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Vinculin is an essential cell adhesion protein, found at both focal adhesions and adherens junctions, where it couples transmembrane proteins to the actin cytoskeleton. Vinculin is involved in controlling cell shape, motility and cell survival, and has more recently been shown to play a role in force transduction. The tail domain of vinculin (Vt) has the ability to both bind and bundle actin filaments. Binding to actin induces a conformational change in Vt believed to promote formation of a Vt dimer that is able to crosslink actin filaments. We have recently provided additional evidence for the actin-induced Vt dimer and have shown that the vinculin carboxyl (C)-terminal hairpin is critical for both the formation of the Vt dimer and for bundling F-actin. We have also demonstrated the importance of the C-terminal hairpin in cells as deletion of this region impacts both adhesion properties and force transduction. Intriguingly, we have identified bundling deficient variants of vinculin that show different cellular phenotypes. These results suggest additional role(s) for the C-terminal hairpin, distinct from its bundling function. In this commentary, we will expand on our previous findings and further investigate these actin bundling deficient vinculin variants.  相似文献   

A simple semi-empirical theory is developed for the ionic strength dependence of the flexible polymer-induced condensation of semiflexible polyelectrolytes such as DNA and F-actin filaments. Critical concentrations of flexible polymer needed for condensation are calculated by comparing the free energies of inserting the semiflexible polyelectrolytes in a solution of flexible polymers, respectively, in their free state, and in their condensed state. Predictions of the theory are compared to experimental data on the condensation of DNA and F-actin filaments induced by the flexible polymer poly(ethylene oxide). The theory also predicts that reentrant decollapse is possible at low ionic strength and high concentrations of flexible polymer, as observed for DNA.  相似文献   

Vinculin is an essential and highly conserved cell adhesion protein, found at both focal adhesions and adherens junctions, where it couples integrins or cadherins to the actin cytoskeleton. Vinculin is involved in controlling cell shape, motility, and cell survival, and has more recently been shown to play a role in force transduction. The tail domain of vinculin (Vt) contains determinants necessary for binding and bundling of actin filaments. Actin binding to Vt has been proposed to induce formation of a Vt dimer that is necessary for cross-linking actin filaments. Results from this study provide additional support for actin-induced Vt self-association. Moreover, the actin-induced Vt dimer appears distinct from the dimer formed in the absence of actin. To better characterize the role of the Vt strap and carboxyl terminus (CT) in actin binding, Vt self-association, and actin bundling, we employed smaller amino-terminal (NT) and CT deletions that do not perturb the structural integrity of Vt. Although both NT and CT deletions retain actin binding, removal of the CT hairpin (1061-1066) selectively impairs actin bundling in vitro. Moreover, expression of vinculin lacking the CT hairpin in vinculin knock-out murine embryonic fibroblasts affects the number of focal adhesions formed, cell spreading as well as cellular stiffening in response to mechanical force.  相似文献   

forked mutations affect bristle development in Drosophila pupae, resulting in short, thick, gnarled bristles in the adult. The forked proteins are components of 200-300-microm-long actin fiber bundles that are present transiently during pupal development [Petersen et al., 1994: Genetics 136:173-182]. These bundles are composed of segments of 3-10 microm long, and forked protein is localized along the actin fiber bundle segments and accumulates at the junctions connecting them longitudinally. In the forked mutants, f(36a) and f(hd), F-actin bundles are greatly reduced in number and size, and bundle segmentation is absent. The p-element, P[w(+), falter] contains a 5.3-kb fragment of the forked gene that encodes the 53-kD forked protein [Lankenau et al., 1996: Mol Cell Biol 16:3535-3544]. Expression of only the 53-kD forked protein is sufficient to rescue the actin bundle and bristle phenotypes of f(36a) and f(hd) mutant flies. The 5.3-kb forked sequence, although smaller than the 13-kb region previously shown to rescue forked mutants [Petersen et al., 1994: Genetics 136:173-182], does contain the core forked sequence that encodes actin binding and bundling domains in cultured mammalian cells [Grieshaber and Petersen, 1999: J Cell Sci 112:2203-2211]. These data show that the 53-kD forked protein is sufficient for normal bristle development and that the domains shown previously to be important for actin bundling in cell culture may be all that are required for normal actin bundle formation in developing Drosophila bristles.  相似文献   

Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) is a member of the Ena/VASP family of proteins that are implicated in regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. All family members share a tripartite structural organization, comprising an N-terminal Ena/VASP homology (EVH) 1 domain, a more divergent proline-rich central part, and a common C-terminal EVH2 region of about 160-190 amino acids. Using chemical cross-linking, sucrose gradient sedimentation, and gel filtration analyses of different truncated VASP constructs, we demonstrate that the VASP EVH2 region is both necessary and sufficient for tetramerization. Moreover, co-sedimentation and fluorescent phalloidin staining showed that the EVH2 region binds and bundles F-actin in vitro and localizes to stress fibers in transfected cells. Analysis of the functional contribution of highly conserved blocks within this region indicated that residues 259-276 of human VASP are essential for the interaction with F-actin, whereas residues 343-380 are required for tetramerization, probably via coiled-coil formation. Interactions with F-actin are enhanced by VASP tetramerization. The results demonstrate that the C-terminal EVH2 segment is not only conserved in sequence but also forms a distinct functional entity. The data suggest that the EVH2 segment represents a novel oligomerization and F-actin binding domain.  相似文献   

Wound contraction can substantially reduce the amount of new tissue needed to reestablish organ integrity after tissue loss. Fibroblasts, rich in F-actin bundles, generate the force of wound contraction. Fibronectin-containing microfibrils link fibroblasts to each other and to collagen bundles and thereby provide transduction cables across the wound for contraction. The temporal relationships of F-actin bundle formation, collagen and fibronectin matrix assembly, and fibronectin receptor expression to wound contraction have not been determined. To establish these relationships, we used a cutaneous gaping wound model in outbred Yorkshire pigs. Granulation tissue filled approximately 80% of the wound space by day 5 after injury while wound contraction was first apparent at day 10. Neither actin bundles nor fibronectin receptors were observed in 5-d wound fibroblasts. Although fibronectin fibrils were assembled on the surfaces of 5-d fibroblasts, few fibrils coursed between cells. Day-7 fibroblasts stained strongly for nonmuscle-type F-actin bundles consistent with a contractile fibroblast phenotype. These cells expressed fibronectin receptors, were embedded in a fibronectin matrix that appeared to connect fibroblasts to the matrix and to each other, and were coaligned across the wound. Transmission EM confirmed the presence of microfilament bundles, cell-cell and cell-matrix linkages at day 7. Fibroblast coalignment, matrix interconnections, and actin bundles became more pronounced at days 10 and 14 coinciding with tissue contraction. These findings demonstrate that granulation tissue formation, F-actin bundle and fibronectin receptor expression in wound fibroblasts, and fibroblast-matrix linkage precede wound contraction.  相似文献   

We study the role of the interplay of specific and universal forces for the adhesion of giant vesicles on solid supported membranes. To model the situation of cell adhesion, we incorporated lipopolymers (phospholipids with polyethyleneoxide headgroups) as artificial glycocalix, whereas attractive lock-and-key forces are mimicked by incorporating biotinylated lipids into both membranes and by mediating the strong coupling through streptavidin. Adhesion is studied by quantitative reflection interference contrast microscopy (RICM), which enables visualization of the contact zone and reconstruction of the height profile of the membrane beyond the contact line (outside the contact zone) up to a height of 1 micron. We demonstrate that adhesion is accompanied by lateral phase separation, leading to the formation of domains of tight adhesion (adhesion plaques) separated by areas of weak adhesion exhibiting pronounced flickering. By analyzing the height profile S(x) near the contact line in terms of the tension equilibrium (Young equation) and the moment equilibrium, respectively, the adhesion energy and membrane tension can be approximately measured locally. We show that the adhesion energy is about three orders of magnitude larger for the adhesion plaques than for the weekly adhering regions. The adhesion is studied as a function of the excess area of the vesicle generated by temperature variation. A very remarkable finding is that increased excess area is not always stored in the contact area, but leads to the formation of microbuds (diameter approximately 2 microns).  相似文献   

