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Most often, farmers consider red clover an unattractive forage because of its low ensilability. Nevertheless, several in vivo and in vitro experiments also showed advantages of red clover silages such as decreased rumen biohydrogenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This has been attributed to a possible protective role of protein-bound phenols, with polyphenol oxidase playing a key role in their formation. This enzyme is active in red clover, but not in other green forages, such as, for example, perennial ryegrass. Therefore, the aim was to study the lipid metabolism within red clover/ryegrass mixtures in lab scale silages and during in vitro rumen batch incubations. Ensilability of red clover increased with higher proportions of ryegrass in the silage mixture. However, the lipid-protecting mechanism of red clover does not seem to occur in the co-ensiled ryegrass as lipolysis of polar lipids linearly increased with increasing proportions of ryegrass (86.0%, 91.6%, 89.9%, 93.1% and 95.6% in 60-day-old silages with 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100 red clover/ryegrass, respectively). Rumen lipolysis and biohydrogenation of C18:3n-3 and C18:2n-6 were negatively related to red clover proportions in the silage mixtures. The lipid-protective mechanism in red clover silages is confirmed, but it seems not to be transferred to lipids in co-ensiled forages.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) has been shown to reduce proteolysis and lipolysis in red clover through deactivation of proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes and/or through formation of protein–phenol–lipid complexes. This experiment investigated the time course of both lipolysis and proteolysis in two red clover lines with different PPO activities with and without addition of a silage inoculant to help understand the action of PPO in the silo, and its potential effects on protein and glycerol-based lipid conservation, and to determine effects of a more rapid pH reduction with inoculation on PPO activity. Four silages were prepared from high or low PPO precision chopped red clover in 60 test-tube-silos, each containing 120 g fresh weight: (a) high PPO red clover without inoculation (H−), (b) low PPO red clover without inoculation (L−), (c) high PPO red clover with inoculation (H+), and (d) low PPO red clover with inoculation (L+). Each treatment had three replicates for each time point of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 90 days. The inoculant used was Lactobacillus plantarum strain L54 applied at a rate of 106 CFU/g fresh weight. Silage pH was reduced (P < 0.001) by inoculation with no effect of PPO. Inoculation had no effect on either lipolysis or free amino acid release, although more (P < 0.01) soluble protein and less (P < 0.01) ammonia-N was in inoculated silages. H silages had a lower level of both proteolysis (release of free amino acids, P < 0.05) and lipolysis (loss of membrane lipid, P < 0.01) than L red clover silages. Results indicate that PPO reduced proteolysis and lipolysis in the silo and that inoculation had no adverse effects on PPO activity.  相似文献   

The interaction between polyphenol oxidation products and Fraction 1 protein produces a modified protein of increased electrophoretic mobility. A method is described for the extraction of red clover leaf Fraction 1 protein free of polyphenol oxidation products by inhibiting polyphenol oxidase with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate.  相似文献   

运用丙酮浸漬干燥、磷酸盐缓冲液提取、低温离心、硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE-Sephadex(A-50)、Sephadex(G-75) 和DEAE-celluse(DE-52)层析等方法从苹果中分离获得一种新的含铜酶蛋白,该酶被命名为多酚氧化酶Ⅱ(polyphenol oxidase Ⅱ, PPOⅡ),纯化倍数是215,纯化收率是23%.PAGE、SDS-PAGE和MALDI-TOF 等技术用于测定所获的酶的纯度和分子量.在PAGE和SDS-PAGE 均显示一条带,表明PPOⅡ只由一个亚基组成,且已达到单一组分(MALDI-TOF的结果更证实了这一点).SDS-PAGE 和 MALDI-TOF 的结果都表明PPO的分子量为 38204 Da.pH值对酶活性和稳定性研究的结果显示,从pH值4.0~7.0随着pH值的增加,酶活性也不断增加;从pH值 7.0~11.0, 酶活性不断降低.PPOⅡ的最适pH值为6.6最适温度为30℃.  相似文献   

