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论述了丹霞地貌区生态演替的特征及其科学价值.认为植被演替由于时间漫长、过程复杂而对其研究具极大的难度,时空互代成为演替研究的重要手段,而这需要有完整的空间序列.丹霞地貌区存在着完整的原生演替与次生演替系列.典型丹霞地貌的山顶为原生演替的矮灌木林和乔木林,周围斜坡仍然受季节性降水侵蚀、风化、重力崩塌等作用,原生演替不断从裸露的岩石开始,故形成原生演替早期的苔藓、草本群落,随着岩石的进一步风化和苔藓、地衣等植物的作用,土壤层增厚,将原生演替继续往前推进.特殊的地质地貌过程使之不断有新的崩塌,从裸露的岩石开始的新的原生演替,如此形成不同时间系列的原生演替阶段.丹霞地貌区也存在着完整的次生演替系列,同时存在演替先锋林、演替过渡林和演替基本稳定林.这两个演替系列提供了一个非常难得的理想场所,使得生态学工作者在一个地点就可以观察到一个完整的植被演替系列.其研究可为该区域植被的经营管理和保护措施提供必要的依据.作为生态恢复参照系,对区域的植被生态恢复具有重要的指导意义.# 相似文献
Danxia Mountain in Guangdong Province was investigated on the special ecological effects of ravines in Danxia Landform. The results showed that its geomorphologic ecological effects could be manifested in the following two aspects. Firstly, multitudinous ridgy stone peaks and hollow ravines were shaped in the forming process of Danxia Landform. Ecological factors were different between the ravines and other open regions. Relatively close microclimate and high moisture condition in ravines could provide suitable living environment for tropical species which preferred hot and humid environment. Geomorphologic environment in ravines, like smooth degree of surrounding cliffs, would affect intensity of light reflected into ravines. All the aspects had influence on the temperature and humidity in ravines. Secondly, the special ecological effects of ravines in Danxia Landform provided a possibility to gestate a group of taxa with greater tropical characteristics. There, tropical plant flora was markedly increased in comparison with other vegetations at similar latitude. Tropical plant distributions were obvious in most ravines of Danxia Landform. Its proportion was 10% more than that of other regions at the similar latitude. The ravines in Danxia Landform were rich in liana, ferns and other plants with high water-logging resistance. Collectively, the phenomena that some typical species in south subtropical regions appeared in mid-subtropical regions revealed latitudinal shift of plant distribution. This kind of climax communities, which were coordinated and balanced with their geomorphologic environments due to the special ecological effects of ravines in Danxia Landform, could be called geo-climax communities. 相似文献
丹霞地貌沟谷生态效应 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
以广东省丹霞山为研究实例,探讨丹霞地貌特殊的沟谷生态效应.结果表明,丹霞地貌的特殊沟谷生态效应体现在以下两个方面:第一是丹霞地貌演变过程中形成了众多石峰隆起和沟谷凹陷,特殊的地貌环境使得沟谷中的生态因子与其它非丹霞地貌开阔区域产生差异,小气候相对封闭,水湿条件极好,为喜高温高湿的热带物种提供了较好的生存环境;沟谷所处位置的地理环境,如四周崖壁的光滑程度会影响到太阳光反射到沟谷的光强,这些都会对沟谷中的温湿度产生影响.第二是丹霞地貌特殊的生态条件,为沟谷地带孕育出一批热带性较强的分类群提供了可能,与相近纬度的诸多植被相比,丹霞地貌植物区系热带性明显增强,热带分布区类型所占比重比同纬度区域要大10%以上,大多数沟谷中热带性物种分布现象比较明显,藤本分布较多,蕨类植物也较丰富,耐水湿的植物区系发育良好;这实际上造成了植物水平分布上的移位,使中亚热带区域中分布有南亚热带甚至热带区域的物种,出现了由于其特殊的沟谷地貌效应而形成的与其地貌条件保持协调和平衡的演替顶级群落类型,称为地貌顶级群落. 相似文献
丹霞地貌山顶生态效应 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
首次探讨了丹霞地貌山顶生态效应现象,揭示特殊的地貌、形态所产生的特殊生态现象.测定广东省丹霞山宝珠峰和海螺峰的山顶的生态因子特征、群落结构特征和物种生态型特征,并与山脚的群落与种群以及相近非丹霞地貌区作比较.结果表明,山顶的平均温度高于山脚沟谷,平均湿度小于山脚沟谷,群落物种数和物种多样性均小于山脚沟谷.相比山顶而言,山脚沟谷的植物有很强的热带性.这些特征都有别于一般非丹霞地貌山地.另外,在山顶和山脚调查的几个种群在叶面积、比叶面积、树皮、枝下高和冠幅等方面,均出现了生态型的差异.讨论了丹霞地貌山顶对生态型研究、岛屿理论研究和适应性进化研究的科学意义. 相似文献
