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Assessing the genetic diversity in small farm animal populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic variation is vital for the populations to adapt to varying environments and to respond to artificial selection; therefore, any conservation and development scheme should start from assessing the state of variation in the population. There are several marker-based and pedigree-based parameters to describe genetic variation. The most suitable ones are rate of inbreeding and effective population size, because they are not dependent on the amount of pedigree records. The acceptable level for effective population size can be considered from different angles leading to a conclusion that it should be at least 50 to 100. The estimates for the effective population size can be computed from the genealogical records or from demographic and marker information when pedigree data are not available. Marker information could also be used for paternity analysis and for estimation of coancestries. The sufficient accuracy in marker-based parameters would require typing thousands of markers. Across breeds, diversity is an important source of variation to rescue problematic populations and to introgress new variants. Consideration of adaptive variation brings new aspects to the estimation of the variation between populations.  相似文献   

In the local breeds with small population size, one of the most important problems is the increase of inbreeding coefficient (F). High levels of inbreeding lead to reduced genetic diversity and inbreeding depression. The availability of high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays has facilitated the quantification of F by genomic markers in farm animals. Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are contiguous lengths of homozygous genotypes and represent an estimate of the degree of autozygosity at genome-wide level. The current study aims to quantify the genomic F derived from ROH (FROH) in three local dairy cattle breeds. FROH values were compared with F estimated from the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM), based on the difference between observed v. expected number of homozygous genotypes (FHOM) and the genomic homozygosity of individual i (FMOL i). The molecular coancestry coefficient (fMOL ij) between individuals i and j was also estimated. Individuals of Cinisara (71), Modicana (72) and Reggiana (168) were genotyped with the 50K v2 Illumina BeadChip. Genotypes from 96 animals of Italian Holstein cattle breed were also included in the analysis. We used a definition of ROH as tracts of homozygous genotypes that were >4 Mb. Among breeds, 3661 ROH were identified. Modicana showed the highest mean number of ROH per individual and the highest value of FROH, whereas Reggiana showed the lowest ones. Differences among breeds existed for the ROH lengths. The individuals of Italian Holstein showed high number of short ROH segments, related to ancient consanguinity. Similar results showed the Reggiana with some extreme animals with segments covering 400 Mb and more of genome. Modicana and Cinisara showed similar results between them with the total length of ROH characterized by the presence of large segments. High correlation was found between FHOM and FROH ranged from 0.83 in Reggiana to 0.95 in Cinisara and Modicana. The correlations among FROH and other estimated F coefficients were generally lower ranged from 0.45 (FMOL iFROH) in Cinisara to 0.17 (FGRMFROH) in Modicana. On the basis of our results, recent inbreeding was observed in local breeds, considering that 16 Mb segments are expected to present inbreeding up to three generations ago. Our results showed the necessity of implementing conservation programs to control the rise of inbreeding and coancestry in the three Italian local dairy cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Domestic livestock in Nepal belong to 17 species, including five Bovidae (and interspecific hybrids of two of them), seven Aves, two Equidae (not including mules), pig (Sus scrofa), rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and elephant (Loxodonta africana). Cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus) are the most numerous quadruped, followed by goats (Capra hircus), buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and sheep (Ovis aries). Domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) are the most common poultry, followed by pigeons (Columba livia) and ducks (Anas platyrhyncos). Government policy is to upgrade and replace local types with improved stock. This policy has had limited success through lack of funding, inconsistent long-term objectives and an inability to pursue programmes in traditional farming systems. The purity of native types is being lost in some areas due to informal programmes by farmers themselves. Except for one type of goat there are no conservation programmes for native breeds. Wild relatives of livestock, including arnee (Bubalus arnee), gaur (Bibos gaurus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) and rock dove (Columba livia), are being infiltrated by genes of domestic animals. Little has been done to characterize Nepal's livestock resources yet continuous attempts have been made to replace them. Conservation needs are to: (i) identify all genetic resources comprising the gene pool of species used as domestic livestock; (ii) develop and use the associated diversity to increase production, achieve sustainable systems and meet demands for particular products; (iii) monitor resources represented by small numbers or that are being displaced; and (iv) preserve resources not in current demand. A start has been made on this by Nepal's membership of a regional network.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA, prepared from 12 animals from four sheep flocks, was digested with either HaeIII or Hin fI and probed with three DNA fingerprinting probes. Mean DNA fingerprint band sharing and band frequency calculated for each flock were used to estimate genetic diversity. Each of the DNA fingerprinting systems showed the same trend in diversity within the sampled flocks, and greater diversity between the flocks than within the flocks. DNA fingerprinting therefore provides a useful measure of genetic diversity in sheep.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was shown earlier to bereduced in smaller populations of the narrowendemic putatively self-incompatible Cochlearia bavarica. To test whether thisnegatively affects plant fitness by reducedavailability of compatible mates and byinbreeding depression, we studied effects ofpopulation size and pollination treatments oncross-compatibility and offspring fitness in 16isolated populations of this plant. After openpollination, compatibility of crosses (i.e.,whether at least one fruit developed per markedflower), fruit set of compatible crosses, andcumulative fitness (number of plants permaternal ovule) after 14 months in a commongarden were lower for plants from smallerpopulations. Throughout the study, cumulativefitness was lower after hand pollination withpollen of one donor than after open pollination(finally 73.4% lower), suggesting that severalpollen donors or single pollen donors of higherquality are involved in open pollination.Moreover, cumulative fitness was lower afterhand selfing than after hand outcrossing(finally 69.4% lower), indicating bothinbreeding depression and reduced compatibilityafter selfing. High self-compatibility(40.6%), dry stigmas, and differences in thecompatibility of 11 of 33 experimentalreciprocal crosses between plant pairsconfirmed that C. bavarica has asporophytic self-incompatibility system, as iscommon in the Brassicaceae. Our studydemonstrates, that plants in smallerpopulations of species with a sporophyticself-incompatibility system can experiencetwofold fitness reductions associated withreduced genetic variability, i.e., twofoldgenetic Allee effects: via reducedcross-compatibility and via reduced offspringfitness.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genetic diversity in captive populations is a primary goal of captive breeding plans, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that reproductive technology has much to offer captive breeding programs in attaining this goal. Reproductive technology can best assist captive breeding programs in this task by developing strategies that effectively increase the genetic contribution of new wild founders to a population as well as increase the reproductive life span of existing founders and their close descendents. This will act to reduce genetic drift and inbreeding effects in the population and thereby minimize the loss of genetic diversity. Considering only one aspect of reproductive technology, semen collection, this paper examines some of the genetic considerations that might be used for choosing which males in a population to collect semen from, assuming the goal of the captive breeding program is the preservation of genetic diversity. It is shown that semen collection and preservation, with future intent of artificial insemination, can make significant contributions to the maintenance of genetic diversity if careful consideration is given to the selection of donor males. Finally, the pedigree of the captive population of Asian lions (Panthera leo persica) is used to illustrate some of these genetic concepts that might be important in selecting males as semen donors.  相似文献   

