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氮沉降对森林生物多样性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鲁显楷  莫江明  董少峰 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5532-5548
从3个方面论述了氮沉降对森林生物多样性影响:(1)森林植物多样性,包括乔木层植物、林下层植物和隐花植物;(2)土壤微生物多样性,主要是细菌和真菌;(3)森林动物多样性:主要包括地下土壤动物和地上草食动物。综合来看,氮沉降改变了物种组成,过量氮沉降降低了生物多样性。同时,也对氮沉降影响生物多样性的机理进行了分析。最后,还探讨了当前在氮沉降对森林生物多样性影响的研究方面存在的问题以及今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

方华  莫江明 《生态学报》2006,26(9):3127-3136
氮沉降增加作为全球变化的重要现象之一,已经并将继续对森林凋落物分解产生影响.综述了国内外氮沉降对森林凋落物分解影响及其机理的研究现状.氮沉降对凋落物分解的影响可分为直接影响和间接影响.氮沉降通过影响森林地被物组成和凋落物化学成分,间接影响凋落物分解.氮沉降对凋落物分解的直接影响表现为促进、无影响和抑制3种效果.分析了产生以上影响效果的作用机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林凋落物分解影响的研究方法,探讨了目前研究存在的问题,讨论了未来该方面研究的重点和方向.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林土壤主要温室气体通量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张炜    莫江明    方运霆  鲁显楷    王晖   《生态学报》2008,28(5):2309-2309~2319
大气氮沉降已经并将继续对森林土壤主要温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)通量产生影响.综述了国内外氮沉降对森林土壤主要温室气体通量影响及其机理的研究现状.由于森林类型、土壤N状况、氮沉降量及沉降类型等不同,氮沉降对森林土壤主要温室气体通量的影响主要表现为抑制、促进和不显著3种效果.在N限制的森林中,氮沉降对土壤主要温室气体通量无显著影响,或促进土壤CO2排放;在"N饱和"的森林中,氮沉降可减少土壤CO2排放,抑制对大气CH4的吸收,增加N2O排放.分析了产生以上影响效果的作用机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林土壤主要温室气体通量影响的研究方法,探讨了该领域存在的问题及未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈浩  莫江明  张炜  鲁显楷  黄娟 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6864-6879
工业化带来的大气氮沉降增加是影响森林生态系统碳吸存的重要因素。将森林碳库分为地上和地下两部分,从3个方面综述了国内外氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的研究现状。(1)地上部分:氮限制的温带森林,氮沉降增加了地上部分碳吸存。氮丰富的热带森林,氮沉降对地上部分碳吸存没有影响。过量的氮输入会造成森林死亡率的上升,从而降低地上部分碳吸存。(2)地下部分:相比地上部分研究得少,表现为增加、降低和没有影响3种效果。(3)目前的结论趋向于认为氮沉降促进森林生态系统碳吸存,然而氮沉降所带来的森林生态系统碳吸存能力到底有多大依然无法确定,这也将成为未来氮碳循环研究的重点问题。分析了氮沉降影响森林生态系统碳吸存的机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的4种研究方法。探讨了该领域研究的不足及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Zhang W  Mo J M  Fang Y T  Lu X K  Wang H 《农业工程》2008,28(5):2309-2319
Nitrogen (N) deposition can alter the rates of microbial N- and C- turnover, and thus can affect the fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHG, e.g., CO2, CH4, and N2O) from forest soils. The effects of N deposition on the GHG fluxes from forest soils were reviewed in this paper. N deposition to forest soils have shown variable effects on the soil GHG fluxes from forest, including increases, decreases or unchanged rates depending on forest type, N status of the soil, and the rate and type of atmospheric N deposition. In forest ecosystems where biological