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植物从营养生长到生殖生长的转变是开花发育的关键,在合适的时间开花对植物的生长和繁衍极为重要,植物开花时间的调控对农业生产发展意义重大。植物开花是由遗传因子和环境因子协同调节的一个复杂过程。近年来,对不同植物开花调控的研究,特别是对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh.)的开花调控研究取得了显著进展,已探明开花时间分子调控的6条主要途径分别是光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径、温度途径、赤霉素途径和年龄途径。各遗传调控途径既相互独立又相互联系,构成一个复杂的开花调控网络。本文综述了模式植物拟南芥开花时间调控分子机制相关研究的最新进展,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Variation in flowering time of Arabidopsis thaliana was studied in an experiment with mutant lines. The pleiotropic effects of flowering time genes on morphology and reproductive yield were assessed under three levels of nutrient supply. At all nutrient levels flowering time and number of rosette leaves at flowering varied among mutant lines. The relationship between these two traits depended strongly on nutrient supply. A lower nutrient supply first led to an extension of the vegetative phase, while the mean number of leaves at flowering was hardly affected. A further reduction resulted in no further extension of the vegetative phase and, on average, plants started flowering with a lower leaf number. At low nutrients, early flowering affected the timing of production of siliques rather than the total output, whereas late flowering was favorable at high nutrients. This may explain the fact that many plant species flower at a relatively small size under poor conditions. Flowering time genes had pleiotropic effects on the leaf length, number of rosette and cauline leaves, and number of axillary flowering shoots of the main inflorescence. Silique production was positively correlated with the number of axillary shoots of the main inflorescence; the number of axillary primordia appeared to have a large impact on reproductive yield.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the flowering time is regulated through the circadian clock that measures day-length and modulates the photoperiodic CO-FT output pathway in accordance with the external coincidence model. Nevertheless, the genetic linkages between the major clock-associated TOC1, CCA1 and LHY genes and the canonical CO-FT flowering pathway are less clear. By employing a set of mutants including an extremely early flowering toc1 cca1 lhy triple mutant, here we showed that CCA1 and LHY act redundantly as negative regulators of the photoperiodic flowering pathway. The partly redundant CCA1/LHY functions are largely, but not absolutely, dependent on the upstream TOC1 gene that serves as an activator. The results of examination with reference to the expression profiles of CO and FT in the mutants indicated that this clock circuitry is indeed linked to the CO-FT output pathway, if not exclusively. For this linkage, the phase control of certain flowering-associated genes, GI, CDF1 and FKF1, appears to be crucial. Furthermore, the genetic linkage between TOC1 and CCA1/LHY is compatible with the negative and positive feedback loop, which is currently believed to be a core of the circadian clock. The results of this study suggested that the circadian clock might open an exit for a photoperiodic output pathway during the daytime. In the context of the current clock model, these results will be discussed in connection with the previous finding that the same clock might open an exit for the early photomorphogenic output pathway during the night-time.  相似文献   

To identify the ecological and genetic mechanisms of local adaptation requires estimating selection on traits, identifying their genetic basis, and evaluating whether divergence in adaptive traits is due to conditional neutrality or genetic trade‐offs. To this end, we conducted field experiments for three years using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from two ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (Italy, Sweden), and at each parental site examined selection on flowering time and mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL). There was strong selection for early flowering in Italy, but weak selection in Sweden. Eleven distinct flowering time QTL were detected, and for each the Italian genotype caused earlier flowering. Twenty‐seven candidate genes were identified, two of which (FLC and VIN3) appear under major flowering time QTL in Italy. Seven of eight QTL in Italy with narrow credible intervals colocalized with previously reported fitness QTL, in comparison to three of four in Sweden. The results demonstrate that the magnitude of selection on flowering time differs strikingly between our study populations, that the genetic basis of flowering time variation is multigenic with some QTL of large effect, and suggest that divergence in flowering time between ecotypes is due mainly to conditional neutrality.  相似文献   

 The process of endosperm development in Arabidopsis was studied using immunohistochemistry of tubulin/microtubules coupled with light and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Arabidopsis undergoes the nuclear type of development in which the primary endosperm nucleus resulting from double fertilization divides repeatedly without cytokinesis resulting in a syncytium lining the central cell. Development occurs as waves originating in the micropylar chamber and moving through the central chamber toward the chalazal tip. Prior to cellularization, the syncytium is organized into nuclear cytoplasmic domains (NCDs) defined by nuclear-based radial systems of microtubules. The NCDs become polarized in axes perpendicular to the central cell wall, and anticlinal walls deposited among adjacent NCDs compartmentalize the syncytium into open-ended alveoli overtopped by a crown of syncytial cytoplasm. Continued centripetal growth of the anticlinal walls is guided by adventitious phragmoplasts that form at interfaces of microtubules emanating from adjacent interphase nuclei. Polarity of the elongating alveoli is reflected in a subsequent wave of periclinal divisions that cuts off a peripheral layer of cells and displaces the alveoli centripetally into the central vacuole. This pattern of development via alveolation appears to be highly conserved; it is characteristic of nuclear endosperm development in angiosperms and is similar to ancient patterns of gametophyte development in gymnosperms. Received: 21 September 1998 / Revision accepted: 17 November 1998  相似文献   

