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Structural changes lead to increasing sizes of dairy herds and a reduction in grazing use. Thus, cows spend more time in the barn and become more exposed to the barn environment. The cubicle surface can result in damages of the cows’ hock joint integument. Pasture is generally seen as a beneficial environment for cows. We hypothesized that a higher number of daily grazing hours reduce the probability of hock joint alterations in dairy cows from large herds. In total, 3148 lactating cows from 36 grazing and 20 zero-grazing dairy herds, with an average herd size of 173 cows, were assessed individually on one randomly selected body side for alterations in hock integument (score 0 for no alterations or hairless areas <2 cm, 1 for at least one hairless area of ⩾2 cm, 2 for lesion or swelling). The cows were further assessed for lameness and cleanliness. Information on breed, parity and days in milk per cow was extracted from a national database. Cubicle surface was evaluated for each herd. Daily grazing hours 30 days before herd visits were recorded by the stockmen and later categorized as follows: zero hours (zero-grazing), few hours (3 to 9) and many hours (>9 to 21). The effects of daily grazing hours and other potential cow and herd-level risk factors were evaluated for their impact on hock integument alterations using a logistic analysis with a multi-level model structure. The probability for hock integument alterations such as hair loss, lesions or swellings decreased with increasing amount of grazing hours (odds of 3 to 9 h 2.2 times and odds of >9 to 21 h 4.8 times lower than of zero-grazing). The probability for only lesions or swellings decreased with >9 to 21 grazing hours (odds 2.1 times) but not with 3 to 9 h (odds 1.0 times) compared with zero-grazing. Lameness, hard cubicle surface and Danish Holstein v. other breeds showed an increasing effect on the probability for integument alterations. Increase in days in milk only showed an increasing effect on the probability for lesions and swellings. We concluded that a long daily stay on pasture is most beneficial for the hock joint integument of a dairy cow.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency of transfer of selenium (Se) to plasma and milk from inorganic sodium selenite, either free or microencapsulated, and from selenized yeast in dairy cows. The study consisted of an in situ-nylon bags incubation, and in an in vivo experiment to compare the Se status of cows supplemented with either sodium selenite, microencapsulated sodium selenite, or Se yeast. Thirty dairy cows, divided in five groups, were fed the following diets: the control group (CTR) received a total mixed ration supplemented with sodium selenite in order to have 0.3 mg/kg DM of total Se; 0.3M and 0.5M groups received the same control diet supplemented with lipid microencapsulated sodium selenite to provide 0.3 and 0.5 mg/kg DM of total Se, respectively; 0.3Y and 0.5Y groups received selenized yeast to provide 0.3 and 0.5 mg/kg of total Se, respectively. Cows were fed the supplements for 56 days during which milk, blood, and fecal samples were collected weekly to conduct analysis of Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) activity. Se concentration in the nylon bags was assessed to 72%, 64%, and 40% of the initial value (time 0) after 4, 8, and 24 h of incubation, respectively. In vivo, cows supplemented with 0.3 mg/kg of microencapsulated Se had higher milk Se concentration compared to CTR. The increment was more pronounced at the highest inclusion rate (0.5 mg/kg, 0.5M group). GSH-px activity was not significantly affected by treatments. The results indicate that lipid microencapsulation has the potential to protect nutrients from complete rumen reduction and that Se from microencapsulated selenite is incorporated in milk more efficiently than the free form. Microencapsulated sodium selenite was shown to be comparable to Se-yeast in terms of availability and incorporation in milk when fed at 0.3 mg/kg DM, whereas the inclusion in the diet at 0.5 mg/kg DM resulted in higher plasma and milk concentrations than selenized yeast.  相似文献   