The hilltop ecological effect of Danxia Landform generated by the distinct physiognomy and topography was investigated. The characteristic differences in ecological factors, community structure and species ecotype between hilltop and foot gulch and those of adjacent non-Danxia Landform were determined. The results showed that the mean daily temperature on the hilltop was higher than that at the foot gulch. But the average relative humidity and community diversity on the hilltop were lower than those at the foot gulch. In contrast to those on the hilltop, plants at the foot gulch showed stronger tropical character. All of the characteristics above were different from those in other landforms. In addition, ecotypic differentiations in leaf area, specific leaf area, bark, height under branch and crown width were found in the studied species between the hilltop and the foot gulch. Moreover, the hilltop of Danxia Landform was thought to be of significance in the scientific research of ecotype, island biogeography and adaptive evolution. Further studies are needed in order to better understand the universality of ecological effect on the hilltop of Danxia Landform. 相似文献
湖南丹霞地貌区的苔藓植物多样性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
丹霞地貌是一种特殊的红层地貌,拥有独特的植被和植物区系组成。苔藓植物在丹霞地貌植被演替中具有重要的生态意义,但其基本的种类组成和分布却不清楚。通过野外考察和标本鉴定,共发现湖南丹霞地貌区苔藓植物53科96属174种(包括变种和亚种),其中苔类植物21科24属36种,藓类植物32科72属138种,其中台湾曲柄藓(Campylopus taiwanensis)、芒尖毛口藓(Trichostomum zanderi)、小火藓(Schlotheimia pungens)、中华细枝藓(Lindergiasinensis)、疏叶叶苔(Jungermannia laxifolia)和刺叶拟蒴囊苔(Saccogynidium irregularispinosum)等6种为中国特有种;铜绿净口藓(Gymnostomum aeruginosum)、稀枝钱苔(Riccia huebeneriana)、羽枝片叶苔(Riccardia multifida)等30个种为湖南新记录种。在174种中,稀有种为87种,如梨蒴珠藓(Bartramia pomiformis)、小火藓、毛枝藓(Pilotrichopsisdentata)等,这些种大多生态幅狭窄,对生境要求较苛刻,常见种(22种)和非常常见种(30种)共52种,多为生境广泛种或世界广布种,如地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)等。文中还提供了详细的湖南丹霞地貌苔藓名录及其凭证标本信息,并建议优先保护崀山无底洞和万佛山三十六湾两个苔藓丰富的小区。 相似文献
2010年8月1日,世界遗产委员会批准了贵州赤水、福建泰宁、湖南崀山、广东丹霞山、江西龙虎山和浙江江郎山6个国家级风景名胜区以"中国丹霞"系列提名的形式列入世界遗产名录;同时,在中国诞生和发展起来的丹霞地貌获得了国际认可,填补了世界遗产在地貌类型上的空白。在中国丹霞申报阶段,规划提出6省组建"中国丹霞世界遗产保护管理委员会"、"中国丹霞世界遗产专家委员会"和"顾问委员会";同时,制定了遗产地突出普遍价值的保护、分级与分区保护、环境保护、旅游管理、居民参与和社区发展、宣传与展示、科学研究、遗产地监测等保护与利用方案,提出了财政与法律保障、行动计划和预算方案等。上述规划在遗产申报和申报成功之后陆续得到实施。 相似文献
长白山植被类型特征与演替规律的研究 总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15
根据多次对长白山植被调查和长期定位观测资料 ,全面系统地总结了长白山植被类型特征和演替规律 ,详细描述了长白山地带性和非地带性植被类型的性质、组成、结构和分布规律 ,探讨了长白山植被演替与火山爆发的关系。提出长白山植被垂直分布基带应是红白松阔叶混交林 ,也是长白山地带性植被类型。但由于长期受人类活动影响 ,削弱了地带性表现 ,形成大面积的天然次生林和耕地。据此不应该认为 ,人类能消灭客观自然规律的植被分布的地带性 ,为了恢复地带性植被和定向改造自然 ,应引进地带性树种 ,营造结构合理、种类多样和稳定性强的森林群落。 相似文献
The concept of ecological memory provides a new perspective for research on forest succession by including historical factors and the initial state of ecological processes. However, there are still significant gaps between the concept and its application. We selected nine proxy indicators (plant species, soil seed banks, soil microbes, soil animals, birds, soil age, soil pollen, soil mineral distribution, and light environment) and developed a method to quantify ecological memory and succession in a subtropical forest succession in South China. Taking the climax-monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest as the reference ecosystem, we found that ecological memory increased nonlinearly and accumulated following a specific assembly rule during succession. Memory concerning major soil microbes and soil animals, which improve the soil substrate, mainly accumulated from the initial to the early successional stage. Memory concerning the number of bird species and the availability of light, which ensure a source of regenerative seeds and the survival of understory seedlings, mainly accumulated from the early to middle successional stages. Memory concerning vegetation and soil seed banks mainly accumulated late in succession, guaranteeing