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Polysaccharide production by cultured B-16 mouse melanoma cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Control of melanin synthesis and secretion by B16/C3 melanoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In culture, B16/C3 murine melanoma cells grown in the presence of serum undergo melanogenesis at a specific time after plating. At this time, melanin is synthesized intracellularly and then secreted into the extracellular culture fluid. We have found that melanin secretion is dependent on the presence of serum in the growth medium. When confluent cultures are deprived of serum, that is, refed with serum-free medium, cells remain viable but do not undergo melanogenesis. Addition of serum-free medium supplemented with either melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) or dibutyryl cAMP induced melanogenesis in these cells but did not result in melanin secretion. Furthermore, when B16/C3 cells are grown in serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium, they also undergo melanogenesis but fail to release melanin. The addition of serum, however, to B16/C3 cells induced to undergo melanogenesis with MSH, dibutyryl cAMP, or hormone-supplemented medium promotes melanin secretion. Fractionation studies hence revealed that serum contains specific factors capable of inducing melanin secretion. These results demonstrate that factors that regulate melanin synthesis are distinct from those that induce cells to release melanin into their extracellular environment. Furthermore, the ability to induce melanogenesis with single factors will permit us to study the precise sequence of events leading to differentiation in B16/C3 cells under chemically defined conditions.  相似文献   

Bufalin, which is one of prominent components of Chinese toad venom, was found to decrease the rate of cell proliferation of mouse melanoma clone B16-F10 cells and a concomitant stimulation of expression of its melanotic phenotype. The effect of bufalin on melanogenesis included stimulation of tyrosinase activity and increase of cellular melanin content. These effects became apparent after 48 hr exposure to 10(-4) M bufalin and increased thereafter. Other cardiotonic steroids, such as cinobufagin and ouabain, at the concentration of 10(-4) M for 6 days, also showed the stimulatory effect on melanin synthesis of B16-F10 cells, but not digitoxigenin.  相似文献   

Summary Established melanoma cell lines were cultured for one passage (approximately 1 week) in different lots of fetal calf and new born calf sera and then tested against a panel of previously positively reacting sera from melanoma patients and polyspecific HL-A alloantisera. Using indirect immunofluorescence the cells showed varying degrees of reactivity ranging from positive to negative reactions depending on the supplementing serum in the culture medium. When standardized culture conditions were used and the cells were tested by immune adherence at several weeks intervals against panels of sera from melanoma patients, from tumor patients other than melanoma, from pregnant women, and from normal donors, most of the sera reacted identical, but some sera not only had changed quantitatively but also qualitatively from a negative to a positive reaction and vice versa indicating a shift in the spectrum of expressed antigens. When single cell clones from a cell line were isolated and tested against a panel of antisera, striking differences in reactivity were observed suggesting that the shift in the spectrum of expressed antigens was due to the outgrowth of dominating subclones with antigen patterns different from the previously dominating subclones. This conclusion was further supported by experiments in which a weakly positive reacting serum was employed to separate a cell line into positively and negatively reacting sublines. Unit gravity sedimentation and density gradient sedimentation were used in order to separate rosetted from non-rosetted tumor cells which had been prepared by immune adherence. It is concluded that cultured cell lines are in a dynamic state and that differentiation is one of the major mechanisms accounting for a change in antigen expression.  相似文献   

In vitro melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) stimulates melanogenesis in some, but not all, melanocytes and melanoma cells. In an attempt to explain this variation in response to alpha MSH, we examined cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) accumulation, tyrosinase activity, and melanin production in primary (1 degree) murine B16 melanoma cells and in two B16 cell lines (B16 F1 and B16 F10) that are known to respond to alpha MSH. In vivo all three B16 melanoma cell types produced pigmented tumours. In vitro alpha MSH increased tyrosinase activity and melanin content in the F1 and F10 cells but not in the B16 1 degree cells. alpha MSH, however, increased cAMP production in all three cell types, confirming that the inability of B16 1 degree cells to produce melanin in response to alpha MSH is not due to a lack of alpha MSH receptors or cAMP response to alpha MSH. Further, we present evidence for a separate pathway of melanogenesis that is independent of cAMP as calmodulin antagonists, which do not elevate cAMP, increased tyrosinase activity, and melanin production in both 1 degree and F1 cells.  相似文献   

