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种间配子不亲和以及种间杂交种子活力低是众多的物种间杂交隔离机制中的两个方面。通过对云南澜沧地区分布的4种(型)姜花属植物——圆瓣姜花(Hedychium forrestii)、草果药(Hspicatum)、两类型滇姜花(Hyunnanense)间进行野外杂交试验,比较杂交结实率、每果种子数以及杂交种子的萌发参数等指标来分析4种(型)姜花之间的杂交亲和性和杂交后代表现,发现4种(型)姜花属植物配子间都具有不同程度的亲和性,但种间杂交种子的萌发适合度比同种授粉获得的种子低。结果表明,这4种(型)姜花属植物间配子亲和性不是有效的种间隔离机制,种间杂交种子活力低是一种不完全的隔离机制,它们在同域分布的地区,仍然有形成杂交后代的可能性。  相似文献   

通过新疆分布的3种甘草属植物——乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、光果甘草(G.glabra)和黄甘草(G.eurycarpa)的人工杂交试验,比较了杂交结果率、杂交种子的萌发参数、幼苗成活率等指标,并对杂交授粉后花粉管萌发、生长过程进行荧光观察,旨在探讨3种甘草属植物的种间杂交亲和性及杂交后代种子活力。结果表明:(1)种间杂交结果率最高为96.67%,最低为55.62%,说明3种甘草种间杂交配子亲和性较高;(2)荧光显微观察表明,各杂交组合在授粉后0.5~2h内花粉均可在柱头上大量萌发,在授粉后48h内花粉管均可到达子房与胚珠受精,说明三种甘草种间杂交不存在配子隔离障碍;(3)杂交种子萌发率、发芽指数、平均萌发时间和幼苗成活率与自然结实种子无显著差异,种间杂交种子活力较高,幼苗成活率均为75%以上。以上结果表明3种甘草属植物的同域分布区,在相同传粉途径下,这三种甘草属植物的种间隔离机制不完善。有发生自然杂交并形成杂交区的可能。  相似文献   

杂交问题一直是沙拐枣属植物分类的核心问题。本文通过对自然生境和植物园的开花物候观测,人工授粉杂交实验以及花粉管荧光显色实验来探讨同域分布的沙拐枣属植物是否存在杂交,结果显示:同域分布种间均存在花期重叠;人工杂交授粉坐果率极低,且无法正常萌发,花粉管荧光显微观察实验表明杂交花粉能在柱头上萌发,但是花粉管不能伸长到子房。综上实验结果表明,种间配子亲和性很低,既存在合子前隔离,又存在合子后生殖隔离,认为该属不存在杂交。开展此项研究对于了解同域分布沙拐枣属植物间的隔离分化具有重要意义;为该属不存在杂交提供有力证据,也为该属的分类研究开拓了新的思路。  相似文献   

石斛属(Dendrobium)植物在种子共生萌发过程中与真菌有着较为专一的共生关系,为探讨这种共生关系在种间杂交后代上的进化和适应,深入理解兰科植物和真菌共生关系的形成机制,该研究利用能有效促进铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)和齿瓣石斛(D.devonianum)种子萌发形成幼苗,并具有较强专一性的胶膜菌属(Tulasnella)真菌SSCDO-5和瘤菌根菌属(Epulorhiza)真菌FDd1,开展真菌对铁皮石斛和D. tortile种间杂交种子萌发效应的研究。结果表明,在真菌与种子共生培养68天时,SSCDO-5菌株和FDd1菌株都能有效地促进杂交种子形成原球茎和幼苗,两个接菌处理之间无显著差异,来源于铁皮石斛的SSCDO-5菌株不但没有表现出优势,反而在杂交石斛幼苗形成率上低于来源于齿瓣石斛的FDd1菌株(SSCDO-5:(22.13±6.62)%; FDd1:(29.53±5.51)%); SSCDO-5菌株和铁皮石斛在幼苗形成和发育阶段的共生专一性并没有在杂交后代上得到遗传或表现,或者说是杂交打破了这种专一性的共生关系,使得杂交后代能够和不同的真菌建立新的共生关系。该结果不支持关于共生真菌专一性是石斛属植物杂交后代形成的重要限制因素的假设,推测石斛属植物在幼苗分化和发育阶段与真菌这种专一性的共生关系是在适应特定生态环境的过程中形成和建立的。  相似文献   