Laser nerve stimulation using near-infrared laser irradiation has recently been studied in the peripheral nervous system as an alternative method to conventional electrical nerve stimulation. Bringing this method to the vagus nerve model could leverage this emerging stimulation approach to be tested in broader preclinical applications. Here, we report the capability of the laser nerve stimulation method on the rat vagus nerve bundle with a 1505-nm diode laser operated in continuous-wave mode. Studies of the stimulation threshold and laser-induced acute thermal injury to the nerve bundle were also performed to determine a temperature window for safe, reliable and reproducible laser stimulation of the rat vagus nerve bundle. The results show that laser stimulation of the vagus nerve bundle provides reliable and reproducible nerve stimulation in a rat model. These results also confirm a threshold temperature of >42°C with acute nerve damage observed above 46°C. A strong correlation was obtained between the laser time required to raise the nerve temperature above the stimulation threshold and the mean arterial pressure response. Advantages of the method such as non-contact delivery of external stimulus signals at mm scaled distance in air, enhanced spatial selectivity and electrical artefact-free measurements may indicate its potential to counteract the side effects of conventional electrical vagus nerve stimulation.  相似文献   



Thanks to the large amount of signal contained in genome-wide sequence alignments, phylogenomic analyses are converging towards highly supported trees. However, high statistical support does not imply that the tree is accurate. Systematic errors, such as the Long Branch Attraction (LBA) artefact, can be misleading, in particular when the taxon sampling is poor, or the outgroup is distant. In an otherwise consistent probabilistic framework, systematic errors in genome-wide analyses can be traced back to model mis-specification problems, which suggests that better models of sequence evolution should be devised, that would be more robust to tree reconstruction artefacts, even under the most challenging conditions.


We focus on a well characterized LBA artefact analyzed in a previous phylogenomic study of the metazoan tree, in which two fast-evolving animal phyla, nematodes and platyhelminths, emerge either at the base of all other Bilateria, or within protostomes, depending on the outgroup. We use this artefactual result as a case study for comparing the robustness of two alternative models: a standard, site-homogeneous model, based on an empirical matrix of amino-acid replacement (WAG), and a site-heterogeneous mixture model (CAT). In parallel, we propose a posterior predictive test, allowing one to measure how well a model acknowledges sequence saturation.


Adopting a Bayesian framework, we show that the LBA artefact observed under WAG disappears when the site-heterogeneous model CAT is used. Using cross-validation, we further demonstrate that CAT has a better statistical fit than WAG on this data set. Finally, using our statistical goodness-of-fit test, we show that CAT, but not WAG, correctly accounts for the overall level of saturation, and that this is due to a better estimation of site-specific amino-acid preferences.


The CAT model appears to be more robust than WAG against LBA artefacts, essentially because it correctly anticipates the high probability of convergences and reversions implied by the small effective size of the amino-acid alphabet at each site of the alignment. More generally, our results provide strong evidence that site-specificities in the substitution process need be accounted for in order to obtain more reliable phylogenetic trees.

I. Löw  P. Dancker 《BBA》1976,430(2):366-374
Cytochalasin B stimulated polymerization and decreased the concentration of G-actin remaining in equilibrium with F-actin filaments. Polymerization in the presence of cytochalasin B gave rise to a smaller increase of viscosity but to the same increase in light scattering, compared to polymerization in the absence of cytochalasin B. Cytochalasin B reduced the viscosity of F-actin and caused the appearance of ATP hydrolysis by F-actin. The cytochalasin B-induced ATPase activity was inhibited by concentrations of KCl higher than 50 mM. The cytochalasin B-induced ATPase activity was enhanced by ethyleneglycol bis(α-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid and reduced by MgCl2 at concentrations higher than 0.75 mM. The findings suggest that the stability of actin filaments is reduced by cytochalasin B.  相似文献   