Mouse melanoma cells, B16-C2M in monolayer culture were treated with either lysosomotropic agent, 10 mM NH4Cl, or 20 microM chloroquine, an ionophore, or 10 microns monensin for 3 h at 37 degrees C, and examined with regard to the site of melanin deposition and numbers of melanized (type 1) and unmelanized (type 2) melanosomes under a transmission electron microscope. The numbers of these two types of melanosomes were counted on electron micrographs of thin sections of 20 to 40 cells for each experimental group and expressed in terms of number per unit area of sectioned cytoplasm. Although most melanosomes were largely swollen in monensin-treated cells, melanin deposition was apparently confined in melanosomes in all experimental groups. The compound melanosomes were scarcely found. The mean population density (number per unit cytoplasmic area) of type 1 melanosomes was highest in the NH4Cl-treated cell group followed by monensin-treated, chloroquine-treated, and control cell groups. When the relative abundance of type 1 melanosomes was expressed as a fraction of total number of type 1 and 2 melanosomes (melanosomal maturation index, MMI), the differences were much more evident. Type 1 melanosomes were found in every cell (MMI not equal to 0) of the groups treated with NH4Cl and chloroquine only, which suggested the existence of a subpopulation of cells responsive to lysosomotropic agents but not to monensin in regard to melanosome maturation. All these findings indicate that the stimulation of melanogenesis proceeds mainly through maturation of preexisting melanosomes under these conditions.  相似文献   

Lactoside primers (dodecyl lactoside derivatives) resemble intermediates in the biosynthetic pathway of glycolipids and, therefore, act as substrates for cellular enzyme-catalyzed glycosylation. To establish the optimal condition for the bioproduction of a large amount of valuable materials containing GM3-type oligosaccharides, two kinds of lactoside primers having the azido group in different positions were synthesized and introduced into B16 melanoma cells. The saccharide chains of both primers were elongated by cells to give GM3-type oligosaccharide derivatives, which were released to the culture medium. The amount of glycosylated product from newly synthesized 2-azidododecyl beta-lactoside (primer II) was almost twice that from 12-azidododecyl beta-lactoside (primer I). The effects of seeded cell number, primer concentration, and length of incubation time on the glycosylation efficiency were also investigated. The results showed that the higher the seeded cell number, the larger the amount of sialylated products obtained. The optimum concentrations of primers I and II were found to be 200 and 100 microM, respectively. Above these concentrations, productivity and cell viability decreased. As regards the length of incubation time, the sialylated products increased linearly until 48 h, but productivity did not advance thereafter. These results represent the optimal conditions that are necessary for the mass production of GM3-type oligosaccharide using azidododecyl lactoside primers and B16 cells.  相似文献   

Melanosomes from B-16 mouse melanoma cells in culture were isolated by treatment of pigmented cells with 2% SDS, sonication, and heating at 100°C. The total number of melanosomes in cultures of B-16 mouse melanoma cells increased exponentially during the rapid phase of sigmoid growth. The numbers of melanosomes per cell decreased during rapid phase of growth, and repigmentation was observed only when the cultures attained the stationary growth phase. BUdr at a minimum concentration of 0.5 μg/ml decreased both cell growth and numbers of melanosomes per cell, and completely inhibited repigmentation following a period of active growth. Cells cultured in 0.1 μg/ml BUdr grew at the same rate as untreated cells but contained fewer melanosomes/cell and lower total numbers of melanosomes during the late stages of the growth cycle.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium parvum-activated macrophages (M phi), purified by adherence, were cytotoxic for B16 melanoma cells maintained in vitro. Pretreatment of the melanoma cells for 18 hr with interferon-alpha/beta or -gamma (IFN-alpha/beta or -gamma) caused a reduced susceptibility of the B16 cells to M phi-mediated cytotoxicity. The IFN-induced protective effect of B16 cells from cytotoxic M phi was found to be dose dependent. In addition, IFN-gamma was more protective than IFN-alpha/beta. The protective effect observed with partially purified IFN was reproduced by using highly purified IFN-alpha/beta or recombinant IFN-gamma. Monoclonal antibodies to IFN-gamma neutralized the protective effect provided by IFN-gamma. These results show that the susceptibility of a tumor cell line to killing by activated M phi can be altered by IFN pretreatment.  相似文献   

