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The isolated, extracellular fibrils of the myxobacterium, Myxococcus xanthus , are capable of carrying out ADP-ribosylation. The substrate for the ADP-ribosylation is reactive with monoclonal antibody 2105, which has been shown to be directed specifically against the integral fibril proteins. The extracellular fibrils thus contain both the ADP-ribosyl transferase and the substrate for the ribosylation. This process may play a role in the contact-mediated cell–cell interactions that are an important part of the social behaviour of M. xanthus .  相似文献   

Fruiting body formation of Myxococcus xanthus, like biofilm formation of many other organisms, involves the production of an extracellular matrix (ECM). While the polysaccharide component has been studied, the protein component has been largely unexplored. Proteins associated with the ECM were solubilized from purified ECM by boiling with sodium dodecyl sulfate and were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry of tryptic fragments. The ECM is enriched in proteins of novel function; putative functions were assigned for only 5 of the 21 proteins. Thirteen putative ECM proteins had lipoprotein secretion signals. The genes for many ECM proteins were disrupted in the wild-type (WT), fibA, and pilA backgrounds. Disruption of the MXAN4860 gene had no effect in the WT or fibA background but in the pilA background resulted in a 24-h delay in aggregation and sporulation compared to its parent. The results of this study show that the M. xanthus ECM proteome is diverse and novel.  相似文献   

It is characteristic of myxobacteria to produce large amounts of extracellular material. This report demonstrates that this material in Myxococcus xanthus is fibrillar and describes the structure and chemical composition of the fibrils. The extracellular matrix fibrils are the mediators of cell-cell cohesion in M. xanthus. As such, the fibrils play an important role in the cell-cell interactions that form the basis for the social and developmental lifestyle of this organism. The fibrils are composed of protein and carbohydrate in a 1.0:1.2 ratio. Combined, the two fractions accounted for greater than 85% of the mass of isolated fibrils, and the fibrils were found to compose up to 10% of the dry weight of cells grown at high density on a solid surface. The polysaccharide portion of the fibrils was shown to be composed of five different monosaccharides: galactose, glucosamine, glucose, rhamnose, and xylose. Glucosamine, one of the component monosaccharides of the fibrils and a known morphogen for M. xanthus, inhibited cohesion to a level near that of Congo red (the positive control for cohesion inhibition). Glucose and xylose also inhibited cohesion but less than did glucosamine. Analysis of the morphology of the fibrils, the periodicities within the distribution of fibril diameters observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy, and the observation of fibrils on hydrated cells strongly suggested that the extracellular matrix of M. xanthus was indeed arranged as fibrils. Furthermore, results suggested that the fibrils were constructed as carbohydrate structures with associated proteins.  相似文献   

Protein S, which is produced only during the developmental cycle of Myxococcus xanthus, has been crystallized using 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol as a precipitating agent. The crystals were very stable in the x-ray beam for up to 150 h and diffracted to a resolution of 2.2 A. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions a = 52.99 A, b = 60.10 A, and c = 102.16 A. Each asymmetric unit consists of two monomers of Protein S, each having a molecular weight of 23,000.  相似文献   

Protein S, the most abundant protein synthesized during development of the Gram-negative bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, assembles on the surface of the spores. It can be dissociated from the spores using divalent metal chelators and will reassemble on the spores in the presence of calcium. The amino acid sequence of protein S contains regions which have homology to the calcium-binding sites of calmodulin. Protein S was found to bind 2 mol of calcium/mol of protein with Kd values of 27 and 76 microM. Using oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis, the gene coding for protein S was changed in each of two regions of homology to calmodulin (Ser40----Arg,Ser129----Arg), and a double mutant was also constructed. Each mutant gene was then transduced into the genome of a M. xanthus strain from which the wild-type genes had been deleted. All three mutants produced protein S normally during development. One of the mutants (Ser129----Arg) had normal amounts of protein S on its spores, whereas the other (Ser40----Arg) bound much less and the double mutant had virtually none. Analysis of the calcium binding affinities of the purified proteins showed that [Arg40]protein S and [Arg40, Arg129]protein S did not bind detectable quantities of calcium, whereas [Arg129]protein S bound less calcium than the wild-type protein and with a reduced affinity.  相似文献   

