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Increasing minute ventilation of dry gas shifts the principal burden of respiratory heat and water losses from more proximal airway to airways farther into the lung. If these local thermal transfers determine the local stimulus for bronchoconstriction, then increasing minute ventilation of dry gas might also extend the zone of airway narrowing farther into the lung during hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction (HIB). We tested this hypothesis by comparing tantalum bronchograms in tracheostomized guinea pigs before and during bronchoconstriction induced by dry gas hyperpnea, intravenous methacholine, and intravenous capsaicin. In eight animals subjected to 5 min of dry gas isocapnic hyperpnea [tidal volume (VT) = 2-5 ml, 150 breaths/min], there was little change in the diameter of the trachea or the main stem bronchi up to 0.75 cm past the main carina (zone 1). In contrast, bronchi from 0.75 to 1.50 cm past the main carina (zone 2) narrowed progressively at all minute ventilations greater than or equal to 300 ml/min (VT = 2 ml). More distal bronchi (1.50-3.10 cm past the main carina; zone 3) did not narrow significantly until minute ventilation was raised to 450 ml/min (VT = 3 ml). The estimated VT during hyperpnea needed to elicit a 50% reduction in airway diameter was significantly higher in zone 3 bronchi [4.3 +/- 0.8 (SD) ml] than in zone 2 bronchi (3.5 +/- 1.1 ml, P less than 0.012).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that increased dietary salt consumption worsens postexercise pulmonary function in humans with exercise-induced asthma (EIA). It has been suggested that EIA and hyperpnea-induced airway obstruction (HIAO) in guinea pigs (an animal model of EIA) are mediated by similar mechanisms. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether altering dietary salt consumption also exacerbated HIAO in guinea pigs. Furthermore, the potential pathway of action of dietary salt was investigated by blocking leukotriene (LT) production during HIAO in guinea pigs. Thirty-two male Hartley strain guinea pigs were split into two groups. One group (n = 16) of animals ingested a normal-salt diet (NSD) for 2 wk; the other group (n = 16) ingested a high-salt diet (HSD) for 2 wk. Thereafter, animals were anesthetized, cannulated, tracheotomized, and mechanically ventilated during a baseline period and during two dry gas hyperpnea challenges. After the first challenge, the animals were administered either saline or nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a LT inhibitor. Bladder urine was analyzed for electrolyte concentrations and urinary LTE(4). The HSD elicited higher airway inspiratory pressures (Ptr) than the NSD (P < 0.001) postchallenge. However, after infusion of the LT inhibitor and a second hyperpnea challenge, HIAO was blocked in both diet groups (P < 0.001). Nonetheless, the HSD group continued to demonstrate slightly higher Ptr than the NSD group (P < 0.05). Urinary LTE(4) excretion significantly increased in the HSD group compared with the NSD group within treatment groups. This study has demonstrated that dietary salt loading exacerbated the development of HIAO in guinea pigs and that LT release was involved in HIAO and may be moderated by changes in dietary salt loading.  相似文献   

Isocapnic dry gas hyperpnea causes bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs that is mediated by release of tachykinins from airway sensory nerves. Exogenous neuropeptides can induce microvascular leak. Therefore we tested whether dry gas hyperpnea also elicits bronchovascular hyperpermeability by measuring Evans blue-labeled albumin extravasation along the airways of mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. We found that 1) room temperature dry gas hyperpnea increased Evans blue extravasation in extrapulmonary and intrapulmonary airways as a specific consequence of local airway heat/water losses, 2) capsaicin pretreatment ablated the bronchoconstrictor response to dry gas hyperpnea and reduced bronchovascular leak only in intrapulmonary airways, 3) phosphoramidon given to capsaicin-pretreated animals partially restored dry gas hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction and increased the vascular hyperpermeability response to hyperpnea in intrapulmonary airways, and 4) propranolol administration had no important effects on any of these airway responses. We conclude that dry gas hyperpnea causes bronchovascular hyperpermeability in guinea pigs. Tachykinins have a dominant role in this response in the intrapulmonary airways, although another mechanism may also contribute to the microvascular leak in the extrapulmonary airways.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether hypocapnia causes bronchoconstriction by releasing tachykinins (TKs) from C-afferent nerves in airways. Hypocapnia-induced bronchoconstriction (HIBC) was induced in anesthetized vagotomized guina pigs by ventilating lungs with a heated humidified hypocapnic gas mixture for 15 min after sudden circulatory arrest. The intensity of bronchoconstriction was assessed by calculating changes in dynamic compliance and by measuring the relaxation lung volume at the completion of experiments. Visualization of the airways by tantalum bronchography showed constriction of segmental bronchi with relative sparing of more proximal airways. Hypocapnia-induced bronchoconstriction was prevented by prior administration of salbutamol aerosol. Three experimental interventions were used to investigate the role of TKs in HIBC: 1) repeated capsaicin injections to deplete airway sensory nerves of TKs, 2) treatment with phosphoramidon, an inhibitor of enkephalinase, the main enzyme responsible for TK inactivation, and 3) topical airway anesthesia. Capsaicin pretreatment markedly attenuated the hypocapnia-induced changes in dynamic compliance (P less than 0.0005) and relaxation lung volume (P less than 0.0002), whereas phosphoramidon augmented these changes (P less than 0.02, P less than 0.03, respectively). Topical anesthesia of airways with lignocaine postponed the onset of bronchoconstriction, whereas the longer-acting, more lipid-soluble local anesthetic, bupivacaine, almost completely prevented HIBC. We conclude that, in the guinea pig lung, HIBC is mediated by TKs that are released after the activation of bronchial axonal reflexes.  相似文献   

