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Monogamous and polygynous male songbirds generally differ in their breeding season profiles of circulating testosterone. Testosterone level spikes early in the breeding season of monogamists and then declines, but it remains high in polygynists. Male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) are socially monogamous and exhibit the usual pattern, but experimental maintenance of high testosterone throughout the breeding season alters normal behavior and physiology and affects various components of annual reproductive success but not overall annual success. Because stabilizing selection predicts that alteration of naturally existing phenotypes should reduce lifetime reproductive success, we asked whether prolonged testosterone exposure might impair immune function and perhaps thereby reduce life span. We assessed immune function in captive and wild male juncos that we treated with either testosterone-filled or empty Silastic implants. Results indicate that prolonged elevation of testosterone suppresses antibody production in captive males and cell-mediated immunity in wild males. Together these results suggest that testosterone-treated males may be more susceptible to disease or parasitic infection. As earlier studies have shown, levels of corticosterone as well as testosterone are higher in testosterone-treated males, so it is unclear whether the immune suppression we observed is due to testosterone's direct effects on immunity or testosterone's influence on glucocorticoid production. We discuss results in the context of recent hypotheses regarding life-history theory and potential endocrine-immune interactions.  相似文献   

Testosterone has recently been proposed as a link between male quality and health and the expression of sexual traits. We investigated the relationship between testosterone and measures of the individual condition and health of males in a natural population of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). We also conducted a captive experiment in order to test for the effects of testosterone on resistance to coccidia, which is a common parasite of house finches. Free-living males in better condition had higher testosterone levels and lower corticosterone levels than free-living males in poor condition. In our captive experiment, increased testosterone accelerated the rate of coccidial infection as compared with sham-implanted or gonadectomized males. Although the differences were not significant, free-living males infected with coccidia had lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of corticosterone than males that were not infected. Thus, experimentally elevating testosterone levels in captive males resulted in a higher percentage of infected males, while free-living males with coccidial infection had low testosterone levels. This apparent discrepancy between captive and free-living males in the association of testosterone and disease may be explained by the condition dependence of testosterone. These results suggest that the testosterone-dependent sexual traits reliably indicate male overall condition and health and, thus, females could benefit from assessing potential mates based on these traits.  相似文献   

To explore whether selection for testosterone-mediated traits in males might be constrained by costs of higher testosterone to females, we examined the effects of experimental elevation of plasma testosterone on physiological, reproductive, and behavioral parameters in a female songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). We used subcutaneous implants to elevate testosterone (T) in captive and free-living female juncos. In captive birds, we measured the effects of high T on body mass, feather molt, and brood patch formation. In the field, we monitored its effects on the timing of egg laying, clutch size, egg size, egg steroid levels, incubation, and nest-defense behavior. Females implanted with testosterone (T-females) had significantly higher circulating levels of testosterone than did control females (C-females). Captive T-females had lower body mass, were less likely to develop brood patches, and delayed feather molt relative to C-females. Among free-living females, the interval between nest completion and appearance of the first egg was longer for T-females than for C-females and egg yolk concentrations of testosterone were higher, but there were no significant differences in estradiol levels, clutch size, or egg size. Incubation and nest defense behavior were also similar between T- and C-females. Our results suggest that selection on males for higher testosterone might initially lead to a correlated response in females producing changes in body mass and feather molt, both of which could be detrimental. Other possible female responses would be delayed onset of reproduction, which might reduce reproductive success, and higher yolk testosterone, which might have either positive or negative effects on offspring development. We found no reason to expect reduced parental behavior by females as a negative fitness consequence of selection for higher testosterone in males.  相似文献   