 In this study, megasporogenesis of the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana was investigated by electron microscopy for the first time. The data described here could constitute a reference for future investigations of Arabidopsis mutants. During the beginning of meiosis the megaspore mother cell shows a polarity created by unequal distribution of organelles in the cytoplasm. Plastids accumulate in the chalazal region and long parallel saccules of endoplasmic reticulum, small vacuoles and some dictyosomes are found in the micropylar region. Plasmodesmata are abundant in the chalazal cell wall. The nucleus is almost centrally localized and contains a prominent excentric nucleolus and numerous typical synaptonemal complexes. After the second division of meiosis the four megaspores are separated by thin cell walls crossed by numerous plasmodesmata and do not show significant cellular organization. The young functional megaspore is characterized by a large nucleus and a large granular nucleolus. The cytoplasm is very electron dense due to the abundance of free ribosomes and contains the following randomly distributed organelles: mitochondria, a few short saccules of endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes and undifferentiated plastids. However, there is no apparent polarity, except for the distribution of some small vacuoles which are more abundant in the micropylar region of the cell. The degenerating megaspores are extremely electron dense and do not show any substructure. Received: 30 July 1998 / Revision accepted: 3 February 1999  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel plant mutant affected exclusively in the female mitosis-meiosis switch. The major effect of the swi1 mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana L. is to delay megasporogenesis events by inserting additional mitotic divisions of the mega- sporocyte. As a result of this delay, megagametogenesis is also affected. The absence of cellular polarity in the megasporocytes was also observed. Ovule ontogenesis is not affected by the mutation. The swi1 mutant is particularly interesting for studying sporophyt-gametophyte interactions. The swi1 mutation, obtained from a T-DNA tagging experiment, is monogenic recessive and mapped on chromosome five, at 16 cM from the yellow inflorescence marker. Received: 29 June 1999 / Revision accepted: 3 August 1999  相似文献   

The extensive natural variation of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes is being increasingly exploited as a source of variants of genes which control (agronomically) important traits. We have subjected 19 different Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes to an analysis using the anplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique in order to estimate their genetic diversity. The genetic diversity was estimated applying the method of Nei and Li (1979) and a modified version of it and using 471 informative polymorphisms. The data obtained revealed that within this small set of ecotypes a group of three ecotypes and a further single ecotype exhibit considerable genetic diversity in comparison to the others. These ecotypes clustered at positions significantly separated from the bulk of the ecotypes in the generated similarity plots. The analysis demonstrated the usefulness of the AFLP method for determinating intraspecies genetic diversity as exemplified with Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes. Results are discussed and compared with data obtained with other methods. Received: 18 June 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

 In comparison with the production of transgenic plants, the generation of hairy roots has the advantage that more independent transgenic lines can be produced in a shorter period of time. Therefore, we wanted to combine this approach with the promoter-trapping strategy to identify nematode-induced plant promoters. For the efficient production and culture of transgenic hairy root lines of Arabidopsis thaliana, the standard Agrobacterium rhizogenes transformation procedure was modified to avoid rapid callusing of the hairy roots. An average of 0.72 independent kanamycin-resistant (KmR) roots were obtained per leaf piece. However, a much lower frequency of reporter gene activation was obtained than expected from experiments with the same vectors in Agrobacterium tumefaciens: of more than 700 independent KmR hairy roots tested, only 8 were β-glucuronidase (GUS) positive. DNA hybridization was done on ten hairy root lines, of which one had a single truncated T-DNA and the others multiple copies of T-DNA that led to complex hybridization patterns. In a parallel analysis of A. thaliana plants transformed with the same vectors using A. tumefaciens, relatively simple T-DNA integration patterns were obtained. The low occurrence of GUS-positive hairy root lines in our experiments could be explained by the multiple T-DNA copies, especially in inverted array, that result in high frequencies of gene inactivation. Received: 11 August 1998 / Revision received: 17 February 1999 / Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

