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凝乳酶原(凝乳酶)二硫键Cys206—Cys210的定位突变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对凝乳酶原二硫键Cys206-Cys210进行定位突变过程中发现,在相应的模板序列中有自身形成自由能为-16.1kcal/mol的茎环结构倾向,妨碍与引物结合,从而难以合成突变的DNA,采用快退火可解决此矛盾。5个突变基因均能在大肠杆菌中高效表达,除C206A外,约占细胞总蛋白的50%左右,突变的复性结果表明,Cys206-Cys210对凝乳酶原正确折叠不是绝对必需的,但相应位置的氨基酸取代对复性效率有显著影响,在5个突变体中,C206A/C210A的复性率分别为C206S/C210S、C210A、C210S的4.5倍、20倍和30倍,而C206A不能复性。C206A/C210A与C206S/C210S的远紫外CD光谱与野生型基本相同,其荧光发射光谱与野生型相比最大发射峰不变,而荧光强度有显著增加由于上述3个蛋白具有相同比活,说明突变分子能形成具有生物活性的空间构象,而只是某些色氨酸残基微环境受到微扰。  相似文献   

凝乳酶原突变体Cys45Asp/Cys50Ser包含体溶解所需的温度、时间、pH条件均与野生型一样,而且其氧化再折叠行为与野生型类似,在同样的复性条件下最终都能获得正确折叠可活化的分子.这与缺失Cys250-Cys283二硫键的突变体大不相同,说明Cys45-Cys50二硫键对凝乳酶原正确折叠的贡献小于Cys250-Cys283二硫键,但这对二硫键的缺失使假凝乳酶的热稳定性显著下降,说明此二硫键在稳定酶的空间构象中起重要作用、另外,突变体Cys45Asp/Cys50Ser假凝乳酶的水解蛋白酶活性(P)与凝乳活性(C)均较野生型低,但是其C/P值比野生型高1倍.  相似文献   

为了配合凝乳酶的蛋白质工程,围绕酶的纯化,结晶和二硫键的化学修饰进行了研究。实验结果表明采用FPLC Mono Q柱代替DEAE-纤维素柱层析可以提高同工酶A,B及其降解组分C的分离效果并缩短纯化时间。以10mg/ml的纯凝乳酶B为出发材料,在4℃1.4—2.0mol/L氯化钠条件下进行培养可以获得外形近似为正立方体晶体。化学修饰的结果证明,凝乳酶的三对二硫键处于酶分子不同的空间部位。0.72mmol/L DTT在Ph6.3条件下能还原处于分子表面的一对二硫键,经溴化氰降解分肽测定为Cys250-Cys283,还原后引起活力下降25%。在二硫键之间引入汞原子其活力与还原酶,羧甲基化酶的活力大体相同,说明Cys250-Cys283在维持凝乳酶具有活力的空间构象中起着一定的作用。  相似文献   

胰蛋白酶分子中二硫键Cys129—Cys232的定位改造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对胰蛋白酶所特有的二硫键(129,232)进行了定位改造,将Cys突变为Ser,以观察其对胰蛋白酶稳定性及活性的影响,采用蛋白工程的方法,构建了三个突变体C129S,C232S和C129S/C232S,在E.coliX-90菌体中进行表达,表达产物用含胰蛋酶特异性底物TAME的活性胶检测活性,发现C232S失胰蛋白酶活性,而C129S和C129S/C232S保留了胰蛋白酶活性,在盐酸胍作用了比较双  相似文献   