Because testosterone (T) often mediates the expression of attractive displays and ornaments, in the absence of constraints sexual selection should lead to an evolutionary increase in male T levels. One candidate constraint would be a genetic correlation between the sexes that leads to a correlated response in females. If increased T in females were to have deleterious effects on mate choice, the effect of sexual selection on male T would be weakened. Using female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), we tested whether experimentally enhancing female T would lead to a decrease in discrimination between two classes of males, one treated with T (T-males) and one control (C-males). The two female treatments (T-implanted and C-females) spent equal amounts of time with both classes of males, but T-treated females failed to show a preference for either male treatment, whereas C-females showed a significant preference, albeit in an unexpected direction (for C-males). T-females were less discriminating than C-females, irrespective of the direction of their preference. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that circulating hormones can alter female choosiness without reducing sexual motivation. Our results suggest that hormonal correlations between the sexes have the potential to constrain sexual selection on males.  相似文献   

The dark-eyed junco (junco hyemalis) exhibits differential migration in autumn that, in general, results in females overwintering south of males, and young within each sex overwintering north of older birds. Individuals overwintering at higher latitudes face less predictable and more challenging environmental conditions. Rapid increases in circulating levels of the energy-regulating glucocorticosteroid, corticosterone, occur in response to environmental stressors. To establish whether the strength of acute corticosterone secretion was correlated with the probability of encountering poor environmental conditions, we compared the corticosterone stress response (e.g. initial plasma concentrations at the time of capture and 30 min later) in dark-eyed juncos overwintering in Mississippi (MS), USA, near the southern limit of their wintering range, with juncos overwintering in New York (NY), USA, near the northern limit of their wintering range. During two winters, 22 males and one female were sampled in NY; 13 males, 12 females and one bird of undetermined sex were sampled in MS. Not unexpectedly, NY birds carried greater fat reserves that resulted in a significantly higher value of energetic condition (mass corrected for wing cord cubed). There was no difference between the two winters sampled at either site, nor was there an effect of sex on patterns of corticosterone secretion in MS birds. With sexes pooled, MS and NY birds had similar baseline corticosterone levels. However, as predicted, NY birds exhibited significantly higher corticosterone concentrations 30 min after capture. These results support the hypothesis that birds wintering in less predictable, more extreme environments show a higher amplitude corticosterone response, which may enable them to adjust their behaviour and physiology more rapidly in response to environmental stressors such as storms. Adrenocortical sensitivity may be a part of the physiological milieu associated with differential migration in juncos; whether it results from endogenous differences in the migratory programmes of individuals or from acclimatization to local environmental conditions remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Understanding physiological and behavioral mechanisms underlying the diversity of observed life-history strategies is challenging because of difficulties in obtaining long-term measures of fitness and in relating fitness to these mechanisms. We evaluated effects of experimentally elevated testosterone on male fitness in a population of dark-eyed juncos studied over nine breeding seasons using a demographic modeling approach. Elevated levels of testosterone decreased survival rates but increased success of producing extra-pair offspring. Higher overall fitness for testosterone-treated males was unexpected and led us to consider indirect effects of testosterone on offspring and females. Nest success was similar for testosterone-treated and control males, but testosterone-treated males produced smaller offspring, and smaller offspring had lower postfledging survival. Older, more experienced females preferred to mate with older males and realized higher reproductive success when they did so. Treatment of young males increased their ability to attract older females yet resulted in poor reproductive performance. The higher fitness of testosterone-treated males in the absence of a comparable natural phenotype suggests that the natural phenotype may be constrained. If this phenotype were to arise, the negative social effects on offspring and mates suggest that these effects might prevent high-testosterone phenotypes from spreading in the population.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that the experimental elevation of circulating levels of testosterone reduces parental behaviour in male birds, particularly the provisioning of young. The mechanisms responsible for this change in behaviour are not fully understood. In this study, we examine the effects of elevated testosterone on food consumption and prey selection, both of which have potential consequences for nestling provisioning behaviour. We manipulated testosterone and performed two experiments on a captive, non-breeding population of male dark-eyed juncos ( Junco hyemalis ) on long day-lengths. In the first experiment, we subjected juncos to 3 h of food deprivation and compared food consumption and prey size selection by males with elevated testosterone (testosterone males) to that of control males. Testosterone males consumed more food than control males and showed a preference for larger prey. In a second experiment in which small prey were more abundant than large prey, food consumption and prey size preferences did not differ between testosterone and control males. We also manipulated the duration of food deprivation in the second experiment. Males of both treatments consumed more small prey under conditions of mild (1 h) or moderate (5 h) food deprivation and consumed more large prey under conditions of intermediate (3 h) food deprivation. We discuss our results and the effects that testosterone has on self-maintenance behaviour and male parental effort.  相似文献   

