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It was recently demonstrated that capuchin monkeys notice and respond to distributional inequity, a trait that has been proposed to support the evolution of cooperation in the human species. However, it is unknown how capuchins react to inequitable rewards in an unrestricted cooperative paradigm in which they may freely choose both whether to participate and, within the bounds of their partner's behavior, which reward they will receive for their participation. We tested capuchin monkeys with such a design, using a cooperative barpull, which has been used with great success in the past. Contrary to our expectations, the equity of the reward distribution did not affect success or pulling behavior. However, the behavior of the partner in an unequal situation did affect overall success rates: pairs that had a tendency to alternate which individual received the higher-value food in unequal reward situations were more than twice as successful in obtaining rewards than pairs in which one individual dominated the higher-value food. This ability to equitably distribute rewards in inherently biased cooperative situations has profound implications for activities such as group hunts, in which multiple individuals work together for a single, monopolizable reward.  相似文献   

The silvered leaf monkey (Presbytis cristatus) from South Kalimantan ( Borneo ), Indonesia is a natural host for a variety of filarial nematodes including Brugia malayi and Wuchereria kalimantani . Experimental studies show that it is host for W. bancrofti, a filarial nematode causing elephantiasis in man. Presbytis cristatus is a gregarious primate of primary and secondary forests, roaming in troops of 20-30 members. Primarily a fruit and leaf eater under natural conditions, this monkey can adapt to a laboratory diet of commercial monkey chow supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Troops, led by an alpha male, immediately respond to protect their young during stressful or dangerous situations. Infants are born singly and are bright orange. Transition to the adult grey and black coloration begins three to five months after birth. Silvered leaf monkeys can be readily trapped. Initially they are aggressive and will attack but become tractable several days after capture. Reaching upward is an important feeding behavior of the silvered leaf monkey and they will not feed from the floor of the cage. In the laboratory they are nonaggressive and lend themselves to various procedures such as blood drawing and examination. Silvered leaf monkeys travel well in commercial animal transport cages. In the United Stages they are not an endangered species and can be readily imported. In Indonesia they are not protected by law and can be exported.  相似文献   

Arboreal fauna living in tropical ecosystems may be particularly affected by roads given their dependency on forest cover and the high vulnerability of such ecosystems to changes. Over a period of 4 yr, we followed subgroups of spider monkeys living in a regenerating dry tropical forest with 8.2 km of roads within their home range. We aimed to understand whether roads shaped the home range of spider monkeys and which road features affected their movement. Only 18 percent (3 km) of the spider monkeys’ home range perimeter bordered with roads; these roads had greater habitat disparity between road sides than roads inside the home range. Although monkeys were reluctant to be close to roads, and roadside habitat contained low proportions of mature forest, spider monkeys crossed roads at 69 locations (7.5 crossings per kilometer). The main road characteristic affecting crossings was canopy opening size, with greater probability of crossing where canopy openings were smaller. Our findings support the importance of canopy opening size for road crossing of arboreal taxa, but they also indicate the relevant role roadside forest structure may have. Minimizing canopy opening size and forest disturbance along roads can facilitate the movement of arboreal fauna and preserve the important role of spider monkeys and other arboreal taxa in seed dispersal and thus the maintenance and regeneration of forest diversity.  相似文献   

本文在对金丝猴的三个种群作系统解剖的基础上,与其他灵长类以及金丝猴的三个种群之间进行了比较。结果表明:在金丝猴与其他灵长类进行比较的44个项目中,金丝猴特有者9项;与叶猴相同而与其他灵长类不同者4项;与疣猴类的共同特征9项;与叶猴、类人猿和人相似而为其他猴类所不具备的特征有5项;与类人猿和人相似而为叶猴和其他猴类所不具备的特征有17项。因此,我们认为金丝猴的地位在叶猴之上,是猴超科(Cercopithecoidea) 中最进化的一个属,在灵长类系统发育中处于猴类与猿类之间的中间地位。在金丝猴三个种群之间互异比较中,相互不同的特征均超过60%,似乎完全有理由把它分立为三个种。  相似文献   