Energy evaluation systems translate an animal's net energy (NE) requirements into feed metabolisable energy requirements (MER). The Feed into Milk (FiM) project (Agnew RE, Yan T, France J, Kebreab E and Thomas C 2004. Energy requirement and supply. In Feed into Milk. A new applied feeding system for dairy cows (ed. C Thomas), pp. 11-20. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK) proposed a new system to predict MER of dairy cows that is, in contrast to previous energy evaluation systems for cattle, independent of feed quality. The FiM system shares this characteristic with an energy evaluation system for ad libitum-fed cattle proposed in 1994 by Tolkamp and Ketelaars (T&K). The FiM system requires nine parameters to translate requirements for NE into MER for dairy cows, while the T&K system for cattle requires only two for the same purpose. This paper analyses the contribution of each of the parameters to the final MER predictions, the differences in MER prediction between the two systems and the underlying causes of these differences. The systems differ considerably in their estimates of the NE that is required for maintenance and in their (implicit) assumptions about the partial efficiency of ME utilisation for lactation. The T&K system is based on a constant partial efficiency of ME utilisation, but in the FiM system this efficiency changes with milk yield (MY) and shows a sharp discontinuity that is at odds with the underlying biology. These are the two main causes of the differences in MER predictions. Nevertheless, over a range of MYs between 10 and 40 kg, and for cows maintaining, gaining or losing weight, the MER predictions of the two systems are very similar with maximum differences of up to ±2% only. FiM predictions of MER are systematically higher than T&K predictions for cows with very low and very high MY. It is concluded that the FiM system could reduce parameter requirements with negligible effects on MER predictions. The combination of a very high maintenance NE parameter and a curvilinear model with two subsequent corrections leads to internal inconsistencies in the FiM system. The T&K system is much simpler but it might benefit from including more recent information for the estimation of its parameters.  相似文献   

Lysine is usually taken up in excess by the mammary gland (MG) relative to milk protein output, allowing for mammary synthesis of non-essential (NE) amino acids (AA) from Lys-N. It is unclear whether this NEAA synthesis from Lys is obligate or whether more efficient use of Lys can be made under limiting conditions. Six multi-catheterized dairy cows received a basal diet low in protein plus an abomasal infusion of AA (560 g/day) with or without Lys (50.3 g/day), in a crossover design with 7-day periods. On day 7, all cows received a 7.5-h jugular infusion of [2-15N]lysine. Six blood samples were collected from arterial, portal, hepatic and mammary vessels at 45 min intervals. In addition, cows were milked at 6 and 7 h with the milk casein plus arterial and mammary plasma collected at 7 h analyzed for AA enrichment. Milk protein concentration and casein yield tended (P < 0.10) to decrease with Lys deletion, while Lys secretion in milk protein was lowered (P < 0.05). The addition of Lys in the AA mixture increased the net portal absorption of Lys by the amount infused, suggesting limited oxidation of this extra supply by the gut. Net liver flux of Lys was unaltered by treatment and, therefore, net splanchnic release of Lys reflected closely the amounts absorbed. For both treatments, however, post-liver supply was greater than mammary uptake, which exceeded milk output. Nonetheless, while Lys deletion decreased mammary uptake by 10.1 mmol/h, Lys in milk protein secretion was reduced by only 3.9 mmol/h. On a net basis, there was no evidence of the additional uptake of any other measured AA during the Lys deletion. The mammary uptake to output ratio of Lys decreased from 1.37 to 1.12, but still showed an excess with Lys deletion. The total amount of 15N in milk protein did not change with treatment but the distribution into AA was altered. In conditions that simulated normal feeding (Lys infused), 83% of the 15N was present as Lys, with Glx, Asx, Ser and Ala harvesting, respectively, 6.8%, 2.4%, 2.1% and 1.0%. With Lys depletion, N-transfers from Lys to other AA within the MG were still present, but rates were considerably lower. This would suggest that part, at least, of Lys catabolism in the MG is either needed or cannot be prevented completely, even at low supply of Lys. Such catabolism will provide N to support the synthesis of NEAA.  相似文献   

Fertility in dairy cows has been declining for the past three decades. Genetic selection for increased milk production has been associated with changes in key metabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin, IGF and leptin) that regulate metabolism by homoeostasis and homeorhesis. These metabolic hormones, particularly insulin, provide signals to the reproductive system so that regulation of ovarian function is coordinated with changes in metabolic status. Studies have shown, for example, that increasing circulating insulin concentrations during the early post partum period can advance the resumption of oestrous cycles by enhancing follicular growth. However, high concentrations of insulin can be detrimental to the developmental competence of oocytes, which is also influenced by the supply of fatty acids at the systemic level and at the ovarian level. Insulin status is also associated with the incidence and characteristics of abnormal ovarian cycles. These changes can occur without significant variation in circulating gonadotrophin concentrations. This suggests that additional factors, such as peripheral metabolites, metabolic hormones and locally produced growth factors, may have a modulating role. Recent evidence has demonstrated that ovarian responses to metabolic signals and nutrient profile vary according to the stage of the reproductive cycle. Improved understanding of this multifactorial process enables nutrition to be matched to genotype and milk production, with a positive impact on pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