Recent studies in the literature have appliedphylogenetic methods based on genetic distancesto set priorities for conservation of domesticanimal breeds. While these methods may beappropriate for between-species conservation,they are clearly inappropriate forwithin-species breed conservation, because theyignore within-breed variation. In this paper weshow the basic tools to analyse geneticdiversity in subdivided populations withinspecies, and illustrate the errors incurred byapplying methods based exclusively on geneticdistances. We also show that maximisation ofgenetic diversity (minimisation of coancestryor kinship) is equivalent to maximisation ofeffective population size, as in undividedpopulations, and derive a generalisation ofprevious equations for the prediction ofeffective size. Finally, we discuss thestrategies for conservation in the light of thetheory.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mating strategies with genomic information realise lower rates of inbreeding (∆F) than with pedigree information without compromising rates of genetic gain (∆G). We used stochastic simulation to compare ∆F and ∆G realised by two mating strategies with pedigree and genomic information in five breeding schemes. The two mating strategies were minimum-coancestry mating (MC) and minimising the covariance between ancestral genetic contributions (MCAC). We also simulated random mating (RAND) as a reference point. Generations were discrete. Animals were truncation-selected for a single trait that was controlled by 2000 quantitative trait loci, and the trait was observed for all selection candidates before selection. The criterion for selection was genomic-breeding values predicted by a ridge-regression model. Our results showed that MC and MCAC with genomic information realised 6% to 22% less ∆F than MC and MCAC with pedigree information without compromising ∆G across breeding schemes. MC and MCAC realised similar ∆F and ∆G. In turn, MC and MCAC with genomic information realised 28% to 44% less ∆F and up to 14% higher ∆G than RAND. These results indicated that MC and MCAC with genomic information are more effective than with pedigree information in controlling rates of inbreeding. This implies that genomic information should be applied to more than just prediction of breeding values in breeding schemes with truncation selection.  相似文献   

