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Without a robust and healthy root system, establishment, productivity, and persistence are compromised. Consequently, research on alfalfa root morphology and health is very important in development of technology for efficient improvement and production of alfalfa. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the root morphology and health of three alfalfa varieties, Algonquin, Golden Queen, and Yellow Flower and to determine relationships among root morphology traits and root health. Yields from these varieties ranged from 5.83 to 43.93 t/ha, total root length ranged from 215.17 to 708.89 mm, root surface area from 124.95 to 468.37 cm2, volume from 3.24 to 57.72 cm3, and forks from 1.25 × 103 to 10.54 × 103, and tips from 0.65 × 103 to 3.17 × 103. Root infestation score was negatively correlated with yield (r = ?0.997, P < 0.01), and was positively correlated with all root morphology traits (r = 0.466–0.997, P < 0.01), and yield was negatively associated with root morphology traits (r = ?0.755 to ?0.998, p < 0.01) with the exception of root tips (r = 0.448, P < 0.01). Results from these analyses indicated that root infestation score was the lowest averaged over age of alfalfa stand in Algonquin. Yield in 2-year old stands was greater in Golden Queen compared to the other two cultivars.  相似文献   

研究了9个紫花苜蓿品种在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区根系的发育能力,结果表明,紫花苜蓿侧根发生的主要部位在距地表10-20cm的主根段,50cm以下没有侧根发生,品种间侧根发生总数以Sandili和Ameristand201最大,陇东苜蓿最低;品种间根系体积和生物量的垂直分布,除Sandili,Amerigraze401,Ameristand201在土壤20-30cm层的根系体积的生物量大于10-20cm层的根系体积和生物量外,其余品种表现为从土壤表层到深层逐次递减。品种间根系生物量从Ameristand201最大,为170.54g,陇东苜蓿最低,仅为38.25g,是Ameristand201的22.4%;品种占有的地下资源空间Ameristand201和Sandili较大,陇东苜蓿最小,经聚类分析,参试的9个品种可分为3类,其中Sandili,Amerigraze401和Ameristand201在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区根系发育良好。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙区紫花苜蓿生长发育模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
白文明  包雪梅 《应用生态学报》2002,13(12):1605-1609
借鉴积温学的原理,结合紫花苜蓿(Meicago sativa)生理生态学特性,建立了水分限制条件下干旱沙区紫花苜蓿生长发育模拟模型,该模型主要由生长发育阶段子模型,叶面积动态子模型,干物质积累子模型和干物质分配子模型组成。模拟计算结果表明,该模型能较好地预测沙地紫花苜蓿生长发育进程,叶面积变化动态及牧草产量变化动态,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

在河西走廊灌区对12个适宜于灌溉条件下种植的速生型紫花苜蓿材料的粗蛋白(CP)、饲喂价值(RFV)2项营养指标及单株生长高度、单株分枝数、鲜草产量、干草产量、茎叶比、植株数目6项农艺性状指标进行测定,并采用灰色关联度法对12个紫花苜蓿材料从产量、营养品质及综合生产性能3个方面分别进行综合评价。结果表明:在产量指标综合评价中,G材料、新疆大叶紫花苜蓿和I材料排名前3位;在营养指标综合评价中,新疆大叶紫花苜蓿、I材料排名前2位,排名第3位的是H材料,G材料排名第4位;生产性能指标综合评价中,G材料、新疆大叶紫花苜蓿、I材料排名前3位。综合3个方面的评价结果,G材料、新疆大叶紫花苜蓿、I材料表现优异,适宜在河西走廊灌溉地区大范围推广种植。  相似文献   

Summary Different nodulation capacities were found among nine different varieties of alfalfa, cultivated in the Central region of Mexico, by Rhizobium meliloti 2011. A correlation between nodulation capacity and foliar dry weight was observed, which points to a genotype dependance on these parameters. A correlation between the nodulation capacity and the R. meliloti nod-gene inducing activity of the root exudates from the different varieties, as measured by -galactosidase induction in a test system consisting of a R. meliloti nodC-lacZ strain incubated with each root exudate, was established. When the root exudate from the best nodulating variety was added to the four poorest nodulating varieties, an increase in nodule formation was observed. We conclude that root exuded nod-gene inducing signals are a symbiotically-limiting component in natural populations of the poorest nodulating varieties of alfalfa.  相似文献   

