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The experiment measured lamb responses to supplementation of the pregnant ewe diet with vitamin E above requirement. Crossbred ewes were mated with either Suffolk or Texel rams. Twin-bearing ewes were randomly allocated (approximately 21 months of age at allocation) to one of four treatment groups (20 ewes per group, 10 mated with Suffolk and 10 with Texel rams). Treatments imposed were 50, 100, 150 or 250 IU supplementary vitamin E per ewe per day to give a four treatment by two sire-type factorial experimental design. Ewes were fed concentrates to meet energy requirements for stage of pregnancy and hay ad libitum. Diets were introduced approximately 6 weeks before lambing. Blood samples were obtained prior to introduction of diets, 17 days after introduction of diets and within 24 h of lambing from a subset of eight ewes per treatment (32 total). Colostrum samples were obtained from 10 ewes per treatment, 12 h after birth of the first lamb. All births were observed and a lamb vigour score was assigned to each lamb 5 min after birth. At 1 and 12 h after birth, rectal temperature, and at 12 h after birth, sex, crown-rump length and BW of each lamb were recorded. Mean ewe plasma α-tocopherol concentration prior to introduction of the diets was 1.5 μg/ml (s.e.m. 0.09) and did not differ between groups. There were positive linear (P < 0.001) effects of dietary vitamin E on plasma (17 days after introduction of diets) and colostrum (12 h after birth) α-tocopherol concentrations. Lamb vigour scores were superior (P < 0.001) for lambs sired by Texel rather than Suffolk rams but there were no differences as a result of vitamin E supplementation. Lamb mortality was low and unrelated to either sire or supplementary vitamin E. Lamb birth and weaning weights were also unaffected by vitamin E supplementation. Supplementing the ewe with vitamin E therefore had no effect on any lamb measurements.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on six hill farms, located in the main hill regions of Northern Ireland, over three breeding seasons to investigate the effect of sire breed on ewe dystocia, lamb survival and weaned lamb output. On each farm, groups of 26 to 40 purebred Scottish Blackface ewes (n = 3174) were crossed with Blackface, Swaledale, North Country Cheviot, Lleyn and Texel sires by natural service (year 1) and artificial insemination (years 2 and 3). Each of the mating groups was initially balanced for ewe age, live weight and condition score, and a total of 15 sires of each breed were used over the 3 years. In total, 2272 ewes were recorded at lambing, producing 3451 lambs, over the 3 years. Sire breed had a significant effect (P < 0.001) on lamb birth weight with Blackface and Swaledale the lowest and Texel the highest. The proportion of ewes with dystocia was higher with Texel sires compared with Lleyn, Swaledale and Blackface sires (P < 0.05). Ewes mated to Cheviot sires had more dystocia than those mated to Blackface and Swaledale sires (P < 0.05), while ewes mated to Lleyn sire breed had more dystocia (P < 0.05) than those mated to Blackface sire breed. Most of the incidence of dystocia was attributable to increased lamb birth weight (P < 0.001), and some to litter size (P < 0.05). Swaledale, Cheviot, Lleyn and Texel sire breeds increased the incidence of malpresentations (P < 0.05). Lamb live weight at weaning was higher with Texel- and Cheviot- and Lleyn-sired lambs compared with Blackface- and Swaledale-sired lambs (P < 0.01). The level of lamb mortality at birth was not affected by sire breed. However, lamb mortality at weaning was lower for Lleyn-sired lambs compared with the other lamb genotypes (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the use of sires from larger breeds, such as Lleyn and Texel, within the Blackface ewe flocks can increase lamb output, with no apparent detrimental effects on lamb mortality or ewe survival, but increased assistance at lambing will be required.  相似文献   