Le Corre V 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(13):4181-4192
Flowering Locus C (FLC) and Frigida are two interacting genes controlling flowering time variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Variation at these genes was surveyed in 12 A. thaliana populations sampled in France. These populations were also screened for variation at molecular markers [12 microsatellites and 19 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers] and at seven quantitative traits measured with and without vernalization. Seven populations were highly polymorphic at markers (H(S) = 0.57 at microsatellites, 0.24 at CAPS) and showed heritable variation for bolting time and some other traits. Five populations were genetically fixed or nearly fixed. Q(ST) for bolting time without vernalization was significantly higher than F(ST), suggesting local divergent selection. One of the two haplotype groups at FLC (FLC(A)) was very predominant (frequency of 99%). The first exon of Frigida showed elevated nonsynonymous variation, and nine loss-of-function mutations were found throughout the gene. The association between loss-of-function and earlier bolting was confirmed. Overall, 18 Frigida haplotypes were detected. The pattern of variation at Frigida was largely similar to that found at markers and traits, with the same populations being fixed or highly diverse. Metapopulation dynamics is thus probably the main factor shaping genetic variation in A. thaliana. However, F(ST) for functional (FRI) vs. nonfunctional (FRI(Delta)) haplotypes was significantly higher than F(ST) at markers. This suggested that loss-of-function at Frigida is under local selection for flowering time.  相似文献   

The efficiency of co-expression and linkage of distinct T-DNAs present in separate Agrobacterium tumefaciens was analysed in Arabidopsis thaliana transformed by the vacuum infiltration method. Co-expression was monitored by the synthesis of three bacterial proteins involved in the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in the plastids. Out of 80 kanamycin- resistant transgenic plants analysed, 13 plants were co-transformed with the two distinct T-DNAs and produced PHB. Of those, 7 lines had a kanamycin-resistance segregation ratio consistent with the presence of a single functional insert. Genetic linkage between the distinct T-DNAs was demonstrated for all 13 PHB-producing lines, while physical linkage between the distinct T-DNAs was shown for 12 out of 13 lines. T-DNAs were frequently linked in an inverted orientation about the left borders. Transformation of A. thaliana by the co-infiltration of two A. tumefaciens containing distinct T-DNAs is, thus, an efficient approach for the integration and expression of several transgenes at a single locus. This approach will facilitate the creation and study of novel metabolic pathways requiring the expression of numerous transgenes. Received: 7 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

The current best candidates for Arabidopsis thaliana clock components are CCA1 (CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1) and its homolog LHY (LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL). In addition, five members of a small family, PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATORS (including PRR1, PRR3, PRR5, PRR7 and PRR9), are believed to be another type of clock component. The originally described member of PRRs is TOC1 (or PRR1) (TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1). Interestingly, seedlings of A. thaliana carrying a certain lesion (i.e. loss-of-function or misexpression) of a given clock-associated gene commonly display a characteristic phenotype of light response during early photomorphogenesis. For instance, cca1 lhy double mutant seedlings show a shorter hypocotyl length than the wild type under a given fluence rate of red light (i.e. hypersensitivity to red light). In contrast, both toc1 single and prr7 prr5 double mutant seedlings with longer hypocotyls are hyposensitive under the same conditions. These phenotypes are indicative of linkage between the circadian clock and red light signal transduction mechanisms. Here this issue was addressed by conducting combinatorial genetic and epistasis analyses with a large number of mutants and transgenic lines carrying lesions in clock-associated genes, including a cca1 lhy toc1 triple mutant and a cca1 lhy prr7 prr5 quadruple mutant. Taking these results together, we propose a genetic model for clock-associated red light signaling, in which CCA1 and LHY function upstream of TOC1 (PRR1) in a negative manner, in turn, TOC1 (PRR1) serves as a positive regulator. PRR7 and PRR5 also act as positive regulators, but independently from TOC1 (PRR1). It is further suggested that these signaling pathways are coordinately integrated into the phytochrome-mediated red light signal transduction pathway, in which PIF3 (PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 3) functions as a negative regulator immediately downstream of phyB.  相似文献   

Analysis of leaf proteins in late flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Late flowering monogenic mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa, fy and their corresponding wild type, Landsberg erecta , were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. All plants were grown under continuous light and proteins were extracted from leaves of the same age (20-day-old). The polypeptide patterns of the mutants at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa , and Landsberg erecta were identical. The mutant at the fy locus showed a qualitative difference with Landsberg erecta . Crosses were made between this line and the wild type Landsberg erecta . F2 plants, resulting from autopollination of the hybrid, were analysed and showed no cosegregation between the observed protein and the flowering phenotype, indicating that these two lines differ by more than a single mutation.  相似文献   