烟草中多酚氧化酶(PPO)的特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
烟草中的多酚氧化酶介导的褐变会影响烟叶和烟丝的色泽和内在质量,因此对其特性的研究,以及活性的控制成为多年来的研究热点。本文从其生物发生模型、分子结构、生物化学和光谱学特征与植物抗病和机械损伤的关系,多酚氧化酶的抑制、多酚氧化酶的应用等方面着手,对近几年来烟草中PPO研究的最新成果进行总结和回顾,对一些有争议的问题进行了探讨,并对未来PPO研究的方向和领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

几种薏苡的过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶同工酶分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾艳华  谢莉  韩永华 《生物学杂志》2007,24(5):35-36,43
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)的方法,对薏苡,野生薏苡和水生薏苡的几个不同种质分别进行了过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)的同工酶酶谱分析,结果表明:POD和PPO含量丰富,活性强,酶谱复杂,酶带清晰,稳定,种间差异明显。结果可以作为薏苡研究种质亲缘关系的基础。  相似文献   

This paper describes the relationship between protein-bound phenols in red clover, induced by different degrees of damaging before wilting and varying wilting duration, and in silo lipid metabolism. The ultimate effect of these changes on rumen biohydrogenation is the second focus of this paper. For this experiment, red clover, damaged to different degrees (not damaged (ND), crushing or frozen/thawing (FT)) before wilting (4 or 24 h) was ensiled. Different degrees of damaging and wilting duration lead to differences in polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, measured as increase in protein-bound phenols. Treatment effects on fatty acid (FA) content and composition, lipid fractions (free FAs, membrane lipids (ML) and neutral fraction) and lipolysis were further studied in the silage. In FT, red clover lipolysis was markedly lower in the first days after ensiling, but this largely disappeared after 60 days of ensiling, regardless of wilting duration. This suggests an inhibition of plant lipases in FT silages. After 60 days of ensiling no differences in lipid fractions could be found between any of the treatments and differences in lipolysis were caused by reduced FA proportions in ML of wilted FT red clover. Fresh, wilted (24 h) after damaging (ND or FT) and ensiled (4 or 60 days; wilted 24 h; ND or FT) red clover were also incubated in rumen fluid to study the biohydrogenation of C18:3n-3 and C18:2n-6 in vitro. Silages (both 60 days and to a lower degree 4 days) showed a lower biohydrogenation compared with fresh and wilted forages, regardless of damaging. This suggests that lipids in ensiled red clover were more protected, but this protection was not enhanced by a higher amount of protein-bound phenols in wilted FT compared with ND red clover. The reduction of rumen microbial biohydrogenation with duration of red clover ensiling seems in contrast to what is expected, namely a higher biohydrogenation when a higher amount of FFA is present. This merits further investigation in relation to strategies to activate PPO toward the embedding of lipids in phenol-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase is the enzyme responsible for enzymatic browning in sweetpotato that decreases the commercial value of sweetpotato products. Here we reported the cloning and characterization of a new cDNA encoding PPO from sweetpotato, designated as IbPPO (GeneBank accession number: AY822711). The full-length cDNA of IbPPO is 1984 bp with a 1767 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a 588 amino acid polypeptide with a calculated molecular weight of 65.7 kDa and theoretical pI of 6.28. The coding sequence of IbPPO was also directly amplified from the genomic DNA of sweetpotato that demonstrated that IbPPO was an intron-free gene. The computational comparative analysis revealed that IbPPO showed homology to other PPOs of plant origin and contained a 50 amino acid plastidial transit peptide at its N-terminal and the two conserved CuA and CuB copper-binding motifs in the catalytic region of IbPPO. A highly conserved serine-rich motif was firstly found in the transit peptides of plant PPO enzymes. Then the homology based structural modeling of IbPPO showed that IbPPO had the typical structure of PPO: the catalytic copper center was accommodated in a central four-helix bundle located in a hydrophobic pocket close to the surface. Finally, the results of the semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis of IbPPO in different tissues demonstrated that IbPPO could express in all the organs of sweetpotato including mature leaves, young leaves, the stems of mature leaves (petioles), the storage roots, and the veins but at different levels. The highest-level expression of IbPPO was found in the veins, followed by storage roots, young leaves and mature leaves; and the lowest-level expression of IbPPO was found in petioles. The present researches will facilitate the development of antibrown sweetpotato by genetic engineering. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 1006–1012. The article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Induction of polyphenol oxidase in germinating wheat seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 50- and 100-fold increase in the o-diphenolase activity was observed respectively in excised coleoptiles and roots of wheat seedlings after germination for 4–5 days. This increased activity was associated with the appearance of several new multiple forms of o-diphenolase on acrylamide gels. The embryo-less half-seeds dissected from seedlings, however, revealed only a three-fold increase in o-diphenolase activity, without any alteration in the pattern of multiple forms. Cycloheximide substantially inhibited the activity and appearance of multiple forms of o-diphenolase, whereas actinomycin D failed to bring about a similar response. Protein synthesis was probably necessary for the formation of new multiple forms. Unlike o-diphenolase activity which was present in all parts of the seedling, the monophenolase activity was confined to the embryo-less endosperm. A 5–7-fold increase in monophenolase activity was observed in the embryo-less half-seed dissected from the seedling. A single broad band of monophenolase developed on acrylamide gels. This persisted during the early period of seed germination without addition of new multiple forms. No inhibition of monophenolase activity was observed in seeds treated with cycloheximide or actinomycin D.  相似文献   