Objective: The present study aimed to identify risk factors for overall survival in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients and establish a scoring system to select patients who would benefit from hepatic resection.Methods: Survival curves were analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier method and log-rank test. The prognostic scoring system was developed from training cohort using a Cox-regression model and validated in a external validation cohortResults: There were 401 patients in the training cohort, 163 patients in the external validation cohorts. The training cohort median survival in all patients was 12 ± 1.07 months, rate of overall survival was 49.6% at 1 year, 25.0% at 3 years, and 18.0% at 5 years. A prognostic scoring system was established based on age, body mass index, alkaline phosphatase, tumor number and tumor capsule. Patients were classified as low- risk group(≤3.5) or high-risk group(>3.5). High-risk patients had a median survival of 9 months, compared with 23 months in low-risk patients. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of the prognostic scoring system was 0.747 (0.694–0.801), which is significantly better than AFP, Child-Pugh and ALBI. The AUC of validation cohorts was 0.716 (0.63–0.803).Conclusion: A prognostic scoring system for hepatic resection in advanced HCC patients has been developed based entirely on preoperative variables. Patients classified as low risk using this system may experience better prognosis after hepatic resection.  相似文献   

Neonatal lamb mortality represents both a welfare issue (due to the considerable suffering and distress) and an important production inefficiency. In lambs, approximately 80% of mortality can be attributed to the starvation-mismothering-exposure complex and occurs in the first 3 days after birth. It was the object of this review to determine the micronutrient(s) most likely to have a positive effect on neonatal lamb survival when included above the requirement for that micronutrient. Micronutrients discussed were Co, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, Se, Zn, vitamins A and E and n-3 fatty acids. For Co, Fe, Mn and Zn, there was no evidence of positive responses to supplementation. Cu and I had toxicity thresholds that were sufficiently close to requirement that supplementing above requirement presented a risk of inducing toxicity. In the case of vitamin A, while serum concentrations indicated that sub-optimal status did exist, long-term buffering from liver stores (from grazing) makes experimentation difficult and practical benefits to supplementation unlikely. Therefore, the most likely candidates for supplementation were Se, vitamin E and fatty acids. Fatty acid supplementation with fish oils or docosahexaenoic acid-containing algal biomass consistently improved lamb vigour but it is unlikely that supplementation will be economic. Positive responses to Se supplementation throughout gestation were recorded. However, in many studies the Se status of control ewes was marginal and there is a need for more studies where control ewes are clearly adequate in Se. Positive responses to vitamin E supplementation above requirement in the last-third of gestation were observed but the optimum dietary inclusion of vitamin E and period of feeding during pregnancy still require clarification.  相似文献   

In Norway domestic sheep Ovis aries range unattended in mountainous areas during the summer season. Wolverines Gulo gulo re-established in the alpine regions of southern Norway during recent decades and are viewed as a substantial predator on lambs. Reducing predation on sheep by wolverines would not only reduce the economic loss to farmers but also promote the acceptance of wolverines in their summer ranges. We hypothesized that male lambs would be more prone to wolverine predation, because of higher locomotor activity, lower behavioural ewe–lamb synchrony and larger ewe–lamb distance. We studied ewe and lamb behavioural patterns, synchrony and ewe–lamb distance on a summer range in Knutshøi, south-central Norway. Although no differences were found in ewe–lamb distance or locomotor activity in gender, female lambs synchronized their behaviour more with their mother than males. Only for female lambs, increased synchrony resulted in closer ewe–lamb distances. Overall losses to wolverines based on long-term data indicate that male lambs are more prone to predation than females later in the season. These sex-specific behavioural differences in lambs affect the spatial and social relationships between ewe and lamb, and are likely to increase with age eventually leading to sexual segregation. Male lambs can therefore be expected to be more prone to wolverine predation towards the end of the season, when lambs become independent from the ewe.  相似文献   

