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During normal development, rainbow trout undergo a shift in red muscle contraction kinetics and swimming kinematics. Young trout parr have faster muscle kinetics and faster tailbeat frequency during swimming than older, larger juvenile trout. In this study, the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T(4)) was used to induce these changes in trout parr. This allowed a comparison of swimming kinematics, through the use of video analysis and electromyography, and red muscle contractile properties, through the use of in vitro muscle preparations, between natural parr and same-sized induced juveniles. The red muscle of natural parr has faster contractile properties than induced juveniles, including faster twitch time and a faster maximum shortening velocity (V(max)). Further, natural parr swim with faster tailbeat frequencies than induced juveniles. The results suggest that the natural shift in red muscle contraction kinetics observed during parr-smolt transfomation in trout directly affects swimming behavior in these fish. Also, thyroid hormones appear to induce a shift towards slower isoforms of the muscle protein myosin heavy chain (MHC), a result distinct from work on rats where thyroid hormones induce shifts towards faster forms of MHC. J. Exp. Zool. 290:115-124, 2001.  相似文献   

The red and pink aerobic muscle fibers are used to power steady swimming in fishes. We examined red and pink muscle recruitment and function during swimming in scup, Stenotomus chrysops, through electromyography and high-speed ciné. Computer analysis of electromyograms (EMGs) allowed determination of initial speed of muscle recruitment and duty cycle and phase of muscle electromyographic activity for both fiber types. This analysis was carried out for three longitudinal positions over a range of swimming speeds. Fiber type and longitudinal position both affected swimming speed of initial recruitment. Posterior muscle is recruited at the lowest swimming speed, whereas more anterior muscle is not initially recruited until higher speeds. At more anterior positions, the initial recruitment of pink muscle occurs at a higher swimming speed than the recruitment of red muscle. The duty cycle of pink muscle EMG activity is significantly shorter than that of red muscle, reflecting a difference in the onset time of activation during each cycle of length change: pink muscle onset time follows that of red. The different patterns of usage of red and pink muscle reflect differences in their contraction kinetics. Because pink muscle generates force more rapidly than red muscle, it can be activated later in each tailbeat cycle. Pink muscle is used to augment red muscle power production at higher swimming speeds, allowing a higher aerobically based steady swimming speed than that possible by red muscle alone.  相似文献   

Salmonids undergo a developmental transition from parr to smoltthat involves a number of physiological and morphological changes.In recent years, my laboratory has studied shifts in red musclefunction at this parr-smolt transformation (PST) in rainbowtrout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Parr red muscle has faster contractionkinetics than smolts, including faster rates of activation andrelaxation and a faster maximum shortening velocity. At PST,a transition in swimming behavior is also observed, with lowertailbeat frequencies and longer EMG duty cycles in the oldersmolts. Lastly, there is molecular correlate to changes in kineticsand behavior. During PST, there is a developmental reductionin the number of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms in the redmuscle of rainbow trout. Since MHC composition of muscle candetermine contractile properties, these molecular results suggesta mechanism for the transition in red muscle kinetics and steadyswimming. The red muscle of parr is more likely to contain thefast-twitch or white isoform of MHC, resulting in faster contractileproperties of that muscle and higher tailbeat frequencies duringsteady swimming. Lastly, experimental work supports the conclusionthat the shift in kinetics causes the observed shift in swimmingbehavior.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (or charr, Salvelinus fontinalis) display different rostral-caudal patterns of power production by the red or aerobic muscle during steady swimming. The anterior muscle of rainbow trout produces much less power for swimming than the posterior, while in brook trout there is no variation in power output. To determine if red muscle recruitment is associated with anterior-posterior patterns of power production, electromyography (EMG) was used to record red muscle activity at three body positions across a range of swimming speeds in fish of each species. The initial recruitment of the anterior red muscle in swimming rainbow trout was predicted to lag behind, i.e. occur at higher speeds, that of the posterior due to the variation in power production, but no variation in recruitment was expected for brook trout. Burst of red muscle EMG activity occurring with each tailbeat was analyzed for frequency (tailbeat frequency), duty cycle (DC) (duration of burst relative to the period of the tailbeat) and burst intensity (BI) (magnitude of the measured EMG activity). Brook trout swam with higher tailbeat frequencies and longer values of DC than rainbow trout. Both species showed a pattern of longitudinal variation in DC, with longer DC values in the anterior red muscle. BI also differed significantly along the length of rainbow trout but not brook trout. In the former, BI of anterior muscle was significantly less than the posterior at lower steady swimming speeds. The EMG data suggest that power production and muscle recruitment are related. In rainbow trout, where there is longitudinal variation in muscle power output, there are also significant rostral-caudal differences in red muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