The mucopolysaccharides produced by B16 mouse melanoma cells have been isolated in milligram quantities from the spent media in which the cells were grown in the presence of 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose-t and 35S]-sulfate. The mucopolysaccharides obtained by precipitation with cetylpyridinium chloride from the Pronase digest of the media were further purified by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, and treatment with nucleases. The major components were identified as chondroitin-4-sulfates by identification of the hexosamine as 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-galactose, and by digestibility with hyaluronidases, chondroitinase AC, and chondro-4-sulfatase. The o.r.d. curve and i.r. spectra of these components also confirmed their similarity to chondroitin-4-sulfate from cartilage. The molecular weight of the polysaccharide chains was estimated to be in the range 90,000–120,000 by sedimentation equilibrium analysis.  相似文献   

PDE inhibitors could increase cellular cGMP levels and are used to treat erectile dysfunction as well as pulmonary arterial hypertension. cGMP production was reported to be necessary for UVB-induced melanin synthesis, however, the effect of PDE5 inhibitor on melanin synthesis has not been examined. We found that PDE5 inhibitor (sildenafil or vardenafil) and the cGMP analog 8-CPT-cGMP stimulated CREB phosphorylation, leading to increased tyrosinase expression and melanin synthesis, which was counteracted by KT5823, a selective cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) inhibitor. However, KT5823 did not affect cAMP-elevating agent-mediated melanin synthesis, indicating that KT5823 selectively inhibited cGMP-induced melanin synthesis. This is the first study to find that PDE5 inhibitor can promote melanin synthesis and reveal that PKG-dependent CREB phosphorylation and tyrosinase expression is involved in cGMP-induced melanin synthesis. Our results suggest that PDE5 inhibitor may be beneficial for the treatment of hypopigmentation diseases.  相似文献   

The relationship between cell pigmentation and radiosensitivity was investigated in a cell model in which melanogenesis was suppressed by a glycosylation inhibitor. It was found that X-irradiation of melanotic B-16 melanoma cells and their amelanotic counterparts, obtained by glucosamine treatment, showed an inverse correlation between radiosensitivity and melanin contents. Since melanogenesis interruption by glucosamine does not affect the DNA repair capacity of nonpigmented cells, it is likely that intracellular melanins play a role in the relative resistance of pigmented cells to X-irradiation.  相似文献   