Some secondary sexual traits (SSTs) such as structural characteristicsare semi-permanent or static, while others, such as courtshipdisplay, are more labile or dynamic. In this paper we reportresults from two experiments designed to test the relative attractivenessto female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis, Passeriformes, Aves)of a relatively static plumage trait, the amount of white inthe tail, and a relatively dynamic behavioral trait, courtshipintensity. The experiments derived from a study showing that femalejuncos prefer males that court more vigorously. We asked whether femalesalso base their preferences on plumage traits and how they respond whenpresented with a choice between attractive traits that are eitherstatic (plumage) or dynamic (courtship) in nature. In the firstexperiment we presented males to females in paired mate-choicetrials and found that males enhanced with more white in theirtails were more attractive to females than controls with unenhancedtails. Females spent more time with enhanced males and directedmore sexual displays toward them. In the second experiment we testedwhether females preferred males with enhanced tails (a staticSST) or males with enhanced hormone-mediated courtship behavior(a dynamic SST). In this experiment females did not demonstratea consensus preference for either the static or the dynamictrait. Instead, some females preferred the male whose courtshipperformance was enhanced with testosterone, while others preferredthe male with an enhanced tail. We conclude that both kindsof traits are important in junco mate choice, but that somefemales apparently weigh static traits more heavily than dynamicones, while other females use opposite weightings.  相似文献   

The associations among aggression, testosterone (T), and reproductive success have been well studied, particularly in male birds. In many species, males challenged with simulated or real territorial intrusions increase T and levels of aggression, outcomes linked to higher dominance status and greater reproductive success. For females, the patterns are less clear. Females behave aggressively towards one another, and in some species, females respond to a social challenge with increases in T, but in other species they do not. Prior work on female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) had shown that experimental elevation of T increases social status and intrasexual aggression. Here, we conducted two experiments designed to answer three questions: Are endogenous concentrations of T associated with dominance status in captive female juncos? Does dominance status influence readiness to breed in female juncos? And do captive females increase T in response to a challenge? In the first experiment, we introduced two females to a breeding aviary, allowed them to form a dominance relationship and then introduced a male. We found that dominant females were more likely to breed than subordinates, but that dominance status was not predicted by circulating T. In the second experiment, we allowed a resident male and female to establish ownership of a breeding aviary (territory) then introduced a second, intruder female. We found that resident females were aggressive towards and dominant over intruders, but T did not increase during aggressive interactions. We suggest that during the breeding season, intrasexual aggression between females may influence reproductive success, but not be dependent upon fluctuations in T. Selection may have favored independence of aggression from T because high concentrations of T could interfere with normal ovulation or produce detrimental maternal effects.  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding male oscines, song learning and expression are controlled by brain regions (vocal control regions, VCRs) that exhibit seasonal neural plasticity in adulthood. Several VCRs contain androgen receptors, and gonadal androgens play important roles in the control of seasonal structural and functional changes of VCRs. Recent studies also found that adult VCRs are influenced by factors other than gonadal hormones, including photoperiod, but the relative importance of these factors and their mechanisms of action are poorly understood. To address this issue, we investigated the contributions of photoperiod and testicular androgens to the regulation of VCR volumes and to the control of song expression in adult dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis. Exposing castrated (CX) photosensitive males to long days (LD) enhanced their high vocal center (HVc) volumes compared to those of males held on short days (SD). These volumes were not further increased by concurrent testosterone (T) treatment, revealing a marked and gonadal androgen-independent stimulatory influence of photoperiod on the size of this brain region. HVc sizes were smaller in LD-exposed photorefractory than photosensitive males irrespective of whether birds were intact or had been castrated before photoperiodic manipulations, but HVc sizes increased in response to T treatment in intact photorefractory males. Thus, LD exposure can increase HVc volumes in the absence of gonadal T, but large volume induction in photorefractory males requires elevated plasma T levels. Testosterone treatment of SD-exposed photosensitive males increased HVc, but not Area X, MAN, or RA volumes. Only T-treated males sang and this treatment given to castrates was equally effective behaviorally when administered to photosensitive, photostimulated, or photorefractory juncos. This result indicates that the stimulating influence of LD exposure on HVc volumes is insufficient to induce song in the absence of elevated plasma T levels.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of captivity and testosterone treatment on the volumes of brain regions involved in processing visual and spatial information in adult dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). We treated captive and free‐living male juncos with either testosterone‐filled or empty implants. Captive juncos had a smaller hippocampal formation (HF) (both in absolute volume and relative to telencephalon) than free‐living birds, regardless of hormone treatment. Testosterone‐treated males (both captive and free‐living) had a smaller telencephalon and nucleus rotundus, but not a smaller HF or ectostriatum, than controls. We found that free‐living testosterone‐treated males had larger home ranges than free‐living controls in agreement with earlier experiments, but we found no corresponding difference in HF volume. We discuss the implications of the effect of captivity on HF volume for past and future laboratory experiments. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 43: 244–253, 2000  相似文献   