马铃薯多酚氧化酶基因克隆及反义表达载体构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从甘农薯1号马铃薯试管苗叶片中提取总DNA,根据Genebank报道的马铃薯多酚氧化酶基因(PPT32)序列,设计合成了带有BamHⅠ、SacⅠ特定酶切位点的2对特异引物,通过PCR获得l840bP和476bP的扩增产物。测序结果表明,l840bp的扩增产物与Oenebank中发表的序列一致,476bp的扩增产物正是欲扩增的马铃薯多酚氧化酶基因的同源片段。将2个扩增产物反向连接到表达载体PC3中,通过双酶切鉴定后,按直接导入法实现反义基因表达载体质粒向农杆菌EHA105的导人;并经PCR鉴定证明,此质粒已整合到农杆菌Ti上。  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in sugarcane (a C4 grass) was highest in the growing point and declined down the stalk. Sugarcane PPO with an apparent molecular mass of 45 kDa was purified to homogeneity from immature stem tissue. Western analysis of sugarcane extracts with a polyclonal antibody raised to this protein suggested it resulted from cleavage of a 60 kDa protein during purification. The antibody was used to screen a sugarcane stem cDNA library. A full-length PPO clone (sugppol) was characterised and shown to encode a 67 kDa precursor protein comprising a plastid transit sequence of 8 kDa and a mature PPO protein of 59 kDa. High levels of expression ofsugppol were detected in the growing point of the stalk and in the immature tissue immediately below it, but no message was detected in RNA from mature stem or leaf. Comparison with other PPO sequences indicated thatsugppol was significantly different to PPO genes in C3 dicotyledonous plants.  相似文献   

The subunit MW of Dioscorea bulbifera polyphenol oxidase (MW 115 000 ± 2000) determined by SDS-PAGE is ca. 31 000 indicating that the enzyme is an oligomeric protein with four subunits. Ki values of various inhibitors and their modes of inhibition have been determined with catechol and pyrogallol as substrates. p-Nitrophenol, p-cresol, quinoline and resorcinol are competitive inhibitors of catechol binding while only orcinol and p-nitrophenol behave in the same way towards pyrogallol as substrate. From the effect of pH on Vmax, groups with pK values ca. 4.7 and 6.8 have been identified to be involved in catalytic activity. The Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) at pH 4.0 is 8.9 kcal/mol between 40–65°. At pH 7.0, the value is 22.1 kcal/mol between 40 and 60°. The enthalpies (ΔH) at pH 4.0 and pH 7.0 are 2.3 kcal/mol and 32.4 kcal/mol respectively. The results are discussed considering the conformational changes of the enzyme during substrate binding.  相似文献   