Red muscle function during steady swimming in brook trout was studied through both in vivo swimming and in vitro muscle mechanics experiments. In the swimming experiments, red muscle activity was characterized through the use of electromyography and sonomicrometry, allowing the determination of several parameters such as tailbeat frequency, EMG burst duration, muscle length change patterns and relative phase of EMG activity and length change. Brook trout do show some shifts in these variables along their length during steady swimming, but the magnitude of these shifts is relatively small. In the muscle mechanics experiments, the in vivo muscle activity data were used to evaluate patterns of power production by red muscle during swimming. Unlike many fish species, the red muscle along the length of brook trout shows little change in isometric kinetic variables such as relaxation rate and twitch time. Furthermore, there is no rostral-caudal shift in red muscle mass-specific power output during steady swimming. This last result contrasts sharply with rainbow trout and with a variety of other fish species that power steady swimming primarily with the posterior red myotome.  相似文献   

Juvenile stages of rainbow trout, smaller parr and older juveniles, termed smolts, show differences in red muscle contractile properties: parr red muscle has faster kinetics and a faster maximum shortening velocity than smolt red muscle. A developmental reduction in the number of MHC isoforms as detected by SDS-PAGE between parr and smolt has also been observed. To investigate whether this shift in contractile kinetics results from differential gene expression, three different MHC cDNA fragments, one each from red, white, and ventricular muscle, were identified. The red muscle and ventricular forms are novel MHCs, and the white muscle form is identical to a published MHC from adult trout white muscle. Tissue and developmental stage-specific expression patterns of these MHC isoforms were examined using isoform-specific RT-PCR. Ventricular muscle typically showed only the ventricular form; 60% parr and 80% smolts expressed the ventricular form only. Approximately half of the white muscle samples of either parr or smolts, 58% and 50%, respectively, expressed only white muscle MHC. Red muscle samples were the most heterogeneous, with red muscle MHC found in combination with either the white or ventricular form or both. Combining samples from the anterior and posterior, 8% of parr red muscle samples expressed solely the red muscle MHC form, and 30% of smolt red muscle samples expressed the red muscle form alone. Variations in the relative contribution of each MHC to the red muscle of parr and smolt may explain observed differences in protein composition and contractile properties. J. Exp. Zool. 290:751-758, 2001.  相似文献   

Fishes power steady, undulatory swimming using both red andpink muscle. In this study we examined the roles of the twofiber types in generating power for swimming by using two-steptechnique. First, in vivo data is collected from swimming fish,and second, the electrical activity and muscle length changeconditions recorded in vivo are recreated in vitro with isolatedmuscle bundles. Force production and power generation by muscleduring swimming can then be estimated. In scup, both red andpink muscle are recruited to power swimming at the maximum sustainedswimming speed. For both fiber types, the duration of electricalactivity decreases from anterior to posterior. However, theamplitude of muscle length change increases anterior to posterior.Mass-specific power production increases posteriorly for bothmuscle types. The faster contraction kinetics of pink muscletranslate to higher power production pink muscle relative tored muscle for all longitudinal positions of the fish. Determinationof absolute power production, based on mass-specific power andmuscle mass, shows that the posterior regions of the fish generatethe most power for swimming. At 20°C, red muscle generatesmore absolute power than pink due to its higher muscle mass.However, at 10°C, pink muscle generates more absolute powerthan red, because red muscle produces little or no positivepower for all longitudinal positions.  相似文献   