Previously, we found that, unlike adults, adolescent male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) maintained large Area X volumes despite having low plasma testosterone concentrations. Other studies indicate that photoperiod may act independently of testosterone to modulate vocal control region (VCR) volumes in adult songbirds. In the present study, we investigated the effects of testosterone and photoperiod on the volumes of four VCRs in adolescent male juncos. To test the hypothesis that VCR volumes in these males are testosterone independent, we treated birds exposed to short days with testosterone and later compared their VCR volumes with those of birds exposed to short days without testosterone. To examine whether photoperiod alone could affect VCR volumes independent of testosterone, we measured these volumes in photorefractory birds exposed to long photoperiod without testosterone. Administering testosterone induced singing, yet increased the volume of only one VCR, the robust nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (RA). In contrast, long photoperiod increased several VCR volumes (Area X, higher vocal center, and RA) despite low testosterone levels, but did not induce singing. Our results suggest a limited role for testosterone, but an important role for photoperiod, in controlling VCR volumes in adolescent male juncos. In addition, the results demonstrate that singing behavior can be induced in adolescent males without a concomitant increase in most VCR volumes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 550–558, 1998  相似文献   

Many sexually selected traits in male fishes are controlled by testosterone. Directional selection for male ornaments could theoretically increase male testosterone levels over evolutionary timescales, and when genetically correlated, female testosterone levels as well. Because of the negative fitness consequences of high testosterone, it is plausible that female choice for sexually selected traits in males results in decreased female reproductive fitness. I used comparative analysis to examine the association between male peak testosterone expression and sexually selected ornaments. I also tested for genetic correlation between male and female androgen levels. The presence of sexually selected traits in males was significantly correlated with increased peak androgen levels in males as well as females, and female testosterone levels were significantly correlated with male peak testosterone titers, although the slope was only marginally <1. This suggests that selection to decouple high male and female testosterone levels is either weak or otherwise ineffective.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 30 female and 20 male adult desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii, were collected at monthly intervals during the annual reproductive cycle (April to October). Plasma corticosterone and the sex steroids in each of the samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Mean corticosterone levels in males were significantly higher than in females (P < 0.001) in every month. Male tortoises showed a marked seasonal pattern in plasma corticosterone with a highly significant peak in July, August, September, and October that corresponded with a similar peak in plasma testosterone. Testosterone and corticosterone in the male showed a highly significant correlation (P < 0.0001). The pattern of corticosterone in the female was less marked, with a significant peak in May during the mating and nesting season, but no association with the peak in estradiol in late summer was apparent. The highest levels of corticosterone in the males were associated with the peak in spermatogenesis and intense male-male combat. These results support similar data from other reptiles that suggest increased glucocorticoid secretion during periods of increased activity and metabolism.  相似文献   