中国主要苜蓿品种的产量性状及其多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对28个4龄苜蓿品种单株产量性状及其相关性和变异进行了研究.结果表明,品种间单株干物质产量及各产量性状存在显著差异,其中单株干物质产量最高和较高的分别是新疆大叶(452.8g·株^-1)和甘农3号(373.0g·株^-1);叶片最宽和最长者均为新疆大叶和甘农3号;单株枝条数增加最多是第3茬,3茬单株枝条数最高和较高的品种是新牧1号、图牧2号、肇东和北疆;苜蓿株高生长高峰期在第1茬,生长最快的品种为甘农3号和新疆大叶.相关分析表明,单株干物质产量与株高及枝条数等构成因素之间存在显著或极显著相关,其中1、3茬株高及3茬单株枝条数等性状相关最好,呈显著相关的品种达19~22个,且相关系数亦最高.产量性状变异分析表明,品种内变异大于品种间变异,前者占总变异的76.0%~93.8%,而后者仅占6.1%~24.0%.各性状变异程度表现依次为3茬单株枝条数>单株干物质产量>1茬单株枝条数>2茬单株枝条数>春季株高>3茬株高>2茬株高>叶宽>现蕾期株高>叶长>1茬株高.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙质荒漠化评价遥感信息模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
范文义  张文华 《应用生态学报》2006,17(11):2141-2146
采用遥感信息模型对科尔沁沙地奈曼旗荒漠化主要评价因子(植被盖度、生物量和土壤含水率)进行定量反演;利用线形混合光谱分析(SMA)模型计算裸沙占地百分比.通过每个像元可获取全部评价因子的指标值.在现有荒漠化评价方法的基础上,建立以像元为单位的荒漠化程度评价的定量化遥感信息模型,并输出荒漠化程度分布图.选取了60个样点进行评价模型的精度验证,被正确评价的点数为55个.结果表明,该模型对研究区域荒漠化程度进行定量评价,其精度可达91.7%,说明利用遥感信息模型评价土地荒漠化的方法具有较高的科学性.  相似文献   

Summary Ten alfalfa cultivars were used to study the effects of nodulation and variations in resistance to alfalfa sickness. The alfalfa seedlings were planted in sick soil with three treatment,,i.e.: pasteurized sick soil inoculated with Rhizobium ‘Nitragin’ which served as the control, the inoculated non-pasteurized sick soil and the non-inoculated non-pasteurized sick soil. None of the alfalfa cultivars were immune from the sickness. Cultivar ‘Anik’ fromMedicago falcata was among the most resistant cultivars. Three Phytophthora root rot resistant cultivars including ‘Agate’, ‘Apollo’ and ‘Ramsey’ were not resistant to the disease. Alfalfa inoculated with Rhizobium showed greatly improved seedling growth. Correlation coefficients showed that those alfalfa cultivars more resistant to alfalfa sickness produced more dry weight. Dry weight increase due to nodulation (82%) had more than compensated for the loss of dry weight due to alfalfa sickness (33%). The present study suggested that the poor growth of alfalfa on sick soil was attributed to both the soil borne pathogens and the poor nodulation of alfalfa, probably due to the absence of effective Rhizobium in sick soil. Highly significant differences were also obtained among olfalfa cultivars for plant dry weight in the inoculation treatment. Selection for effective Rhizobium strains and for alfalfa genotypes which are resistant to alfalfa sickness and are high in nitrogen fixation rates could improve alfalfa yield in sick soil.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地紫花苜蓿的光合日动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐丽君  王波  孙启忠 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2189-2193
利用Li-6400光合测定系统,田间实地测定了紫花苜蓿3个品种(敖汉苜蓿、Rangelander和 阿尔冈金)的光合作用日变化特征.结果表明:不同生长年限紫花苜蓿3个品种的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)日变化并不完全呈双峰曲线.其中,敖汉苜蓿和阿尔冈金叶片的Pn和Tr峰值均出现在9:00—11:00,Rangelander在11:00,最低值均出现在7:00和19:00;Rangelander和阿尔冈金叶片的WUE最高值出现在7:00,敖汉苜蓿在9:00,最低值均出现在15:00—17:00.综合分析Pn、Tr和WUE 3项指标,2 年生苜蓿各项指标最佳,1年生次之,而4年生最差;对Pn和Tr影响最大的环境因子是气温,其次是水分亏缺和空气相对湿度.  相似文献   

