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Of the six carotenoids identified in the cyanobacterium Aphanocapsa, β-carotene, zeaxanthin, echinenone and myxoxanthophyll are the major pigments, whilst β-cryptoxanthin and 3-hydroxy-4-keto-β-carotene are present only in trace amounts. With the exception of zeaxanthin, the other xanthophylls could be formed in vitro from [14C]phytoene in high yields, especially β-cryptoxanthin and 3-hydroxy-4-keto-β-carotene. In a time course experiment of xanthopyll biosynthesis the flow of radioactivity from [14C]phytoene was followed through the pools of phytofluene, lycopene, and β-carotene. The reaction sequence from phytoene to xanthophylls is sensitive in vitro to both difunone, an inhibitor of carotene desaturation, and CPTA, an inhibitor of cyclization.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of dehydrotremetone in Eupatorium rugosum has been investigated by feeding radioactive precursors to intact plants. The carbon atoms of acetate-[1-14C] and acetate-[2-14C] were identified in dehydrotremetone by degradation of the molecule. From the pattern of labeling it was concluded that the acetophenone moiety was derived from acetate via the polyacetate pathway. From the incorporation of mevalonate it appeared that the furan ring and its side chain were formed from an isoprenoid compound. Potential aromatic intermediates were chemically synthesized and also fed to plants but only tremetone was found to be efficiently incorporated into dehydrotremetone. Neither 4-hydroxyacetophenone nor 4-hydroxy-3[isopenten-(2)-yl]-acetophenone were efficiently incorporated into dehydrotremetone.  相似文献   

Claus Grunwald 《Phytochemistry》1985,24(12):2915-2918
Six-day-old tobacco seedlings rapidly incorporated and metabolized exogenously supplied [4-14C]-sitosterol, but none of the radioactivity was recovered from stigmasterol. However, exogenously supplied [2-14C]-mevalonic acid was incorporated into both sitosterol and stigmasterol. Based on these results it is suggested that the biosynthetic pathway of stigmasterol is not via sitosterol but that both sterols have a common precursor.  相似文献   

Complete accounts of the natural products chemistry of Bonnemaisonia nootkana, B. asparagoides, B. hamifera and Trailliella intricata are described. In contrast to the chemistry of the closely related alga Asparagopsis, Bonnemaisonia spp. do not produce halomethanes, but instead an array of C7-C9 halogen-containing ketones, alcohols and carboxylic acids. Biomimetic syntheses of these compounds suggest they are precursors and products of in vivo Favorsky rearrangements.  相似文献   

A melanin which is insoluble in strong alkali has been isolated from Alternaria mycelium. Alkali fusion of the pigment produced p-hydroxybenzoa  相似文献   

The green colonial alga Botryococcus braunii has unusually high levels of hydrocarbons. Two distinct sites of hydrocarbon accumulation are present in the species: an internal pool present in cytoplasmic inclusions and an external pool in the trilaminar outer walls and associated globules. It is generally assumed that the hydrocarbons are produced within the cells and then excreted into the external pool to maintain the intracellular content at a normal value. Various feeding experiments showed, however, that the radioactivity of the external pool is much higher than the internal one. On the other hand, there was no decrease in the labelling of internal hydrocarbons in chase experiments. Therefore, an excretory process apparently does not take place in B. braunii. The outer wall, therefore, is the main site of hydrocarbon accumulation and also the place where the bulk of B. braunii hydrocarbons are produced. The outer wall also is involved in the matrix of colony formation and the above findings account for the sharp decrease of hydrocarbon production which is associated with the loss of colonial habit. The cultures were also shown to be unable, under usual growth conditions, to catabolize their own hydrocarbons. Such a feature, along with the extracellular location of the main site of production, may account for the abnormally high content of hydrocarbons typical of B. braunii.  相似文献   

A particulate enzyme fraction from the Chlorophyta Prototheca zopfii catalysed the transfer of glucose-[U-14C]from UDP-Glc-[U-14C] to endogenous sterol acceptors and the esterification of steryl glucosides with fatty acids from an endogenous acyl donor. Glucose was the only sugar present, and it appeared to have the β-configuration. In the acylated derivatives the glucose-acyl linkage appeared in the C-6 position of glucose, as indicated by periodate oxidation. UDP-Glc:sterol glucosyltransferase was solubilized with detergent and purified 34-fold. The solubilized enzyme showed no specificity for the sterol but a high affinity for the sugar nucleotide UDP-Glc. Time-course incorporation into steryl glucoside (SG) and the acylderivative (ASG) indicated that SG was the precursor of ASG and that phosphatidyl ethanolamine stimulated the formation of the latter compound, presumably acting as acyl donor. A high sterol glucosylating activity was found in the Golgirich fraction. All this evidence indicates that steryl glucosides and their acylated derivatives were synthesized by algae. The early assumption that these compounds were not present in algae must be revised.  相似文献   