Moderate exercise enhances fish growth, although underlying physiological mechanisms are not fully known. Here we performed a proteomic and metabolic study in white (WM) and red (RM) muscle of gilthead sea bream juveniles swimming at 1.5 body lengths per second. Continuous swimming for four weeks enhanced fish growth without increasing food intake. Exercise affected muscle energy stores by decreasing lipid and glycogen contents in WM and RM, respectively. Protein synthesis capacity (RNA/protein), energy use (estimated by lipid-δ(13)C and glycogen-δ(13)C), and enzymatic aerobic capacity increased in WM, while protein turnover (expressed by δ(15)N-fractionation) did not change. RM showed no changes in any of these parameters. 2D-PAGE analysis showed that almost 15% of sarcoplasmic protein spots from WM and RM differed in response to exercise, most being over-expressed in WM and under-expressed in RM. Protein identification by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS and LC-MS/MS revealed exercise-induced enhancement of several pathways in WM (carbohydrate catabolism, protein synthesis, muscle contraction, and detoxification) and under-expression of others in RM (energy production, muscle contraction, and homeostatic processes). The mechanism underpinning the phenotypic response to exercise sheds light on the adaptive processes of fish muscles, being the sustained-moderate swimming induced in gilthead sea bream achieved mainly by WM, thus reducing the work load of RM and improving swimming performance and food conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) display longitudinal and developmental shifts in muscle relaxation rate. This study aimed to determine the role of variations in parvalbumin content in modulating muscle relaxation. Parvalbumin is a low molecular weight protein that buffers myoplasmic Ca2+ and enhances muscle relaxation. In some fish, longitudinal variations in muscle relaxation have been linked to variations in the total amount of parvalbumin present in muscle and in the relative expression of two parvalbumin isoforms. We have demonstrated previously that anterior slow-twitch or red myotomal muscle relaxes more rapidly than that from the posterior for both rainbow and brook trout. Further, younger rainbow trout parr have faster red muscle relaxation rates than older smolts. Here we report similar results for fast-twitch or white muscle. We quantified the parvalbumin expression in red and white muscle from different body positions of rainbow trout parr and smolts and for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) adults. There was a significant shift in total parvalbumin content of muscle: the faster muscle from the anterior myotome contained greater amounts of parvalbumin. For brook trout, longitudinal variation in relaxation rate was also associated with shifts in the relative expression of the two parvalbumin isoforms. The faster muscle of parr contained more parvalbumin. Lastly, trout white muscle tended to have higher levels of parvalbumin and greater levels of the Parv2 (relative to Parv1) isoform as compared to red muscle. Parvalbumin expression correlated with muscle relaxation rate in trout, although there were species-specific differences in the importance of altering total parvalbumin content versus shifts in relative parvalbumin isoform expression.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Recent research in fish locomotion has been dominatedby an interest in the dynamic mechanical properties of the swimmingmusculature. Prior observations have indicated that waves ofmuscle activation travel along the body of an undulating fishfaster than the resulting waves of muscular contraction, suggestingthat the phase relation between the muscle strain cycle andits activation must vary along the body. Since this phase relationis critical in determining how the muscle performs in cycliccontractions, the possibility has emerged that dynamic musclefunction may change with axial position in swimming fish. Quantificationof muscle contractile properties in cyclic contractions relieson in vitro experiments using strain and activation data collectedin vivo. In this paper we discuss the relation between theseparameters and body kinematics. Using videoradiographic datafrom swimming mackerel we demonstrate that red muscle straincan be accurately predicted from midline curvature but not fromlateral displacement. Electromyographic recordings show neuronalactivation patterns that are consistent with red muscle performingnet positive work at all axial positions. The relatively constantcross-section of red muscle along much of the body suggeststhat positive power for swimming is generated fairly uniformlyalong the length of the fish.  相似文献   

