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Kubota N 《Cryobiology》2011,(3):198-209
Thermal hysteresis (TH) readings depend on the cooling rate, annealing time and the concentration of the biological antifreeze (AF) (i.e., antifreeze protein or antifreeze glycoprotein). Such time- and concentration-dependent TH readings are not true (or absolute) values. The true TH should be independent of time and AF concentration, and it should be a unique value for a given AF. Only the true TH can be used to assess the activity of an AF. A mathematical model is proposed to explain the time- and concentration-dependent behavior of AFs. The model assumes a reversible Langmuir adsorption mechanism for the AF molecules and the Kelvin effect to be applicable. A TH equation that correlates the TH reading with the cooling rate, annealing time and AF concentration was derived. The time-dependent behavior was attributed to the slow adsorption process of the AF. The theoretical calculations were compared with previously published data on the effects of the cooling rate, annealing time and AF concentration on TH readings. The calculated results agree qualitatively with the literature data. The experimental methodology required for obtaining the true TH of an AF is suggested.  相似文献   

Thermal hysteresis (TH) readings depend on the cooling rate, annealing time and the concentration of the biological antifreeze (AF) (i.e., antifreeze protein or antifreeze glycoprotein). Such time- and concentration-dependent TH readings are not true (or absolute) values. The true TH should be independent of time and AF concentration, and it should be a unique value for a given AF. Only the true TH can be used to assess the activity of an AF. A mathematical model is proposed to explain the time- and concentration-dependent behavior of AFs. The model assumes a reversible Langmuir adsorption mechanism for the AF molecules and the Kelvin effect to be applicable. A TH equation that correlates the TH reading with the cooling rate, annealing time and AF concentration was derived. The time-dependent behavior was attributed to the slow adsorption process of the AF. The theoretical calculations were compared with previously published data on the effects of the cooling rate, annealing time and AF concentration on TH readings. The calculated results agree qualitatively with the literature data. The experimental methodology required for obtaining the true TH of an AF is suggested.  相似文献   

Rapid cooling (cold shock) of washed ejaculated ram sperm irreversibly reduced motility and respiration and greatly increased uptake of 45Ca2+. The effect was greater as the temperature of cooling was reduced from 15°C to 0°C, and a substantial increase in sperm calcium levels was even observed after slow cooling to temperatures below 10°C. The rise in calcium uptake on freezing sperm to −79°C was not as great as that on cold shocking sperm to 0°C.Inactivation of sperm by mild heat (50°C) had no significant effect on calcium uptake but subsequent cold shock increased the sperm calcium. Reverse immobilization of sperm by low concentrations of formaldehyde significantly reduced calcium uptake on cold shock. Addition of detergents to sperm immediately reduced motility, respiration and calcium uptake of control and cold-shocked sperm to zero.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to analyze the effects of cooling rate on survival of stallion spermatozoa in a milk-based extender, at 0 to 96 hours after reaching the desired temperature. The samples were warmed to 37 degrees C and were evaluated by computer-assisted analysis of sperm motility. In Experiment 1, rate of cooling between 37 and 20 degrees C was evaluated. Sperm motion was not affected by cooling at plunge, -0.42 or -0.28 degrees C/minute. However, storage of spermatozoa at 5 degrees C after slow cooling below 20 degrees C was superior to storage at 20 degrees C. In Experiment 2, 3 cooling rates from 37 degrees to 5 degrees C were evaluated. Cooling at either -0.05 or -0.7 degrees C/minute was superior (P<0.05) to plunging spermatozoa to 5 degrees C. Cooling at -0.05 degrees C/minute rather than -0.7 degrees C/minute maximized the percentage of motile spermatozoa and their curvilinear velocity. In Experiment 3, cooling rates from 20 to 5 degrees C were evaluated, with all samples cooled at -0.7 degrees C/minute from 37 to 20 degrees C. Sperm motion was similar (P>0.05) after cooling below 20 degrees C at -0.012, -0.05 or -0.10 degrees C/minute, and the 2 slower rates were superior (P<0.05) to cooling at -0.3 degrees C/minute. It was concluded that stallion spermatozoa can be cooled rapidly from 37 to 20 degrees C, but should be cooled at 相似文献   