CsgA mutants of Myxococcus xanthus appear to be defective in producing an extracellular molecule essential for the developmental behaviors of this bacterium. The csgA gene encodes a 17.7-kilodalton polypeptide whose function and cellular location were investigated with immunological probes. Large quantities of the CsgA gene product were obtained from a lacZ-csgA translational gene fusion expressed in Escherichia coli. The chimeric 21-kilodalton protein was purified by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies raised against the fusion protein were used to determine the cellular location of the native CsgA protein by colloidal gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. Between 1,100 and 2,200 extracellular molecules of CsgA per developing M. xanthus cell were detected, most of which were associated with the extracellular matrix. The anti-CsgA antibodies inhibited wild-type development unless they were first neutralized with the fusion protein. Together these results suggest that the CsgA gene product has an essential, extracellular function during development, possibly as a pheromone.  相似文献   

Contact-mediated cell-cell interactions play an important role in the social life-style of Myxococcus xanthus. Previous investigations have demonstrated that fimbriae (also referred to as pili) and extracellular fibrils are involved in these social interactions (L. J. Shimkets, Microbiol. Rev. 54:473-501, 1990). We have used the relatively new technique of low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (an ultra-high-resolution scanning technique that allows for the nanometer resolution of biological materials) to observe the topological details of cell-cell interactions in M. xanthus. Our observations indicated that the fibrils (which measure approximately 30 nm in diameter) are produced most extensively by cells that are in close contact with each other and are aberrantly produced by the cohesion-deficient dsp mutants. Immunogold analysis identified an antigen which is located exclusively on the extracellular fibrils. Western blots (immunoblots) of this antigen (designated FA-1 for fibrillar antigen 1) indicated that it is composed of several immunoreactive bands (molecular size range, 90 to 14 kDa), all of which are sensitive to protease digestion. A technique for fibril isolation was developed by using FA-1 as a fibril-specific marker. Low-voltage scanning electron microscope observations of swarming cells demonstrated that the expression of fibrils is differentially regulated between adventurous (individual) and socially (group) motile cells. The differential expression of fibrils suggests the existence of a mechanism for the regulation of fibril biosynthesis that functions within the overall system governing social interactions in M. xanthus.  相似文献   

A deletion mutation of the gene for protein S (tps), a development-specific protein of Myxococcus xanthus, was constructed. No significant differences in the process of fruiting body formation or the yield of myxospores were observed between mutant and wild-type cells. On the other hand, when the tps gene was deleted together with a 2.0-kilobase sequence including the ops gene immediately upstream of the tps gene, fruiting body formation was substantially delayed, and the yield of myxospores was reduced. These results indicate that protein S is not essential for differentiation of M. xanthus, whereas a gene product(s) coded from the sequence upstream of the tps gene appears to be required for normal fruiting body formation.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus protein C is a major spore surface protein.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Fruiting body formation in Myxococcus xanthus involves the aggregation of cells to form mounds and the differentiation of rod-shaped cells into spherical myxospores. The surface of the myxospore is composed of several sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-soluble proteins, the best characterized of which is protein S (Mr, 19,000). We have identified a new major spore surface protein called protein C (Mr, 30,000). Protein C is not present in extracts of vegetative cells but appears in extracts of developing cells by 6 h. Protein C, like protein S, is produced during starvation in liquid medium but is not made during glycerol-induced sporulation. Its synthesis is blocked in certain developmental mutants but not others. When examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, two forms of protein C are observed. Protein C is quantitatively released from spores by treatment with 0.1 N NaOH or by boiling in 1% SDS. It is slowly washed from the spore surface in water but is stabilized by the presence of magnesium. Protein C binds to the surface of spores depleted of protein C and protein S. Protein C is a useful new marker for development in M. xanthus because it is developmentally regulated, spore associated, abundant, and easily purified.  相似文献   

