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Cek9 is a receptor tyrosine kinase of the Eph subfamily for which only a partial cDNA sequence was known (Sajjadi, F.G., and E.B. Pasquale. 1993. Oncogene. 8:1807-1813). We have obtained the entire cDNA sequence and identified a variant form of Cek9 that lacks a signal peptide. We subsequently examined the spatio-temporal expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of Cek9 in the chicken embryo by using specific antibodies. At embryonic day 2, Cek9 immunoreactivity is concentrated in the eye, the brain, the posterior region of the neural tube, and the most recently formed somites. Later in development, Cek9 expression is widespread but particularly prominent in neural tissues. In the developing visual system, Cek9 is highly concentrated in areas containing retinal ganglion cell axons, suggesting a role in regulating their outgrowth to the optic tectum. Unlike other Eph-related receptors, Cek9 is substantially phosphorylated on tyrosine in many tissues at various developmental stages. Since autophosphorylation of receptor protein-tyrosine kinases typically correlates with increased enzymatic activity, this suggests that Cek9 plays an active role in embryonic signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Efficient internalization of cell surface receptors requires actin polymerization mediated by Arp2/3 complex and cortactin, a prominent substrate of the protein-tyrosine kinase Src. However, the significance of cortactin tyrosine phosphorylation in endocytosis is unknown. We found that overexpression of a cortactin mutant deficient in tyrosine phosphorylation decreased transferrin uptake. Suppression of cortactin expression by RNA interference also reduced transferrin internalization. Such inhibition was effectively rescued by overexpressing wild-type cortactin but not a cortactin mutant deficient in tyrosine phosphorylation or a mutant with deletion of the Src homology 3 domain. Likewise, purified phosphorylation-null cortactin failed to restore the formation of clathrin-coated vesicles in a cortactin-depleted cell extract. In vitro analysis revealed that Src-mediated phosphorylation enhanced the association of cortactin with dynamin-2 in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner. Quantitative analysis demonstrated that Src enhances the affinity of cortactin for dynamin-2 by more than 3-fold. On the other hand, Src-treated dynamin-2 had no effect on its interaction with cortactin. These data indicate that Src kinase is implicated in clathrin-mediated endocytosis by phosphorylation of cortactin.  相似文献   

The chimeric EK-receptor (EK-R), consisting of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) extracellular binding domain and p145c-kit cytoplasmic signal-generating sequences, was fully functional in forming high and low affinity EGF binding sites and in ligand-regulated receptor and substrate phosphorylation activities. Relative to EGF-R, EK-R activation stimulated kit-characteristic phosphorylation of human 293 fibroblast substrate polypeptides. Transient coexpression of EK-R with candidate substrates resulted in ligand-induced phosphorylation of phospholipase C gamma and guanosine triphosphatase-activating polypeptide. The RAF-1 serine/threonine kinase was shown to be associated with activated EK-R, but no tyrosine phosphorylation could be detected. The faithfulness of EK-R substrate phosphorylation specificity was confirmed with stem cell factor-stimulated p145c-kit.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a prominent substrate for activated tyrosine kinase receptors that has been proposed to play a role in endosomal membrane trafficking. The protein contains a FYVE domain, which specifically binds to the lipid phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-phosphate (PI 3-P). We show that this interaction is required both for correct localization of the protein to endosomes that only partially coincides with early endosomal autoantigen 1 and for efficient tyrosine phosphorylation of the protein in response to epidermal growth factor stimulation. Treatment with wortmannin reveals that Hrs phosphorylation also requires PI 3-kinase activity, which is necessary to generate the PI 3-P required for localization. We have used both hypertonic media and expression of a dominant-negative form of dynamin (K44A) to inhibit endocytosis; under which conditions, receptor stimulation fails to elicit phosphorylation of Hrs. Our results provide a clear example of the coupling of a signal transduction pathway to endocytosis, from which we propose that activated receptor (or associated factor) must be delivered to the appropriate endocytic compartment in order for Hrs phosphorylation to occur.  相似文献   

Plexins are widely expressed transmembrane proteins that mediate the effects of semaphorins. The molecular mechanisms of plexin-mediated signal transduction are still rather unclear. Plexin-B1 has recently been shown to mediate activation of RhoA through a stable interaction with the Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors PDZ-RhoGEF and LARG. However, it is unclear how the activity of plexin-B1 and its downstream effectors is regulated by its ligand Sema4D. Here, we show that plexin-B family members stably associate with the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB-2. Binding of Sema4D to plexin-B1 stimulates the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of ErbB-2, resulting in the phosphorylation of both plexin-B1 and ErbB-2. A dominant-negative form of ErbB-2 blocks Sema4D-induced RhoA activation as well as axonal growth cone collapse in primary hippocampal neurons. Our data indicate that ErbB-2 is an important component of the plexin-B receptor system and that ErbB-2-mediated phosphorylation of plexin-B1 is critically involved in Sema4D-induced RhoA activation, which underlies cellular phenomena downstream of plexin-B1, including axonal growth cone collapse.  相似文献   