T H Hsu  Y R Kou 《Life sciences》2001,68(26):2945-2956
Prior airway exposure to wood smoke induces an increase in airway responsiveness to subsequent smoke inhalation in guinea pigs (Life Sci. 63: 1513, 1998; 66: 971, 2000). To further characterize this airway hyperreactivity, we investigated and compared the airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictor challenge before and 30 min after sham air exposure or wood smoke exposure in anesthetized and artificially ventilated guinea pigs. Various doses of substance P (0.8-6.4 microg/kg), capsaicin (0.2-3.2 microg/kg), prostaglandin F2alpha (30-3000 microg/kg), histamine (1-8 microg/kg), or acetylcholine (5-20 microg/kg) were intravenously injected at 2-min intervals in successively increasing doses to obtain the dose required to provoke a 200% increase in baseline total lung resistance (ED200). Wood smoke exposure significantly lowered the ED200 of substance P, capsaicin, and prostaglandin F2alpha whereas sham air exposure failed to do so. Furthermore, wood smoke exposure did not significantly alter the ED200 of histamine or acetylcholine. Pretreatment with phosphoramidon (2 mg/kg), an inhibitor of the neutral endopeptidase (the major degradation enzyme of substance P), before smoke exposure did not significantly affect the smoke-induced reduction in ED200 of substance P. Sectioning both cervical vagi before smoke exposure did not significantly alter the smoke-induced reduction in ED200 of capsaicin or prostaglandin F2alpha. These results suggest that airway exposure to wood smoke acutely produces airway hyperresponsiveness to substance P, capsaicin, and prostaglandin F2alpha, but not to histamine or acetylcholine. Since the combination of phosphoramidon and wood smoke exposure did not result in an additive potentiation of smoke-induced airway hyperresponsiveness to substance P, it is suggested that an inhibition of the degradation enzyme of substance P may contribute to this increase in airway reactivity. Furthermore, vagally-mediated bronchoconstriction does not play a vital role in enhanced airway responsiveness to capsaicin or prostaglandin F2alpha.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the neuropeptide met-enkephalin on histamine-induced bronhoconstriction in an experimental model of asthma. Classic Konzett and R?ssler's method of whole body plethysmography modified by Gjuris, was applied in the study. This method represents a standard experimental model of bronchoconstriction, suitable for the evaluation of peptide effects on the histamine-induced bronchoconstriction. The results of the measurements implicate a dose-related modulatory effect of met-enkephalin on the bronchoconstrictor action of histamine. Met-enkephalin doses of 1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg, respectively, caused statistically significant reduction of the histamine-induced bronchoconstriction. Estimated ED50 dose was 0.235 mg/kg. Further studies are needed to define practical and therapeutical use of the presented observations in respiratory pharmacology.  相似文献   

The magnitude of parasympathetic reflex-mediated bronchoconstriction during histamine infusion was compared in anesthetized paralyzed newborn and adult guinea pigs. The animals were ventilated using a constant-flow ventilator, and the conductance and compliance of the respiratory system were continuously monitored. We found that reactivity to histamine infusion was less in newborns than in adults, because newborns required a larger dose of histamine than adults (300 vs. 125 ng.kg-1.s-1) to produce an equivalent decrease in conductance (42 +/- 13 vs. 42 +/- 15%). Vagal interruption by bilateral cervical vagotomy or muscarinic blockade with atropine (3 mg/kg) significantly reduced the bronchoconstrictor response to histamine in adults. By contrast, neither vagotomy nor atropine significantly changed this response in the newborns. These results indicate the lack of a vagal component in the bronchoconstriction that histamine induced in the newborns. Their relative unresponsiveness to histamine might partly be related to the fact that, in the newborn, histamine mainly acts directly via its airway receptors.  相似文献   