The Importance of Body Stiffness in Undulatory Propulsion   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
During steady swimming in fish, the dynamic form taken by theaxial undulatory wave may depend on the bending stiffness ofthe body. Previous studies have suggested the hypothesis thatfish use their muscles to modulate body stiffness. In orderto expand the theoretical and experimental tools available fortesting this hypothesis, we explored the relationship betweenbody stiffness, muscle activity, and undulatory waveform inthe mechanical context of dynamically bending beams. We proposethat fish minimize the mechanical cost of bending by increasingtheir body stiffness, which would allow them to tune their body'snatural frequency to match the tailbeat frequency at a givenswimming speed. A review of the literature reveals that theform of the undulatory wave, as measured by propulsive wavelength,is highly variable within species, a result which calls intoquestion the use of propulsive wavelength as a species-specificindicator of swimming mode. At the same time, the smallest wavelengthwithin a species is inversely proportional to the number ofvertebrae across taxa (r2 = 0.21). In order to determine ifintact fish bodies are capable of increasing bending stiffness,we introduce a method for stimulating muscle in the body ofa dead fish while it is being cyclically bent at physiologicalfrequencies. The bending moment (N m) and angular displacement(radians) are measured during dynamic bending with and withoutmuscle stimulation. Initial results from these whole body workloops demonstrate that largemouth bass possess the capabilityto increase body stiffness by using their muscles to generatenegative mechanical work.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of embryonic and larval stages of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax to environmental temperature and the longer-term consequences for the early juveniles was demonstrated. This phenotypic plasticity was highlighted by subjecting D. labrax at 15·2 ± 0·3 or 20·0 ± 0·4° C (mean ± s . d .) up to metamorphosis and then at the same temperature (18·5 ± 0·7° C). After 4–6 weeks at the same temperature, the measurement of critical swimming speed at four exercise temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 28° C) showed a significantly higher swimming capacity in the fish initially reared at 15° C than for fish initially reared at 20° C. This performance was correlated with significant differences in the phenotype of red muscle. Thermally induced phenotypic plasticity was clearly demonstrated as an important mechanism controlling swimming performance in early juveniles of D. labrax .  相似文献   

Male Atlantic salmon follow a conditional strategy, becoming either "combatants" that undertake a seaward migration and spend at least a year at sea or "sneakers" that remain in freshwater and mature as parr. A variety of physiological indices showed significant but small differences between the offspring of males that use these two reproductive tactics. Offspring fathered by anadromous male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) showed greater muscular development and muscle metabolic capacities but lower spontaneous movements than those fathered by mature male parr. At hatch and at maximum attainable wet weight (MAWW), offspring fathered by anadromous males had higher activities of mitochondrial (cytochrome C oxidase and citrate synthase) and glycolytic (lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]) enzymes than progeny of mature male parr. Enzymatic profiles of progeny of anadromous fathers also suggested greater nitrogen excretion capacity (glutamate dehydrogenase) and increased muscular development (creatine kinase and LDH) than in the progeny of mature parr. At MAWW, juveniles fathered by mature parr made considerably more spontaneous movements, presumably increasing their energy expenditures. For juveniles fathered by anadromous males, total cross-sectional areas of white and red muscle at hatch were higher due to the greater number of large-diameter fibers. We suggest that the slightly lower metabolic capacities and muscular development of alevins fathered by mature parr could reflect differences in energy partitioning during their dependence on vitellus. Greater spontaneous movements of offspring of mature male parr could favor feeding and growth after the resorption of the vitellus.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the maximum sustained swimming speed of Crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) using a fixed velocity technique. The data obtained from swimming tests on 214 carp have been analysed using the method of probit analysis. The 50% fatigue level for 13–16 cm fish acclimated to 9.5±0.6°C has been estimated to be 3.35 lengths/sec. Biochemical measurements have been made on the red and white myotomal muscles and liver of fish subjected to both varying intensities of sustained swimming and short periods of vigorous swimming. Free creatine was found to increase only during high speed swimming in the white muscle. Elevated lactate concentrations occurred at both low and high sustained swimming speeds in the red superficial muscle but not during short periods of strenuous exercise. Glycogen depletion from the red musculature also only took place at the sustained swimming speeds investigated. The reverse situation was operative in the white muscle, significant glycogen depletion occurring only at the highest swimming speed studied. Lactate levels were only significantly different from non-exercised fish in the fish swimming at the higher velocities. The effects of periods of recovery following 200 min of sustained swimming were also investigated. White muscle lactate was at a higher level than non-exercise fish 5 h post-exercise, while both red muscle glycogen and lactate rapidly returned to pre-exercise concentrations. Biochemical measurements on the myotomal muscle types have been discussed in relation to the swimming performance of the fish and the division of labour between red and white fibres.  相似文献   