Fenugreek is a novel forage crop in Canada that is generating interest as an alternative to alfalfa for dairy cows. To evaluate the value of fenugreek haylage relative to alfalfa haylage, six, second lactation Holstein cows (56 ± 8 days in milk), which were fitted with rumen cannulas (10 cm i.d., Bar Diamond Inc., Parma, ID, USA) were used in a replicated three × three Latin square design with 18-day periods. Diets consisting of 400 g/kg haylage, 100 g/kg barley silage and 500 g/kg concentrate on a dry matter (DM) basis were fed once daily for ad libitum intake. The haylage component constituted the dietary treatments: (i) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada F70 fenugreek (F70), (ii) Crop Development Center Quatro fenugreek (QUAT) and (iii) alfalfa (ALF). DM intake (DMI), milk yield and milk protein and lactose yields were higher (P < 0.001) for cows fed ALF than fenugreek (FEN, average of F70 and QUAT). Milk fat of cows fed FEN contained lower concentrations of saturated, medium-chain and hypercholestrolemic fatty acids (FAs; P < 0.05) than that of cows fed ALF. Apparent total tract digestibility of DM and nutrients was not affected by treatments. Similarly, individual ruminal volatile FA concentrations and rumen pH (5.9) were not affected by treatments. Rumen ammonia-N concentration was higher for FEN than ALF (P < 0.001). Estimates of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) passage rate (P < 0.05) and NDF turnover rate (P < 0.001) in the rumen were higher for ALF than FEN. Our results suggest that although the digestibility of the FEN diets was not different from that of the ALF diet, fenugreek haylage has a lower feeding value than ALF for lactating dairy cows due in part to lower DMI and subsequently lower milk yield.  相似文献   