that the ecosystem would reach the regional climax stage. Prospective memory was greater than retrospective memory in every successional stage except the late stage, which indicated that all stages but the late stage were undergoing progressive succession. Our study demonstrates that the concept of ecological memory and the proposed evaluation framework are useful for guiding research on succession and restoration, and especially for assessing how “far” a restored ecosystem is from a reference ecosystem or how far a restored ecosystem has deviated from its natural succession trajectory. 相似文献
Danxia landform, a unique type of petrographic geomorphology, sporadically occurs in southern China. There are about 400 rare or threatened plants and animals in this landform, but little information on genetic aspects of these species has been available. Of them, Firmiana danxiaensis is a dominant tree species endemic to Mount Danxia, a typical Danxia landform in northern Guangdong, China. In this study, we examined genetic diversity and population structure of F. danxiaensis, in comparison with two other narrowly distributed Firmiana species, Firmiana hainanensis and Firmiana kwangsiensis, which grow in non-Danxia-landform regions. Nine microsatellite markers were used to investigate genetic diversity and differentiation in a total of 256 individuals from nine populations of F. danxiaensis, three of F. hainanensis, and one of F. kwangsiensis. The results showed that F. danxiaensis had the lowest genetic diversity (HE = 0.364 ± 0.019) among the three species, but weak population structure similar to another Firmiana species (FST = 0.042 and 0.020, respectively). This low genetic diversity observed in F. danxiaensis is possibly due to confined natural distribution range and strong selective pressure in soils of Danxia landform, which may also be true for other endemic species in Danxia landform. For the long term survival of these endemic species, habitat conservation and anthropogenic introduction to similar habitats such as the adjacent Danxia landform areas should be two major strategies. 相似文献
对松嫩平原碱化草甸恢复演替系列4个群落优势种种子源库、土壤种子库及幼苗库进行了比较,建立了种子流模型.结果表明:演替初期虎尾草群落优势种种子源库密度最大,为(446182±180455)粒.m-2,分别是演替中期星星草群落的7.2倍、演替后期星星草 羊草群落的11.4倍、演替顶极羊草群落的164.8倍.土壤种子库和幼苗库密度均以虎尾草群落最大,分别为(63650±14541)粒.m-2和(39160±15192)株.m-2,羊草群落最小,分别为(14310±7686)粒.m-2和(790±745)株.m-2,大体呈随着恢复演替进程而递减的趋势.全体演替系列群落输出的实生苗均以虎尾草为主,占79.8%~100%.在种子流中,优势种的种子源库向土壤种子库输入率在10%~35%之间,输出率差异则较大,虎尾草群落高达62.3%,但星星草群落和羊草群落均没有优势种的幼苗输出. 相似文献
Forest stand development was simulated using a forest succession model of the JABOWA/FORET type. The environmental conditions are representative for a wide spectrum of Swiss forest sites ranging from 220 m to 1 700 m a.s.l. Each model run covers a period of 1 200 yr and is based on the averaged successional characteristics of 50 forest plots with an individual size of 1/12 ha. These small forest plots serve as basic units to simulate establishment, growth, and death of individual trees of 29 species. Existing light in the forest stand, climatic conditions, soil properties, and other environmental factors control the growth of each individual tree. Compared with previous simulation studies, some major modifications were made, including the incorporation of the indicator values of Ellenberg (1979) to describe the ecophysiological behaviour of the species considered. As a test, the simulated species composition through time was compared with the actual vegetation and the potentially natural species composition on the corresponding site types. The extensive comparison revealed that approximately 80% of the simulations match the expected species configurations. Thus, it was concluded that the model is valid for the purpose of evaluating impacts of natural and human disturbances on forest communities. 相似文献