Vertucci CW 《Plant physiology》1989,90(4):1478-1485
The effect of cooling rate on seeds was studied by hydrating pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max), and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds to different levels and then cooling them to − 190°C at rates ranging from 1°C/minute to 700°C/minute. When seeds were moist enough to have freezable water (> 0.25 gram H2O/gram dry weight), rapid cooling rates were optimal for maintaining seed vigor. If the seeds were cooled while at intermediate moisture levels (0.12 to 0.20 gram H2O per gram dry weight), there appeared to be no effect of cooling rate on seedling vigor. When seeds were very dry (< 0.08 gram H2O per gram dry weight), cooling rate had no effect on pea, but rapid cooling rates had a marked detrimental effect on soybean and sunflower germination. Glass transitions, detected by differential scanning calorimetry, were observed at all moisture contents in sunflower and soybean cotyledons that were cooled rapidly. In pea, glasses were detectable when cotyledons with high moisture levels were cooled rapidly. The nature of the glasses changed with moisture content. It is suggested that, at high moisture contents, glasses were formed in the aqueous phase, as well as the lipid phase if tissues had high oil contents, and this had beneficial effects on the survival of seeds at low temperatures. At low moisture contents, glasses were observed to form in the lipid phase, and this was associated with detrimental effects on seed viability.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine temperatures between 24 and 4 degrees C at which stallion spermatozoa are most susceptible to cold shock damage. Semen was diluted to 25 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml in a milk-based extender. Aliquots of extended semen were then cooled in programmable semen coolers. Semen was evaluated by computerized semen analysis initially and after 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours of cooling. In Experiment 1A, semen was cooled rapidly (-0.7 degrees C/minute) from 24 degrees C to either 22, 20, 18 or 16 degrees C; then it was cooled slowly (-0.05 degrees C/minute) to a storage temperature of 4 degrees C. In Experiment 1B, rapid cooling proceeded from 24 degrees C to either 22, 19, 16, or 13 degrees C, and then slow cooling occurred to 4 degrees C. Initiating slow cooling at 22 or 20 degrees C resulted in higher (P<0.05) total and progressive motility over the first 24 hours of cooling than initiating slow cooling at 16 degrees C. Initiation of slow cooling at 22 or 19 degrees C resulted in higher (P<0.05) total and progressive motility over 48 hours of cooled storage than initiation of slow cooling at 16 or 13 degrees C. In Experiment 2A, semen was cooled rapidly from 24 to 19 degrees C, and then cooled slowly to either 13, 10, 7 or 4 degrees C, at which point rapid cooling was resumed to 4 degrees C. Resuming the fast rate of cooling at 7 degrees C resulted in higher (P<0.05) total and progressive motility at 36 and 48 hours of cooled storage than resuming fast cooling at 10 or 13 degrees C. In Experiment 2B, slow cooling proceeded to either 10, 8, 6 or 4 degrees C before fast cooling resumed to 4 degrees C. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) at most storage times in total or progressive motility for spermatozoa when fast cooling was resumed at 8, 6 or 4 degrees C. In Experiment 3, cooling units were programmed to cool rapidly from 24 to 19 degrees C, then cool slowly from 19 to 8 degrees C, and then resume rapid cooling to storage temperatures of either 6, 4, 2 or 0 degrees C. Storage at 6 or 4 degrees C resulted in higher (P<0.05) total and progressive motility over 48 hours of storage than 0 or 2 degrees C.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of cooling rate and storage temperature on motility parameters of stallion spermatozoa. In Experiment 1, specific cooling rates to be used in Experiment 2 were established. In Experiment 2, three ejaculates from each of two stallions were diluted to 25 x 10(6) sperm/ml with 37 degrees C nonfat dry skim milk-glucose-penicillin-streptomycin seminal extender, then assigned to one of five treatments: 1) storage at 37 degrees C, 2) storage at 25 degrees C, 3) slow cooling rate to and storage at 4 degrees C, 4) moderate cooling rate to and storage at 4 degrees C, and 5) fast cooling rate to and storage at 4 degrees C. Total spermatozoal motility (TSM), progressive spermatozoal motility (PSM), and spermatozoal velocity (SV) were estimated at 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h postejaculation. The longevity of spermatozoal motility was greatly reduced when spermatozoa were stored at 37 degrees C as compared to lower spermatozoal storage temperatures. At 6 h postejaculation, TSM values (mean % +/- SEM) of semen stored at 37 degrees C, slowly cooled to and stored at 25 degrees C or slowly cooled to and stored at 4 degrees C were 5.4 +/- 1.1, 79.8 +/- 1.6, and 82.1 +/- 1.6, respectively. Mean TSM for semen that was cooled to 4 degrees C at a slow rate was greater (P<0.05) than mean TSM of semen cooled to 4 degrees C at a moderate rate for four of seven time periods (6, 24, 72 and 120 h), and it was greater (P<0.05) than mean TSM of semen cooled to 4 degrees C at a fast rate for five of seven time periods (6, 12, 24, 72 and 120 h). Mean TSM of semen cooled to 4 degrees C at a slow rate was greater (P<0.05) than mean TSM of semen cooled to 25 degrees C for five of seven time periods (24 to 120 h). A similar pattern was found for PSM. Mean SV of semen cooled to 4 degrees C at a slow rate was greater (P<0.05) than mean SV of semen cooled to 25 degrees C for all time periods. A slow cooling rate (initial cooling rate of -0.3 degrees /min) and a storage temperature of 4 degrees C appear to optimize liquid preservation of equine spermatozoal motility in vitro.  相似文献   