Here we present a newly developed tool for continuous recordings and analysis of novelty-induced and baseline behaviour of mice in a home cage-like environment. Aim of this study was to demonstrate the strength of this method by characterizing four inbred strains of mice, C57BL/6, DBA/2, C3H and 129S2/Sv, on locomotor activity. Strains differed in circadian rhythmicity, novelty-induced activity and the time-course of specific behavioural elements. For instance, C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice showed a much faster decrease in activity over time than C3H and 129S2/Sv mice. Principal component analysis revealed two major factors within locomotor activity, which were defined as 'level of activity' and 'velocity/stops'. These factors were able to distinguish strains. Interestingly, mice that displayed high levels of activity in the initial phase of the home cage test were also highly active during an open-field test. Velocity and the number of stops during movement correlated positively with anxiety-related behaviour in the elevated plus maze. The use of an automated home cage observation system yields temporal changes in elements of locomotor activity with an advanced level of spatial resolution. Moreover, it avoids the confounding influence of human intervention and saves time-consuming human observations.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of offering ewes two different feeding levels, during mid and late pregnancy, on ewe and lamb behaviour 12 to 24 h after birth. Romney ewes, bearing twin (n = 80) or triplet foetuses (n = 56), were allocated to a pasture sward height of 2 or 4 cm between 70 and 107 days of pregnancy. In late pregnancy (day 107 to 147), half of the ewes were reallocated the alternate sward height, which produced four treatments: 2-2, 2-4, 4-2 and 4-4. Ewes were weighed on days 65, 92, 107 and 130 of pregnancy and lamb live weights were recorded 12 to 24 h after birth. Twelve to 24 h after birth the maternal behaviour score (MBS) of the ewes were determined, whilst their lambs were tagged. After the lambs were released, the behaviour of each ewe and her lambs was observed for 5 min. Ewe treatment and litter size had no effect on ewe MBS. However, as MBS increased (ewes stayed closer to lambs during tagging), ewes bleated less in a high-pitch and were quicker to make contact with their lamb. During the observation period, ewes in the 4-4 treatment had a greater percentage of their bleats in a low pitch (P < 0.05) than ewes in the 2-2 and 4-2 treatment (61.3% v. 41.3% and 38.8% low bleats, respectively) and more lambs born to 4-4 ewes (95%) bleated than lambs born to 2-2 ewes (84%; P < 0.05). However, lambs born to ewes in the 2-2 treatment bleated earlier than lambs in all other treatments (P < 0.05). Lambs born to 4-4 ewes were less likely (P < 0.05) to move towards their dam in order to make contact than lambs born to 2-2 or 4-2 ewes (3.1% v. 16.9% and 16.7%, respectively). These findings suggest that under the conditions of the present study, ewe nutrition had little effect on maternal behaviour. However, lambs born to ewes offered 2 cm pasture sward heights during mid and/or late pregnancy (2-2, 2-4 and 4-2 treatments) displayed behaviour that demonstrated greater 'need' whereas lambs born to ewes offered 4 cm during mid and late pregnancy sought less attention from their dam.  相似文献   