In many hermaphroditic flowering plants, self-fertilization is prevented by self-incompatibility (SI), often controlled by a single locus, the S-locus. In single isolated populations, the maintenance of SI depends chiefly on inbreeding depression and the number of SI alleles at the S-locus. In subdivided populations, however, population subdivision has complicated effects on both the number of SI alleles and the level of inbreeding depression, rendering the maintenance of SI difficult to predict. Here, we explore the conditions for the invasion of a self-compatible mutant in a structured population. We find that the maintenance of SI is strongly compromised when a population becomes subdivided. We show that this effect is mainly caused by the decrease in the local diversity of SI alleles rather than by a change in the dynamics of inbreeding depression. Strikingly, we also find that the diversity of SI alleles at the whole population level is a poor predictor of the maintenance of SI. We discuss the implications of our results for the interpretation of empirical data on the loss of SI in natural populations.  相似文献   

The negative fitness consequences of close inbreeding are widely recognized, but predicting the long-term effects of inbreeding and genetic drift due to limited population size is not straightforward. As the frequency and homozygosity of recessive deleterious alleles increase, selection can remove (purge) them from a population, reducing the genetic load. At the same time, small population size relaxes selection against mildly harmful mutations, which may lead to accumulation of genetic load. The efficiency of purging and the accumulation of mutations both depend on the rate of inbreeding (i.e., population size) and on the nature of mutations. We studied how increasing levels of inbreeding affect offspring production and extinction in experimental Drosophila littoralis populations replicated in two sizes, N = 10 and N = 40. Offspring production and extinction were measured over 25 generations concurrently with a large control population. In the N = 10 populations, offspring production decreased strongly at low levels of inbreeding, then recovered only to show a consistent subsequent decline, suggesting early expression and purging of recessive highly deleterious alleles and subsequent accumulation of mildly harmful mutations. In the N = 40 populations, offspring production declined only after inbreeding reached higher levels, suggesting that inbreeding and genetic drift pose a smaller threat to population fitness when inbreeding is slow. Our results suggest that highly deleterious alleles can be purged in small populations already at low levels of inbreeding, but that purging does not protect the small populations from eventual genetic deterioration and extinction.  相似文献   

Many populations are small and isolated with limited genetic variation and high risk of mating with close relatives. Inbreeding depression is suspected to contribute to extinction of wild populations, but the historical and demographic factors that contribute to reduced population viability are often difficult to tease apart. Replicated introduction events in non‐native species can offer insights into this problem because they allow us to study how genetic variation and inbreeding depression are affected by demographic events (e.g. bottlenecks), genetic admixture and the extent and duration of isolation. Using detailed knowledge about the introduction history of 21 non‐native populations of the wall lizard Podarcis muralis in England, we show greater loss of genetic diversity (estimated from microsatellite loci) in older populations and in populations from native regions of high diversity. Loss of genetic diversity was accompanied by higher embryonic mortality in non‐native populations, suggesting that introduced populations are sufficiently inbred to jeopardize long‐term viability. However, there was no statistical correlation between population‐level genetic diversity and average embryonic mortality. Similarly, at the individual level, there was no correlation between female heterozygosity and clutch size, infertility or hatching success, or between embryo heterozygosity and mortality. We discuss these results in the context of human‐mediated introductions and how the history of introductions can play a fundamental role in influencing individual and population fitness in non‐native species.  相似文献   