processes are limited by N supply, N additions either stimulate soil respiration or have no significant effect, whereas in “N saturated” forest ecosystems, N additions decrease CO2 emission, reduce CH4 oxidation and elevate N2O flux from the soil. The mechanisms and research methods about the effects of N deposition on GHG fluxes from forest soils were also reviewed in this paper. Finally, the present and future research needs about the effects of N deposition on the GHG fluxes from forest soils were discussed.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern over the impact of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on forest ecosystems in the tropical and subtropical areas. In this study, we quantified atmospheric N deposition and revealed current plant and soil N status in 14 forests along a 150 km urban to rural transect in southern China, with an emphasis on examining whether foliar δ15N can be used as an indicator of N saturation. Bulk deposition ranged from 16.2 to 38.2 kg N ha?1 yr?1, while the throughfall covered a larger range of 11.7–65.1 kg N ha?1 yr?1. Foliar N concentration, NO3? leaching to stream, and soil NO3? concentration were low and NO3? production was negligible in some rural forests, indicating that primary production in these forests may be limited by N supply. But all these N variables were enhanced in suburban and urban forests. Across the study transect, throughfall N input was correlated positively with soil nitrification and NO3? leaching to stream, and negatively with pH values in soil and stream water. Foliar δ15N was between ?6.6‰ and 0.7‰, and was negatively correlated with soil NO3? concentration and NO3? leaching to stream across the entire transect, demonstrating that an increased N supply does not necessarily increase forest δ15N values. We proposed several potential mechanism that could contribute to the δ15N pattern, including (1) increased plant uptake of 15N‐depleted soil NO3?, (2) foliage uptake of 15N‐depleted NH4+, (3) increased utilization of soil inorganic N relative to dissolved organic N, and (4) increased fractionation during plant N uptake under higher soil N availability.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林植物的影响   总被引:78,自引:9,他引:78  
综述了氮沉降对森林植物的影响。氮沉降对森林植物的影响主要表现在以下6个方面:(1)在一定量范围内的氮沉降有利于植物的光合作用,但过量后则会引起植物的光合速率下降;(2)当植物生长受氮限制时,在一定程度上的氮沉降增加植物生产力,但当氮过量后,氮沉降则使植物的生产力下降;(3)过量的氮沉降导致植物体各种营养元素含量的比例失衡;(4)氮沉降会改变植物的形态结构,集中表现为根/冠比减小;(5)氮沉降会增加植物对天然胁迫如干旱、病虫害和风的敏感性,减少其抵御能力;(6)氮沉降会改变植物组成和降低森林植物的多样性。  相似文献   

