to C. polykrikoides in Korean coastal waters at nine different stations (St.). The component species of Cochlodinium blooms were examined by using microscopic and gene-cloning methods. In the nine study areas, C. polykrikoides was the predominant species of HABs in St. 2, 4, 7, and St. 9. Based on the morphological identification, the bloom was initially thought to be caused only by C. polykrikoides; however, we detected additional bloom-forming dinoflagellates (Polykrikos schwartzii Bütschli and Polykrikos kofoidii Chatton), and diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia americana (Hasle) Fryxell) along with C. polykrikoides. The parasitic dinoflagellates Amoebophrya Koeppen and Euduboscquella Coats, Bachvaroff & Delwiche were found to be co-located with Cochlodinium in our study, and for the first time, Cochlodinium fulvescens Iwataki, Kawami & Matsuoka was detected in Korea (west coast). These results suggest co-existence of multiple dinoflagellates in bloom populations of Cochlodinium and describe the composition of other dinoflagellate blooms (e.g., Polykrikos spp.) in Korean coastal regions. This co-occurrence may be considered during efforts to monitor and control HABs.  相似文献   

Confined to Texas, USA, for more than 20 years, brown tides caused by Aureoumbra lagunensis emerged in the Indian River Lagoon and Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, USA, during 2012 and 2013, affording the opportunity to assess whether hypotheses developed regarding the occurrence of these blooms are ecosystem-specific. To examine the extent to which top-down (e.g. grazing) and bottom-up (e.g. nutrients) processes controlled the development of Aureoumbra blooms in Florida, nitrogen (N) uptake, nutrient amendment, and seawater-dilution, zooplankton grazing experiments were performed and the responses of Aureoumbra and competing phytoplankton were evaluated. During the study, Aureoumbra comprised up to 98% of total phytoplankton biomass, achieved cell densities exceeding 2 × 106 cells mL−1, and contained isotopically lighter N compared to non-bloom plankton populations, potentially reflecting the use of recycled N. Consistent with this hypothesis, N-isotope experiments revealed that urea and ammonium accounted for >90% of N uptake within bloom populations whereas nitrate was a primary N source for non-bloom populations. Low levels (10 μM) of experimental ammonium enrichment during blooms frequently enhanced the growth of Aureoumbra and resulted in the growth rates of Aureoumbra exceeding those of phycoerythrin-containing, but not phycocyanin-containing, cyanobacteria. A near absence of grazing pressure on Aureoumbra further enabled this species to out-grow other phytoplankton populations. Given this alga is generally known to resist zooplankton grazing under hypersaline conditions, these findings collectively suggest that moderate loading rates of reduced forms of nitrogenous nutrients (e.g ammonium, urea) into other subtropical, hypersaline lagoons could make them susceptible to future brown tides caused by Aureoumbra.  相似文献   

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