广西木论喀斯特森林土壤养分水平与植被及地形的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了广西木论喀斯特森林原生植被和次生植被的土壤养分特征,测定了陡坡、缓坡、洼地3种主要地形内林地0~5 cm表层土壤中的有机质(SOM)、氮、磷、钾含量,以及它们在石土面、土面两类主要小生境间的差异.结果表明:林分成熟度高、优势种不明显的原生林积累了高水平的SOM,缓坡石土面最高,达345 g kg-1,洼地的含量较低,但仍在80 g kg-1以上;土壤全氮(TN)、碱解氮(AN)含量也较高.以红背山麻杆(Alchornea trewioides)、广西野桐(Mallotus conspuyrcatus)、伞花木(Eurycorymbus cavderiei)等为优势种的次生林,物种多样性较原生林低,SOM、TN、AN含量也低,缓坡石土面和土面小生境的SOM分别为110 g kg-1和77 g kg-1,是原生林的32%和35%,下降幅度最大,其次为陡坡,而洼地的差异不明显.全磷(TP)、有效磷(AP)、全钾(TK)、有效钾(AK)含量在两林型间差异无明显规律.原生林和次生林土壤养分含量(除TK外)以缓坡>陡坡>洼地;但次生林中三者间无显著差异.同类型样地内小生境土壤养分含量(除TK外)均为石土面含量高于土面. 相似文献
Anthony R. Russo 《Hydrobiologia》1978,60(1):33-48
A one year study of a 0.9 hectare permanent alkaline pond (mean depth lm) in southern England has shown that phytoplankton productivity was highest during fall and spring. Hourly rates of photosynthesis ranged from almost zero in the winter to a peak of 475 mgC/m3/h in the fall. Daily gross primary productivity per unit area varied from 0.1–2.5 gC/m2/d. The annual gross primary productivity of phytoplankton was estimated to be .157 KgC/m2/y.The submerged angiosperm, Ceratopyllum demersum was the dominant macrophyte covering over 55% of the pond in the summer. It reached a peak biomass of 235 g/m2 (ash free) in July. This macrophyte had a net annual primary productivity of 2.89 metric tons (ash free)/ha/y. When phytoplankton gross production was converted to net, it showed an energy production of 3.29 × 106 J/m2/y compared with 6.25 × 106 J/m2/y for macrophytes. Values of net production efficiencies ranged from .11% for phytoplankton to .21% for macrophytes.
Cryptomonas dominated the microphytoplankton in terms of numbers for most of the year. Diatoms were abundant especially during the spring bloom. The genus Cocconeis dominated fall and winter diatom standing crops while Cyclotella and Navicula dominated the spring peak. Diatom abundance varied inversely with silica concentrations. Peridinium, the dinoflagellate, seemed to prosper when Cryptomonas was scarce. The colonial alga, Volvox aureus, had an intense growth in October probably due to heavy rains and relatively low nitrogen levels.The pond zooplankton diversity was low. Copepod and cladoceran populations were predominantly of one species. The copepod Cyclops fimbriatus and the cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus were fall/winter forms. They were succeeded by Cyclops vicinus and Bosmina longirostris in the spring. Rotifers were very abundant during a spring peak prospering on algal cells produced in the spring bloom two weeks earlier. 相似文献
Testing the assumptions of chronosequences in succession 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Many introductory ecology textbooks illustrate succession, at least in part, by using certain classic studies (e.g. sand dunes, ponds/bogs, glacial till, and old fields) that substituted space for time (chronosequence) in determining the sequences of the succession. Despite past criticisms of this method, there is continued, often uncritical, use of chronosequences in current research on topics besides succession, including