Abstract A zymogram technique was used to resolve the proteases from the culture supernatants of three strains derived from Myxococcus xanthus FB. Of the 8 bands obtained, 3 were possibly proteolytic artefacts, and another may be derived from membrane vesicles or fragments. 3 of the bands were tentatively identified as serine proteases by affinity labelling. A non-motile, non-fruiting strain, M. xanthus DZ1, differed from 2 wild-type strains, NCIB9412 and DK101, in the relative intensity of certain bands, and all 3 strains differed qualitatively from M. xanthus XK, which is not FB-derived.  相似文献   

Extracellular fibrils are involved in cell cohesion and cell development in Myxococcus xanthus. One group of social motility mutants, Dsp, is unable to produce extracellular fibrils; these mutants also lose the abilities to cohere and to develop. Extracellular fibrils isolated from vegetative wild-type cells and added to Dsp cells fully restored the abilities of these cells to cohere and to undergo normal morphological development. The fibrils thus mimic the ability of intact, wild-type cells to carry out the same rescue. Optimal cohesion rescue by fibrils required calcium and magnesium ions, did not require protein synthesis, but was energy dependent, i.e., sodium azide and sodium cyanide blocked rescue. Cohesion rescue was also blocked by the diazo dye Congo red. Cohesion rescue is genus specific, i.e., isolated fibrils did not cause the cohesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, or the related myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca. Developmental rescue of Dsp by isolated fibrils included aggregation, fruiting body formation, and myxospore morphogenesis. Developmental gene expression in the Dsp mutant was only partially rescued by the isolated fibrils.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a homologue of the Escherichia coli GidA protein (glucose-inhibited division protein A) lies immediately upstream of aglU, a gene encoding a WD-repeat protein required for motility and development in Myxococcus xanthus. The GidA protein of M. xanthus shares about 48% identity overall with the small (approximately equal to 450 amino acid) form of GidA from eubacteria and about 24% identity overall with the large (approximately equal to 620 amino acid) form of GidA from eubacteria and eukaryotes. Each of these proteins has a conserved dinucleotide-binding motif at the N-terminus. To determine if GidA binds dinucleotide, the M. xanthus gene was expressed with a His6 tag in E. coli cells. Purified rGidA is a yellow protein that absorbs maximally at 374 and 450 nm, consistent with FAD or FMN. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) showed that rGidA contains an FAD cofactor. Fractionation and immunocytochemical localization show that full length GidA protein is present in the cytoplasm and transported to the periplasm of vegetative-grown M. xanthus cells. In cells that have been starved for nutrients, GidA is found in the cytoplasm. Although GidA lacks an obvious signal sequence, it contains a twin arginine transport (Tat) motif, which is conserved among proteins that bind cofactors in the cytoplasm and are transported to the periplasm as folded proteins. To determine if GidA, like AglU, is involved in motility and development, the gidA gene was disrupted. The gidA- mutant has wild-type gliding motility and initially is able to form fruiting bodies like the wild type when starved for nutrients. However, after several generations, a stable derivative arises, gidA*, which is indistinguishable from the gidA- parent on vegetative medium, but is no longer able to form fruiting bodies. The gidA* mutant releases a heat-stable, protease-resistant, small molecular weight molecule that acts in trans to inhibit aggregation and gene expression of wild-type cells during development.  相似文献   

We describe here an extracellular proteolytic activity secreted during both growth and submerged development by Myxococcus xanthus DK1622. This activity yields the clotting of kappa-casein at pH 6 and is inhibited by specific inhibitors of aspartic proteases. Secretion of this milk-clotting proteolytic activity (of Mcp) is time regulated during the developmental cycle, with a large increase near 9 h poststarvation, but its production does not require cell-cell contact. The lack of secretion of this activity by several developmental mutants in submerged development conditions shows that Mcp production is developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Two transposon insertion mutants of Myxococcus xanthus altered in the secretion of protein as determined by the hydrolytic activities of several enzymes during vegetative growth were also unable to complete fruiting body formation and were severely impaired in sporulation. The insertions were located in the same part of the M. xanthus chromosome but were unlinked by transduction and therefore define two distinct loci, called excA and excB. Since both Exc +/- mutants were able to rescue development of an asgB mutation, they do not belong to the Asg- group, despite of the fact that asg mutants are also Exc +/-. Our results sustain the hypothesis of a possible relationship between protein secretion during vegetative growth and development or sporulation.  相似文献   