Litterbag experiments were carried out in five forest ecosystems in the Netherlands to study weight loss and nitrogen dynamics during the first two years of decomposition of leaf and needle litter. All forests were characterized by a relatively high atmospheric nitrogen input by throughfall, ranging from 22–55 kg N ha–1 yr–1.Correlation analysis of all seven leaf and needle litters revealed no significant relation between the measured litter quality indices (nitrogen and lignin concentration, lignin-to-nitrogen ratio) and the decomposition rate. A significant linear relation was found between initial lignin-to-nitrogen ratio and critical nitrogen concentration, suggesting an effect of litter quality on nitrogen dynamics.Comparison of the decomposition of oak leaves in a nitrogen-limited and a nitrogen-saturated forest suggested an increased nitrogen availability. The differences in capacities to retain atmospheric nitrogen inputs between these two sites could be explained by differences in net nitrogen immobilization in first year decomposing oak leaves: in the nitrogen-limited oak forest a major part (55%) of the nitrogen input by throughfall was immobilized in the first year oak leaf litter.The three coniferous forests consisted of two monocultures of Douglas fir and a mixed stand of Douglas fir and Scots pine. Despite comparable litter quality in the Douglas fir needles in all sites, completely different nitrogen dynamics were found.  相似文献   

韩琳  王鸽 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):1893-1902
以长白山阔叶红松混交林为研究对象,于2006—2008年原位模拟不同形态氮((NH4)2SO4、NH4Cl和KNO3)沉降水平(22.5和45kgN·hm-2·a-1),利用树脂芯法技术(resin-core incubation technique)测定了表层(有机层0~7cm)和土层(0~15cm)土壤氮素净矿化、净氨化和净硝化通量的季节和年际变化规律。同时,结合前人报道的有关林地碳、氮过程及其环境变化影响的结果,力求有效预估森林生态系统中氮素年矿化通量对大气氮沉降量和水热条件等因子变化的响应。结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林地土壤氮素年净矿化通量为1.2~19.8kgN·hm-2·a-1,2008年不同深度的土壤氮素年净矿化通量均显著高于2006和2007年(P<0.05)。随着模拟氮沉降量增加,土壤氮素净矿化通量也随之增加,尤其外源NH4+-N输入对净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显(P<0.05),但随着施肥年限的延长,这种促进作用逐渐减弱。与林地0~15cm土壤相比,氮沉降增加对0~7cm有机层氮素净氨化和净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显,尤其NH4Cl处理的促进作用更大。结合前人报道的野外原位观测结果,土壤氮素年净矿化通量随氮素沉降量的增加而增大,氮沉降量对不同区域森林土壤氮素净矿化通量的贡献率约为52%;氮沉降量(x1)和pH值(x2)可以解释区域森林土壤氮素年净矿化通量(y)变化的70%(y=0.54x1-18.38x2-109.55,R2=0.70,P<0.0001)。前人研究结果仅提供区域年均温度,未考虑积温的影响,这可能是造成年净矿化通量与温度无关的原因。今后的研究工作应该加强区域森林土壤积温观测,进而更加准确地预估森林土壤氮素的年净矿化通量。  相似文献   

从2013年11月至2015年5月,采用凋落物分解袋法,设置了对照(CK)、氮沉降(N)、减雨(R)、增雨(A)、氮沉降+减雨(NR)、氮沉降+增雨(NA)6个处理水平,研究了模拟氮沉降和降雨对华西雨屏区常绿阔叶林凋落物分解的影响。结果表明:华西雨屏区常绿阔叶林凋落叶分解较快,凋落枝分解较慢;凋落物夏季分解较快,其他季节分解较慢。经过18个月的分解后,凋落叶和枝的质量残留率分别为45.86%和86.67%,凋落叶分解50%需要的时间为1.42 a,比枝短6.19 a。各处理凋落物叶分解系数表现为:k(A)k(CK)k(NA)k(N)k(R)k(NR),凋落枝质量残留率表现为:NNRRNACKA。模拟氮沉降、减雨和增雨处理凋落叶分解50%分别需要1.79、1.94a和1.36a,凋落枝分解50%分别需要8.84、8.63 a和6.47 a。各处理凋落叶分解95%需要5.37—11.33 a,凋落枝分解95%需要27.41—33.84 a。同一氮沉降条件下,增雨处理促进凋落叶分解,减雨处理抑制凋落叶分解;同一降雨条件下,氮沉降抑制凋落叶分解。氮沉降或降雨对凋落物的分解产生显著影响(P0.05),其交互作用影响不显著(P0.05)。可见,在氮沉降持续增加和降雨格局改变的背景下,增雨促进了华西雨屏区天然常绿阔叶林凋落物的分解,氮沉降和减雨抑制了凋落物的分解,模拟氮沉降和降雨对凋落物的分解交互作用表现不明显。  相似文献   

通过野外模拟实验,研究3个氮沉降水平,CK(对照,0 kg·hm-2·a-1)、LN(低氮,30 kg·hm-2·a-1)和HN(高氮,100 kg·hm-2·a-1)处理对亚热带针叶(杉木)和阔叶(罗浮栲、浙江桂)森林土壤中微量元素Ni、Cu、Zn含量的影响。结果表明:就不同的林分来看,3种微量元素的含量大致呈杉木林>罗浮栲林>浙江桂林,施氮3 d后,浙江桂林和罗浮栲林土壤中3种微量元素在各处理之间差异不显著,仅发现杉木林土壤中的Ni含量在CK处理与LN及HN处理之间和无凋落物土壤中Cu含量在HN与CK及LN之间的差异显著; 3片林分中土壤表面有无凋落物处理总体对3种微量元素含量的影响不大。与施氮前相比,3片林分土壤中的Ni、Cu、Zn含量均有所下降,且浙江桂林在LN处理的降幅最大。  相似文献   