Selection in dairy cattle for a higher milk yield has coincided with declined fertility. One of the factors is reduced expression of estrous behavior. Changes in systems that regulate the estrous behavior could be manifested by altered gene expression. This literature review describes the current knowledge on mechanisms and genes involved in the regulation of estrous behavior. The endocrinological regulation of the estrous cycle in dairy cows is well described. Estradiol (E2) is assumed to be the key regulator that synchronizes endocrine and behavioral events. Other pivotal hormones are, for example, progesterone, gonadotropin releasing hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1. Interactions between the latter and E2 may play a role in the unfavorable effects of milk yield-related metabolic stress on fertility in high milk-producing dairy cows. However, a clear understanding of how endocrine mechanisms are tied to estrous behavior in cows is only starting to emerge. Recent studies on gene expression and signaling pathways in rodents and other animals contribute to our understanding of genes and mechanisms involved in estrous behavior. Studies in rodents, for example, show that estrogen-induced gene expression in specific brain areas such as the hypothalamus play an important role. Through these estrogen-induced gene expressions, E2 alters the functioning of neuronal networks that underlie estrous behavior, by affecting dendritic connections between cells, receptor populations and neurotransmitter releases. To improve the understanding of complex biological networks, like estrus regulation, and to deal with the increasing amount of genomic information that becomes available, mathematical models can be helpful. Systems biology combines physiological and genomic data with mathematical modeling. Possible applications of systems biology approaches in the field of female fertility and estrous behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Dietary changes alter dairy cow milk fat concentration (MFC) and yield (MFY) through modifications in the supply of nutrients, which act as precursors or inhibitors of mammary fat synthesis. The current models used to formulate dairy cow diets cannot predict changes in milk fat. The knowledge of the effects of the nutrients on milk fat would help to progress toward this prediction. To this end, we quantified and compared the milk fat responses to variations in the supply of seven nutrients derived from digestion: volatile fatty acids, glucose, proteins, long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and t10,c12-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A database was compiled from studies involving digestive infusions of these nutrients in dairy cows. It included 147 comparisons between a nutrient infusion and a control treatment. The nutrient infusions were limited to the range of physiological variations to mimic nutrient changes after dietary modifications. We established models for the response of MFC, MFY and milk fatty acid (FA) composition to the supply of each nutrient. MFC and MFY responses to the nutrients were significant and linear, except for the MFC response to glucose that was curvilinear. The nutrients differed in their effects on MFC and MFY: acetate, butyrate and LCFA increased MFC and MFY, whereas propionate, glucose and t10,c12-CLA decreased them. Protein infusions increased MFY and decreased MFC because of an increase in milk yield. The effects of numerous interfering factors related to animals, diets or experimental conditions were tested on the residuals of the response models. The responses of milk FA percentages are also provided. When adjusted to the in vivo variations in the nutrients observed after dietary changes, the effects of the different nutrients were moderate. Finally, this study showed that several of these nutrients could contribute to the changes in milk fat production and composition observed after dietary changes. This is a first step toward predicting milk fat response to changes in nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), an essential micronutrient, is believed to enhance neutrophil functions. This study aimed to compare the effects of supplemented organic (Sel-Plex®) and inorganic (sodium selenite) Se on neutrophil functions in high-producing dairy cows, during the periparturient period. Twenty-five Holstein cows were randomly allocated to five dietary treatments as follows: control diet (basal diet without Se supplementation), IN 0.3 (basal diet supplemented with inorganic Se at 0.3 mg/kg dry matter (DM)), IN 0.5 (inorganic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM), OR 0.3 (organic Se at 0.3 mg/kg DM) and OR 0.5 (organic Se at 0.5 mg/kg DM). Some evaluated parameters included neutrophil functions and plasma Se concentrations in cows and plasma Se concentrations in calves. Neutrophil phagocytosis did not significantly differ among the five groups. However, organic Se supplementation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the respiratory burst of neutrophils when compared to cows fed IN 0.3 and the control diet. In comparison to inorganic Se, neutrophil apoptosis was decreased (P < 0.01) when cows were fed organic Se or the control diets. These effects of organic Se on respiratory burst activities and apoptosis of neutrophils were in a dose-dependent manner. Calf plasma Se concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) when cows were fed OR 0.5 and IN 0.5.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques are important tools for microbiological studies in different habitats, and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) has been proved to be useful for analyzing fungal diversity. The aim of this study was to use the ITS region to generate ruminal yeast profile and to identify ruminal yeast. DNA from ruminal digesta was extracted to amplify the ribosomal ITS region. The profile from the PCR products was visualized and the excised bands from the profile were identified as the genera Millerozyma, Pichia, Rhizomucor and Hyphopichia. Overall, the ITS resulted to be a simple, fast and sensitive approach that allowed profiling and identification of ruminal yeast that have not been previously described (Millerozyma and Hyphopichia) in the rumen microbial community.  相似文献   

In dairy cows, the intensity of metabolic activity, associated with the negative energy balance (NEBAL), is responsible for an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, subsequently, for the development of the condition of oxidative stress, which may overwhelm the antioxidant potential of the bovine maternal organism, making it prone to the development of many puerperal dysfunctions, as well as to an alteration of colostrum and milk quality. Given these premises, the aims of this study are to evaluate serum and milk concentrations of ROS and lipoperoxides, vitamins A and E, on the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day postpartum of dairy cows, a particularly critical period during which the NEBAL reaches its nadir, and to compare the trends of these parameters in two different bovine breeds. The study was performed in pluriparous Italian Friesian and Brown dairy cows. On the 10th day postpartum, all cows underwent a clinical examination to exclude the presence of alterations; furthermore, on the same day, a milk sample was collected from each cow, in order to perform the somatic cell count (SCC; (CE) N. 853/2004) and to establish which of them had an SCC ⩽400 000/ml or >400 000/ml. In this study, among the 110 cows that were initially selected, the evaluation of these parameters allowed the inclusion of 80 animals, which were divided into four groups of 20 subjects each: Group F and F1: Italian Friesian healthy cows, with SCC ⩽400 000/ml and >400 000/ml, respectively; Group B and B1: Italian Brown healthy cows, with SCC ⩽400 000/ml and >400 000/ml, respectively. On the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day postpartum, peripheral blood and milk samples were collected. The results obtained show that in group B1 there were higher concentrations of ROS and milk antioxidants compared with Friesian group cows. This datum let us suppose that even in the presence of higher ROS concentrations the antioxidant status found in group B1 seems to be able to counteract the oxidative damage, which is more likely to develop in these cows.  相似文献   