Calmodulin, a ubiquitous Ca2+-binding regulatory protein, is phosphorylated exclusively on tyrosine-99 in an insulin-dependent manner by wheat germ lectin-purified preparations of insulin receptors from rat adipocyte plasma membranes. Calmodulin is phosphorylated in the presence of polylysine, histone Hf2b, and protamine sulfate, but not in the absence of these cofactors or in the presence of other basic compounds known to interact with calmodulin, such as mellitin, myelin basic protein, chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, substance P, glucagon, polyarginine, mastoparin, beta-endorphin, spermine, spermidine, and putrescine. The incorporation of 32P into calmodulin, expressed in terms of moles of phosphate per moles of calmodulin and assayed at calmodulin concentrations of 1.2 and 0.06 microM, is 0.023 + 0.002 and 0.046 + 0.006, respectively. This low stoichiometry is likely due to the relative impurity of the receptor preparation, as similar studies not shown here, using highly purified human insulin receptors, yield a stoichiometry of 1 mol phosphate/mol calmodulin. The time course of phosphorylation is characterized by a short initial lag phase of approximately 5 min, a rapid linear rate from approximately 5 to 40 min, with a steady state of 32P incorporation being approached at approximately 60 min. The K0.5 for ATP is 104 + 18 microM. Phosphorylated calmodulin is partially purified by HPLC on a C4 column using a trifluoroacetic acid/acetonitrile gradient solvent system. Phosphoamino acid analysis and limited thrombin digestion were used to determine that the site of insulin-induced phosphorylation of calmodulin is exclusively on tyrosine-99 regardless of the basic protein cofactor used. Phosphorylated calmodulin does not exhibit the characteristic Ca2+ shift normally observed with calmodulin in electrophoretic gels, an observation that is consistent with this modification affecting the biological activity of the molecule. Thus, the tyrosine phosphorylation of calmodulin represents a potentially important post-translational modification altering calmodulin's ability to regulate a variety of enzymes involved in growth, differentiation, and metabolic regulation.  相似文献   

It is known that some kinase inhibitors are sensitive to the phosphorylation state of the kinase, and therefore those compounds can discriminate between a phosphorylated and unphosphorylated protein. In this study, we prepared two colony stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) tyrosine kinase proteins: one highly phosphorylated by autophosphorylation and the other dephosphorylated by phosphatase treatment. These kinases were subjected to an activity-based assay to investigate the effect of their phosphorylation state on the potency of several kinase inhibitors. Dasatinib, sorafenib, PD173074 and staurosporine showed similar inhibition against different phosphorylation states of CSF-1R, but pazopanib, sunitinib, GW2580 and imatinib showed more potent inhibition against dephosphorylated CSF-1R. Binding analysis of the inhibitors to the two different phosphorylation forms of CSF-1R, using surface plasmon resonance spectrometry, revealed that staurosporine bound to both forms with similar affinity, but sunitinib bound to the dephosphorylated form with higher affinity. Thus, these observations suggest that sunitinib binds preferentially to the inactive form, preventing the activation of CSF-1R. Screening against different activation states of kinases should be an important approach for prioritizing compounds and should facilitate inhibitor design.  相似文献   

The role of protein kinase C (PKC) in tyrosine phosphorylation of the N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate receptor (NMDAR) following transient cerebral ischemia was investigated. Transient (15 min) cerebral ischemia was produced in adult rats by four‐vessel occlusion and animals allowed to recover for 15 or 45 min. Following ischemia, tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2A and NR2B and activated Src‐family kinases (SFKs) and Pyk2 were increased in post‐synaptic densities (PSDs). Phosphorylation of NR2B on Y1472 by PSDs isolated from post‐ischemic forebrains was inhibited by the SFK specific inhibitor PP2, and by the PKC inhibitors GF109203X (GF), Gö6976 and calphostin C. Intravenous injection of GF immediately following the ischemic challenge resulted in decreased phosphorylation of NR1 on PKC phosphorylation sites and reduced ischemia‐induced increases in tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2A and NR2B without affecting the increase in total tyrosine phosphorylation of hippocampal proteins. Ischemia‐induced increases in activated Pyk2 and SFKs in PSDs, but not the translocation of PKC, Pyk2 or Src to the PSD, were also inhibited by GF. The inactive homologue of GF, bisindolylmaleimide V, had no effect on these parameters. The results are consistent with a role for PKC in the ischemia‐induced increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of the NMDAR, via a pathway involving Pyk2 and Src‐family kinases.  相似文献   