胰蛋白酶是一种丝氨酸蛋白酶,可特异切割精氨酸及赖氨酸C端肽键。重组人源阳离子胰蛋白酶(recombinant human cationic trypsin:rht1)的稳定性明显高于重组人源阴离子胰蛋白酶(recombinant human anionic trypsin:rht2)。比较ht1和ht2的氨基酸序列和三维结构,二者的氨基酸序列同源性为95%,rht1比rht2多1对二硫键Cys139-Cys206。为解释该二硫键对其稳定性的作用,构建rht1的Cys139-Cys206二硫键缺失突变体rht1-dC139S-C206S和rht2的增加该对二硫键的突变体rht2-S139C-S206C。进行了重组表达和纯化,并测定rht1、rht2及两个突变体的酶学性质,对比其稳定性。结果发现,与野生型rht1、rht2相比,突变体的酶学动力学参数km和kcat值与最适pH均未有较大差异。但在pH3~12条件下的稳定性,rht1-dC139S-C206S比rht1低46.6%;rht2-S139C-S206C比rht2高30.3%。对比其热稳定性,40℃保温4 h,rht1残余活性为92.4%,而rht1-dC139S-C206S降为60%。60℃保温4 h,rht2-S139C-S206C残余活性为83.3%,而rht2完全失活。表明了该二硫键Cys139-Cys206对人胰蛋白酶稳定性的重要性。进一步进行结构模拟和分析,解释了该对二硫键对稳定性影响的机制。  相似文献   

牛凝乳酶原基因在大肠杆菌中的表达   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以Tac为启动子构建了牛凝乳酶原B基因表达质粒pTaAc,转化大肠杆菌JMl05,对数生长期加入O.1mmo1/L IPTG能明显诱导凝乳酶原的产生。基因表达除受IPTG的影响外,也受温度的调节控制。在30℃培养,IPTG存在时,凝乳酶原产量极低j在42℃无IPTG的条件下,基因也能表达。按电泳扫描计算凝乳酶原蛋白占细胞可溶性总蛋白量的12~19%,按ELISA法测定凝乳酶原产量为80~100mg/L,经变性、复性及酸化有活性的凝乳酶产量为14—20mg/L。  相似文献   

对胰蛋白酶所特有的二硫键[129,232]进行了定位改造,将Cys突变为Ser,以观察其对胰蛋白酶稳定性及活性的影响。采用蛋白质工程的方法,构建了三个突变体C129S、C232S和C129S/C232S.在E.coliX-90菌体中进行表达,表达产物用含胰蛋白酶特异性底物TAME的活性胶检测活性,发现C232S丧失胰蛋白酶活性,而C129S和C129S/C232S保留了胰蛋白酶活性。在盐酸胍作用下比较双突变体和野生型胰蛋白酶活性,发现突变体C129S/C232S的稳定性有所降低。结果表明二硫键Cys129-Cys232对于胰蛋白酶的活性是非必需的,可能在稳定蛋白质的结构上发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

通过生物信息学的方法对双峰驼凝乳酶原基因及相应的氨基酸序列的同源性、理化性质、保守结构域、亚细胞定位、信号肽、跨膜结构域、亲水性/疏水性、二级结构进行预测分析.结果表明,双峰驼凝乳酶原基因开放阅读框全长1 146 bp,编码381个氨基酸,属于胃蛋白酶A超家族,预测定位于内质网(膜)的稳定亲水性蛋白,具有一个16个氨基酸的信号肽,其不含跨膜结构域.无规卷曲是其二级结构中最大量的结构元件,α螺旋和延抻链分散于整个蛋白质中,活性位点的分析表明,编码蛋白有6类活性位点.分析双峰驼凝乳酶原基因及其编码蛋白质的特征,能够为深入开展双峰驼凝乳酶的表达和凝乳特性研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