Summary studies of dairy cow removal indicate increasing levels of mortality over the past several decades. This poses a serious problem for the US dairy industry. The objective of this project was to evaluate associations between facilities, herd management practices, disease occurrence and death rates on US dairy operations through an analysis of the National Animal Health Monitoring System’s Dairy 2007 survey. The survey included farms in 17 states that represented 79.5% of US dairy operations and 82.5% of the US dairy cow population. During the first phase of the study operations were randomly selected from a sampling list maintained by the National Agricultural Statistics Service. Only farms that participated in phase I and had 30 or more dairy cows were eligible to participate in phase II. In total, 459 farms had complete data for all selected variables and were included in this analysis. Univariable associations between dairy cow mortality and 162 a priori identified operation-level management practices or characteristics were evaluated. Sixty of the 162 management factors explored in the univariate analysis met initial screening criteria and were further evaluated in a multivariable model exploring more complex relationships. The final weighted, negative binomial regression model included six variables. Based on the incidence rate ratio, this model predicted 32.0% less mortality for operations that vaccinated heifers for at least one of the following: bovine viral diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza 3, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, Haemophilus somnus, leptospirosis, Salmonella, Escherichia coli or clostridia. The final multivariable model also predicted a 27.0% increase in mortality for operations from which a bulk tank milk sample tested ELISA positive for bovine leukosis virus. Additionally, an 18.0% higher mortality was predicted for operations that used necropsies to determine the cause of death for some proportion of dead dairy cows. The final model also predicted that increased proportions of dairy cows with clinical mastitis and infertility problems were associated with increased mortality. Finally, an increase in mortality was predicted to be associated with an increase in the proportion of lame or injured permanently removed dairy cows. In general terms, this model identified that mortality was associated with reproductive problems, non-infectious postpartum disease, infectious disease and infectious disease prevention, and information derived from postmortem evaluations. Ultimately, addressing excessive mortality levels requires a concerted effort that recognizes and appropriately manages the numerous and diverse underlying risks.  相似文献   

Transfer of sufficient immunoglobulin G (IgG) to the neonatal calf via colostrum is vital to provide the calf with immunological protection and resistance against disease. The objective of the present study was to determine the factors associated with both colostral IgG concentration and colostral weight in Irish dairy cows. Fresh colostrum samples were collected from 704 dairy cows of varying breed and parity from four Irish research farms between January and December 2011; colostral weight was recorded and the IgG concentration was determined using an ELISA method. The mean IgG concentration in the colostrum was 112 g/l (s.d. = 51 g/l) and ranged from 13 to 256 g/l. In total, 96% of the samples in this study contained >50 g/l IgG, which is considered to be indicative of high-quality colostrum. Mean colostral weight was 6.7 kg (s.d. = 3.6 kg) with a range of 0.1 to 24 kg. Factors associated with both colostral IgG concentration and colostral weight were determined using a fixed effects multiple regression model. Parity, time interval from calving to next milking, month of calving, colostral weight and herd were all independently associated with IgG concentration. IgG concentration decreased (P < 0.01) by 1.7 (s.e. = 0.6) g/l per kg increase in the colostral weight. Older parity cows, cows that had a shorter time interval from calving to milking, and cows that calved earlier in spring or in the autumn produced colostrum with higher IgG concentration. Parity (P < 0.001), time interval from calving to milking (P < 0.01), weight of the calf at birth (P < 0.05), colostral IgG concentration (P < 0.01) and herd were all independently associated with colostral weight at the first milking. Younger parity cows, cows milked earlier post-calving, and cows with lighter calves produced less colostrum. In general, colostrum quality of cows in this study was higher than in many previous studies; possible reasons include use of a relatively low-yielding cow type that produces low weight of colostrum, short calving to colostrum collection interval and grass-based nutritional management. The results of this study indicate that colostral IgG concentration can be maximised by reducing the time interval between calving and collection of colostrum.  相似文献   

