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BACKGROUND: Sex steroids affect many peripheral tissue sites in female mammals. Receptors for these hormones have been found in skin, fat, and bone. In women, these tissues can show morphological changes during the menstrual cycle that may be directly related to steroid secretion. METHODS: The present study was done on chimpanzees to document morphometric markers associated with these tissues (anogenital swelling volume, skin fold thickness as indicator of subcutaneous fat, bony diameters of mandible, wrist, and elbow) and to compare them with cyclic patterns of estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, gonadotropins, and prolactin. RESULTS: Swelling volume changed significantly over the menstrual cycle. All other morphometric parameters showed variation without statistical significance. Skin folds were thickest during the luteal phase. Bony diameters displayed similar but less distinctive changes. Testosterone correlated positively with diameter sites, inversely with subcutaneous fat. No relationships with either estradiol or progesterone were found. We assume that subcutaneous fat and morphometric bone parameters exhibit cycle-dependent changes that may be caused by changes in steroid secretion.  相似文献   

The concentrations of LH, FSH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone in serum were measured daily during the menstrual cycle of 100 normal Chinese women. The cyclic changes in LH, FSH, oestradiol and progesterone were typical of ovulatory cycles in women of other ethnic groups as reported in the literature. The geometric mean of the LH midcycle peak value was 51 X 64 i.u./l, the FSH mid-cycle peak value was 11 X 52 i.u./l, the preovulatory oestradiol peak was 1229 X 12 pmol/l, and the progesterone luteal maximum was 53 X 27 nmol/l. The cyclic changes of prolactin concentrations were irregular: the value at mid-cycle was significantly higher than that at the follicular or luteal phases. A correlation between the length of the cycle and mean concentrations of LH and oestradiol at different stages throughout the cycle was shown.  相似文献   

Hormonal levels, mainly those of estrogens, protect women from the appearance of cardiovascular diseases by an increasing nitric oxide (NO) activity. NO is an endogenous vasodilator and antiaggregating substance. We decided to investigate platelet function and plasma levels of nitric oxide during preovulatory and midluteal phases in young and healthy women with normal menstrual cycles (MCs). Nine young, healthy female subjects had recorded three consecutive MCs before entering this program. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was used for the determination of platelet aggregation and NO measurements. Moreover, platelet sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of exogenous NO was tested. The EC(50) of collagen showed no differences between the preovulatory (1.36+/-0.16 microg/mL) and the midluteal (1.31+/-0.08 microg/mL; P, NS) phases. However, the EC(90) during the preovulatory phase was higher (2.05+/-0.2 microg/mL) than during the midluteal phase (1.8+/-0.6 microg/mL). Plasma levels of NO were lower during the preovulatory phase (19.1+/-2 microM) in comparison to the midluteal phase (20.9+/-2.3 microM). Interestingly, the exogenous amount of NO to produce at least half of the inhibition of an EC(90) collagen-induced aggregation was higher at the preovulatory phase (323.3+/-60.9 nM) than during the midluteal phase (240.0+/-37.5 nM; P, NS). We propose that during the follicular phase platelets rather use NO produced by the endothelium; therefore, it is necessary to add more agonist to activate those, but it results in higher consumption of circulating NO, whereas during luteal-phase platelets are not able to use NO, requiring lower amounts of agonist and thus resulting in higher plasma levels of NO. This is an interesting fact in research on cardiovascular diseases of women.  相似文献   

We measured fasting serum and bile lipid concentrations at three intervals during the normal menstrual cycles of 11 healthy women not taking oral contraceptives. In nine of them cholesterol saturation of bile, and therefore presumably the risk of developing gall stones, was higher nine days after midcycle than at the end of menstruation. This change in bile cholesterol saturation was preceded by a significant fall in serum lipid concentrations: during the nine days after mid-cycle serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations fell in nine and eight of the 11 women respectively. Changes in the composition of serum and biliary lipids during the menstrual cycle are presumably due to a direct effect of sex hormones on the liver.  相似文献   