The study of intermolecular interactions is a fundamental research subject in biology. Here we report on the development of a quantitative structure-based affinity scoring method for peptide-protein complexes, named PepScope. The method operates on the basis of a highly specific force field function (CHARMM) that is applied to all-atom structural representations of peptide-receptor complexes. Peptide side-chain contributions to total affinity are scored after detailed rotameric sampling followed by controlled energy refinement. A de novo approach to estimate dehydration energies was developed, based on the simulation of individual amino acids in a solvent box filled with explicit water molecules. Transferability of the method was demonstrated by its application to the hydrophobic HLA-A2 and -A24 receptors, the polar HLA-A1, and the sterically ruled HLA-B7 receptor. A combined theoretical and experimental study on 39 anchor substitutions in FxSKQYMTx/HLA-A2 and -A24 complexes indicated a prediction accuracy of about two thirds of a log-unit in Kd. Analysis of free energy contributions identified a great role of desolvation and conformational strain effects in establishing a given specificity profile. Interestingly, the method rightly predicted that most anchor profiles are less specific than so far assumed. This suggests that many potential T-cell epitopes could be missed with current prediction methods. The results presented in this work may therefore significantly affect T-cell epitope discovery programs applied in the field of peptide vaccine development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of plane of nutrition during early and mid-pregnancy on the performance of mature ewes and their offspring. From day 0 to day 39 post mating (early pregnancy, EP), 82 multiparous ewes were fed to provide either 60% (low, L), 100% (medium, M) or 200% (high, H) of predicted metabolisable energy (ME) requirements for maintenance, following a synchronised mating. From day 40 to day 90 (mid-pregnancy, MP), ewes were provided with either 80% (M) or 140% (H) of ME requirements. After 90 days of gestation, all ewes were fed to meet requirements for late pregnancy. During EP, mean live weight (LW) and body condition score (BCS) change of ewes were -6.3, -0.8 and +6.0 kg and -0.02, +0.10 and +0.22 units in the L-, M- and H-EP treatments, respectively. During MP, mean LW and BCS change were -0.8 and +4.9 kg and -0.09 and +0.09 units in the M- and H-MP treatments, respectively (P < 0.001). Treatments had no effect (P > 0.05) on conception rate, although there tended to be an inverse relationship (P = 0.085) between plane of nutrition in EP and plasma progesterone concentrations at day 42 of gestation. EP nutrition influenced foetal development with lambs from ewes offered diet L-EP being smaller (P < 0.01) at day 56 than M- or H-EP lambs. However, at parturition L-EP lambs were heavier (P < 0.05) and tended to have higher (P = 0.056) immunoglobulin status 24 h after birth. Mortality rates at weaning were reduced (P < 0.05) for lambs born from ewes offered diet L-EP compared with M- or H-EP lambs. Diet M during mid-pregnancy resulted in larger (P < 0.05) foetuses at day 80 of gestation. At parturition, these lambs had longer head and crown-rump lengths than H-MP lambs (P < 0.05). Lambs born to ewes offered diet M-MP tended to progress faster to attempting to suckle than H-MP lambs (P = 0.089). There was an interaction between plane of nutrition in early and mid-pregnancy, whereby the highest number of lambs weaned was a result of diet L-EP followed by diet M-MP. These results indicate that in adult ewes, temporary nutrient restriction during early pregnancy results in better lamb survival; and mild nutrient restriction in mid-pregnancy tends to improve neonatal behaviour and results in lambs with longer skeletal size.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After menopause, declining levels of estrogens may cause vaginal discomfort, or so-called "vaginal atrophy." Evaluation of therapies for vaginal atrophy may be performed using the so-called "maturation index." The maturation index is expressed as the percentage of (para)-basal, intermediate, and superficial epithelial cells in a vaginal smear. Manual assessment of the maturation index is subject to inter- and intraobserver variations. In this study, assessment of the maturation of cells in vaginal smears using automated image analysis was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Automated assessment, using a commercially available image analysis system, was performed on hematoxylin-eosin-stained cytospin specimens. A training set was constructed by an experienced cytotechnologist, based upon visual classification of stored grey value images. From this, two discriminant functions (DFs) were calculated capable of classifying cells in one of the three types. These cell classifiers were capable of classifying 97% of the cells correctly. Data from automated assessment were compared with those of classical manual counting. Specimens of 13 mature and 6 atrophic vaginal specimens were assessed in duplicate, both manually and by image analysis, using the DFs. RESULTS: No significant interobserver effect was found for image analysis, whereas a significant effect was found for manual counting. Both methods were able to distinguish between matured and atrophic specimens. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that for assessment of vaginal maturation, the use of automated image analysis systems is recommended. Besides increased reproducibility, image analysis systems yield additional data describing the size and shape of the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells, which might increase discriminating power.  相似文献   

A total of 862 lamb carcasses that were evaluated by both the VIAscan® and the current EUROP classification system were deboned and the actual yield was measured. Models were derived for predicting lean meat yield of the legs (Leg%), loin (Loin%) and shoulder (Shldr%) using the best VIAscan® variables selected by stepwise regression analysis of a calibration data set (n=603). The equations were tested on validation data set (n=259). The results showed that the VIAscan® predicted lean meat yield in the leg, loin and shoulder with an R2 of 0.60, 0.31 and 0.47, respectively, whereas the current EUROP system predicted lean yield with an R2 of 0.57, 0.32 and 0.37, respectively, for the three carcass parts. The VIAscan® also predicted the EUROP score of the trial carcasses, using a model derived from an earlier trial. The EUROP classification from VIAscan® and the current system were compared for their ability to explain the variation in lean yield of the whole carcass (LMY%) and trimmed fat (FAT%). The predicted EUROP scores from the VIAscan® explained 36% of the variation in LMY% and 60% of the variation in FAT%, compared with the current EUROP system that explained 49% and 72%, respectively. The EUROP classification obtained by the VIAscan® was tested against a panel of three expert classifiers (n=696). The VIAscan® classification agreed with 82% of conformation and 73% of the fat classes assigned by a panel of expert classifiers. It was concluded that VIAscan® provides a technology that can directly predict LMY% of lamb carcasses with more accuracy than the current EUROP classification system. The VIAscan® is also capable of classifying lamb carcasses into EUROP classes with an accuracy that fulfils minimum demands for the Icelandic sheep industry. Although the VIAscan® prediction of the Loin% is low, it is comparable to the current EUROP system, and should not hinder the adoption of the technology to estimate the yield of Icelandic lambs as it delivered a more accurate prediction for the Leg%, Shldr% and overall LMY% with negligible prediction bias.  相似文献   