Sustained swimming of bluefin tuna was analysed from video recordings made of a captive patrolling fish school [lengths (L) 1.7–3.3 m, body mass (M) 54–433 kg]. Speeds ranged from 0.6 to 1.2 L s−1 (86–260 km day−1) while stride length during steady speed swimming varied between 0.54 and 0.93 L. Maximum swimming speed was estimated by measuring twitch contraction of the anaerobic swimming muscle in pithed fish 5 min after death. Muscle contraction time increased from the shortest just behind the head (30–50 ms at 20% L) to the longest at the tail peduncle (80–90 ms at 80% L) (all at 28°C). A fish (L = 2.26 m) with a muscle contraction time of 50 ms at 25% L can have a maximum tail beat frequency of 10 Hz and maximum swimming speed of 15m s−1 (54km h−1) with a stride length of 0.65L. With a stride length of 1 L a speed of 22.6 m s−1 (81.4 km h−1) is possible. Power used at maximum speed was estimated for this fish at between 10 and 40 kW, with corresponding values for the drag coefficient at a Reynolds number of 4.43 × 107 of 0.0007 and 0.0027.  相似文献   

Muscle's contractile properties can vary along different trajectories, including between muscle fiber types, along the body (within a muscle fiber type), and between developmental stages. This study explores the role of the regulatory myosin light chain (MLC2) in modulating contractile properties in rainbow trout myotomal muscle. Rainbow trout show longitudinal variations in muscle activation and relaxation, with faster contractile properties in the anterior myotome. The expression of two muscle proteins, troponin T and parvalbumin, vary along the length of trout in concert with shifts in muscle activation and relaxation. However, there is no longitudinal variation in myosin heavy chain in trout. This study explores the role of MLC2 (or regulatory light chain), part of the myosin hexamer, in contributing to longitudinal variations in contractile properties of trout swimming muscle. We cloned and sequenced two isoforms of MLC2 from trout muscle and used real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to assess the relative expression of these two isoforms in red and white muscle from different body positions of two ages of rainbow trout: parr and smolt. Longitudinal variations in slow (sMLC2) but not fast (fMLC2) regulatory light chain isoforms were observed in young trout parr but not older trout smolts. The differences in sMLC2 expression correlated with shifts in muscle contractile properties in the parr. J. Exp. Zool. 309A:64-72, 2008. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The relative amount of muscle contraction regulating dihydropyridine and ryanodine receptors in the swimming muscles of trained reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts was compared with those of untrained and wild smolts. After an optimized 2 week training period, i.e. swimming with a velocity of 1·5 body lengths per second for 6 h per day, the level of both receptors was significantly higher in the muscles of trained S. salar than in the untrained ones before they were released into the natural environment. This difference persisted after downstream migration in the river. The highest level of receptors was observed in wild S. salar. Swimming performance was also higher in trained fish compared to untrained ones. Furthermore, swimming performance was positively associated with the level of receptors in both red and white muscle types. Downstream migration after release into the wild was significantly slower in trained smolts than in untrained fish. This indicates that trained smolts were most probably swimming harder against the current in the river than untrained smolts. The possible advantages for a slower migration in the river are discussed. This study shows that the prerequisites for effective contraction of the swimming muscles are better met in trained S. salar compared to untrained fish, and the muscles of trained smolts more closely resemble those of wild smolts. The results also imply that the capacity of untrained, reared smolts to swim against the current is not equal to that of their trained or wild counterparts which affects the downstream migration pattern of S. salar smolts.  相似文献   