 The Arabidopsis thaliana genome has four nitrilase (nitrile aminohydrolase, EC genes (NIT1 to NIT4). These nitrilases catalyze hydrolysis of indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN) to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Growth of A. thaliana is inhibited by IAN probably due to hydrolysis of IAN to IAA, while the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) genome has only NIT4 homologs and is resistant to IAN. In this study, we introduced A. thaliana NIT1 to NIT4 into tobacco. Introduction of NIT1, NIT2 or NIT3 into tobacco conferred growth inhibition by IAN. NIT2 transgenic plants were highly sensitive to IAN, and NIT1 and NIT3 transgenic plants were moderately sensitive. On the other hand, NIT4 transgenic plants were less sensitive to IAN, although some morphological changes in the roots were observed as the wild-type tobacco. These findings suggest that the ability of transgenic tobacco to convert IAN to IAA in vivo is markedly different among transgenes of NIT1 to NIT4. Received: 22 November 1999 / Revision received: 28 January 2000 / Accepted: 4 February 2000  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important cereal crop grown in a wide range of tropical and temperate environments. This study was conducted to characterise the photothermal flowering responses of sorghum genotypes and to examine relationships between photothermal characteristics and environment of origin in order to better understand the phenological basis of adaptation to environment in sorghum. Twenty-four germplasm accessions and one hybrid from 24 major sorghum-growing areas were grown in a wide range of environments varying in temperature and photoperiod in India, Kenya and Mali between 1992 and 1995. Times from sowing to flowering (f) were recorded, and the responsiveness of 1/f to temperature and photoperiod was quantified using photothermal models. Times from sowing to flowering were accurately predicted in a wide range of environments using a multiplicative rate photothermal model. Significant variation in the minimum time to flower (Fm) and photoperiod sensitivity (critical photoperiod, Pc, and photoperiod-sensitivity slope, Ps) was observed among the genotypes; in contrast there was little variation in base temperature (Tb). Adaptation of sorghum to the diverse environments in which it is grown was largely determined by photoperiod sensitivity and minimum time to flower; photoperiod sensitivity determines broad adaptation to latitude (daylength), while variation in the minimum time to flower determines specific adaptation within smaller ranges of latitude, e.g. within the humid and sub-humid tropics. Received: 16 January 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 1999  相似文献   

The role of standing genetic variation in adaptive evolution remains unclear. Although there has been much progress in identifying candidate genes that underlie adaptive traits, we still lack direct evidence that natural allelic variation in these genes can actually mediate adaptive evolution. In this study, we investigate the role of natural allelic variation in two candidate flowering time genes, in response to selection for early flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana : FRIGIDA ( FRI ) and FLOWERING LOCUS C ( FLC ). We performed artificial selection for early flowering under 'spring-' and 'winter-annual' growth conditions using an outbred population of A. thaliana produced by intermating 19 natural accessions. FRI and FLC are involved in A. thaliana 's response to winter conditions, and nonfunctional and weak alleles at these loci are know to reduce flowering time, particularly under spring-annual conditions. Our results provide direct evidence that natural allelic variation in FRI can provide rapid and predictable adaptive evolution in flowering time under spring-annual conditions. We observed a strong response to selection, in terms of reducing flowering time, in both growth conditions (~2 standard deviation reduction). Concomitantly, the frequency of functional FRI alleles under spring-annual conditions was reduced by 68%, in agreement with predicted changes. No significant changes in allele frequencies were observed in FRI in the winter-annual growth condition or in FLC for either growth conditions. These results indicate that changes in flowering time are mediated by different genetic factors under spring- and winter-annual growth conditions, and that other loci must also be contributing to the response to selection.  相似文献   

 The objective of this work was to assess the degree of trinucleotide microsatellite length polymorphism in the selfing species Arabidopsis thaliana. PCR amplifications of 12 microsatellite loci among 49 natural populations revealed between one to eight length variants (alleles) for each locus. The average number of alleles per locus was four and the average genetic diversity index was 0.43. Divergence between length variants was investigated at the nucleotide level. Several observations emerge from the sequence data: (1) for most loci, length polymorphism results only from variations in the number of trinucleotide repeats; (2) for a few others, some variability was noted in the flanking sequences; (3) for compound and interrupted loci containing two arrays of trinucleotide repeats, length variations preferentially affect the longest one. Five of the Arabidopsis thaliana accessions were clearly composed of two sublines. In 2 other accessions, some heterozygous individual plants, probably resulting from recent outcrosses, were found. A phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of trinucleotide microsatellite allelic diversity shows that genetic relationships among the accessions are not correlated with their geographic origin. Received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

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