Habitat loss and degradation, driven largely by agricultural expansion and intensification, present the greatest immediate threat to biodiversity. Tropical forests harbour among the highest levels of terrestrial species diversity and are likely to experience rapid land-use change in the coming decades. Synthetic analyses of observed responses of species are useful for quantifying how land use affects biodiversity and for predicting outcomes under land-use scenarios. Previous applications of this approach have typically focused on individual taxonomic groups, analysing the average response of the whole community to changes in land use. Here, we incorporate quantitative remotely sensed data about habitats in, to our knowledge, the first worldwide synthetic analysis of how individual species in four major taxonomic groups—invertebrates, ‘herptiles’ (reptiles and amphibians), mammals and birds—respond to multiple human pressures in tropical and sub-tropical forests. We show significant independent impacts of land use, human vegetation offtake, forest cover and human population density on both occurrence and abundance of species, highlighting the value of analysing multiple explanatory variables simultaneously. Responses differ among the four groups considered, and—within birds and mammals—between habitat specialists and habitat generalists and between narrow-ranged and wide-ranged species.  相似文献   

已有研究表明氮沉降可显著影响土壤线虫群落组成和多样性。然而,目前大多数研究集中在无机氮沉降的影响,而对于不同氮素形态对土壤线虫群落影响的研究还不是很清楚。利用运行5年的模拟氮沉降试验平台,开展了4个氮添加处理即对照(无氮添加,CK)、无机氮(硝酸铵,IN),有机氮(尿素和甘氨酸1∶1混合,ON)和混合氮(无机氮和有机氮7∶3混合,MN)添加对温带森林土壤线虫群落组成和多样性的影响研究,采用浅盘法分离线虫,土壤性质如p H、含水量、全碳全氮分别采用电位法、烘干法和元素分析仪法进行测定,应用营养类群组成、区系分析和代谢足迹分析不同形态氮沉降下土壤线虫群落结构特征。共分离线虫50个属,其中在CK样地中共发现29个属,在IN,ON和MN处理中分别发现线虫属37个,34个和29个,盘旋属Rotylenchus和大节片属Macroposthonia在所有处理中均为优势属。结果表明,与CK相比,IN处理、ON处理和MN处理均显著增加了土壤硝态氮含量。与无机氮相比,混合氮处理显著降低了食真菌线虫数量,有机氮处理显著增加了捕食杂食性线虫数量。与对照相比,无机氮处理显著增加了线虫多样性指数(H'),IN处理的均匀度指数(J)显著高于CK和MN处理,混合氮处理对应的优势度指数(λ)显著高于其他3个处理。在CK和ON处理,线虫的结构指数(SI)较高,富集指数(EI)较低,表明这两个处理的土壤受干扰程度较小,食物网处于结构化状态。在IN和MN处理,土壤线虫富集指数和结构指数均较高(50),表明食物网稳定成熟。食真菌线虫代谢足迹和生物量碳在无机氮处理最高。有机氮和混合氮处理显著增加了捕食杂食性线虫代谢足迹和生物量碳。以上结果表明,不同氮素形态不仅对土壤线虫群落组成产生了影响,而且其代谢足迹也发生了显著的变化,这一结果有助于揭示温带森林对氮沉降的响应机制。  相似文献   