We previously developed a simple competitive reaction model between lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation in erythrocyte membranes that accounts for radical-induced hemolysis of human erythrocytes. In this study, we compared the rate constants calculated from the hemolysis curves of erythrocytes in the presence of radical initiators with those obtained from experiments using erythrocyte ghosts treated with radicals. 2,2'-Azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride and 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) were used as radical initiators. Plots of the logarithm of concentration of the radical initiator against the logarithm of the rate constant gave straight lines. The slope of the lines for the calculated lipid peroxidation was nearly equal with the experimental value. Similar results were obtained for oxidation of membrane proteins, except for band 3 oxidation. The values for the rate constants calculated from hemolysis curves seem to be accurate. The slope of the lines for the calculated rate constants for proteins was larger than the experimental value for band 3 oxidation, because band 3 oxidation is accompanied by aggregation or redistribution of band 3 proteins to form hemolytic holes. These results indicate that the competitive reaction model may be useful for analyzing radical-induced hemolysis.  相似文献   

Effect of recombinant chicken small heat shock protein with molecular mass 24 kDa (Hsp24) and recombinant human small heat shock protein with molecular mass 27 kDa (Hsp27) on the heat-induced denaturation and aggregation of skeletal F-actin was analyzed by means of differential scanning calorimetry and light scattering. All small heat shock proteins did not affect thermal unfolding of F-actin measured by differential scanning calorimetry, but effectively prevented aggregation of thermally denatured actin. Small heat shock protein formed stable complexes with denatured (but not with intact) F-actin. The size of these highly soluble complexes was smaller than the size of intact F-actin filaments. It is supposed that protective effect of small heat shock proteins on the cytoskeleton is at least partly due to prevention of aggregation of denatured actin.  相似文献   

It is shown that skin burn is accompanied by activation of lipid peroxidation (accumulation of TBA-reactive substances and of fluorescent end-products) in the blood of experimental animals. The decrease in red blood cell membrane stability was demonstrated exerting as increase in the rate of spontaneous hemolysis, content of extraerythrocyte++ haemoglobin and increased sensitivity to exogenous oleic acid. It is estimated that alpha-tocopherol possesses protective stabilizing effect on red blood cell membrane. This stabilizing action is observed when alpha-tocopherol was injected both before the skin burn and immediately after it. It is concluded that two different mechanisms are responsible for stabilizing effect of tocopherol, namely: 1) antiradical, realized via inhibition of lipid peroxidation, and 2) non-antioxidant, caused by interaction of tocopherol with phospholipid hydrolysis products by phospholipases A2 (free fatty acids and lysophospholipids).  相似文献   