Y Kimura  R Sato  K Mimura    M Sato 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(22):7098-7102
A dcm-1 mutant, obtained by transposon mutagenesis of Myxococcus xanthus, could aggregate and form mounds but was unable to sporulate under nutrient starvation. A sequence analysis of the site of insertion of the transposon showed that the insertion lies within the 3' end of a 1,572-bp open reading frame (ORF) designated the M. xanthus pccB ORF. The wild-type form of the M. xanthus pccB gene, obtained from a lambdaEMBL library of M. xanthus, shows extensive similarity to a beta subunit of propionyl coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase, an alpha subunit of methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase, and a 12S subunit of transcarboxylase. In enzyme assays, extracts of the dcm-1 mutant were deficient in propionyl-CoA carboxylase activity. This enzyme catalyzes the ATP-dependent carboxylation of propionyl-CoA to yield methylmalonyl-CoA. The methylmalonyl-CoA rescued the dcm-1 mutant fruiting body and spore development. During development, the dcm-1 mutant cells also had reduced levels of long-chain fatty acids (C16 to C18) compared to wild-type cells.  相似文献   

Gliding movements in Myxococcus xanthus.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Prokaryotic gliding motility is described as the movement of a cell on a solid surface in the direction of the cell's long axis, but its mechanics are unknown. To investigate the basis of gliding, movements of individual Myxococcus xanthus cells were monitored by employing a video microscopy method by which displacements as small as 0.03 micron could be detected and speeds as low as 1 micron/min could be resolved. Single cells were observed to glide with speeds varying between 1 and 20 microns/min. We found that speed variation was due to differences in distance between the moving cell and the nearest cell. Cells separated by less than one cell diameter (0.5 micron) moved with an average speed of 5.0 micron/min, whereas cells separated by more than 0.5 micron glided with an average speed of 3.8 microns/min. The power to glide was found to be carried separately at both ends of a cell.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus autocide AMI.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Autocide AMI of Myxococcus xanthus was purified and shown to be a mixture of fatty acids: 46.4% saturated, 49.3% monounsaturated, and 4.3% diunsaturated. The specific autocidal activities (units per milligram) were as follows: purified AMI, 1,000; saturated fraction, 100; monounsaturated fraction, 800; diunsaturated fraction, 2,200. Model fatty acids mimicked to some extent the activity of AMI, although none of the fatty acids tested were as active as purified AMI. Spontaneous and induced mutants of M. xanthus were selected for resistance to AMI and to fatty acids. The AMI-resistant mutants were also resistant to the model fatty acids, whereas resistance to fatty acids was specific to the compound used for mutant selection. All AMI- and fatty acid-resistant mutants examined were found to be blocked in fruiting body formation. Some of these mutants were able to form normal fruiting bodies when mixed with the extracellular fluid of the parental strain. The data suggest that AMI plays a role in developmental lysis of M. xanthus.  相似文献   

An extracellular matrix connects bacteria that live in organized assemblages called biofilms. While the role of the matrix in the regulation of cell behavior has not been extensively examined in bacteria, we suggest that, like mammalian cells, the matrix facilitates cell-cell interactions involved with regulation of cohesion, motility, and sensory transduction. The extracellular matrix of the soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus is essential for biofilm formation and fruiting body development. The matrix material is extruded as long, thin fibrils that mediate adhesion to surfaces, cohesion to other cells, and excitation by the chemoattractant dilauroyl phosphatidylethanolamine. We report the identification of a putative matrix-associated zinc metalloprotease called FibA (fibril protein A). Western blotting with FibA-specific monoclonal antibody 2105 suggests extensive proteolytic processing of FibA during assembly into fibrils, consistent with the autoprocessing observed with other members of the M4 metalloprotease family. Disruption of fibA had no obvious effect on the structure of the fibrils and did not inhibit cell cohesion, excitation by dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, or activity of the A- or S-motility motors. However, the cells lost the ability to respond to dilauroyl phosphatidylethanolamine and to form well-spaced fruiting bodies, though substantial aggregation was observed. Chemotactic excitation of the fibA mutant was restored by incubation with purified wild-type fibrils. The results suggest that this metalloprotease is involved in sensory transduction.  相似文献   

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