Cellular characteristics of nipple aspiration fluid during the menstrual cycle in healthy premenopausal women Fifteen healthy premenopausal female volunteers underwent weekly nipple aspiration of ductal fluid from both breasts during two menstrual cycles to investigate the variability of the cellular profile of the ductal fluid. Ductal fluid was successfully obtained using breast massage and nipple-areolar suction from 247/280 (89%) breasts. 83% of samples available for cytological analysis were cellular and 30% of cellular aspirates contained ductal epithelial cells identified using standard morphological criteria. No significant variation in cell number or cell type was identified during the menstrual cycle. All samples tested had an 'H' score of zero for oestrogen receptor. Seven out of 14 women expressed the proliferation marker Mcm-2 in the cells of at least one of the specimens, with no evidence of a menstrual cycle influence on expression. In conclusion, the cellular profile of breast ductal fluid did not vary consistently during the menstrual cycle, permitting future breast cancer screening studies incorporating serial nipple aspirations to be performed independent of the phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the phases of the menstrual cycle affect lysine requirement in healthy adult females, as determined by the indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO) method. Five healthy females with regular menstrual cycles were studied at seven graded levels of lysine intake, in random order, with an oral [13C]phenylalanine tracer protocol in both the follicular and luteal phases. A total of 14 studies were conducted for each subject. Breath and plasma samples were collected according to the standard IAAO protocol. Serum 17beta-estradiol and progesterone concentrations were measured on each IAAO study day. The rate of release of 13CO2 from [13C]phenylalanine oxidation (F13CO2) was measured, and a two-phase linear regression crossover model was applied to determine lysine requirement. F13CO2 was higher during the luteal phase (P < 0.001) and was positively associated with serum concentrations of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone. The F13CO2 data were adjusted for subjects and sex hormones and used to define breakpoints for lysine requirements. The lysine requirement of healthy females in the luteal phase was 37.7 mg.kg(-1).day(-1) and higher (P = 0.025) than that of females in the follicular phase (35.0 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)). At all lysine intake levels, plasma amino acids were lower and phenylalanine oxidation was higher in the luteal relative to the follicular phase. Therefore, we reason that the higher lysine requirement observed in the luteal phase is probably due to higher amino acid catabolism.  相似文献   

alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) immunoreactivity (IR) was measured in the blood of 22 healthy women with normal ovulatory process in the early and late follicular (near to ovulation) phases and in the early luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Plasma alpha-MSH IR ranged from undetectable values to 81.3 pg/ml, the highest levels being found in the late follicular phase (15.52 +/- 4.16 pg/ml). In contrast, plasma ACTH IR was always detectable (range: 18.5-63.2 pg/ml), but its concentration did not differ significantly between the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle. High-pressure liquid chromatography fractionation of Sep pak C18-purified alpha-MSH IR revealed in all 3 phases the presence of 3 major peaks of alpha-MSH IR, coeluting with desacetyl-alpha-MSH, alpha-MSH and diacetyl-alpha-MSH, respectively. The most abundant peak always coeluted with authentic desacetyl-alpha-MSH, and the ratio between this deacetylated and the other 2 acetylated forms was similar in the 2 follicular phases (1:1.25 and 1:1.16 in the early and late phase, respectively), but significantly different in the luteal phase (1:0.48). The fluctuations in plasma concentration of the above MSH-related peptides suggest that different rates of alpha-MSH acetylation and release take place in the pituitary gland depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

A study of the changes in CO2 sensitivity at rest was undertaken in 20 regularly menstruating females in an attempt to determine the influence of the menstrual cycle on this variable. A biphasic oral temperature graph was used to signify fertility and demarcate three phases of the cycle. A CO2-rebreathing test was conducted 3 times/wk for 6 wk to obtain CO2 sensitivity and CO2 threshold measures. An analysis of variance was used to compare the results collected in each phase of the cycle for each of the variables. A significant increase was found in the sensitivity to CO2 between the follicular and luteal phases, a significant decrease between the luteal and menstrual phases, and no significant difference between the follicular and menstrual phases. The change between follicular and luteal phases was attributed to the effect of progesterone, which is elevated during the luteal phase. No significant change was found in the CO2 threshold level.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to explore whether changes occur in psychophysiological variables in healthy women not suffering from premenstrual tension. Variations in electroencephalogram frequencies, reaction time, somatosensory evoked potentials, and nerve conduction velocity were examined in a sample of 30 women, in relation to scores from the Hamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Trials and recordings were done weekly. EEG frequencies decreased before menstruation in all subjects. However, there were no significant changes for reaction time, nerve conduction velocity, HAMILTON nor State-Trait Anxiety scales associated with subperiods of the menstrual cycle. To explore the impact of anxiety, high and low anxiety groups were formed. The high anxiety group showed the highest scores in the A-Trait form, longer reaction time, enlarged latencies of the P100, but shorter nerve conduction velocity. Anxiety scores as well as reaction time increased during the premenstrual period only for the low anxiety group. The authors conclude that for some women premenstrual anxiety may be related to previous and continuous high levels of anxiety, which associated with some subtle neurological differences as compared with women who rated in low scores for anxiety.  相似文献   