石斛属(Dendrobium)植物在种子共生萌发过程中与真菌有着较为专一的共生关系, 为探讨这种共生关系在种间杂交后代上的进化和适应, 深入理解兰科植物和真菌共生关系的形成机制, 该研究利用能有效促进铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)和齿瓣石斛(D. devonianum)种子萌发形成幼苗, 并具有较强专一性的胶膜菌属(Tulasnella)真菌SSCDO-5和瘤菌根菌属(Epulorhiza)真菌FDd1, 开展真菌对铁皮石斛和D. tortile种间杂交种子萌发效应的研究。结果表明, 在真菌与种子共生培养68天时, SSCDO-5菌株和FDd1菌株都能有效地促进杂交种子形成原球茎和幼苗, 两个接菌处理之间无显著差异, 来源于铁皮石斛的SSCDO-5菌株不但没有表现出优势, 反而在杂交石斛幼苗形成率上低于来源于齿瓣石斛的FDd1菌株(SSCDO-5: (22.13 ± 6.62)%; FDd1: (29.53 ± 5.51)%); SSCDO-5菌株和铁皮石斛在幼苗形成和发育阶段的共生专一性并没有在杂交后代上得到遗传或表现, 或者说是杂交打破了这种专一性的共生关系, 使得杂交后代能够和不同的真菌建立新的共生关系。该结果不支持关于共生真菌专一性是石斛属植物杂交后代形成的重要限制因素的假设, 推测石斛属植物在幼苗分化和发育阶段与真菌这种专一性的共生关系是在适应特定生态环境的过程中形成和建立的。  相似文献   

新疆甘草属的种间杂交   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
试验以居群为单位的新疆甘草属7个种进行种间人工杂交。通过对种间杂交结实量(RS)和亲本种平均结实量(RSm和RSf)的分析比较,测出相应的杂交结实指数(IS)、初步了解种间杂交亲和性的大小,为甘草属植物系统与演化的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

杂交种子研究在一定程度上能说明是否存在杂种不活机制,在植物生殖隔离研究中具有重要意义。通过对同域分布的西藏杓兰(Cypripedium tibeticum)、黄花杓兰(C.flavum)和褐花杓兰(C.calcicola)的自交、异交、杂交种子的形态特征及活性进行分析,发现3种杓兰属植物两两之间均可产生杂交种子,且杂交种子活性较高,杂交种子与其他处理所得种子的外观、表面纹饰无显著性差异;种子宽度、种子长度、有胚率、着色率并没有比自交或异交种子显著低。这一结果表明这3种同域杓兰属植物种与种之间具有相当高的亲和性,它们之间不存在明显的杂种不活机制。黄花杓兰与西藏杓兰或褐花杓兰间的传粉者大小明显不同,黄花杓兰由丽蝇和熊蜂工蜂传粉,而西藏杓兰和褐花杓兰由体形较大的熊蜂蜂王传粉,传粉者隔离已使得它们之间的物种界限比较清晰,因此已经没有必要再产生杂种不活等其他隔离机制。而西藏杓兰与褐花杓兰的传粉者相同,又没有明显的杂种不活隔离机制,暗示它们之间有其他合子后隔离机制或应将其合并为一个种。  相似文献   