Mable BK  Adam A 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(17):3565-3580
Arabidopsis lyrata is normally considered an obligately outcrossing species with a strong self-incompatibility system, but a shift in mating system towards inbreeding has been found in some North American populations (subspecies A. lyrata ssp. lyrata). This study provides a survey of the Great Lakes region of Canada to determine the extent of this mating system variation and how outcrossing rates are related to current population density, geographical distribution, and genetic diversity. Based on variation at microsatellite markers (progeny arrays to estimate multilocus outcrossing rates and population samples to estimate diversity measures) and controlled greenhouse pollinations, populations can be divided into two groups: (i) group A, consisting of individuals capable of setting selfed seed (including autogamous fruit set in the absence of pollinators), showing depressed outcrossing rates (T(m) = 0.2-0.6), heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.02-0.06) and genetic diversity (H(E) = 0.08-0.10); and (ii) group B, consisting of individuals that are predominantly self-incompatible (T(m) > 0.8), require pollinators for seeds set, and showing higher levels of heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.13-0.31) and diversity (H(E) = 0.19-0.410). Current population density is not related to the shift in mating system but does vary with latitude. Restricted gene flow among populations was evident among all but two populations (F(ST) = 0.11-0.8). Group A populations were more differentiated from one another (F(ST) = 0.78) than they were from group B populations (F(ST) = 0.59), with 41% of the variation partitioned within populations, 47% between populations, and 12% between groups. No significant relationship was found between genetic and geographical distance. Results are discussed in the context of possible postglacial expansion scenarios in relation to loss of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

湘江野鲤养殖群体和自然群体遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用微卫星技术,用17对微卫星引物对湘江野鲤养殖群体和自然群体的的遗传多样性进行分析.结果表明:有15对引物扩增出清晰的条带,其中13对引物在群体间呈现多态性;2个群体中,13对多态性引物分别扩增等位基因2~12个,共90个,其中35个等位基因为2群体共有,55个等位基因具有群体特异性,引物平均等位基因数为6.92个,等位基因频率为0.0667~0.8333;养殖群体和自然群体的平均遗传杂合度和平均多态信息含量分别为0.5688、0.5152,0.5860、0.5347;2个群体间遗传相似性指数为0.6762,遗传距离为0.3238,表明湘江野鲤养殖和自然群体遗传多样性均较为丰富,2个群体间遗传变异程度较高.  相似文献   

Recent habitat loss and fragmentation superimposed upon ancient patterns of population subdivision are likely to have produced low levels of neutral genetic diversity and marked genetic structure in many plant species. The genetic effects of habitat fragmentation may be most pronounced in species that form small populations, are fully self-compatible and have limited seed dispersal. However, long-lived seed banks, mobile pollinators and long adult lifespans may prevent or delay the accumulation of genetic effects. We studied a rare Australian shrub species, Grevillea macleayana (Proteaceae), that occurs in many small populations, is self-compatible and has restricted seed dispersal. However, it has a relatively long adult lifespan (c. 30 years), a long-lived seed bank that germinates after fire and is pollinated by birds that are numerous and highly mobile. These latter characteristics raise the possibility that populations in the past may have been effectively large and genetically homogeneous. Using six microsatellites, we found that G. macleayana may have relatively low within-population diversity (3.2-4.2 alleles/locus; Hexp = 0.420-0.530), significant population differentiation and moderate genetic structure (FST = 0.218) showing isolation by distance, consistent with historically low gene flow. The frequency distribution of allele sizes suggest that this geographical differentiation is being driven by mutation. We found a lack mutation-drift equilibrium in some populations that is indicative of population bottlenecks. Combined with evidence for large spatiotemporal variation of selfing rates, this suggests that fluctuating population sizes characterize the demography in this species, promoting genetic drift. We argue that natural patterns of pollen and seed dispersal, coupled with the patchy, fire-shaped distribution, may have restricted long-distance gene flow in the past.  相似文献   