Halperin I  Ma B  Wolfson H  Nussinov R 《Proteins》2002,47(4):409-443
The docking field has come of age. The time is ripe to present the principles of docking, reviewing the current state of the field. Two reasons are largely responsible for the maturity of the computational docking area. First, the early optimism that the very presence of the "correct" native conformation within the list of predicted docked conformations signals a near solution to the docking problem, has been replaced by the stark realization of the extreme difficulty of the next scoring/ranking step. Second, in the last couple of years more realistic approaches to handling molecular flexibility in docking schemes have emerged. As in folding, these derive from concepts abstracted from statistical mechanics, namely, populations. Docking and folding are interrelated. From the purely physical standpoint, binding and folding are analogous processes, with similar underlying principles. Computationally, the tools developed for docking will be tremendously useful for folding. For large, multidomain proteins, domain docking is probably the only rational way, mimicking the hierarchical nature of protein folding. The complexity of the problem is huge. Here we divide the computational docking problem into its two separate components. As in folding, solving the docking problem involves efficient search (and matching) algorithms, which cover the relevant conformational space, and selective scoring functions, which are both efficient and effectively discriminate between native and non-native solutions. It is universally recognized that docking of drugs is immensely important. However, protein-protein docking is equally so, relating to recognition, cellular pathways, and macromolecular assemblies. Proteins function when they are bound to other molecules. Consequently, we present the review from both the computational and the biological points of view. Although large, it covers only partially the extensive body of literature, relating to small (drug) and to large protein-protein molecule docking, to rigid and to flexible. Unfortunately, when reviewing these, a major difficulty in assessing the results is the non-uniformity in the formats in which they are presented in the literature. Consequently, we further propose a way to rectify it here.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the BW and immune status of lambs reared under natural conditions or under artificial conditions fed two different colostrum amounts. In this study, 60 lambs were randomly divided into groups according to treatment. Twenty lambs remained with their dams (natural rearing (NR) group). Forty lambs were removed from their dams at birth. Lambs were bottle-fed with a pool of sheep colostrum, receiving either 4 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C4 group) or 8 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C8 group). The total colostrum amount was equally divided into three meals at 2, 14 and 24 h after birth. After this period, lambs were bottle-fed a commercial milk replacer. Blood plasma sample analysis and BW recordings were carried out before feeding at birth and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20 days after birth. Another blood sample analysis and BW recording was carried out when animals reached 10 kg of BW. During weaning (30 days), sampling was carried out every 5 days. Blood plasma was used to determine the concentrations of IgG and IgM and the complement system activity – total and alternative pathways. The NR group showed greater BW than the C4 and C8 groups during milk feeding period, whereas the C4 and C8 groups had greater BW than the NR group at the end of weaning period. The C8 and NR groups had greater plasma IgG and IgM concentrations than the C4 group during milk feeding period. In addition, C4 and C8 groups showed similar IgG concentrations and greater IgM concentrations than the NR group at the end of the weaning period. Complement system activity was greater in the NR group than in the C4 and C8 groups during the first 3 days after birth. In conclusion, lambs fed amounts of colostrum equivalent to 8 g of IgG/kg of BW showed similar immune variables compared to lambs reared under natural conditions, obtaining a greater BW at the end of the weaning period. Nevertheless, this study shows that not only the colostrum amount but also the management during the milk feeding and weaning period, such as stress produced by dam separation, milk quality and suckling frequency, can affect the final immune status of lambs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of selenium (Se) supplementation of mature ewes in the period from day −14 to day 90 post mating on Se status, productivity and viability of ewes and their offspring. Multiparous crossbred ewes (n = 82) were randomly assigned to receive a standard dried grass-based diet (control) or dried grass diet supplemented with 1 g of selenised yeast (Selplex®), providing 0.5 mg Se per ewe per day. After day 90 post mating, all ewes were offered grass-based diets supplemented with a standard multivitamin and mineral mix, up to lambing. Ewes that were fed additional Se had increased (P < 0.001) activity of glutathione peroxidase enzyme (GPx) and increased plasma Se concentrations throughout the treatment period. At lambing, GPx activity of supplemented ewes was higher (P < 0.001) than that of controls. Twenty-four hours after birth, lambs of ewes given Se had higher (P < 0.001) concentration of Se in plasma, greater (P < 0.001) activity of GPx and better (P < 0.01) immune status. Lambs of ewes that received supplementation showed a faster progression to stand than control lambs (P < 0.05), independent of maternal behaviour which was not affected. Supplementation reduced perinatal lamb mortality (0.04 v. 0.17; P < 0.05). However, overall mortality from birth to weaning was unaffected (P > 0.05). Supplemented ewes weaned lambs on average 2 kg heavier than control ewes, due to the higher (P < 0.05) growth rates achieved by their offspring. In conclusion, for ewes with a marginal Se status, an organic source of Se supplemented throughout pregnancy, compared with supplementation only in the last trimester, positively affected measures of lamb viability and survival.  相似文献   