When selection on males and females differs, the sexes may diverge in phenotype. Hormones serve as a proximate regulator of sex differences by mediating sex-biased trait expression. To integrate these perspectives, we consider how suites of traits mediated by the same hormone in both sexes might respond to selection. In male birds, plasma testosterone (T) varies seasonally and among species according to mating system. When elevated experimentally, it is known to enhance some components of fitness and to decrease others. We report that female T also varies seasonally and co-varies with male T. Female T is higher in relation to male T in sexually monomorphic species and is higher absolutely in females of species with socially monogamous mating systems, which suggests adaptation. We also consider the effect of experimentally elevated T on females and whether traits are sensitive to altered T. We hypothesize that sensitive traits could become subject to selection after a natural change in T and that traits with opposing fitness consequences in males and females could constrain dimorphism. Results from birds, including the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), reveal many sensitive traits, some of which appear costly and may help to account for observed levels of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Female dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) are socially monogamous, but they engage in extra‐pair copulations (EPCs). We examined spatial activity and behavior of female juncos during their fertile period to determine whether they engaged in tactics likely to facilitate EPCs and whether any such tactics varied with the attractiveness of their social mates. We manipulated the attractiveness of social mates by implanting experimental males with tubes containing testosterone (T‐males) and control males with empty tubes (C‐males). Previous findings in free‐living juncos showed that females mated to C‐males were more likely to produce extra‐pair young than females mated to T‐males. We radio‐tracked 13 females (eight C‐mated, five T‐mated) for an average of 15 h each over 3 d during their fertile periods. We predicted that C‐mated females, to compensate for the induced relative unattractiveness of their social mates, would foray from their territories to seek EPCs and as a result would have larger home ranges than T‐mated females. Females of both treatment groups made extra‐territorial forays, some of considerable distances, but we observed no EPCs during forays. Further, neighboring T‐ and C‐males frequently made incursions into the home ranges of T‐ and C‐mated females but we saw no EPCs during these incursions. Our ability to detect statistical differences was limited by sample size, but given that constraint, we found no detectable difference in female home‐range size in relation to the treatment of their mates, nor did other female behavior differ according to male treatment. Male behavior was significantly affected by testosterone treatment. C‐males guarded their mates more closely than did T‐males. We conclude that female juncos make extra‐territorial movements during their fertile period without regard to male attractiveness (testosterone treatment), but we found no evidence that these function as a special tactic to gain EPCs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of captivity and testosterone treatment on the volumes of brain regions involved in processing visual and spatial information in adult dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). We treated captive and free-living male juncos with either testosterone-filled or empty implants. Captive juncos had a smaller hippocampal formation (HF) (both in absolute volume and relative to telencephalon) than free-living birds, regardless of hormone treatment. Testosterone-treated males (both captive and free-living) had a smaller telencephalon and nucleus rotundus, but not a smaller HF or ectostriatum, than controls. We found that free-living testosterone-treated males had larger home ranges than free-living controls in agreement with earlier experiments, but we found no corresponding difference in HF volume. We discuss the implications of the effect of captivity on HF volume for past and future laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