Tropical and subtropical forest biomes are a main hotspot for the global nitrogen (N) cycle. Yet, our understanding of global soil N cycle patterns and drivers and their response to N deposition in these biomes remains elusive. By a meta-analysis of 2426-single and 161-paired observations from 89 published 15 N pool dilution and tracing studies, we found that gross N mineralization (GNM), immobilization of ammonium ( I NH 4 ) and nitrate ( I NO 3 ), and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) were significantly higher in tropical forests than in subtropical forests. Soil N cycle was conservative in tropical forests with ratios of gross nitrification (GN) to I NH 4 (GN/ I NH 4 ) and of soil nitrate to ammonium (NO3/NH4+) less than one, but was leaky in subtropical forests with GN/ I NH 4 and NO3/NH4+ higher than one. Soil NH4+ dynamics were mainly controlled by soil substrate (e.g., total N), but climatic factors (e.g., precipitation and/or temperature) were more important in controlling soil NO3 dynamics. Soil texture played a role, as GNM and I NH 4 were positively correlated with silt and clay contents, while I NO 3 and DNRA were positively correlated with sand and clay contents, respectively. The soil N cycle was more sensitive to N deposition in tropical forests than in subtropical forests. Nitrogen deposition leads to a leaky N cycle in tropical forests, as evidenced by the increase in GN/ I NH 4 , NO3/NH4+, and nitrous oxide emissions and the decrease in I NO 3 and DNRA, mainly due to the decrease in soil microbial biomass and pH. Dominant tree species can also influence soil N cycle pattern, which has changed from conservative in deciduous forests to leaky in coniferous forests. We provide global evidence that tropical, but not subtropical, forests are characterized by soil N dynamics sustaining N availability and that N deposition inhibits soil N retention and stimulates N losses in these biomes.  相似文献   

陈洁  骆土寿  周璋  许涵  陈德祥  李意德 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8528-8538
近年来,高速的城市化和工业化建设导致全球大气氮沉降量逐年递增,其中热带亚热带地区氮沉降量显著高于全球平均水平,而大部分热带亚热带森林土壤趋近氮饱和状态,氮沉降增加将持续向土壤输入外源活性氮,极易导致土壤氮过剩,进而破环整个森林生态系统氮循环的平衡。我国热带亚热带地区经济发展快速,氮沉降增加导致的土壤养分失衡和林地退化等生态问题日益凸显,森林土壤氮循环对大气氮沉降的响应及适应机制已引起了学术界的广泛关注。研究表明氮循环各环节均由特定的功能微生物驱动完成,明确氮沉降增加对热带亚热带森林土壤氮循环功能微生物及其介导的关键过程的影响,对评价未来氮沉降增加背景下全球森林土壤氮循环的响应及驱动机制有重要作用,可为促进我国热带亚热带地区森林修复、生态环境的改善与提升提供科学支撑。鉴于此,本文综述了热带亚热带森林土壤氮循环主要过程(如固氮、硝化、反硝化、厌氧氨氧化等)及其功能微生物群落丰度、活性、组成等对氮沉降增加的响应,同时分析了这些功能微生物的群落特征与主要环境因子(如NH4+、NO3-、有机碳、pH、含水量等)的关联性。在此基础上探讨了氮沉降增加下功能微生物对热带亚热带森林土壤氮循环的调控作用,重点探讨了功能微生物如何通过改变丰度与群落组成而影响氮循环过程,并对目前研究中存在的主要问题与未来研究重点进行了简要剖析。  相似文献   

森林生态系统土壤氮矿化影响因素研究进展   总被引:77,自引:17,他引:60  
森林生态系统土壤氮矿化是生态系统中最重要的功能之一,综述了近10余年来森林生态系统土壤氮矿化影响因素的研究,在前人的基础上将其影响因素归成3类;(1)环境因子,(2)凋落物质量,(3)土壤动物和微生物,其中环境因子中的土壤温、湿度是影响土壤氮矿化的最重要因子,氮素可利用性、氮转化与群落演替、植物多样性间相互关系的研究正受到愈来愈多的重视,研究CO2倍增及其引起的全球变暖对土壤氮素转化的潜在影响也已成为当前全球变化问题研究的热点之一。  相似文献   