Sasaki, F., Y. Saitoh, L. Verburgt, and M. Okazawa.Airway wall dimensions during carbachol-inducedbronchoconstriction in rabbits. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1578-1583, 1996.Airway wall areais an important determinant of airway narrowing. We hypothesized thatin cross-sectioned peripheral airways, the wall area internal to theouter smooth muscle border (inner wall area) would decrease and theairway wall area external to the outer smooth the muscle layer(adventitial area) would increase during bronchoconstriction because ofthe relocation of blood and/or fluid between these compartments. To test this hypothesis, we used anesthetized open-chest rabbits and measured airway wall dimensions and smooth muscle shortening of membranous airways after carbachol-inducedbronchoconstriction using morphometric techniques. Acute (3-min) andsustained (40-min) bronchoconstriction was induced by aerosolnebulization of carbachol and compared with saline treatment. Afterphysiological measurements, the heart base was snared, and the lung andheart were excised en bloc and frozen by using liquid nitrogen while atranspulmonary pressure of 2 cmH2Owas maintained. The lung was processed for light-microscopicexamination by using a freeze substitution technique. Results show thatadventitial area was significantly decreased aftersustained but not acute bronchoconstriction. The mechanism of thischange, which contradicts our hypothesis, is unclear. However, thedecrease of adventitial area could increase rather than decrease theeffect of lung parenchymal tethering and attenuate airwaynarrowing.


Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is the main feature of allergic subjects/animals, and its underlying mechanism is not clear. We explored whether antigen-induced AHR is associated with cytokine generation, inflammatory cell infiltration, and/or remodeling of airway smooth muscle. Guinea pigs were divided into three groups: control-1, control-2, and ovalbumin (OA). Animals in the control-1 group were not sensitized, while those in the control-2 and the OA group were sensitized with OA. Forty to forty-two days after the initial sensitization or equivalent time, animals in the control-2 group inhaled saline aerosol and those in the OA group inhaled OA aerosol for 30 min. Twenty-four h after OA challenge or equivalent time, animals in each group were further divided into two subgroups: methacholine and hyperventilation. Functional tests were carried out before and after the methacholine or hyperventilation treatment. Immediately after the functional study, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was collected for determination of inflammatory cells and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha. The trachea was then removed to determine smooth muscle mass. In both the methacholine and hyperventilation subgroups, significantly more severe airway constriction was found in the OA group, indicating OA-induced AHR. Eosinophil accumulation increased in the control-2 group and this increase was further augmented in the OA group. In addition, TNF-alpha level and smooth muscle mass significantly increased in the OA group. These results suggest that OA challenge-induced AHR is associated with increases in TNF-alpha level, cellular infiltration, and airway smooth muscle mass.  相似文献   

The effects of body temperature on histamine-induced bronchoconstriction were investigated in anesthetized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. Four groups of guinea pigs were studied with constant body temperatures of 40, 38, 35, and 32 degrees C, respectively. Histamine was infused for 5 min at a rate of 50 ng.kg-1.s-1. Body cooling from 40 to 32 degrees C augmented the bronchomotor responses to histamine, which eventually rose almost fourfold. The enhancement of histamine-induced bronchoconstriction induced by body cooling was not suppressed by pretreating guinea pigs with 5 mg/kg hexamethonium or 5 mg/kg hexamethonium plus 3 mg/kg atropine; neither was the enhancement of histamine-induced bronchoconstriction suppressed in pithed guinea pigs, demonstrating that the autonomic nervous system is not involved in potentiating bronchoconstriction at low body temperatures. These results suggest that, at low body temperatures, increased airway responsiveness to histamine may be because of some direct effect of temperature on bronchial airway smooth muscle.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that tachykinins mediate hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction (HIB) in 28 guinea pigs. Stimulus-response curves to increasing minute ventilation with dry gas were generated in animals depleted of tachykinins by capsaicin pretreatment and in animals pretreated with phosphoramidon, a neutral metalloendopeptidase inhibitor. Sixteen anesthetized guinea pigs received capsaicin (50 mg/kg sc) after aminophylline (10 mg/kg ip) and terbutaline (0.1 mg/kg sc). An additional 12 animals received saline (1 ml sc) instead of capsaicin. One week later, all animals were anesthetized, given propranolol (1 mg/kg iv), and mechanically ventilated (6 ml/kg, 60 breaths/min, 50% O2 in air fully water saturated). Phosphoramidon (0.5 mg iv) was administered to five of the noncapsaicin-treated guinea pigs. Eucapnic dry gas (95% O2-5% CO2) hyperpnea "challenges" were performed by increasing the tidal volume (2-6 ml) and frequency (150 breaths/min) for 5 min. Capsaicin-pretreated animals showed marked attenuation in HIB, with a rightward shift of the stimulus-response curve compared with controls; the estimated tidal volume required to elicit a twofold increase in respiratory system resistance (ES200) was 5.0 ml for capsaicin-pretreated animals vs. 3.7 ml for controls (P less than 0.03). Phosphoramidon-treated animals were more reactive to dry gas hyperpnea compared with control (ES200 = 2.6 ml; P less than 0.0001). Methacholine dose-response curves (10(-11) to 10(-7) mol iv) obtained at the conclusion of the experiments were similar among capsaicin, phosphoramidon, and control groups. These findings implicate tachykinin release as an important mechanism of HIB in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