temporal changes in biodiversity, productivity, nutrient cycling, etc. To show the problem with chronosequence-based studies in general, we review evidence from studies that used non-chronosequence methods (such as long-term study of permanent plots, palynology, and stand reconstruction) to test the space-for-time substitution in four classic succession studies. In several cases, the tests have used the same locations and, in one case, the same plots as those in the original studies. We show that empirical evidence invalidates the chronosequence-based sequences inferred in these classic studies. 相似文献
Melanie Bradley Alan House Michael Robertson Clyde Wild 《Ecological Management & Restoration》2010,11(2):113-118
Summary Broadscale land‐clearing in the Queensland Brigalow Belt has resulted in widespread decline in ecological values including biodiversity loss and impairment of ecosystem processes and functions. More than 90% of brigalow ecological communities, i.e. those that have Acacia harpophylla, F. Muell. ex Benth (Brigalow) as a dominant and co‐dominant, have been entirely cleared or severely degraded in recent decades. In spite of this wide‐ranging disturbance, partial ecological recovery may be possible in the Queensland Brigalow Belt through the retention of regrowth brigalow stands. Few studies, however, have quantitatively examined brigalow vegetation succession, particularly in the context of cost‐effective ecological restoration. This study used a chronosequence approach to examine how species richness, abundance and structure change in brigalow woodlands with years since clearing. Floristic and structural characteristics were surveyed in 18 brigalow stands, of varying years since clearing, in the southern Queensland Brigalow Belt. Linear models were fitted for years since clearing versus total number of woody species, tree cover, shrub cover, herbaceous cover and litter cover. Regrowth brigalow communities were found to follow the inhibition model of succession, with Acacia harpophylla assuming dominance. The linear models suggested that at least 90 years of recovery would be required post‐clearing, before regrowth woodlands regained 90% of the species richness and structural characteristics of mature woodlands. Management practices such as thinning the dominant species and allowing for the accumulation of logs and litter may be necessary for promoting recovery of vegetation diversity and structural heterogeneity. 相似文献
[目的] 黄河三角洲区域具有重要的湿地生态系统。碱蓬、野大豆和芦苇是该地区典型的盐生植物。本研究针对碱蓬、野大豆和芦苇混生植物的根际土壤微生物群落组成和功能基因进行了分析比较。[方法] 对碱蓬,野大豆-芦苇混生植物的根际微生物菌群和光滩土壤菌群进行了宏基因组测序,使用COG和KEGG数据库对微生物菌群的功能进行了注释和比较。[结果] 本研究结果表明,变形菌门是3个取样点的主要菌门,其在碱蓬、野大豆-芦苇根际土壤中的相对含量比光滩土壤分别多28.8%和10.6%。此外,拟杆菌门、放线菌门和芽单胞菌门是3个取样点中的优势物种。中华根瘤菌属是野大豆-芦苇混生植物根际土壤的最主要的属。对功能基因进行分析表明,光滩土壤中的功能基因的数量多于碱蓬根际土壤和野大豆-芦苇混生植物根际土壤的功能基因数。在这3个位点中,氨基酸代谢、碳水化合物代谢和能量代谢,以及无机离子转运和代谢的基因最多。[结论] 本研究为发掘有价值的微生物资源和海岸带盐碱土壤修复提供了一定的理论基础。 相似文献
人类活动与景观格局的关系及其调控,一直是景观生态学研究的核心领域之一。农牧交错带因其环境波动、土地宜农宜牧和政策摇摆,自然生态和地方文化逐渐式微,保护和恢复现有的半自然景观以及由此产生的生物、生态和文化等功能的任务越来越紧迫。本研究以位于农牧交错带的宁夏盐池县皖记沟村为对象,运用遥感资料和访谈调查、地学考察相结合的方法,分析1964—2019年景观变化特征,探讨其景观演替规律及其自然和社会驱动机制,以及景观类型之间的互作机制。结果表明: 研究期间,皖记沟村由草地、耕地、沙地为主的景观结构演变为以草地、灌木林地、沙地、耕地为主的景观结构,由景观功能分离竞争向初步整合转变,形成了草地-耕地-沙地-灌木林地等确定的演替路径。景观演变的主要驱动机制是政策、人类需求和环境的综合作用。政策往往通过大型的、集中的人类活动促进景观发生改变,而环境通过生态系统内在驱动力,促使景观朝着与本底条件相适应的方向演替。景观演替的主要机理是土壤物理结构变化引起的土壤水分变化以及能适应新环境的植被变化。在资源密度较低的农牧交错带,景观功能分离是引起土地沙化的主要原因之一,景观功能的整合、协同大大缓解了生态恶化的局面。将景观分离竞争转化为景观共生,实现景观类型的互补乃至与外来资源的整合,是维持农牧交错带可持续发展的关键途径。 相似文献