Aim To model long‐term trends in plant species distributions in response to predicted changes in global climate. Location Amazonia. Methods The impacts of expected global climate change on the potential and realized distributions of a representative sample of 69 individual Angiosperm species in Amazonia were simulated from 1990 to 2095. The climate trend followed the HADCM2GSa1 scenario, which assumes an annual 1% increase of atmospheric CO2 content with effects mitigated by sulphate forcing. Potential distributions of species in one‐degree grid cells were modelled using a suitability index and rectilinear envelope based on bioclimate variables. Realized distributions were additionally limited by spatial contiguity with, and proximity to, known record sites. A size‐structured population model was simulated for each cell in the realized distributions to allow for lags in response to climate change, but dispersal was not included. Results In the resulting simulations, 43% of all species became non‐viable by 2095 because their potential distributions had changed drastically, but there was little change in the realized distributions of most species, owing to delays in population responses. Widely distributed species with high tolerance to environmental variation exhibited the least response to climate change, and species with narrow ranges and short generation times the greatest. Climate changed most in north‐east Amazonia while the best remaining conditions for lowland moist forest species were in western Amazonia. Main conclusions To maintain the greatest resilience of Amazonian biodiversity to climate change as modelled by HADCM2GSa1, highest priority should be given to strengthening and extending protected areas in western Amazonia that encompass lowland and montane forests.  相似文献   


In the 2005 edition of the Global Forest Resources Assessment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, a moderate negative trend was reported regarding the change of tropical forests: the net annual change was estimated at ?11.8 million ha for the period 2000–2005, while the rate was ?11.65 for the previous decade. Tropical Asia showed the highest rate and most negative trend, passing from ?0.8% to ?0.96% per year. The remote sensing survey done for previous Forest Resource Assessment editions covering the period 1980–2000 revealed distinct change processes in the three tropical regions. Survey results indicated that socio‐economic and cultural aspects that characterise and differentiate the geographic regions determine the nature of the change processes and underlying cause–effect mechanisms, while the ecological setting determines the intensity of change and reveals its environmental implications. A comparison of deforestation processes of the two decades indicated an on‐going process of “radicalisation” of the dynamics determined by an increasing frequency of high‐gradient changes (e.g. total clearing rather than fragmentation and degradation) and by a shift of deforestation fronts towards wetter zones, with a consequent higher per‐hectare carbon emission associated with deforested areas.  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降凋落物管理对樟树人工林土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈毅  闫文德  郑威  廖菊阳  盘昱良  梁小翠  杨坤 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7830-7839
以湖南省植物园樟树人工林为对象,研究了模拟氮沉降下,不同凋落物处理对土壤呼吸的影响。设置4个施氮水平,分别为CK(0 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))、LN(50 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))、NM(150 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))以及HN(300 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1));凋落物处理分别为去除凋落物、添加凋落物以及凋落物对照组。经过为期2年的观测研究,结果表明:(1)模拟氮沉降不同凋落物处理下,土壤温度呈现显著的季节性变化,但不存在显著差异;土壤湿度呈现显著的波动性变化,施氮及凋落物管理对土壤温度无影响。土壤湿度仅受凋落物管理的影响。在不同施氮水平下,去除凋落物的土壤湿度与加倍凋落物的土壤湿度均存在显著差异性。(2)模拟氮沉降不同凋落物处理下,土壤呼吸均呈现显著的季节性变化,最大值出现在6—8月;最小值出现在1月,且在生长季期间(4—8月),不同处理下土壤呼吸存在显著差异。(3)施氮对土壤呼吸表现为抑制作用,添加凋落物对土壤呼吸起促进作用,去除凋落物对土壤呼吸起抑制作用。(4)在凋落物对照组中,LN、MN、HN较CK相比,土壤呼吸速率年均值分别降低了35.4%、30.6%、36.8%,且各施氮水平与CK存在显著差异(P0.05);添加凋落物处理下,LN、MN、HN处理较CK相比,土壤呼吸速率年均值土壤呼吸分别降低了23.2%、15.8%、14.7%。去除凋落物处理下,LN、MN、HN较CK相比,土壤呼吸速率年均值分别降低了3.5%、0.5%、-11.6%。且添加或去除凋落物均能削弱施氮对土壤呼吸的抑制作用,且这种作用随着施氮水平的增加而增大。(5)土壤呼吸与5 cm处土壤温度存在显著相关性(P0.05),土壤温度可解释土壤呼吸变异的47.76%—72.61%;与土壤湿度呈现正相关,但未达到显著相关水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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