在前期研究中,已发现人瘦素(leptin)在体外再折叠过程中会形成稳定的二聚体,但其二聚化机制尚不清楚. 本研究旨在分析瘦素二聚体的结构特性,并重点研究体外再折叠过程中瘦素二聚化的机制. 相较与瘦素单体,瘦素二聚体保留了约75%免疫活性及15%受体结合活性,同时显示出明显慢的天然电泳迁移率. 圆二色性分析显示,二聚体基本保留了单体α螺旋索结构特征. 还原性及非还原性凝胶电泳分析和自由巯基测定结果表明,瘦素二聚体是由一对分子间二硫键连接2个单体而成的.为了确定瘦素二聚化过程中起主导作用的分子间二硫键,利用PCR定点突变技术构建了C96S和C146S两个突变体瘦素. 通过分析C96S及C146S突变体瘦素的体外再折叠特性及过程,并与野生型瘦素相比较,揭示C96S瘦素的二聚体显示出与野生型瘦素二聚体相似的特性,而C146S瘦素不能形成结构稳定的二聚体. 以上研究结果表明,Cys146-Cys146分子间二硫键在人瘦素二聚化过程中起主导作用.  相似文献   

Chen H  Zhang G  Zhang Y  Dong Y  Yang K 《Biochemistry》2000,39(40):12140-12148
Prochymosin (chymosin) contains three disulfide bonds: Cys45-Cys50, Cys206-Cys210, and Cys250-Cys283. We have demonstrated that Cys250-Cys283 is indispensable for correct refolding of prochymosin, whereas Cys45-Cys50 is dispensable but has some contribution to the stability and substrate specificity of the enzyme. Here, we report the results about the functions of Cys206-Cys210 by site-directed mutagenesis studies. In a glutathione redox system C206A/C210A mutant exhibited oxidative refolding kinetics and efficiency ( approximately 40% reactivation) similar to those of the wild-type prochymosin, indicating that Cys206-Cys210 is also dispensable for refolding. However, C206S/C210S and single-site mutants (C210A, C210S, and C206A) showed only about 3 and 0-0.4% reactivation, respectively. This is quite different from the Cys45-Cys50 deficient mutants (C45A, C50A, C45A/C50A, C45D, C50S, C45D/C50S, C45A/C50S), which have comparable refolding efficiencies, implying that the substituents at position 206 and 210 play more important role in determining correct refolding than those at position 45 and 50. Urea-induced denaturation and fluorescence quenching studies indicated that the prochymosin mutants C206A/C210A and C206S/C210S were 2.1 and 4.8 kJ/mol less stable than prochymosin and some tryptophan residue in the mutated molecules was less exposed. However, the wild-type and mutant prochymosins shared similar far-UV CD and fluorescence emission spectra and similar specific potential activity, suggesting that the overall conformation was maintained after mutation. Activity assay and kinetic analysis revealed that mutation did not change the specific milk-clotting activity significantly but resulted in an increase in K(m) and k(cat) toward a hexapeptide substrate. On the basis of the above-mentioned perturbance of tryptophanyl microenvironment and the three-dimensional structure of chymosin, we proposed that deletion of Cys206-Cys210 may induce a propagated conformational change, resulting in a perturbance of the local conformation around active-site cleft and in turn, an alteration of the substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone essential for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. The alpha- and beta-subunits of hCG are highly cross-linked internally by disulfide bonds that seem to stabilize the tertiary structures required for the noncovalent association of the subunits to generate hormonal activity. This paper describes the results of our studies on the role of the disulfide bonds of hCG-beta in heterodimer formation with the alpha-subunit. Six disulfide peptides incorporating each of the six disulfide bonds of hCG-beta were screened, along with their linear counterparts, for their ability to competitively inhibit the recombination of alpha- and beta-subunits. The disulfide peptides Cys (9-57), Cys (34-88) and Cys (38-90) were found to inhibit the alpha/beta recombination whereas the remaining three disulfide peptides viz. Cys (23-72), Cys (26-110) and Cys (93-100) did not exhibit any inhibition activity. Interestingly, none of the linear peptides could inhibit the alpha/beta recombination. Results clearly demonstrate that the disulfide bonds Cys(9)-Cys(57), Cys(34)-Cys(88) and Cys(38)-Cys(90) of the beta-subunit of hCG are crucial for heterodimer formation with the alpha-subunit thus providing experimental confirmation of the conclusions from the crystal structure of the hormone.  相似文献   