During growth (27 to 75 days of age), a total of 384 rabbits were kept in 72 individual cages, 48 bicellular cages (2 rabbits/cage) and 24 collective cages (9 rabbits/cage). To evaluate the effects of the housing system on the fear level and behavioural patterns of rabbits at the two ages (39 to 45 days and 66 to 73 days), a tonic immobility test and an open-field test were conducted and their behaviour was video recorded. In the tonic immobility test, the number of attempts to induce immobility (1.38) was lower, and the duration of immobility (47.8 s) was higher (0.05 < P < 0.01) in the rabbits housed in individual cages than in those kept in bicellular (1.72 attempts and 25.0 s of immobility) and collective cages (1.99 attempts and 25.0 s of immobility). During the open-field test, the rabbits from individual and bicellular cages showed higher latency (38.8 and 40.3 v. 27.0 s), a lower number of total (73.3 and 81.7 v. 91.9) and central displacements (3.6 and 2.8 v. 5.4) and a shorter running time (11.8 and 13.6 s v. 17.7 s) and the time biting the pen (5.5 and 9.1 s v. 28.2 s) compared with the rabbits kept in collective cages (0.05 < P < 0.001). During the 24-h video recording, the rabbits in individual and bicellular cages spent less time allogrooming (0.34% and 0.19% v. 1.44%), moving (0.74% and 0.60% v. 1.32%) and running (0.08% and 0.03% v. 0.21%) than the rabbits in the collective cages (0.01 < P < 0.001). The lowest numbers of alerts and hops were observed in the rabbits kept in bicellular cages. With increasing age, a lower number of rabbits were sensitive to the immobility test and more rabbits entered the pen spontaneously during the open-field test (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the rabbits in individual cages exhibited the highest fear level and incomplete behavioural patterns; the rabbits housed in collective cages showed the lowest fear levels and had the possibility of expressing a wider range of behaviour; and the rabbits in bicellular cages exhibited an inconsistent pattern of fear in the tonic immobility and open-field tests. Probably, these rabbits were in a less stressful condition compared with animals in individual cages because social contacts were allowed, even if freedom of movement was more limited.  相似文献   