Humans can use hand tools smoothly and effectively in varying circumstances; in other words, skillfully. A few other species of primates crack encased foods using hammer tools and anvils. Are they skilled? Positioning the food on the anvil so that it does not fall off when struck is a component of skilled cracking. We discovered that bearded capuchin monkeys deliberately place palm nuts in a relatively stable position on the anvil before striking them. In the first experiment, we marked the meridians of palm nuts where they stopped when rolled on a flat surface (“Stop meridian”). We videotaped monkeys as they cracked these nuts on an anvil. In playback we coded the position of the Stop meridian prior to each strike. Monkeys typically knocked the nuts on the anvil a few times before releasing them in a pit. They positioned the nuts so that the Stop meridian was within 30 degrees of vertical with respect to gravity more often than expected, and the nuts rarely moved after the monkeys released them. In the second experiment, 14 blindfolded people (7 men) asked to position marked nuts on an anvil as if to crack them reliably placed them with the Stop meridian in the same position as the monkeys did. In the third experiment, two people judged that palm nuts are most bilaterally symmetric along a meridian on, or close to, the Stop meridian. Thus the monkeys reliably placed the more symmetrical side of the nuts against the side of the pit, and the nuts reliably remained stationary when released. Monkeys apparently used information gained from knocking the nut to achieve this position. Thus, monkeys place the nuts skillfully, strategically managing the fit between the variable nuts and pits in the anvil, and skilled placement depends upon information generated by manual action.  相似文献   

We present the first systematic field study on the feeding ecology of the mountain monkey (Circopithecus l'hoesti), a semi-terrestrial guenon. We compare our results with findings from a concurrent study of blue monkeys (C. mitis doggetti, which have an overlapping home range) conducted over ten months in the Nyungwe Forest Reserve, Rwanda. The mountain monkeys spent 35% of observation time feeding on terrestrial herbaceous vegetation. Thirty-five fruit and seed species comprised 42% of their diet, and invertebrates composed 9%. They spent 38% of observation time on the ground and 27% of observation time in canopy trees. Individuals were observed for equivalent proportions of time foraging on the ground for herbs and in canopy trees for fruits. Although mountain monkeys primarily foraged in undisturbed open areas, they also used disturbed open habitats for this purpose. Synthesizing our results with Pleistocene forest history and C. l'hoesti evolutionary history, we suggest that, although these monkeys readily use disturbed forest for herb foraging, they are a forest-adapted species which has adopted a terrestrial lifestyle to exploit the abundant herb layer common to montane forests.  相似文献   

Three techniques of observing spider monkeys,Ateles geoffroyi, in the lowland rain forest of Guatemala at the archeological site of Tikal included shadowing animals, observations by a stationary observer above the canopy, and seven-observer “picket lines.” Results indicate (1) total party size in shadow data is larger and probably more representative than that recorded by both stationary methods, (2) the relative proportions of monkeys in the five age/sex classes do not statistically differ among the three techniques, (3) picket line observations permit most accurate age/sex identification, and (4) the adult male: adult female ratio is 36:64.  相似文献   

1. Inapparent infection was called forth in M. rhesus monkeys by means of subcutaneous inoculation of ETBE virus. 2. Viremia was found in 18 (86 per cent) of 21 monkeys. In all the 18 monkeys, specific virus-neutralizing antibodies were found; in 17 of them complement-fixing antibodies developed in addition. 3. Neutralizing antibodies (N greater than or equal to 1.7 log10) were first recorded on 10th day with a peak on 32nd day, retaining, after a small decrease, a relatively high level in all reacting animals. 4. Complement-fixing antibodies were first found on 18th day, showing a peak on 22nd day whereafter they dropped considerably or even disappeared so that on 150th day they were present in a low titre in only 35 per cent of the originally reacting monkeys. 5. The findings were compared with the situation in naturally infected humans and in hamsters infected inapparently (experimentally) with ETBE virus.  相似文献   

Individual trees of the food species of monkeys were identified by placing plastic tapes with an identification number on them in the tropical rain forest of Cameroon, West Africa. In order to determine the use of the feeding trees by monkeys, the ground under each of the trees was checked at least once a week to see if there were any fallen fruits or traces of feeding on fruits. Some fruit species were not fed on by either monkeys or large arboreal squirrels. Among the food species common to both the monkeys and large squirrels, a larger proportion in terms of quantity in each species was mainly eaten by the monkeys except in the case of super-abundantly fruit producing species. The monkeys and large arboreal squirrels were well segregated in their diets. Larger proportions (more than 85% for most of the monkeys' major foods) of fruits of larger sizes were made to fall on the ground by the monkeys and squirrels. The monkeys displayed a tendency to visit fruiting trees rather evenly (even rate of visit = even frequency of visit/duration of fruiting) not ignoring any area of the home range, although a small difference in this tendency was observed between the two study periods, one an abundant season and the other a poor fruiting season. On average, one associated polyspecific group of monkeys encountered only 14 fruiting trees per day. On the other hand, fruits were available all around the year, as the fruiting periods of different tree species were widely distributed around the year, or the fruiting periods of some species were very long. Although the monkeys are able to depend heavily on fruits, the quantity of fruits is not so great. The population size of monkeys is well balanced with the available food supply in the tropical rain forest of West Africa.  相似文献   