Localization of a flavonoid biosynthetic polyphenol oxidase in vacuoles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aureusidin synthase, a polyphenol oxidase (PPO), specifically catalyzes the oxidative formation of aurones from chalcones, which are plant flavonoids, and is responsible for the yellow coloration of snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) flowers. All known PPOs have been found to be localized in plastids, whereas flavonoid biosynthesis is thought to take place in the cytoplasm [or on the cytoplasmic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)]. However, the primary structural characteristics of aureusidin synthase and some of its molecular properties argue against localization of the enzyme in plastids and the cytoplasm. In this study, the subcellular localization of the enzyme in petal cells of the yellow snapdragon was investigated. Sucrose-density gradient and differential centrifugation analyses suggested that the enzyme (the 39-kDa mature form) is not located in plastids or on the ER. Transient assays using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimera fused with the putative propeptide of the PPO precursor suggested that the enzyme was localized within the vacuole lumen. We also found that the necessary information for vacuolar targeting of the PPO was encoded within the 53-residue N-terminal sequence (NTPP), but not in the C-terminal sequence of the precursor. NTPP-mediated ER-to-Golgi trafficking to vacuoles was confirmed by means of the co-expression of an NTPP-GFP chimera with a dominant negative mutant of the Arabidopsis GTPase Sar1 or with a monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP)-fused Golgi marker (an H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase of Arabidopsis). We identified a sequence-specific vacuolar sorting determinant in the NTPP of the precursor. We have demonstrated the biosynthesis of a flavonoid skeleton in vacuoles. The findings of this metabolic compartmentation may provide a strategy for overcoming the biochemical instability of the precursor chalcones in the cytoplasm, thus leading to the efficient accumulation of aurones in the flower.  相似文献   

A new strategy for the construction of a polyphenol oxidase carbon paste biosensor for paracetamol detection is reported. The eggplant (Solanum melongena) was processed to collect the polyphenol oxidase as an enzyme that was incorporated in the carbon paste sensor construction. The constructed sensor displayed high sensitivity and good selection for paracetamol detection and recognition. Optimized conditions included pH 6.0 (highest activity), pH 7.0 (highest stability), pulse amplitude of 50?mV, and 15% of vegetable extract per carbon paste. The sensor displayed a linear range from 20 to 200?µM, with a detection limit of 5?µM. Application of the sensor to paracetamol determination in tablet and oral solutions have shown satisfactory results. The efficiency of the method showed very good repeatability ranging between 1.26 and 1.72% relative standard deviation for interday analysis, while recoveries for paracetamol varied between 97.5 and 99.8% for the voltammetric determination. The strategy for a simple, low cost, and efficient eggplant polyphenol oxidase sensor showcased in this work provides an opportunity for the detection of other phenolic compounds in various matrices.  相似文献   

Two genes encoding polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were isolated from pineapple (Ananas comosus[L.] Merr. cv. Smooth Cayenne). Sequence analyses showed that both contained a single intron and encoded typical chloroplast-localized PPO proteins, the sequences of which corresponded to two pineapple PPO cDNAs, PINPPO1 and PINPPO2, recently described by Stewart et al. (2001). Southern blot analyses suggested that pineapple contained only two PPO genes. Analysis of expression of PINPPO1 promoter GUS fusion constructs showed this promoter had a low basal activity and was cold- and wound-inducible, consistent with known mRNA expression profiles. Striking homologies to gibberellin response complexes (GARC) were observed in sequences of both the PINPPO1 and PINPPO2 promoters. Transient assays in mature pineapple fruit and stable expression in transgenic tobacco showed that PINPPO1 promoter-GUS fusions were indeed gibberellin (GA) responsive. A role for the element within the putative GARCs in mediating GA-responsiveness of the PINPPO1 promoter was confirmed by mutational analysis. PINPPO2 was also shown to be GA-responsive by RT-PCR analysis. Mutant PINPPO1 promoter-GUS fusion constructs, which were no longer GA-inducible, showed a delayed response to cold induction in pineapple fruit in transient assays, suggesting a role for GA in blackheart development. This was supported by observations that exogenous GA(3) treatment induced blackheart in the absence of chilling. Sequences showing homology to GARCs are also present in some PPO promoters in tomato, suggesting that GA regulates PPO expression in diverse species.  相似文献   

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