The effect of α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) treatment on the morphology of African trypanosomes was investigated. For this purpose inbred mice were immunosuppressed and infected with a clone of the protozoan blood parasite Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. The mice were then treated with DFMO, an irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, which inhibits polyamine synthesis. DFMO treatment in the absence of host immunity resulted in arrest of cytokinesis of the trypanosomes and many binucleated cells could be seen in blood smears. If mice were infected with a highly virulent trypanosome clone (ETat 1.10), which does not normally transform from long slender (LS) to short stumpy (SS) forms, DFMO treatment caused SS transformation to occur on days 3–4. This morphological SS transformation was substantiated by the presence of diaphorase activity and nuclear and mitochondrial changes. The results suggest a possible involvement of polyamines in the transformation from LS to SS forms.  相似文献   

No evidence could be obtained for the involvement of dioxygenases in the generation of 14CO2 from catechol-[14C] observed in soybean cell cultures. Culture filtrates incubated with catechol and H2O2 were, however, able to catalyze the ring-cleavage, as was horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

A.K. Gupta  I.S. Bhatia 《Phytochemistry》1980,19(12):2557-2563
Low MW glucofructosans have been detected in the medium of Fusarium oxysporum. A 53-fold purification of fructosyl transferase has been achieved by ethanol precipitation, DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. Maximum fructosyl transferase activity coincided with maximum glucofructosan concentration in the medium. Invertase showed greatest activity in the later stages of growth when glucofructosans were absent. Fructosyl transferase and invertase have been separated by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. On the basis of kinetic studies and effect of nucleotides on fructosyl transferase in the presence and absence of MgCl2, a two site active centre linked through a nucleotide bridge is proposed. Fructosyl transferase and invertase are highly phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Total carrageenan levels (55–88% of plant dry weight) of four Gigartina species showed little variation between male, female and tetrasporic plants. However whereas male and female gametophyte plants gave carrageenans with K: λ ratios usually ranging from 1·0 to 4·0, with one species in the range 0·3–0·8, tetrasporophyte carrageenans gave very low K: λ ratios, 0·02–0·1, indicative of a virtual absence of K-carrageenan from plants of this stage of the life cycle.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic routes to four linear furanocoumarins—psoralen, xanthotoxin, bergapten. isopimpinellin-co-occurring in Ruta graveolens cell cultures have been investigated with six 14C-labelled compounds. Mevalonic acid was only poorly incorporated, in contrast to umbelliferone. In support of previous suggestions, 7-demethylsuberosin and (±)-marmesin were very good precursors of the linear furanocoumarins. 7-O-Prenylumbelliferone also was fairly well utilized, but this was probably owing to a prior ether cleavage yielding umbelliferone. Psoralen was well incorporated into bergapten and xanthotoxin, but not into the dimethoxylated isopimpinellin. Differences exist between the organized plant and its cell culture in terms of metabolic products and, by implication, precursor utilization. S(+)-Marmesin was obtained in small quantity from an acid-hydrolysable conjugate present in the culture medium. Syntheses of [2-14C]7-demethylsuberosin, [2-14C]osthenol, [2-14C]7-O-prenylumbelliferone, [3-14C] (±)-marmesin, and [3-14C]psoralen are described, as well as an improved method for separation of furanocoumarin mixtures by TLC and GLC.  相似文献   

Homocysteine-dependent transmethylases utilizing 5-methyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid and S-adenosylmethionine as methyl donors have been examined using ammonium sulphate fractions prepared from isolated mitochondria of pea cotyledons. Substantial levels of a 5-rnethyltetrahydropteroylglutamate transmethylase were detected, the catalytic properties of this enzyme being found similar to those of a previously reported enzyme present in cotyledon extracts. The mitochondrial 5-CH3-H4PteGlu transmethylase had an apparent Km of 25 μM for the methyl donor, was saturated with homocysteine at 1 mM and was inhibited 50% by l-methionine at 2.5 mM. At similar concentrations of methyl donor the mitochondrial S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase was not saturated. Mitochondrial preparations were found capable of synthesizing substantial amounts of S-adenosylmethionine but lacked ability to form S-methylmethionine. Significant levels of β-cystathionase, cystathionine-γ-synthase, l-homoserine transacetylase and l-homoserine transsuccinylase were detected in the isolated mitochondria. The activity of the enzymes of homocysteine biosynthesis was not affected by l-methionine in vitro. It is concluded that pea mitochondria have ability to catalyze the synthesis of methionine de novo.  相似文献   

Haematococcus lacustris incubated on a nutrient-depleted medium utilised acetate-[2-14C] from the medium and carbon fixed photosynthetically for the biosynthesis of ketocarotenoids. Conversion of β-carotene to astaxanthin occurs via the intermediates echinenone and canthaxanthin.  相似文献   