Tests of self-awareness in nonhuman primates have to date beenconcerned almost entirely with the recognition of an animal'sreflection in a mirror. By contrast, we know much less aboutnon-human primates' perception of their place within a socialnetwork, or of their understanding of themselves as individualswith unique sets of social relationships. Here we review evidencethat monkeys who fail the mirror test may nonetheless behaveas if they recognize themselves as distinct individuals, eachof whom occupies a unique place in society and has a specificset of relations with others. A free-ranging vervet monkey,baboon, or macaque recognizes other members of his group asindividuals. He also recognizes matrilineal kin groups, lineardominance rank orders, and behaves as if he recognizes his ownunique place within them. This sense of "social self" in monkeys,however, is markedly different from self-awareness in humans.Although monkeys may behave in ways that accurately place themselveswithin a social network, they are unaware of the knowledge thatallows them to do so: they do not know what they know, cannotreflect on what they know, and cannot become the object of theirown attention.  相似文献   

Between September 1987 and May 1988, the time budgets of two groups of rhesus monkeys were investigated. One group inhabited an old Observatory which is now a tourist attraction in the center of Jaipur, India. The other group lived in a hilly forest/temple complex on the outskirts of Jaipur known as Galta. Because it was believed that the monkeys of these two different areas ate different proportions of natural and provisioned food, it was expected that they would have different time budgets. To determine differences in time budgets, a combination of census taking and 10-minute interval scan samples were used to collect comparative data. The analysis of the data revealed that there were differences in the time budgets of the two groups — the Observatory monkeys foraged more, moved less, engaged in fewer aggressive acts, and slept less during the day than the Galta group. These differences are mainly attributed to the 1984–1987 drought, site differences in the variety of natural food resources, and the manner in which the monkeys are provisioned.  相似文献   

Alarm calls can code for different classes of predators or different types of predatory threat. Acoustic information can also encode the urgency of threat through variations in acoustic features within specific alarm call types. Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) produce an alarm call, known as the alarm peep, in highly threatening situations. Infant squirrel monkeys appear to have an innate predisposition to respond to alarm peeps but require experience to associate alarm peeps with the appropriate type of predatory threat [Herzog & Hopf, American Journal of Primatology 7:99-106, 1984]. Little is known about age-related differences in the type or frequency of response to alarm peeps, or the development of alarm peep response in infants. The purpose of this study was to test experimentally the response strategies of different age classes of squirrel monkey to the playback of alarm peeps that were produced by infants, juveniles, or adults. Results suggest that infants, juveniles, and female subadults respond more frequently to alarm peeps than do adult females. Infant squirrel monkeys showed different behavioral strategies in response to alarm peeps as a function of age. Adult females differentiate between infant and adult alarm peeps by responding more frequently to the alarm peeps of adult females. These data demonstrate that squirrel monkeys use acoustic information to discern when to respond to the alarm peeps from conspecifics, and that infants gradually develop an adult-like response to alarm peeps over the first year of development.  相似文献   

The colony of free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, was surveyed for leptospiral agglutinins. Only 5 (3%) of 169 monkeys (25% of the population) were seropositive (titers of ? 1:100). An additional 29 animals (17%) had titers ?1:50. The proportions of seropositive males and females were 22% and 18%, respectively, and twice as many adult as immature animals (32% vs. 15%) were positive. In most seropositive monkeys a single serogroup predominated, Icterohaemorrhagiae being recorded in nearly 60% of these animals. In a follow-up survey conducted a year later, 4% of 158 of the original monkeys were seropositive, with titers of from 1:100 to 1:200. None of 22 Rattus rattus captured on Cayo Santiago had agglutinins to pathogenic serovars. Despite contact with rats and ingestion of stagnant water, the serological evidence, the excellent clinical condition, low mortality, and high reproductive rates of the Cayo Santiago macaques indicate that leptospirosis is not a health problem in this free ranging monkey colony.  相似文献   

Prosocial decisions may lead to unequal payoffs among group members. Although an aversion to inequity has been found in empirical studies of both human and nonhuman primates, the contexts previously studied typically do not involve a trade-off between prosociality and inequity. Here we investigate the apparent coexistence of these two factors, specifically the competing demands of prosociality and equity. We directly compare the responses of brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) among situations where prosocial preferences conflict with equality, using a paradigm comparable to other studies of cooperation and inequity in this species. By choosing to pull a tray towards themselves, subjects rewarded themselves and/or another in conditions in which the partner either received the same or different rewards, or the subject received no reward. In unequal payoff conditions, subjects could obtain equality by choosing not to pull in the tray, so that neither individual was rewarded. The monkeys showed prosocial preferences even in situations of moderate disadvantageous inequity, preferring to pull in the tray more often when a partner was present than absent. However, when the discrepancy between rewards increased, prosocial behavior ceased.  相似文献   