The effects of tidal volume amplitude on bronchopulmonary reactivity were investigated in three groups of 14 anesthetized paralyzed mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. Animals of group 1 served as control; in animals of group 2, both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems were blocked; in animals of group 3, only the parasympathetic system was blocked. In each group, the animals were randomly divided into two subgroups characterized by their ventilatory pattern: rate of 60/min with a 6-ml/kg tidal volume or rate of 40/min with a 9-ml/kg tidal volume. Bronchopulmonary reactivity to infused histamine was assessed by the respiratory compliance and conductance values measured during bronchoconstriction and expressed as a percentage of the corresponding basal values. In group 1 the animals ventilated with a 9-ml/kg tidal volume were found significantly less reactive than those ventilated with a 6-ml/kg tidal volume. This difference was abolished in groups 2 and 3. These results demonstrate that the effects of increased tidal volume on bronchopulmonary reactivity are vagally mediated and suggest that the decrease observed in histamine-induced bronchoconstriction is mainly due to reflex effects evoked by stretch receptor stimulation.  相似文献   

We examined the role of substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) in the postmortem bronchoconstriction in guinea pig lungs using isolated lungs superfused via the trachea. Airway opening pressure (Pao) during superfusion was monitored and the superfusate collected for analysis of SP- and NKA-like immunoreactivities (SP-LI and NKA-LI, respectively). Peak Pao (39.0 +/- 3.9 cmH2O) was reached 10 min after starting superfusion; Pao decreased slowly thereafter, reaching only 9.9 +/- 2.2% of the peak value 2 h after starting superfusion (P less than 0.005); 12.6 +/- 2.6 and 34.0 +/- 9.7 fmol of SP-LI and NKA-LI, respectively, were found in the fraction corresponding to 10-20 min of superfusion. Recovered immunoreactivities decreased to 5.2 +/- 0.3 and 9.3 +/- 1.8 fmol of SP-LI and NKA-LI, respectively, in the fraction corresponding to 110-120 min of superfusion (P less than 0.05). Inhibition of neutral endopeptidase with thiorphan resulted in significantly greater increases in Pao (P less than 0.005) and augmentation of the recovery of SP-LI and NKA-LI (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.001, respectively). Capsaicin treatment of animals 7-10 days before the removal of their lungs abolished the increase in Pao during superfusion and resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of SP-LI and NKA-LI recovered. Our data confirm that tachykinin release occurs during postmortem bronchoconstriction in guinea pig lungs and, furthermore, that tachykinin degradation by NEP modulates the intensity of this response.  相似文献   

Antigen challenge can provoke acute bronchoconstriction, recognized as immediate asthmatic response (IAR), but the evolving events in this reaction are not well defined. Recently, a novel peptide, designated adrenomedullin, was isolated from human pheochromocytoma, and has been shown to have potent systemic and pulmonary vasodilator activity.The purpose of this study was to elucidate the influence of adrenomedullin in the development of IAR. Passively sensitized guinea pigs were anesthetized and treated with diphenhydramine hydrochloride, and then artificially ventilated. Ovalbumin was inhaled after an intravenous administration of adrenomedullin. Other studies were performed in naive guinea pigs to investigate the airway responses to inhaled methacholine or histamine after an intravenous administration of adrenomedullin. Antigen challenge caused bronchoconstriction in sensitized guinea pigs. Adrenomedullin did not inhibit the antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in sensitized guinea pigs or the dose-dependent responses to inhaled methacholine or histamine in naive animals in spite of its vasodilating effect. We conclude that an intravenous administration of adrenomedullin does not influence antigen-induced bronchoconstriction or bronchial responsiveness to inhaled methacholine or histamine in vivo.  相似文献   

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