田英  许喆  王娅丽  何建龙  王占军 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1515-1525
沙化土地土壤贫瘠、生产力低,人工植被恢复是重要的土壤改良措施。为研究宁夏银川平原沙地不同人工林栽植对土壤的影响,以银川腹部沙地银川植物园沙化土壤恢复区的2017年3月种植的文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolium)和欧李(Cerasus humilis)人工林地为研究对象,以邻近的长期撂荒地为对照,对土壤质量进行了研究。2020年7—8月采集土样并测定了土壤物理、化学、生物学等20个指标作为土壤质量评价的总数据集,方差分析筛选出差异显著性的9个指标作为重要数据集指标,采用主成分分析法和Norm值建立土壤质量评价指标最小数据集(MDS),利用线性和非线性两种评分方法计算土壤质量指数(SQI)。结果表明:与长期撂荒地相比,银川平原沙化土壤恢复区人工文冠果、欧李林地的土壤理化性质较好,土壤砂粒百分比减少、粉粒和黏粒百分比有所增加,pH降低;有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾等主要养分指标提高,蔗糖酶、脲酶、纤维素酶等主要生物酶活性也高于撂荒地,筛选出的研究区土壤质量评价MDS指标为土壤粉粒百分比和全磷。2种评价方法下,文冠果和欧李人工恢复林地的SQI高于撂荒地,但提高不显著(P>0...  相似文献   

面向土地整治的耕地质量评价优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨面向土地整治的耕地质量评价方法和指标体系,进行土地整治成效分析,是当前土地整治的现实需求.借鉴已有耕地质量评价相关成果,从地学特征、土壤特性、耕作条件、健康状况和生物特性等五个方面改进评价方法和指标体系.以河南省温县土地整治工程进行实证研究,采用综合算法,其中耕地地形特征、土壤性状和耕作条件指数采用加权求和法,健康状况系数和生物特性系数利用“1+X”模型,将耕地质量划分为5个等级,评价项目区土地整治前和整治后耕地质量指数的变化.结果表明:相较于《农用地质量分等规程》,新的耕地质量评价体系应用于土地整治工程实施前后耕地质量评价具有一定的优势,可以更精确地分析土地整治成效.研究结果可为面向土地整治的耕地质量评价工作提供一定参考.  相似文献   

对分布于3种不同沙地生境(半固定沙丘、固定沙丘、丘间低地)黄柳灌丛的根系分布(根的数目与深度分布)和冠层结构特征(叶面积指数、平均叶倾角以及当年枝长度分布)进行了研究。半固定沙丘上的黄柳根系最发达(根系分布深,数量大),固定沙丘的黄柳明显不及前者,而丘间低地的黄柳根系最不发达。粗根(Φ≥5mm)的分布与土壤水分和土壤容重呈显著相关性,细根(Φ<5mm)的分布与土壤容重和紧实度呈极显著相关。不同程度的根系发育导致地上部分的繁茂程度不同分布于半固定沙丘上的黄柳灌丛叶面积指数较大,当年枝平均长度较大,枝长频度分布趋于正态分布;丘间低地的黄柳灌丛叶面积指数较小,当年枝平均长度较小,枝长频度分布趋于对数正态分布;固定沙丘上灌丛的上述特征大致介于二者之间,而其当年枝长度频度符合Weibull分布。  相似文献   

[目的] 评价香蕉自主选育品种对枯萎病病原菌尖孢镰刀菌古巴专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense)热带4号小种(tropical race 4, Foc TR4)的抗性。[方法] 以浸根法和2种灌注法将Foc TR4接种于不同抗性的香蕉品种上,分析接种后香蕉的发病情况,比较筛选这3种评价方法,并评价7个香蕉品种的苗期和田间抗性水平。[结果] 采用浓度为2×105 个·mL-1的PDB培养基Foc TR4孢子悬浮液灌注法进行香蕉苗期抗性评价更为高效可行;综合苗期和田间抗性评价结果,7个香蕉品种的抗性由高到低为:南天黄>红研3号>红研5号>红研2号>滇蕉1号>巴西蕉>红研1号。[结论] 以南天黄作为高抗品种对照,以巴西蕉作为高感品种对照条件下,红研3号和红研5号抗性为中等抗性偏强,红研2号达到中抗水平,滇蕉1号为感病,红研1号为高度感病。  相似文献   


A real-time PCR assay was used to quantify the relationship in alfalfa and pea between disease severity and the amount of Aphanomyces euteiches detected in roots. The study included isolates of race 1 and race 2 of the alfalfa pathovar of A. euteiches and an isolate obtained from diseased pea. Spearman rank correlations between pathogen DNA content and disease severity index (DSI) ratings were positive ( ? 0.57) and significant (P  0.0007) for individual alfalfa plants, bulked alfalfa plant samples, and individual pea plants. In all experiments, significantly more pathogen was detected in susceptible populations than in resistant populations. The results clearly demonstrate that resistance to A. euteiches in both alfalfa and pea is characterized by a reduction in pathogen colonization relative to levels observed for susceptible reactions. The assay was very specific for A. euteiches, producing very linear assays with DNA extracted from pathogen isolates obtained from alfalfa, pea, and bean. Possible applications of the assay in conjunction with other real-time PCR assays specific to other legume pathogens are discussed in relation to simultaneous disease screening for multiple plant pathogens and the study of microbial population dynamics in mixed plant infections.  相似文献   