Widespread hunting had fragmented and severely reduced elephant populations in South Africa by 1900. Elephant numbers increased during the 1900s, although rates of recovery of individual populations varied. The Kruger National Park elephant population increased rapidly, to more than 6000 by 1967, with recruitment boosted by immigration from Mozambique. The Addo Elephant National Park population was reduced to 11 elephants in 1931 and remains relatively small (n = 325). Loss of genetic variation is expected to occur whenever a population goes through a bottleneck, especially when post-bottleneck recovery is slow. Variation at nine polymorphic microsatellite loci was analysed for Kruger and Addo elephants, as well as museum specimens of Addo elephants shot prior to the population bottleneck. Significantly reduced genetic variation and heterozygosity were observed in Addo in comparison to Kruger (mean alleles/locus and H(E): Addo 1.89, 0.18; Kruger 3.89, 0.44). Two alleles not present in the current Addo population were observed in the museum specimens. Addo elephants represent a genetic subset of the Kruger population, with high levels of genetic differentiation resulting from rapid genetic drift. The Kruger population is low in genetic diversity in comparison to East African elephants, confirming this population also suffered an appreciable bottleneck.  相似文献   

Small populations of self-incompatible plants are assumed to be threatened by a limitation of compatible mating partners due to low genetic diversity at the self-incompatibility (S) locus. In contrast, we show by using a PCR-RFLP approach for S-genotype identification that 15 small populations (N = 8-88) of the rare wild pear (Pyrus pyraster) displayed no mate limitation. S-allele diversity within populations was high (N = 9-21) as was mate availability (92.9-100%). Although population size and S-allele diversity were strongly related, no relationship was found between population size and mate availability, gene diversity (He), or fixation index (F(IS)), based on five neutral microsatellite loci. As we determined the principal mate availability within populations based on the S-genotypes observed, the realized mate availability under natural conditions may differ from our estimates, for example, due to spatially limited pollen dispersal. We therefore urge studies on self-incompatible plants to proceed from the simple assessment of principal mate availability to the determination of realized mate availability in natural populations.  相似文献   

Summary Existing genetic models of the evolution of sibmating behaviour in diploids incorporate inbreeding depression in terms of reduced fecundity of consanguineous mating pairs rather than reduced survival or fecundity of the progeny of such matings. Here we derive a model to correct this deficiency and extend the model to haplodiploids where differential effects of inbreeding in males and females is a crucial consideration. Our analyses indicate that sibmating can readily evolve in both diploids and haplodiploids in which male mating costs and inbreeding depression are reasonably low, provided there is some mechanism to permit sibmating such as siblings being reared in nests or other forms of aggregation. Our analyses also indicate that once sibmating invades, it typically will go to fixation, although sib-/randommating polymorphisms can persist in both diploids and haplodiploids if male mating costs are close to zero and inbreeding depression reduces survival by around one-third. The conditions favouring sibmating are slightly more restrictive in haplodiploids than in diploids. In light of this we may ask why we see intense sibmating in many haplodiploids such as parasitic wasps, fig wasps, ants, bark beetles and mites, and only rarely in diploid animals. The common factor could be certain kinds of aggregation behaviour that are a prerequisite for sibmating in the absence of kin recognition. Another possibility is that inbreeding depression is likely to be more severe in diploids than in haplodiploids because deleterious recessives are purged from haplodiploid populations when expressed by haploid males. Thus, lower levels of inbreeding depression might be one important reason why sibmating appears to arise more frequently in haplodiploids than diploids. Phylogenetic analysis of groups, such as bark beetles and mites, exhibiting both diploid and haplodiploid populations may be useful in elucidating the relative importance of gregarious behaviour and haplodiploidy in facilitating sibmating systems.  相似文献   

Pinus radiata has a history of population bottlenecks and is currently restricted to five relatively small populations, three in mainland California, and two on islands off the coast of Baja California. Using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers and a newly developed statistical approach, we were able to estimate individual inbreeding coefficients and can thus analyse the mating system with high resolution. We find a bimodal distribution of inbreeding coefficients: most individuals result from selfing whereas few (in the mainland populations) to a modest number (in the island populations) are likely selfed. In most other pine species and presumably in the ancestral P. radiata population, occurrence of mature selfed individuals would be impossible because of the high genetic load. We therefore conclude that inbreeding depression has been purged in P. radiata and that the mating system has changed as a consequence.  相似文献   

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