An increase in the intracellular cAMP concentration induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) followed by activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2). In this report we demonstrate that these effects of cAMP are mediated via activation of protein kinase A (PKA). Chemical inhibition of PKA suppressed forskolin-induced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation and ERK1/2 activation in PC12 cells. Furthermore, forskolin failed to induce significant tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR and ERK1/2 activation in PKA-defective PC12 cells. Forskolin-induced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation was also observed in A431 cells and in membranes isolated from these cells. Phosphoamino acid analysis indicated that the recombinant catalytic subunit of PKA elicited phosphorylation of the EGFR on both tyrosine and serine but not threonine residues in A431 membranes. Together, our data indicate that activation of PKA mediates the effects of cAMP on the EGFR and ERK1/2. While PKA may directly phosphorylate the EGFR on serine residues, PKA-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR occurs by an indirect mechanism.  相似文献   

The effect of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on the function of the insulin receptor was examined in intact hepatoma cells (Fao) and in solubilized extracts purified by wheat germ agglutinin chromatography. Incubation of ortho[32P]phosphate-labeled Fao cells with TPA increased the phosphorylation of the insulin receptor 2-fold after 30 min. Analysis of tryptic phosphopeptides from the beta-subunit of the receptor by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography and determination of their phosphoamino acid composition suggested that TPA predominantly stimulated phosphorylation of serine residues in a single tryptic peptide. Incubation of the Fao cells with insulin (100 nM) for 1 min stimulated 4-fold the phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor. Prior treatment of the cells with TPA inhibited the insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation by 50%. The receptors extracted with Triton X-100 from TPA-treated Fao cells and purified on immobilized wheat germ agglutinin retained the alteration in kinase activity and exhibited a 50% decrease in insulin-stimulated tyrosine autophosphorylation and phosphotransferase activity toward exogenous substrates. This was due primarily to a decrease in the Vmax for these reactions. TPA treatment also decreased the Km of the insulin receptor for ATP. Incubation of the insulin receptor purified from TPA-treated cells with alkaline phosphatase decreased the phosphate content of the beta-subunit to the control level and reversed the inhibition, suggesting that the serine phosphorylation of the beta-subunit was responsible for the decreased tyrosine kinase activity. Our results support the notion that the insulin receptor is a substrate for protein kinase C in the Fao cell and that the increase in serine phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the receptor produced by TPA treatment inhibited tyrosine kinase activity in vivo and in vitro. These data suggest that protein kinase C may regulate the function of the insulin receptor.  相似文献   

Cooperation between integrins and growth factor receptors plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and survival. The function of growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) can be regulated by cell adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) even in the absence of ligand. We investigated the pathway involved in integrin-mediated RTK activation, using RON, the receptor for macrophage-stimulating protein. Adhesion of RON-expressing epithelial cells to ECM caused phosphorylation of RON, which depended on the kinase activity of both RON itself and c-Src. This conclusion is based on these observations: 1) ECM-induced RON phosphorylation was inhibited in cells expressing kinase-inactive c-Src; 2) active c-Src could phosphorylate immunoprecipitated RON from ECM-stimulated cells but not from unstimulated cells; and 3) ECM did not cause RON phosphorylation in cells expressing kinase-dead RON, nor could active c-Src phosphorylate RON immunoprecipitated from these cells. The data fit a pathway in which ECM-induced integrin aggregation causes both c-Src activation and RON oligomerization followed by RON kinase-dependent autophosphorylation; this results in RON becoming a target for activated c-Src, which phosphorylates additional tyrosines on RON. Integrin-induced epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) phosphorylation also depended on both EGFR and c-Src kinase activities. This sequence appears to be a general pathway for integrin-dependent growth factor RTK activation.  相似文献   

GRK2 is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family, which phosphorylates the activated form of a variety of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) and plays an important role in GPCR modulation. It has been recently reported that stimulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade by GPCRs involves tyrosine phosphorylation of docking proteins mediated by members of the Src tyrosine kinase family. In this report, we have investigated the possible role of c-Src in modulating GRK2 function. We demonstrate that c-Src can directly phosphorylate GRK2 on tyrosine residues, as shown by in vitro experiments with purified proteins. The phosphorylation reaction exhibits an apparent K(m) for GRK2 of 12 nM, thus suggesting a physiological relevance in living cells. Consistently, overexpression of the constitutively active c-Src Y527F mutant in COS-7 cells leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of co-expressed GRK2. In addition, GRK2 can be detected in phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitates from HEK-293 cells transiently transfected with this Src mutant. Interestingly, phosphotyrosine immunoblots reveal a rapid and transient increase in GRK2 phosphorylation upon agonist stimulation of beta(2)-adrenergic receptors co-transfected with GRK2 and wild type c-Src in COS-7 cells. This tyrosine phosphorylation is maximal within 5 min of isoproterenol stimulation and reaches values of approximately 5-fold over basal conditions. Furthermore, GRK2 phosphorylation on tyrosine residues promotes an increased kinase activity toward its substrates. Our results suggest that GRK2 phosphorylation by c-Src is inherent to GPCR activation and put forward a new mechanism for the regulation of GPCR signaling.  相似文献   