The time constraints of the classic twice-daily milking routine are less easily endured by individual dairy farmers, because of their impact on quality of life. Our aim was to evaluate milk production responses by dairy cows milked twice daily at contrasting intervals. In experiments 1 (20 cows) and 2 (28 cows), four milking regimes were compared during a 3-week period beginning after the peak of lactation. Three groups of five cows were milked twice daily (TDM) with milking intervals of 11 : 13, 7 : 17 and 3 : 21 h in experiment 1, and three groups of seven cows at 11 : 13, 5 : 19 and 2.5 : 21.5 h in experiment 2. One group (five and seven cows respectively) was milked once daily (ODM) in each experiment. In experiment 3 (three groups, 12 cows per group), one group was milked at 10 : 14 h and one at 5 : 19 h, and the third group once daily. Milking treatments began during the second week of lactation and continued for an average of 23 weeks. In experiments 1 and 2, daily milk yields were reduced by 4.1%, 11.5% and 28%, for the 5 : 19, 3 : 21 and ODM milking treatments compared with the 11 : 13 h interval. In experiment 3, the decrease in daily milk yields for 5 : 19 h and ODM was 10% and 40% compared with the 10 : 14 h time interval. In the average daily milk, fat and protein contents and somatic cell counts were not different between the TDM groups, and the ODM group had (or tended to have) a higher fat and protein content. For a given milking, milk fat content decreased from about 60 to 32 g/kg as the preceding milking interval increased from 2.5 to 3 h up to 12 h. It then levelled out and even increased, mainly after 18 to 20 h. Somatic cell count showed a similar trend, and protein content did not change steadily. Dry matter intake, body weight and body condition score were not affected by contrasting milking intervals. After resumption of TDM with conventional intervals, productions of milk, fat and protein no longer differed between the TDM groups. Milk yield of previously ODM cows remained lower by 2 kg/day (P = 0.15) in experiments 1 and 2, and by 7 kg/day (P < 0.05) in experiment 3. These results suggest that TDM at contrasting intervals up to 5 : 19 h is feasible as it decreases milk yield only moderately, especially if implemented from peak of lactation.  相似文献   

Involuntary soil intake by cows on pasture can be a potential route of entry for pollutants into the food chain. Therefore, it appears necessary to know and quantify factors affecting soil intake in order to ensure the food safety in outside rearing systems. Thus, soil intake was determined in two Latin square trials with 24 and 12 lactating dairy cows. In Trial 1, the effect of pasture allowance (20 v. 35 kg dry matter (DM) above ground level/cow daily) was studied for two sward types (pure perennial ryegrass v. mixed perennial ryegrass–white clover) in spring. In Trial 2, the effect of pasture allowance (40 v. 65 kg DM above ground level/cow daily) was studied at two supplementation levels (0 or 8 kg DM of a maize silage-based supplement) in autumn. Soil intake was determined by the method based on acid-insoluble ash used as an internal marker. The daily dry soil intake ranged, between treatments, from 0.17 to 0.83 kg per cow in Trial 1 and from 0.15 to 0.85 kg per cow in Trial 2, reaching up to 1.3 kg during some periods. In both trials, soil intake increased with decreasing pasture allowance, by 0.46 and 0.15 kg in Trials 1 and 2, respectively. In Trial 1, this pasture allowance effect was greater on mixed swards than on pure ryegrass swards (0.66 v. 0.26 kg reduction of daily soil intake between medium and low pasture allowance, respectively). In Trial 2, the pasture allowance effect was similar at both supplementation levels. In Trial 2, supplemented cows ate much less soil than unsupplemented cows (0.20 v. 0.75 kg/day, respectively). Differences in soil intake between trials and treatments can be related to grazing conditions, particularly pre-grazing and post-grazing sward height, determining at least in part the time spent grazing close to the ground. A post-grazing sward height lower than 50 mm can be considered as a critical threshold. Finally, a dietary supplement and a low grazing pressure, that is, high pasture allowance increasing post-grazing sward height, would efficiently limit the risk for high level of soil intake, especially when grazing conditions are difficult. Pre-grazing and post-grazing sward heights, as well as faecal crude ash concentration appear to be simple and practical tools for evaluating the risk for critical soil intake in grazing dairy cows.  相似文献   