Anthrax toxin receptors act as molecular clamps or switches that control anthrax toxin entry, pH-dependent pore formation, and translocation of enzymatic moieties across the endosomal membranes. We previously reported that reduction of the disulfide bonds in the immunoglobulin-like (Ig) domain of the anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) inhibited the function of the protective antigen (PA) pore. In the present study, the disulfide linkage in the Ig domain was identified as Cys255-Cys279 and Cys230-Cys315. Specific disulfide bond deletion mutants were achieved by replacing Cys residues with Ala residues. Deletion of the disulfide bond C255-C279, but not C230-C315, inhibited the PA pore-induced release of the fluorescence dyes from the liposomes, suggesting that C255-C279 is essential for PA pore function. Furthermore, we found that deletion of C255-C279 did not affect PA prepore-to-pore conversion, but inhibited PA pore membrane insertion by trapping the PA membrane-inserting loops in proteinaceous hydrophobic pockets. Fluorescence spectra of Trp59, a residue adjacent to the PA-binding motif in von Willebrand factor A (VWA) domain of ANTXR2, showed that deletion of C255-C279 resulted in a significant conformational change on the receptor ectodomain. The disulfide deletion-induced conformational change on the VWA domain was further confirmed by single-particle 3D reconstruction of the negatively stained PA-receptor heptameric complexes. Together, the biochemical and structural data obtained in this study provides a mechanistic insight into the role of the receptor disulfide bond C255-C279 in anthrax toxin action. Manipulation of the redox states of the receptor, specifically targeting to C255-C279, may become a novel strategy to treat anthrax.  相似文献   

彭天剑  郭礼和 《遗传学报》1994,21(2):155-160
本研究用缺口以链法对肠杆菌青霉素G酰化酶(PGA)基因Ser177进行寡核苷酸定点突变。通过NIPAB(2-硝基-5-苯乙酰胺苯甲酸)试纸法筛选和测序鉴定,获得突变体Cys177,Gly177,Arg177和Asn177。它们的PGA活性均已丧失。酶蛋白电泳分析表明突变体蛋白在体内正常表达。推测PGA Ser177秀可能位于酶底物结合中心,是酶活性所必需,不能被置换。  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone essential for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. The alpha- and beta-subunits of hCG are highly cross-linked internally by disulfide bonds which seem to stabilize the tertiary structures required for the noncovalent association of the subunits to generate hormonal activity. The purpose of this study was to delineate the role of the disulfide bonds of hCGbeta in receptor binding of the hormone. Six disulfide peptides incorporating each of the six disulfide bonds of hCGbeta were synthesized and screened, along with their linear counterparts, for their ability to competitively inhibit the binding of [125I] hCG to sheep ovarian corpora luteal LH/CG receptor. Disulfide peptide Cys (9-57) was found to be approximately 4-fold more potent than the most active of its linear counterparts in inhibiting radiolabeled hCG from binding to its receptor. Similarly, disulfide peptide Cys (23-72) exhibited receptor binding inhibition activity, whereas the constituent linear peptides were found to be inactive. The results suggest the involvement of the disulfide bonds Cys(9)-Cys(57) and Cys(23)-Cys(72) of the beta-subunit of hCG in receptor binding of the hormone. This study is the first of its kind to use disulfide peptides rather than linear peptides to map the receptor binding regions of hCG.  相似文献   

亲和力是影响改型单链抗体应用于临床的重要因素之一.利用巨型引物PCR定点诱变方法,设计并化学合成出两组含多个突变位点的简并引物,在第一轮PCR中使用简并引物分别扩增出含突变碱基的两条特异性的DNA片段,即巨型引物,将其经琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离纯化后,作为3′和5′的两端引物应用于第二轮PCR反应中.通过改变标准PCR反应条件,调整引物与模板的浓度,扩增出特异性较强的目的DNA条带.PCR产物经回收后,进行DNA测序.测序结果表明利用该方法扩增得到特异的抗CD3改型单链抗体的突变体库.  相似文献   

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