《Bone and mineral》1994,24(1):43-58
This study examined the effects of estrogen (17β-estradiol) and testosterone on the growth of long bones in male and female mice, with and without gonadectomy. Weight and nose-to-tail length were determined at 3 weeks of age at time of gonadectomy, 7 days later at the onset of hormone therapy, and throughout the treatment period. Gonadectomized mice exhibited an initial weight gain during the pretreatment period but length was unaffected. Hormone treatment altered weight gain in surgical and intact animals in a gender- and hormone-dependent manner. Estradiol enhanced weight gain in intact mice, but inhibited weight gain in ovariectomized mice. Lower doses of estradiol increased weight gain in orchiectomized mice at early time points. Testosterone increased weight in intact females and males, but not in gonadectomized mice. Estradiol increased nose-to-tail length in intact females at early time points, but inhibited length in ovariectomized females at later times, and it decreased length in intact males. Testosterone increased length in normal females and normal males. Serum Ca was unaffected by ovariectomy, but orchiectomy resulted in decreased levels. Estradiol reduced serum Ca in gonadectomized animals; serum Ca was increased by estradiol treatment in intact females. Changes in tibial bone weight, ash weight and mineral composition, and relative sizes of epiphyseal and metaphyseal bone were gender-, gonadectomy- and hormone-specific. Bone weight was greater in ovariectomized mice. Ash weight per bone was comparable, but there was an increase in Ca and P content with ovariectomy. Estradiol increased bone weight, ash content, and bone Ca and P in ovariectomized and intact females. Orchiectomy alone did not alter bone weight, ash content, or Ca and P, but orchiectomized mice were sensitive to estradiol; all parameters were increased in the orchiectomized animals treated with estradiol. Analysis of the ash content and Ca and P per mg bone, rather than per bone, demonstrated estradiol and testosterone alter net bone formation, but not the amount of mineral per unit bone. Ovariectomy increased hypertrophic cartilage. While estradiol did not alter tibial area in ovariectomized mice, it caused an increase in intact females. The total amount of growth plate cartilage in ovariectomized animals was decreased by estradiol to levels typical of intact animals due to a greater decrease in the hypertrophic cartilage in the ovariectomized mice, as well as a greater increase in metaphyseal bone area. Testosterone had no effect on these parameters in the females. Orchiectomy decreased the amount of growth plate cartilage, but increased the hypertrophic zone. Estradiol increased growth plate cartilage in intact male mice, but decreased it in orchiectomized mice. This difference was also seen in the hypertrophic zone. Total growth plate cartilage and hypertrophic cartilage were increased by testosterone in intact males, whereas metaphyseal and epiphyseal bone area were decreased. The results show for the first time that there is a gender-specific response in both male and female mice to both estradiol and testosterone, whether or not the animals have been gonadectomized. For many parameters, orchiectomized mice behave like females in response to both sex steroids, indicating that the male gonad is needed for mouse bone to exhibit the male phenotypic response to estradiol and testosterone.  相似文献   

Plasma samples collected from spotted sandpipers during the reproductive season were analyzed for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol-17 beta and progesterone. Prior to incubation, plasma testosterone and DHT levels were significantly greater in males than in females. Estradiol levels of paired females were significantly greater than those of paired males. Testosterone and DHT levels of unpaired resident and paired males were significantly greater than those of incubating and brooding males. A 25-fold decline in testosterone occurred in males from the 1- or 2-egg stage to the 3-egg stage, when incubation is initiated. In females, testosterone values were low in unpaired, brooding, and transient birds. Paired females had levels 7-fold greater than unpaired birds. In both sexes, there was a strong correlation between testosterone and DHT levels. Prolactin values were negatively correlated with testosterone and DHT in males. These results indicate that the high level of intrasexual competition for mates among female spotted sandpipers is not based upon a total reversal of the normal male/female levels of androgens and estradiol. Territoriality and intense competition for mates in females may be based upon enhanced receptivity of neural centers to moderate hormone levels. Relative changes in testosterone between unpaired and paired females indicates that this hormone may play a role in mate acquisition and territoriality of these sex role-reversed females.  相似文献   

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