J Lobotsky  C W Lloyd 《Steroids》1973,22(1):133-137
The target tissues (e.g., hypothalamus, pituitary, uterus and vagina) of mature female ovariectomized rats show selective uptake of radioactivity in one hour after the injection of 6,7, 3H-estradiol-17β in a dose of 0.1 μg per 100 g body weight. Injection of 100 μg norethindrone or norgestrel per 100 g body weight 15 min before or 15 min after the administration of tritiated estradiol reduced the radioactivity in most target tissues, and also in the non-target tissues to a lesser extent. The uptake of radioactivity in the pituitary and uterus is reduced more by norethindrone than by norgestrel treatment when these Steroids were injected 15 min after estradiol-17β injection. It appears that there exists a competitive inhibition of estradiol-17β by these contraceptive Steroids in the rat. It is speculated that such competition with estradiol-17β may be an inherent property of the 17-substituted 19-nortestosterone group of Steroids.  相似文献   

1. Lipoproteins were measured in sera from 11 young women having a similar environment and diet. Sera were obtained at weekly intervals over a 12-week period. The values of the lipoproteins during periods in the normal ovulatory cycle were compared to assess their relation to reported hormone concentrations in blood. 2. Only the 4–0sf (HDL2) (d 1·125 sodium chloride) fraction changed significantly; it increased at ovulation in ten of the 11 subjects and fell as menstruation approached. 3. There was greater variability in most of the low-density rather than the high-density lipoproteins within individuals. The lipoprotein class most characteristic for an individual was the 4–0sf or HDL2 fraction.  相似文献   

During a laparoscopy that was performed between Day -6 and Day +9 of the cycle as related to the day of the LH peak (Day 0), the peritoneal fluid of 100 healthy female volunteers of proven fertility was collected and analysed. Peritoneal fluid volume and concentrations of total protein, albumin, alpha 1-, alpha 2-, beta- and gamma-globulins, IgA, IgG, IgM, haptoglobulin, acid-alpha 1-glycoprotein, alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, C3-, C4- and C-reactive protein were determined. The peritoneal fluid volume and the concentrations of most proteins analysed showed an increase during the post-ovulatory phase of the period investigated. The peritoneal fluid:serum ratio of each individual protein showed a significant inverse correlation with its molecular weight. This confirms the assumption that peritoneal fluid is mainly an exudation product, most probably of ovarian origin.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether (1) there is a menstrual phase effect on blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR), and (2) the effects of physical effort, posture, or moods on BP and HR is mediated by the menstrual phase. Twelve normotensive women, aged between 28 and 50, with normal menstrual cycles were studied. BP was measured at 30- to 60-min intervals during a 24-hr period using an ambulatory BP monitor on Days 1, 8, 15, and 22 of the menstrual cycle. Participants were asked to report their posture, physical effort, and mood (annoyed, tense, and happy) on 5-point Likert-type scales each time the ambulatory BP monitor took measurements. Systolic BP (SBP) was lower on Day 8 of the cycle. Diastolic BP (DBP) and HR were lower on Days 1 and 8. Daytime SBP was affected by the time of the day and posture, but not by moods, whereas daytime DBP was affected by posture and levels of tenseness. The level of physical effort only affected HR, not BP. The average daytime physical and emotional variables had little influence over the average daytime BP. In 1 normotensive women with a normal menstrual cycle, SBP was lower during the follicular phase and DBP and HR were lower during the follicular phase and menstruation even after controlling the effects of other factors. Physical activity or moods had only momentary effects on BP or HR. A cross-validation statistical method used is suggested to study how individuals are affected by various factors. With the use of this method, the inclusion of menstrual phase in the model improved the prediction of SBP for 5 out of the 12 women studied.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is small random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry that are thought to accumulate during development. FA is therefore a measure of one component of fitness, that is, developmental stability. This work is not concerned with permanent between-individual differences in asymmetries but rather with temporary within-individual changes in asymmetry that are related to the menstrual cycle (cyclical asymmetry, CA). We present evidence from studies of non-sexually selected traits (ear and digit size) and a sexually selected trait (breast size) that, in characters made up wholly or in part of soft tissue, CA varies across the menstrual cycle in women. It is highest at the beginning and end of the cycle, when women are generally infertile, and low in mid-cycle, when fertility is highest. Furthermore in mid-cycle there is an indication of a transitory (24-hour) increase in CA followed by a substantial decrease, which may indicate ovulation. Temporal changes in CA could therefore be used by males to indicate a female's position in the cycle. We discuss these findings in relation to (1) our understanding of the evolution of human mating systems, (2) the practical implications of these data in the treatment of infertility and to facilitate contraception, and (3) their relevance to exercise and dieting as a means to minimize across-cycle increases in asymmetry.  相似文献   

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