Rates of hemolysis of rabbit erythrocyte suspensions induced by P. parvum (prymnesin) have been measured colorimetrically at 25.5°C and pH 5.5. The data have been treated previously as consecutive first-order rate processes associated with the prolytic and lytic periods from which two specific rate constants have been obtained, k′ and , respectively. These constants have been related to those obtained by a computer-generated fit of the rate data (absorbance At, as a function of time t) with the rate equation Y = D[1 + exp((X ? B)C)] + E. Here Y equals At, X = time, t; D is equal to a spread factor, Ai ? A; C is the slope of the curve at the inflection point; B is the midpoint time value, i.e., the time at which At = D2; E is termed the off-set constant and is equal to A. Of these constants, B is directly related to the length of the prolytic period, and C?1 is directly related to the specific first-order rate constant for hemolysis, kψ.  相似文献   

目的:观察阻断和激活氯通道对葛根素注射液致家兔溶血反应的影响,探讨氯通道在葛根素注射液溶血反应中的作用。方法:将不同浓度的葛根素注射液(0.75、1.5、3、6、12 mg/ml)与家兔红细胞悬液共孵育6 h,使用细胞图像记录系统观测葛根素注射液是否诱导红细胞溶血,酶标仪、流式细胞仪检测红细胞溶血率,并观测激活和阻断氯通道对葛根素注射液溶血作用的影响。结果:葛根素注射液可引起家兔红细胞体外溶血,在所观察的1.5 mg/ml~12 mg/ml范围内,溶血效应呈浓度依赖性增强(n=3,P<0.01)。氯通道阻断剂Tamoxifen (20 μmol/L)、ATP (10 mmol/L)可有效抑制葛根素注射液的溶血作用(n=3~5,P<0.01);而使用低浓度ATP (50 μmol/L)激活氯通道,则显著增强葛根素注射液的溶血作用(n=4,P<0.01)。结论:葛根素注射液的体外溶血效应呈浓度依赖性,氯通道激活与葛根素注射液诱导的溶血反应密切相关。  相似文献   

J H Pert  G Dayian 《Cryobiology》1979,16(1):90-96
A new statically controlled cooling rate device consists of metal plates and insulators which can be modified so as to control heat flow and achieve a considerable range of specific cooling rates. It can thus be adapted to give the desired cooling rates for the cryopreservation of various biological materials. The cassette has been used effectively to cryopreserve human platelets and red blood cells. Its potential advantages over commercial instruments include simplicity of operation, improved reproducibility, and low cost.  相似文献   

Effect of cooling and warming rate on glycerolized rabbit kidneys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cooling and warming rates are known to be important determinants of viability for cryopreserved cells, but optimal rates have not previously been determined for any whole organ. In this study, rabbit kidneys, permeated with 2 M glycerol were cooled to -80 degrees C at four rates varying from 1 degrees C/hr to 3.1 degrees C/min and then rewarmed at four rates from 1 degrees C/hr to 4.2 degrees C/min, giving 16 experimental treatments. After gradual deglycerolization at 10 degrees C, each kidney was autografted and observed for 30 min. Assessment was by measurement of vascular resistance, immediate post-thaw lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, gross appearance, light- and electron microscopy, and tissue K+/Na+ ratio 30 min after transplantation. The best results were obtained after cooling at 1 degrees C/hr; warming rate had little apparent influence on the criteria used to assess function with the exception of LDH release, which indicated a preferred warming rate around 1 degrees C/min. Histological studies revealed extensive vascular damage, notably to the glomerular capillaries, that was minimized by very slow cooling. Freeze substitution, carried out on samples removed at -80 degrees C, demonstrated extensive ice formation in the interstitial space and, at the faster cooling rates, in the glomerular capillaries. Intracapillary ice formation was reduced in the kidneys cooled at 1 degrees C/hr.  相似文献   

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