苜蓿品种(系)对苜蓿斑蚜存活率和生殖力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在田间抗蚜性鉴定的基础上,在室内25℃条件下,选用4个抗蚜性不同的苜蓿品种(系),测定了不同苜蓿品种(系)上苜蓿斑蚜Therioaphis maculate (Buckton)若虫存活率及生殖力的影响。结果表明: 苜蓿斑蚜在不同苜蓿品种(系)3、6叶期及成株期的存活率均以HA-3上最低,分别为8.00%±1.15%,21.27%±7.40%,17.07%±3.03%;Hu上最高,分别为25.63%±3.68%,42.27%±2.76%,55.10%±0.19%;且苗期显著低于成株期。以若虫存活率和内禀增长率作为测定抗生性的指标,供试品种(系)对苜蓿斑蚜抗生性的大小依次为HA-3>G3>JH>Hu,与田间抗性鉴定结果基本相近。  相似文献   

Biotechniques for improving acid aluminum tolerance in alfalfa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), cultivars ARC, Regen Y and Saranac were selected in vitro in a recently developed acid/aluminum toxic media. The new media produced higher initiation rates and higher fresh callus weights than those obtainable with the media described by Meredith and Connor for the selection of aluminum resistant variants in Nicotiana plumbaginofolia. Both rescue and direct initiation yielded adequate amounts of healthy callus for the initiation of embryogenesis. The toxic effect of the acid/aluminum media is expressed in both the percent of explants initiating callus and in the fresh-weights obtained during initiation and two subsequent subcultures.  相似文献   

Summary Anthers of 10 alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) lines were used as initial material for the production of androgenic haploids. More than 30 variants of nutrient media were tested. Twenty five different treatments with low temperatures and gamma rays were tried in order to find optimal conditions for callus induction and organogenesis.The genotype, stage of microspore development, phytohormonal composition of the nutrient media and pretreatment with physical agents, alone or in combination, affected the efficiency of organogenesis and regeneration in anther cultures of alfalfa.Plants exhibited a high degree of variability in their chromosome number. Haploids, dihaploids and mixoploids were obtained.Cytological studies of in vitro pollen development revealed the origin of the regenerants from microspores.Abbreviations BAP 6-Benzylaminopurine - 2-ip 6-(,-dimethylallylamino)Purine - IAA Indolylacetic Acid - NAA Naphthaleneacetic Acid - 2,4-D Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid - CMS Cytoplasmic Male Sterility  相似文献   

A total of 1368 symptomatic plant samples showing different virus-like symptoms such as mottling, chlorosis, mosaic, yellow mosaic, vein clearing and stunting were collected from alfalfa, weed and cultivated plant species growing in vicinity of alfalfa fields in five principal regions of alfalfa production in Saudi Arabia. DAS-ELISA test indicated occurrence of 11 different viruses in these samples, 10 of which were detected for the first time in Saudi Arabia. Eighty percent of the alfalfa samples and 97.5% of the weed and cultivated plants samples were found to be infected with one or more of these viruses. Nine weed plant species were found to harbor these viruses namely, Sonchus oleraceus, Chenopodium spp., Hibiscus spp., Cichorium intybus, Convolvulus arvensis, Malva parviflora, Rubus fruticosus, Hippuris vulgaris, and Flaveria trinervia. These viruses were also detected in seven cultivated crop plants growing adjacent to the alfalfa fields including Vigna unguiculata, Solanum tuberosum, Solanum melongena, Phaseolus vulgaris, Cucurbita maxima, Capsicum annuum, and Vicia faba. The newly reported viruses together with their respective percent of detection in alfalfa, and in both weeds and cultivated crop plant species together were as follows: Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV) {12.5 and 4.5%}, Lucerne transient streak virus (LTSV) {2.9 and 3.5%}, Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) {1.4 and 4.5%}, Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) {1.2 and 4.5%}, Red clover vein mosaic virus (RCVMV) {1.2 and 4%}, White clover mosaic virus (WCIMV) {1.0 and 5%}, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) {0.8 and 3%}, Pea streak virus (PeSV) {0.4 and 4.5%} and Tobacco streak virus (TSV) {0.3 and 2.5%}. Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), the previously reported virus in alfalfa, had the highest percentage of detection in alfalfa accounting for 58.4% and 62.8% in the weeds and cultivated plants. Peanut stunt virus (PSV) was also detected for the first time in Saudi Arabia with a 66.7% of infection in 90 alfalfa samples collected from the surveyed regions during the last visit that tested negative to all the previously detected viruses.  相似文献   

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