1. For more than 30 years many studies have been carried out concerning rhythms with periods approaching 24 hr (circadian rhythms). 2. The latter have been demonstrated as resulting from environmental 24 hr synchronizers (zeitgebers), but they usually persist in the absence of a 24 hr synchronization, which proves their endogenous nature. 3. Biological rhythms with periods less than 20 hr (ultradian rhythms) and particularly those approaching 1 hr (circahoral rhythms) have been determined: for motility, rest-activity, sleep phases, endocrine secretions and other physiological functions. 4. These ultradian and circahoral rhythms have been found in rodents, birds, monkeys and humans. 5. Existing at all stages of ontogeny, they have been proved to be endogenous and species and strain specific. 6. As these ultradian rhythms can be influenced by environmental factors and sometimes by circadian rhythms they are not truly periodic, so therefore cannot be computed by the usual processes of mathematical time analysis.  相似文献   

目的确定SHIV1157ipd3N4静脉途径感染中国恒河猴的有效病毒浓度,明确SHIV1157ipd3N4感染实验猴体内病毒复制和免疫损伤情况。方法 10只正常中国恒河猴分成6组,分别用10倍系列稀释的病毒液1 mL静脉感染,测定血浆病毒载量,CD4+/CD8+,CD4+T淋巴细胞绝对数,分析感染后恒河猴体内病毒复制和免疫损伤情况。结果 5TCID50/mL以上浓度的SHIV1157ipd3N4能通过静脉途径感染中国恒河猴。结论该实验的成功进行为SHIV/中国恒河猴疾病及评价模型的建立奠定了良好的基础,为今后使用此模型评价抗病毒药物或疫苗提供了条件。  相似文献   

Hand preference of wild moor monkeys Macaca maurus was investigated in food reaching situations at the Karaenta Nature Reserve, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The frequency picking up sweet-corn grains to take into the mouth by either hand of monkeys was counted directly at the feeding ground where sweet-corn grains were scattered for monkeys. Among the 20 monkeys examined, 8 were fight-handed, 8 were left-handed, and 4 were ambilateral. The results indicated the prevailed hand preference on individual level but not either trends of left- or right-hand preference on population level. The trend toward a higher proportion of left-handed monkeys found in Japanese and rhesus monkeys was not found. Some other characteristics found in moor monkeys are discussed in comparison with those previous findings in Japanese and Tibetan macaques in order to evaluate variations within the genus Macaca.  相似文献   

Agglutinins to Leptospira were found at titers of greater than or equal to 1:100 in 150 of 501 (29.9%) vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) bled within 1 mo of capture in Barbados. Including a further 34 of 145 bled within 1 yr of capture, the seropositivity prevalence was 28.5%. A further 35 monkeys (5.4%) had traces of agglutinins or gave titers of 1:50. The proportion of seropositive adults (41.5%) was more than twice that of seropositive immature monkeys (17.6%). Among adults, 49.2% of males and 35.7% of females were seropositive, while among juveniles proportions of seropositive males and females were similar (17.8% and 17.4%, respectively). Seropositivity prevalences tended to increase in proportion to rainfall. In each of 165 of the 184 positive sera, a single serogroup predominated in the serological reactions. These serogroups were Ballum (61%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (16%), Autumnalis (15%), Pyrogenes, Panama, Pomona, Tarassovi and Canicola (8% altogether). In the other 19 positive sera no single serogroup predominated. Serial bleeding showed that vervet monkeys can retain naturally-acquired antibodies to Leptospira for at least 2.5 yr. The evidence suggests that vervet monkeys in Barbados are transmitting leptospiral infections among themselves independently of other groups of animals, and are not a major source of human leptospirosis.  相似文献   

The experimental literature on learning by Primate and non-Primate mammals is reviewed, with the aim of identifying peculiarly Primate features of learning. The evidence indicates that quantitative comparisons of learning by Primates and other mammals are intrinsically equivocal and uninformative because of the impossibility of equating experimental conditions for members of different species. The comparative results of early learning set studies were seriously misleading because the test conditions discriminated against representatives of species in which vision is not a dominant modality.Analyses of transfer between different learning tasks strongly suggest that rhesus macaques differ qualitatively from non-Primates like cats in that they develop generalized, trans-situationally valid response strategies during training on a particular problem which can facilitate learning in other situations. Non-Primate mammals appear not to develop such strategies under the same circumstances. There is also evidence that monkeys are more able than cats to discard previously learned strategies when they are no longer maximally profitable.  相似文献   

Authors remember the interest of the old photographs belonging to the families; the authors show how they can help the diagnosis; they can also help to assert the mode of inheritance; in few cases, they can find some female carriers with clinical signs; at last, infrequently, they prove the presence of the disease in a remote generation: so, they prove that the one case is not sporadic but is a familial case; this fact is very important for the genetic counselling of the females of this family. With some cases of the genetic counselling unit of Rennes, authors explain these various situations.  相似文献   

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