Intramuscular fat (IMF) % contributes positively to the juiciness and flavour of lamb and is therefore a useful indicator of eating quality. A rapid, non-destructive method of IMF determination like computed tomography (CT) would enable pre-sorting of carcasses based on IMF% and potential eating quality. Given the loin muscle (longissimus lumborum) is easy to sample, a single measurement at this site would be useful, providing is correlates well to other muscles. To determine the ability of CT to predict IMF%, this study used 400 animals and examined 5 muscles from three sections of the carcass: from the fore-section the m. supraspinatus and m. infraspinatus, from the saddle-section the m. longissimus lumborum and from the hind-section the m. semimembranosus and m. semitendinosus. The average CT pixel density of muscle was negatively associated with IMF% and can be used to predict IMF% although precision in this study was poor. The ability of CT to predict IMF% was greatest in the m. longissimus lumborum (slope −0.07) and smallest in the m. infraspinatus (slope −0.02). The correlation coefficients of IMF% between the five muscles were variable, with the highest correlation coefficients evident between muscles of the fore section (0.67 between the m. supraspinatus and the m. infraspinatus) and the weakest correlations were between the muscle of the fore and hind section. The correlation between the m. longissimus lumborum to the other muscles was fairly consistent with values ranging between 0.34 and 0.40 (partial correlation coefficient). The correlation between the proportion of carcass fat and the IMF% of the five muscles varied and was greatest in the m. longissimus lumborum (0.41).  相似文献   

Animals switch between inactive and active states, simultaneously impacting their energy intake, energy expenditure and predation risk, and collectively defining how they engage with environmental variation and trophic interactions. We assess daily activity responses to long‐term variation in temperature, resources and mating opportunities to examine whether individuals choose to be active or inactive according to an optimisation of the relative energetic and reproductive gains each state offers. We show that this simplified behavioural decision approach predicts most activity variation (R2 = 0.83) expressed by free‐ranging red squirrels over 4 years, as quantified through accelerometer recordings (489 deployments; 5066 squirrel‐days). Recognising activity as a determinant of energetic status, the predictability of activity variation aggregated at a daily scale, and the clear signal that behaviour is environmentally forced through optimisation of gain, provides an integrated approach to examine behavioural variation as an intermediary between environmental variation and energetic, life‐history and ecological outcomes.  相似文献   

The response of four benthic cyclopoid copepods,Acanthocyclops viridis (Megacyclops viridis) (Jurine, 1820),Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine),Eucyclops agilis (Koch, Sars) (Eucyclops serrulatus) (Fischer, 1851) andParacyclops fimbriatus (Fischer), to hypoxia and anoxia was investigated. All of these species died within six hours when confronted by totally anoxic conditions, but all survived four days at oxygen saturation levels as low as 25%. Males succumbed to the effects of anoxia more rapidly than the larger females of each species, and larger species survived for shorter periods than smaller species. In artificially stratified columns, where the lower layer was anoxic, all four species displayed an upward migratory response towards oxygenated conditions. Where the artificial hypolimnion was hypoxic, however, the migratory response was not observed. The results suggest that some benthic copepods cope with seasonal anoxia in eutrophic stratified lakes by migration rather than the various physiological adaptations shown by planktonic and semi-planktonic species.  相似文献   

Abstract. One way in which Apis mellifera honey bees resist Varroa destructor is by detection and elimination of nestmates. This study uses behavioural tests and electroanntennography to assess the role of chemostimuli in recognition by honey bees of this acarian ectoparasite. Behavioural tests using living or dead parasites involved observation of honey bee grooming activity (antennation) under controlled conditions in Petri dishes, and removal behaviour (uncapping and elimination of parasitized and unparasitized control brood cells) under natural conditions. Some bees from colonies with both small and large parasite populations showed aggressive behaviour (biting). No difference was observed according to whether the mite was dead or alive. Under natural conditions, bees uncapped more parasitized cells than control cells. Electroantennographic tests were performed to measure sensitivity to various Varroa extracts at three concentrations (10, 20 and 30 Varroa Equivalents). Only 30 Varroa Equivalent methanol extracts made from Varroa collected from brood cells elicited significantly greater antennal response than controls (pure solvent). All three methanol extracts elicited significantly greater antennal response than controls. No response was observed using Varroa extracts made with acetone or hexane. These findings suggest that polar products may act as chemostimuli for recognition of V. destructor by honey bees. Further study will be necessary to determine which polar products are involved in this recognition and assess grooming and removal behaviour using these products.  相似文献   

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