The fibrinolytic activity of two tumorigenic B16 mouse melanoma lines was stimulated by exogenous hog mucosal or beef lung heparin. In contrast, the activity of two normal fibroblast lines was unaffected. The degradation of 125l-fibrin was increased up to 3.6-fold by the addition of heparin. Chondroitin-4-sulfate or dextran sulfate did not change the fibrinolytic activity of three of the cell lines, but, at concentrations where enhancement by heparin was much reduced, the activity of one of the B16 melanoma lines was somewhat elevated. Antithrombin III did not alter the plasminogen activator activity of the B16 cell lines, but, in the presence of exogenous heparin, the enhancement of fibrinolysis was greatly reduced. The polymers were not cytotoxic during the assay period, and, had little affect on the plating efficiencies of the lines.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are able to elicit anti-tumoral CD8(+) T cell responses by cross-presenting exogenous antigens in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Therefore they are crucial actors in cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Although apoptotic cells are usually considered to be the best source of antigens, live cells are also able to provide antigens for cross-presentation by DC. We have recently shown that prophylactic immunotherapy by DC after capture of antigens from live B16 melanoma cells induced strong CD8(+) T-cell responses and protection against a lethal tumor challenge in vivo in C57Bl/6 mice. Here, we showed that DC cross-presenting antigens from live B16 cells can also inhibit melanoma lung dissemination in a therapeutic protocol in mice. DC were first incubated with live tumor cells for antigen uptake and processing, then purified and irradiated for safety prior to injection. This treatment induced stronger tumor-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses than treatment by DC cross-presenting antigens from apoptotic cells. Apoptotic B16 cells induced more IL-10 secretion by DC than live B16 cells. They underwent strong native antigen degradation and led to the expression of fewer MHC class I/epitope complexes on the surface of DC than live cells. Therefore, the possibility to use live cells as sources of tumor antigens must be taken into account to improve the efficiency of cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The antifungal reagent Fungizone (amphotericin B and deoxycholate) caused an activation in dopachrome tautomerase and dopa oxidase activities of B16/F10 melanoma cells at the routine concentration (2.5 micrograms/ml) used for preventing molds and yeast growth in cultures of animal cells. However, higher amphotericin B concentrations caused a significant cell death and the inhibition of enzymatic activities. At the optimal concentration of Fungizone, the enzymatic activities and melanin content were augmented as incubation time increased. The detergent sodium deoxycholate alone exerted no effect on these melanogenic parameters, eliminating the possibility that this detergent was partially responsible for melanogenic modifications produced by Fungizone. After withdrawal of Fungizone from the reaction medium, the recovery of melanogenic parameters to normal values was slower for DCT than for tyrosinase. The behavior of dopa oxidase was very similar to that reported by Johnson and Bagnara (Pigment Cell Res. 3, 173-175) for tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   

The glycopeptides produced by B16 mouse melanoma cells grown in the presence of [3H]glucosamine were isolated and fractionated into two classes (I and II) with cetyl pyridinium chloride. The class I glycopeptides were of higher molecular weight and of higher negative charge (sialic acid content) than those in class II. Class I glycopeptides contained N-acetyl neuraminic acid, galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine and on treatment with alkaline-borohydride were degraded to apparently tri- and tetrasaccharides. The presence of this mucin-type glycoprotein on the cell surface was detected by mild trypsinization of intact cells.  相似文献   

Melanogenesis is regulated by a variety of environmental and hormonal factors. In this study, we showed that protein kinase C (PKC) plays a major role in regulating melanogenesis in B16 mouse melanoma cells. Chronic treatment of B16 cells with phorbol dibutyrate resulted in a concentration-dependent loss of density-dependent induction of tyrosinase activity, which correlated positively with a concentration-dependent loss of PKC enzyme activity. In contrast, B16 clones overexpressing PKCα had increased tyrosinase activity. Different phorbol derivatives inhibited tyrosinase activity and depleted cellular PKCα in a manner that reflected their reported tumor-promoting activity. Western blotting analysis showed that phorbol dibutyrate decreased the amount of the brown locus gene product (TRP-1) by 50% and lowered the amount of the albino locus gene product (tyrosinase) to undetectable levels. None of the phorbol derivatives affected the level of the slaty locus protein (TRP-2). The decrease in tyrosinase and TRP-1 protein levels was found to be due to a decrease in the mRNA encoded by these genes. In addition to inhibiting the density-dependent increase in tyrosinase activity, phorbol dibutyrate inhibited some, but not all, of the 8-bromocyclic AMP-induced increase in tyrosinase activity. This was accompanied by a decrease in the amount of tyrosinase protein induced by 8-bromocyclic AMP. Although 8-bromocyclic AMP did not change the level of TRP-1, it did reverse the decrease in the amount of this protein induced by phorbol dibutyrate. The amount of TRP-2 was not altered by any of these agents. These data suggest that PKC regulates melanogenesis primarily by controlling the constitutive expression of tyrosinase and, to a lesser extent, TRP-1. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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