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(?)-Cryptocaryalactone (6-[2-acetoxy-4-phenyl-3-butenyl]-5,6-dihydro-2-pyranone) and (?)-deacetylcryptocaryalactone (6-[2-hydroxy-4-phenyl-3-butenyl]-5,6-dihydro-2-pyranone) isolated from Cryptocarya moschata seeds are natural germination inhibitors. Applied at 0.004 M, the second compound completely arrested germination of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) and decreased the germination rate of soybeans, but did not appear to affect corn. The first compound was not as effective; 0.004 M reduced velvetleaf germination 50%.  相似文献   

The isolation and identification of eleven alkaloids from the quaternary alkaloid fraction of a root extract of Thalictrum foliolosum are described  相似文献   

The major alkaloids of Papaver tauricola collected in three different parts of Anatolia have proved to be of the rhoeadine type. The three collections possessed different major alkaloids and the existence of chemical strains containing rhoeadine-type alkaloids, is indicated. In addition to the rhoeadine-type alkaloids (rhoeagenine, rhoeadine, oreogenine, oreodine, glaucamine, glaudine and epiglaudine), tetrahydroprotoberberine-(sinactine, scoulerine) and isopavine- (amurensinine) type alkaloids have been isolated as minor products. These findings contrast with the previous literature in which 1-benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline- and proaporphine types were reported to be the major alkaloids.  相似文献   

Erythroculine, protostephanine and a new alkaloid have been isolated from Hyperbaena columbica, and the latter has been identified as 3-demethoxy-2  相似文献   

Leaf and root collections of Duboisia hopwoodii were made from Alice Springs in central and Western Australia. From D. hopwoodii collected at Alice Springs were isolated nornicotine, nicotine, myosmine and N-formylnornicotine; cotinine, N-acetylnornicotine, anabasine, anatabine, anatalline and bipyridyl were detected by GC/MS. Root material contained hyoscyamine, scopolamine, nicotine and nornicotine; N-formylnornicotine was detected by GC/MS. D. hopwoodii from Western Australia yielded nicotine, nornicotine, hyoscyamine and metanicotine. Root material contained nornicotine, hyoseyamine, myosmine and N-formylnornicotine, GC/MS detected cotinine and N-acetylnornicotine.  相似文献   

Six alkaloids have been isolated from Lycopodium magellanicum. These include the known alkaloids lycopodine, acetyldihydrolycopodine, lycodine, N-methyllycodine, acetylfawcettine and a new alkaloid, 5-dehydro-magellanine. The chemical correlation of magellanine and paniculatine and the establishment of their absolute configuration are described.  相似文献   

Twenty-two identified alkaloids have been isolated from the root bark and leaves of a Sri Lankan Strychnos species supplied as S. nux-vomica. T  相似文献   

The alkaloid mixtures present in the fruit pericarp and fruit pulp of Strychnos nux-vomica L. are qualitatively very similar to that found in the seeds. In addition to alkaloids previously known to occur in this plant, small amounts of 4-hydroxystrychnine and the new base N-methyl- sec.-pseudo-β-colubrine have been isolated. Cantleyine, which is a non-indolic base and an artefact, has also been obtained. The iridoid mixture in the fruit pulp is predominantly loganin with small amounts of related compounds, including the biogenetically important secologanin.  相似文献   

Sixteen alkaloids were isolated from the seeds and root-bark of Pterotaberna inconspicua, collected in Zaïre. They were voacangine 3-carbonitrile, voacangine, voacristine, 3,6-oxido-voacangine, vobasine, 10-hydroxycoronaridine, 10-hydroxyheyneanine, methuenine, apparicine, tubotaiwine, 16-epi-isositsirikine, 16-epimethuenine, 3,14-dihydroellipticine, an isomer of corynantheol, 16-epimethuenine N-oxide and tetra-hydroellipticine.  相似文献   

The free amino acids of seeds of 163 species of Crotalaria have been identified. Their pattern of distribution is compared with recent classifications of the genus and the possible ecological significance of their presence is discussed. Attention is drawn to the occurrence of toxic amino acids.  相似文献   

From the roots of Aconitum ferox four alkaloids have been isolated. Pseudaconitine is the major constituent and the other three minor alkaloids are identified as bikhaconitine, veratroyl pseudaconine and diacetyl pseudaconitine. Veratroyl pseudaconine and diacetyl pseudaconitine have not been previously found in nature.  相似文献   

Chemical investigation of insect antifeedants from the bitter tasting leaves of Vernonia amygdalina by the application of semi-preparative reversed  相似文献   

Twenty alkaloids were isolated from the leaves and stem bark of Hunteria zeylanica, collected in Kenya. They were: 3-epi-dihydrocorymine 3-acetate, norisocorymine, corymine, 3-epi-dihydrocorymine 17-acetate, picralinal, picrinine, 3-epi-dihydrocorymine, isositsirikine, lanceomigine, geissoschizol, gentianine, kopsinine, eburnamine, norpleiomutine, pleiocarpamine, tubotaiwine, pleiomutinine, 19′-epi-pleiomutinine, yohimbol and 10-hydroxy-16-epi-affinine.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Turkish Fumaria vaillantii yielded 26 isoquinoline alkaloids. Of these, oxysanguinarine, (±)-8-acetonyldihydrosanguinarine, (±)-8-methoxydihydrosanguinarine and fumaramidine are reported for the first time from this plant. New alkaloids for the genus Fumaria are dihydrosanguinarine, norsanguinarine, (+)-isocorydine, (?)-corledine and (+)-juziphine. This is the first occurrence of the isoquinolone N-methylcorydaldine in a member of the Fumariaceae. Spectral data are given for the new compound, E-fumaramine.  相似文献   

Fourteen highly unsaturated amides were isolated from Acmella ciliata. Their structures were determined by means of high field 1H NMR including 2D-NMR, high resolution mass spectrometry and GC-MS. Some considerations on the biosynthesis of the amides are made.  相似文献   

The leaves of Strychnos wallichiana Steud. ex. DC. from Bangladesh contain icajine and novacine as their major alkaloids. Smaller amounts of strychnine, brucine, pseudostrychnine, pseudobrucine, N-methyl-sec.-pseudo-β-colubrine, 14-hydroxyicajine, strychnine N-oxide, and brucine N-oxide are also present. The new bases 14 hydroxynovacine and icajine N-oxide have been isolated.  相似文献   

Thebaine, narcotine, rhoeadine and armepavine were identified in the aerial parts of Papaver fugax of Turkish origin.  相似文献   

Separation of the basic fractions from Formosan Fissistigma glaucescens, F. oldhamii and Goniothalamus amuyon afforded one new quaternary phenanthrene alkaloid, N-methylatherosperminium (15), along with the known alkaloids, (?)-discretamine (1), (?)-tetrahydropalmatine (2), palmatine (3), (?)-asimilobine (4), (?)-norannuradhapurine (5), (?)-crebanine (6), (?)-calycinine (fissoldine, fissistigine A) (7a), (?)-anolobine (8), (?)-xylopine (9), (?)-anonaine (10a), oxocrebanine (11), liriodenine (12), atherosperminine (13), N-noratherosperminine (14) and (+)-O-methylflavinantine (O-methylpallidine) (16).  相似文献   

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