野生杜鹃杂交亲和性及适宜的评价指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以映山红和马银花为母本,映山红亚属、羊踯躅亚属、杜鹃亚属、常绿杜鹃亚属以及马银花亚属的5个亚属16个中国野生杜鹃种为父本进行杂交授粉,统计子房膨大率、坐果率和种子萌发率,分析杜鹃属植物远缘杂交的亲和性,探讨其杂交亲和性适宜的评价指标。结果表明:映山红作为母本,与同亚属的杜鹃杂交亲和性较好,与其它亚属的杜鹃种的杂交亲和性存在显著的亚属间和种间差异;而马银花作为母本,与同亚属的西施花进行杂交,未获得杂交果实和种子,但与杜鹃其它亚属种的杂交,部分杂交组合显示出较好的杂交亲和性。这一结果表明,映山红作为母本,与马银花相比,有着较好的杂交亲和性,并且杜鹃属植物的杂交亲和性与目前杜鹃分类体系中的亲缘关系并没有直接关系。进一步的数据分析表明,子房膨大率与坐果率、坐果率与蒴果平均种子数之间呈显著正相关,但子房膨大率与果实内种子数无直接相关性;花粉活力(大于15%)、父母本花柱长度比(在0.50~2.12范围内)与子房膨大率等亲和性指标无显著相关性。  相似文献   

为提高姜花属种间杂交胚挽救中幼胚萌发率,以白姜花×金姜花的胚珠为试材,研究不同胚珠发育时期、不同培养基及低温处理果实对幼胚萌发率的影响.结果表明,白姜花×金姜花胚挽救的适宜培养基是MS+0.1 mg/L BA十0.1 mg/L NAA;接种时期以60 d的幼胚培养效果最佳;低温处理果实3~6 d能有效提高幼胚的萌发率.  相似文献   

以野生烟草Nicotiana alata、N.rustica、N.repanda、N.stocktonnii与栽培烟草K326、红花大金元、Yun87、Yun97为材料,进行种间正反杂交,研究种间杂交亲和性。田间观察杂交后的坐果情况并统计坐果率,采用显微荧光染色观察授粉后花粉管在雌蕊上的生长情况,并结合杂交后代萌发检测的方法。结果表明:N.rustica、N.repanda、N.stocktonnii与栽培烟草杂交不亲和。N.rustica花粉能够穿过K326花柱,N.repanda和N.stocktonnii花粉在K326柱头上很少萌发生长。N.alata花粉可以穿过K326的花柱,并得到果实,但是萌发实验显示其种子无活力。N.alata作为母本与栽培烟草杂交不亲和。  相似文献   

Amphicarpy is a fascinating reproductive strategy, defined as fruit produced both below the soil surface and as aerial fruit on the same plant. Trifolium polymorphum is a grassland species subject to herbivory that combines amphicarpy with vegetative reproduction through stolons. Underground flowers have been described as obligate autogamous and aerial ones as self‐compatible allogamous, with aerial floral traits favouring cross‐pollination. In the present work we performed different pollination treatments on aerial flowers to analyse rates of pollen tube development and offspring fitness, measured as fruit set, seed production and germination percentage. This last variable was compared to that of seeds produced underground. No significant differences were found between fruit set in self‐ and cross‐pollinations. Seed production was higher in self‐pollinations, which is consistent with the higher rate of pollen tube development observed in self‐crosses. Spontaneous self‐pollination is limited in aerial flowers; thus pollen transfer by means of a vector is required even within the same flower. Germination tests showed that aerial seeds produced after self‐ and cross‐pollination did not differ in fitness, but underground seeds had higher germination percentage than aerial ones. Thus, we conclude that T. polymorphum has a mixed mating system. In grasslands with heavy grazing pressure, clonal propagation and underground seed production ensure persistence in the field. An intermediate level of selfing in aerial flowers ensures offspring, but morphological (herkogamy) and functional (dicogamy) floral traits maintain a window to incorporate genetic variability, allowing the species to tolerate temporal and spatial pressures.  相似文献   