Platelets are small, anucleate blood cells which play an important role in haemostasis. Thrombocytopenia is a condition where the platelet count falls below 150 × 109/l and patients suffering from severe forms of this condition can experience life-threatening bleeds requiring platelet transfusions. Platelets are produced from large progenitor cells called megakaryocytes which are found in the bone marrow. The process of megakaryocyte maturation and the formation of proplatelets are essential steps in the production of mature platelets and both depend heavily on the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Understanding these processes is important for the development of in vitro platelet production which will help to treat thrombocytopenia as well as produce model systems for studying platelet-associated disorders. This review will highlight some of the recent advances in our understanding of the role of the cytoskeleton in platelet production, especially the key molecules and signalling pathways that regulate actin and microtubule crosstalk.  相似文献   

C Beck  X Siemens    D L Weaver 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(6):3105-3115
Proteins with complex folding kinetics will be susceptible to misfolding at some stage in the folding process. We simulate this problem by using the diffusion-collision model to study non-native kinetic intermediate misfolding in a four-helix bundle protein. We find a limit on the size of the pairwise hydrophobic area loss in non-native intermediates, such that burying above this limit creates long-lasting non-native kinetic intermediates that would disrupt folding and prevent formation of the native state. Our study of misfolding suggests a method for limiting the production of misfolded kinetic intermediates for helical proteins and could, perhaps, lead to more efficient production of proteins in bulk.  相似文献   

At very low ionic strength (gamma less than 0.05) oligohomopolymers of lysine cause lateral association of muscle F-actin filaments into ordered structures which appear at low magnification in electron-micrographs as rigid needles. At higher magnification these aggregates display regular quasicrystalline patterns. The structures dissolve reversibly when the ionic strength is raised suggesting that F-actin filaments are crosslinked by oligolysine due to electrostatic forces.  相似文献   

This review will focus on computer modeling aimed at providing insights into the existence, structure, size, and thermodynamic stability of localized domains in membranes of heterogeneous composition. Modeling the lateral organization within a membrane is problematic due to the relatively slow lateral diffusion rate for lipid molecules so that microsecond or longer time scales are needed to fully model the formation and stability of a raft in a membrane. Although atomistic simulations currently are not able to reach this scale, they can provide data on the intermolecular forces and correlations that are involved in lateral organization. These data can be used to define coarse grained models that are capable of predictions of lateral organization in membranes. In this paper, we review modeling efforts that use interaction data from MD simulations to construct coarse grained models for heterogeneous bilayers. In this review we will discuss MD simulations done with the aim of gaining the information needed to build accurate coarse-grained models. We will then review some of the coarse-graining work, emphasizing modeling that has resulted from or has a basis in atomistic simulations.  相似文献   

Lateral inhibition, a juxtacrine signalling mechanism by which a cell adopting a particular fate inhibits neighbouring cells from doing likewise, has been shown to be a robust mechanism for the formation of fine-grained spatial patterns (in which adjacent cells in developing tissues diverge to achieve contrasting states of differentiation), provided that there is sufficiently strong feedback. The fine-grained nature of these patterns poses problems for analysis via traditional continuum methods since these require that significant variation takes place only over lengthscales much larger than an individual cell and such systems have therefore been investigated primarily using discrete methods. Here, however, we apply a multiscale method to derive systematically a continuum model from the discrete Delta-Notch signalling model of Collier et al. (J.R. Collier, N.A.M. Monk, P.K. Maini, J.H. Lewis, Pattern formation by lateral inhibition with feedback: a mathematical model of Delta-Notch intercellular signalling, J. Theor. Biol., 183, 1996, 429-446) under particular assumptions on the parameters, which we use to analyse the generation of fine-grained patterns. We show that, on the macroscale, the contact-dependent juxtacrine signalling interaction manifests itself as linear diffusion, motivating the use of reaction-diffusion-based models for such cell-signalling systems. We also analyse the travelling-wave behaviour of our system, obtaining good quantitative agreement with the discrete system.  相似文献   