The Oomycete Saprolegnia ferax incorporates 3H from both cycloartenol-[2-3H] and lanosterol-[2-3H] into its normal sterols cholesterol, fucosterol, desmosterol, and 24-methylenecholesterol. It is concluded that sterol biosynthesis in this organism is via cycloartenol and the taxonomic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A ferredoxin of MW 11 000 was isolated from the marine alga Rhodymenia palmata (Palmaria palmata). In its oxidised form the ferredoxin had absorption maxima at 276, sh 281, 328, 423 and 465 nm, and contained a single [2Fe-2S] cluster. The midpoint potential of the ferredoxin was ?400 mV and it effectively mediated electron transport in NADP+-photoreduction by higher plant chloroplasts, and pyruvate decarboxylation by the phosphoroclastic system of an anacrobic bacterium. The amino acid composition was Lys3, His1, Arg1, Asx12, Thr9, Ser8, Glx13, Pro4, Gly8, Ala7, Cys5, Val8, Ile4, Leu9, Tyr4, Phe2; tryptophan and methionine were absent from the molecule. The N-terminal amino acid region consisting of ca half the total amino acid sequence was determined using an automatic sequencer.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle, dysfunctional contractile activity has been linked to impaired intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) regulation. Muscle force production is impaired and fatigability and muscle fragility deteriorate with diabetes. Use of a novel in vivo model permits investigation of [Ca2+]i homeostasis in diabetic skeletal muscle. Within this in vivo environment we have shown that diabetes perturbs the Ca2+ regulatory system such that resting [Ca2+]i homeostasis following muscle contractions is compromised and elevations of [Ca2+]i are exacerbated. This review considers the impact of diabetes on the capacity of skeletal muscle to regulate [Ca2+]i, following muscle contractions and, in particular, the relationship between muscle fatigue and elevated [Ca2+]i in a highly ecologically relevant circulation-intact environment. Importantly, the role of mitochondria in calcium sequestration and the possibility that diabetes impacts this process is explored. Given the profound microcirculatory dysfunction in diabetes this preparation offers the unique opportunity to study the interrelationships among microvascular function, blood-myocyte oxygen flux and [Ca2+]i as they relate to enhanced muscle fatigability and exercise intolerance.  相似文献   

Severance of nervi corporis allati I (NCA I) in day-1 adult female Locusta migratoria resulted in a significant decrease and a loss of the characteristic pattern of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the corpora allata as determined by radiochemical assay. This decrease in the rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis was not reflected in basal oöcyte growth. The lengths of the oöcytes were the same in NCA-transectioned and in the sham-operated females. The effect of severance of both NCA I and NCA II on juvenile hormone biosynthesis and ovarian maturation was similar to the effect of NCA I severance only.Rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by corpora allata of fourth-instar larvae exhibited a maximum of activity in the middle of the stadium. The severance of NCA I early in the stadium resulted in a very low rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis and a disappearance of this peak. In NCA I-transectioned larvae, the duration of the stadium was significantly increased although larvae moulted into normal fifth instar.  相似文献   

Fatty acid biosynthesis by isolated plastids has been examined in relation to chloroplast development and differentiation in leaves of maize plants grown in light for 7 days. Biosynthesis of fatty acids from acetate by proplastids prepared from the basal regions of the leaf was low and mainly palmitate was synthesized. The greatly increased utilization of acetate for fatty acid biosynthesis as the plastids increased in size was due to an increased synthesis of oleate. The maximum synthesis of total fatty acids and monoenoic fatty acids was obtained in chloroplasts prepared from leaf tissue 6–8 cm from the base of the plant where granal formation was most active. Fully-developed chloroplasts prepared from distal regions of the leaf were less active in fatty acid biosynthesis. Maize chloroplasts failed to synthesize fatty acids when isolated by methods commonly used to prepare active spinach chloroplasts. The method of isolation which included a density gradient gave a high proportion of Class I chloroplasts from maize leaves and incorporated up to about 10% of the acetate used. Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, especially with chloroplasts prepared from the most mature tissue, was increased by the addition of both mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. Increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids were also obtained but the proportions in the newly-synthesized fatty acids were well below the endogenous levels. Monoenoic synthesis was greatly stimulated by increasing the pH in the range 7·0–8·0 and also the highest proportions of unsaturated fatty acids were obtained at short incubation times.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the morphinandienone alkaloids norsinoacutine, sinoacutine and flavinantine has been studied using 1-3 H-sinoacutine, 1-3H-norsinoacutine, 1-3H-norsinoacutinols, l-[S-methyl-14C]-methionine, glycine-2-14C, 1-3H-8,14-dihydronorsalutaridine, 1-3 H-8,14-dihydrosalutaridine, 1-3H-sinomenine, 1-3H-isosinomenine, (±)-[2-14C]phenylalanine, (±)-[N-methyl-14C]orientaline and (±)-[N-methyl-14C]reticuline.  相似文献   

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