The regulation of kinase activity associated with insulin receptor by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation has been examined using partially purified receptor immobilized on insulin-agarose. The immobilized receptor preparation exhibits predominately tyrosine but also serine and threonine kinase activities toward insulin receptor beta subunit and exogenous histone. Phosphorylation of the insulin receptor preparation with increasing concentrations of unlabeled ATP, followed by washing to remove the unreacted ATP, results in a progressive activation of the receptor kinase activity when assayed in the presence of histone and [gamma-32P]ATP. A maximal 4-fold activation is achieved by prior incubation of receptor with concentrations of ATP approaching 1 mM. High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of tryptic hydrolysates of the 32P-labeled insulin receptor beta subunit reveals three domains of phosphorylation (designated peaks 1, 2, and 3). Phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine residues are present in these three domains while peak 2 contains phosphothreonine as well. Thus, at least seven sites are available for phosphorylation on the beta subunit of the insulin receptor. Incubation of the phosphorylated insulin receptor with alkaline phosphatase at 15 degrees C results in the selective dephosphorylation of the phosphotyrosine residues on the beta subunit of the receptor while the phosphoserine and phosphothreonine contents are not affected. The dephosphorylation of the receptor is accompanied by a marked 65% inhibition of the receptor kinase activity. Almost 90% of the decrease in [32P]phosphate content of the receptor after alkaline phosphatase treatment is accounted for by a decrease in phosphotyrosine content in peak 2, while very small decreases are observed in peaks 1 and 3, respectively. These results demonstrate that the extent of phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in receptor domain 2 closely parallels the receptor kinase activity state, suggesting phosphorylation of this domain may play a key role in regulating the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

H-35 rat hepatoma cells were labelled with [32P]orthophosphate and their insulin receptors isolated on wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-agarose and anti-(insulin receptor) serum. The incubation of these cells with 10 mM-H2O2 for 10 min increased the phosphorylation of both the serine and tyrosine residues of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor. Next, insulin receptors were purified on WGA-agarose from control and H2O2-treated H-35 cells and the purified fractions incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP and Mn2+. Phosphorylation of the beta subunit of insulin receptors obtained from H2O2-treated cells was 150% of that of control cells. The kinase activity of the WGA-purified receptor preparation obtained from H2O2-treated cells, as measured by phosphorylation of src-related synthetic peptide, was increased about 4-fold over control cells. These data suggest that in intact cell systems, H2O2 may increase the insulin receptor kinase activity by inducing phosphorylation of the beta subunit of insulin receptor.  相似文献   

The specific tyrosine phosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in vitro is demonstrated. The Km values of the substrate G6PDH and of ATP for the receptor tyrosine kinase were ca. 1 and 10 microM, respectively. The rate of phosphorylation was EGF dependent, with a four-fold increase in Vmax in the presence of EGF. The phosphorylation was stimulated maximally by 0.2 microM or greater EGF, with an ED50 of ca. 20 nM which is consistent with the affinity of the solubilized receptor for EGF. Using conditions of 5 microM G6PDH, 100 microM ATP, 5 mM Mg2+, and 1 mM Mn2+, up to 0.3 mol phosphate was incorporated into 1 mol of the 55-kDa subunit of Baker's yeast G6PDH. Tryptic peptide mapping revealed several unique phosphopeptides for both Baker's yeast and bovine adrenal G6PDH. The patterns of phosphopeptides for a given enzyme were identical for basal and EGF-stimulated phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK), a receptor tyrosine kinase, was first described as the fusion product causing a subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. To date Alk has been reported to be mainly expressed in CNS and other parts of the brain. Here we describe an extensive characterization of the mRNA and protein expression of ALK during mouse development. We show that mRNA and ALK protein show overlapping expressing patterns in specific regions of the central and the peripheral nervous systems. Furthermore, ALK is also expressed in the eye, nasal epithelium, olfactory nerve, tongue, skin, tissue surrounding the esophagus, stomach and midgut but not the hindgut. Expression of ALK is also found in testis and ovary.  相似文献   

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