The study objective was to determine the effects of trimming the switch of dairy cows on teat-end bacterial counts and udder hygiene scores. Cows (n = 102) were blocked by days in milk, milk production, and parity and then assigned to (a) treatment (trimming of their tail switch using a commercially available trimmer), or (b) control (unaltered tails). Udder hygiene was recorded for cows on Days 0 (initiation of treatment), 32, and 64. A subset of cows (n = 21) was used to assess Streptococci and coliform bacterial populations on teat ends. Samples were collected by swabbing the left front teat end before milking on Days 0, 32, and 64 and were cultured within 24 hr of sampling. The GLIMMIX and PROC Frequency (SAS Version 9.3) were used to analyze data. There were no treatment effects of switch trimming on hygiene scores or bacterial counts. These findings suggest that udder hygiene may not be driven by tail status. Environmental and management factors, such as cleanliness, stall bedding, and stall design, may be more important contributing factors in maintaining udder health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the genetic and phenotypic relationship between milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and reproductive traits in Iranian Holstein dairy cows. Test-day MUN data obtained from 57 301 dairy cows on 20 large dairy herds in Iran between January 2005 and June 2009. Genetic parameters for MUN and reproductive traits were estimated with a five-trait model using ASREML program. Random regression test-day models were used to estimate heritabilities separately for MUN from first, second and third lactations. Regression curves were modeled using Legendre polynomials of order 3. Herd-year-season along with age at calving was included as fixed effects in all models for reproductive traits. Heritabilities for MUN and reproductive traits were estimated separately for first lactation, second lactation and third lactation. The estimated heritabilities for MUN varied from 0.18 to 0.22. The heritability estimate was low for reproductive traits, which ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 for different traits and across parities. Except for days open, phenotypic and genetic correlations of MUN with reproductive performance traits were close to zero. Genetic correlations between MUN and days open were 0.23, 0.35 and 0.45 in first, second and third lactation, respectively. However, the phenotypic correlation between MUN at different parities was moderate (0.28 to 0.35), but the genetic correlation between MUN at different parities was high and ranged from 0.84 to 0.97. This study shows a limited application of MUN for use in selection programs to improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

An empirical regression model for the prediction of total dry matter intake (DMI) of dairy cows was developed and compared with four published intake models. The model was constructed to include both animal and dietary factors, which are known to affect DMI. For model development, a data set based on individual cow data from 10 change-over and four continuous milk production studies was collected (n = 1554). Relevant animal (live weight (LW), days in milk (DIM), parity and breed) and dietary (total and concentrate DMI, concentrate composition, forage digestibility and fermentation quality) data were collected. The model factors were limited to those that are available before the diets are fed to animals, that is, standardized energy corrected milk (sECM) yield, LW, DIM and diet quality (total diet DMI index (TDMI index)). As observed ECM yield is a function of both the production potential of the cow and diet quality, ECM yield standardized for DIM, TDMI index and metabolizable protein concentration was used in modelling. In the individual data set, correlation coefficients between sECM and TDMI index or DIM were much weaker (0.16 and 0.03) than corresponding coefficients with observed ECM (0.65 and 0.46), respectively. The model was constructed with a mixed model regression analysis using cow within trial as a random factor. The following mixed model was estimated for DMI prediction: DMI (kg DM/day) = -2.9 (±0.56)+0.258 (±0.011) × sECM (kg/day) + 0.0148 (±0.0009) × LW (kg) -0.0175 (±0.001) × DIM -5.85 (±0.41) × exp (-0.03 × DIM) + 0.09 (±0.002) × TDMI index. The mixed DMI model was evaluated with a treatment mean data set (207 studies, 992 diets), and the following relationship was found: Observed DMI (kg DM/day) = -0.10 (±0.33) + 1.004 (±0.019) × Predicted DMI (kg DM/day) with an adjusted residual mean square error of 0.362 kg/day. Evaluation of the residuals did not result in a significant mean bias or linear slope bias, and random error accounted for proportionally >0.99 of the error. In conclusion, the DMI model developed is considered robust because of low mean prediction error, accurate and precise validation, and numerically small differences in the parameter values of model variables when estimated with mixed or simple regression models. The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System was the most accurate of the four other published DMI models evaluated using individual or treatment mean data, but in most cases mean and linear slope biases were relatively high, and, interestingly, there were large differences in both mean and linear slope biases between the two data sets.  相似文献   