Models of hybrid zone dynamics incorporate different patterns of hybrid fitness relative to parental species fitness. An important but understudied source of variation underlying these fitness differences is the environment. We investigated the performance of two willow species and their F1, F2, and backcross hybrids using a common-garden experiment with six replicated gardens that differed in soil moisture. Aboveground biomass, catkin production, seed production per catkin, and seed germination rate were significantly different among genetic classes. For aboveground biomass and catkin production, hybrids generally had intermediate or inferior performance compared to parent species. Salix eriocephala had the highest performance for all performance measures, but in two gardens F, plants had superior or equal performance for aboveground biomass and female catkin production. Salix eriocephala and backcrosses to S. eriocephala had the highest numbers of filled seeds per catkin and the highest estimates of total fitness in all gardens. Measures of filled seeds per catkin and germination rate tend to support the model of endogenous hybrid unfitness, and these two measures had major effects on estimates of total seed production per catkin. We also estimated how the two willow species differ genetically in these fitness measures using line cross analysis. We found a complex genetic architecture underlying the fitness differences between species that involved additive, dominance, and epistatic genetic effects for all fitness measures. The environment was important in the expression of these genetic differences, because the type of epistasis differed among the gardens for above-ground biomass and for female catkin production. These findings suggest that fine-scale environmental variation can have a significant impact on hybrid fitness in hybrid zones where parents and hybrids are widely interspersed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the dynamics of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) or mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic markers used in studies of plant populations could be influenced by natural selection acting elsewhere in the genome. This could be particularly true in gynodioecious plants if cpDNA or mtDNA genetic markers are in gametic disequilibrium with genes responsible for sex expression. In order to investigate this possibility, a natural population of the gynodioecious plant Silene vulgaris was used to study associations among mtDNA haplotype, cpDNA haplotype, sex and some components of fitness through seed. Individuals were sampled for mtDNA and cpDNA haplotype as determined using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) methods, sex (female or hermaphrodite), fruit number, fruit set, seeds/fruit and seed germination. The sex of surviving germinating seeds was also noted. All individuals in the population fell into one of two cytoplasmic categories, designated haplotypes f and g by a unique electrophoretic signature in both the mtDNA and cpDNA. The subset of the population carrying haplotype g included a significantly higher proportion of females when compared with the sex ratio of the subset carrying the f haplotype. Haplotype g had a significantly higher fitness when measured by fruit number, fruit set and seeds/fruit, whereas haplotype f had significantly higher fitness when measured by seed germination. Offspring of individuals carrying haplotype g included a significantly greater proportion of females when compared with offspring of individuals carrying the f haplotype. Other studies of gynodioecious plants have shown that females generally have higher fitness through seed than hermaphrodites, but in this study not all fitness differences between haplotypes could be predicted from differences in haplotype-specific sex ratio alone. Rather, some differences in haplotype-specific fitness were due to differences in fitness between individuals of the same sex, but carrying different haplotypes. The results are discussed with regard to the potential for hitchhiking selection to influence the dynamics of the noncoding regions used to designate the cpDNA and mtDNA haplotypes.  相似文献   

Studies of microsporogenesis, pollen germination, pollen stainability, fruit and seed set and ovary predation have been undertaken to evaluate the fitness of the hybrid genotype of Phlomis x margaritae relative to its parents (P. purpurea and P. x composita) and allied taxa (P. x composita nothom. composita, P. x composita nothom. trulknqueiz , and P. lychnitis). Phlomis x margaritae shows irregular meiosis with very low pollen germination rate and very high pollen sterility, no seed set, and very high ovary predation. It thus has very low reproductive success and fitness. Phlomis x composita nothom. trullenquei also shows low pollen germination and seed set, but these follow regular microsporogenesis. The existence of cryptic structural sterility is suggested for this taxon. The rest of the studied taxa (P. purpurea, P. lychnitis and P. x composita nothom. composita) were fertile and can support the specific or subspecific taxonomic status of P. x composita. A fixed ovule abortion pattern in the taxa with yellow flowers was found, since 'brood size' consisted just of one seed per fruit. On the contrary, P. purpurea was found to produce from one to four seeds per fruit. Some conservation implications are suggested.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology and plant fertility are directly related to many aspects of plant evolution and conservation biology. Vriesea friburgensis is an epiphytic and terrestrial bromeliad endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Hand‐pollination experiments were used to examine the reproductive system in a wild population of V. friburgensis. Plant fertility was assigned considering flower production, fruit and seed set, seed germination, and pollen viability. Self‐sterility observed from spontaneous selfing and manual self‐pollination treatments may be the consequence of late‐acting self‐incompatibility. Hand‐pollination results indicated no pollen limitation in the population studied. Floral biology features such as a few daily open flowers, nectar production, and sugar concentration corroborate hummingbirds as effective pollinators, although bees were also documented as pollinators. Components of fitness such as high flower, fruit, and seed production together with high seed and pollen viability indicate that this wild population is viable. From a conservation point of view, we highlight that this self‐sterile species depends on pollinator services to maintain its population fitness and viability through cross‐pollination. Currently, pollinators are not limited in this population of V. friburgensis. Conversely, the maintenance and continuous conservation of this community is essential for preserving this plant–pollinator mutualism.  相似文献   