Because the mass-specific power generated by myotomal muscle during swimming varies along the length of the fish, a realistic assessment of total power generation by the musculature requires integrating the product of mass-specific power and muscle mass at each position over the length of the fish. As a first step toward this goal, we examined the distribution of red, pink, and white muscle along the length of Stenotomus chrysops (scup) using histochemical and image analysis techniques. The largest cross-sectional area of red fibers occurs at 60% of total fish length and declines both anteriorly and posteriorly. By contrast, white fibers have the largest cross-sectional area in the anterior and decline dramatically moving posteriorly. The proportion of the fishes' cross-section occupied by red fibers increases from 1.37% to 8.42% moving posteriorly along the length of the fish. In contrast, the proportion of cross-sectional area occupied by pink fibers is constant (1.19%), while the proportional cross-sectional area of white fibers falls from 82.5% to 66.3%. The red, pink, and white fibers comprise 2.09, 0.73, and 51.1%, respectively, of total fish weight. We also compared the distribution of muscle in 10°C-and 200°C-acclimated animals. The value for red fiber volume, though slightly higher (13%) in cold-acclimated fish, is not statistically different. No difference was found in pink or white fibers. Finally, the finding that most of the red muscle is in the posterior half of the fish further supports the notion that most power for steady swimming at moderate speeds comes from posterior rather than anterior musculature. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Swimming has relevant physiological changes in farmed fish, although the potential link between swimming and oxidative stress remains poorly studied. We investigated the effects of different medium-term moderate swimming conditions for 6 h on the antioxidant status of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), analyzing the activity of enzymes related to oxidative stress in the liver and skeletal red and white muscle. Forty fish were induced to swim individually with the following conditions: steady low (SL, 0.8 body length (BL)·s−1), steady high (SH, 2.3 BL·s−1), oscillating low (OL, 0.2–0.8 BL·s−1) and oscillating high (OH, 0.8–2.3 BL·s−1) velocities, and a non-exercised group with minimal water flow (MF, < 0.1 BL·s−1). All swimming conditions resulted in lower activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the liver compared to the MF group, while steady swimming (SL and SH) led to higher reduced glutathione/oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG) compared to the MF condition. Swimming also differently modulated the antioxidant enzyme activities in red and white muscles. The OH condition increased lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities in the red muscle, decreasing the GSH/GSSG ratio, whereas the SL condition led to increased GSH. Oscillating swimming conditions (OL and OH) led to lower CAT activity in the white muscle, although GPx activity was increased. The GSH/GSSG ratio in white muscle was increased in all swimming conditions. Liver and skeletal muscle antioxidant status was modulated by exercise, highlighting the importance of adequate swimming conditions to minimize oxidative stress in gilthead seabream.  相似文献   

Actinomycin-D reduced gill Na+-K+ ATPase activity of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus ishawytswha (Walbaum), smolts and saltwater-adapted juveniles but had no significant effect on the enzyme activity of parr in fresh water. The similarity in response suggests that even though smolts are found in fresh water, their enzyme system is more characteristic of saltwater-adapted juveniles than freshwater-dwelling parr. A greater reduction in enzyme activity was found when fish were treated with actinomycin-D in salt water than in fresh water, suggesting that the enzyme degradation rate wasgreater in salt water than in fresh water.  相似文献   

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