I reported previously (Higashi-Fujime, S., 1982, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 46:69-75) that active movements of fibrils composed of F-actin and myosin filaments occurred after superprecipitation in the presence of ATP at low ionic strengths. When the concentration of MgCl2 in the medium used in the above experiment was raised to 20-26 mM, bundles of F-actin filaments, in addition to large precipitates, were formed spontaneously both during and after superprecipitation. Along these bundles, many myosin filaments were observed to slide unidirectionally and successively through the bundle, from one end to the other. The sliding of myosin filaments continued for approximately 1 h at room temperature at a mean rate of 6.0 micron/s, as long as ATP remained in the medium. By electron microscopy, it was found that most F-actin filaments decorated with heavy meromyosin pointed to the same direction in the bundle. Myosin filaments moved actively not only along the F-actin bundle but also in the medium. Such movement probably occurred along F-actin filaments that did not form the bundle but were dispersed in the medium, although dispersed F-actin filaments were not visible under the microscope. In this case, myosin filament could have moved in a reverse direction, changing from one F-actin filament to the other. These results suggested that the direction of movement of myosin filament, which has a bipolar structure and the potentiality to move in both directions, was determined by the polarity of F-actin filament in action.  相似文献   

Synthetic actomyosin from plasmodium was found to undergo reversible superprecipitation upon addition of ATP. According to electronmicroscopic investigation upon clearing, short myosin filaments of about 0.2 micron in length appeared predominantly coexisting with actin filaments, and after superprecipitation, bundles of actin filaments were formed where short myosin filaments or myosin molecules were bound to the side of the bundle, making a whisk-like structure. The turbidity and the ATPase activity of actomyosin were measured at various ATP concentrations clamped by using an ATP-regenerating system. The turbidity was high below 1 . 10(-6) M ATP, corresponding to the state of superprecipitation, and with increasing ATP concentration it dropped in the range of 1 . 10(-6)--1 . 10(-5) M ATP. On the other hand, the ATPase activity was low below 1 . 10(-6) M ATP and increased above 1 . 10(-5) M after the turbidity dropped. Characteristic features of superprecipitation of plasmodium actomyosin observed here were discussed in relation to the mechanism of motility in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B stimulated polymerization and decreased the concentration of G-actin remaining in equilibrium with F-actin filaments. Polymerization in the presence of cytochalasin B gave rise to a smaller increase of viscosity but to the same increase in light scattering, compared to polymerization in the absence of cytochalasin B. Cytochalasin B reduced the viscosity of F-actin and caused the appearance of ATP hydrolysis by F-actin. The cytochalasin B-induced ATPase activity was inhibited by concentrations of KCl higher than 50 mM. The cytochalasin B-induced ATPase activity was enhanced by ethyleneglycol bis(alpha-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid and reduced by MgCl2 at concentrations higher than 0.75 mM. The findings suggest that the stability of actin filaments is reduced by cytochalasin B.  相似文献   

By use of digital autocorrelation and fast Fourier methods, dynamic light-scattering studies of in vitro reconstituted muscle F-actin were made over a wide range of concentrations, 0.01-2 mg/ml F-actin. Measurements of correlation function [g1(t)]2 showed that a transition from a dilute to a semidilute regime for the Brownian motions of filaments occurred at around 0.3 mg/ml F-actin. Beyond this concentration, profiles of successively measured [g1(t)]2 showed very poor reproducibility. This resulted from the existence of very slow components, which could not be measured with a high statistical accuracy even for a measuring time of 3600 s/run. On the other hand, subtraction of these components automatically by an electronic circuit, [g-1(t)]2, or by computer processing, [g1(t)]2, resulted in a fairly good reproducibility of the profiles. The decay characteristics of [g1(t)]2 (and [g-1(t)]2) were very similar to those of [g1(t)]2 for dilute solutions. A theoretical model will be discussed which could account for the above situation. The time sequence [n(t,T)] of photoelectron counts at a sampling time T of light scattered from semidilute solutions of F-actin was stored on magnetic tapes, and both power spectra S(f) and correlation functions [g-1(t)]2 were computed by taking the ensemble average over many short records with duration 1024T. Since both S(f) and [g-1(t)]2 lacked frequency components lower than 1/(2048T) Hz, their profiles were highly reproducible. An analysis of S(f) confirmed our earlier results which had shown an apparent contradiction to later results by a correlation method. A comparison of S(f) and [g-1(t)]2 based on the same [n(t,T)] clarified the reasons why the bandwidth gamma of S(f) largely differed from the bandwidth gamma of [g1(t)]2 and [g-1(t)]2. The temperature dependence of gamma suggested that F-actin would be flexible and that the flexibility parameter would change with temperature.  相似文献   

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