Moyle LC  Graham EB 《Genetics》2005,169(1):355-373
We examined the genetics of hybrid incompatibility between two closely related diploid hermaphroditic plant species. Using a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) representing 85% of the genome of the wild species Lycopersicon hirsutum (Solanum habrochaites) in the genetic background of the cultivated tomato L. esculentum (S. lycopersicum), we found that hybrid pollen and seed infertility are each based on 5-11 QTL that individually reduce hybrid fitness by 36-90%. Seed infertility QTL act additively or recessively, consistent with findings in other systems where incompatibility loci have largely been recessive. Genetic lengths of introgressed chromosomal segments explain little of the variation for hybrid incompatibility among NILs, arguing against an infinitesimal model of hybrid incompatibility and reinforcing our inference of a limited number of discrete incompatibility factors between these species. In addition, male (pollen) and other (seed) incompatibility factors are roughly comparable in number. The latter two findings contrast strongly with data from Drosophila where hybrid incompatibility can be highly polygenic and complex, and male sterility evolves substantially faster than female sterility or hybrid inviability. The observed differences between Lycopersicon and Drosophila might be due to differences in sex determination system, reproductive and mating biology, and/or the prevalence of sexual interactions such as sexual selection.  相似文献   

In several cases, estimates of gene flow between species appear to be higher than we might predict given the strength of interspecific barriers separating these species pairs. However, as far as we are aware, detailed measurements of reproductive isolation have not previously been compared with a coalescent-based assessment of gene flow. Here, we contrast these two measures in two species of sunflower, Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris. We quantified the total reproductive barrier strength between these species by compounding the contributions of the following prezygotic and postzygotic barriers: ecogeographic isolation, reproductive asynchrony, niche differentiation, pollen competition, hybrid seed formation, hybrid seed germination, hybrid fertility, and extrinsic postzygotic isolation. From this estimate, we calculated the probability that a reproductively successful hybrid is produced: estimates of P(hyb) range from 10(-4) to 10(-6) depending on the direction of the cross and the degree of independence among reproductive barriers. We then compared this probability with population genetic estimates of the per generation migration rate (m). We showed that the relatively high levels of gene flow estimated between these sunflower species (N(e) m= 0.34-0.76) are mainly due to their large effective population sizes (N(e) > 10(6)). The interspecific migration rate (m) is very small (<10(-7)) and an order of magnitude lower than that expected based on our reproductive barrier strength estimates. Thus, even high levels of reproductive isolation (>0.999) may produce genomic mosaics.  相似文献   

In order to discuss the cross compatibility and hybrid seed vigor of sympatric species among Guralensis, Gglabra and Geurycarpa distributed in Xinjiang, the cross fruiting rate, the pollen germination on stigma, the pollen tube growth in style after cross pollination and germination parameters of hybrid seeds were analyzed. Results showed that there was highly cross compatibility among these three Glycyrrhiza plants and their hybrids seeds were highly vigor. It suggested that the interspecific isolation mechanism of the three Glycyrrhiza plants was weak. Moreover, the natural hybridizations may occur and form natural hybrid zone.  相似文献   

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