As a result of the increase in herd size and the intensification of production, the complexity of reproductive management has been growing in dairy herds. The aim of our study was to examine the associations of management practices and reproductive performance in Holstein cows on large commercial dairy farms. Management practices applied to cows were surveyed between 22 May and 6 November 2015 in 34 large Holstein-Friesian dairy herds in Hungary. Individual data of 23 784 cows that calved between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2014 in the surveyed herds were gathered. Associations between the management practices and the reproductive parameters were analyzed by mixed effects models. Regarding heat abatement we found that ventilation with sprinklers was associated with the shortest breeding interval (P<0.01), the shortest calving to conception interval (P<0.01), and the highest odds of being pregnant by 200 days in milk (P<0.01). Solely ventilation showed similar (P>0.05) results to lack of heat stress protection. It was also revealed, that lack of a well-established voluntary waiting period (VWP) or a VWP shorter than 50 days was associated with less days to first service (P<0.01), shorter breeding interval (P<0.01) and calving to conception interval (P<0.05), as well as higher odds of carrying a calf by 200 days in milk (P<0.01) compared with those using a VWP of at least 50 days. Those farms that applied transrectal ultrasonography were more likely to use ventilation with sprinklers (P<0.05), hormonal synchronization (P<0.01) and to perform early pregnancy diagnosis followed by pregnancy recheck (P<0.05). The application of transrectal ultrasonography with one of the aforementioned practices was associated with reduced days to first service (P<0.05), shorter breeding interval (P<0.05) and higher odds of pregnancy at 200 days in milk (P<0.05). Our study highlights the management practices most closely related to improved reproductive performance, which are, therefore, suggested to be applied on dairy farms, considering the local circumstances of the individual farms.  相似文献   

Milk fatty acid (FA) profile has been previously used as a predictor of enteric CH4output in dairy cows fed diets supplemented with plant oils, which can potentially impact ruminal fermentation. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between milk FA and enteric CH4 emissions in lactating dairy cows fed different types of forages in the context of commonly fed diets. A total of 81 observations from three separate 3×3 Latin square design (32-day periods) experiments including a total of 27 lactating cows (96±27 days in milk; mean±SD) were used. Dietary forages were included at 60% of ration dry matter and were as follows: (1) 100% corn silage, (2) 100% alfalfa silage, (3) 100% barley silage, (4) 100% timothy silage, (5) 50 : 50 mix of corn and alfalfa silages, (6) 50 : 50 mix of barley and corn silages and (7) 50 : 50 mix of timothy and alfalfa silages. Enteric CH4output was measured using respiration chambers during 3 consecutive days. Milk was sampled during the last 7 days of each period and analyzed for components and FA profile. Test variables included dry matter intake (DMI; kg/day), NDF (%), ether extract (%), milk yield (kg/day), milk components (%) and individual milk FA (% of total FA). Candidate multivariate models were obtained using the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator and Least-Angle Regression methods based on the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion. Data were then fitted into a random regression using the MIXED procedure including the random effects of cow, period and study. A positive correlation was observed between CH4 and DMI (r=0.59,P<0.001), whereas negative associations were observed between CH4 and cis9-17:1 (r=−0.58, P<0.001), and trans8, cis13-18:2 (r=−0.51,P<0.001). Three different candidate models were selected and the best fit candidate model predicted CH4 with a coefficient of determination of 0.84 after correction for cow, period and study effects and was: CH4 (g/day)=319.7−57.4×15:0−13.8×cis9-17:1−39.5×trans10-18:1−59.9×cis11-18:1−253.1×trans8, cis12-18:2−642.7×trans8, cis13-18:2−195.7×trans11, cis15-18:2+16.5×DMI. Overall and linear prediction biases of all models were not significant (P>0.19). Milk FA profile and DMI can be used to predict CH4emissions in dairy cows across a wide range of dietary forage sources  相似文献   

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